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A    History 
From  the  Earliest  Times  to  the  Present 


Wm.    Laird  Clowes 

Felloru  of  Kings  College,  London ;  Gold  MedaUist   U.S.  Naval  Institute ; 
Hon.  Member  of  the  R.C/.S.   Institution 

Assisted  by 

■  Sir  Clements  Markham.  K.C.B.,  F.R.S. 

Captain  A.  T.  Mahan,  U.S.N. 
Mr.  H.  W.  Wilson 
Col.  Theodore  Roosevelt,  late  Assist.   Sec.   U.S.  Navy- 
Mr.  L.  Carr  Laughton 


Twenty-five    Photogravures 

an, I 

Hundreds    of    Full    Page    and    other 

Maps,    Charts 

Iji  Five    Volumes 
Vol.   III. 


Sampson    L.ow,    M.vrstox    and    Compan\- 


^t.  JSuiigtau'si  ©oiiSf,  .-fcttn-  !£niir,  ii.C. 

1 898 





Some  of  the  causes  which  contnbiited  to  delay  the  appearance  of 
the  second  vohime  of  this  History  of  the  Eoyal  Navy,  have  con- 
tributed to  delay  the  appearance  of  this,  the  third.  The  progress 
of  the  work  has,  as  before,  been  hampered  by  my  ill-health  and 
my  enforced  residence  in  the  high  Alps  during  the  greater  part 
of  the  year.  A  certain  amount  of  delay,  moreover,  has  resulted 
indirectly  from  the  recent  war  between  the  United  States  and 
Spain.  Captain  A.  T.  Mahan,  whose  critical  narrative  of  the 
major  operations  of  the  AVar  of  the  American  Kevolution  fills 
about  a  third  of  the  present  volume,  was  employed  in  the  service 
of  his  country^  at  Washington  during  the  late  conflict,  and  was 
thus  prevented  for  a  time  from  devoting  his  attention  to  other 
matters.  So  much  of  the  delay  as  has  been  caused  by  his  pre- 
occupation will,  I  am  sure,  be  readily  forgiven,  seeing  that  he 
has  now  been  able  to  revise  proofs,  etc.,  which  mirst  otherwise 
have  been  sent  to  press  without  his  final  imprimatur.  This  book 
has  much  to  say  concerning  the  beginnings  and  the  early  exploits 
of  the  United  States'  Navy,  which,  in  the  days  of  Hull  and 
Decatur,  proved  itself  to  be  as  capable  and  chivalrous  an 
opponent  as  Great  Britain  ever  had  to  meet  upon  the  seas,  and 
which  since, — and  not  only  in  the  days  of  Tatuall, — has  shown 
itself  as  true  and  loyal  a  friend  to  Britain  and  her  Navy,  in  peace 
time,  as  it  was  gallant  a  foe  in  war.  I  cannot,  therefore,  refrain 
from  expressing  here  a  sentiment  which,  in  the  course  of  the  late 
short   but   brilliant   struggle,  must   have    welled   up   often    in    the 

'  I  should  mention  that  my  other  American  collaborator,  Mr.  Theodore  Eoosevelt, 
resigned  his  appointment  as  Assistant  Secretary  of  the  U.  S.  Navy,  in  order  to  take  au 
active  part  in  the  war,  and,  having  obtained  a  commission  as  Lieut.-Colonel  of  the  now- 
famous  "  Hough  Riders,"  fought  with  very  distinguished  bravery  before  Santiago 
de  Cuba.     He  has  since  been  elected  Governor  of  the  State  of  New  York. 



VI  INTliOnUCTIuN  TO    VOLUME  7/7. 

heart  of  many  a  Biiton.  We  triumph  wherever  the  race  wins 
fresh  glories  ;  and  we  feel  proud  in  the  thought  that  the  victory 
has  heen  gained  by  men  speaking  our  speech,  hearing  our  names, 
.sharing  our  blood,  and  inspired  by  the  traditions  bequeathed  e(jually 
to  both  nations  by  Howard,  Drake,  Hawkins,  Blake,  Boscawen  and 
Hawke.  Not  to  us  has  it  fallen  in  these  recent  years  to  illustrate 
those  traditions,  and  to  add  to  them  fresh  epics.  Yet,  since  our 
brothers  of  the  New  World  have  shown  themselves  at  Manilla  and 
Santiago  the  same  men  that  they  were  at  Mobile  and  New  Orleans, 
we  are  surely  justified  in  hoping  that  we,  should  the  hour  for  action 
come  again,  shall  be  alile  to  prove  that  our  branch  of  the  old  stock 
retains,  in  a  similar  manner,  the  old  grit  and  the  old  sea  virtues. 

Although,  as  I  have  said,  the  progress  of  the  work  continues  to 
be  somewhat  delayed  by  my  personal  disabilities,  I  am  not  conscious 
that  the  book  suffers  in  any  other  way  in  consequence  of  my  ill- 
health.  Thanks  to  my  numerous  and  indefatigable  helpers  and 
■correspondents,  I  am  not,  in  spite  of  my  necessary  absence  from 
home,  obliged  to  forego  reference  to  any  documents,  state  papers,  or 
books  which  ought  to  be  consulted.  Happily,  too,  most  of  the 
materials  for  my  part  of  the  work  were  collected,  and,  to  some 
extent,  set  in  order,  ere  I  became  a  prisoner  here  ;  and  although,  of 
course,  I  still  very  often  have  to  appeal  for  further  particulars  to  the 
public  libraries,  the  Eecord  Office,  private  muniment  rooms,  and 
other  storehouses  of  fact,  there  is,  I  find,  remarkably  little  supple- 
mentary research  of  this  kind  which  cannot  be  carried  out  for  me 
by  my  assistants.  It  is  a  longer  process,  and  a  costlier,  but  not,  I 
hope,  a  less  effective  one. 

I  make  this  exj)lanation  because  some  friendly  critics  who  have 
been  so  good  as  to  point  out  certain  small  eiTors  of  omission  or 
commission  in  the  previous  volumes,  have  generously  hinted  their 
conviction  that,  were  I  not  the  invalid  I  mifortunately  am,  these 
errors  would  not  have  appeared.  If  I  really  believed  that  my  state 
of  health  were  mcompatible  with  the  carrying  out  of  the  work  in 
hand,  I  should  assuredly  try  to  find  someone  else  to  take  over  my 
duties  and  responsibilities.  But  the  fact  is  that  such  errors  as  I 
have  had  brought  to  my  notice, — and  fortmiately  they  are  neither 
serious  nor  numerous, — are  inevitable  imperfections  in  any  book  of 
this  nature ;  for,  paradoxical  though  it  be,  I  can  safelj'  assert  that 
in  nothing  is  it  so  impossible  to  attain  to  absolute  correctness  and 
finahty  as    in    a    critical    record    of   historic  facts.      The   difficulty 


would  Ijesct  ine  equally,  were  I  sound  instead  ol'  sick,  and  in  Jjondon 
instead  of  in  Switzerland.  There  are  conflicts  of  evidence  which 
appear  irreconcilaljle ;  there  are  original  authorities  which  cannot 
be  laid  hands  upon,  or  which  even  the  most  studiously  careful  will 
by  chance  overlook ;  and  there  are  many  questions,  the  discussion  of 
which  cannot  be  seriously  attempted  in  a  work  to  which  limits  have 
been  set.  I  am  sure  that  some  at  least  of  the  critics  to  whom  I 
have  alluded,  have  made  the  mistake  of  supposing  that  it  is  because 
of  my  condition  and  my  position  that  I  have  ignored  this  witness' 
testimony  on  a  court-martial,  have  seemed  to  pay  little  or  no  heed 
to  the  statements  contained  in  that  document,  or  have  failed  to 
enter  upon  such  and  such  an  interesting,  biat  wide  point  of  criticism. 
I  am  obliged  to  say  that  such  shortcomings  as  are  to  be  found  in 
these  volumes  are  due,  for  the  most  part,  to  very  different  causes. 
Firstly,  I  am  restrained  by  the  space  at  my  command  from  touching 
upon  many  subjects  with  which  I  should  otherwise  like  to  deal  at 
length,  and  from  entering  upon  long  discussions  as  to  the  credibility 
of  evidence.  The  same  consideration  even  obliges  me  to  omit  many 
footnotes  and  references  which  I  should  otherwise  gladly  include. 
Secondly,  I  am  guided  by  the  conviction  that  anyone  who  aspires 
to  complete  a  book  so  voluminous  as  this  History,  must  perforce 
proceed  upon  principles  somewhat  similar  to  those  which  Dr. 
Johnson  sketched  in  a  very  famous  passage. 

"  Failures,''  he  wrote,  "  however  frequent,  m.ay  admit  of  extenuation  and  apology. 
To  have  attempted  much  is  always  laudable,  even  wlien  the  enterprise  is  above  the 
strength  tliat  midertakes  it.  To  deliberate  whenever  I  doubted,  to  enquire  whenever  I 
was  ignorant,  would  have  protracted  the  undertaking  without  end,  and  perhaps  without 
improvement.  I  saw  that  one  enquiry  only  gave  occasion  to  another,  that  book  referred 
to  book,  that  to  search  was  not  always  to  find,  and  to  find  was  not  always  to  be 
informed ;  and  that  thus  to  pursue  perfection  was,  like  the  first  inhabitants  of  Arcadia, 
to  chase  the  sun,  which,  when  tliey  had  reached  the  hill  where  he  seemed  to  rest,  was 
still  beheld  at  the  same  distance  from  them." 

If,  to  put  matters  in  other  words,  one  were  determined,  in  an 
undertaking  of  this  kind,  to  be  content  with  nothing  short  of  absolute 
completeness  and  finality,  neither  the  initiator,  nor,  after  his  death, 
any  of  his  successors,  would  live  long  enough  to  finish  the  work. 
I  make  bold  to  recommend  this  reflection  to  all  my  critics,  and 
especially  to  one  of  them,  who,  in  his  review  of  my  second  volume, 
said,  speaking  of  the  account  there  given  of  the  first  Dutch  War 
(1652-.54),  that  it  was  "premature."  I  do  not  doubt  that  it  will  be 
possible,  say  a  hundred  years  hence,  to  write  a  better  and  completer 


history  of  that  war  than  can  be  written  now ;  hut  to  admit  so  mucli 
is  surely  not  the  same  thing  as  to  agree  that  a  history,  carefullj' 
written  now,  and  illustrated  with  scores  of  previously  unpu):)lished 
facts,  is  written  too  soon.  It  is  surely  not  "  premature  "  to  brush 
away  even  a  single  published  error  or  misconception  concerning  the 
course  of  our  naval  history  ;  and,  I  think,  I  may  safely  say  that  this 
volume  and  those  volumes  which  have  preceded  it, — although  they, 
too,  possibly  contain  many  errors  on  minor  points, — give,  upon  the 
whole,  a  much  fairer  and  more  accurate  version  of  that  history  than 
has  been  hitherto  presented.  One  dares  not  hope  for — much  less 
can  one  wait  for, — absolute  finality.  But,  by  means  of  an  under- 
taking planned  and  carried  out  as  this  one  is,  in  accordance  with 
the  principles  set  forth  in  my  General  Preface,  one  may  at  least  be 
instrumental  in  enlarging  general  knowledge  of  a  great  subject,  and 
in  rendering  impossible  the  future  acceptation  of  some  of  the  gross 
and  astonishing  misstatements  on  naval  matters  which  one  finds  in 
almost  every  English  history.  I  have  no  wish  to  say  here  anything 
unkind  about  any  of  my  brother  men  of  letters :  but  I  cannot 
abstain  from  citing  from  one  particular  book  a  few  misstatements  of 
the  sort  to  which  I  allude,  in  order  that  it  may  be  seen  that  the 
present  work  is  not  "  premature,"  and  that  there  does  exist  alreadj' 
a  real  necessity  for  something  of  the  kind.  I  speak  of  a  book,  dealing 
with  English  history  generally,  and  consisting  of  upwards  of  eleven 
hundred  large  pages  of  small  type.  It  bears  the  imprint  of  reputable 
publishers ;  and  upon  the  title-page  are  the  names  of  two  distin- 
guished universitj'  men,  one  of  whom  is  described  as  a  lectiu'er  on 
modern  history,  and  the  other  as  a  late  professor  on  history,  in  a 
well-known  English  college.  The  second  edition  of  this  book,  dated 
1885,  is  responsible  for  the  following  extraordinary  statements, 
among  others. 

Of  Admiral  Edward  Vernon  (1),  it  is  said  that  he  was  a  "rear- 
admiral  at  twenty-four,"  and  that  he  "  failed  in  his  attempt  to 
seize  Porto  Bello,  from  an  insufficiency  of  force."  The  truth  is 
that  Vernon  was  made  a  vice-admiral  in  1739,  when  he  was  fifty- 
five,  that  he  had  never  before  held  flag-rank,  and  that,  far  from 
failing  at  Puerto  Bello,  he  brilliantly  captured  that  place  on 
November  *22nd,  1739,  "with  six  ships  only,"  as  may  be  seen  on 
reference  to  pp.  51-57  of  the  present  volume. 

Surely  there  is  some  unconscious  supprcssio  i^eri  in  the  assertion 
that,   "foiled   in  his  attempt   to  catch   tlie   Spanish  treasure-ship. 


Anson  bailed  west\v;inl  liuiu  Anicric;i  with  the  Centurion,  his  sole 
remaining  ship,  and  arrived  at  8pithead  in  June  1744."  The  story 
of  what  really  happened,  and  of  liow  the  Manilla  galleon  was  taken, 
will  be  found  on  p.  328  of  this  volume. 

Episodes,  localities,  and  individuals  are  curiouslj'  jumbled  and 
confused  in  the  following  passage  : — "  On  tlie  1st  of  June,  1794,  the 
division  of  the  Channel  fleet  commanded  by  Lord  Howe  attacked 
and  utterly  defeated  the  French  fleet  off  the  Hyeres  Islands.  In 
this  action  Hood  played  a  conspicuous  part,  and  in  the  following 
August  he  was  created  Baron  Bridport,  in  the  Irish  peerage."  It  is 
true,  of  course,  that  a  great  battle  was  fought  on  "  The  Glorious 
First  of  June,"  1794  ;  but  it  was  fought,  not  off  the  Hyeres  Islands, 
which  lie  near  Toulon,  in  the  Mediterranean,  but  off'  Ushant,  near 
the  mouth  of  the  British  Channel.  The  only  important  action 
fought  off  Hyeres  during  the  war  of  1793-1802  was  fought  in  July, 
1795,  by  a  British  fleet  under  Admiral  William  Hotham  (1).  That 
force  was  not  a  division  of  the  Channel  fleet,  nor  were  the  French 
utterly  defeated  on  the  occasion.  Moreover,  Lord  Bridport  was  not 
upon  the  scene. 

Rodney  is  described  as  "  the  son  of  a  naval  oiScer  of  some 
renown."  Henry  Eodney,  his  father,  is  usually  supposed,  neverthe- 
less, to  have  been  a  country  gentleman,  living  at  Walton-on-Thames. 
It  is  further  said  of  Eodney  that,  while  he  was  residing  in  France, 
"  offers  were  made  by  the  French  to  tempt  him  to  desert  his 
country ;  but  he  rejected  the  overtures,  and  was  rewarded  in  1778 
by  being  promoted  to  be  an  admiral."  It  is  news  that  promotion  in 
the  Navy  has  ever  been  a  reward  for  a  flag-of&cer's  refusal  to  become 
a  traitor  :  yet,  seeing  that  when  Eodney  was  made  an  Admiral  of 
the  White,  on  January  29th,  1782,  he  was  still  in  France,  and  that, 
according  to  the  generally  accepted  story,  he  owed  his  ability  to 
return  to  England  to  the  fact  that  a  French  gentleman  lent  him  the 
necessary  money,  it  is  difticult  to  believe  that  the  authorities  at 
Whitehall,  if  they  had  ever  suspected  him  of  treasonable  prochvities, 
could  have  felt  sure,  when  they  promoted  him,  that  their  suspicions 
were  baseless. 

Of  Sir  Charles  Napier  it  is  said  :  "  in  1829  he  was  employed  off" 
the  coast  of  Portugal  in  the  Galatea.  He  supported  the  Constitu- 
tionalists ;  defeated  the  fleet  of  Don  Miguel,  and  settled  Donna 
Maria  on  the  throne.  Don  Pedro  was  unbounded  in  his  gratitude : 
created    him   Viscount   of   Cape    St.    Vincent ;    gave   him   all    the 


l*ortugiie&e  orders,  and  named  him  adminil-in-cliiel'."  From  this  it 
would  certainly  appear  to  the  ordinary  reader  that,  while  com- 
manding H.M.S.  Galatea,  Napier  took  an  active  part  in  the  internal 
affairs  of  Portugal  and  defeated  Don  Miguel ;  and  that,  in  conse- 
quence of  his  action,  he  was  given  command  of  Don  Pedro's  fleet. 
Yet,  in  fact,  Napier  quitted  the  Galatea  early  in  1832;  succeeded 
Sartorius  in  counnand  of  Don  Pedro's  fleet  in  1833,  and  did  not, 
until  he  was  already  serving  in  that  capacity,  defeat  Don  Miguel. 

I  might,  if  it  were  worth  while,  cite  scores  of  other  misstate- 
ments, equally  astonishing,  from  the  book  in  question,  and  from 
other  recent  works  dealing  with  Enghsh  history.  Surely,  when 
such  misstatements  are  being  circulated  broadcast,  it  is  not 
"  premature  "  to  put  forward  a  Naval  History  which,  though  it 
may  possibly  contain  errors  on  obscure  points  of  fact  or  criticism, 
and  though  it  make  no  pretence  to  be  absolutely  complete  and 
final,  has  been,  at  least,  prepared  with  a  vast  amount  of  care, 
which  is  the  outcome  of  reference, — not,  of  course,  to  all  existing 
original  authorities,  but  to  many  thousands  of  unpublished  docu- 
ments, private  and  public,  and  to  many  thousands  of  printed 
histories,  biographies,  official  papers.  Navy  lists,  pamphlets  and 
periodicals ;  and  which  has  involved  research  in,  and,  in  some 
cases,  special  journeys  to,  not  merely  many  parts  of  England,  but 
also  France,  America,  Spain,  Holland,  Russia,  Denmark  and  Italy. 

For  Chapters  XXVI,  XXVII,  and  XXX,  of  the  present  volume, 
and  for  the  appendix  and  some  of  the  notes  to  Chapter  XXXI,  I  am 
directly  responsible.  Sir  Clements  Markham  contributes  Chapter 
XXIX  ;  Captain  Mahan,  Chapter  XXXI,  and  Mr.  L.  Carr  Laughton, 
Chapter  XXVIII,  and  the  appendix  thereto. 

Captain  Mahan  desires  me  to  express  here,  on  his  behalf,  very 
cordial  thanks  to  Professor  J.  K.  Laughton,  K.N.,  who  has  kindly 
assisted  him  in  many  ways  in  the  preparation  of  Chapter  XXXI,  in 
the  present  volume.^  With  regard  to  that  chapter,  I  ought  to  point 
out  that  the  plan,  on  p.  375,  of  the  naval  attack  on  Fort  Moultrie, 
Charleston,  in  1770,  will  be  found  to  differ,  in  some  small  and  un- 
important details,  from  Captain  Mahan's  description  of  the  disposi- 
tions of  the  ships  and  of  the  guns  in  the  works.  Seeing,  however, 
that   the  plan  in  question  is  based  upon  a  contemporary  di'awing 

'  "He  kiuJly  pfaced  at  my  disposal  numerous  notes  made  by  liim  at  tlie  Record 
Office.  These  liave  been  of  great,  and  indeed  of  indispensable  assistance  in  the 
narrative." — Letter  of  Captain  Mahan  to  W.  L.  ('. 


made  upon  the  spot  l)y  a  British  naval  ollicer,  and  intended  to 
accompany  and  illustrate  the  dispatch  of  Commodore  Sir  Peter 
Parker  (1),  I  have  deemed  it  to  he  of  more  than  suflicient  interest 
to  warrant  its  reproduction.  For  its  inclusion,  however,  Captain 
Mahan  is  not  responsible.  Among  other  supplementary  illustrations 
which  I  have  ventured  to  add  to  his  chapter,  is  the  valuable  note  on 
p.  396.  It  is  l)ut  a  brief  note  ;  but  it  represents  the  results  of  many 
days'  labour ;  and  we  should  not  have  been  able  to  obtain  the 
figures  contained  in  it,  had  we  not  had  the  co-operation  of  Colonel 
H.  Hozier,  Secretary  of  Lloyd's,  who  most  kindly  allowed  some  of 
the  clerks  in  his  office  to  compile  the  table  from  the  original 

To  Lord  Vernon,  for  information  concerning  his  distinguished 
kinsman,  Admiral  Edward  Vernon  (1),  and  to  Captain  Thomas 
Suckling,  E.N.  (retd.),  I  desire  also  to  express  special  thanks. 

I  regret  that,  owing  to  the  fact  that  more  than  one  chapter 
of  the  present  volume  has  extended  to  greater  length  than  was 
originally  intended,  I  have  found  it  impossible  to  conclude  the 
history  of  the  period  176'2-1793  with  Mr.  H.  W.  Wilson's  account 
of  the  minor  operations  of  the  War  of  American  Revolution.  That 
account  will  form  the  first  chapter  of  Vol.  IV,  which,  since  most 
of  it  is  already  in  type,  will,  I  hope,  be  in  a  condition  for  publication 
very  early  in  the  year  1899. 

W.  L.  C. 

Davos-am-Platz,  Switzerland. 
Nov.  1898. 


The  reader  is  requested  to  correct  the  following  errors,  the  presence  of  which  was 
not  discovered  until  after  the  greater  part  of  the  volume  had  been  sent  to  press. 

P.      9,  at  end  of  the  iahh,  in  the  two  lower  lines,  under  Cables, 

for  Diameter  of  bower  cables,  read  Circumference  of  Viovver  cables. 

P.  37?i,  line  ifrom  hottom, 

for  Captain  James  Eeid,  read  Commander  James  Pieid. 
„      line  2  from  hottom, 

for  Christopher,  read  Tobias. 

P.  380,  line  5, 

for  Admiral  Lord  Howe,  read  Vice-Admiral  Lord  Howe. 

P.  .387,  line  21, 

for  Caulfield,  read  Caulfeild. 

P.  406,  ill  tahle  in  note,  tinder  Vigilant, 

for  Com.  Hugh  Cloberry  Christian,  rmd  Com.  Biabazon  Christian 

P.  471,  line  18, 

for  Thomas  Graves  (1),  read  Thomas  Graves  (2). 

P.  473,  line  25, 

for  Caulfield,  read  Caulfeild. 
„      line  26, 

for  Bonovier,  read  Bonavia. 

P.'474,  line  2  from  bottom, 

for  Caulfield,  read  Caulfeild. 

P.  505,  in  2nd  col.  of  tahle, 

for  Capt.  George  Murray,  read  Capt.  Hon.  George  JIurra}'. 
for  Capt.  IJobert  Sutton,  I'ead  Capt.  Bobert  Manners  Sutton. 

P.  538,  line  14, 

for  Bichard  Hughes,  Bart.  (2),  read  Richard  Hughes  (3j,  Bart. 
„      in  first  foot-note, 

for  Bichard  Hughes,  Bart.  (1),  read  Bichard  Hughes  (2),  Bart. 

P.  546,  in  ard  col.  of  note, 

for  Ileros,  read  Eeros. 

P.  550,  *;;  line  8  of  ith  col.  of  table, 

for  Lapalliere,  read  Lapelliere. 

P.  554,  line  35, 

for  Batacalo,  7-ead  Batticaloa. 

P.  557,  line  12, 

for  Batacalo,  read  Batticaloa. 




Civil  History  of  the  Royal  Navy,  1714-17G2    ....         1 


Military  History  of  thh  Royal  Navy,   1714-1762  : 

Major  Operations       ........       24 


Military  History  of  toe  Royal  Navy,  1714-1762  : 

Minor  Operations        ........     250 

Appendix  to  Chapters  XXVII.  and  XXVIII.  : 

Losses  of  the  Belli<;erent  Powers — 

(a)  Losses  of  H.M.  Ships  from   1714-1763      .  .  .  310 

(h)  Losses  of  the  French  Navy,  1744-48  and  1755-62  .  312 
((•)   Losses     of    the    Spanish    Navy,    1718-19,    1739-48, 

and  1762 314 


Voyages  and  Discoveriks,  1714-1762.  .....     316 

Civil  History  of  the  Royal  Navy,  1763-1792    ....     325 




Military  History  of  the  Koyal  Navv,   17fi-i-1792  : 

Major  Operations       ........     353 

Appendix  to  Ch.\pter  XXXI.  : 

Llst  of  British  Flao-Ofkicers  on  the  Active  List,  1762-1793     5G5 





George,  Lord  Anson,  Admiral  of  the  Fleet 
George  Brydges,  Lord  Rodney,  Admiral   . 
Captain  James  Cook,  R.N. 
Richard,  Earl  Howe,  Admiral  of  the  Fleet 
Sir  Edward  Huohes,  K.B.,  Admiral  . 

.  Front wpiece 
Fdrinij  iwrfp   242 



H.M.S.  "Grafton,"  pitted  with  a  jury  ruddek,  etc.,  for 
her  voyage  to  Englakd,  after  the  storm  off  Loris- 

nouRO,  17-t7.     (Rwh  Hervey's  '  Naval  History  )     .    Fdchiij  [laiji?  1G9 

Attack  on  Fort  Moultrie,  1776         .....     Paijc  .37-5 

Part    of   North    America    and   the    North    Atlantic,    and 

the  West  Indies  .......,,  377 

New  York  Harbour,  and  Neighbourhood  .         .         .       ,,  381 

Martinique        ...........  485 

India  and  Ceylon     .........  544 


\,Tlir  illiiKtrnlimis  IIii/m  nnirki'ij  (')  arc  taken  from  'A  Naval  Exitositar,'  bij  Tliainax  Bih'ii  Bhinrkhy  : 

Luinhii,  1750.]  I 


iTop 1 

The  French  "  Invincible,"  74 
The  Spanish  "  Glorioso,"  74 
The  French  "Terrirle,"  74 
Hadley's  Quadrant  . 







'  Royal  Standakd,  of  George  II.        . 

CoMMEMouATivE  Medal  OF  Mathews's  Action,   1744 

iSiu  John  Norris,  Kt.,  Admiral  ok  the  Fleet    . 

George  Byng,  Viscount  Torrington,  Admiral  of  the  Klki 

Commemorative  Medal  of  Hyng's  Victory',  1788 

Admiral  Nicholas  Haddock       .... 

Admiral  Ed\vaed  Vernon.  .... 

Attack  on  Puerto  Bello,  1739 

Admiral  Sir  Charles  Knowles.  .  . 

Commemorative  Medal  of  Operations  at  Cartagena, 

The  Neighbourhood  of  Toulon 

Sir  William  Rovvlev,  Admiral  of  the  Fleet 

Mathews's  Action  off  Toulon,  1744  . 

Admiral  Thomas  Mathews  .... 

Vice-Admiral  Sir  Peter  Warren 

Commemorative  Medal  of  Anson's  Victory,   1747 

Admiral  Sir  Charles  Knowles. 

Port  Louis,  Hispaniola     ..... 

Byng's  Action,  1756,  I.,  2  p.m.   . 

Byxg's  Action,  1756,  XL,  2.30  p.m. 

Byng's  Action,  1756,   III.,  3  p.m. 

Admiral  the  Hon.  John  Bvng  .... 

Vice-Admiral  Charles  Watson. 

Captain  Maurice  Suckling,  R.N. 

Admiral  Sir  Charles  Saunders 

Admiral  Sir  George  Pocock      .... 

Rear-Admiral  Richard  Kempenfelt  . 

The  Harbour  of  Louisbourg     .... 

CoMME.MORATIVE    MeUAL    OF    THE    CaPTURE    OP    LoUISBOURG,    1758 

Commemorative  Medal  op  the  Battle  of  Quiberon,  1759 

Sib  Peter  Parker,  Admiral  of  the  Fleet 

Admiral  Sir  Richard  King 

'  Bittacle,  or  Binnacle,  1750    . 

1  Voyal  Block  ..... 

'  Ships'  Fire-Engines,   1750 

'Log,  1750 

Hand  Screw,  or  Jack,  1750 
Signature  of  Richard,  Earl  Howe,  Admiral  of  the  Fleet 
Comme.mobative  Medal  of  Keppel's  Action,  1778 
Lake  Champlain        ...... 

;Manceuvres  of  Howe  and  d'Estaing  . 
Admiral  Aui:u.stus  Viscount   Keppel. 














































Kkppel's  Action  off  Ushant,   1778,  T.,  2.30  p.m. 

Keppel's  Action  off  Ushant,  1778,  II.,  6  p.m. 

Admiral  the  Hon.  Samuel  Barrington 

Northern  Part  of  St.  Lucia     . 

Vice-Admiral  Sir  Hyde  Parker  (1)    . 

Byron's  Action  off  Grenada 

Admiral  Harriot  Arbutunot    . 

Admiral  Sir  Charles  Hardy  (2) 

lloDNEY  and  de  Guichen,  April  17tii,   1780,  I.,  8  to  9  a.m 

Rodney  and  de  Guichen,  April  I'tii,  1780,  II.,  noon  to  1  p.m. 

Rodney  and  de  Guichen,  May  15th,   1780 

Cornwallis  and  de  Ternay,  June  20th,  1780 

Admiral  the  Hon.  Sir  William  Cornwallis 

Commemorative  Medal  of  the  Capture  of  St.   Eusta 

Part   of  the  Windward  Islands 

Arbuthnot  and  des  Touches 

Graves  and  de  Grasse       .... 

Hood  and  de  Grasse,  January  2.5th,  1782,  I. 

Hood  and  de  Grasse,  January  2.5tii,  1782,  II 

Hood's  Anchorage  at  St.  Kitt's,   1782 

Rodney  and  de  Grasse,  April  9th,  1782,  I.,  9.45  a. m 

Rodney  and  de  Grasse,  April  9Tn,  1782,  II.,  noon 

Commemorative  Medal  of  Rodney's  Victory,  1782 

Rodney  and  de  Grasse,  April  12th,   1782,  A. 

Rodney  and  de  Grasse,  April  12th,  1782,  B. 

Rodney  and  de  Grasse,  April  12Tn,   1782,  C. 

Rodney  and  de  Grasse,  April  12th,   1782,  D. 


Suffren  and  Huches,  February  17th,   1782 

SUFFREN    AND    HUCIHES,    ApRIL    12Tn,    1782       . 

Suffren  and  HuciHES,  July  Gth,  1782 
SuFFKEN  and  Hu(;hes,  September  ord,  1782 



































CIVIL    HISTORY    OF    THE    ROYAL    NAVY,    1714-1762. 

Administration  of  the  Navy — The  Admiralty  Board— The  Sick  and  AVoundad  Board — 
The  Admiralty  Buildings— The  Navy  Office— The  Navy  Pay  Office— First  Lords 
and  Secretaries  of  the  Admiralty,  and  Principal  Officers  of  the  Navy,  1714-1702 — 
Naval  Expenditure — Increase  in  various  classes  of  ships — State  of  the  fleet  in  1714, 
1727,  1752  and  1760 — The  introduction  of  the  true  frigate — The  dimensions  of  ships 
— Conjplements — Small  arms — Anchors — Gahles — Method  of  computing  tonnage 
— Service  ordnance — The  armament  of  ships — S(ime  typical  men-of-war — Cost  of 
men-of-war  in  1719,  1733  and  1741 — Hadley's  quadrant — Harrison's  timel<eeper 
— Coppering — Sail-cloth — The  Eddystone  Light — Lighthouses — Lightships — Tlio 
King's  Regulations  and  Admiralty  Instructions — Pilots — Smugglers — Vernon  on 
smugglers  and  their  dangers — Repression  of  piracy — The  Articles  of  War — 
Greenwich  Hospital — The  encouragement  of  seamen  — Prize  money — Bounties  to 
seamen — Pay  and  half-pay — Officers'  servants — Promotion  to  flag-rank — Super- 
annuation of  Captains — The  establishment  of  uniform  for  officers — The  rough  life 
of  the  service — The  character  of  officers — Immorality  i>n  tlie  lower  deck — Health 
of  the  Navy. 

TAUKING  the  i^eriod  1714-17(32  very  little  change 
^^  took  place  in  the  character  of  the  machinery 
whereby  the  Eoyal  Navy  was  administered.  That 
machinery  had  attained  a  certain  degree  of  perfection, 
and  was  in  fairly  good  working  order.  The  Act  of 
William  and  Mary,^  which  specified  and  defined  the 
functions  of  the  Commissioners  for  executing  the  office  of  Lord  High 
Admiral  of  England,  continued  to  be  the  authority  in  virtue  of  which 
the  Admiralty  Board  acted;  and  the  patent  granted  to  her  Admiralty 
Board  by  Queen  Anne  was  substantially  reproduced  from  time  to 
time  as  fresh  Boards  succeeded  one  another.  In  the  civil  depart- 
ment, the  most  important  alteration  was  the  appointment,  in 
1740,  of  a  Sick  and  Wounded  Board.  The  sick  and  hurt  seamen 
of  the  Navy  had  been  looked  after  by  a  Commission  in  the  reign 

'  2  W.  &  M.,  sess.  2,  c.  2. 
VOL.    III.  B 

2  CIVIL    lIlSTOltV,    171.4-17G2.  [1714-1762. 

of  Willi.iiu  III. ;  ))ut  in  1092  the  business  Ixad  been  translerred  to 
the  (Commissioners  of  the  Register  Office,  and  thence,  in  1702,  to 
another  separate  Commission,  which  had  lasted  until  ITI-'i.  There- 
after, for  some  years,  things  remained  unsettled ;  but  in  1740,  in 
consequence  of  the  war  with  Spain,  a  Commission  was  specially 
granted  to  three  persons,  who  were  entrusted  not  only  with  the  care 
of  sick  and  wounded  seamen,  but  also  with  the  superintendence  of 
medical  stores  supplied  for  the  use  of  the  Navy,  the  management  of 
naval  hospitals  ashore  and  afloat,  the  examination  and  appointment 
of  naval  surgeons,  and  the  maintenance  and  exchange  of  prisoners 
of  war.  From  1745  to  1749,  this  Board  consisted  of  four  instead 
of  three  Commissioners  ;  from  1749  to  1755,  of  two  only  ;  from 
April  to  November,  1755,  of  three,  as  at  first ;  and  from  1755  to 
1763,  of  four.     Its  offices  were  on  Tower  Hill. 

The  old  Admiralty  buildings  at  Wallingford  House  fell  into  decay 
about  the  year  1722,  when  the  office  of  the  Commissioners  was 
temporarily  transferred  to  a  house  in  St.  James's  Square.  The 
older  part  of  the  present  Admiralty  buildings  in  Whitehall,  was 
completed  and  occupied  in  1725,  though  not  until  1760  was  the 
colonnade  or  screen  built  across  the  street-side  of  the  court-j'ard  to 
mitigate  the  unpleasant  effect  produced  by  the  attenuated  propor- 
tions of  the  columns  on  the  western  side  of  the  square.  The  Navy 
Office  remained  during  the  period  at  the  corner  of  Seething  Lane 
and  Crutched  Friars  ;  and  the  Navy  Pay  Office  was  in  Old  Broad 

The  succession  of  the  more  important  administrative  officers  was 
as  follows  : — 

First  Lord  op  the  Admiralty. 

Oct.     14,  1714.  Edward,  Eari  of  Orford,  Admiral. 
Ap.      16,  1717.  James,  Earl  of  Berkeley,  Admiral. 
Aug.      2,  1727.  George,  Viscount  Torrington,  Admiral. 
June    21,  1733.   Sir  Charles  Wager,  Kt.,  Admiral. 
Mar.   19,  1742.  Daniel,  Earl  of  Winchelsea. 
Dec.  1744.  John,  Duke  of  Bedford. 

Feb.    20,  1748.  John,  Eari  of  Sandwich. 
June   22,  1751.  George,  Lord  Anson,  Admiral. 
Nov.    20,  1756.  Richard,  Eari  Temple. 
Ap.  1757.  Daniel,  Earl  of  Winchelsea. 

June   30,  1757.  George,  Lord  Anson,  Admiral. 
June   19,  1762.  George,  Eari  of  Hahfax. 
Oct.    16,  1762.  George  Grenville. 



Seceetaky  of  the  Admiralty. 


Josiah  Burchett. 

1742.  Thomas  Corbett. 

1751.  John  Clevlaiul  (with, 

John  Mihaes). 

Treasdkeb  of  the  Navy. 

John  Aislabie. 
1718.  Hichard  Hampden. 
1720.  Sir  Geo.  Byng,  Kt.,  Adni. 
1724.  Hon.  Henry  ]?attee  Byug. 
■  1725.  William  Corbett. 
1734.  Arthur  Onslow. 
1742.  Thomas  Clutterbuck. 

1742.  Sir   Charles   Wager,  Kt., 


1743.  Sir  John  Rusbont,  Bart. 

1744.  George  Doddington. 
1749.  Hon.  Henry  Bilson  Legge. 
1754.  George  Grenville. 

George  Doddington. 
George  Grenville. 
George  Doddington. 
George  Grenville. 
William    Wildman,    Vis- 
count Barrington. 


















Controller  of  the  Navy. 

Sir   Charles   Wager,   Kt., 

1718.  Thomas      Swanton      (1), 

Captain,  R.N. 
1722.  James  Mighells,  Vice-Ad- 

1734.  lUchard     Haddock     (2), 

Captain,  E.N. 
12,    1749.  Savage   Mostyn,  Captain, 

1755.  Edward  Falkingham  (1), 

Captain,  E.N. 

1755.  Charles     Saunders,    Cap- 

tain, R.N. 

1756.  Digby  Dent  (2),  Captain, 

1756.  George   Cockburne,   Cap- 
tain, R.N. 

Surveyor  of  the  Navy. 
William  Ijee. 
1715.  Jacob  Ackworth. 
1746.  Joseph  Allin. 
—  fThonias  Slade. 
'  ■^■'•\ William  Bateley 

as   assistant   and  deputy, 


V  OF  THE  Acts. 
Samuel  Atkins. 



Tempest  Holmes 



Thomas  Pearce. 



John  Clevland. 



Robert  Osborne. 



Daniel  Devert. 



Timothy  Brett. 



Edward  Mason. 


\   Fel). 





Controller  of  the  TREAsaREu's 
Dennis  Liddell. 
1717.  Richard  Burton. 
17,  1727.  Sir  George  Saunders,  Kt., 
Captain  and  Rear-Adui. 
1735.  George    Purvis,    Captain, 

1740.  John  Philipson. 

1743.  William  Corbett. 
1753.  Richard  Hall. 

r.  1761.  Timothy  Brett. 

Controller  of  the  Victualling 
Benjamin  Timewell. 
1714.  Eichard  Burton. 
1717.  John  Fawler. 

1744.  Francis  Gashry. 
1747.  Robert  Osborne. 

Controller  of  the  Storekeeper's 

Thomas    Jennings,    Cap- 
tain, R.N. 
1714.  Charles    Cornwall,    Cap- 
tain, R.N. 
Thomas     Swanton     (1), 

Captain,  E.N. 
William  Cleveland,   Cap- 
tain, R.N. 
Robert  Byng. 
1739.  John  Philipson. 
George  Crowle. 
Eichard  Hall. 
George  Adams. 
Hon.   William    Bateman, 
Captain,  R.N. 

B   2 



















Isaac  Towne.sen(l,  <  'n|jtaiii, 

Lawrence    ^V^ii!;llt,    ('ap- 
tain,  E.N. 
171-).  .Tolm  Fawlcr. 
1717.  Thomas  Colby. 
1727.  Sir  George  Saunders,  Kt., 
Captain,  1!.X. 

CIVIL    niSTOUY,    1711-1702. 


\~ti\.  Artliur     Scott,     Cai)tain, 
N'ov.  1755.  Thomas  Cooper,  Captain, 

Jan.  17'!].  Thomas     Hanway,     Caj)- 

tain,  K.N. 
Portsrnouth : — 

Nov.         1714.  Isaac  Townesenil,  Captain, 

M.iy  1720.  Sir  Isaac  Townesend,  Kt.,   I   ]^^j.  1729.  Richard       Hughes      (1), 

Captain,  R.N 

1731.  Robert  Byng. 

1732.  Lord  Vere  Beauclcrk,  Cap- 
tain, R.N. 

1738.  George  Crowlc. 

1740.  Francis  Gashry. 

Aiiril     •;,  1743.  James  Comjiton,  Captain, 

April     (1,  1743.  Alexander   Geddes,    Cap- 
tain, K.N. 
1744.  James  Oswald. 
174G.  Edward  Falkinghani  (1), 

Captain,  R.N. 
1747.  John  Russell. 
1755.  Thomas  Cooiser,  Captain, 

1755.  Arthur     Scott,     Captain, 

1756.  Digby    Dent    (2),     Cap- 
tain, R.N. 

1750.  Hon.   William    Bateman, 
Captain,  R.N 






Captain,  R.N. 
Feb.  175!.  Richard       Hughes      (2), 

Captain,     K.N.     (Bart. 

Phjrnuiith  : — • 
Nov.         1714.  Sir  William  Jumper,  Kt., 

Captain,  R.N. 
Mar.  1715.  Thomas    Swauton,    Caii- 

tain,  R.N. 
July  1716.  Francis     Dove,     Captain, 

April         1726.  Sir   Nicholas    Trevaniou, 

Kt.,  Captain,  R.N. 
Dec.      9,  17:57.  Matthew  Norris,  Captain, 

Jan.  173i<.  Philij)  Vanbrugh,  Captain, 

Oct.  1753.  Frederick  Rogers,  Captain, 

R.N.  (Bart.  1773). 

Beptfvvd  and  Woohcich  '  : — 

_        .^■.    r,  •                               Henrv  Greenhill. 

1756.  Digbv  Dent  (2),  Caiitam,  ,,        or-   T-it    rri     "       ti-u            i   r. 

°  •,    ,       .^.■"       '        '  May    26,1(44.  Thomas  \\  horwood,  Cain 

R.^ .  (agaui).  J        '                 ^  ■      T,  XT 

^  "      ^  tarn,  R.N. 

Jan.  1745.  Edward  Falkingham  (1), 

Captain,  R.N. 

May  1746.  James  Compton,  Captain, 


Dee.  1747.  William  Davies,  Captain, 


Jan.  1761.  Edward  Mason. 

Mar.  1761.  Sir  Richard  Temple. 

Mai-.  1761.  Sir    John   Bentley,   Cap- 

tain, R.N. 

Commissioners   at  H.^I.  Dock- 
yards,  ETC. 
f'hntham  : — 
Nov.  1714    James  Littleton,  Captain 

and  Rear-Admiral. 

Gihraltar  ami  Minorrn  : — 

Dec.    10,  1742.  Eilward  Falkingham  (1), 
Captain,  R.N. 


1722.  Thomas         Kempthorne,      Jime  20,  1744.  Thomas  Trefusis,  Captain, 

Captain,  R.N. 


1730.  Thomas    Mathews,    Cap-   ;   Feb.    25,  1747.  John     Towry,     Captain, 

tain,  E.N. 


1742.  Charles   Brown,    Captain,   j   June  22,  1750.  Charles    Colby,    Captain, 



'  The  business  of  these  Yards  was  conducted  by  the  Commissioners  in  Loudon, 
after  the  death  of  Captain  Davies  on  February  16th,  1759. 



The  following  statement  of  the  sums  annually  voted  by  Parlia- 
ment for  the  "  extra "  and  for  the  "  ordinary  "  expenses  of  the 
Royal  Navy,  and  of  the  number  of  seamen  and  Marines  authorised 
for  each  year,  is  taken  from  Derrick's  '  Memoirs  of  the  Rise  and 
Progress  of  the  Royal  Navy.' '  It  should  be  explained  that  the 
money  voted  under  the  head  of  "  extra,"  was  almost  invariably 
used  for  building  or  repairing  ships,  for  providing  furniture  and 
stores  for  such  vessels,  or  for  improving  the  Royal  Dockyards  ;  but 
that,  occasionally,  portions  of  the  money  were  employed  for  the 
replenishment  of  the  supplies  of  hemp,  timber,  etc.,  when  the 
quantities  in  hand  happened  to  be  low,  and  for  other  special 
services  : — 




No.  of  Seamen 
and  Marmes.i 




Xit.  of  Seamen 
and  Marines.! 








((a)  10,000 
\(h)  16,000 




























13,. 500 
































































206 , 025 





































































222 , 885 

J- (c)  10,000 
t(rf) 20,000 

1  The  cost  of  these  was  in  addition  to  the  sums  specifier!  in  the  "  Extra  "  and  ' '  Ordinary  "  columns, 
(a)  Number  to  Midsummer.    (&)  Number  from  Midsummer  to  December  31st.    (c)  Number  to  April  10th. 
{iT)  Number  from  ,\pril  luth  to  December  31st. 

For  several  years  after  the  death  of  Queen  Anne,  the  number  of 
ships  belonging  to  the  Royal  Navy  showed  no  increase,  but  rather 
a  slight  diminution.  Nevertheless  there  was,  even  in  those  days, 
an  increase  in  the  total  tonnage.     But,  from  the  death  of  George  I. 

1  4tu.     Loufkin,  1806. 

CIVIL   niSTOJ!);    1711-17'i2. 


onwards,  the  Navy  grew  enormously  There  was  no  tendency  to 
add  to  the  number  of  the  first  and  second  rates — vessels  which 
were  only  useful  for  special  purposes,  and  which,  as  late  as  the 
middle  of  the  eighteenth  century,'  it  was  customary  to  lay  up 
every  winter.  Of  the  third,  fifth,  and  sixth  rates,  and  of  the 
sloops,  on  the  other  hand,  increasingly  greater  numbers  were  built. 
The  third  rates  were  the  vessels  which  experience  showed  to  be, 
upon  the  whole,  most  serviceable  for  the  line-of-battle.  The  fifth 
and  sixth  rates  were  the  ships  with  which  the  country  found  it 
could   best  deal   with  the  enemy's  cruisers ;    and   the  sloops  were 

THE  FRKNcit  III  riiicibJe,  74.  THE  SPAXISH   GIvrioso,  74. 

Taken  hi/  I'uii'-Aclininil  Anson,  1747.  Taken  bij  the  KusseU,  80,  1747. 

{From  Ihe  drawinijs  by  Clianiock.) 

the  natural  foes  of  small  privateers,  and  the  natural  agents  for 
the  general  policing  of  the  seas.  That  the  number  of  fourth  rates 
did  not  increase  is  attributable  to  the  gradual  discovery  of  the 
fact  that  fifty  and  sixty-gun  ships,  while  too  small  and  hght  for 
the  line-of-battle,  were  too  large  and  heavy  for  ordinary  cruising 
pui-poses.  They  continued  to  be  built  in  small  numbers,  chiefly 
because  they  were  suitable  craft  for  service  in  the  colonies,  and,  as 
flagships,  on  the  less  important  stations,  in  war,  and  almost  every- 
where in  peace ;  and,  because  they  continued  to  be  built,  they 
occasionally  found  their  way  into  the  line-of-battle.     But  occupying, 

'   \'eruun"s  correspondeuce  with  the  Admiralty  in  1745  is  full  of  references  to  the 
danger  of  keeping  three-deckers  at  sea  during  the  winter  mouths. 



as  they  did,  an  intermediate  position  Ijetween  the  linc-oi-biiitlesliips 
and  the  regular  cruiseris,  and  belonging  positively  to  neither,  their 
value  was  limited  in  l)i>th  directions. 

The  "  state  "  of  the  fleet  at  four  different  dates  during  th(!  period 
now  under  review  is  given  below  ; — 

Rates  oit  Classes. 

First-rates,  100  guns  . 
.Sfciiml-ratos.  84  to  90  guns  . 
Tliiril-ratcs,  (J4  to  80  guns     . 
Fuurtli-rati'S,  50  '  to  (iO  guns. 

Ships  of  tlic  line,  or  of  50  guns  ^ 
and  upwards      ....  I 

Death  of 

Queen  Aiiue. 

Aug.  12th,  17U. 




Fifth-rates,  30  to  44  guTis  . 
Sixth-rates,  10  -  to  30  guns  . 
Sloops,  8  to  20  guns    . 





Hospital  ships 

Yachts j   15 

Hoys,  lighters,  transports      .      13 
Hulks S 

Ships   under  the  line,  or   of )  , , ,. 
less  than  50  guns    .      .      .  (■   ^" 

Total  ships  of  all  classes     .   i247 



Death  i)f 

George  I. 

June  lOtb,  1727. 


51,379,  04 











Dec.  31st,  1752. 


12,945     5 
20,125    13 



15,0G5   39 
9,700    39 









Death  of 

George  II. 

Oct.  25th,  1700. 






165,284155  :  210,177 

28,813:  54 
19,129'  61 











69,640  257 

170,802  291  I  234,924412 


1  The  50-guu  ships  were  not  couuted  as  of  the  liue-of-battle  after  about  1756. 

-  l\Iost  ships  of  under  20  ginis  were  cuuute.t  as  sloops,  ^'.t'.,  Commanders'  commands,  after  ahout  ITou. 

The  Seven  Years'  War  (1756-1762)  saw  the  introduction  to  the 
service  of  a  class  of  vessel  which,  for  nearly  a  hundred  years  after- 
wards, was  of  the  highest  value.  This  was  the  regular  frigate, 
built  to  cruise  at  good  speed,  and  carrying  a .  reasonably  heavy 
armament  on  one  deck.  There  had  previously  been  no  vessels 
that  thoroughly  fulfilled  this  ideal.  The  forty -four,  and  even  the 
forty-gun  ships  of  an  earlier  date  were  cramped  two-deckers  ;  and 
below  them,  until  after  174.5,  there  was  nothing  more  formidable 
than  the  wretched  twenty-gun  ship,  carrying  nine-pounders  as  her 
heaviest  weapons.  Genuine  frigates,  mounting  twenty-eight  guns, 
began  to  be  built  about  1748  ;  but  still  no  larger  gun  than  the  nine- 
pounder  found  a  place  in  them.  The  twelve-pounder  thirty-two- 
gun  frigate  appeared  at  about  the  same  time,  the  earliest  examples 


CIVIL   IIISTOBY,   1714-1702. 


being  the  Adventure  (1741),  and  Diana,  Juitu,  Suuthuinj)tun,  and 
Vestal  (1757).  Then  came  the  twelve-pounder  thirty-six-gun  frigates, 
the  best  British  fighting  cruisers  of  the  days  before  the  accession  of 
George  III.  The  first  of  these,  the  PaUan  and  the  Brilliant,  were 
built  under  the  superintendence  of  Sir  Thomas  Slade  in  1757.  Yet 
even  they  were  inferior  to  thirty-six-gun  frigates  which  were  in 
possession  of  the  French  at  about  the  same  time.  In  a  table 
given  hereafter,  the  student  will  find  materials  for  comparing  the 
British  Brilliant,  36,  of  1757  with  the  French  Aurore,  which  was 
captured  from  her  original  owners  in  1758,  and  added  to  the  Royal 
Navv  as  the  Aurora,  3(5. 

THE   Terrible  74.     taken  from  the  i-kench,  1747. 
(Fnnn  a  dniwir/g  hij  John  Chantuc.k.) 

The  first  half  of  the  eighteenth  century  witnessed  repeated 
efforts  to  establish  unvarying  standards  of  size,  tonnage,  and 
armament  for  each  of  the  classes  of  men-of-war  then  in  most 
general  use.  At  least  two  of  these  efforts — those  of  1719  and 
of  1745 — met  with  considerable  success  ;  and  the  rules  tentatively 
adopted  in  each  of  those  years  were  for  some  time  largely,  though 
not  exclusively,  adhered  to  in  the  construction  of  ships.  But  it  was 
probably  discovered  that  to  aim  at  rigorous  uniformity  was  to  check 
improvement ;  and,  after  about  the  year  1755,  all  efforts  in  this 
direction  were  wisely  relinquished.  Seeing,  however,  that  many 
vessels  were  built  according  to  these  successive  "establishments," 




it  may  not   l)e  deemed   improper  to  give  here  some   particulars  of 
them  : — 










No.  of  guns  .... 




74        70     :  64        60          53 





1         !      i 


Length  ou  gundeck,  ft.  in. 

174  0 

164    0  158     0 

. .    151     0    . .     144     0  134  0 

124  0 

106  0 

Length  of   keel   for    ton  i 
nape,'  ft.  in j 

140  ? 

132    5128     2 

..    |123    2    ..    117     7 

109  8 

101  8 

87  9 

Breailth,  extreme,  ft.  in.  . 

50  0 

47     2    44    6 

..    ]  41     6    .. 

39     0 

36  0 

33  2 

28  4 

Depth  in  hold.  it.  in.    .      . 

20  0 

IS  10    18     2 

..17     4     .. 

16     5 

15  2 

14  0 

9  2 

Burthen  in  ions 


1666      1350 

..    1  1128  [   .. 







Length  on  gundeck,  ft.  in. 

1V4  0 

166     0  158     0 

151     0     .. 

144    0 

134  0 

124  0 

106  0 


Length   of   keel  for  t(»u-| 
nage.  ft.  in J 

140  7 

134     1 

127     8 

122     0,    .. 

116     4 

108  3 

100  3 

85  8 


Breailth,  extreme,  ft.  in.  . 

50  0 

47     9 

45     5 

43     5]   .. 

41     5'  38  6 

35  8 

30  6 


Depth  ill  Iiold,  ft.  in.  .     . 

20  6 

19     6 

18     7 

17     9    .. 

16  11    15  9 

14  6 

9  5 

Burthen  in  tons       .      .      . 




1224   1    .. 

1068      853 


-    - 




Length  on  gundeck,  ft.  in. 

175  0 

163     0  161     0 

154     0     .. 

147     0  140  0 

126  0 


112  0 

Length  of   keel  for    ton-j 
nage,  ft.  in j 

142  4 

137     0  130  10 

125     6     .. 

119     9  113  9 


102  6 


91  6 


Breadth,  extreme,  ft.  in.  . 

50  0 

48     0    46     0 

44     o'    .. 

42     0 

40  0 

3G  0 

32  0 


Depth  in  hold.  ft.  in.   .      . 

21  0 

20     2,   19     4 

18  111    .. 

IS      1 

17  2i 

15  5i 

H  0 

Burthen  in  tons      .      .      . 



165     0 

1291   j    .. 






Length  on  gundeck,  ft.  in. 

178  0 

170     0 

160     0     ..     150     0  144  0 

133  0 

113  0 

Length  of    keel   for    tou-| 
nage,  ft.  in J 

144  6i 

138    4134  101 

131     4    .. 

123  Oijn7  8i 

108   10 

93  4 

Breadth,  extreme,  ft.  in.   . 

51  0 

48     6    47     0 

45    0    .. 

42     8 

41  0 

37  0 

32  0 


Depth  in  hold,  ft.  in.  .     . 

21  6 

20     6    20     0 

19    4    .. 

1<     6 

17  8 

16  0 

11  0 

Burthen  in  tons      .     .     . 


1730        1585 

1414      . . 




•  • 




Complement  of  men    .     . 




440  '    .. 







11                             H           )1                 •             - 











>1                              H            >)                 •             • 
























fMusket:^,   bayonets,    cavt-l 
\     ridge-boxes    .     .    ■.     ./ 








Piiii-s -of  pistols  .... 








Poie-axes  (l)oarding-axes) 




50       .. 





Swords    (cutlasses)     with  i 
belts ( 




200      . . 





Hand  ^  Hades  .... 



200  ,    .. 

1.0,      .. 







f  Weight  of  bower  auchors, ) 
i     cwts ) 


67-5  1     61-5      .. 


..       46-5   1   39-5 


^TA^    (Weight  of  bower  audiurs, i 
^^*^  'I    cwts f 


73-5  1     69-5    69-5 


..           53 






/Diameter  of  bo*er  cables,  t 
i     in / 









..1      14 



fDiameter  of  bower  cables.l 
I    in ) 











I  In  1719  IbL-  uicthod  of  deteruuuiug  the  length  of  keel  for  tonnage,  and  the  rule  for  ooluimting  tonnage,  were 
settled  by  the  Lords  of  the  Admiralty  as  follows : — 

"  On  a  straight  line  with  the  lower  part  of  the  rabbit  of  the  keel  ere.t  a  perpendieidar  or  square  line  to  the 
upper  edge  of  the  wiug  transjm,  at  the  afterpart  of  the  plauk  ;  and,  at  the  stern,  to  the  forepart  of  the  plank  at 
5th8  p^rt  of  the  height  of  the  wiug  transom.  The  length  between  the  said  perpendiculars,  added  to  -„»^"'  of  the 
extreme  breadth  (allowing  for  the  stern  and  stern  post  without  the  rabbit),  from  which  subtract  ,^'Vths  of  the 
height  of  the  wiug  tran,s<jm  for  the  rake  abaft,  and  also  ^'i>»  of  tue  main  breadth  for  the  rake  afore,  leaves 
the  length  of  the  keel  for  tonnage.  Multiply  this  by  the  breadth,  ami  the  product  by  half  the  breadth,  and 
divide  by  94.    The  result  gives  the  tonnage." 

A  simpler  and  more  commonly-used  method,  both  before  and  after  tlo-  official  adoption  of  the  above  highly- 
conventional  formula,  was:  to  multiply  the  length  of  the  keel  into  the  e.Ktreme  breadth  of  the  ship  withiu-board, 
taken  along  the  midship  beam,  and  to  multiply  the  product  by  the  depth  of  the  hold  from  the  plank  joining  to  the 
keelson  upwards  to  the  main  deck  ;  and  to  divide  the  last  product  by  94.  The  result  gave  the  burthen  in  tons. 
See  Derrick  ;  '  Mems.  of  the  Roy.  Navy,'  301 ;  Falconer,  *  Diet,  of  the  .Marine ' ;  Willett,  in  '  Archa'ologia,'  ii.  154. 
The  last  erroneously  says  that  the  nnmber  to  be  divided  by  was  96. 

The  establishments  of  1733  and  1741  were  proposed,  but  never 


CIVIL    II] STORY,   1714-1702. 


officially  adopted.  Many  ships  were  nevertheless  bnilt  in  accord- 
ance with  them. 

The  establishniont  of  174.5  was  generally  adhered  to  for  about 
ten  years.  There  was  never  afterwards  any  regular  estabbshnient 
so  far  as  dimensions  were  concerned. 

The  mode  in  which  these  and  other  vessels  of  the  period  were 
armed  can  be  seen  at  a  glance  on  reference  to  the  tables  on  the 
following  pages. 

Although  practically  all  the  ships  of  the  Navy  were  armed  ac- 
cording to  a  regular  "establishment"  as  thus  indicated,  many  vessels 
were  built  upon  lines  which  differed  from  any  of  the  "  establish- 
ments "  for  dimensions  and  tonnage  ;  and  it  is  therefore  well  to  give 
particulars  of  a  few  craft,  both  British  built  ships  and  prizes  taken 
from  the  enemy  and  added  to  the  service,  which  may  be  regarded 
either  as  typical  specimens  of  the  best  home  constructions  of  the 
time,  or  as  models,  the  capture  of  which  drew  the  attention  of 
British  constructors  to  points  wherein  foreign  designers  excelled 
them.     These  will  be  foixnd  on  page  12. 

The  estimated  cost  of  building  and  equipping  a  ship  of  each  of 
the  principal  classes,  and  of  storing  her  with  eight  months'  boat- 
swain's and  carpenter's  stores,  according  to  the  Navy  Board  Regula- 
tions, was,  in  1719,  1733,  and  1741  respectively : — 











for  Sea. 






for  Sea. 





Masts  and 





Masts  and 






Masts  and 




for  S^a. 



















































1 14, 027 





















I  6,355 




















Many  improvements  which  increased  the  material  efficiency  of 
the  Royal  Navy  were  made  in  the  period  1714-1762.  One  of  these 
was  the  invention  of  the  reflecting  quadrant,  an  invention  usiially 
associated  with  the  name  of  Doctor  Hadley,  and  introduced  by  him 

XT14-17G1'.]  GUNS.  11 

l'AI!'J'li'tI|,Ai;S    (IF    Sf.KVK'K   OuNS   (EsTABI.TSIlMENT    OF    171.'!).' 


















Lb.      055. 

Lb.    oz. 

Lb.     07,. 









25    0 

17     0 

11       4 









21     8 

14    0 

9        1 



"  'V\ 

24-pounder  (a) 





18     0 

11     0 

7       0 








!    ' 

, , 


,  , 

18-pounder  («) 





15     0 

9     0 

(i       (.) 








,    , 

12-pouiider  (a) 





12     0 

6     0 

4     12 




•       „           (?') 




,  , 

J   J 





,   , 

9 -pounder  (o) 





9     0 

4     8 

4      i) 







,   ^ 

J ' 





,    , 

, , 





,    , 

»  ) 





,  , 

(i-poimder  (a) 





G     0 

3     0 

3       0 







, , 

,  , 





, , 

) ) 





, , 

> ' 






, , 

, , 

, , 





, , 

, , 



4     0 

2     0 

2       0 








3     0 

1     S 

1       8 



i-pouudei'  ^    . 




I -(III 





1  From  Mouutaine,  'Practical  Sea-Guuner"s  Cfmipaniou,'  174". 

-  The  reference  letters  in  this  column  refer  to  the  similar  letters  employeil  in  the  next  table  (Disposition  of  Guns). 

3  These  were  swivels,  usually  inounteil  on  the  bulwarks,  etc.,  anil  sometimes  referred  to  as  patereroes. 

Disposition  of  the  Gcxs  ls  the  vaiiious  Cl.%.sses  op  H.  M.  Smrs,  171G.  1743.  17;"i7. 

I  Low  er  Deck. 


Classes  op  Ships. 

Kg.      Prs.    I  No.  I    Prs. 

Upper  Deck. 


No.      Prs.     No.    Prs. 

100  .'lius. 




(large  class)  . 
(ordinary  class) 

„     (large  class)  . 
„     (ordinary  c4nss) 

„     (large  class)  . 
„     (ordinary  class) 

C4      , 

GO      „     (large  class)  . 
,,     (ordinary  class) 


(small  class) . 

50     „    (large  class)  . 

1716  28 



42  or 


42  28 

'  42  I  28 

32  I  30 

32  j  26 

>     32  26 

32  ,  26 

32  26 

32  I  2G 

32  1  26 

32  I  26 

32  I  .. 

32  .. 

24  .. 

32  .. 

32  .. 

24  ,  .. 

24  .. 

24  .. 

24  .. 

24  I  .. 

24(a)|  .. 

1  24  I  . . 

24  I  28 

24(a)  28 

1  24  28 

j  18  30 

18  26 

18(a)  26 

18  I  26 

18  24 

12  I  24 





























6  ((0 




















IS  (i)  10 

12   10 







•JOI)  2 

6  2 

G  2 

6  2 

G  2 

6  2 

G((/)  2 

6  2 







9  0') 




CIVIL   lIISTOItY,    1714-1762. 

Disi'ijsiTiON  (IK  THE  GrN.s,  ETC. — Continued. 


Classes  of  Sllirs 

50  guns  (ordinary  class) 





,.     (liirjrt!  ('lass)  . 
,,     (ordinary  class) 

,,     (ship-rigged) 


Lower  Deck. 


Upper  Deck. 






Pre.   1  No. 


No.      Prs. 






..   1  22 


4         6 







..   !  22 
..      22 









..      22 





































..       20 














2       3 




















CAL    SUIPS    OF    WaH,    1 


Length  of 


Dat.'  of 



Beam.      Depth. 

in  Tons. 

Where,  and  by  whom  Built. 


Deck,    i     '"«'• 


in.  :  ft. 



in.    ft. 


Royal  Sovereign    100 





7    50 




Chatham,  J.  EosewcU. 

Boyal  George 










Woolwich,  J.  Pownall. 







9'  47 

3    IS 










3    49 

1    21 



AVoolwieb.  J.  Pownall. 





0  il2S 

2    44 

6    IS 




Primess  Amelii 

I  '   80 



0  ll33 

0    47 

3    20 



Woolwich,  J.  Pownall. 

Invhicihle    . 




3  il39 


3   21 



*Takeu  from  the  French. 

Terrible.      . 




1  ,133 


3   20 



*TfiUen  from  the  French. 





6  1134 

4   46 

3    19 



Woolwich.  .1.  Pownall. 





1  ll30 

3    49 

8   22 



*Tal£en  from  the  Spaniards. 

Monmouth    . 




0    123 

2    43 

5    17 




Dorsetshire  . 







10    19 



Portsmouth.  E.  Allen. 

Captain . 






0    43 

6    17 



Woolwich,  J.  Holland. 

Fhjmnuth     . 








(1    16 




lit  pan     . 








7    IS 



Woolwich,  J.  Pownall. 





9    128 



3    19 



*Taken  from  theSpaniards. 

Oxford  .      . 




6    109 



3    15 




Bomney  . 




0  1120 

Si  30 




Woolwich.  J.  Harris. 

Ludlow  Castle 





8    36 

3' 15 




Phainix  . 




9  ill6 





Thames.  M.  Batsou. 

Brilliant     . 




4  [106 

2;  35 

8    12 




Aurora  . 




0  ills 

9   38 

Si  15 



*Taken  from  the  French. 





10    107 


3    11 



Thames,  Alexander. 

Crescent . 




5    107 


9    11 



*Taken  from  the  French. 

Co  rent ry 




43    97 

OA  34 




Beaulieu,  H.  Adams. 





0      93 

4    32 

1    11 



Woolwich.  Fellowes. 

Gibraltar     . 




SJ    88 

0    30 

4      9 



Beaulieu,  H.  Adams. 





2      74 


4    12 




Furnace^  lu iiuli 




6     73 



4    11 




Terror,  bomb 




6  :  74 



8    12 



Harwich,  Barnard. 

Princess  Angus 

a'  vt. 



8  1  57 



61    9 



Deptford.  J.  Allen. 

Boyal  Charlotte 




0  '  72 

2l  24 

7    11 



Dc|itt'ord.  .7.  Holland. 




about  17.'51.  ]!at  after  Hadley's  doatli,  there  was  found  ainoiii^'  liis 
papers  a  dnciiinent  in  the  handwritin<,'  of  Sir  Isaac  Newton,  con- 
taining a  drawing  and  description  of  an  instrument  somewhat 
similar  to  Hadley's  ;  so  that,  apparently,  the  credit  of  the  innova- 
tion should  he  divided  between  these  men  of  science,  if  not  given 
altogether  to  the  elder  of  them. 

The  efforts  which  had  been  made  under  Queen  Anne  to  induce 
inventors  to  turn  their  attention  to  the  perfection  of  methods  for 
discovering  the  longitude  at  sea,  were  continued  ;  and  in  1753  a  new 

{From  Juh/t  liohcrtwu's  ^  Elinncnta  of  Navigatiuti^  Luitdoit,  1742. > 

Act  was  passed  in  furtherance  of  the  desired  object.  In  1761  the 
Board  of  Longitude  decided  to  give  official  trial  to  the  timekeepers 
of  Mr.  Harrison,  a  watchmaker  who  had  produced  a  clock  or 
chronometer  of  unusual  accuracy  ;  and  at  the  instance  of  the  Board, 
the  Admiralty  placed  the  Deptford,  50,  Captain  Dudley  Digges,  at 
Mr.  Harrison's  disposal  for  the  purpose.  The  ship,  with  Harrison 
on  board,  sailed  from  Portsmovith  on  November  18th ;  and,  both  at 
Madeira  and  at  Jamaica,  it  was  found  that  the  timekeeper  which 
had  been  experimented  with  still  showed  the  correct  time.  From 
Jamaica,  Harrison  returned  to  England  in  the  Merlin,  14,  Captain 

]4  rjvjL  JiisTonr,  1711-1702.  [1755. 

Eichard  Carteret.  On  March  •2:Siil,  ITIi'i,  the  Mrrlin  fell  in  with 
the  Essex,  G4,  Captain  Alexander  Schombei'g,  which  had  been  off 
Scilly  on  the  preceding  evening.  Her  reckoning  agreed  exactly  with 
that  of  the  timekeeper ;  and  on  the  '26th,  when  Harrison  reached 
Portsmouth,  he  found  that  his  instrument,  in  spite  of  much  shaking 
owing  to  had  weather,  had  lost  only  1  minute  54 'o  seconds  since  it 
had  left  England  more  than  four  months  earher.  This  result  mai'ked 
a  great  advance  upon  anything  that  had  been  attained  up  to  that  time. 

It  was  at  about  the  same  time  that  the  experiment  of  coppering 
ships'  bottoms  to  preserve  them  against  the  w'orm  was  first  officially 
tried  in  the  Navy.  In  1761,  the  Alarm,  32,  was  so  treated,  but, 
although  the  effect  was  found  to  be  satisfactory,  the  general 
introduction  of  the  improvement  was  impeded  for  several  years, 
owing  to  the  galvanic  action  which  was  set  up  between  the  copper 
and  the  iron  bolts  of  the  vessel's  hull,  and  to  the  evils  which  this 
action  wrought.  The  difficulty  was  ultimately  got  over  by  using 
only  copper  fastenings  in  the  under-w"ater  portion  of  ships' 
hulls ;  yet  it  was  not  until  1783  that  this  measure  of  precaution 
was  ordered  to  be  generally  adopted,  and,  until  then,  copper 
sheathing,  while  applied  to  specimens  of  every  class  of  ships, 
was  very  far  from  being  universal  in  the  service. 

To  encourage  home  manufactures,  it  was  enacted  in  1746  that 
every  ship  built  in  Great  Britain  or  in  the  American  colonies  should, 
when  first  prepared  for  sea,  be  provided  wdth  a  suit  of  sails  made  of 
cloth  woven  in  Great  Britain,  under  penalty  of  £50  ;  and  that  every 
sailmaker  in  Great  Britain  or  the  plantations  should,  upon  failing 
to  place  his  name  and  address  legibly  and  fully  upon  each  new  sail 
made  by  him,  be  fined  ^10. 

After  the  burning  of  Budyard's  wooden  tower  in  1755,  the 
lessees  of  the  Eddystone  Light,  by  the  advice  of  the  Eoj'al  Society, 
placed  the  work  of  constructing  a  new"  lighthouse  in  the  hands  of 
John  Smeaton,  F.E.S.,  a  distinguished  engineer.  Smeaton  built 
his  tower  entirely  of  stone,  dovetailing  every  block  into  its  neigh- 
bours, and  so  making  the  column  practically  solid.  Operations  were 
begun  on  August  5th,  1756  ;  the  first  stone  was  formally  laid  on 
June  12th,  1757,  and  the  last  on  August  24th,  1759 ;  and  a  hght 
from  twenty-four  candles,  weighing  five  to  two  pounds,*  was  shown 

'  Smeaton  invented  a  timepiece,  wliich  struck  a  single  blow  every  half  hour, 
and  so  warned  the  keejiers  to  snufl'  these  candles.  The  original  now  belongs  to  the 
Corporation  of  Trinity  House. 


from  the  rock  on  October  llitli,  175i),  aiul  thenceforward  every  iiiglit 
until  1810,  when  the  candles  gave  place  to  oil  lamps  and  reflectors. 
Smeaton's  tower,  it  is  almost  needless  to  add,  remained  effective 
until,  in  1879-81,  owing  to  the  base  on  which  it  stood  having  been 
seriously  shaken  by  the  sea,  a  new  tower,  Douglass's,  had  to  be 
built  on  a  neighbouring  rock,  i'ai't  of  Smeaton's  tower  was  there- 
upon removed,  and  reconstructed  on  Plymouth  Hoe. 

Several  other  lighthouses  which  were  in  their  day  triumphs  of 
engineering,  were  erected  during  the  first  half  of  the  eighteenth 
century.  One  of  the  best  known  towers,  that  on  the  island  of 
Skerries,  near  Holyhead,  dates  from  1730.  At  about  the  same  time, 
also,  lightships  began  to  be  placed  round  the  coasts.  The  one  first 
moored  in  Enghsh  waters  was  fitted  out  in  1731  by  Mr.  Eobert 
Hamblin  for  the  Nore  Sand,  at  the  mouth  of  the  Thames ;  the  next, 
in  1736,  by  Mr.  Daniel  Avery  for  the  Dudgeon  Shoal,  Norfolk. 

Until  1730,  every  commander-in-chief,  with  the  sanction  of  the 
Admiralty,  issued  his  own  code  of  instructions.  In  that  year  the 
volume  of  material  provided  by  the  accumulations  of  lapsed  codes 
was  in  some  measure  digested ;  many  additional  instructions  were 
set  forth ;  the  principles  of  naval  usage  were  crystallised  ;  and 
in  1731  there  appeared  the  first  issue  of  '  The  King's  Regulations 
and  Admiralty  Instructions.'  This  book  has  since  been  revised  at 
intervals,  but  it  remains  in  substance  very  much  what  it  was  in 
1731,  and  most  of  the  important  alterations  that  have  been  made  in 
it  are  merely  such  as  have  been  necessary  to  bring  it  into  confoiTuity 
with  modern  ideas  and  modern  conditions.^ 

In  1717,  the  rate  of  pilotage  for  pilots  of  Deal,  Dover,  and 
Thanet,  taking  charge  of  ships  in  the  Thames  and  Medway,  was 
fixed  by  Act  of  Parliament  at  ten  shillings  per  foot  of  draught.  The 
Act  was  subsequently  amended  with  a  view  to  prevent  these  pilots, 
who,  of  coirrse,  possessed  exceptional  opportunities  for  smuggling, 
from  engaging  in  that  pursuit.  The  repression  of  smuggling,  indeed, 
was  a  burning  question  during  the  whole  of  the  period  now  under 
review,  and  especially  in  war  time.  The  smuggler,  besides  being  a 
professional  cheater  of  the  revenue,  was,  of  necessity,  a  man  of  lax 
patriotism  and  easy  conscience,  and  one  whose  success  depended 
upon  his  maintenance   of   good   relations    with    both   sides    of   the 

'  'The  King's  Eegulations  and  Ailuiiialty  Instructions'  contain,  as  it  were,  the 
civil  code  of  the  Navy.  The  penal  code  is  supplied  by  the  Xaval  Discipline  Act. 
Sue  p.  17,  infra. 

16  CIVfL    HISTORY,    1714-17i;2.  [1745. 

Chatinel.  He  was,  consequently,  ever  available  as  a  spy.  The 
frequency  with  which  he  impeded,  and  sometimes  even  confounded, 
the  operations  of  the  Navy,  appears  in  the  correspondence  of  several 
of  the  flag-officers  of  the  time  ;  and  there  is  very  little  doubt  that 
the  many  treacherous  betrayals,  which,  in  the  reigns  of  the  first  two 
Georges,  prevented  the  secret  carrying  out  of  naval  plans  and 
combinations,  were,  as  often  as  not,  attributed  to  grave  Jacobite 
and  French  sympathisers,  when  they  were  really  the  work  of 
persons  owning  no  more  serious  political  conviction  than  that  he 
who  paid  duty  was  a  fool.  There  are  several  pregnant  references 
to  this  subject  in  the  letters  of  Admiral  Edward  Vernon,  who  was 
in  command  in  the  Downs  at  the  time  of  the  young  Pretender's 
descent  in  1745.  Advocating  the  more  extensive  recruiting  of  the 
Navy  from  the  seaport  towns,  he  writes  of  men  who  "  are  now 
thought  to  he  principally  employed  in  the  ruin  of  their  country  by 
the  smuggling  trade,  and  as  daily  spies  to  give  the  enemy  intelligence 
of  our  proceedings,"  and  goes  on  to  say : — 

"I  can't  but  tliink  it  a  seasonable  time  to  suggest  to  their  Lordships  tliat  there  are 
said  to  be  in  tliis  town  of  Deal  not  less  than  twn  hmidred  able  young  men  and  seafaring 
people  who  are  known  to  have  no  visible  way  of  getting  a  living  but  b,y  the  infamous 
trade  of  smuggling,  many  keeping  a  horse  and  arms  to  be  ready  at  all  calls.  At  Dover, 
it  is  conjectured,  there  may  be  four  hundred :  at  Eanisgate  and  Folkestone,  three 
hundred  each.  And  it  is  said  that,  within  these  three  weeks,  no  less  than  nine  cutters 
at  a  time  have  gone  off  from  Folkestone  to  Boulogne;  and  it  is  conjectured  that,  from 
the  town  of  Folkestone  only,  a  thousand  pounds  a  week  is  run  over  to  Boiilogne  in  the 
smuggling  wa.y.  And,  about  six  or  seven  days  past,  a  Dover  cutter  landed  goods  in  the 
niglit  under  the  Castle,  that  was  carried  off  by  a  party  of  sixty  horse,  and  the  cutter 
supposed  to  have  done  it  came  into  Dover  pier  next  day  ;  and,  though  most  believed  it 
was  she,  no  one  proceeded  against  them  in  any  inquiry  about  it.  This  smuggling  has 
converted  those  employed  in  it,  first  from  honest,  industrious  fishermen,  to  lazy,  drunken, 
and  profligate  smugglers,  and  now  to  dangerous  spies  on  all  oiu-  proceedings,  for  the 
enemy's  daily  information." ' 

And  again : — 

"  Captain  Scott,  in  the  Badger,  is  just  returned  from  his  cruise  off  the  coast  of 
Sussex.  On  the  25th  of  last  month  he  was  informed  of  a  cutter  being  going  from 
Fairleigh  to  Boulogne  that  night ;  but  she  was  gone  over  before  he  could  get  there. 
t)n  the  3rd  of  this  month,  he  got  sight  of  the  French  dogger  privateer,  and  chased  him, 
and  neared  him  as  the  other  was  edging  down  to  get  to  leeward  of  him ;  and,  when  he 
got  within  shot  of  him,  he  exchanged  some  guns  with  him;  but  the  other,  getting 
afore  the  wind  and  hoisting  her  studding  sails  as  the  night  was  coming  on,  he  soon  lost 
sight  of  him.  He  has  the  repute  there  of  being  a  confederate  with  the  smugglers,  and  a 
convoy  to  them.  I  send  you  enclosed  Captain  Scott's  day's  work,  when  he  seized  two 
of  the  smugglers'  boats,  in  which  you  have  the  names  of  the  two  reputed  notorious 

'  Letter  of  November  13th,  1745.     Letter  Book  in  Author's  Coll. 

1749]  rill':  AirncLEs  of  wail  17 

smugglers  tlu-y  belong  to:  wliich  are  Ueorge  Harrison  and  Zebuloii  Morphet;  ami  a 
copy  of  the  Collector  of  Oustoms'  certiticate  that  they  are  reputed  as  such.  And  a 
little  before  that,  above  a  hundred  horse  had  been  upon  the  shore  to  carry  off  goods 
brought  by  another  cutter ;  and,  by  all  accounts,  they  carry  on  as  great  an  intercourse 
with  tlie  French  now  as  they  did  in  time  of  profound  peace  with  them :  by  which  they 
are  undoubtedly  their  daily  spies  to  inform  them  of  all  our  proceedings.  I  am  informed 
there  are  lawyers  who  say,  as  the  laws  now  stand,  such  an  intercourse  with  his 
Majesty's  enemies  is  now  by  our  laws  high  treason  ;  and,  if  so,  I  should  think  we  want 
a  speedy  proclamation  to  inform  these  infamous  wretches  that  it  is  high  treason ;  and 
they  shall  be  prosecuted  as  such ;  for,  surely,  no  nation  but  this  would  suffer  itself  to 
be  daily  betrayed  with  impunity." 

While  smuggling  and  smugglers'  treachery  at  home  engaged  the 
attention  of  the  authorities,  piracy  required,  once  more,  their 
energetic  interference  in  the  West  Indies  ;  and  on  September  5th, 
1717,  a  proclamation  was  issued,  offering  a  pardon  for  piracies 
committed  before  January  5th,  1717,  to  all  such  pirates  as  should 
surrender  themselves  withiri  a  twelvemonth.  After  the  expiration 
of  that  period  of  grace,  a  reward  would  be  paid  to  any  of  his 
Majesty's  officers,  by  sea  or  land,  upon  the  legal  conviction  of  a 
pirate  taken  by  him.  The  rewards  promised  were  :  tor  a  captain 
(master)  iilOO  ;  for  any  officer  from  a  lieutenant  down  to  a  gunner, 
£40 ;  for  any  inferior  officer,  £30.  Any  private  seaman  or  other  man 
who  should  deliver  up  a  pirate  captain  (master)  or  "  commodore," 
would,  upon  the  offender's  conviction,  be  entitled  to  ,£'200. 

In  1749,  there  was  brought  in  "a  Bill  for  amending,  explaining, 
and  reducing  into  one  Act  of  Parliament,  the  laws  relating  to  the 
Navy."  One  of  the  results  of  this  Bill,  had  it  been  passed  in  its 
original  form,  would  have  been  to  subject  officers  on  half-pay  to 
martial  law.  The  measure  was,  in  consequence,  strongly  opposed 
and  petitioned  against.  The  upshot  was  that  the  obnoxious  clauses 
were  deleted.  The  Bill  then  passed ;  all  older  laws  for  the  govern- 
ment of  the  Navy  were  repealed  ;  and,  in  place  of  them,  the  first 
regular  Articles  of  War  ^  were  estabhshed.  In  the  same  year,  another 
Act  authorised  the  Admiralty  for  the  first  time  to  grant  commissions 
to  flag-officers,  or  officers  commanding-in-chief,  to  assemble  courts- 
martial  in  foreign  parts. 

The  changes  and  alterations  which  more  intimately  affected  the 

'  This  was  the  Consolidation  Act  of  George  II.  22.  It  was  based  upon  the  Act  of 
13  Car.  II.  c.  9.  Being  found  to  be  too  stringent,  it  was  amended  in  19  Geo.  III. 
In  the  amended  form,  it  is  the  foundation  of  the  existing  Articles  of  War;  which,  in 
almost  exactly  their  present  guise,  date  from  1847.  The  proper  name  of  the  measure  is 
The  Naval  Discipline  Act.  It  receives  small  alterations  and  amendments  from  time 
to  time. 

VOL.    III.  C 

18  CIVIL   IlISTOUY,    1714-1701.'.  [1711-1762. 

personnel  of  the  Eoyal  Navy  between  1714  and  1762,  were  numerous. 
The  more  important  of  those  relating  chiefly  or  exclusively  to  the 
seamen  may  be  first  noted. 

In  1735  an  Act  ^  appropriated  the  forfeited  Derwentwater  estates 
to  the  completion  and  support  of  Greenwich  Hospital,  and  extended 
the  benefits  of  the  Hospital  so  as  to  allow  maimed  merchant  seamen 
to  participate  more  fully  in  them.  A  little  later  two  naval  Acts  were 
passed.  One  was  for  procuring  a  better  supply  of  seamen  to  serve 
in  the  Navy ;  for  permitting  merchant  vessels  to  be  navigated  by- 
foreign  seamen  in  a  proportion  not  exceeding  three-fourths  of  the 
crew ;  and  for  giving  the  right  of  naturalisation  to  such  foreigners, 
after  two  years'  service  in  British  ships.  The  other  was  to  prevent 
the  impressment  of  seamen  aged  fifty  and  upwards,  or  aged  less 
than  eighteen  ;  of  foreigners  serving  in  merchant  vessels  ;  of  sea 
apprentices  of  under  three  years'  service  ;  and  of  all  persons  under- 
going their  first  two  years'  service  at  sea.^  In  1749,  Mr.  Henry 
Pelham  brought  in  a  Bill  to  revive  the  sj'stem  of  registering  seamen  ; 
but,  it  being  violently  opposed,  he  withdrew  it.  In  17-58,  another 
Bill,  brought  in  by  Mr.  George  Grenville,  though  opposed  in  the 
Upper  House,  was  ultimately  carried.  It  provided  in  general  for 
the  encouragement  of  naval  seamen,  and,  in  particular,  for  the 
establishment  of  more  regular  and  frequent  payment  of  wages  ;  and 
for  enabling  seamen  to  remit  money  for  the  support  of  their  wives 
and  families  by  means  of  tickets  payable  in  cash  on  demand  by  any 
collector  of  customs  or  excise.  An  Act  of  1747  authorised  masters 
of  merchant  vessels  to  detain  from  the  wages  of  their  seamen 
sixpence  a  month,  as  a  provision  for  the  widows  and  children  of 
men  drowned. 

On  April  3rd,  1744,  a  royal  declaration  assigned  to  the  officers 
and  crews  of  men-of-war  all  property  in  prizes  taken  by  them  :  and, 
to  the  officers  and  crews  of  privateers  and  letters  of  marque,  such  a 
proportion  as  might  be  conceded  to  them  by  the  agreement  of  the 
owners.  It  also  provided  that  shares  not  claimed  within  three  years 
should  go  to  Greenwich  Hospital. 

Bounties  to  seamen  were  several  times  offered.  In  1734,  the 
rate  was  '20s.  for  an  able-bodied  seaman,  and  15s.  for  an  able-bodied 
landsman.  lu  1740,  it  was  4'2s.  for  an  able-bodied,  and  30s.  for  an 
ordinary  seaman.  In  1742,  it  rose  to  100s.  for  an  able-bodied,  and 
60s.  for  an  ordinary  seaman ;  and  it  was  further  ordered  that  the 
'  8  Geo.  II.  c.  29.  ^  13  Qg^^  ji_  g_  3_ 

IT^O.j  OFFICERS'    PAY.  19 

widows  of  such  bounty  men  as  should  be  killed  on  service  were  to  be 
granted  a  sum  equivalent  to  a  year's  pay  of  their  late  husbands.  In 
the  same  year,  apparently  to  keep  down  rivalry,  pay  in  the  merchant 
service  was,  for  a  time,  restricted  by  Act  of  Parhament  to  a 
maximum  of  35s.  a  month. 

The  pay  of  officers  remained  as  it  had  been  at  the  conclusion  of 
the  period  1660-1714 ;  but  the  position  of  officers  of  nearly  every 
rank  was  improved  in  various  ways.  Surgeons  were,  for  the  first 
time,  given  half-pay  in  1729 ;  and,  in  1749,  an  increased  number, 
both  of  surgeons  and  of  masters,  were  granted  half-pay.  The 
number  then  entitled  to  it  was,  in  each  case,  fifty,  of  whom  the  first 
thirty  received  2s.  &d.,  and  the  remaining  twenty,  2s.  a  day. 

The  number  of  domestics  and  servants  allowed  to  officers  had  been 
considerably  reduced  at  the  end  of  the  seventeenth,  but  was  again 
increased  in  the  first  half  of  the  eighteenth  century ;  and,  in  1740,  it 
stood  thus  : — ' 

Adniiral  nf  the  Fleet  .  ,50,  of  whom  16  only  to  be  borne  as  servants  on  the  books. 

Admiral     ....  30,         „         12 

Vice-Admiral  .      .      .  20,         „         10 

Rear- Admiral  .      .      .  15,         „         10  „  „  „ 

Captain      .      .      .      .  -t  jier  100  of  the  complement. 

1,  in  ships  having  GO  men  or  above. 

Lieutenant,      Master,  \ 

Second  Master,  Pur- 1 

ser,  Surgeon,  Chap-  j 

lain  and  Cook,  each  ' 
Boatswain,       Grunner,-!   2,  in  ships  having  100  men  or  upwards,  and  1  in  ships 


Carpenter,  each.      ./       liaving  between  100  and  GO. 

This  generous  allowance  of  servants  permitted  captains  to  take  to 
sea  with  them  young  gentlemen  who  aspired  to  the  position  of 
officer ;  and  the  better  captains  usually  benefited  the  service  by 
having  with  them  a  large  proportion  of  "servants"  of  that  kind, 
training  under  their  own  eyes.  Yet,  even  captains  who  were  heartily 
devoted  to  the  interests  of  their  profession,  took  with  them  to  sea,  in 
those  days,  many  retainers  of  a  class  that  would,  nowadays,  be 
deemed  very  superfluous  in  a  man-of-war.  Tailors,  barbers,  footmen 
and  fiddlers,  followed  their  patron.  As  late  as  1785,  Commodore 
Edward  Thompson,  who,  it  is  true,  always  had  his  quarter-deck 
crowded  with  such  young  gentlemen  as  were  destined,  a  few  years 
later,  to  shine  in  the  front  ranks  of  the  service,  had  a  painter  on 
his  personal  staft',  and  used  to  smnmon  the  poor  artist  on  deck  at 

'  And  so  remained  until  April,  1794. 

c  2 

'20  CIVIL   HISTORY,    1714-1701^.  [1718. 

strango  hours  to  record  impressions  of  sunrise  efl'ects  or  nocturnal 

In  1718,  it  was,  for  the  first  time,  formally  oi'dered  that  captains 
should,  if  duly  qualified,  be  promoted  by  seniority  to  flag-rank,  and 
so  onward  to  the  rank  of  full  admiral.  But  since,  in  those  days, 
the  entire  flag  establishment  consisted  only  of  nine  officers,  viz.,  an 
Admiral  of  the  Fleet,  an  Admiral  of  the  White,  an  Admiral  of  the 
Blue,  and  Vice  and  Rear-Admirals  of  the  Red,  White  and  Blue 
respectively,  captains  soon  began  to  grow  very  old  ere,  in  con- 
sequence of  deaths  above  them,  they  became  eligible  for  advance- 
ment. If,  also,  the  order  had  been  loyally  carried  out — which  it 
was  not — and  had  not  been  followed  by  other  modifications,  it 
would  presently  have  resulted  in  a  flag-list  composed  exclusively 
of  officers  too  aged  to  go  afloat.  The  threatened  evil  was  fended 
off  by  the  gradual  increase  of  the  flag-list  in  1743  and  subsequent 
years,  and  by  the  provision,  in  1747,  of  arrangements  in  virtue  of 
which  senior  captains,  indisposed,  or  too  infirm,  to  accept  active 
flag-rank,  might  be  superannuated  as  rear-admirals,  with  pay  at 
the  rate  of  17.s.  Gf7.  a  day.  The  first  officers  to  be  superannuated 
under  this  scheme  were  captains  of  1713,  or,  to  put  it  otherwise, 
captains  of  thirty-four  years'  service  in  that  rank.  Some  of  them 
were  septuagenarians. 

The  estabhshment  of  a  regular  uniform  for  certain  officers  of  the 
Eoyal  Navy  dates  from  1748.  Three  years  earlier,  some  officers 
appear  to  have  petitioned  the  Admiralty  for  the  boon  ;  and,  in  1746, 
sundry  captains,  at  Anson's  wish,  prepared  tentative  coats  from 
which  a  uniform  pattern  might  be  selected.  But,  though  a  captain 
may  have  designed  the  uniforms  which  were  finally  adopted.  King 
George  II.  himself  decided  upon  the  colours  of  them.  Having 
noticed  the  Duchess  of  Bedford,  wife  of  the  First  Lord,  riding  in 
the  Park  in  a  habit  of  blue,  faced  with  white,  his  Majesty  chose 
blue  and  white  for  the  first  uniform  dress  of  his  officers.  The 
innovation  applied  only  to  admirals,  captains,  commanders,  lieu- 
tenants, and  midshipmen,  and  the  wearing  of  the  new  uniform  was 
made  compulsory,  as  regards  these  ranks,  by  an  order  dated  April 
14th,  1748.  But  there  were  difficulties  in  the  way  of  obedience. 
Patterns  were  not  sent  to  foreign  stations,  nor  were  the  regulations 
sufficiently  explicit  to  enable  officers,  by  their  aid  only,  to  instruct 
their  tailors  concerning  what  was  required.  It  is  therefore  probable 
that,  for  several  years,  the  order  was  not  fully  carried  out. 

1748.]  OFFWEUh'    UNIFOIiM.  21 

Admiralty  patterns  of  these  uniforms  were  lodged  at  the  Navy 
Ofdce  and  the  Dockyards,  hut  they  have  not  hecn  preserved.  A  few- 
coats,  waistcoats,  breeches  and  hats,  for  captains  and  lieutenants, 
were,  however,  found  at  Plymouth,  in  1S4(),  and  are  now  in  the 
Eoyal  United  Service  Institution. 

"  The  hats  are  three-cornered  in  shape  ;  one  is  trimmed  with  silver  or  tarnished  gold 
lace ;  and  both  bear  the  silk  cockade  instituted  by  George  I.  Lace  and  frills  being 
then  worn,  there  are  no  collars  to  the  coats.  They  are  made  of  thick  blue  cloth ;  the 
lappels,  which  button  back,  are  blue ;  but  the  cuffs  of  the  captain's  coats  are  white, 
and  the  sleeves  of  all  are  purposely  made  short  to  allow  the  laced  sleeves  of  the  white 
kerseymere  waistcoats  to  show  beyond.  There  are  two  kinds  of  buttons,  one  flat, 
bearing  a  rose ;  the  other  round  and  plain.  Although  we  have  not  the  patterns, 
pictures  of  the  dress  of  the  admirals  and  midshipmen  have  come  down  to  us,  the 
embroidery  and  lace  on  those  of  the  flag  officers  being  most  elaborate." ' 

Some  written  advice,  given  by  Edward  Thompson,-  in  1756,  to  a 
relative  who  was  about  to  enter  the  Navy,  throws  light  upon  the 
condition  of  young  gentlemen  in  the  men-of-war  of  the  time. 

"  Here,"  he  says,  "  are  no  back  doors  through  which  you  can  make  your  escape, 
nor  any  humane  bosoms  to  alleviate  your  feelings ;  at  once  you  resign  a  good  table  for 
no  table,  and  a  good  bed  for  your  length  and  breadth ;  nay,  it  will  be  thought  an 
indulgence,  too,  to  let  you  sleep  where  day  ne'er  enters,  and  where  fresh  air  only  comes 
when  forced."  ..."  Your  light  for  day  and  night  is  a  small  candle,  which  is  often 
stuck  at  the  side  of  yoiu-  platter  at  meals,  for  want  of  a  better  convenience ;  your 
victuals  are  salt,  and  often  bad  ;  and,  if  you  vary  the  mode  of  dressing  them,  you  must 
cook  yourself.  I  would  recommend  you  always  to  have  tea  and  sugar ;  the  rest  you 
must  trust  to,  for  you'll  scarce  find  room  for  any  more  than  your  chest  and  hannuock, 
and  the  latter  at  times  you  must  carry  upon  deck  to  defend  you  from  small  shot, 
unless  you  keep  one  of  the  sailors  in  fee  with  a  little  brandy  (which  is  a  good  friend 
at  sea,  but  always  drink  it  mixed  with  water.")  .  .  .  "Low  company  is  the  bane  of 
all  young  men ;  but  in  a  man-of-war  you  have  the  collected  filths  of  jails.  Con- 
demned criminals  have  the  alternative  of  hanging,  or  entering  on  board.  There's  not 
a  vice  committed  on  shore  but  is  practised  here.  The  scenes  of  horror  and  infamy  on 
board  of  a  man-of-war  are  so  many  and  so  great  that  I  think  they  must  rather  disgust 
a  mind  than  allure  it.  I  do  not  mean,  by  this  advice,  to  have  you  appear  a  dull 
inactive  being,  that  shudders  amidst  these  horrors.  No ;  I  would  wish  you  to  see  them 
in  their  own  proper  shapes,  for,  to  be  hated,  they  need  to  be  seen."  ..."  You  will 
find  some  little  outward  appearance  of  religion — and  Sunday  prayers  I — but  the  con- 
gregation is  generally  drove  together  by  the  boatswain  (like  sheep  by  the  shepherd), 
who  neither  spares  oaths  nor  blows."  " 

'  '  The  British  Fleet,'  500.  The  first  Admiral's  uniform  is  well  shown  in  the 
portrait  of  Lord  Anson,  forming  the  title-page  to  this  volume.  This  was  painted 
between  1748  and  1761. 

-  Died  Commodore  on  the  West  Coast  of  Africa,  January  17th,  1786.  He  edited 
some  old  writers ;  wrote  plays,  stories,  and  songs ;  and  was  a  friend,  and  also 
probably  a  benefactor,  of  Dr.  Samuel  Johnson. 

^  '  Seaman's  Letters,'  i.  147. 

22  CIVIL    HISTORY,    171 1-1762.  [1756. 

Concerning  subordinate  officers,  and  the  abuse  of  power  by 
superiors,  Thompson  wrote  : — 

"  The  disagreeable  circumstances  and  situations  attending  a  subaltern  officer  in  the 
Navy  are  ho  many,  and  so  hard,  that,  had  not  the  first  men  in  the  service  passed  the 
dirty  road  to  preferment  to  encourage  the  rest,  they  would  renounce  it  to  a  man.  It  is 
a  most  mistaken  notion  that  a  youtli  will  not  be  a  good  officer  unless  he  stoops  to  the 
most  menial  offices ;  to  be  bedded  worse  than  hogs,  and  eat  less  delicacies.  In  short, 
from  having  experienced  such  scenes  of  filth  and  infamy,  such  fatigues  and  hardships, 
they  are  sufficient  to  disgust  the  stoutest  and  the  bravest,  for,  alas!  there  is  only  a  little 
hope  of  promotion  sprinkled  in  the  cup  to  make  a  man  swallow  more  than  he  digests 
the  rest  of  his  life.  The  state  of  inferior  officers  in  his  Majesty's  service  is  a  state  of 
vassalage,  and  a  lieutenant's  preferment  the  greatest  in  it ;  the  change  is  at  once  from 
a  filtliy  maggot  to  a  shining  butterfly.  Many  methods  might  be  introduced  to  make 
the  lower  officers  of  more  consequence  on  their  duty,  and  their  lives  more  agreeable  to 
themselves ;  for  that  power  of  reducing  them  to  sweep  the  decks,  being  lodged  in  the 
breast  of  a  captain,  is  often  abused  through  passion  or  caprice ;  besides,  it  is  too 
desjiotic  an  authority  to  exercise  on  a  man  who  has  the  feelings  of  an  Englisliman. 

"  We  are  likewise  to  recollect  that  all  commanders  of  men-of-war  are  not  gentle- 
men, nor  men  of  education.  I  know  a  great  jjart  are  brave  men,  but  a  much  greater, 
seamen.  I  allow  the  maxim  of  learning  to  obey,  before  we  command  ourselves ;  but 
still  there  is  no  reason  to  be  vulgar,  for  we  are  to  consider  these  young  people  are  the 
active  machines  of  duty,  the  wheels  which  give  motion  to  the  main  body ;  and  it  is 
absolutely  necessary  to  give  them  authority  in  their  office  to  carry  on  the  duties  of  the 
ship :  but  rendering  them  low  in  the  eyes  of  the  jieople  creates  a  contempt  for 
midshipmen  in  general,  and  turns  that  necessary  respect  due  to  them  into  contempt. 

"  I  propose  to  warrant  this  body  of  officers,  and  make  them  answer  to  the  Board  of 
Admiralty  for  their  conduct.  They  should  possess  a  third  table  in  the  ship,  and  have 
the  countenance  of  their  superiors.  This  would  enliven  their  servitude,  and  make 
them  of  consequence  on  their  duty."  ' 

But  some  improvement  was  alread}-  to  be  noticed,  for  Thompson 
continues : — 

"  The  last  war,  a  chaw  of  tobacco,  a  rattan,  and  a  rope  of  oaths  were  sufficient 
qualifications  to  constitute  a  lieutenant ;  but  now,  education  and  good  manners  are 
the  study  of  all ;  and  so  far  from  efl'eminacy,  that  I  am  of  opinion  the  present  race 
of  officers  will  as  much  eclipse  the  veterans  of  1692  as  the  polite  the  vulgar."  ^ 

There  was,  however,  as  yet  little  improvement  either  in  the  code 
of  morals,  or  in  the  sanitary  provisions  on  board  his  Majesty's  ships. 
There  is  evidence  that,  towards  the  end  of  the  seventeenth  century, 
women  were  systematically  canied  to  sea  in  the  proportion  of  so 
many  per  company  of  Marines ;  and  Thompson,  writing  in  the 
middle  of  the  eighteenth,  after  describing  the  unsavoury  persons 
and  dwellings  of  the  negroes  of  Antigua,  goes  on  : — 

"  But  bod  smells  don't  hurt  the  sailor's  appetite,  each  man  possessing  a  temporary 
lady,  whose  pride  is  her  constancy  to  the  man  she  chooses ;  and  in  this  particular  they 

'  '  Seaman's  Letters,'  i.  140.  ^  lb.  1-14. 

1750.]  SOCIAL    CONDJTION    O/''    'J'JJIC   NAVY.  28 

are  strictly  su.     I    liavc  known  350  wonion  sup  ami  sleup  ou  buard  '   on  a  Sunday 
evening,  and  return  at,  daylurak  tii  tlieir  diiTerent  plantations."  " 

As  for  sanitation,  suffice  it  to  say,  by  way  of  example,  in  addition 
to  the  many  cases  which  will  be  cited  in  the  two  following  chapters, 
that,  in  1756,  at  the  time  of  the  outbreak  of  war  with  France,  when 
she  had  been  on  no  long  cruise,  and  had  been  exposed  only  to  the 
hardships  of  a  few  months  of  service  in  the  Channel,  the  Stirling 
Castle,  64,  Captain  Samuel  Cornish,  arrived  at  Portsmouth  with  four 
hundred  and  eighty  men,  of  whom  two  hundred  and  twenty-five 
were  the  pressed  refuse  of  gaols  and  scum  of  streets.  She  was  full 
of  fever  and  other  sickness,  and,  when  the  diseased  had  been  sent 
ashore,  but  one  hundred  and  sixty  men  remained  for  duty.  Less 
than  three  months  later,  when,  having  filled  up  her  complement  in 
England,  she  had  proceeded  to  New  York,  Edward  Thompson 
wrote  from  her  :  "  We  have  now  one  hundred  and  fifty-nine  people 
ill  in  fluxes,  scurvies,  and  fevers."  Two  months  afterwards,  ashore 
at  English  Harbour,  Antigua,  he  added — 

"  I  have  been  l(jng  declining  with  the  white  flux,  and,  for  recovery,  am  stuffed  into 
a  small  room  with  twenty-six  people ;  but  am  now  in  better  health.  I  officiate  as 
chaplain,  and  bury  eight  men  in  a  morning.  Fluxes  and  fevers  are  the  reigning 
distemper,  and  both  I  attribute  to  the  water  drunk  by  the  seamen,  which  is  taken  out 
of  tanks  or  cisterns,  built  by  Admiral  Kuowles.  It  is  all  rain  water,  and  covered 
close  up,  which,  for  want  of  air,  breeds  poisonous  animalcute,  and  becomes  foul  and 
putrid.  The  melancholy  effects  it  produces  might  be  in  a  great  manner  prevented  by 
boiling  the  water  before  it  is  issued,  or  ordering  the  peopJe  to  do  it.  This  would 
destroy  the  vermin,  and  correct  the  putrefaction.  I  am  convinced  from  long  observa- 
tion that  most  of  the  distempers  in  southern  climates  arise  from  the  water  drunk,  as 
ship  sicknesses  do  from  the  bilge  water  ;  which  is  evidently  proved  in  leaky  shijis 
being  always  healthful.  I  therefore  recommend  to  all  officers,  naval  and  mercantile, 
to  let  in  salt  water  every  day,  and  boil  their  fresh,  for  the  good  of  themselves  and 

'  He  speaks  of  H.M.S.  Stirliny  Castle,  64,  carrying  480  men. 
^  '  Seaman's  Letters,'  ii.  24. 

(      24      ) 


Military  History  of  the  Eoyal  Navy,  1714-1 7()2. 

major  operations. 

Accession  of  Greorge  I. — Trouble  with  Sweden — Xorris  to  the  Baltic — Co-operation 
with  Holland,  Denmark,  and  Russia — A  Swedish  consjnracy — Byng  to  the  Baltic 
in  1717 — The  Quadruple  Alliance — Irritation  of  Spain — Byng  to  the  Mediterranean 
in  1718 — Spanish  operations  in  Sicily— The  battle  off  Cape  Passaro — The  British 
and  Spanish  accounts — Mahan's  comments — War  with  Spain — Projected  invasion 
of  England — Dispersal  of  the  Spanish  fleet — The  Ross-shire  fiasco — Reduction  of 
Sicily — Peace  with  Spain — Norris  in  the  Baltic  in  1718 — Alliance  with  Sweden — 
Norris  in  the  Baltic  in  1719,  1720,  and  1721 — Peace  between  Russia  and  Sweden 
— The  Treaty  of  Vienna — The  Treaty  of  Hannover — Jennings  to  the  coast  of 
Spain — Wager  to  the  Baltic — Hosier  to  the  West  Indies — Sickness  in  the  fleet — 
Death  of  Hosier,  Hopsonn,  and  St.  Loe — Wager  relieves  Gibraltar — Norris  in  the 
Baltic— Death  of  George  I. — The  Treaty  of  Seville— Difficulties  in  the  New 
World — Xorris  to  Lisbon — Haddock  to  the  Mediterranean — Spanish  depredations 
— Jenkins's  ears — Reprisals  granted — War  with  Spain — Anson's  expedition — 
Edward  Vernon — Vernon  to  the  West  Indies — Capture  of  Puerto  Bello — Enthusiasm 
in  England — Co-operation  between  France  and  Spain — Vernon  reinforced — France 
holds  her  hand — Vernon  at  Chagres — Vernon  again  reinforced — Death  of  Cath- 
cart — Beauclerk  and  de  Boisgeroidt — Unsuccessful  cruises  of  Haddock,  Balchen, 
and  Korris — Junction  of  the  French  and  Spanish  fleets  in  the  Mediterranean — 
Vernon's  difficulties  with  Wentworth — Attack  upon  Cartagena — Early  success 
— Failure  of  the  attempt — Attack  on  Santiago  de  Cuba — Abandonment  of  the 
plan — Criticism  of  the  scheme — The  commanders  censured — Projected  exjiedition 
against  Panama — Collapse  of  the  venture — Recall  of  Vernon  and  Wentworth — 
Lestock  joins  Haddock  in  the  Mediterranean — Lestock's  character — Mathews 
commander-in-chief  in  the  Mediterranean — Friction  between  Mathews  and  Lestock 
— Blockade  of  Toulon — Martin  at  Kaples — Martin  to  Alassio — Ogle  in  the  West 
Indies — Repulse  of  the  attack  on  La  Guayra — Repulse  at  Puerto  Cabello — France 
supports  Spain — Norris  in  the  Channel — Escape  of  de  Roquefeuil — -War  with 
France  and  Spain — The  Dutch  join  Great  Britain — Disposition  of  the  fleets — 
Navarro  and  de  Court  leave  Toulon — Mathews's  action  off  Toulon — Suspension 
and  trial  of  Lestock — Trials  of  captains — The  court-martial  and  the  Lord  Chief 
Justice — Trial  of  Mathews — Rowley  in  the  Mediterranean — Gabaret  escapes  him — 
Hardy  blockaded— Balchen  relieves  him — Loss  of  the  Victory — Barnet  in  the 
East  Indies — Davers  at  Jamaica — French  intrigues  in  North  America — Annapolis 
summoned  in  vain — Schemes  of  the  Pretender — He  lands  in  Scotland — -His  escape 
— Capture  of  Louisbourg — Townsend  to  the  West  Indies — Afiairs  in  the  Mediter- 
ranean— French  failures  in  North  America — Lestock  on  the  coast  of  France — 
Peyton  and  La  Bourdonnais  — Fall  of  Madras — Duplicity  of  Dupleix — Lisle  and 
de  Conflans — Disgrace  of  Mitchell — Medley  in  the  Mediterranean — French  ex- 
pedition to  Cape  Breton — Anson's  action  with  de  La  Jonquiere — Hawke  defeats 
de  L'Elenduere — Trial  of  Captain  Fox — Exhaustion  of  France — Boscawen  to  the 




East  Indies — Failure  at  Pmidiclierry — Peacu  of  Aix-la-Cliu])(;!le — Surrender  of 
Madras — Knowles  takes  Port  Louis— Attempt  on  Santiago  de  Culja— Kuowles's 
victory  off  Havana — Trial  of  Knowles— Pocoek  takes  a  French  convoy — Losses 
during  the  war — Terms  of  the  peace — French  aggressions — Kejipol  to  North 
America— French  designs  on  Canada — Boscawen  to  North  America — Capture  of 
the  Alcide  and  Lyi — Threatened  invasion — French  expedition  to  Minorca — 
Operations  against  Angria — Success  of  Holmes — Koconnaissance  of  Brest — British 
weakness  in  the  Mediterranean — Byng  ordered  to  Minorca — Byng's  action  with 
de  La  Galissonniere — The  dispatches — Byng  superseded,  tried,  and  executed — 
Conclusions  on  his  case — Fall  of  Minorca — Watson  takes  Calcutta — Fall  of 
Chandernagore — D'Ache  to  the  East  Indies — Forrest's  action  with  de  Kersaiut — 
Expedition  to  Louisbourg — Misfortunes  of  the  fleet — The  expedition  abandoned — 
Escape  of  du  Revest — Expedition  against  Kochefort — Pocock's  action  ofl"  Cudda- 
lore — Capitulation  of  Fort  St.  David — Pocock's  action  off  Negapatam — With- 
drawal of  d'Ache — Kempenfelt  relieves  Madras — Siege  and  capture  of  Louisbourg 
— Boscawen  and  du  Chaffault — Marsh  to  West  Africa — Keppel  takes  Goree — 
Capture  of  the  OrpUee  and  Fovdroyanl — Hawke  at  He  d'Aix — Howe's  expedition 
to  the  French  coast — Capture  of  Cherbourg — Disaster  at  St.  Cas — Renewed  Frencli 
preparations — Pocoek  again  engages  d'Aclie — The  Dutch  at  Chinsura — Failure  at 
Martinique — Operations  at  Guadaloupe — The  conquest  of  Canada — Saunders  in 
the  St.  Lawrence — Boscawen  to  the  Mediterranean — Boscawen  defeats  de  La  Choe 
— Rodney  off  Le  Havre — Blockade  of  Brest — Hawke  defeats  de  Conflans — 
Blockade  of  Pondicherry — Hurricane  in  the  East  Indies — Fall  of  Pondicherry — 
Norbury's  action  in  the  West  Indies — French  attempt  against  Quebec — Montreal 
occupied — Elliot  defeats  Thurot — Boscawen  and  Hawke  in  Quiberon  Bay — 
Further  operations  in  the  East  Indies — Keppel's  expedition  against  Belleisle — The 
Family  Compact — War  with  Spain — Capture  of  Manila — Conquest  of  Martinique 
— Conquest  of  Grenada  and  St..  Lucia — Pocoek  reduces  Havana — Misfortunes  of 
Pocock's  fleet — De  Terney  at  Newfoundland — Recapture  of  St.  John's — The  raid 
on  Buenos  Ayres — Enforcement  of  the  right  of  search — The  Treaty  of  Fontaine- 
bleau — Results  of  tlie  Seven  Years'  War. 

Althoi'gh,  at 
the  accession 
of  George  I., 
Great  Britain 
was  at  peace 
with  all  the 
world,  the  re- 
lations of  the 
country  with 
certain  north- 
ern powers 
were  far  from 
being  satisfac- 
tory ;  and  from 
the  first  it  was  foreseen  that  difficulties  were  hkely  to  arise,  and 
to  call  for  the  active  employment  of  the  Navy  towards  their  solution. 


(From  an  orlfiinal  kindlii  lent  by  B.S.H.  Captain  I'lince  Lutiis  of 
Baltntliny,  li.A'.) 

26  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    17U-1702.  [1716. 

Sweden  had  not  yet  allied  herself  with  Eussia,  and  was,  in  fact, 
still  at  war  with  her  and  with  Denmark ;  and  Swedish  privateers 
had  seized  many  British  ships  which  were  alleged  to  contain  arms, 
ammunition,  and  stores,  destined,  in  contravention  of  treaty,  for 
the  service  of  the  Tsar.  Remonstrances  had  been  made  by  the 
British  minister  at  Stockholm,  but  they  had  produced  no  results. 
The  Dutch,  who  had  similar  causes  of  complaint  against  the 
government  of  Charles  XII.,  found  it  equally  difficult  to  obtain 
either  redress  or  apology  ;  and  it  was  therefore  determined  by  Great 
Britain  and  Holland  to  despatch  a  combined  fleet  to  the  Baltic  in 
1715  to  intimidate  the  Swedes,  and  to  convoy,  and  prevent  further 
undue  interference  with,  the  trade. 

The  British  contingent,  under  Admiral  Sir  John  Norris  (B.)  and 
Eear-Admiral  Sir  Thomas  Hardy  (B.),  was  made  up  of  twenty  ships 
of  the  line,  besides  a  few  small  craft.  It  sailed  from  the  Nore  on 
May  18th,  and,  reaching  the  Sound  on  June  10th,  there  joined  the 
Dutch  contingent  of  twelve  sail  under  Eear-Admiral  Lucas  de  Veth. 
The  merchantmen  were  escorted  to  their  ports,  but  nothing  of 
importance  happened  during  the  rest  of  the  year.  In  1716,  Sir 
John,  unwilhng  to  adopt  strong  measures  against  Sweden  unless 
he  had  the  gravest  reasons  for  doing  so,  sent  an  officer  to  Stockholm 
to  inquire  whether  or  not  the  practice  of  seizing  British  and  Dutch 
ships  was  to  be  persisted  in.  A  vague  and  ambiguous  reply  being 
returned,  it  was  determined  by  the  allied  commanders,  in  pursuance 
of  orders  from  home,  to  make  a  demonstration  of  an  exceptional 
nature.  A  Danish  squadron  lay  at  Copenhagen.  There  also  lay  a 
Eussian  squadron  under  the  Tsar  Peter  himself.  After  the  necessary 
negotiations  had  taken  place,  it  was  agreed  that,  while  the  Dutch, 
then  under  Commodore  Hendrik  Grave,  with  five  British  men-of- 
war,  should  coavoy  to  their  destinations  such  merchantmen  as  had 
followed  the  fleets,  the  British,  Eussian,  and  Danish  squadrons, 
forming  for  the  moment  a  single  fleet,  should  proceed  up  the  Baltic, 
in  order  to  let  it  be  seen  that,  rather  than  permit  any  further 
meddling  with  her  trade,  Great  Britain  w'ould  take  active  part 
against  Charles  XII.  The  Tsar  Peter  became,  for  the  nonce,  com- 
mander-in-chief ;  Norris  assumed  command  of  the  van,  and  Count 
Gyldeulove,'  the  Danish  admiral,  took  the  rear  under  his  orders. 

'  Ulrich  Christian  Gyldenliive,  known  in  England  as  Count  Gueldenlew,  was  a 
natural  brother  of  King  Frederick  IV.  of  Denmark,  and  had  commanded  the  Danisli 
fleet  at  the  time  of  Kuoke's  operations  against  Copenhagen  in  1700. 


The  confederate  fieet  assembled  in  Kjoge  Bay,  and  thence 
proceeded  to  Bornhohii,  where,  learning  that  the  Swedes  had 
retired  to  Karlskrona,  unwiUing  to  hazard  an  action,  tlic  Tsar  gave 
directions  that  the  convoys  might  continue  their  voyages  to  their 
various  ports.  He  then,  with  his  squadron,  sailed  to  the  coast  of 
Mecklenburg.  Norris  and  Gyldenlove  took  measures  for  collecting 
the  homeward-bound  trade,  most  of  which  joined  them  at  Bornholm 
on  November  9th,  and  with  them  entered  the  roadstead  of  Copen- 
hagen on  the  day  following.  The  remaining  merchantmen,  chiefly 
Dutch,  anchored  there  on  the  12th.  Sir  John  Norris  left  behind 
him  in  the  Baltic  Captain  William  Cleveland,  with  seven  ships,  to 
act,  if  necessary,  in  concert  with  the  Danes  ;  and,  with  the  rest  of  the 
fleet,  he  retunied  to  England.  On  his  voyage  he  met  with  terrible 
weather,  and,  although  he  succeeded  in  preserving  his  convoy,  he 
had  the  misfortune  to  lose  the  Auguste,  60,  and  the  Garland,  'li} 
The  fleet  arrived  at  the  Nore  on  November  S'.Jth,  1716. 

The  ostensible  reasons  for  this  Baltic  expedition  have  been  given 
above.  It  must  be  borne  in  mind,  however,  that  the  situation,  as 
between  Great  Britain  and  Sweden,  was  exacerbated  by  the  fact 
that  George  I.,  besides  being  King  of  Great  Britain,  was  Elector  of 
Hannover.  In  his  latter  quality  he  had  purchased  from  Denmark 
territories  which  had  been  conquered  from  Sweden ;  and,  in  order  to 
defend  these,  he  had  declared  war  against  Sweden,  and  carried  on 
the  conflict  at  a  time  when,  in  his  quality  of  King  of  Great  Britain, 
he  was  at  peace  with  Charles  XII.  The  Swedish  monarch  did  not 
scruple  to  charge  King  George  with  having  prostituted  the  honour 
of  the  British  flag  in  order  to  serve  the  interests  of  Hannover ;  and, 
although  it  may  be  that  Charles,  in  his  natural  resentment,  failed  to 
do  exact  justice  to  his  opponent,  it  cannot  be  denied  that  the 
personal  union  of  the  crowns  of  Great  Britain  and  Hannover,  if  not 
in  1715-16,  at  least  on  many  subsequent  occasions,  led  Great  Britain 
into  ventures  which,  had  her  own  interests  only  been  consulted,  she 
would  never  have  embarked  upon. 

The  irritation  of  Sweden  was  increased  by  Norris's  demon stratioia 
in    the  Baltic ;    and  one  of   the  results  was  that,  soon  afterwards, 

'  So  say  all  historians,  but  no  authority  can  be  found  for  one  part  of  the  statement. 
The  Auguste,  Captain  Kobert  Johnson,  ran  ashore,  it  is  true,  on  November  lOtli, 
her  captain  and  most  of  her  people  being  saved.  The  Garland,  however,  remained 
in  commission,  under  Captain  Ellis  Brand,  until  February  22nd,  1717 ;  from  which 
fact  it  may  be  concluded  that,  if  she  went  ashore,  she  did  not  at  once  become  a  total 
loss.     There  seems,  too,  to  have  been  no  court-martial.     MS.  List  in  Author's  Coll. 


MAJUli    OFEliATIOSa,    1714-17G2. 


certain  Swedish  diplomatists,  including  the  minister  in  London, 
associated  themselves  in  plots,  having  for  their  object  the  further- 
ance of  the  cause  of  the  Pretender.  The  discovery  of  these  intrigues 
aroused  the  liveliest  indignation  throughout  Great  Britain ;  and  vk^hen 
Parhament  met  in  1717,  it  was  formally  resolved  by  the  House  of 
Commons  to  introduce  a  Bill  to  authorise  the  King  to  prohibit 
commerce  with  Sweden  "during  such  time  as  his  Majesty  shall 
think  it  necessary  for  the  safety  and  peace  of  his  kingdom."     On 

(From  fhc  iiict(,rc  hi/  Sir  G.  Enflhr,  hii  pt'riins!--i(in  of  H.  C.  Xorris,  Esq.) 

March  '2nd,  the  Bill  having  in  the  meantime  been  jjassed,  a 
proclamation  in  accordance  with  its  provisions  was  made  pubUc. 
To  properly  enforce  the  prohibition,  it  was  requisite  to  send  another 
fleet  to  the  Baltic  ;  and  on  March  30th,  twenty-one  ships  of  the  line, 
with  frigates  and  fireships,  sailed  for  Copenhagen  under  Admiral  Sir 
George  Byng.  A  few  days  later,  though  in  face  of  strong  opposition, 
the  Government  obtained  a  grant  of  a  quarter  of  a  million  sterling  to 
enable  the  King  "  to  concert  such  measures  with  foreign  princes  and 

1718.]  THE    QUADSUI'L/i   ALLIANCE.  29 

states  as  may  prevent  any  charge  and  appreliensicjn  from  the  designs 
of  Sweden  for  the  future." 

Byng  agreed  upon  a  plan  of  united  action  with  Denmark,  and 
made  various  dispositions  to  ensure  the  carrying  out  of  the  objects 
for  which  he  had  been  sent  to  sea ;  but  his  proceedings  were,  upon 
the  whole,  uneventful,  the  Swedes  not  venturing  outside  their  ports. 
Eeturning  at  the  beginning  of  winter,  he  arrived  in  the  mouth 
of  the  Thames  on  November  15th.  A  note  of  such  small  services 
as.  were  performed  by  the  cruisers  of  the  fleet  will  be  found  in  the 
next  chapter.  In  the  meantime,  thanks  largely  to  the  good  offices 
of  France  and  Eussia,  the  difficulties  in  the  north  were  for  the 
moment  smoothed  over,  although,  for  many  years  afterwards,  they 
remained  a  source  of  much  anxiety  and  expense  to  the  Com-t  of 
St.  James's. 

"  But  this,"  aays  Campbell,  "  was  not  the  unly  affair  ol'  consequeuce  that  employed 
the  thoughts  of  the  admiuistration.  We  were  then  in  close  confederacy  with  the 
Emperor  and  France;  and,  in  conjunction  with  these  Powers,  had  undertaken  to  settle 
tlie  affairs  of  Europe  on  a  better  foundation  than  the  Treaty  of  Utrecht  left  tliem. 
AVith  this  view,  the  Triple  Alliance  was  concluded  on  January  4th,  1717 ;  and,  that 
not  answering  the  end  expected  from  it,  we  next  entered,  as  will  be  shown,  into  the 
famous  Quadruple  Alliance,'  which  was  intended  to  remedy  all  these  defects,  and  to 
fix  the  general  tranquillity  for  ever.  Yet,  by  unforeseen  accidents  to  which  human 
policy  will  be  always  liable,  this  alliance  proved  the  cause  of  an  immediate  war 
between  us  and  Spain,  and,  in  its  consequences,  was  the  source  of  all  the  troubles  that 
disturbed  Europe  from  the  time  of  its  conclusion  ^  to  the  peace  of  Aix-la-Chapello." 

The  terms  of  the  alliance  were  decided  upon  some  months  before 

the   treaty  was   actually   signed.      It   was   determined   that    Spain 

should  restore  Sardinia  to  the  Emperor,  and  that  the  King  of  Spain 

should  renounce  his  claim  to  succeed  to  the  French  crown,  while  the 

Emperor  was  to  renounce  his  claim  to  what  had  been  guaranteed  to 

Philip  V.  under  the  Treaty  of  Utrecht,  and  Philijj  was  to  surrender 

his  claim  to  the  Netherlands  and  to  the  Italian  possessions  of  the 

Emperor.     In   return   for    Sicily,   the   Emperor  was  to  hand   over 

Sardinia  to  the  King  of  Sicily,  and  was  to  recognise  the  right  of 

the  House  of  Savoy  to  succeed  to  the  crown  of  Spain  in  the  event 

of  the  failure  of  the  heirs  of  Philip  V.     France  and  Great  Britain 

undertook  to  assist  the  Emperor  to  acquire  Sicily ;  and  France  and 

the  Empire   undertook   to  maintain    the  Protestant   succession   in 

Great  Britain.^ 

'  Of  Great  Britain,  France,  Holland,  and  the  Empire. 

2  August,  1718. 

'  Koch  &  SchoU,  '  Hist,  des  Traites  de  Paix.' 

30  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1702.  [1718. 

The  arrangement  was  excessively  displeasing  to  Bpain ;  and  no 
sooner  had  the  House  of  Savoy  transferred  Sicily  to  the  Emperor 
than  Spain,  whose  policy  was  then  controlled  by  Cardinal  Alberoni, 
made  preparations  for  attacking  that  island.  Great  Britain  made 
corresponding  preparations  for  enforcing  the  provisions  of  the 
still  unsigned  treaty,  and,  early  in  1718,  commissioned  a  large 
number  of  ships.  The  Spanish  minister  in  London  remonstrated. 
George  I.  rather  bluntly  replied  that  it  was  not  his  intention  to 
conceal  the  object  of  his  armaments,  and  that  he  purposed  to  send 
Sir  George  Byng  to  the  Mediterranean  with  a  powerful  force  "  to 
maintain  the  neutrahty  of  Italy  against  those  who  should  seek  to 
disturb  it." 

In  March,  1718,  Byng  was  accordingly  appointed  Commander-in- 
Chief  in  the  Mediterranean  ;  and  on  May  24th  he  received  his  written 
instructions.  They  were  not  as  explicit  as  might  have  been  wished  ; 
but  they  appear  to  have  been  explained  and  supplemented  in  the 
course  of  an  interview  which  the  Admiral,  ere  he  left  London,  had 
with  Lords  Sunderland  and  Stanhope,  and  Mr.  Secretary  Craggs.^ 
He  was,  upon  his  arrival  upon  his  station,  to  inform  the  King  of 
Spain,  the  Viceroy  of  Naples,  and  the  Governor  of  Milan,  that  he  had 
been  sent  to  sea  to  promote  all  measures  that  might  best  contribute 
to  the  arrangement  of  such  differences  as  had  arisen  between  the 
two  crowns,  and  to  the  prevention  of  any  further  violation  of  the 
neutrality  of  Italy,  which  he  was  to  see  preserved.  He  was  also 
to  enjoin  both  parties  to  abstain  from  acts  of  hostility,  so  that 
negotiations  for  peace  might  be  begun  and  concluded.  But,  should 
the  Spaniards  persist,  after  all,  in  attacking  the  Emperor's  territory 
in  Italy;  or  should  they  land  in  any  part  of  Italy  for  that  pm-pose;  or 
should  they  endeavour  to  make  themselves  masters  of  Italy  (which 
would  be  a  step  towards  the  invasion  of  the  kingdom  of  Naples), 
Byng  was,  to  the  best  of  his  power,  to  hinder  and  obstruct  them.  If, 
however,  they  were  already  landed,  he  was  to  try  by  amicable  means 
to  induce  them  to  abandon  their  project,  and  was  to  offer  to  help 
them  to  withdraw  their  troops ;  and,  should  all  his  friendly  offices 
prove  ineffectual,  he  was  to  defend  the  territories  attacked,  by 
keeping  company  with,  or  intercepting,  Spanish  ships  and  convoys, 
and,  if  necessary,  by  openly  opposing  them. 

Sir  George  Byng  sailed  from  Spithead  on  June  15th,  1718,  with 
twenty  ships  of  the  line,  two  fireships,  two  bomb  vessels,  a  store- 
'  iSee  a  letter  from  Craggs  in  Campbell,  iv.  3-18. 

1718]  BYNG    TO    TIIK   MEDITERRANEAN.  31 

ship,  a  hospital-ship,  and  two  tenders,  and,  passing  Lisbon,  sent  the 
Rupert  in  thither  for  intelHgence.  Being  off  Cadiz  on  June  30th,  he 
despatched  the  Sivperbe  with  a  letter  to  the  British  minister  at 
Madrid,  desiring  him  to  inform  the  King  of  Spain  of  the  presence 
of  the  British  fleet,  and  of  the  instructions  under  which  it  was  to 
act.  The  Spanish  reply,  returned  after  some  delay,  was  curtly  to 
the  effect   that  Byng  might  execute  his  sovereign's  orders.      The 

[From  T.  llunhnikni^  fugyiivinij  iiftcr  tht  portrait  tni  Sir  G.  Ki/ctlrr.i 

minister.  Colonel  Stanhope,  continued,  almost  up  to  the  very 
outbreak  of  hostilities,  to  endeavour  to  induce  Spain  to  give  way ; 
and  in  the  meantime,  foreseeing  the  probable  futility  of  his  efforts, 
he  did  his  best  to  warn  British  merchants  in  the  Spanish  ports  to 
take  such  measures  as  would  protect  their  property  against  the 
results  of  any  sudden  rupture. 

Sir  George,  who  had  to  contend  with  unfavourable  winds,  did 

32  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1702.  [1718. 

not  make  Cape  Spartel  until  July  8th.  He  was  there  rejoined  by 
the  Rupert  and  the  Superhe,  and  learnt  that  Spain  had  been  making 
great  preparations  for  war,  and  that  a  considerable  Spanish  fleet  had 
quitted  Barcelona  on  June  18th  for  the  eastward.  Off  Gibraltar, 
the  Admiral  was  joined  by  a  small  division  of  ships  under  Vice- 
Admiral  Charles  Cornwall.  The  fleet  subsequently  watered  at 
Malaga,  and  thence  proceeded  to  Port  Mahon,  where  it  landed 
troops  and  took  off  the  soldiers  who  had  been  in  garrison  there. 
It  sailed  again  on  July  25th,  upon  receipt  of  news  that  the  Spanish 
fleet  had  been  sighted  on  June  30th  near  Naples ;  and  on  August  1st 
it  anchored  in  the  Bay  of  Naples.  Sir  George  had  previously  taken 
care  to  apprise  the  imperial  Viceroy,  and  the  governor  of  Milan,  of 
his  arrival  in  the  Mediterranean. 

The  Spaniards  had  not  been  idle.  They  had  landed  the  Marques 
de  Lede  in  Sicily ;  and,  except  the  citadel  of  Messina,  the  whole 
island  bad  quickly  fallen  to  him  with  little  or  no  resistance.  The 
citadel  was  held  by  Savoyards;  and  as  Savoy,  under  the  terms  of  the 
understanding,  was  presently  to  surrender  Sicily  to  the  Emperor,  it 
could  scarcely  be  expected  that  the  fortress  would  hold  out  for  long. 
In  these  circumstances,  the  imperial  Viceroy  of  Naples  hurriedly 
embarked  two  thousand  German  troops '  on  board  the  British  ships, 
and  requested  Sir  George  Byng  to  endeavour  to  throw  them  into 
Messina  citadel,  and  the  neighbouring  Fort  Salvatore.  The  fleet 
quitted  Naples  on  August  6th,  and  on  August  9th  arrived  off  the 
Faro  of  Messina. 

The  Spaniards  were  besieging  the  place  which  Byng  desired  to 
relieve ;  but  Sir  George  does  not  seem  to  have  known  how  near  their 
fleet  was  to  him.  Indeed,  he  had  some  reason  to  suppose  that  it 
was  endeavouring  to  avoid  him.  Instead,  therefore,  of  moving 
onwards  to  Messina  and  striking  at  once,  he  sent  ashore  the  Captain 
of  the  Fleet,  George  Saunders,  with  a  letter  to  the  Marques  de  Lede, 
proposing  a  cessation  for  two  months  of  the  operations  on  shore,  and 
adding  that,  unless  a  truce  were  agreed  to,  he  would  use  aU  his  force 
"  to  prevent  further  attempts  to  disturb"  the  dominions  w^hich  his 
master  stood  engaged  to  defend.  De  Lede  replied  that  he  had  no 
powers  to  treat,  and  that  he  intended  to  carry  out  his  orders.  Upon 
receiving  this  answer.  Sir  George  weighed,  with  a  view  to  place  his 
fleet  in  front  of  Messina  and  to  relieve  the  garrison  of  the  citadel. 

'  These  troops,  under  General  Wetzel,  were,  before  the  battle  ofl'  Cape  Passaro,  set 
ashore  at  Eeggio. 

ITIK.]  BATTLE    OF   CAl'K   J'A.'iSAJtO.  38 

The  story  of  what  followed  is  given  in   tlie  foniial  relations  which 
will  be  presently  printed. 

"The  engagement  which  ensued  can,"  says  Mahaii,  "scarcely  be  called  a  battle 
and,  as  is  apt  to  happen  in  smli  atTairs,  wlien  the  parties  are  cm  tlio  verge  of  war,  but 
war  has  not  actually  been  declared,  tliere  is  some  doubt  as  to  liow  far  tlie  attack  was 
morally  justifiable  on  the  part  of  the  English.  It  seems  pretty  sure  that  Hyng  was 
determined  beforehand  to  seize  or  destroy  the  Spanish  fleet,  and  that  as  a  military  man 
he  was  justified  by  his  orders.  The  Spanish  officers  had  not  made  up  their  minds  to 
any  line  of  conduct ;  they  were  much  inferior  in  numbers,  and,  as  must  always  be  the 
case,  Alberoni's  hastily  revived  navy  liad  not  within  the  same  period  reached  nearly 
the  efficiency  of  his  army.  The  English  a[>pr()ached  threateTungly  near :  one  or  more 
Sjianish  ships  opened  fire:  whereupon  tlie  Knglish,  being  to  windward,  stood  down  ami 
made  an  end  of  them.     A  few  only  escaped.  .  .  ." 

The  forces  in  face  of  one  another  were,  aw  Captain  Mahan 
indicates,  as  unequal  in  numbers  as  in  discipline.  Over  leaf  is  a 
comparative  statement  of  them.  Tlie  ships  of  the  British  fleet  are 
arranged  according  to  Sir  George  Byng's  order  of  battle,  in  which 
the  Cauterhuvij  was  to  lead  with  the  starboard,  and  the  Rochester 
with  the  larboard  tacks  on  lioard.  The  exact  order  of  the  Spaniards 
cannot  be  determined. 

Sir  George  Byng,  in  liis  despatches,'  thus  describes  the  events  of 
August  10th,  and  the  following  days  : — 

From  on'  iuiaiih  Tin-;  Barfleur,  off  of  Syi!Aci;sa, 
Auyust  6th  (O.S.). 

"  Early  in  the  morning,  on  the  thirtieth  of  July,-  as  we  were  standing  in  for 
Messina,  we  saw  two  scouts  of  the  Spanish  fleet  in  the  Faro,  very  near  us ;  and,  at  the 
same  time,  a  felucca,  coming  oft'  from  the  Calabrian  shore,  assured  us  they  saw  from 
tlie  hills  the  Spanish  fleet  lying  by.  Upon  which  the  Admiral  stood  through  the  Faro 
after  the  scouts,  judging  they  would  lead  us  to  their  fleet;  which  they  did;  for,  before 
noon,  we  had  a  fair  sight  of  all  their  ships  as  they  were  drawing  into  line-of-battle. 

"  On  our  approach,  they  went  from  us  large,  but  in  their  order  of  battle,  their  fleet 
consisting  of  sis  and  twenty  men-of-war,  great  and  small,  two  fii'eships,  four  bomb 
vessels,  seven  galleys,  and  several  ships  with  stores  and  provisions. 

"The  Admiral  ordered  the  Kent,  Superhe,  (jraftun,  and  Or/o rd,  he'mg  the  best 
sailers  in  the  fleet,  to  make  what  sail  they  could  to  come  up  with  the  Spaniards ;  and 
that  the  ships  which  could  get  headmost,  and  nearest  to  them,  should  carry  the  lights 
usually  worn  by  the  Admiral,'  that  he  might  not  lose  sight  of  them  in  the  night ; 
while  he  made  what  sail  he  could,  with  the  rest  of  the  fleet,  to  keep  up  with  them.  It 
being  little  wind,  the  Spanisli  galleys  towed  their  heaviest  sailers  all  night. 

"The  thirty-first,*  in  the  morning,  as  soon  as  it  was  day,  they  finding  us  pretty 
near  up  with  their  fleet,  the  galleys  and  smaller  ships,  with  the  fireships,  bomb  vessels. 

'  Sent  home  by  liis  son,  Pattee  Byng.     Oazette,  No.  C()73. 
■■'  Le.  August  10th,  N.S. 

'  An  Admiral  commanding  in  chief  carried  three  lights  on  the  poop  and  one  lii;lit 
in  the  main-top. 

■*  I.e.  August  11th,  N.S. 

VOL.    III.  D 


MA.lOIt    Ol-EIiATIONS,    1714-17G2. 


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1718.]  JilWO'S  DESPATCH.  35 

and  storeslii]is,  sepanited  tVum  llio  iiiliiiiial  iiiul  bii;.^er  slii]is,  and  slnnd  in  I'm'  llic  sliiire  : 
after  whom  the  Adininil  sent  C'aptain  Walton,  in  tlie  ('anlerlmri/,  witli  the  Ar(/i/le  and 
six  ships  niuie.  As  tliose  ships  were  conung  up  with  them,  one  of  the  Spaniards  '  fired 
a  broadside  at  the  Argyle.  'J'he  Admiral,  seeing  those  ships  engaged  with  tlie  S]iaiush, 
which  were  making  towards  the  shore,  sent  orders  to  Captain  Walton  to  rendezvous, 
after  the  action,  at  Syracusa  (where  the  Viceroy  for  the  King  of  Sicily  was,  with  a 
garrison).  The  like  orders  he  despatched  to  the  flags,  and  to  as  many  ships  as  were 
within  his  reach,  that  place  being  defended  against  the  Spaniards,  and  being  the  most 
proper  port  on  that  coast  for  the  Heet  to  gather  togetlier  again. 

"We  held  on  our  chase  after  the  Spanish  admiral,  witli  three  of  his  rear-admirals, 
and  the  biggest  ships,  which  stayed  by  their  flags  till  we  came  near  them.  The 
captains  of  the  Kent,  Superhe,  Orafton,  and  Orford,  having  orders  to  make  what  sail 
they  could  to  place  themselves  by  the  four  headmost  ships,  were  the  first  that  came  up 
with  them.  The  Spaniards  began,  by  firing  their  stern-chase[rs]  at  them :  but  they, 
having  orders  not  to  fire  unless  the  Spanish  ships  repeated  their  firing,  made  no  return 
at  first.  But,  the  Spaniards  firing  again,  the  Orford  attacked  the  Santa  Rosa,  which, 
some  time  after,  she  took.  The  St.  CTi«r/es  -  struck  next  without  much  opposition, 
and  the  Kent  took  possession  of  her.  The  Grafton  attacked  the  Prince  of  Asturias, 
formerly  called  the  Cumberland,^  in  which  was  Rear- Admiral  Chacon:  but,  the  Breda 
and  Captain,  coming  up,  she  left  that  ship  for  them  to  take,  which  they  soon  did ;  and 
stretched  ahead  after  another  sixty-gun  ship,  which  was  on  her  starboard  while  she 
was  engaging  the  Prince  of  Asturias,  and  ke]>t  firing  her  stern-chase  into  the  Grafton. 

"About  one  o'clock,  the  ^e«<  and  iS'tt^o'te  engaged  the  Spanish  admiral,*  which, 
with  two  ships  more,  fired  on  them,  and  made  a  running  fight  imtil  about  three ;  when 
the  Kent,  bearing  down  upon  her,  and  under  her  stern,  gave  her  a  broadside  and  went 
away  to  leeward  of  her.  Then  the  Supterbe  put  for  it,  and  laid  the  Spanish  Admiral  on 
board,  falling  on  lier  weather  quarter :  but  the  Spanish  admiral  shifting  her  helm  and 
avoiding  her,  the  Swperhe  ranged  up  under  her  lee  quarter;  on  wliich  she  struck  to  her. 
At  the  same  time,  the  Barfteur  being  within  shot  of  the  said  Spanish  adndral  astern, 
inclining  on  her  weather  quarter,  one  of  their  rear-admirals,''  and  another  sixty-gun 
ship,  which  were  to  windward  of  the  Barfleiir,  bore  down  and  gave  her  their  broad- 
sides, and  then  clap'd  upon  a  wind,  standing  in  for  the  land.  The  Admiral,  in  the 
Barfleiir,  stood  after  them  till  it  was  almost  night.  But,  it  being  little  wind,  and  they 
galing  from  her  out  of  reach,  he  left  pursuing  them,  and  stood  away  to  the  fleet  again  ; 
which  he  joined  two  hours  after  night.  Tlie  Essfx  took  the  Jutio ;  the  Montarju  and 
Rupert  took  the  Volante.  Vice-Admiral  Cornwall  followed  the  Grafton  to  support 
her;  but,  it  being  very  little  wind  and  the  night  coming  on,  the  Spaniard  galed  away 
from  the  Grafton. 

"  Rear- Adndral  Delavall,  with  tlie  Royal  OaA-,  chased  two  ships  that  went  away 
more  leewardly  than  the  rest,  (one  of  them  said  to  be  Rear-Admiral  Cammock'')  but 
we,  not  having  seen  them  since,  know  not  the  success.  The  ship  whicli  suffered  most, 
with  us,  was  the  Grafton,  the  captain  of  which,  though  he  had  not  tlie  fortune  to  take 

'  The  San.  Isidoro,  46.  ''  San  Carlos. 

^  The  Cnmherland,  80,  Captain  Richard  Edwards  (a),  had  been  taken  by  the  French 
in  1707.  See  Vol.  II.  p.  513.  In  Spanish  hands  she  carried  a  lighter  armament  than 
she  had  been  built  for. 

*  Real  San  Felipe.  ^  Apjiarently  the  San  Luis. 

*  George  Cammock  had  been  a  post-captain  in  the  Royal  Navy  until  1714,  and  had 
repeatedly  distinguished  himself.  Owiug  to  his  Jacobite  leanings,  he  had  been 
dismissed  the  service,  and  had  entered  that  of  Spain.  The  Pretender  afterwards 
appointed  him  Admiral  of  the  White.  He  is  said  to  have  died  in  banishment  at 
Ceuta.     Chariiock,  iii.  221. 

D   2 

36  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1718. 

;iiiy  particvilnr  ship,  yet  was  engaged  witli  several,  behavc<l  liiinself  very  iiiucli  like  an 
ollicer  and  a  seaman,  and  bid  fair  for  stopping  the  way  of  those  four  ships  that  he 
pursued;  who  escaped,  not  through  his  fault,  but  failure  of  wind  ;  and  liis  own  sails 
and  rigging  were  much  shattered." 


"Fhom  on  jiOARi)  TJii:  IIiii-JIkut,  at  ska, 
Amjust  Ith  (O.H.). 

"Just  now  is  returned  one  of  the  eight  ships  which  the  Admiral  sent  with  Captain 
Walton  to  pursue  those  of  Spain  that  went  in  with  the  shore,  with  a  letter '  from  that 
Captain,  dated  the  fifth  instant,  giving  an  account  that  he,  witli  the  said  ships,  had 
taken  one  Spanisli  rear-admiral  of  sixty  guns,  one  man-of-war  of  four  and  fifty,  one  of 
forty,-  which  gave  the  Argyle  the  first  broadside,  one  of  four  and  twenty,  one  ship 
laden  with  arms,  and  one  bomb-vessel ;  and  had  liurut  one  man-of-w'ar  ai  four  and 
fifty  guns,  two  of  forty  each,  one  of  thirty,  one  fireship,  one  bomb-vessel,  and  one 
settee.'  At  the  writing  of  this  letter.  Captain  Walton  was  making  into  Syracusa. 
The  ship  which  brought  this  letter  saw  Rear- Admiral  Delavall  last  night ;  who  liad 
taken  the  Isahela,  a  ship  of  sixty  guns,  with  which  he  was  standing  in  likewise  for 
Syracusa ;  to  which  place  we  are  now  going  ;-  and  hope  to  get  in  there  this  night. 

"  When  the  Admiral  lias  joined  the  ships  absent  from  the  fleet,  and  which  we 
judge  are  now  in  Syracusa  with  their  prizes,  he  designs  to  send  Vice-Adniiral 
Cornwall,  in  the  Argyle,  with  seven  or  eight  ships  more,  to  carrj'  the  ships  taken  to 
Port  Mahon,  to  be  secured  there  till  his  Majesty's  pleasure  be  known.  He  will  also 
put  ashore,  in  Sicily,  the  Sjianish  admirals  and  commanding  officers,  with  as  many  of 
the  common  prisoners  as  will  not  be  necessary  to  help  navigate  the  ships  taken." 

What  may  be  regarded  as  an  official  Spanish  narrative  of  the 
battle,  and  of  the  circumstances  which  led  up  to  it,  was  compiled  by 
the  Marques  de  Beretti-Landi,  and  published  at  the  Hague.  It  is 
interesting,  as  well  as  fair,  to  append  the  following  translation  of 
part  of  it : — 

"On  August  'Jth,  in  the  morning,  the  English  Meet  was  discovered  oil"  the  tower  of 
Fai'o.  Towards  night  it  lay  by,  ofl'  Cape  della  Metelle,  opposite  the  tower  in  question. 
The  Spanish  fleet  was  at  the  time  in  the  Strait,  but  was  without  the  detachment 
commanded  by  Rear- Admiral  Don  B.  de  Guevara,  and  some  shijjs  and  frigates  which 
had  been  sent  to  other  places.  As  the  intention  of  the  English  Admiral  in  thus 
approaching  was  unknown,  the  Spanish  Admiral  determined  to  quit  the  Strait,  and  to 

'  The  letter  liere  alluded  to  is  the  famous  one  which,  erroneously,  has  so  often  been 
cited  as  a  model  of  modest  brevity  and  sailor-like  conciseness.  As  given  by  Campbell, 
it  runs:  "Sir,  we  have  taken  and  destroyed  all  the  Sjmnish  ships  and  vessels  which 
were  upon  the  coast,  the  number  as  jjer  margin.  I  am,  etc.,  G.  Waltok."  Even 
Mahan,  following  Campbell  and  Charnock,  accepts  this  docked  version  of  the  letter  as 
genuine,  and  comments  upon  its  shortness ;  yet,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  the  real  letter  is 
one  of  some  little  length,  and  the  above  quotation  forms  only  the  first  paragraph  of  it. 
Walton's  blunt  brevity  is  as  mytliical  as  certain  well-known  stories  which  are 
associated  with  FiJiitenoy  and  Waterloo. 

"  The  San  Jsidoro,  46. 

^  Some  of  the  vessels  here  said  to  have  been  burnt  by  Walton  were  undoubtedly  in 
reality  fired  by  Mari  to  save  them  from  capture.  It  comes,  however,  almost  to  the 
same  thing. 

1718.J  THE   al'ANJSH  HTOUY.  37 

collect  his  forces  ott'  Cape  Spartivuntu,  taking  with  him  his  vessels  laden  with  stores, 
his  object  being  the  better  to  prepare  against  the  designs  of  the  English,  seeing  that  an 
utTicer  who  had  been  sent  by  Sir  George  Byng  to  the  Marques  de  Lede  had  not 
returned.  This  officer  had  had  orders  to  suggest  to  the  Marques  a  suspension  of 
hostilities  for  two  months;  but  tlie  Marques  had  replied  that  he  could  do  nothing 
without  directions  from  his  Court.  And  although  it  was  believed  that  a  courier  had 
been  despatched  with  the  suggestion  to  Madrid,  the  Spaniards  were  unwilling  to  risk  a 
surprise  from  the  English  fleet,  and  a,  resort  to  such  tactics  as  might  be  prompted  by 

"  On  the  morning  of  the  10th,  the  Kuglish  fleet  advanced  furtljer  into  the  Faro,  and 
was  saluted  by  all  the  Spanish  ships  and  vessels  lying  there.  It  is  to  be  here  noted 
that  although  Admiral  Byng  had  convoyed  to  Reggie  some  transjiorts  having  on  board 
troops '  of  the  Archduke,  the  officer  who  had  been  sent  to  the  Marques  de  Lede 
declared  that  this  was  not  for  hostile  purposes,  but  merel}'  to  secure  from  any  insults 
the  transports  which  were  under  his  protection. 

"The  Spanish  fleet  sent  out  two  light  frigates  to  reconnoitre  the  English  fleet ;  and 
although  these  perceived  that  the  English,  whose  designs  were  not  understood,  made 
all  possible  sail  to  close  with  the  Spaniards,  whose  Admiral  was  ignorant  whether  tlie 
English  came  as  friends  or  as  enemies,  yet  the  Spaniards,  who  were  two  leagues  from 
the  strangers,  decided  to  withdraw  towards  Cape  Passaro  under  easy  sail,  in  order  that 
there  might  be  no  pretence  that  they  anticipated  hostilities.  Soon  afterwards  a  calm 
supervened,  and  thus  the  ships  of  both  fleets  fell  among  one  another ;  whereupon  the 
Spanish  Admiral,  witnessing  the  danger,  caused  his  ships  of  the  line  to  be  towed  avN'ay 
from  the  English  with  a  view  to  collecting  them  in  one  body.  Yet  he  did  not  permit 
the  galleys  to  commit  any  unfriendly  act,  such  as  they  nught  have  committed  with 
advantage  while  it  remained  calm.  When  the  Marques  de  Marl  was  near  the  land  and 
was  separated  from  his  consorts  in  the  rear  and  from  the  frigates  and  transports  of  his 
division,  the  weather  changed,  so  that  he  strove  in  vain  to  regain  the  main  body  of  the 
Spanish  fleet.  But  the  English,  with  dissimulation,  held  on  their  way,  trimming  their 
sails  so  as  to  secure  the  wind,  and  to  cut  ofl"  the  Marques  de  Marl's  division.  When 
they  had  at  length  succeeded  in  this,  they  attacked  him  with  six  ships,  forcing  him  to 
separate  from  the  rest  of  the  fleet  and  to  retire  towards  the  shore.  As  long  as  it  was 
jiossible,  the  Marques  defended  himself  against  seven  ships  of  the  line,  and,  when  he 
was  no  longer  able  to  resist,  he  saved  his  people  by  running  his  vessels  aground. 
Some  of  them  were  burnt  under  his  own  direction :  others  were  taken  by  the  enemy. 

"  The  rest  of  the  English  fleet,  consisting  of  seventeen  sail  of  the  line,  fell  upon  the 
Real  San  Feli^ie,  Principe  de  Asturias,  San  Fernando,  San,  Carlos,  Santa  Isahehi, 
and  San  Pedro,  and  the  tVigates  Santa  Bosa,  Perla,  Juno,  and  Volante,  which 
continued  to  make  for  Cape  Passaro;  and  as,  owing  to  their  inferiority  of  force,  they 
drew  off  in  line,  the  English  attacked  their  rearmost  ship  with  four  or  five  vessels,  and 
cut  her  off.  They  did  the  same  in  succession  with  other  ships,  which,  in  spite  of  the 
fact  that  they  made  all  the  sail  they  could,  were  unable  to  avoid  being  captured- 
Thus,  every  Spanish  vessel  being  separately  fought  by  five,  six,  or  seven  of  the  enemy, 
the  English  finally  subdued  the  Peal  San  Felipe,^  Principe  de  Asturias,  San  Carlos, 
Santa  hahela,  Santa  Rosa,  Volante,  and  Juno,  though  each  offered  a  bloody  and 
determined  resistance. 

"  While  the  Real  San  Felijie  was  engaged  with  the  English,  Rear- Admiral  Don 
Balthazar  de  Guevara  returned  from  Malta  with  two  ships  of  the  line,  and,  heading  for 
the  Peal  San  Felipe,  passed  tlie  English  ships  which  were  then  alongside  her,  firing 
upon  each.     He  then  attacked  such  of  Admiral  B_vng's  vessels  as  followed  the  Peal 

'   Under  General  Wetzel. 

'^  Admiral  Castaileta  subsequently  died  of  his  wounds  at  Port  Mahon. 

38  MAJOIt    OI'F.HATIONS,    1714-1702.  [1718. 

Sun  Felipe.  Tliese,  being  very  iiiiicli  damaged,  drew  off  in  ilie  night,  and,  after  the 
action,  remained  fifty  leagues  at  sea  for  three  or  four  day.s  not  only  to  repair  the 
Spanish  shijis  which  they  h.«l  ca])tured,  and  which  were  most  severely  mauled,  but 
also  to  make  good  their  own  damages.  Admiral  Byng,  therefore,  eould  not  enter 
Syracuse  until  August  Ulth  or  ITth,  mid  then  oidy  with  much  ilifficult}'." ' 

After  giving  some  account  of  the  services  of  individual  ships  and 
captains,  the  account  continues  : — 

"  Such  is  the  story  of  the  action  ofl'  Abola,  or  the  Gulf  of  I'Ariga,  in  tlie  Malta 
Channel,  between  the  Spanish  and  English  fleets.  The  English  ships,  thanks  to  ill 
faith  and  superior  strength,  were  able  to  beat  the  Spanish  vessels  singly,  one  by  one  : 
but  it  may  be  conceived,  judging  from  the  defence  made  by  the  latter,  that,  had  they 
acted  in  unison,  the  battle  might  have  ended  more  advantageously  for  them. 

"  Immediately  jfter  the  action,  a  captain  of  the  English  fleet,  on  behalf  of  Admiral 
Byng,  arrived  to  make  a  complimentary  excuse  to  the  Marques  de  Lede,  and  to  assure 
him  that  the  Spaniards  had  been  the  aggressors,  and  that  the  battle  ought  not  to  be 
considered  to  constitute  a  rupture,  siting  that  the  English  did  not  take  it  as  doing  so. 
But  it  was  replied  that  Spain,  ou  the  contrary,  must  hold  it  to  constitute  a  formal 
rupture  ;  and  that  the  Sjianiards  would  do  the  English  all  possible  damage  and  ill,  by 
ordering  the  commencement  of  reprisals.  In  pursuance  of  this,  several  Spanish 
vessels,  and  Don  Guevara's  division,  have  already  seized  certain  EnglLsh  ships."  * 

"  It  is  difficult,"  comments  Mahan,  "  to  understand  the  importance  attached  by  some 
writers  to  Byng's  action  at  this  time  in  attacking  without  regard  to  the  line-of-battle. 
He  had  before  him  a  disorderly  force,  much  inferior  both  in  numbers  and  discipline. 
His  merit  seems  to  lie  rather  in  the  readiness  to  assume  a  responsibility  from  which  a 
more  scrupulous  man  might  have  shrunk  ;  but  in  this,  and  throughout  the  campaign, 
he  rendered  good  service  to  England,  whose  sea  power  was  again  strengthened  by  the 
destruction  not  of  an  actual  but  a  possible  rival :  and  his  services  were  rewarded  hy  a 
peerage."  ■' 

It  will  be  well  to  conclude  the  history  of  the  major  operations  of 
the  Spanish  War  ere  turning  to  the  work  done  in  the  meantime  by 
British  fleets  in  the  Baltic,  where  a  state  of  unrest  continued  for 
several  years. 

Sir  George  Byng,  after  having  taken  measures  to  enable  the 
imperial  troops  to  attack  the  Spaniards  in  Sicily,  and  to  gradually 
make  themselves  masters  of  the  island,  proceeded  to  Malta,  and 
brought  away  some  Sicilian  galleys,  which,  under  the  Marchese  de 
Kivarole,  had  been  blockaded  there  by  Eear-Admiral  Camniock.  He 
returned  to  Naples  on  November  ^nd.  In  the  interval,  Eear-Admiral 
Guevara,  as  related  in  the  narrative  of  the  Marques  de  Beretti- 
Landi,  entered  Cadiz,  and  seized  all  the  English  ships  there,  while 

'  Tiiere  are,  of  course,  discrepancies  between  the  Spanish  and  the  British  accounts 
as  here  given ;  but,  upon  the  whole,  tlie  two  agree  unusually  well. 

^  For  the  translation,  I  am  indebted  U<  Dr.  Henry  Lopes. 

'  Not,  however,  until  September  Oth,  1721,  when  he  was  made  Baron  Byng  of 
Southill,  and  Yiscovmt  Torrington. 




British  merchants  and  their  effects  were  laid  hands  upon  in  Malaga 
and  other  ports  of  Spain.  Reprisals  followed  immediately,  yet  war 
was  not  formally  declared  until  December  17th,  1718. 

Spain,  though  weak,  was  exasperated  and  obdurate,  and  was 
even  more  unwilling  than  at  first  to  accept  the  terms  dictated  to  her 
by  the  Quadruple  Alliance.  She  therefore  collected  a  considerable 
armament  at  Cadiz  and  Corunna,  and  boldly  projected  an  invasion  of 
the  west  of  England  by  troops  to  be  led  by  James  Butler,  the 
attainted  Duke  of  Ormonde.  A  fleet,  under  Admiral  of  the  Fleet 
James,  Earl  of  Berkeley,^  and  Admiral  Sir  John  Norris,  was  fitted 
out,  and  cruised  in  the  Channel  in  April ;  and  troops  were  con- 
centrated, especially  in  the  west  country  and  in  Ireland  ;  but,  long 

[Frotil  an  iiriijiiml  kindhi  lent  hij  II.S.H.  Captain  Primr  Loilh  of  Batteiibciy,  S-^'-) 

ere  these  preparations  had  been  completed,  the  Spanish  expedition 
had  been  dispersed  by  a  violent  and  long-continued  storm,  and  the 
scheme  had  been  rendered  abortive.  Three  frigates  and  five  trans- 
ports, however,  conveying,  among  others,  the  Earls  of  Marischal  and 
Seaforth,  and  the  Marquis  of  TuUibardine,  persisted  in  their  design, 
and,  pushing  on  to  the  coast  of  Ross-shire,  there  landed  about  four 
hundred  men.  These  were  joined  by  fifteen  or  sixteen  hundred 
Jacobite  Scots ;  but  they  had  no  success.  Their  depot  at  Donan 
Castle  was  taken  and  destroyed  by  the  Worcester,  Enterprise,  and 
Flaniboruitf/Ji,  and    they  themselves  were  soon  afterwards   defeated 

'  So  appoiuteil  on  Mai-fh  21st,  ITIU.  He  was  then  also  Vice-Adrairal  of  Great 
Britain  and  First  Lord  of  the  Admiralty,  and  he  hoisted  his  flag  witli  no  fewer  than 
three  captains  under  him,  viz..  Vice- Admiral  James  Littleton  (1st)  ;  Captain  Francis 
Hosier  (2nd,  or  Captain  of  the  Fleet)  ;  and  the  captain  of  tlie  llag<hip. 

40  MAJOR    Ol'KJlATJONS,    1TH-17(;2.  [171'J. 

iit  Gleiisliiel,  wliercupoii  tlu;  Spanish  auxiliaries  surrendered  at 

Sir  Geoi-ge  Byng  sailed  IVoiu  Port  Mahon  for  Naples  early 
in  tlu!  spring  ol'  J71'.),  and,  thenceforward,  co-operated  with  the 
Imperialists  in  the  complete  reduction  of  Sicily.  In  August,  when 
that  reduction  was  nearly  accomphshed,  a  dispute  arose  between  the 
Admiral  and  the  allies  as  to  the  disposal  of  the  Spanish  ships  that 
still  lay  in  the  ports  of  the  island.  As  a  settlement  of  the  question, 
so  far  as  it  concerned  the  ships  at  Messina,  Sir  George  proposed  to 
General  Count  de  Merci,  the  Imperiahst  commander,  that  a  batteiy 
should  be  erected,  and  that  the  vessels  should  he  destroyed  at  their 
anchors.  De  Merci  pleaded  lack  of  orders  ;  but  Byng,  insisting  that 
no  commander  needed  specific  instructions  to  destroy  the  property 
of  an  enemy,  gained  his  point,  in  spite  of  the  opposition  of  the 
Savoyards ;  and  most  of  the  ships  were  duly  bombarded  and  burnt 
or  sunk.  The  citadel  of  Messina,  and  the  remaining  vessels,  were 
handed  over  to  the  Imperialists  by  capitulation  on  October  7th,  1719. 
The  Spanish  troops  in  the  island  were  not  permitted  to  evacuate  it, 
and  were  kept,  by  the  fleet  on  the  one  hand,  and  by  the  Imperiahsts 
on  the  other,  in  much  discomfort ;  and  this  fact,  combined  witli 
the  persuasive  force  of  an  expedition  which  was  fitted  out  against 
Vigo  under  Vice-Admiral  Mighells  and  Viscount  Cobham,  and  which 
will  be  described  in  the  next  chapter,  at  length  induced  the  King  of 
Spain  to  agree  with  the  Quadruple  Alliance.  A  cessation  of  arms 
resulted  in  February,  1720 ;  and,  soon  afterwards,  both  Sicily  and 
Sardinia  were  evacuated  under  the  terms  of  a  convention,  the  former 
going  to  the  Empire,  and  the  latter  to  Savoy.'  Thus  the  objects  for 
which  Great  Britain  had  entered  into  the  war  were  attained.  The 
wisdom  of  British  interference  is  a  matter  which  it  is  unnecessary 
here  to  discuss. 

The  difficulties  with  Sweden,  suspended  for  the  moment  in  1717, 
again  became  acute  in  1718,  and  led  to  the  dispatch  of  Admiral  Sir 
John  Norris  once  more  to  the  Baltic.  He  sailed  from  the  mouth  of 
the  Thames  on  April  '28th,  and  from  Solebay  on  May  1st,  with  a 
squadron  composed   of   ten  sail  of   the  line,'  a  bomb  ketch,  and  a 

'  Authorities  for  tlie  War  of  tlie  Quadruiile  Alliance  :  '  Accouut  of  the  Esped.  of 
the  Brit.  Fleet  to  Sicil}' ' ;  '  Annals  of  K.  George  IV.' ;  '  Historical  Register ' ;  '  C'ori)S 
Univ.  Diplomatique,'  viii.  pt.  I. ;  Chandler's  '  Dehates,'  v.  and  vi. ;  '  Merc.  Hist,  et  Pol.' 
xliv.  and  xlv. ;  '  Mem.  pour  servir  a  I'Hist.  de  I'Espagne,'  iii. ;  Letters  of  Earl 
Stanhope,  Alberoni,  Beretti-Landi,  etc. ;  London  Gazette. 

^   CuinherJand,  80,  (flag).  Captain   William   Faulknor;    Ijurliiujham,  70,  Captain 

1721).]  EXPEDITIONS    TO    THE   IIALTIC.  41 

fireship,  with  Eear-Adiiiii'al  James  Migliells  as  second  iu  couiuiaiul, 
and  with  a  nniuber  of  merchantmen  in  convoy.  Upon  his  arrival  off 
Copenhagen,  he  was  joined  by  a  Danisli  K(|iiadi'(iii,  with  whicli  lie 
cruised  to  the  northward;  but  as  the  Swedes,  upon  his  approach, 
shut  themselves  up  iu  their  ports,  no  naval  action  resulted.  Sweden 
was,  however,  by  no  lueans  intimidated  by  the  action  of  the  Allies. 
She  made  peace  with  the  Tsar ;  and,  having  thus  freed  herself  from 
anxiety  in  one  direction,  turned  with  renewed  energy  to  prosecute 
the  land  war  with  Denmark,  whose  territories  she  invaded  with 
two  considerable  armies.  In  this  campaign,  although  it  was  upon 
the  whole  successful,  Sweden  suffered  the  loss  of  her  brave  but 
quixotic  king.  Charles  XII.  was  killed  by  a  cannon  ball  at 
the  siege  of  Frederikshald  on  December  11th,  1718.  Sir  John 
Norris,  with  the  fleet,  had  returned  to  England  in  the  month  of 

After  the  death  of  Charles  XII.  and  the  accession  of  Queen 
Ulrica  Eleanora  '■  the  policy  of  Sweden  changed.  She  entered  upon 
very  friendly  relations  with  Great  Britain,  and,  on  the  other  hand, 
was  attacked  by  her  late  ally  and  Great  Britain's  old  friend,  Peter 
the  Great.  The  Russians  ravaged  the  Swedish  coasts  until,  a  fresh 
British  fleet  having  been  entrusted  to  the  command  of  Sir  John 
Norris  in  June,  and  having  joined  the  Swedish  fleet  in  September, 
1719,  the  enemy  was  obliged  to  take  refuge  in  the  harbour  of  Keval. 
A  little  later,  the  old  quarrel  between  Sweden  and  Denmark  was 
settled  by  British  mediation :  -  but  when  Norris,  in  order  to  avoid 
being  frozen  up  there,  left  the  Baltic  in  November,  Sweden  and 
Russia  remained  unreconciled,  in  spite  of  the  efforts  which  had  been 
made  by  Lord  Carteret — afterwards  Earl  Granville — the  British 
minister  at  Stockholm,  to  pacify  them. 

In  17'20  Russia's  attitude  continued  as  before,  and  Sir  John 
Norris  went  back  to  the  Baltic  to  protect  Sweden  during  the  open 
weather.  He  sailed  on  April  l(5th ;  was  joined  in  May  by  a  Swedish 
squadron  under  Admiral  Baron  Wachtmeister ;  and,  after  cruising  off 

Tudor  Trevor  ;  Hampton  Cuurt,  70,  Captain  Robert  Coleman  ;  Prince  Frederick,  70, 
Captain  Covill  Mayne;  Salisbury,  50,  Captain  John  Cockburne  (1);  Defiance,  60, 
Captain  Joseph  Soanes  ;  Winchenter,  50,  Captain  James  Campbell  (1) ;  Guernsey,  50, 
Captain  Charles  Hardy  (1)  ;  and  Windsor,  60,  Captain  Francis  Piercy.  These  were 
afterwards  joined  by  a  few  other  vessels. 

Whose  fousort,  Friedricli  of  Hessen-Cassel,  was  presently  chosen   king,  to  the 
great  annoyance  of  Russia. 

'■^  Thougli  the  formal  treaty  of  peace  was  not  signed  until  tlie  summer  of  1720. 

42  M  A.I  on    (tPEUATIOSS,    ITM-lTfJli.  [1725. 

lieval,  returned  to  England  in  November/  In  1721,  Sir  Jolui  was 
employed  in  the  same  way,  his  mission  being,  however,  not  only  to 
protect  Sweden,  but  also  to  lend  moral  support  to  the  mediatory 
efforts  of  the  British  minister  at  Stockholm.  He  sailed  from  the 
Xore  on  April  13th  with  a  fleet  of  twenty-one  ships  of  the  line,  two 
fireships,  three  bombs,  and  two  tenders,  and  with  Eear-Admiral 
Francis  Hosier  (W.),  and  Eear-Admiral  Edward  Hopsonn  (B.),  in 
command  under  him.  His  appearance  in  the  Baltic  undoubtedly 
favoured  the  conclusion  of  peace  between  the  belligerents  :  and  on 
September  10th  hostilities  between  Sweden  and  Russia  wei"e 
formally  terminated  by  the  Treaty  of  Nystadt.  Sir  John  dropped 
anchor  at  the  Nore  on  October  20th.  During  these  various  ex- 
peditions to  the  north  he  seldom  had  occasion  to  fire  a  gun  in  anger, 
and  his  proceedings  were  throughout  of  an  uneventful  and  un- 
exciting character ;  yet,  thanks  to  his  tact,  patience,  and  diplomatic 
ability,  and  to  the  recognised  strength  and  efficiency  of  the  forces 
under  him,  he  was  able  to  exercise  a  very  weighty  influence  upon 
the  councils  of  the  northern  powers,  and  to  peaceably  biing  about 
results  which  a  less  capable  officer  might  have  failed  to  secui'e  even 
by  fighting  for  them. 

From  1721  onwards,  for  four  or  five  years,  the  Xavy  had  no 
great  tasks  assigned  to  it ;  but  the  Treaty  of  Vienna,  concluded  on 
April  20th,  1725,  between  Spain  and  Austria,  introduced  new 
sources  of  trouble  to  Europe.  By  a  secret  article  of  that  treat}', 
marriages  between  the  houses  of  Spain  and  Austria  were  arranged, 
and  both  countries  pledged  themselves  to  assist  the  restoration  of 
the  Stuarts,  and  to  compel,  if  necessary  by  force,  the  retrocession  of 
Gibraltar  and  Minorca  to  Spain.  To  oppose  these  schemes.  Great 
Britain,  France,  and  Prussia  entered,  on  September  3rd,  1725,  into 
the  Treaty  of  Hannover ;  whereupon,  Spain  began  to  intrigue  with 
Russia ;  and,  as  the  Empress  Catherine,  the  successor  of  Peter  the 
Great,  was  by  no  means  amicably  disposed  towards  Great  Britain 
and  her  allies,  it  became  advisable,  in  1726,  not  only  to  send  a  fleet 
to  the  coast  of  Spain,  but  also  to  dispatch  once  more  a  strong  force 
to  the  Baltic.  In  addition  to  these  fleets  a  squadron  was  got  ready 
for  the  West  Indies. 

The  fleet  destined  to  check  the  immediate  designs  of  Spain  was 
entnisted  to  Admiral  Sir  John  Jennings  (W.),  who  was  afterwards 

'  In  a  storm  in  the  North  Sea,  the  Monck,  50,  Captain  the  Hon.  George  Clinton, 
was  driven  ashore  near  Golston  on  Nov.  24th,  and  lost ;  but  all  her  people  were  saved. 

1726.]  WAGL'/i    TO    rilE   JiALTIC.  43 

joined  by  Keai--Admiiiil  Edward  Hopsonii  (K.)-  ^ir  John,  with 
nine  ships  of  the  hne,  sailed  from  St.  Helen's  on  Jnly  'JOtli.  T\u: 
appearance  of  the  British  so  nmch  disquieted  tlu;  S2)aiiiards  that,  for 
the  moment,  they  abandoned  their  hostile  projects :  and  in  October, 
Jennings  was  able  to  return  to  England,  leaving  Hopsonn,  with  a 
reduced  squadron,  as  commander-in-chief  in  the  Mediterranean. 

The  Baltic  fleet,  under  Vice-Admiral  Sir  Charles  Wager  (R.)  and 
Eear-Admiral  Sir  George  Walton  (B.),  consisted  of  twenty  ships  of 
the  line,  a  twenty-gun  ship,  two  fireships,  and  a  hospital  ship.  It 
quitted  the  Nore  on  April  17th,  and,  proceeding  to  Copenhagen  and 
Stockholm,  obtiiined  the  co-operation  of  Denmark  and  the  friendly 
support  of  Sweden.  A  Danish  squadron,  under  Kear-Admiral  Bille, 
joined  Sir  Charles  in  May,  and,  with  him,  proceeded  to  the  Gulf  of 
Finland.  The  Russians  had,  in  and  about  Cronstadt,  a  considerable 
force  under  the  General-Admiral  Apraxine,  Vice-Admiral  Thomas 
Gordon,'  and  a  rear-admiral  said  to  have  been  an  Englishman  :  " 
but,  although  they  were  much  inclined  to  issue  forth  and  defy  the 
alhes,  Gordon  succeeded  in  dissuading  them  from  this  suicidal 
course  ;  and  eventually  the  ships  were  laid  up.  Wager  displayed 
throughout  great  tact  and  diplomatic  ability.  In  the  autumn  he, 
like  Jennings,  returned  to  England,  anchoring  off  the  Guufleet  on 
November  1st. 

Vice-Admiral  Francis  Hosier  ■'  (B.)  was  given  command  of  the 
squadron  for  the  West  Indies.  He  sailed  from  Plymouth  on 
April  9th  with  seven  men-of-war,  and,  after  a  tedious  passage, 
arrived  off  the  Bastimentos,  near  Puerto  Bello,  on  June  6th.  He 
was  then  or  thereafter  joined  by  several  vessels  which  were  already 
on  the  station,  and  by  others  from  home.  These  brought  u]i  liis 
total  force  to  a  strength  of  sixteen  ships.'' 

'  Tliuiiias  Gordon,  a  captain  of  1705,  severed  his  connection  with  the  Britisli  Navy 
at  the  death  of  Queen  Anne,  and  entered  that  of  Russia,  in  which  he  was  at  once  given 
flag-ranl<.  Other  Jacobite  naval  officers,  notably  the  gallant  Kenneth,  Lord  Duflus, 
took  the  same  service  at  aliout  tlie  ■••anie  time. 

^  Some  authorities  specify  him  as  Rcar-Adnaral  Saunders,  an  ex-Master  and 
Commander  in  the  British  Navy. 

'  Francis  Hosier.  Commander,  1694.  Captain,  IGSXi.  nistinguished  himself  as 
captain  of  the  Salisbury,  1707-171.3.  Rear-Admiral,  1720.  Second  in  command  in 
the  Baltic.  Vice-Admiral,  1723.  Died  Commander-in-Chief  in  the  West  Indies, 
August  23rd,  1727. 

■*  Fu.,  three  third-rates,  tlie  Bmiii,  JSerwick,  and  I.ema: ;  eight  fnurth-ratcs,  the 
liipov,  Leopard,  Sitperhe,  Nottiiuiliam,  Diuikirk,  Dragon,  Tiijcr,  and  Portland  ;  one 
fifth-rate,  the  Diamuud ;  and  three  sixth-rates,  the  Greyhouvd,  Winchehea,  and 

44  MA.JOll    OPEllATIOI^S,    17M-17G2.  [iTliT. 

The  appearance  ol'  the  British  fleet  in  the  West  Indies  gave  great 
uneasiness  to  the  Spaniards ;  and,  as  soon  as  it  was  reported,  the 
treasure-ships,  which  were  then  ready  to  make  their  voyage  to 
Europe,  were  unloaded,  and  their  cargo  of  pieces  of  eight  and  other 
valuables  was  placed  on  shore  in  security,  part  at  Havana  and  part 
elsewhere.  The  men-of-war  which  were  to  have  convoyed  the 
treasure-ships  were,  moreover,  laid  up  at  Puerto  Bello ;  and  it  was 
determined  that,  so  long  as  a  powerful  British  force  remained  in  the 
neighbourhood,  no  attempt  should  be  made  to  dispatch  the  annual 
flota  to  Spain ;  although,  of  course,  the  non-arrival  of  the  usual 
supplies  would  inevitably  put  the  mother  country  to  immense 

The  governor  of  Puerto  Bello  sent  a  civil  message  to  the  Vice- 
Admiral  desiring  to  know  the  reason  for  the  unexpected  visit.  The 
real  reason  was  that  the  galleons  might  be  watched  :  but  as  there 
lay  in  Puerto  Bello  at  the  time  a  South  Sea  Company's  ship,  the 
Royal  George,  and  as  this  vessel  would  probably  have  been  detained 
if  Hosier  had  at  once  proclaimed  the  nature  of  his  mission,  the  reply 
returned  was  to  the  effect  that  the  fleet  had  come  to  convoy  the 
lioijal  George.  The  governor  thereupon  took  measures  to  faciUtate 
the  early  departure  of  that  ship  ;  and,  when  she  had  joined  the  fleet, 
he  politely  requested  the  Vice-Admiral,  seeing  that  the  ostensible 
reason  for  the  presence  of  the  force  had  ceased  to  exist,  to  withdraw 
from  off  the  port.  But  Hosier  then  answered  that,  pending  the 
receipt  of  further  orders,  he  purposed  to  remain  where  he  was ;  and, 
that  his  intentions  might  no  longer  be  in  doubt,  he  stationed  a  ship 
of  the  line  within  gun-shot  of  the  castle,  and  suffered  no  vessel  to 
enter  or  leave  the  port  wdthout  being  strictly  examined.  He 
maintained  this  blockade  for  six  months,  his  ships  in  the  mean- 
while becoming  daily  more  and  more  distressed  by  the  ravages  of 
epidemic  and  other  diseases ;  and  when,  on  December  14th,  1726,  he 
proceeded  to  Jamaica,  his  command  was  so  completely  enfeebled 
that  he  had  the  greatest  difficulty  in  navigating  it  into  harbour. 

The  Vice-Admiral  refreshed  his  people  and,  to  the  best  of  his 
ability,  made  up  his  weakened  complements  to  their  full  strength ; 
and  in  February,  1727,  he  stood  over  to  Cartagena,  where  some 
galleons  then  lay.  Until  August  he  cruised  upon  his  station  ;  but 
his  instructions  were  of  a  nature  which  prevented  him  from  being 
of  much  use  to  his  country.  They  authorised  him  to  make  reprisals 
siibject  to  certain  restrictions,  but  not  to  make  war ;  and  although 

\12--2U.'\  MORTALITY  IN    THE    WEtiT  INDIEH.  4;') 

the  Spaniards,  after  a  time,  began  to  seize  the  property  of  British 
merchants  and  to  detain  and  condemn  British  vessels.  Hosier  was 
obUged  to  content  himself  with  demanding  a  restitution  which  the 
Spaniards  refused,  and  which  he  was  unable  to  compel.  During 
that  period  disease  was  even  more  rife  throughout  the  fleet  than  it 
had  been  in  the  previous  year ;  and,  after  thousands  of  officers  and 
men  had  perished  miserably,  the  misfortunes  of  the  expeditimi 
culminated  on  August  23rd,  when  Hosier  himself  died.' 

His  death  has  been  attributed  to  anxiety  and  chagrin,  but  it 
was,  in  fact,  caused  by  fever.  Nor  is  it  astonishing  that  the  fleet 
was  then  little  better  than  a  floating  charnel-house.  Tlie  most 
elementary  prescriptions  of  sanitary  science  seem  to  have  been 
neglected,  and  there  is  perhaps  no  better  illustration  of  the  extra- 
ordinary indifl'erence  to  the  simplest  laws  of  health  than  the  fact 
that  in  that  hot  and  pestilent  climate  the  Vice-Admiral's  body  was 
given  a  temporary  burial-place  in  the  ballast  of  his  flagship,  the 
Breda,  where  it  remained,  a  necessary  source  of  danger  to  all  on 
board,  until  it  was  despatched  to  England,  late  in  the  year,  on  board 
H.M.  snow  Happy,  Commander  Henry  Fowkes.  Hosier's  death  left 
Captain  Edward  St.  Loe,^  of  the  Siipcrbf.  (iO,  as  senior  officer  on  the 

St.  Loe  pursued  the  same  policy  as  Hosier  had  followed,  and  pre- 
vented the  sailing  of  the  galleons,  until  he  was  superseded  by  Vice- 
Admiral  Edward  Hopsonn,  who  arrived  at  Jamaica  on  January  '29th, 
1728.  Hopsonn  died  of  fever  on  board  his  flagship  the  Leopard,  50, 
on  May  8th,  leaving  St.  Loe  once  more  senior  officer.  But  by  that 
time  the  difficulties  with  Spain  were  in  a  fair  way  of  adjustment. 
It  was  still,  however,  necessary  to  keep  a  large  force  in  the  West 
Indies ;  and  ere  it  was  materially  reduced,  St.  Loe  also  fell  a 
sacrifice  to  the  climate  and  to  the  insanitary  condition  of  the  ships. 
He  died  on  April  22nd,  1729.^ 

It  is  doubtful  whether  any  other  British  fleet  has  ever  suffered 
from  disease  so  severely  as  that  of  Hosier  suffered  in  1726-27.  Its 
horrible  experiences  made  a  deep  and  lasting  impression  upon  the 
nation,^  and    it    may   be   hoped   that    they   have    had   the   effect    of 

^  Hosier  had  been  promoted  on  August  11th  to  be  Vice-Admiral  of  the  White.  At 
tlie  time  of  his  death,  a  commission  empowering  the  Governor  of  Jamaica  to  knight 
him  is  said  to  have  been  on  its  way  out.     Charnock,  iii.  139. 

^  St.  Loe  fiew  a  broad  pennant. 

^  Having  been  promoted  on  March  4th,  17'iii,  to  be  Rear-Admiral  uf  the  Blue. 

'  See,  for  exanqile,  Glover's  popular  ballad,  'Admiral  Hosier's  Ghost.' 

46  MAJOl!    OI'EIIATIONS,    J 7 14-1 7(52.  [1727. 

iiupresHiiig  upon  all  later  British  admirals  the  supreiue  importance 
of  taking  systematic  and  rif^orous  measures  for  preserving  the  health 
of  their  men.  During  the  two  years  immediately  following  Hosier's 
first  arrival  off  the  Bastimentos,  the  fleet,  the  nominal  complement 
of  which  never,  roughly  speaking,  exceeded  4750  persons,'  lost,  in 
addition  to  two  flag  officers  and  seven  or  eight  captains,  about  fifty 
lieutenants,  and  four  thousand  suljordinate  officers  and  men,  by 
various  forms  of  sickness. 

The  attitude  of  Great  Britain  'with  regard  to  the  galleons  pro- 
voked Spain  to  make  great  preparations  for  a  siege  of  Gibraltar ; 
and  as  that  fortress  was  neither  thoroughly  armed  nor  properly 
held,  corresponding  measures  had  to  be  taken  for  its  protection. 
A  squadron  of  six  men-of-war  and  two  sloops  -  was  fitted  out  at 
Portsmouth  towards  the  end  of  1726 ;  seventeen  companies  of 
troops  and  large  quantities  of  provisions  and  ammunition  were 
embarked ;  and  on  December  24th  Vice-Admiral  Sir  Charles 
Wager  (E.)  hoisted  his  flag  in  the  Kent,  70,  and  took  command. 
He  sailed  on  January  19th,  1727,  and  on  February  2nd,  having 
picked  up  the  Stirling  Castle,  70,  on  his  way  out,  arrived  in 
Gibraltar  Bay,  where  he  found  Eear-Admiral  Edward  Hopsonn  (E.), 
who  had  remained  upon  the  station  during  the  winter.^  As  the 
Spaniards,  fifteen  thousand  strong,  were  seen  to  be  working  hard, 
troops,  guns,  and  stores  were  landed  ;  but  no  actual  hostilities  took 
place  until  after  February  10th,  when  the  enemy  began  a  new 
battery  within  half  gunshot  of  some  of  the  defences  of  the  place. 
Colonel  Jasper  Clayton,  the  Lieutenant-Governor,  made  a  spirited 
remonstrance  ;  but  the  Conde  de  las  Torres,  the  Spanish  commander- 
in-chief,  returned  an  unsatisfactory  and  truculent  answer;  where- 
upon  fire   was   opened   from   the    Mole   Head,  and   from   Prince's 

'  Uiu-iug  much  of  the  time  the  total  complement  was  not  more  than  3.300  officers 
and  men.  If  there  had  not  heen  at  Jamaica  ]ileniy  of  men  whose  ships  happened 
to  he  laid  up  there  owing  to  the  difficult)-  with  Spain,  the  deficiencies  could  not 
have  heen  made  good,  and  the  fleet  must  literally  have  become  an  array  of  immobile 
and  impotent  hulks. 

''  Kent,  70,  Lenox,  70,  Berwick,  70,  Royal  Oak,  70,  Portland,  50,  Tiger,  50, 
Hawk,  6,  and  Cruiser,  6.  The  Torhaij,  80,  and  Poole,  fireship,  8,  followed  on 
March  Otli. 

^  Hopsonn  had  with  him  the  Burford,  70,  York,  GO,  Winchester,  50,  Culchester,  50, 
Swallow,  60,  Dursley  Gallei/,  20,  and  Thunder,  bomb,  4.  A  few  days  later  the 
Solfhny,  bomb,  6,  which  had  been  ciuising,  joiued.  The  Berwick  and  Lenox  were 
detached  to  the  West  Indies  on  February  13th,  and  the  Portland  and  Tif/er  on 
April  21st.  On  the  other  hand,  several  fresh  vessels  arrived  from  England  and 
elsewhere  at  various  times. 

ITl'T.]  iilEOK    OF   <lll!l!Al/rAR.  47 

and  Willis"«  batteries;  and  8ir  Charles  Wa<,'er,  on  tin;  evening,'  oT 
the  11th,  sent  the  Tiger,  50,  Durslei/  Gallci/,  20,  and  So/r/xn/, 
bomb,  6,  to  throw  a  flanking  fire  ujion  llic  Spanisli  lines  IVoni 
the  eastward. 

From  that  day  the  Spaniards  prosecuted  th(!  siege  in  earnest ; 
but  as  they  had  nothing  larger  than  boats  and  small  settees  afloat 
in  the  Bay,  they  accomplished  very  little.  Sir  Charles,  while 
always  leaving  a  few  vessels  to  enfilade  the  Spanish  attack,  fre- 
quently cruised  in  the  Strait  and  oft'  Cadiz  ;  and  on  those  occasions 
his  vessels  made  prizes  of  several  merchairtmen .  On  March  11th, 
moreover,  the  lioijal  Oak,  70,  being  detached,  took  the  new  Spanish 
man-of-war,  Nuestra  Sefiora  del  Bosario,  46,  which  was  on  her  way 
from  Santander  to  Cadiz  ;  and,  in  the  meantime,  the  small  craft 
employed  by  the  enemy  within  the  Bay  were  from  time  to  time 
nearly  all  seized.  So  mattei^s  went  on,  until,  on  June  16th,  Sir 
Charles  Wager,  having  heard  that  the  preliminaries  of  peace  had 
been  agreed  to,  ordered  a  cessation  of  hostilities.' 

"But,"  says  Smollett,  '•when  the  siege  was  on  the  [Kiiiit  ni  lieino-  entirely  raised, 
and  the  preliminaries  ratified  in  form,  Spain  started  new  difficulties  and  urged  new 
pretensions.  The  Spaniards  insisted  that  a  temporary  suspension  of  arms  did  not 
imply  an  actual  raising  of  the  siege  of  Gibraltar.  .  .  .  Upon  this,  hostilities  began 
between  the  ships  of  the  two  nations ;  and  Sir  Charles  Wager  continued  to  cruise  on 
the  coasts  of  Spain,  after  the  cessaiion  of  arms  at  Gibraltar.  .  .  .  However,  after  many 
cavils  and  delays,  the  preliminary  articles  were  at  last  signed  at  Madrid  on  Febrviary 
24th,-  above  eight  months  after  the  death  of  King  George  the  First,  by  the  ministers 
of  the  Emperor,  England,  Spain,  France,  and  the  States  ;  which  opened  the  way  to 
the  Congress." '' 

Sir  Charles  Wager,  with  part  of  his  fleet,  reached  Spithead  on 
April  9th,  on  his  return  from  the  Mediterranean.  During  his 
absence  there,  Admiral  Sir  John  Norris  (B.),  Eear- Admiral  Salmon 
Morrice  (W.),  and  Kear-Admiral  Eobert  Hughes  (1)  (B.),  with  twelve 
ships  of  the  line  and  several  smaller  ones,  made  another  demonstra- 
tion in  the  Baltic,  in  order  to  induce  the  Empress  of  Bussia  to 
refrain  from  attacking  Sweden.  The  fleet  reached  Copenhagen 
on  May  l'2th,  1727,  and  its  appearance  in  northern  waters  created 
so  powerful  an  impression  that  Russia,  in  spite  of  the  fact  that 
she  had  already  threatened  Sweden  in  definite  terms,  laid  up  her 
ships  and  abandoned  her  designs.  Sir  John  returned  without  having 
had  occasion  to  fire  a  shot. 

'  Sir  Charles  utilised  the  leisure  which  this  cessation  gave  him  by  proceeding  to 
Tangier,  and  renewing  the  peace  with  MaroccO. 

''  1728.  ^  Begun  at  Soissons  on  June  1st,  1728. 

48  MA.IOll    Ol'EHATIONfi,    17U-17C2.  [1720. 

The  death  of  George  I.,  which  had  occurred  at  Osnabriick  on 
June  11th,  17'27,  made  no  difference  to  the  foreign  policy  of  Great 
Britain.  George  II.,  in  his  first  message  to  Parhament,  while 
expressing  a  hope  that  peace  would  be  re-established  as  a  result 
of  the  deliberations  then  in  progress,  pointed  out  that  it  was  still 
necessary  to  continue  the  preparations  for  war.  Eleven  ships  had 
already  been  commissioned  in  January  ;  and,  as  the  sincerity  of 
Spain  remained  in  some  doubt,  fifteen  more  were  commissioned  in 
June,  1728.  When  Parliament  re-assembled  in  January,  1729,  the 
Congress  at  Soissons  had  failed  to  devise  tenns  of  peace  that  were 
satisfactory  to  all  the  numerous  parties  concerned,  and  the  Spaniards 
in  the  West  Indies  were  more  troublesome  than  ever  to  British 
trade.  But  the  manifest  determination  of  the  King  to  stand  by 
his  allies  ;  his  plainly-expressed  intention  to  preserve  his  "  undoubted 
right  to  Gibraltar  and  the  island  of  Minorca"  ;  ^  his  assurance  that 
he  would  secure  satisfaction  for  Spanish  depredations  in  the  West 
Indies  ;  and  his  orders,  issued  on  May  25th,  for  the  commissioning 
of  twenty  sail  of  the  line  and  five  frigates,-  were  not  without 
effect ;  the  result  being  that,  by  the  Treaty  of  Seville,  concluded 
on  November  9th,  1729,  Great  Britain,  Spain,  and  France,  who 
wei'e  subsequently  joined  by  Holland,  became  defensively  allied. 
Gibraltar  was  not  mentioned  in  the  treaty ;  and  the  fact  that 
it  was  not  mentioned  was  regarded  as  a  tacit  renunciation  of  the 
claim  of  Spain  to  the  Kock ;  but,  in  some  other  respects,  the 
settlement  was  disadvantageous  to  Great  Britain,^  and,  upon 
the  whole,  it  was  beneficial  rather  to  France  than  to  any  other 

During  the  peace  which  followed,  Admiral  Sir  Charles  Wager,'' 
in  1731,  assisted  the  Marques  de  Mari  in  convoying  a  large  body  of 
Spanish  troops  to  Leghorn,  in  order  to  place  Don  Carlos  de  Bourbon 
in  possession  of  Parma  and  Piacenza,  to  which,  under  the  terms  of 
the  treaty,  the  Prince  had  become  entitled  by  the  death  of  the 
Duke  of  Parma.  Yet,  notwithstanding  this  friendly  co-operation 
between  Great  Britain  and  Spain  in  Europe,  the  relations  between 

'  Answer  of  the  Iviiig  tu  the  Coramuiis,  March  25th,  172!J. 

^  These  were  presently  joined  at  Spithead  by  fourteen  Dutch  ships  under  Vice- 
Adnural  van  Soramelsdijck. 

^  Tt  did  not,  fur  example,  secure  satisfaction  for  the  Spanish  depredations  in  tlie 
West  Indies. 

*  He  had  his  flag  in  the  Naraur,  'JO.  Hear- Admiral  Sir  John  Balchen.  Kt.  (W.), 
in  the  Norfulk,  80,  was  second  in  command. 


run  ruGA  l  a  tininTEi). 


the  representatives  of  the  two  countries  in  the  New  World  became 
ever  more  and  more  strained.  And  even  in  Eiu'ope  very  menacing 
clouds  arose  when,  in  17315,  the  death  of  Augustus  II.,  Elector  of 
Saxony  and  King  of  Poland,  brought  about  a  hostile  combination 
of  France,  Spain,  and  Sardinia  against  tlie  Empire.  Great  Britain, 
as  a  necessary  measure  of  precaution,  connnissioned  no  fewer  than 


(From  Ffihei'^s  I'lifimviinj  aftir  tin'  jniint'niit  hi/  T.  (^ihsufu 
rcpirm'ntiiitj  Httdtlock  ivhin  Jlnir-Admjnrl  nf  !}ir  Jlnl,  17ii.^.) 

eighty-six^  ships  of  war  early  in  1734,  recalled  British  sailors  from 
the  service  of  foreign  powers,  and  offered  bounties  to  seamen. 

In  1735,  a  dispute  having  broken  out  between  Spain  and  Portugal, 
the  latter  power  solicited  British  aid  against  the  Spaniards  ;  and, 
in  response,  a  large  fleet,  under  Admiral  Sir  John  Norris,  with 
Vice- Admiral    Sir   John   Balchen  (R.),  and  Eear-Admiral  Nicholas 

^  Bi'ingmg  up  the  total  miinljer  iu  commission  to  one  Iniudred  and  twentj'. 
VOL.    III.  E 

50  MAJOJ;    OPEL-ATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1738. 

liaddock'  (W.),  was  dispatched  to  Lisbon,  sailing  from  Spithead  on 
May  27th,  and  reaching  the  Tagus  on  June  9th.  The  demonstration 
was  made  not  only  in  the  general  interests  of  peace,  but  also  in 
the  particular  interests  of  the  many  British  merchants  whose  welfare 
was  more  or  less  dependent  upon  the  safety  of  the  then  homecoming 
Portuguese  flota  from  Brazil ;  and  it  was  so  efficacious  that  an  actual 
rupture  between  the  two  countries  was  prevented. 

Yet  Spain  was  not  to  be  permanently  intimidated.  After  Fi-ance, 
going  behind  the  backs  of  her  allies,  had  patched  up,  vastly  to  her 
own  benefit,  her  differences  with  the  Empire  by  the  treaty  of 
December  28th,  1735,  Great  Britain,  awaking  to  the  fact  that  she 
had  been  neglecting  her  own  peculiar  business  in  order  to  be  ready 
to  intervene  on  behalf  of  powers  that  deserved  no  such  kindness  at 
her  hands,  once  more  turned  her  attention  to  the  outrages  which 
had  for  j'ears  been  committed  upon  her  commerce  by  the  Spaniards 
in  the  West  Indies.  In  1737  she  sent  Kear-Admiral  Nicholas 
Haddock  to  the  Mediterranean  with  a  squadron,  the  appearance  of 
which  was  intended  to  lend  weight  to  the  demands  which  she  then 
felt  it  necessary  to  make.  Spain  haggled  and  temporised.  In  reply 
to  an  address  from  the  Commons,  King  George  II.,  on  March  6th, 
1738,  said  :  "I  am  fully  sensible  of  the  many  and  unwarrantable 
dej)redations  committed  by  the  Spaniards,-  and  you  may  be  assured 
I  will  make  use  of  the  most  proper  and  effectual  means  that  are  in 
my  power  to  procure  justice  and  satisfaction  to  my  injured  subjects, 
and  for  the  future  security  of  their  trade  and  navigation." 

Still,  however,  Spain  temporised.  A  paper  presented  to  Parlia- 
ment in  1738  showed  that  since  the  Treaty  of  Seville  the  loss 
caused  to  British  merchants  by  the  operations  of  the  Spaniards 
had  been  upwards  of  i'140,000,  that  fifty-two  British  vessels  had 
been  taken  and  plundered  by  them,  and  that  British  seamen  had 
been  very  cruelly  treated.  This  caused  much  excitement.  Then 
came  the  examination  by  the  House  of  persons  who  had,  or  were 
alleged  to  have,  suffered  at  the  hands  of  the  Spaniards.  Among 
these  persons  was  Richard  Jenkins,  sometime  master  of  the  Bebecca, 
brig,  of  Glasgow.  He  declared  that  his  craft  had  been  boarded  by 
a  guarda-costa,  whose   captain   had   wantonly  cut   off  one   of   the 

'  Nicholas  Haddock.  Burn,  168G.  Captain,  1707.  Eear-Admiral,  173-1.  Vice- 
Admiral,  17-11.     Admiral.  1744.     Died,  1746. 

^  Accounts  of  some  of  tliese,  and  further  notes  about  Jenkins,  -vvill  be  found  in  the 
next  chapter. 

1739.]  JENKINS'S   EARS.  51, 

deponent's  ears,  and  handed  it  to  him  with  the  insolent  remark  : 
"  Garry  this  home  to  the  King,  your  mastcir,  whom,  if  he  were 
present,  I  would  serve  in  lik(!  fashion."  "  The  truth  of  the  story," 
says  Mr.  Lecky,  "  is  extremely  doubtful."  It  has  even  been  said 
that  Jenkins  lost  his  ear  at  the  pillory.  Yet  the  indignation  ai-ousc;(l 
by  the  man's  deposition  was  general ;  and  popular  opinion  grew 
uncontrollable  when  it  became  known  that,  upon  having  been 
asked  by  a  member  what  were  his  feelings  at  the  moment  of 
the  outrage,  Jenkins  had  replied:  "I  recommended  my  soul  to 
God,  and  my  cause  to  my  country." 

Spain  at  length  agreed  to  make  some  reparation,  and  to  settle 
outstanding  differences.  The  convention  to  this  effect  was  sub- 
mitted to  Parliament  in  1739,  and,  after  a  most  stormy  debate, 
approved  of ;  yet,  when  the  time  came  for  it  to  be  carried  out, 
fresh  difficulties  cropped  up,  and  Spain,  possibly  because  she  had 
gained  by  negotiation  all  the  delay  which  she  deemed  necessary  to 
enable  her  to  perfect  her  preparations,  silently  declined  to  play 
her  promised  part.  At  about  the  same  time,  owing  to  the  pre- 
carious state  of  affairs,  the  British  consuls  at  Malaga,  Alicant, 
and  other  Spanish  ports,  were  compelled  to  advise  British  merchants 
and  vessels  to  depart  thence  with  all  haste. 

Great  Britain  was  to  be  satisfied  only  by  the  adoption  of  strong 
measures ;  and  on  July  10th,  1739,  the  King  issued  a  proclamation 
in  which  he  set  forth  that  the  Spaniards  had  committed  depredations, 
and  that  they  had  promised  and  failed  to  make  reparation  ;  and  in 
which  he  authorised  general  reprisals  and  letters  of  marque  against 
the  ships,  goods,  and  subjects  of  the  King  of  Spain.  Half-hearted 
endeavours  were  made  at  the  last  moment  to  preserve  peace ;  but 
Spain  declared  that  she  regarded  the  making  of  reprisals  as  a 
hostile  act ;  France  reminded  the  world  that  she  was  bound  to 
look  upon  the  enemies  of  Spain  as  her  own  foes ;  and  Holland 
averred  that,  if  called  upon  to  do  so,  she  could  not  but  observe 
the  spirit  of  her  treaty  of  alliance  with  Great  Britain. 

The  British  minister  presently  withdrew  from  Madrid,  and  the 
Spanish  minister  from  London  ;  the  British  squadrons  abroad  were 
reinforced  ; '  numerous  ships  were  commissioned ;  stringent  measures 
were  adopted  to  procure  the  necessary  number  of   seamen  for  the 

'  Information  as  to  the  state  of  affairs  was  also  sent  to  Commodore  Charles  Brown, 
who  was  senior  officer  at  Jamaica,  and  who  at  once  began  reprisals.  For  an  account  of 
them,  see  next  chapter. 

E    2 

52  MA.Iol:    (irKUATlOSS,    1714-17GL'.  [1739. 

tieet;  letters  of  marque  were  aiiiiouiiced  on  July  'Jist'  as  ready  for 
issue  by  the  Admiralty  ;  and  on  October  'iSrd,  1739,  war  was 
formally  declared  against  Spain,  which  put  lorwaid  hvr  own 
declaration  on  November  '28tli. 

The  power  of  Spain  was  then  most  vulnerable  in  the  AVest 
Indies  and  the  Pacific.  An  expedition  under  Captain  George  Anson, 
of  whose  proceedings  an  account  will  Ik;  found  in  Chapter  XXIX., 
was  prepared  for  the  Pacific,  but  did  not  sail  until  the  autumn  of 
1740.  Dispatched  primarily  for  warlike  purposes,  and  originally 
intended  to  co-operate  with  another  force  under  Captain  James 
Cornwall,  Anson's  command,  owing  to  various  adventitious  circum- 
stances, gained  for  its  leader  an  even  more  brilliant  reputation  as 
a  navigator  than  as  a  fighting  officer ;  and  the  history  of  it  falls 
naturally  among  the  chronicles  of  the  great  British  voyages.  But  an 
expedition  to  the  West  Indies,  which  was  entrusted  to  Vice-Admiral 
Edward  Vernon  (1),  (B.),'  was,  from  beginning  to  end,  entirely  a 
fighting  venture ;  and  as  it  was  not  without  effect  upon  the  issue 
of  the  war,  it  may  fitly  be  described  here,  although  it  led  up  to  no 
fleet  action,  and  although  it  did  not,  to  any  appreciable  extent, 
directly  strengthen  the  maritime  position  of  Great  Bi-itain. 

Edward  Vernon  was  a  blunt,  well-intentioned,  honest,  and  very 
popular  officer,  whose  chief  service  faults  were  that  he  could  not 
always  control  either  his  tongue  or  his  pen,  and  that  he  was  too 
fond  of  vulgar  applause.  He  had  served  in  the  West  Indies  for 
several  years  after  his  first  appointment  as  a  post-captain,  and 
was  generally  believed  to  have  an  intimate  acquaintance  with  the 
whole  of  that  station  and  with  the  weak  points  of  the  Spanish 
position  there.  He  had  also  been  for  a  long  time  member  of 
Parliament  for  Ipswich  and  for  Penryn ;  and,  in  the  course  of  one 
of  the  debates  upon  the  depredations  of  the  Spaniards,  he  had  taken 
upon  himself  to  declare  in  strong  terms  that  the  Spanish  possessions 
in  the  West  Indies  might  be  reduced  -with  great  ease,  and  that 
Puerto   Bello,'   in   particular,   might   be   taken   by   a   force   of   six 

^  Edward  Vernon  was  born  in  1G8-1,  and  became  a  Post-Captain  in  1706,  and  a 
Vice-Admiral,  witliout  liaving  ever  been  a  Rear-Admiral,  on  .July  9th,  1739.  Having 
captured  Puerto  Bello,  etc.,  in  that  and  the  next  year,  he  led  an  attack  upon  Cartagena 
in  1741.  In  1745  he  attained  the  rank  of  Admiral,  but,  in  the  following  year,  owing, 
among  other  things,  to  his  fondness  for  pamphleteering,  he  was  struck  off  the  list  of 
flag-oflScers.     See  note  on  p.  Ill,  i»/ra.     He  died  iu  1757. 

^  Puerto  Bello  stands  on  the  north  side  of  the  Isthmus  of  Darien,  and  is  abou 
seventy  miles  from  Panama.     It  has  a  considerable  bay  and  good  anchorage. 




ships  of  the  hue.  He  said,  moreover,  that  he  would  gladly  venture 
liis  life  and  reputation  upon  the  success  of  such  an  enterprise,  if 
only  he  were  permitted  to  attempt  it.  Vernon  was  popular  in  the 
country,  and  troublesome  to  the  ministry  ;  and  the  Government, 
anxious  to  be  temporarily  rid  of  him,  and  perhaps  equally  ready 
to  take  credit  for  his  triumph  or  to  rejoice  over  his  disgrace, 
promoted  him,  and  gave  him  exactly  the  mission  and  force  which 
he  had  demanded. 

iFroin  McAnkll's  I'/tijntri/hj  tttlir  the  portrait  bij  T.  (liiiiixhorunaU,  li.A.') 

Vernon  sailed  from  Portsmouth  on  July  24th,  1739,^  with  four 
ships  of  seventy  guns,  three  of  sixty,  one  of  fifty,  and  one  of  fort)*. 
Of  these,  he  presently  detached  three  of  the  seventies,  viz.,  the 
Lenox,  Captain  Covill  Mayne,  Elizabeth,  Captain  Edward  Falking- 
ham  (1),  and  Kent,  Captain  Thomas  Durell  (1),  to  cruise  for  a  month 
off  Cape  Ortegal,  and  to  look  out  for  some  treasure-ships  which  were 
daily  expected  in  Spain.  The  vessels  were  to  return  afterwards  to 
'  Hu  ilid  uot,  liowever,  leave  Plymouth  until  August  .'inl. 

54  MAJOR    OrEItATlONti,    1714-1762.  [1739. 

England.  He  also  detached  the  Pearl,  50,  Captain  the  Hon. 
Edward  Legge,  to  cruise  for  three  months  between  Lisbon  and 
Oporto.  With  the  rest  of  his  force  he  crossed  the  Atlantic,  reaching 
Jamaica  on  October  23rd.'  There  he  was  joined  by  the  senior 
officer  already  on  the  station.  Commodore  Charles  Brown,  whose 
broad  pennant  was  in  the  Hampton  Court,  70. 

On  the  voyage  out  Vernon  took  every  opportunity  of  disciplining 
his  men,  and  of  exercising  them  both  at  the  heavy  guns  and  at  small 
arms ;  and  there  is  little  doubt  that,  under  his  direction,  his  small 
squadron  rapidly  became,  for  its  size,  the  most  efficient  that  Great 
Britain  had  sent  to  sea  for  many  years. 

The  intelligence  received  by  the  Vice-Admiral  was  to  the  effect 
that  the  Spanish  galleons  were  about  to  make  rendezvous  at 
Cartagena,  and  to  proceed  thence  to  Puerto  Bello,  where  they  would 
exchange  their  European  goods  for  the  gold  and  silver  which  had 
been  sent  for  the  purpose  from  Panama.  The  news  that  the  bullion 
was  already  at  Puerto  Bello  determined  A'ernon  to  lose  no  time  in 
attacking  that  place.  He  obtained  pilots,  embarked  two  hundred 
soldiers  under  Captain  Newton,  and,  on  November  5th,  1739,  sailed 
from  Port  Eoyal."  On  the  following  day  he  issued  the  following 
instructions  to  his  captains  : — 

"  Ujiou  making  the  land  at  Puerto  Bello,  and  having  a  fair  wind  to  favour  them, 
and  daylight  for  the  attempt,  to  have  their  ships  clear  in  all  respects  for  imm'ediate 
service  ;  and,  on  the  proper  signal,  to  form  themselves  into  a  line  of  battle,  as  directed  ; 
and,  being  formed,  to  follow  in  the  same  order  of  battle  to  the  attack,  in  the  manner 
hereafter  directed.  And  as  the  north  shore  of  the  harbour  of  Puerto  Bello  is 
represented  to  the  Admiral  to  be  a  bold  steep  shore,  on  which,  at  the  first  entrance, 
stands  the  Castillo  de  Ferro,  or  Iron  Castle,  Commodore  Brown,  and  the  ships  that 
follow  him,  are  directed  to  pass  the  said  fort,  within  less  than  a  cable's  length  distant, 
giving  the  enemy  as  they  pass  as  warm  a  fire  as  possible,  both  from  great  guns  and 
musketry.  Then  Commodore  Brown  is  to  steer  away  for  the  Gloria  Castle,  and  anchor 
as  near  as  he  ]iossibly  can  to  the  eastermost  part  of  it,  for  battering  down  all  the 
(lefences  of  it,  but  so  as  to  leave  room  for  Captain  Maj'ne,  in  the  Worcesttr,  to  anchor 
astern  of  him  against  the  westermost  bastion,  and  to  do  the  same  there  ;  and  to  follow 
such  orders  as  the  Commodore  may  think  i)roper  to  give  him  for  attacking  the  said 
castle.  Captain  Herbert,  in  the  Sonmch,  after  giving  his  fire  at  the  Iron  Castle,  is  to 
push  on  for  the  castle  of  San  Jeronimo,  lying  to  the  eastward  of  the  town,  and  to 
anchor  as  near  it  as  he  possibly  can,  and  batter  it  down ;  and  Captain  Trevor,  in  the 
Strafford,  following  the  Admiral,  to  come  to  an  anchor  abreast  of  the  eastermost 
part  of  the  Iron  Castle,  so  as  to  leave  room  for  Captain  Waterhouse,  in  the  Princess 
Louisa,  to  anchor  astern  of  him,  for  battering  the  westermost  part  of  the  (/astle;  and 

'  Having  called  in  the  meantime  at  Antigua  and  St.  Kitt's. 

-  With  the  ships  mentioned  in  the  table  infra,  and  the  Sheerness,  20,  Captain  Miles 
Stapleton.     This  vessel  was  preseutlj"  detacheil  to  reconnoitre  Cartagena. 



coiitinuu  there  till  the  service  is  euuipleloil,  aiul  make  lliemselves  masters  of  it:  tlie 
youngest  officers  to  follow  the  further  orders  of  the  elder  in  the  further  prosecution  of 
the  attack :  and,  if  the  weather  be  favourable  for  it  on  their  going  in,  each  ship, 
besides  having  her  long-boat  towing  astern,  to  have  her  barge  alongside  to  tow  the 
long-boats  away  with  such  jiart  of  the  soldiers  as  can  conveidently  go  in  them,  and  to 
come  under  the  Admiral's  stern,  for  his  directing  a  descent  with  them,  where  he  shall 
find  it  most  proper  to  order  it.  From  the  men's  inexperience  in  service,  it  will  be 
necessary  to  be  as  cautious  as  possible  to  prevent  Imi'i-y  and  confusion,  and  a  fruitless 
waste  of  powder  and  shot.  The  captains  are  to  give  the  strictest  orders  to  their 
respective  otlicers  to  take  the  greatest  care  that  no  gun  is  fired  but  what  they,  or  those 
they  particularly  appoint,  first  see  levelled,  and  direct  the  firing  of;  and  tliat  they  shall 
strictly  prohibit  all  their  men  from  hallooing  and  ntaking  irregular  noise  that  will  only 
serve  to  throw  them  into  confusion,  till  such  time  as  the  service  is  performed  and  when 
thej'  have  nothing  to  do  but  glory  in  the  victory.  Such  of  the  ships  as  have  mortars 
and  cohorns  on  board  are  ordered  to  use  them  in  the  nttacU." 

Link  oi^  Batti.k  at  the  AxrACK  ox  Pitekto   I'.ki.i.d,  Xllv^:^^'.l■:l^  I'lsr,   ITMii. 



Hampton  Court, 

Worcester  . 


J^riucess  Loiiitui^ 

Commodore  (!haiies  Brown, 
.'aptain  Digby  Dent,  (ii ). 

„        Richard  Herbert. 

„        Perry  Mayne. 
Yice-Adiiiiral  Edward  Vernon,  (B.). 
C'a]itain  Thomas  Watson  (1). 

„        'Phomas  Trevor. 

,,        Thomas  Waterhouse. 

The  squadron  sighted  Puerto  JJello  in  the  night  of  November  ^Oth, 
and  chased  into  harbour  some  small  vessels,  which  apprised  the 
enemy  of  Vernon's  presence  on  the  coast.  That  he  might  not  be 
driven  to  leeward,  the  Vice-Admiral  anchored  about  six  leagues  from 
the  shore.  Early  on  the  '21st  he  weighed,  and,  the  wind  being 
easterly,^  he  plied  to  windward  in  line  of  battle  ahead.  At  about 
2  P.M.,  the  Hampton  Court,  being  close  to  the  Iron  Castle,  began  the 
attack,  and  was  well  seconded  by  the  Noncivh  and  Worcester.  The 
fire  of  the  enemy,  vigorous  at  first,  gradually  lessened.  Seeing  this, 
Vernon,  who  was  rapidly  approaching,  signalled  for  the  manned 
boats  to  go  under  his  stern,  and  then  ordered  them  to  land  beneath 
the  walls  of  the  castle.  In  the  meantime,  the  Burford,  which  had 
come  abreast  of  the  castle,  had  received  and  returned  a  very  heavy 
fire.  The  men  in  her  tops  forced  the  enemy  to  abandon  his  lower 
battery,  whereupon  the  landing-party  made  an  assault,  and,  by 
climbing  into  the  embrasures  upon  one  another's  shoulders,  the  men 
entered,  and  quickly  carried    the  work,  most   of   the   defenders  of 

'  This  prevented  tlie  attack  from  being  carried  out  in  tlie  jiresci'lbed  manner. 


MJJdj;    (tl'KHJ'nONS,    I7M-1702. 


wliicli    fled  to  the  town,  tliout^h  ;i  few  Kbut   tliuinselves  ux)  in  the 
keep,  whence  they  presently  shouted  appeals  for  quarter. 

By  that  time  night  had  come  on.  Owing  to  the  wind,  Commo- 
dore Brown  and  his  division  had  been  unable  to  get  up  the  bay  and 
attack  the  castles  of  Gloria  and  San  Jeronimo,  and  his  ships,  having 
fallen  to  leeward,  were  obliged  to  anchor,  ready  to  proceed  at 
daybreak   should    the  wind   permit.      The   lUirford   and    Htrafford, 

Attack  on  Pcekto  Bei.lo,  Xovember  21st.,  1739. 

{Fj'om  a  plan  hij  Com.  Jamt'n  Bt'ntonc  kindly  lent  by  Lord  Vernon.) 

C.  Warcester. 

D.  Noririeh. 

E.  Biirfurd. 

F.  Hnoipton  Court. 

G.  Strafford. 

H.  Princess  Louisa. 
1.  Two  tenders, 
-fir.  Two  Spanish  giiarda-eostas. 
21.  Three  trading  sloops. 
0.  Boats  on  their  wav  to  land  soldiers. 

which  were  just  within  reach  of  the  heaviest  guns  in  Gloria,  were 
fired  at  all  night,  but  received  little  damage  beyond  the  wounding  of 
the  former's  fore  topmast.  The  fire  was  returned  wdth  effect  from 
the  lower  deck  of  the  Burford.  Early  in  the  morning  of  the  2'2nd, 
the  Vice-Admiral  went  on  board  the  Hampton  Court,  and,  after  he 
had  consulted  with  his  ofiicers,  directed  steps  to  be  taken  for  warping 
his  ships  up  the  harbour  during  the  night,  in  order  to  be  able  to 

17.51I.]  VEItNUN   ON    TIIK   SPANISH   MA  FN.  57 

attack  Gloria  and  San  Jeronimo  on  tiio  I'oUovving  day.  But  these 
measures  proved  to  be  unnecessary.  The  Spanish  governor,  Don 
Francisco  Martinez  de  lletez,  hoisted  a  white  flag,  and  sent  out  a 
boat  with  a  flag  of  truce  to  convey  to  Vernon  the  terms  on  wliicli 
the  place  would  be  surrendered.  These  terms  were  deemed  in- 
admissible by  the  Vice-Admiral,  who  drew  up  others  which  he  was 
prepared  to  grant.  He  allowed  the  governor  only  a  few  hours  in 
which  to  make  up  his  mind;  yet,  well  within  the  specified  time,  the 
terms  were  accepted.  Captain  Newton,  with  two  hundred  soldiers, 
was  sent  to  take  possession  of  the  town  and  castles  ;  and  detachments 
of  seamen  boarded  the  vessels  in  port.  The  crews  of  these  had,  it 
appeared,  landed  during  the  previous  night,  and  committed  various 
outrages.  The  garrison  was  allowed  to  march  out  with  the  honours 
of  war,  and  to  carry  off  two  cannon  with  ten  charges  of  powder  for 
each.  The  inhabitants  were  permitted  either  to  remove  or  to  remain, 
and  were  promised  security  for  their  goods  and  efl'ects.  The  ships  ' 
were  surrendered  absolutely,  though  their  crews  were  permitted  to 
retire  with  their  personal  effects.  And,  contingent  upon  the  due 
performance  of  all  the  stipulations,  the  town,  the  clergy  and  the 
churches  were  guaranteed  protection  and  immunity  in  their  privi- 
leges and  properties." 

Public  money  to  the  amount  of  ten  thousand  dollars  was  found 
in  the  place,  aird  at  once  distributed  by  Vernon  among  his  men. 
There  were  also  taken  forty  pieces  of  brass  cannon,  ten  brass  fleld- 
pieces,  four  brass  mortars,  and  eigliteen  brass  patereroes,  besides 
iron  guns,  which  were  destroyed,  but  not  carried  oft".  The  fortiflca- 
tions  were  then  demolished — a  work  which  needed  the  expenditure 
of  one  hundred  and  twenty-two  barrels  of  captured  Spanish  powder, 
and  which  occiipied  three  weeks. ^ 

On  November  '27th,  the  Diamond,  40,  Captain  Charles  Knowles, 
and  on  November  29th,  the  Wiitchur,  (50,  Captain  George  Berkeley, 
and  the  Anglesey,  40,  Captain  Henry  Keddish,  joined  the  flag  from 
the   Leeward   Islands  ;    and  on   December   6th,  the  Sheerness,  '20, 

1  One  of  them,  a  snow,  was  commissioned  as  tlie  Triumph,  sloop,  by  Commandei- 
James  Eentone,  wlio  was  sent  home  with  Vernon's  dispatches.  Another  prize  was 
renamed  the  Astriea,  12. 

2  The  loss  on  the  British  side  during  tlie  attack  was  almost  incredibly  small,  the 
liurfurd  and  Worcester  having  each  three  killed  and  five  wounded,  and  the  Hampton 
Court  having  one  man  mortally  wounded. 

=  In  the  service  Captain  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen  assisted  as  a  volunteer.  His 
shiji,  the  S/wi-fham,  20,  was  at  the  time  unfit  for  sea. 

58  MAJOR    OPJ^nATIONS,    1714-1702.  [1739. 

Captain  Miles  Staplc^ton,  wliicli  liad  been  detaclied  to  reconnoitre 
Cartagena,  returned.  While  the  Vice-Admiral  still  lay  at  Puerto 
Bello,  be  sent  to  Panama  a  demand  for  the  release  of  certain  servants 
of  the  South  Sea  Company,  who  were  confined  in  that  city ;  and, 
although  Vernon,  being  on  the  wrong  side  of  the  isthmus,  was 
scarcely  in  a  position  to  have  hacked  up  his  demand  by  force,  the 
governor,  who  seems  to  have  been  greatly  impressed  by  the  easy 
captuie  of  Puerto  Bello,  saw  fit  to  comply.  The  Vice-Admiral 
sailed  on  December  18th  for  Jamaica. 

The  news  of  the  success  was  hailed  with  great  joy  in  England, 
and  Vernon  was  voted  the  thanks  of  both  Houses,  and  the  freedom 
of  the  City  of  London  in  a  gold  box.  Commander  James  Eentone, 
the  bearer  of  the  intelligence,  was  presented  with  two  hundred 
guineas,  and  made  a  post-captain.  The  Ministry  realised  that  it 
could  do  nothing  more  popular  than  follow  up  the  blow  already 
struck,  and  it  at  once  arranged  to  send  to  Jamaica,  if  possible  in  the 
early  autumn,  a  strong  military  force  composed  of  two  regiments  of 
infantry,  and  six  newly-raised  regiments  of  Marines — the  whole 
under  Major-General  Lord  Catbcart — to  be  employed  by  Vice- 
Admiral  Vernon  in  the  prosecution  of  further  designs  against  the 
Spaniards  in  the  AVest  Indies  and  Central  America.  It  was  also 
decided  to  endeavour  to  recruit  in  the  North  American  Colonies  a 
corps  of  three  thousand  men,  to  be  commanded  by  Colonel  Spottis- 
wood,'  and  to  be  sent  to  Jamaica  to  strengthen  the  hands  of  Lord 
Catbcart  upon  his  arrival. 

In  the  interval,  the  Spaniards,  thoroughly  alanned  for  the 
security  of  their  empire  in  the  New  World,  sent  to  the  West  Indies 
a  strong  squadron,-  with  troops  and  stores,  under  Admiral  Don 
liodrigo  de  Torres.  They  also  jsrevailed  upon  France  to  proclaim 
not  only  that  she  was  in  strict  alliance  with  Spain,  but  also  that  she 
could  not  suffer  Great  Britain  to  make  new  settlements  or  conquests 
in  the  West  Indies ;  and  this  proclamation  was  succeeded  by  the 
dispatch  across  the  Atlantic  of  three  French  squadrons.  One,  of 
four  ships  of  the  line,  under  the  Chevalier  de  Nesmond,  left  Brest  on 
July  '28th.  A  second,  of  eighteen  sail,  under  the  Marquis  d'Antin, 
quitted  the  same  port  towards  the  end  of  August,  and,  soon  after  its 
departure,  suffered  so  severely  in  a  storm,  that  two  or  three  of  its 

'  This  officei'  unfortunately  died  in  A'irginia  ere  the  troo]is  which  lie  had  ccjllected 
couUl  be  embarked. 

-  This  sailed  from  Spain  on  .Jidy  lOtli,  17+0. 

17J0.]  VEBNON  AT   CARTAGENA.  59 

best  vessels  bad  to  return.  The  tliird,  of  fifteen  sail,  under  tbe 
Marquis  de  La  Roche-AUard,  weij^died  from  Toulon  on  August  25tb. 
Wben  be  bad  passed  tbe  Strait  of  Gibraltar,  tlu;  Marquis  opened 
bis  orders,  and,  in  pursuance  of  them,  sent  back  to  port  four 
of  bis  largest  sbips.  Proceeding  with  tbe  rest,  he  made  a  junc- 
tion with  tbe  other  squadrons  at  Martinique  in  September  and 

But  tbe  force  there  assembled  was  formidable  chiefly  on  paper. 
The  vessels  were  not  in  good  condition,  and  they  were  both  ill- 
manned  and  ill-found.  Many  of  them  bad  been  much  damaged  by 
bad  weather  ere  they  arrived  ;  and  when  they  essayed  to  move  in 
company  from  Martinique  to  Hispaniola,  they  fell  in  with  another 
storm  which  caused  serious  losses,  and  reduced  them  to  a  condition 
of  impotence. 

That  they  had  been  sent  out  to  co-operate  with  Spain  is 
certain.  But  before  they  bad  an  opportunity  of  co-operating, 
reinforcements  had  reached  Vernon :  and  tbe  situation  in  Europe 
had  been  changed  by  tbe  death  of  tbe  Emperor  Charles  VI.,  on 
October  '20th,  and  by  the  accession  of  tbe  Elector  of  Bavaria  as 
Charles  VII.  France  then  decided  to  hold  her  band,  to  recall  her 
squadrons,'  and  to  postpone  her  definite  rupture  with  Great  Britain. 
It  is  not  necessary,  therefore,  to  further  follow  tbe  movements  of  tbe 
French.  As  for  tbe  Spanish  squadron  under  Don  Rodrigo  de 
Torres,  it  reached  San  Juan  de  Puerto  Rico  in  a  sorely-damaged 
condition  in  September,  and  there  slowly  refitted.  In  course  of  time 
it  went  on  to  Cartagena,  threw  additional  troops  into  the  town,  and, 
leaving  a  detachment  under  Don  Bias  de  Leso  in  the  roadstead, 
proceeded  to  Havana. 

Vernon's  squadron,  on  its  voyage  from  Puerto  Bello  to  Jamaica, 
was  dispersed  and  shattered  by  a  storm.  All  the  vessels,  neverthe- 
less, reached  Port  Royal  by  February  6th,  1740,  except  the  Triumph, 
sloop,  which  had  foundered  off  Sambala  Keys,  bi;t  tbe  officers  and 
men  of  which  had  been  saved.  Tbe  Greenwich,  50,  Captain  Charles 
Wyndbam,  with  four  bombs,  some  firesbips,  and  several  other 
craft,  was  found  in  harbour.  The  Vice-Admiral  did  all  that  lay  in 
his  power  to  speedily  refit  his  command,  but,  finding  that  tbe 
Burford  would  take  some  time  to  prepare  for  sea,  be  transferred  his 
flag  from  her  to  the  Strafford,  60,  and  sailed  on  February  25th  with 
tbe  greater  part  of  his  force,  leaving  tbe  rest  of  it,  under  Commodore 

'   Except  a  few  sliips  left  .'it  Hisiiaiiinhi  uiuler  tlie  Conitc  de  liuquefeuil. 


MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-17G2. 


Charles  Erowii,  lor  the  protection  of  Jamaica.     His  deteriuination 
was  to  bombard  Cartagena. 

On  March  1st,  the  Vice-Admiral  sighted  the  land  near  Santa 
Martha,  and,  having  detached  the  GrecnwicJi,  ^jO,  to  ply  to  windward 
of  that  place,  to  intercept  any  vessel  that  might  be  bomid  thither,  he 
bore  away  ;  and,  on  the  evening  of  the  3rd,'  anchored  in  nine  fathoms 
off  Playa  Grande,  in  the  open  bay  before  Cartagena.     On  the  4th 

vice-.\dmii:al  sir  charlks  knowles. 
iFrom  Fabci's  mczzutiiit  after  thf  pnrtraif  bij  T,  Hudson.) 

and  5th  he  reconnoitred  the  place,  and  made  his  dispositions  ;  and  on 
the  6th  he  ordered  in  the  bombs  Alderney,  8,  Commander  James 
Scott,  Terrible,  8,  Commander  Edward  Allen,  and  Cumberland,  8, 
Commander  Thomas  Brodrick,-  with  the  tenders  Pompey  and 
Goodly,  and  other  craft  to  assist  them,  to  bombard  the  town.     This 

'  On  which  day  be  had  been  joined  by  the  Fnhnoutli,  50,  Captain  William 

^  This  officer,  who  died  a  Vice-Admiral  in  1769,  in  later  life  spelt  his  name 
Broderick  ;  but  it  was,  properly,  Brodrick. 

iTlO.]  VEBNON  AT  CIIA(1RE8.  61 

they  did  until  \)  a.m.  on  the  7th,  receiving  no  dainii^^e  whatsoever, 
and  probably  doing  little,  although  they  terril)ly  frightened  the 
inhabitants.  It  is  difficult  to  understand  why  Vernon  made  this 
demonstration,  for  he  knew  well  that  the  force  which  he  had  with 
him  was  insufficient  to  take  the  city.  It  has  been  suggested  that 
his  action  was  intended  as  a  reply  to  an  insulting  letter  which  he 
had  received  from  Don  Bias  de  Leso,  and  this  is  certainly  a  plausible 
explanation,  for  the  quick-tempered  Vice-Admiral  was  ever  fully 
as  eager  to  resent  a  slight  offered  to  himself  as  he  was  to  resent 
one  offered  to  his  country.  It  does  not,  however,  appear  that  the 
bombardment  of  Cartagena  assisted,  in  the  slightest  degree,  the 
general  policy  which  Vernon  had  been  sent  westward  to  carry  out. 

From  Cartagena  he  coasted  along  the  Gulf  of  Darien,  exchanging 
shots  with  Bocca  Chica  as  lie  passed,  and  making  observations 
concerning  the  defences  of  the  various  towns.  He  detached  the 
Windsor,  60,  Captain  George  Berkeley,  and  the  GreenicicJi,  50, 
Captain  Charles  Wyndham,  to  cruise  off'  Cartagena  with  the  object 
of  looking  out  for  the  galleons  and  of  intercepting  three  Spanish 
ships  of  war  which,  he  had  heard,  were  about  to  attempt  to  join 
Don  Bias  de  Leso  there.  Vernon  then  proceeded  to  Puerto  Bello 
to  refit  and  water  his  squadron.  He  was  rejoined  on  March  13th 
by  the  Diamond,  40,  Captain  Charles  Knowles,^  an  officer  in  whom 
he  appears  to  have  reposed  exceptional  confidence.  Knowles  was 
ordered  to  go  on  board  the  Success,  fireship,  10,  Commander  Daniel 
Hore,"  and,  accompanied  by  one  of  the  tenders,  to  move  round  to 
the  mouth  of  the  River  Chagres,  there  to  reconnoitre  and  to  make 
soundings  with  a  view  to  reporting  on  the  manner  in  which  the 
fort  of  San  Lorenzo  and  the  town  of  Chagres  might  best  be 
attacked.  Measures  were  also  taken  to  blockade  the  estuary.  The 
Vice-Admiral  obtained  much  information  and  assistance  from  an 
English  pirate  or  buccaneer  named  Lowther,  who,  in  consequence, 
received  the  King's  pardon  and  permission  to  return  home. 

On  March  2'2nd  the  Strafford,^  the  NonvicJi,  the  three  bomb 
ketches,  and  the  small  craft,  put  to  sea  from  Puerto  Bello,  instruc- 
tions being  left  for  the  other  vessels  to  follow  as  soon  as  possible. 

'  Charles  KnowleB.  Born,  1702.  Captain,  IToT.  Eear-Ailrairal,  1747.  Coiii- 
niander-in-Chief  at  Jamaica,  1748.  Captured  Port  Louis,  Hlspaniola.  Defeated 
Eeggio  off  Havana,  October  1st,  1748.  A'ice- Admiral,  1755.  Admiral,  1758.  Baronet, 
17G5,  and  Rear-Admiral  of  Great  Britain.     Served  lUissia,  1770-1774.     Died,  1777. 

■•^  Or  Hoare. 

'  In  wliich  tlie  Yice-Adnjiral  still  Hew  liis  flair. 

G2  MAJOR    OI'EltATIONS,    1714- 17G2.  [1740. 

The  Strafford  met  witli  a  slight  uccident  on  the  passage,  and  was 
detained  i'or  a  few  licnirs,  hut  the  Norwich,  by  order,  proceeded  with 
the  remaining  craft,  and  by  3  p.m.  Captain  liichard  Herbert,  with 
the  assistance  of  Captain  Knowles,  had  not  only  placed  his  bombs 
in  position,  but  had  begun  to  bombard  Fort  San  Lorenzo.  The 
Diamond  also  opened  fire  in  the  evening;  and,  during  the  night,  the 
Strafford,  Princess  Louisa,  and  Falmouth,  arrived  and  took  up  their 
stations.'  The  ships  maintained  a  leisurely  fire  from  their  heavier 
guns  until  March  '24th,  when  the  governor  of  the  place,  Don  Juan 
Cailos  GutieiTez  de  Zavallos,  surrendered.  Captain  Knowles  took 
possession  in  the  course  of  the  afternoon. 

A  large  amount  of  booty,  including  cocoa,  Jesuit's  bark,  and 
wool,  valued  at  ±70,000,  besides  plate,  etc.,  was  captured.  Two 
guarda-costas,  found  in  the  river,  were  destroyed ;  all  the  brass 
guns  and  patereroes  -  in  the  defences  were  embarked  in  the 
squadron ;  and,  after  the  works  had  been  demolished,  Vernon 
quitted  the  river  on  March  30th.  He  was  rejoined  on  the  31st 
by  the  Windsor  and  Greenwich  from  before  Cartagena,  and  on 
April  2nd  by  his  old  flagship,  the  Burford,  from  Jamaica.  After 
making  dispositions,  which  proved  to  be  vain,  for  intercepting  the 
new  Spanish  viceroy  of  Santa  Fe,  who  was  on  his  way  out  from 
Ferrol,  the  Vice-Admiral  returned  to  Jamaica,  sending  Captain 
Knowles  home  with  dispatches. 

A  little  later,  Vernon,  advised  from  Lisbon  of  the  Spanish 
preparations  for  sending  out  the  squadron  under  Don  Rodrigo 
de  Torres,  and  of  the  actual  departure  from  Cadiz  of  a  squadron, 
the  supposed  destination  of  which  was  the  West  Indies,  put  to  sea 
again,  hoping  to  fall  in  with  the  enemy ;  but,  having  encountered 
bad  weather,  and  having  failed  to  get  any  news  of  his  foe,  he 
returned  to  Port  Eoyal  on  June  '21st.  During  the  summer  his 
cruisers  were  active,  but  he  was  himself  detained  in  port  by  lack 
of  supplies.  On  September  5th,  however,  a  number  of  store-ships, 
convoyed  by  the  Defiance,  60,  Captain  John  Trevor,  and  the  Tilhwry, 
60,  reached  him,  and  on  October  3rd  he  was  able  to  put  to  sea  once 
more.     On  the  19th  he  fell  in  with  eight  transports,  convoyed  by  the 

'  The  ships  engaged  in  the  attack  on  Chagres  were  the  Strafford,  60,  Princess 
Lottisa,  60,  Falmouth,  50,  Noru-ich,  50,  Diamond,  40,  Aldrrney,  Terrible,  and 
Cumbe.rhuid,  hombs,  and  Pomjiey  and  Goodly,  tenders.  The  commanders  of  all  these 
have  already  been  named.  In  addition,  there  were  the  fireships,  Success,  10,  Com- 
mander Daniel  Hore,  and  Eleanor,  10,  Commander  Sir  Robert  Henley,  Bart. 

^  There  were  eleven  brass  guns  and  as  nianv  iiatereroes. 


Wolf,  sloop,  lU,  Coiuuiandcr  W  illiam  Daiidridgc,  and  ladcju  willi 
troops  from  North  America.'  These  he  escorted  to  Jamaica.  Soon 
afterwards  he  heard  of  the  arrival  at  Cartagena  of  Don  Kodrigo  de 
Torres,  and  at  Martini(]ue  of  the  Manpiis  d'Antin  ;  and  not  having 
force  sufficient  to  justify  him  in  risking  an  encounter  at  sea  with  his 
known  enemies,  even  if  they  were  not  assisted  by  his  suspected  ones, 
he  remained  at  Port  Royal,  anxiously  awaiting  news  of  the  jjroniised 
reinforcements  from  England. 

These  reinforcements,  which  included  the  transports  carrying 
Lord  Cathcart's  army,  were  to  have  been  under  the  orders  of 
Vice- Admiral  Sir  John  Balchen.  But  Balchen's  division  of  men- 
of-war  consisted  only  of  one  3rd-rate,  five  4th-rates,  and  one 
Gtli-rate  ;  and  when,  after  the  armament  had  actually  put  to  sea 
and  had  been  driven  back  to  port  by  contrary  weather  in  August, 
tlie  Ministry  learnt  wliat  powerful  squadrons  Spain  and  France  had 
dispatclied  across  the  Atlantic,  it  was  decided  to  make  new  arrange- 
ments. Balchen's  orders  were  cancelled,  and  a  very  much  larger 
and  entirely  different  squadron,  under  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle  (1),  was 
appointed  to  escort  the  troops.  The  change  of  plan  necessarily 
involved  much  delay,  and  it  was  not  until  October  '2Gth  that  the 
fleet  at  length  sailed. 

It  cleared  the  Channel ;  but  on  October  31st,  when  it  was  about 
seventy  leagues  to  the  westward  of  the  Start,-  it  met  witli  a  heavy 
gale,  in  which  the  Buckiughani,  70,  Captain  Cornelius  Mitchell, 
Prince  of  Orange,  70,  Captain  Henry  Osborn,  and  Stq)crhe.  60, 
Captain  the  Hon.  William  Hervey,  were  so  badly  damaged  that  the 
first  had  to  be  sent  back  to  Spithead,  and  the  others  had  to  proceed  to 
Lisbon  under  convoy  of  the  Cumberland,  80,  Captain  James  Stewart. 
In  spite  of  these  deductions  the  fleet  still  consisted  of  upwards  of 
twenty  3rd  and  4th-rates,  besides  several  frigates,  fire-ships,  bombs, 
etc.,  under  fiear-Admiral  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle  (1),  Kt.  (B.),  and 
Commodore  Richard  Lestock  (2),  together  with  transports  carrying 
about  9000  troops,  ^  under  Major-General  Lord  Cathcart,  and 
Brigadier-Generals  Thomas  Wentworth,  John  Guise,  and  William 
Blakeney.     It  anchored  on  December  19th,  1740,  in  Prince  Rupert's 

'  These  troopis  had  taken  part  iu  the  fruitless  attack  on  St.  Augustine,  Florida,  some 
account  of  which  will  be  found  in  the  next  chapter. 

2  In  lat.  17°  54'  W. 

^  I.e.  the  1.5tli  and  2-lth  regiments  of  foot,  six  regiments  of  Marines  under  Colonels 
Fleming,  Robinson,  Lowther,  Wynyard,  Douglas  and  Moreton,  and  some  artillery  and 
miscellaneous  detacliments. 

(11  MAJOR    OPEHATIONS,    17U-17G2.  [1740. 

liay,  Dominica  ;  and,  on  tlic  loUowing  day  it  had  to  lament  the 
loss,  by  dysentery,  of  the  mihtary  commander-in-chief.^ 

Sir  Chaloner  weighed  again  for  St.  Kitt's,  his  general  rendez- 
vous, on  December  27th,  and  thence  steered  for  Jamaica.  On  the 
passage  thither,  being  ofi'  the  western  end  of  Hispaniola,  he  sighted 
liiur  large  vessels,  and  signalled  to  the  Prince  Frederick,  70,  Captain 
Lord  Aubrey  Beauclerk,  Orford,  70,  Captain  Lord  Augustus  Fitzroy, 
TAon,  ()0,  Captain  Charles  Cotterell,  Weymouth,  60,  Captain  Charles 
Knowles,  and  two  more  ships  of  the  line,  to  proceed  in  chase.  At 
4  P.M.  the  strangers  -  hoisted  French  colours  ;  but  as  they  did  not 
shorten  sail,  it  was  10  r.M.  ere  the  headmost  British  ship,  the  Prince 
Frederick,  got  up  with  them.  She  hailed  them,  first  in  Enghsh  and 
then  in  French,  and  then,  having  failed  to  get  an  answer,  fired  into 
one  of  the  ships,  which  promptly  returned  a  broadside.  The  Orford 
next  got  into  action  ;  and  she  and  the  Prince  Frederick  engaged  the 
chase  for  about  an  hour  and  a  half  before  the  remaining  ships  could 
approach  within  gunshot.  The  Weijmoidh  was  the  third  to  overhaul 
the  strangers  ;  and,  upon  her  arrival  on  the  scene.  Captain  Knowles 
boarded  the  Prince  Frederick,  and  expressed  his  conviction  that  the 
enemy  was  French.  Lord  Aubrey  Beauclerk  thereupon  made  the 
signal  to  desist ;  yet,  as  the  enemy  continued  firing,  the  engagement 
was  renewed  for  about  half  an  hour.  At  daybreak  Lord  Aubrey  sent 
an  officer  on  board  the  senior  ship  of  the  chase,  and  at  length  it  was 
satisfactorily  established  that  the  strangers  were  indeed  French,  and 
not,  as  Lord  Aubrey  had  at  first  believed,  Spaniards  sailing  under 
French  colours.  The  Prince  Frederick  lost  four  killed  and  nine 
wounded  ;  the  Orford,  seven  killed  and  fourteen  wounded  ;  and  the 
Wei/moiitJi,  two  killed;  and  all  three  vessels  were  much  damaged 

The  French,  who  bitterly  complained  of  the  manner  in  which 
they  had  been  treated,  suffered  much  more  severely.  They  declared 
that,  upon  being  hailed,  they  had  at  once  replied  ;  and  modern 
French  writers  seriously  contend  that  the  true  cause  of  the  action 
was  the  refusal  of  their  senior  officer  to  send  a  boat  to  Lord 
Aubrey,  when  he  called  for  one.  It  is  possible,  seeing  how  un- 
favourable to  Great  Britain  was  the  attitude  of  France  at  the  time, 

'  Lord  Cathcart  was  succeeded  in  the  command  by  General  AVentwortb,  a  far  less 
experienced  and  competent  officer. 

'■'  Ardent,  di,  CuTptam  d'Ei>ma\  ie  Boisgeroult:  J/ercucp,  54-,  Captain  des  Herbiers 
de  I'Etenduere ;  Diamant,  50,  Captain  de  Poisins ;  and  Parfaite,  46,  Captain 
d'Estonrnel.     Gueriu,  iv.  242.     These  vessels  formed  part  of  d'Antin's  sqiia'lron. 

1710.]  BALCHEN'S    CHUJSK.  ()5 

that  neither  Ogle  nor  Lord  Aubrey  was  prepared  to  exercise  much 
forbearance  with  the  French,  and  that  the  action  was  the  result  of 
provocation  and  irritation  on  lioth  sides.  The  squadrons,  however, 
parted  with  mutual  apologies  ;  and  Lord  Aubrey  proceeded  to  rejoin 
Sir  Chaloner  Ogle,  who  arrived  at  Jamaica  on  January  9th,  1741, 
and  there  placed  himself  under  the  orders  of  Vice- Admiral  Vernon. 

It  is  necessary  to  return  for  a  time  from  the  West  Indies,  and  to 
look  at  the  course  of  events  elsewhere. 

The  outbreak  of  war  had  found  Eear-Admiral  Nicholas  Haddock 
(R.)  commander-in-chief  in  the  Mediterranean.  Under  him  was 
Eear-Admiral  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle  (1)  (B.).  At  first.  Haddock  blockaded 
the  Spaniards  in  Cadiz,  but  he  was  soon  drawn  off  by  the  foulness 
of  his  ships  and  by  the  requirements  of  Minorca,  which,  it  was 
supposed,  might  be  attacked  from  other  Spanish  ports ;  and  while 
he  and  Ogle  were  at  Port  Mahou,  such  Spanish  ships  ^  as  had  been 
lying  at  Cadiz  slipped  out,  under  Don  Roderigo  de  Torres,  and  sailed 
to  Ferrol.  Not  long  afterwards,  when  it  appeared  that  Minorca  was 
in  no  danger,  and  that  the  Spaniards  in  the  Mediterranean  were 
weaker  than  had  at  first  been  believed,  Ogle,  with  a  strong  division, 
was  sent  home  by  Haddock.  He  arrived  in  England  on  July  7th, 
1740,  and,  as  had  been  shown,  went  out  later  in  the  year  -  to 
reinforce  Vice-Admiral  Vernon.  No  event  of  importance  occurred 
in  the  Mediterranean  during  the  rest  of  1740. 

Nearer  home,  much  was  designed  but  little  was  effected.  On 
April  9th,  Vice-Admiral  John  Balchen  (R.)  was  dispatched  from 
Plymouth  to  intercept  a  Spanish  treasure  fleet  which,  escorted  by 
a  squadron  under  Admiral  Pizarro,  was  on  its  way  home  from 
America.  Balchen  cruised  in  the  very  track  which  Pizarro  had 
intended  to  take ;  but  the  Spaniards,  learning  of  the  British 
Admiral's  station  and  design,  sent  out  a  fast  dispatch  vessel  which, 
warning  Pizarro,  caused  him  to  make  for  Santander  by  way  of  the 
Lizard  and  Ushant,  instead  of  for  Cadiz  by  way  of  Madeira,  as  he 
had  originally  purposed.  He  consequently  took  his  convoy  safely 
into  port.  To  defeat  Balchen,  Spain  in  the  meantime  fitted  out  and 
sent  to  sea  a  superior  force  under  Admiral  Pintado,  who,  however, 
failed  to  find  his  enemy,  and,  upon  his  return,  was  disgraced. 
Balchen,  against  whose   conduct    no    objections  were  ever    alleged, 

'  'I'heso  were  they  whicli  subsequently  proceeded  to  the  West  Indies,  as  lias  lieen 
already  related. 

-  He  first,  h<i\vever,  cruised  for  a  short  time  under  Sir  John  Xorris.     .SVe  infra. 

VOL.   III.  F 

<>0  MAJOR    OPKliATlONS,    1714    17HL'.  [1741. 

went  back  to  port,  having  done  little  but  capture  the  Princeaa,  70.' 
Later  in  the  year  he  commanded  a  squadron  in  the  Channel. 

The  large  concentration  of  Spanish  force  at  Ferrol,  and  the 
knowledge  that  Spain  cherished  plans  for  aiding  the  Pretender  in 
a  descent  upon  (^-reat  Bi'itain  or  Ireland,  led  to  the  assemblage  of  a 
large  fleet-  at  Spithead.  It  was  entrusted  to  Admiral-of-the-Fleet 
Sir  John  Norris,  and,  undo-  liini,  to  Admiral  Philip  Cavendish  (B.), 
and  Kear-Admiral  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle  (1)  (B.).  Sir  John,  who  hoisted 
his  flag  first  in  the  Victori/,  100,  and  afterwards — the  Victory  having 
been  disabled  by  collision  with  the  Lion,^  60 — in  the  Boyne,  80,  had 
secret  instructions ;  but  what  they  were  is,  even  now,  not  certainly 
known.  It  is  supposed  by  some  that  he  had  orders  to  attack  Fen-ol, 
but  this  is  upon  the  whole  unlikely.  It  is  more  probable  that  his 
force  was  designed  merely  to  convoy  outward-bound  merchantmen 
until  clear  of  the  Channel,  and  to  be  ready  for  any  special  service 
that  might  appear  desirable.  The  Admiral  of  the  Fleet  took  to 
sea  with  him  as  a  volunteer  Prince  William  Augustus,  Duke  of 
Cumberland,^  second  son  of  George  II.  The  fleet  sailed  from 
St.  Helen's  on  July  10th,  but  was  three  times  driven  back  into  port 
by  contrary  weather :  and  on  Aiigust  '28th,  Sir  John,  being  then  in 
Torbay,  hauled  down  his  flag  and  departed  for  London  with  the 
young  Duke. 

In  1741  the  proceedings  of  the  fleets  in  home  waters  were  equally 
luiinteresting.  In  July,  and  again  in  October,  the  Admiral  of  the 
Fleet  and  Admiral  Philip  Cavendish  put  to  sea  with  a  considerable 
force  and  cruised  off  the  north  coast  of  Spain ;  but,  beyond  picking 
up  a  few  small  prizes,  the  command  did  nothing.  It  returned  to 
Spithead  on  November  0th. 

In  the  Mediterranean,  Vice-Admiral  Haddock,  who  was  from 
time  to  time  reinforced  from  England,  endeavoured  to  prevent  the 
junction  of  a  Spanish  squadron  which  lay  in  Cadiz  with  the  French 
fleet  which  la}-  in  Toulon,  and  to  intercept  the  transport  of  Spanish 
trooiDS  from  Barcelona  to  Italy.  But  he  failed  in  both  objects. 
While  Haddock  was  refitting  at  Gibraltar,  the  Tordon  fleet,  under 

'  For  au  account  of  her  capture,  .s«-  uext  chapter. 

-  Made  up  of  one  ship  of  100  guns,  eight  ships  of  SO,  five  of  70,  seven  of  60,  and 
one  of  50,  besides  smaller  craft. 

'  The  Vidori/  carried  away  her  head  and  bowsprit :  tlie  Lion  lost  Iter  foremast, 
and  twenty-eight  men  who  were  tln'own  overboard  by  the  shock. 

*  Tlie  victor  of  Culloden,  then  in  his  twentieth  year.  This  short  cruise  seems  to 
have  decided  him  to  adopt  a  mihtary  instead  of  a  naval  career. 

1741.]  IIADDUCK   MISSES   NAVAUllO.  07 

M.  La  Bruyere  de  Court,  weiglied  and  steered  towards  tlie  Strait ; 
and  Don  Jose  Navarro,  from  Cadiz,  issued  forth  to  meet  and  join 
hands  with  it.  Haddock  suffered  Navarro  to  pass  by  him,'  and  only 
went  in  cliase  when  it  was  too  lii.l(;  to  ]>r('vciit  tlie  accomplishment 
of  the  junction.  His  advanced  frigates  sighted  the  allies  off  Cape 
de  Gata  on  December  7th,  1741,  and  the  British  and  Spanish  fleets 
were  distantly  visible  one  from  the  other  on  the  following  morning ; 
but  at  that  time  the  junction  was  actually  being  effected.  The 
Vice-Admiral  called  a  council  of  war  which,  in  view  of  the  fact  that 
French  neutrality  could  not  be  depended  upon,-  judged  it  inadvisable 
to  continue  the  pursuit.  Soon  afterwards  the  French  and  Spanish 
fleets  proceeded  to  Barcelona  and  eml)arked  1.5, 00()  men,  who  were 
thence  transported  to  Orljetello,  in  Tuscany,  there  to  act  against  the 
allies  of  Great  Britain.  The  ill-success  both  of  Norris  and  of 
Haddock  was  doubtless  due  rather  to  the  nature  of  the  instnictions 
given  to  these  officers  by  the  Ministry  than  to  any  fault  on  the 
part  of  either.  Popular  indignation  rose  high,  especially  when  it 
became  known  that  the  passage  of  Spanish  reinforcements  to  Italy 
had  not  been  prevented :  and  the  general  discontent  on  this  subject 
contributed  much  to  the  fall  of  Sir  Robert  Walpole's  administration. 
In  the  West  Indies,  as  has  been  said.  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle  joined 
Vice-Admiral  Vernon  at  Jamaica  on  January  9th,  1741.  A  fleet 
such  as  had  never  before  been  assembled  in  the  waters  of  the 
New  World  was  now  at  the  disposal  of  the  British  commander, 
who,  unlike  his  fellow-admirals  in  Europe,  had  very  full  powers  to 
act  as  he  might  deem  best  for  the  advantage  of  the  service. 
"  Bfetter,"  says  Beatson,  "had  it  been  for  Great  Britain  if  his 
powers  had  been  more  limited ;  for,  had  he  been  directed  to  proceed 
immediately  against  the  Havana,  there  can  be  no  .  doubt  but  he 
would  have  succeeded  in  reducing  that  place  before  the  hurricane 
months  set  in.  His  instructions  pointed  strongly  at  this  as  the 
most  proper  place  to  commence  his  operations  :  and  letters  from  the 
most  able  and  well  informed  of  his  friends^  in  England  strongly 
enforced  this  idea." 

'  Hadtkick,  wliii  had  Itt't  cruisers  to  watch  Cadiz,  seem.s  ti)  liave  been  very  ill-serveil 
by  Ids  scouts. 

^  ,The  Frauco-Siiainsli  tieet  outnumbered  tlie  British  by  nearly  two  to  one. 

^  "  'Take  and  hold,'  is  tlie  cry.  Tliis  points  plainly  to  Cuba,  and  if  the  people  of 
Faigland  wei-e  to  give  you  instructions,  I  may  venture  to  say,  ninety-nine  in  a  hundred 
would  be  for  attacking  that  island."  Pulteney  to  Vernon,  August  17, 1740,  in  '  Letters 
to  an  Honest  Sailor.' 

F   2 

68  MAJOR    OI'EIIATIOAS,    1714-17C2.  [1711. 

It  would  seem  that,  up  to  the  day  of  Ogle's  arrival,  Vemon  had 
formed  no  distinct  plans  for  the  future.  He  had  been  looking 
forward  to  talking  over  everything  with  Lord  Cathcart,  in  whom 
he  had  reason  for  placing  the  highest  confidence.  But  Cathcart 
died,  and  Wentworth,  who  took  his  place,  was  an  officer  of  veiy 
inferior  ability,  for  whom  Vernon,  from  the  first,  entertained  dislike 
and  distrust.  Wentworth,  it  is  fair  to  add,  did  not  deserve  this. 
He  appears  to  have  been  sensible,  if  not  very  able ;  and  he  was 
certainly  anxious  to  do  for  liis  country  the  best  that  lay  in  liis 

As  the  result  of  a  council  of  war  held  on  January  10th,'  it  was 
determined  to  proceed  with  the  whole  force  to  windward  to  observe 
the  motions  of  the  French  at  Port  Louis  in  Hispaniola.  Vernon 
formed  his  large  fleet  into  three  divisions,  one  under  himself,  one 
under  Ogle,  and  one  under  Commodore  Bichard  Lestock.  Part  of 
the  force  got  out  of  harbour  on  January  '22nd,  but  the  whole  did  not 
make  an  offing  until  January  29th.  On  February  8th  it  was  off 
Cape  Tiburon,  the  western  point  of  Hispaniola.  There  the  Vice- 
Admiral  was  rejoined  by  the  Wolf,  10,  Commander  William 
Dandridge.  She  had  been  sent  ahead  to  gain  intelligence,  and 
she  reported  that  there  were  in  Port  Louis  nineteen  large  ships,  one 
of  which  had  a  flag  at  the  main,  and  another  a  broad  pennant  flying  ; 
but,  when  the  fleet  arrived  off  the  place  on  the  12th,  it  was  found 
that  Dandridge  had  been  mistaken,"  and  that  there  were  in  port  only 
some  unrigged  merchantmen  and  a  large  frigate.  Three  days  later 
Vernon  obtained  permission  from  the  governor  of  Port  Louis  to 
wood  and  water  the  fleet,  and  learnt  that  the  Marquis  d'Antin 
had  returned  to  Europe.  At  another  council  of  war  it  was 
decided,  mainly  in  deference  to  Vernon's  representations,  to  attack 
Cartagena.  The  fleet,  therefore,  weighed  on  January  25th,  the 
WcijDioiifh,  GO,  Captain  Charles  Knowles,  Experiment,  20,  Captain 
James  Eentone,  and  a  sloop,  being  sent  ahead  to  sound  the  coast 
and  to  find  a  safe  anchorage  for  the  huge  flotilla,  which  consisted, 
with  the  transports,  of  a  hundred  and  twenty-four  sail. 

Vernon    dropped    anchor    in    the    Bay   of    Playa   Grande  ^   on 
March  4th,  and  at  once  made  such  a  disposition  of  his  small  craft 

'  There  were  present,  in  addition   to  Vernon  and  Ogle,  Oovernur  Trelawney  of 
Jamaica,  and  Generals  Wentworth  and  Guise. 

"  He  was  misled  by  a  haze  which  prevailed  when  he  made  his  reconnaissance. 
^  It  is  to  the  windward  df  Cartagena,  between  it  and  Point  Canoa. 

ITU.]  CARTAGENA.  <i!> 

as  to  suggest  that  he  intended  them  to  cover  a  diseniharkali(jn  ol 
the  army.  This  had  the  desired  effect.  It  drew  a  large  part  of  the 
enemy's  troops  down  to  the  shore  in  that  neighliourliood,  and 
induced  them  to  hegin  throwing  up  intrenchments  there. 

But  no  actual  attack  was  made  until  March  9th,  and  in  tiie 
meantime  the  Spanish  garrison  of  four  thousand  men,  besides 
negroes  and  Indians,  and  the  naval  force  under  Don  Bias  de  Ijeso, 
perfected  its  preparations  for  defence. 

The  following  description  of  Cartagena,  as  it  then  was,  is  mainly 
from  Beatson  : — ^ 

'I'lie  city  is  in  a  great  measure  siirroumled  by  water.  It  is  divided  iiitu  two 
unequal  parts,  the  city  of  Cartagena,  and  its  suburb,  called  Xiniani.  The  walls  of  the 
former  are  washed  by  the  waves  of  the  Bay  of  Mexico  ;  but,  on  account  of  some  rocks, 
and  perpetual  surf,  there  is  no  approaching  it  on  that  side.  The  water  on  tlie  outside 
of  the  harbour  is  seldom  smooth,  so  that  landing  is  at  most  times  difficult.  The  only 
entrance  to  the  harbour  is  upwards  of  two  leagues  to  the  westward  of  the  city,  between 
two  narrow  peninsulas,  the  one  called  Tieriva  Bomba,  the  other  called  the  Baradera. 
This  entry  is  called  Boca  Chica,  or  the  Little  Mouth,  and  is  so  narrow  that  only  one 
ship  can  enter  at  a  time.  It  was  defended,  on  the  Tierra  Bomba  side,  by  a  fort  called 
San  Luis,  a  regular  square,  with  four  bastions,  mounted  with  eighty-two  pieces  of 
cannon  and  three  mortars;  but  the  counterscarp  and  glaces  were  not  completed.  To 
this  were  added  Fort  San  Felipe,  mounted  with  seven  guns,  and  Fort  Santiago,  of 
fifteen  guns,  and  a  small  fort  of  four  guns,  called  Battery  de  Chamba.  These  served  as 
outworks  to  Fort  San  Luis.  On  the  other  side  of  the  harbour's  mouth  lies  a  fascine 
battery,^  called  the  Baradera ;  and,  in  a  small  bay  at  the  back  of  that,  another  battery 
of  four  guns.  And,  facing  the  entrance  of  the  harbour,  on  a  small,  flat  island,  stood 
Fort  San  Jose,  of  twenty-one  guns.  From  this  fort  to  Fort  San  Luis,  a  strong  boom, 
made  of  logs  and  cables,  was  laid  across,  fastened  with  three  large  anchors  at  each  end; 
and  just  behind  the  boom  were  moored  four  ships  of  the  line.  Beyond  this  passage  lies 
the  gi'eat  lake  or  outer  harbour  of  Cai-tagena,  several  leagues  in  circumference,  and 
land-locked  on  all  sides.  About  mid-way  to  the  town,  it  grows  narrower ;  and,  within 
less  than  a  league  of  it,  two  points  project  into  the  lake  from  the  inner  harbour.  ( >n 
the  northmost  of  these  was  a  strong  fort  called  Castillo  Grande,  being  a  regular  square 
with  four  bastions,  defended  to  the  land  by  a  wet  ditch  and  glacis  proper.  The  face  of 
the  curtain,  towards  the  sea,  was  covered  by  a  raveliu,  and  a  double  line  of  heavy 
cannon.  The  number  of  guns  in  this  fort  was  fifty-nine,  though  there  were  embrasures 
for  sixty-one.  On  the  opposite  point  was  a  horseshoe  battery  of  twelve  guns,  called 
Fort  Mancinilla.  In  the  middle,  between  these  two  forts,  is  a  large  shoal  with  otdy  a 
lew  feet  of  water  on  it.  On  each  side  of  this  were  sunk  large  ships.  At  the  end  of  the 
inner  harbour  stands  the  city  of  Cartagena,  on  two  flat  sandy  keys  or  islands,  well 
fortified  to  the  land,  and  with  lakes  and  morasses  running  round  it.  On  the  fortifica- 
tion of  the  city  are  mounted  one  hundred  and  sixty  guns,  and  on  those  of  the  suburbs, 
one  hundred  and  forty.  South  of  the  city,  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile  from  the  Ximani 
gate,  stands  Foi-t  San  Lazar,  on  an  eminence  about  fifty  or  sixty  feet  high.  It  is 
composed  of  a  square  of  fifty  feet,  having  three  demi-bastions,  and  two  guns  in  each 

'  '  Nav.  and  Mil.  Mems.'  iii.  24. 

'^  It  was  for  fifteen  2-1-pounders  ;  Imt  these  seem  not  to  have  been  mounted  until 
after  operations  had  been  begun. 

70  MAJOJt    OPEIiATlONS,    1714-1702.  [1741. 

face,  oue  iu  eacli  llaiik,  ami  three  in  each  curtain.  It  completely  commands  the  town  ; 
but  there  is  a  hill  about  t'nur  liuiulrcd  yards  IVoni  it  whicii  overlooks  and  commands  it 

Early  in  the  iiioriiiug  o!  March  'Jth,  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle,  who  hail 
shifted  his  flag  from  the  Bussell,  80,  to  the  Jersey,  (50,  Captain  I'citer 
Lawrence,  and  who  had  General  Wentworth  with  him,  moved  with 
his  division,^  towards  the  mouth  of  the  harhour.  He  was  presently 
followed  by  Vice-Admiral  Vernon  and  his  division,-  convoying  the 
transports  full  of  troops.  The  third  division,^  under  Commodore 
Lestock,  was  left  at  anchor,  so  as  to  distract  the  attention  of  the 

The  Princess  Amelia,  80,  was  specially  told  off  to  attack  Battery 
de  Chamba,  and  the  Norfolk,  80,  Ihissell,  80,  and  Shrewsburij,  80, 
were  similarly  told  off  to  batter  forts  Santiago  and  San  Fehpe.  As 
the  division  of  Ogle  approached,  Chamba  opened  fire,  but  was  soon 
silenced  by  the  Princess  Amelia,  Captain  John  Hemmiugton.  At 
about  noon  the  Norfolk,  Captain  Thomas  Graves  (1),  Russell,  Captain 
Hany  Norris,  and  the  Slireivsbury,  Captain  Isaac  Townsend, 
anchored  in  their  assigned  positions  and  fired  so  vigorously  that 
both  the  forts  opposed  to  them  were  rendered  untenable  within  an 
hour.  They  were  then  taken  possession  of  by  landing  parties. 
Generals  Wentworth  and  Guise,  and  Colonel  Wolfe  also  landed  soon 
afterwards,  and  on  that  day  and  the  10th,  most  of  the  troops  were 
put  ashore.  These  initial  successes  were  gained  at  little  cost.  Only 
six  men  were  killed  on  board  the  Norfolk  and  Bussell,  and  although 
the  Shrewsbury  had  her  cable  shot  away  and  fell  into  a  position 
where  she  lay  for  seven  hours  under  a  most  infernal  fire  from  two  or 
three  hundred  guns  she  had  but  twenty  killed  and  forty  wounded. 
She  received,  however,  two  hundred  and  forty  shot  in  her  hull,  and 
of  these  sixteen  were  between  wind  and  water. 

The  following  days  were  employed  in  landing  guns  and  stores ;  in 
forming  a  camp  in  a  somewhat  ill-chosen  position,  before  Fort  San 

'  Princesft  Amelia,  80,  Windsor,  60,  I'ui/i-,  (JO,  Norfolk,  80,  Russell,  80,  Shrews- 
bury, 80,  Ripon,  60,  Lichfield,  50,  Jersey,  60,  Tilbury,  60,  Experiment,  20,  Sheer- 
ness,  20,  Vesuvius,  fireship,  IWrible,  bomb.  Phaeton,  fireship,  and  Goodly,  tender. 

-  Orford,  70,  Princess  Louisa,  60,  Worcester,  GO,  Chichester,  80,  Princess  Caroline 
(flag),  80,  Tnrhay,  80,  Strafford,  60,  Weymouth,  60,  Deptford,  60,  Burford,  70, 
Squirrel,  20,  Shoreham,  20,  Eleanor,  10,  Seahorse,  20,  tlie  fireships  Stromholu,  Success, 
Vulcan  and  Cumherland,  the  tender  Pomjipy,  and  a  brig. 

'  Defiance,  60,  Dunkirk,  60,  Lion,  60,  Prince  Frederick,  70,  Boyne,  80,  Hiinipton 
Court,  70,  Falmouth,  50,  Montagu,  60,  Suffolk,  70,  ^4s^-oeo,  12,  Wolf,  10,  the  fireships 
j£tna  and  Firebrand,  and  the  Virgin  Queen,  tender. 


Liuis ;  and  in  (]uaii'el8  between  Wcntworlli  and  Vernon,  wlio  was 
dissatisfied  with  the  manner  in  whieh  tlii^  engineers  ihd  their  work, 
and  who  used  unbecoming  language  to  tlie  military  commander-in- 
chief.  As  the  camp  was  exposed  to  the  fire  of  the  Spanish  fasciae 
battery  on  the  Baradera  side,  an  attack  upon  this  was  made  on  the 
night  of  March  li)th,  when  tlie  hoats  of  the  fleet,  under  Cai)tain 
Thomas  Watson  (1),  of  the  Princess  Caroliite,  Captain  Harry  Norris, 
of  the  Russell,  and  Captain  Charles  Colby,  of  the  Boijne,  landed  a 
party  of  five  hundred  seamen  and  soldiers  commanded  by  Captains 
the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen,  of  the  Hhurrham,  William  Laws,  and 
Thomas  Cotes,'  E.N.  The  party  was  put  ashore  about  a  mile  to 
leeward  of  the  Baradera  Battery,  under  the  very  muzzles  of  a 
masked  battery  of  five  guns  that  had  been  thrown  up  on  the  beach  ; 
but,  although  a  little  confused  at  first  by  the  hot  fire  which  was 
opened  from  this,  the  men  promptly  rushed  it,  and  then,  pushing  on, 
carried  the  Baradera  Battery  itself,  and,  suffering  very  little  loss, 
spiked  the  guns,  and  set  the  carriages,  fascines,  platforms,  magazines 
and  guard-houses,  on  fire. 

This  well-managed  exploit  relieved  the  army  before  San  Luis ; 
but  there  was  much  sickness  in  the  camp,  the  works  did  not  progress 
with  the  expected  rapidity,  and  Vice-Admiral  Vernon  grew  daily 
more  impatient  and  irritable.  To  add  to  his  annoyance,  the 
Spaniards  partially  refitted  the  abandoned  Baradera  Battery,  and 
again  began  to  fire  upon  the  camp  from  it.  They  were  driven  out 
by  the  Ripun,  60,  Captain  Thomas  Jolly,  which  later  prevented  any 
further  attempts  from  being  made  to  mount  guns  there.  The  main 
British  battery  opened  against  Fort  San  Luis  on  the  morning  of  the 
21st ;  and  on  that  and  the  next  day  a  furious  fire  was  maintained  on 
both  sides. 

On  the  morning  of  March  '23rd,  a  general  attack  upon  all  the 
forts  and  batteries  was  begun.  Commodore  Lestock,  with  the 
Bo//ne,  8U,  Captain  Charles  Colby,  Princess  Amelia,  80,  Captain 
John  Hemmington,  Prince  Frederick,  70,  Captain  Lord  Aubrey 
Beauclerk,  Hampton  Court,  70,  Captain  Digby  Dent  (2),  Suffolk, 
70,  Captain  Thomas  Davers,  and  Tilbury,  60,  Captain  Robert  Long, 
engaged  the  Spanish  forts,  batteries  and  ships,-  there  not  being  room 
to   bring  more  vessels    to   bear  upon  the  enemy's  defences.      The 

'  'I'lie  military  ofticers  were  Captains  .James  Murray  and  \\'ashingtoii. 
-  (jidicia,    70,    flag   of    Don    Bias   de   Leso ;    Sun    Carlos,   66,   Africa,    60,    ami 
San  FcUpr,  (iO. 

72  MAJOll    OPEHATJONH,    1714-1702.  [1741. 

Boijue  suffered  so  severely  that  she  had  to  be  called  off  at  night ;  the 
Fri)ice  Frederick,  which  lost  her  captain/  and  the  Hampton  Court, 
very  much  shattered,  had  to  be  recalled  on  the  following  morning. 
The  other  ships  did  excellent  service,  and  were  less  injured ;  yet  it 
was  found  expedient  to  withdraw  even  these  on  the  24th.  During 
this  attack,  the  chief  engineer  was  mortally  wounded :  on  the  other 
hand,  Fort  San  Luis  was  breached,  and  General  Wentworth,  who 
went  in  person  to  view  the  effect  of  the  bombardment,  determined  to 
assault  the  place  on  the  night  of  March  25th. 

Vernon  undertook  to  make  a  diversion  on  the  Baradera  side, 
and,  in  the  afternoon  of  the  25th,  landed  Captain  Charles  Knowles 
and  some  seamen  near  the  I'emains  of  the  fascine  batterj'.  The 
assault  was  then  made  with  complete  success,  and  with  the  loss  of 
but  a  single  man.  Owing  to  the  fall  of  Fort  San  Luis,  the  Spaniards 
had  to  scuttle  or  burn  the  Africa,  San  Carlos,  and  San  Felipe,  and 
they  were  thrown  into  so  much  confusion  that  Captain  Knowles, 
taking  advantage  of  it,  apparently  upon  his  own  authority,  pulled 
across  to  Fort  San  Jose,  on  the  island,  and  stormed  it  without  the 
slightest  difficulty.  Still  unwilling  to  let  shp  what  seemed  to  be  so 
splendid  an  opportunity  for  dealing  serious  blows,  he,  w'ith  Captain 
Thomas  Watson,  forced  a  way  within  the  boom,  and  boarded  and 
took  the  Galicia,  TO.'*  They  also  destroyed  the  boom,  so  that  on  the 
morning  of  the  26th  part  of  the  British  fleet  entered  the  lake.  A 
few  days  later,  it  passed  up  to  the  narrow  entrance  leading  to  the 
harbour  proper,^  and,  upon  its  approach,  the  enemy  abandoned 
Castillo  Grande,  sank  two  line-of-battleships*  which  had  been  moored 
in  the  channel,  and  blew  up  Fort  Mancinilla.  Such  was  the  general 
situation  on  March  31st. ^ 

All  would,  doubtless,  have  continued  to  go  well,  but  for  the 
unhappy  dissensions  between  the  Yice-Admiral  and  the  General.  The 
siege  had  caused  much  disease,  especially  among  the  troops,  which, 
on  March  25th,  had  lost  about  five  hundred  men,  and  had  about  one 
thousand  five  hundred  more  sick  on  board  the  hospital-ships  Princess 
Boijal  and  Scarboroiu/li.  The  fleet  w'as  considerably  less  unhealthy  ; 
yet,  while  the  fleet  had  plenty  of  water,  and,  very  often,  fresh  meat 

'  Whose  place  was  taken  by  Captain  the  Hon.  Edwaril  B(jscawen. 

^  She  was  towed  out. 

*  Called  the  Surgidero,  or  Anchorage. 

*  C'ojiijuistador,  66,  and  Dragon,  60. 

'■  On  April  1st  Vernon  sent  home  a  sanguine  dispatch  which  leached  the  Duke  of 
Xewcastle  on  May  17th,  and  caused  general  exultation. 

1741.]  attach:    on   UAllTAOKNA.  73 

and  turtle,  the  army  sometimes  suffered  from  absolute  want. 
Vernon  seems  to  have  forgotten  that  troops  and  seamen  alike  served 
a  common  sovereign  and  a  common  cause.  He  took  no  measures 
for  supplying  water  to  the  army  ;  he  refused  Wentworth's  reasonable 
request  that  two  or  three  small  craft  should  be  told  off  to  catch 
turtle  for  the  use  of  the  sick  ;  and,  speaking  generally,  his  relations 
with  his  military  colleague  were  unaccommodating;  boisterous,  and 
overbearing.  Wentworth,  in  consequence,  became  disgusted,  and, 
rather  than  seek  the  co-operation  of  so  bearish  and  dictatorial  a  man 
as  Vernon,  he  sometimes  stood  sullenly  aloof,  regardless  of  the 
magnitude  of  the  public  interests  involved. 

On  April  1st  the  Vice-Admiral  moved  his  bomb-ketches,  covered 


(Fniin  an  ori'jinal  ki/idlif  lent  bij  H.S.H.  Ca/jtairr  Fhnri'  Lnr/i.^  uf  Btttfintuni,  li.X. ) 

by  the  Experiment,  '20,  Captain  James  Kentone,  and  the  Shoreham. 
20,  Captain  Thomas  Brodrick,^  into  the  Surgidero ;  and  Commodore 
Lestock,  who  had  re-embarked  the  troops  from  Tierra  Bomba,  joined 
Vernon  off  Castillo  Grande.  On  the  2nd,  three  lireships  took  up 
their  station  within  the  Surgidero  in  order  to  protect  a  projected 
landing  of  troops  at  a  place  called  La  Quinta.  On  the  3rd,  the 
Weymouth,  60,  Captain  Charles  Knowles,  also  passed  the  narrows  ; 
and,  early  on  the  morning  of  the  5th,  General  Blakeney,  with  about 
one  thousand  five  hundred  men,  was  set  ashore,  and  presently 
pushed  forward  towards  Fort  San  Lazar,  the  only  remaining 
outwork  of  Cartagena.  Some  resistance  was  encountered,  but  the 
enemy   eventually   retired.     On   the   6th,    more   of    the   army   dis- 

'  Who  had  succeeded  Captaiu  the  Hon.  E.  Boscaweu. 

74  MA.IUl!    DPKItATlOSS,    1714-17(i2.  [l"!l. 

cuibailcud,  and,  liaviiig  joined  Blakeney's  brigade,  encamped  with  it 
on  a  plain  about  a  mile  from  San  Lazai-. 

On  the  7th,  a  niilitarv  council  of  war  came  to  the  conclusion  that 
Fort  San  Lazar  ought  not  to  be  attempted  until  a  battery  should  be 
raised  against  it,  and  that  the  reduction  of  the  w-ork  would  be  greatly 
facilitated  by  the  co-operation  of  the  bomb-ketches  and  a  ship  of  the 
line  with  the  arm)'.  Vernon,  on  being  informed  of  this,  testily 
leplied  that  he  strongly  disapproved  of  waiting  for  the  erection  of  a 
battery,  and  that,  if  a  battery  should  be  erected  against  so  paltry  a 
fort,  he  felt  sure  that  the  enemy  would  not  wait  for  it  to  be  made 
ready  for  action  ;  but,  in  his  answer,  he  paid  no  attention  to  the 
council's  suggestion  as  to  the  co-operation  of  the  ships ;  nor  could 
Wentworth  induce  the  Vice-Admir'al  to  order  his  vessels  to  cover  a 
detachment  of  troops  which  had  been  posted  with  a  view  to  cutting 
oft'  communication  between  Cartagena  and  the  country  at  its  back. 
In  short,  it  appears  that  Vernon  believed  that  the  army  could  do, 
and  ought  to  do,  all  that  remained  to  be  done,  and  that  Wentworth, 
with  wiser  intuition,  knew  that  only  by  co-operation  could  the 
desired  results  be  attained.  But  sickness  increased  ashore,  water 
grew  daily  scarcer,  and  the  Spanish  defences  became  hourly  more 
formidable ;  and,  in  an  evil  moment,  at  the  pressing  instance  of 
Vernon,  and  against  the  better  judgment  of  some  of  the  land  officers, 
the  storming  of  San  Lazar  was  ordered,  and  was  attempted  before 
daybreak  on  April  9th.  Things  were  mismanaged ;  officers  were 
confused  by  lack  of  detailed  instructions,  and  the  assault  was  repulsed 
with  heavy  loss.' 

Operations  were  continued  for  two  daj's  longer ;  but  on  the  11th 
a  council  of  land  officers  decided  that,  "  without  a  considerable 
reinforcement  from  the  fleet,  it  would  not  be  possible  to  go  on  with 
the  enterprise."  Vernon  still  shut  his  ears  to  the  suggestions  of  his 
military  colleagues ;  and  when  the  council,  having  received  from  him 
a  very  non-pertinent  answer,  reassembled,  it  desired  that  the  Vice- 
Admiral  would  make  arrangements  for  re-embarking  the  forces  and 
stores,  since  it  appeared,  from  his  silence  concerning  the  material 
point,  that  no  reinforcement  was  to  be  looked  for.  On  the  14th, 
after  some  further  interchange  of  messages,  a  general  council  of  war, 
consisting  of  the  sea  as  w^ell  as  of  the  land  officers,  met  on  board  the 
flagship.  The  conference  was  stormy ;  and,  in  the  course  of  it, 
A^ernon  quitted  his  cabin  in  a  passion.  After  his  departure.  Sir 
'  l"he  loss  was  179  killed  :  459  woundeil,  many  mortally;  and  10  taken  prisoners. 

1741.]  WlTlIDItAWAh    FJlOiV    CARTAGENA.  75 

Chaloner  Ogle  gave  reasons  for  ob)(!cting  to  diseiiibai'k  the  seamen 
frona  the  fleet ;  and  Vernon,  who  sat  in  his  stern-walk  within  hearing, 
interjected  a  remark  to  the  effect  that,  if  the  men  were  set  ashore, 
some  of  them  would  inFiillibly  desert  to  the  enemy.  The  Vice- 
Admiral  then  returned  to  his  cabin,  and  the  council  unanimously 
determined  that  the  troops  and  guns  should  be  re-embarked.  In 
pursuance  of  this  decision,  the  guns,  stores,  and  baggage  were 
reshipped  on  the  15tli,  and  the  troops,  only  356i)  of  wliom  remained 
fit  for  duty,  on  the  lOth. 

Vernon,  who  may,  by  that  time,  have  begun  to  feel  uneasy 
concerning  the  effect  which  so  signal  a  miscarriage  would  have  upon 
his  reputation,'  made  a  last,  but  quite  useless  effort,  against  the 
town.  Having  fitted  up  his  prize,  the  Galicia,  as  a  floating  battery 
of  sixteen  guns,  and  having  fortified  her  with  earth  or  sand,  he 
caused  her  to  be  warped  in  as  near  as  possible  to  the  town.  During 
the  morning  of  the  Kith,  under  the  command  of  Captain  Daniel 
Hore,  she  fired  into  the  place  continuously  for  seven  hours.  She 
was  then  so  damaged  that  she  was  ordered  to  cut  her  cables  and 
drift  out  of  gunshot,  but  she  grounded  on  a  shoal,  and  had  to  be 
abandoned."  She  lost  six  killed  and  fifty-six  wounded.  But  for 
the  happy  chance  that  she  grounded,  she  would  probably  have  sunk 
with  all  hands,  for  she  had  received  twenty  shot  between  wind  and 

As  soon  as  the  works  which  had  been  already  taken  had  been 
dismantled  and  destroyed,  the  wretched  remains  of  the  expedition 
sailed  for  Jamaica,  where  the  fleet  arrived  on  May  19th,  and  where 
it  found  a  welcome  convoy  from  England  awaiting  it.  Commodore 
Lestock,  with  many  of  the  heavier  ships  ^  and  five  frigates,  was  soon 
afterwards  sent  home  in  charge  of  the  trade.  Vernon,  chiefly  in 
consequence  of  his  dislike  to  be  further  associated  with  Wentworth, 
wished  to  go  home  also ;  but  the  ministry,  which  adroitly  flattered 
him,  persuaded  him  to  remain. 

'  It  is  also  suggested  that  A'ernon  desired  to  convince  Gener.Tl  Wentwnitli,  by 
actual  experiment,  that  ships  could  not  operate  with  success  against  the  town.  But,  if 
so,  the  experiment  was  not  a  fair  one.  The  OaUcia  did  not  get  near  the  walla  because 
she  approaclied  them  at  the  wrong  point.  Elsewhere  there  was  deep  watei-  within 
pistol-sh(.)t  of  the  ramparts.     Smollett,  vii.  287. 

^  She  was  subsequently  burnt  by  the  British. 

'  Princess  Caroline,  80,  Bussell,  80,  Norfolk,  80,  S/n-eivshury,  SO,  Princess  Amelia, 
80,  Torhay,  80,  Chichester,  80,  Hamilton  Court,  70,  Barfoid,  70,  Windsor,  60,  and 
Fiihiiuufh,  .')0.     Vernon  transferred  his  (lag  to  the  TSnyne,  80. 

76  MAJOR    Ol-EliATlUN!i,    ITH-ITUL'.  [1741. 

The  next  attempt  of  the  fleet  in  the  West  Indies  was  against 
Santiago  de  Cuba.  The  home  Government  would  have  preferred 
to  see  Havana  attacked,  but  the  place  was  strong,  and  the  squadron 
of  Don  Bodrigo  de  Torres  lay  in  the  port.  Governor  Trelawney, 
of  Jamaica,  urged  an  expedition,  across  the  Isthmus  of  Darien, 
against  Panama,  but  gave  way  to  the  representations  of  Vernon, 
Ogle,  Wentworth,  and  Guise,  all  of  whom  voted  for  Santiago  de 
Cuba  as  the  town  which,  upon  the  whole,  offered  the  brightest 
prospects  of  success.  On  June  25th,  therefore.  Captain  James 
Kentone,  in  the  Uipon,  GO,*  was  dispatched  to  reconnoitre  the 
harbour  and  its  defences,  and  on  June  3()th  the  fleet  -  put  to  sea. 
The  Vice-Admiral  left  at  Jamaica  the  Suffolk,  70,  Strafford,  60, 
Dunkirk,  60,  Bristol,  50,  Lichfield,  50,  and  Vulcan,  8,  under 
Captain  Thomas  Davers,  to  protect  the  island  and  its  trade,  and 
ordered  the  York,  60,  Augusta,  60,  and  Depfford,  60,  which  were 
refitting  at  Port  Koyal,  to  be  completed  for  sea,  and  to  be  sent  after 
him,  as  soon  as  possible. 

A  spacious  harbour  lying  near  the  south-east  end  of  Cuba,  and 
then  known  as  ^yalthenham  Bay,^  was  selected  as  the  general 
rendezvous ;  and  there  the  expedition  dropped  anchor  on  July  18th. 
This  harbour  is  about  sixty-five  miles  to  the  eastward  of  Santiago, 
which  occupies  the  head  of  a  much  smaller  bay,  and  which  has 
a  well-defended  narrow  entrance,  closed  at  that  time  by  means  of 
a  substantial  boom.  Santiago  was  supposed  to  be  impregnable  from 
seaward,  and  the  leaders  of  the  fleet  and  army  decided  to  attack  it 
overland  from  Cumberland  Harbour.  To  facilitate  this  operation, 
Vernon  despatched  some  cruisers  to  watch  twelve  Spanish  sail 
of  the  line  which  la^'  at  Havana,  and  which  constituted  a  "  potential  " 
fleet  of  decidedly  dangerous  strength.  He  also  sent  other  vessels 
to  blockade  Santiago ;  and  across  the  mouth  of  Cumberland  Harbour 
he  stationed  six  of  his  largest  ships,  so  that,  should  any  enemy 
approach,   the    transports  within    could    not    be  reached   without   a 

'  Captain  Thomas  Jolly  bad  died  iu  May.  Lord  Augustus  Fitzroy,  of  the  Orford, 
70,  had  also  fallen  a  victim  to  the  climate  soon  after  the  arrival  of  the  fleet  at  Jamaica. 

^  Boyne,  80,  flag  of  Vernon,  Camherlwid,  80,  flag  of  Ogle,  Grafton,  70,  Kent,  70, 
Worcester,  60,  Tilbury,  60,  Montagu,  60,  Chester,  50,  Tiger,  50,  Shoreiiam,  20,  Experi- 
ment, 20,  Sheerness,  20,  Alderney,  bomb,  Strombolo,  Phaeton,  and  Vesuvius,  fireships, 
Bonetta  and  Triton,  sloops.  Princess  Boyal  and  Scarborough,  hospital  ships,  and 
Pompey,  tender,  besides  about  40  transports  carrying  3400  troops. 

^  Re-named  Cumberland  Harbour  by  Vernon.  It  is  the  bay  between  Punto  de 
(i\iantaiianio  and  Caimamtra. 

1741.]  TIIK   FIASCO    IN   CUBA.  11 

severe  struggle.  But  iii  tlie  luoantinu!  W(!iitwortli  lost  heart.  He 
landed,  but  he  did  not  go  far.  The  country  IxU'ort'  hiiu  was  thickly 
wooded ;  his  men  had  rapidly  become  sickly ;  he  found  great 
difficulty  in  dragging  his  guns  along  with  him ;  and,  although 
Vernon  assured  him  that,  if  he  pressed  on,  he  should  find  ships 
before  Santiago  ready  to  co-operate  with  him,  the  General  declined 
to  advance  any  further.  The  Vice-Admiral  in  person  went  round 
to  Santiago  with  a  view  to  seeing  whether,  after  all,  he  could  not 
devise  some  method  of  capturing  it  from  the  sea ;  but  he  was  obliged 
to  agree  that  the  venture  offered  no  chances  of  success.  The  whole 
scheme,  therefore,  was  abandoned,  the  troops  being  re-embarked  on 
November  20th,  and  the  fleet  quitting  Cumberland  Harbour  for 
Jamaica  on  November  28th. 

This  abortive  enterprise  was  as  ill-conceived  as  it  was  pusillani- 
mously  attempted.  It  was  the  professed  desire  of  the  ministry  in 
England,  and  of  the  naval  and  military  chiefs  on  the  spot,  to 
conquer  Cuba.'  Havana  was  then,  as  it  is  now,  the  capital  and  heart 
of  the  island  ;  and  Santiago  was  a  comparatively  insignificant  place 
of  less  strategic  and  commercial  importance  than  to-day.  Yet  it  was 
determined  to  avoid  Havana,  and  to  attack  Santiago,  in  spite  of  the 
fact  that  at  Havana  lay  the  strong  squadron  of  Don  Kodrigo  de 
Torres.  Sane  strategy  would  have  dictated  firstly  the  annihilation 
or  neutralisation  of  that  formidable  "potential"  fleet,  and  secondly 
the  dealing  of  a  blow  at  the  heart  instead  of  at  the  extremities  of  the 
island.  That  Don  Eodrigo  lay  fast,  and  did  not  come  out,  affords  no 
justification  of  the  British  action.  He  might  have  elected  to  come 
out ;  and,  had  he  done  so,  he  might,  with  his  superior  force,  have 
crushed  Vernon,  who  would  have  been  hampered  by  the  presence 
of  his  transports  and  by  the  necessity  of  looking  to  their  safety.  As 
for  the  pusillanimity  with  which  the  descent  was  attempted,  it  is 
sufficient  to  say  that  Wentworth  lay  for  about  three  months,  almost 
inactive,  within  three  or  four  days'  march  of  Santiago ;  that  there 
was  at  no  time  any  considerable  body  of  Spanish  troops  between  him 
and  that  city ;  that  the  landward  defences  of  Santiago  were  known 
to  be  contemptible  ;  and  that  the  delay  involved  the  sacrifice  of 
more  men  than  would  have  perished  in  any  active  operations  that 
could  have  been  necessary  to  secure  the  fall  of  the  place. 

'  Settlers  were  actually  iuvited  to  cross  from  North  America,  and  were  jirumiseil 
grants  of  land  in  the  island. — Speech  of  Gov.  Shirley  at  Boston,  Sept.  23rd,  1741.  The 
re-naming  of  places  by  the  Britisli  leaders  was  also  significant. 

78  •  MAJOIl    (JPEIIATIONS,    ]71-!-lT<12.  [iTtl. 

The  Ministry  censui-ed  botli  Venujii  and  Wentworili,  yet  (jnly 
with  mildness,  and  chiefly  on  account  of  the  personal  quarrels  which 
had  been  allowed  to  spring  up  between  them.  The  Duke  of 
Newcastle,  on  October  31st,  wrote  to  Vernon  : — 

"His  Majesty  has  coiiiiimnded  me  tu  acquaint  yuu  and  (ieneral  Wentworth  tliat 
he  sees  with  great  ci>nceni  the  heals  and  animosities  tliat  have  arisen  hetween  his 
officers  by  sea  and  land,  contrary  to  his  orders,  whereby  tlie  service  cannot  but  greatly 
sufi'er ;  and  I  am  ordered  to  recommend  to  you  in  the  strongest  manner  carefully  to 
avoid  the  like  for  the  future,  and  that,  in  case  of  any  difi'erence  of  opinion,  all  acrimony 
and  AViirriitli  of  ex]iressioTi  should  be  avoided." 

After  the  collapse  of  the  undertaking  had  become  known  in  England, 
neither  Admiral  nor  General  received  from  the  Government  any 
much  stronger  blame  than  this.  Yet  one,  if  not  both,  should  have 
been  recalled.  It  was  obvious,  even  to  their  best  friends,'  that  they 
could  not  work  satisfactorily  one  with  the  other.  Unhappily,  they 
were  allowed  to  embark  together  upon  further  adventures. 

The  transports  from  Santiago  reached  Jamaica  in  safetj',  while 
the  fleet  cruised  for  a  time  off  Hispaniola  in  order  to  protect  the 
arrival  of  an  expected  convoy  ^  from  England.  After  a  time,  the 
Vice-Admiral  left  part  of  his  force,  under  Cai)tain  Cornelius  Mitchell, 
of  the  Kent,  70,  to  look  for  the  convoy,  and  proceeded  to  Jamaica, 
where  a  council  of  war  was  held  on  January  8th,  174'2.  The  council 
eventuallj'  decided  to  adopt  a  plan  which  had  been  submitted  to  it 
by  Lowther,  the  ex-buccaneer,  who  knew  the  country  well.  This 
involved  a  landing  at  Puerto  Bello,  and  a  march  across  the  isthmus 
to  Panama,  with  three  thousand  soldiers,  five  hundred  negroes,  and 
four  hundred  friendly  Mosquito  Indians.  But  many  delays  occm-red. 
In  the  interval,  Lowther,  in  the  Triton,  sloop,  convo}-ed  by 
Captain  Henry  Dennis  in  the  Exjjeriment,  went  to  the  Mosquito 
coast  to  procure  information  and  to  make  arrangements  with  the 
natives.  The  Triton  was  for  this  service  disguised  as  a  trader.  As 
for  Vernon,  who  was  terribly  impatient  at  the  slowness  with  which 
the  land  forces  were  being  got  ready,  and  who  had  learnt  that 
Spanish  reinforcements  were  on  their  way  to  Cartagena,  he  occujjied 
some  of  his  spare  time  in  making  a  cruise  off  Cartagena,  with  the 

'  Piilteney"s  amiable  appeals  to  A'ernuu  to  control  liis  temper  were  almost  pathetic. 
See  especially  Pulteney's  letter  of  Nov.  17th,  1741,  in  'Letters  to  an  Honest  Sailor.' 

-  The  convoy,  consisting  of  the  Oreenwich,  50,  »S'^.  Albans,  50,  and  Foi;  20,  with 
transports  containing  about  two  tnousand  troops,  reached  Jamaica  on  January  15th, 
without  having  sighted  Mitchell's  squadron. 

1711'.]  FAlLlIllEti    Oh'    VERNON   AND    WENTWORTII.  79 

object  of  suggesting  to  tlie  eucniy  that  lu;  wms  coiitniijiliiiing  a  iu:\v 
attack  upon  that  place.  Sir  Clialoner  Ogle,  wlio  liail  been  left  hcliimi 
at  Jamaica  to  bring  on  the  main  bndy  of  the  expeditionary  forces, 
was  not  able  to  sail  until  the  middle  ol'  Maicli,  171'2.  On  the  'iHth 
of  that  month,  he  rejoined  the  Vice-AdmiraJ,  and  the  fleet  ^  then 
made  the  best  of  its  way  to  its  destination. 

The  Experiment  and  Triton  had  been  directed  to  make  rendezvous 
with  the  fleet  off  the  Bastinientos  Islands,  in  what  is  now  called  the 
Gulf  .of  San  Bias.  On  March  'J(3th,  Vernon  detached  the  Montagu, 
Captain  William  Chambers,  to  look  for  those  vessels,  and  to  order 
them,  in  case  they  should  be  fallen  in  with,  to  join  a  detachment 
which  was  to  land  a  body  of  troops  at  Nombre  de  Dios,  at  the 
head  of  the  gulf  of  San  Bias.-  The  fleet  sighted  land  near  the 
Bastimentos  on  March  '28th,  but,  seeing  nothing  of  the  Expcrhumt 
and  Triton,  passed  on  to  Puerto  Bello,  and,  entering  the  harbour 
in  line  of  battle,  dropped  anchor  there  before  nightfall,  without  any 
opposition  on  the  part  of  the  Spanish  Governor,  who  fled  with  such 
troops  as  he  had. 

Lowther's  report,  received  when  the  fleet  was  at  Puerto  Bello,  had 
the  effect  of  convincing  General  "VVentworth  that  the  design  against 
Panama  was  impracticable ;  yet  Wentworth  was  so  lacking  in  tact 
that,  instead  of  communicating  his  decision  directly  to  A'ernon,  he 
mentioned  it  casually  to  Governor  Trelawney,  the  result  being  that 
A^ernon's  first  intimation  that  the  expedition  was  destined  to  be  a 
failure  was  conveyed  to  him  in  the  form  of  a  private  request  from 
Trelawney  for  a  passage  back  to  Jamaica.  Wentworth's  views  were 
formally  adopted  at  a  council  of  war  at  which  seven  military  officers 
were  present,  and  were  ratified  at  a  general  covincil  composed  of 
three  military  and  two  naval  officers.  A^ernon  and  Ogle  formed  the 
minority,  and  could  do  notliing  but  acquiesce,  although  the  A'ice- 
Admiral  was  strongly  of  opinion  that,  seeing  that  Panama  had  in 
earlier  years  been  taken  from  across  the  isthmus  by  Sir  Henry 
Morgan  with  five  hundred  buccaneers,  it  might  be  taken  again  by 
the  much  larger  forces  which  were  at  the  disposal  of  the  British 

'  Boyne,  80,  flag  of  Vernon,  Cumhcrland,  80,  flag  of  Ogle,  Keni,  70,  Or/ord,  70, 
IVorcester,  60,  Defiance,  GO,  York,  60,  Montagu,  60,  St.  Alhans,  50,  and  Grcenu-ich,  50, 
with  three  fireships,  two  hospital  ships,  and  abo\it  forty  transports.  Covernor 
Trelawney,  as  a  colonel,  was  with  the  troops. 

^  This  landing  was  never  cft'ected.  The  Jixjicriinent  and  Triton  rejoined  the  fleet 
at  Puerto  Bello. 

so  MAJoit  opehations,  r,u-\nvi.  [1742. 

leaders  in  1742.  The  fleet,  therefore,  quitted  Puerto  Bello  for 
Jamaica  on  April  3rd,  having  effected  nothing.' 

Indeed,  the  only  important  advance  made  in  the  West  Indies  in 
the  course  of  the  year  was  the  annexation  and  settlement  of  lioatan 
Island,  in  the  bay  of  Honduras,  by  an  expedition  ^  from  Jamaica 
convoyed  by  the  Lichfield,  50,  Captain  James  Cusack,  and  the 
Bonctfa,  sloop,  Commander  William  Lea.  Nor  is  it  astonishing 
that  so  little  was  done.  The  Admiral  and  the  General  were  on 
worse  terms  than  ever,  and  their  quarrels  were  taken  up  by  all 
around  them.  Even  Ogle  and  Trelawney  fell  out.  So  scandalous 
a  state  of  things  was  terminated,  after  it  had  endured  far  too  long, 
by  the  arrival  at  Jamaica  on  September  '23rd  of  the  Gibraltar,  20, 
Captain  Thorpe  Fowke,  with  orders  for  both  Vernon ,  and  Went- 
worth  to  return  to  England.  Vernon  sailed  in  the  Boyne,  80,  on 
October  18th,  leaving  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle  in  command  of  the  station  ; 
and  Wentworth,  with  the  remnants  of  the  army,  departed  soon 
afterwards,  under  convoy  of  the  Defiance,  60,  Captain  Daniel  Hore, 
and  the  Worcester,  60,  Captain  William  Cleland. 

In  the  Mediterranean,  where  there  had  been  scarcely  a  large 
enough  naval  force  for  the  due  protection  of  trade,  and  for  the  due 
observation  of  the  declared  and  the  suspected  enemies  of  Great 
Britain,  Vice-Admiral  Nicholas  Haddock  had  been  joined,  in 
February,  1742,  by  a  considerable  reinforcement  under  Commodore 
Kichard  Lestock  (2),  who,  on  March  13th  following,  was  promoted 
to  be  Rear-Admiral  of  the  White. ^  According  to  Charnock,  Lestock, 
during  this  period,  "  exhibited  some  proofs  of  that  impatient  temper 
and  improper  professional  pride  which,  afterwards  becoming  infinitely 
more  apparent,  cannot  but  be  condemned  even  by  those  who  are  so 
warmly  attached  to  him  as  to  insist  that  no  part  of  his  conduct  was 
ever  injurious  or  prejudicial  to  the  cause  and  interests  of  his  native 
country."*  Haddock,  owing  to  ill-health,  had  to  resign  his 
command  and  return  to  England  ; '"  and,  pending  the  arrival  in  the 
Mediterranean  of  his  successor,  Lestock  officiated  as  commander-in- 
chief.     Lestock  acted  with  some  energy  against  the  enemy,  whom 

'  The  British  cruisers  were,  Imwever,  very  .succes.sful,  as  will  be  seen  in  the  next 

^  Which  reached  Eoatan  ou  August  L'3rd. 

'  He  was  further  advanced  to  he  Hear  of  tlie  Red,  on  August  9th,  1743,  and  Vice 
of  the  AVhite,  on  December  7th,  1743. 

'  '  Biog.  Kav.'  iii.  340. 

^  Which  he  reached  in  the  Roebuck,  40,  on  Ma}'  2Gth,  1742. 

17-12.]  LESTOCK'S  ciiahacteh.  81 

he  obliged  to  postpone  an  intended  embarkation  of  troops  ;  but,  on 
the  other  hand,  he  again  allowed  his  unfortunate  temper  to  get  the 
better  of  him.  In  view  of  what  happened  at  a  later  date,  it  is 
desirable  to  reprint  here  from  Charnock '  an  order  and  certain  letters 
which  will  explain  not  only  Lestock's  peremptory  methods,  but  also 
his  interpretation,  at  that  time,  of  some  of  the  duties  of  subordinate 
commanders  when  in  face  of  the  enemy. 

]in.\H-Al)MlU.\L    LeSTOCK    TO    CoMM.WDEU    .TaMUS    IIoDSEI.L,    OF    TIU': 

Ann   GalUty,  fiuesiih'. 

"Captain  Hod  sell :  Go  to  the  Lenox,  Nass'in,  Royal  Oah,  L'oinney,  a.m\  ])i-ayo».'' 
Tell  them  I  am  the  centre  from  whence  the  line  of  battle  is  to  he  formed,  and,  if  any 
ship  or  ships  cannot  get  into  their  stations,  I  am  to  find  remedy  for  that ;  but  those 
who  can,  and  do  not,  get  into  their  stations  are  blanieable  ;  and  a  line  of  battle  is  not 
to  be  trifled  with  nor  misunderstood.  Go  with  this  yourself  to  the  several  captains, 
from.  Sir,  5'our  most  humble  servant,  lUcliard  Lestock.  Nevtune,  at  sea.  April  14th, 
1742.     P.S. — An  enemy  in  sight  would  not  admit  of  this  deliberation." 

Capt,\in  Cuktis  Barxet,  of  tub  Dragon,  to  Rear-Admiral  Lestock. 

"I  thought  that  all  the  ships  of  a  fleet  or  squadron  were  to  sail  in  their  proper 
divisions.  1  have  heard  and  read  of  divisions  ge;ting  late  into  the  line,  not  in  time 
to  have  any  part  in  the  action  ;  but  never  knew  till  now  that  it  was  my  duty  to  leave 
the  flag,  or  officer  representing  one,  in  whose  division  I  am,  without  a  particular  order 
or  signal.  I  therefore  kept  my  station  in  the  division,  not  with  a  design  to  trifle  with 
the  line  of  battle.     I  am,  etc.,  C.  Barnet." 

Kear-Admiral  Lestock  to  Captain  Curtis  Barnet. 

"  I  have  your  letter  of  the  15th  inst.,  in  answer  to  wine  I  sent  you  and  several 
other  ca]itaius  by  Captain  Hodsell  ou  the  14th  inst.,  at  the  time  the  signal  was  out  for 
the  line  of  battle  abreast  of  each  other.  Yoiu'  not  getting  into  line  wlien  you  could 
have  done  it,  gave  me  that  occasion  by  the  fireship. 

"You  say  you  thought  that  the  ships  of  a  fleet  or  squadron  were  to  sail  in  their 
proper  divisions  ;  and  you  have  heard  and  read  of  divisions  getting  late  into  the  line, 
not  in  time  to  have  any  part  of  the  action ;  but  never  till  now  knew  that  it  was  your 
duty  to  leave  the  flag,  or  officer  representing  one,  in  whose  division  you  are,  without  a 
particular  order  or  signal. 

"Let  us  suppose  that  you  are  in  a  division,  and  that  a  signal  for  the  line  of  battle 
is  made;  and  tliat  the  commanding  ship  of  that  division,  by  bad  sailing,  could  not 
get  into  the  line,  though  all  the  rest  of  the  squadron  could  have  got  into  the  line,  but 
did  not.     That  division  makes  one-third  of  the  sqnadron. 

"  Now :  is  it  your  duty  to  see  two-thirds  of  the  squadron  sacrificed  to  the  enemy, 
when  you  could,  but  did  not,  join  in  the  battle?  An  admiral,  in  such  a  case,  would 
either  leave  the  bad  sailing  ship  for  one  that  could  get  into  the  action,  or  would  send 

'  '  Biog.  Nav.'  iv.  213  et  seg.  Charnock  says :  "  Mr.  Lestock  appears  in  his 
vehemence  of  rage  to  have  been  guilty  of  a  few  literary  omissions  and  mistakes,  which 
we  have  supplied  and  corrected."  The  present  editor  has  adopted  some  of  Charnock's 
emendations  and  made  others,  chiefly  with  respect  to  punctuation. 

^  The  Dragon,  60,  Captain  Curtis  Barnet. 

VOL.   III.  G 

82  MAJOIl    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1742. 

you  such  orders  ;is  should  just ify  you  at  a  court-martial  lor  not  corning  into  the  action 
when  you  could  have  done  it.  Captain  Rowley,'  indeed,  has  not  the  power  either  to 
shift  his- -ship,  or  to  stop  you  with  him. 

"  Such  an  account  would  lell  Init  ill  to  our  country  after  the  Kss  of  a  battle.  But 
I  hoj^e  such  a  thing  can  never  hajipen  to  an  Englishman  ;  and  the  punishment  inflicted 
on  a  breach  of  the  12th  article  of  the  Statute  of  Charles  the  Second  upon  those  who 
withdraw,  or  keep  back,  or  do  not  come  into  the  fight  and  engage,  would  be  what 
must  follow  in  such  a  case. 

"So  I  will  say  no  more  of  trifling  nor  misunderstanding  of  a  line  of  battle ;  as 
these  are,  and  must  be,  the  consequences  of  a  not  trifling  want  of  duty  in  the  weighing 
of  circumstances  in  regard  to  battle :  for  that  is  the  cause  why  lines  are  formed.^ 

"  The  13th  article  of  the  Fighting  Instructions '  leans  that  way  also.  So,  having,  I 
think,  answered  your  letter,  I  am.  Sir,  your  most  humble  servant,  Richard  Lestock. 
Nepimic,  at  sea.     April  IGth,  1742." 

Captain  Curtis  IJakxkt  to  liiCAR-AnMiRAi,  Lkstock. 

••  Dragnn,  April  16th,  1742. 

"  Sir, — As  you  have  given  yourself  the  trouble  to  answer  the  letter  I  thought 
necessary  to  write  in  excuse  for  my  continuing  in  my  station  in  the  division  of  which 
1  am,  when  you  made  the  signal  for  the  line  of  battle  abreast,  and  in  it  are  pleased  to 
say :  '  Is  it  your  duty  to  see  two-thirds  of  the  squadron  sacrificed  to  the  enemy,  when 
you  could,  and  did  not,  join  in  the  battle?'  I  answer  that  I  should  readily  concur 
in  punishing  rigidly  any  man  who  could,  and  did  not,  join  in  the  battle.  But,  as  the 
commanders  of  divisions  will,  I  imagine,  always  expect  that  the  captains,  in  their 
respective  divisions,  should,  in  anything  like  the  late  case,  take  directions  from  them, 
and,  as  we  are  to  supipose  every  officer  of  that  distinction  neither  wanting  in  zeal  or 
capacity,  I  can  make  no  doubt  that  such  orders  would  be  immediately  given  as  would 
be  most  essential  for  his  Majesty's  service;  and  that  a  signal  or  order  might  be 
expected  for  the  ships  to  make  sail  into  the  line  if  the  commander  of  the  division 
could  not  get  up  with  his  own  ship,  and  did  not  think  proper  to  remove  into  another. 
Without  such  an  order  or  a  proper  signal,  I  could  not  in  my  conscience  condemn  any 
man  for  i-emaiuing  with  his  division,  or  think  that  he  fell  under  the  12th  article  of  the 
Statute  of  Charles  the  Second,  or  the  13th  of  the  Fighting  Instructions  ;  for  a  man  in 
his  station  cauuot  be  said  to  withdraw,  keep  back,  or  not  use  his  endeavours  to  engage 
the  enemy  in  the  order  the  admiral  has  prescribed.  In  this  manner  I  should  judge, 
were  I  to  sit  at  a  court-martial  on  such  an  occasion  ;  but  in  this  manner  shall  no 
longer  act,  since  you  have  been  pleased  to  tell  me  Cajjtain  Rowlej'  has  not  the  power 
to  shift  his  ship  or  stop  me. 

"  I  presume  there  are  instances  both  of  whole  divisions  going  down  to  the  enemy 
too  soon,  and  of  coming  in  so  late  as  to  have  no  part  in  the  action  ;  but  I  never  heard 
that  the  private  captains  who  kept  their  stations  in  those  divisions  fell  under  the  least 
censure;  and,  as  I  was  neither  called  nor  sent  from  the  division  by  order  or  signal,  I 
bad  no  apprehension  of  being  blameable. 

'  Afterwards  Admiral  of  the  Fleet,  Sir  AVilliam  Rowle}' :  then  senior  officer  of 
Barnet's  division.  Lestock  meant  that,  as  there  was  no  flag-officer  of  the  division, 
there  was  no  jiossible  question  as  to  what  was  Barnet's  duty. 

^  I.e.,  "  After  all,  I  will  not  speak  of  this  as  trifling,  for  it  is  far  too  light  a  word  to 
apply  to  so  serious  a  subject." 

'  "  As  soon  as  the  Admiral  shall  hoist  a  red  flag  on  the  flagstaff  at  the  fore-topmast 
head,  and  fire  a  gun,  every  ship  in  the  fleet  is  to  use  their  utmost  endeavour  to  engage 
the  enemy,  in  the  order  the  Admiral  has  prescribed  unto  them." 

1742.]  MATIIEWfi    TO    THE   MKDJTKnilANKAN.  83 

"Willi  luguiJ  to  what  you  are  ]ileaseil  to  say  of  seeing  the  squach'oii  sacrificed  to 
the  enemy,  that  cannot  happen  while  yuii,  Sir,  command  it,  who  will  never  go  down 
to  the  enemy  in  an  improper  mnniicr.  witli  more  sail  than  the  ]]riiicipal  ships  of  the 
line  can  keep  you  company.  .  .  ." 

Lestock  had,  undoubtedly.  Loped  to  be  continued  as  commander- 
in-chief  in  the  Mediterranean  ;  but  Vice-Admiral  Thomas  Mathews 
(K.) '  was  appointed  to  that  post  on  March  25th,  1742,  and,  having 
hoisted  his  flag  in  the  Naiiiar,  90,  sailed  on  April  16th, ^  and  arrived 
at  Gibraltar  on  May  7th.  Lestock  was  hurt,  and  he  is  said  to  have 
foolishly  showed  his  resentment  by  neglecting  to  obey  instructions 
to  send  a  frigate  to  meet  Mathews.  For  this  supposed  omission 
Mathews  publicly  reprimanded  Lestock  as  soon  as  the  two  flag- 
otiicers  met.''  From  that  moment  the  junior  seems  to  have  regarded 
his  senior  with  scarcely-disguised  hostility. 

Mathews  was  a  good  oflicer,  as  strict  in  obeying  as  he  was  in 
enforcing  discipline,  and  a  jealous,  yet  not  intemperate,  believer  in 
the  dignity  of  the  great  position  to  which  he  had  been  called  by  his 
country.  He  was,  moreover,  a  highly  honourable  man,  of  con- 
spicuous gallantry.  Lestock,  on  the  other  hand,  was  ever  more 
ready  to  enforce  than  to  obey  the  laws  of  discipline.  In  his  eyes, 
his  own  person  was  fully  as  dignified  as  any  rank  or  place  with 
which  his  country  could  invest  him.  "  Unconciliating  in  his 
manners,  austere  when  in  command,  restless  when  in  a  subordinate 
station,  he  had,"  says  Charnock,  "fewer  friends  than  fell  to  the  lot 
of  most  men,  and  that  number,  which  was  gradually  diminishing, 
his  behaviour  never  appeared  of  a  nature  to  recruit."  His  courage 
has  not  been  questioned,  but  his  abilities,  which  were  considerable, 
were  contracted  and  neutralised  by  a  petty  meanness  of  spirit  and 
smallness  of  view  that  prevented  him  from  ever  commanding  either 
confidence  or  respect.  That  Mathews  disliked  Lestock  cannot  be 
gainsaid.^     Almost  every  naval  officer  of  the  day  dishked  Lestock. 

'  Thomas  Mathews ;  horn,  lUTO  ;  captain,  1703 ;  took  the  Bien  Aime,  26,  in  1707, 
and  the  Olorkux,  44,  in  1700  ;  commanded  the  Kent  at  Cape  Passaro,  in  1718  ; 
Commissioner  at  Chatham,  1736 ;  Vice-Admiral  and  Commander-in-Chief  in  the 
Mediterranean,  1742  ;  Admiral,  1743  ;  fought  a  spirited  hut  jiartial  action  oil"  Toulon, 
1744  ;  dismissed  the  service,  1746  ;  died,  1751. 

-  In  Company  with  the  Friiicess  Caroline,  80,  Norfolk,  80,  and  Bedfonl,  70. 

^  Lestock  alleged  that  he  had  sent  a  frigate,  which  had  failed  to  fall  in  with 
Mathews.  It  is  admitted  that,  in  this  instance,  no  matter  what  were  the  tacts  as  to 
the  frigate,  the  Vice-Admiral  behaved  with  somewhat  unnecessary  warmth. 

*  When  he  accepted  his  appointment,  he  stipulated  that  Lestock  should  be  speedily 
recalled,  but  the  stipulation  was  afterwards  either  forgotten  or  misunderstood. — 
Beatson,  i.  153. 

G   2 

84  MAJOR    OI'ERATIONH,    1714-17G2.  [1742. 

But  Mathewa  was  the  last  man  in  the  world  to  allow  his  private 
disliives  to  interfere  with  his  duty. 

The  Vice-Admiral  met  the  Rear- Admiral  and  part  of  the  fleet  at 
Villa  Franca  on  May  27th.  He  at  once  instituted  a  strict  watching 
blockade  of  Toulon,  where  a  Spanish,  as  well  as  a  French  force,  lay. 
This  blockade  was  maintained  chiefly  by  the  division  of  Lestock, 
whose  headquarters  were  off  Hyeres,  while  Mathews  himself 
remained  in  reserve  at  Villa  Franca,  ready  to  sail  upon  the  receipt 
of  news  that  the  enemy  was  at  sea.  In  June,  five  S])aiiish  galleys, 
which  were  to  have  escorted  some  Spanish  troops  to  Italy,  and 
which  were  laden  with  ammunition  and  stores,  ventured  to  quit  the 
shelter  of  Fort  Ste.  Marguerite,  and  crept  round  under  the  coast  as 
far  as  the  Gulf  of  St.  Tropez.  Captain  Harry  Norris,  of  the 
Kingston,  60,  with  a  small  detachment,  blockaded  them  there,  and 
when,  although  they  were  in  a  neutral  port,  they  fired  on  him,  he 
effected  their  destruction.^  Other  Spanish  vessels  were  destroyed  at 
Palamos,  Mataro,  and  elsewhere. 

In  July,  1742,  the  Vice-Admiral,  who  had  intelligence  that  the 
King  of  Sicily  had  dispatched  a  body  of  troops  to  the  assistance  of 
the  Spaniards  in  Italy,  ordered  Commodore  WiUiam  Martin,  with  a 
small  squadron,^  to  Naples,  to  endeavour  to  induce  the  King  to 
withdraw  his  forces,  and  to  adhere  to  a  declaration  of  neutrality. 
Should  the  King  refuse,  Martin  was  to  bombard  the  city.  The 
squadron  arrived,  and  anchored  in  the  Bay  on  August  19th ;  and 
Martin  sent  ashore  Commander  de  I'Angle  with  an  ultimatum,  and 
a  demand  for  an  answer  in  half-an-hour,  unless,  indeed,  the  King 
could  not  be  reached  within  that  time.  After  very  little  delay,  the 
required  assurance  was  given  on  the  20th,  and  the  squadron  there- 
upon departed,  to  the  great  relief  of  the  Neapolitans.  The  incident, 
most  creditably  managed  by  Martin,  would,  perhaps,  have  had 
comparatively  little  importance,  had  not  the  same  prince  who,  in 
1742,  was  King  of  Sicily,  become,  in  1759,  King  Carlos  III.  of 
Spain.  He  then  remembered  against  Great  Britain  the  coercion 
which  had  been  employed  against  huu  by  the  Commodore,  and, 
towards  the  end  of  the  Seven  Years'  War,  and  during  the  War  of 

•     '  For  details  of  this,  see  next  chapter. 

^  Ipswich,  70,  Commodore  William  Martin,  Panther,  50,  Captain  Solomon  Gideon, 
Oxford,  50,  Captain  Lord  Harry  Powlett,  Feotraham,  40,  Captain  Eichard  Huglies  (2), 
Dursley  Oallcy,  20,  Commander  Merrick  de  I'Angle;  and  the  bombs,  Carcass,  8, 
Lieut.  John  Bowdler,  Salarnand'-r,  8,  Lieut.  John  Philhpson,  and  Terrible,  8,  Lieut, 
the  Hon.  George ;  besides  four  tenders. 

1743.]  ATTACK    ON  J, A    (lUAYllA.  85 

Anieric.LU  Ilevolutioii,  never  ceiiscd  to  do  all  tliat  lay  in  his  power  to 
ruin  the  naval  might  which  ha,(l  tlins  liiuniliatcd  liini. 

Commodore  Martin  rejoined  the  flag,  and  was  soon  afterwards 
again  detached  to  destroy  certain  storehouses  and  magazines  at 
Alassio,  in  the  territory  of  the  repubhc  of  Genoa.  These,  which 
were  known  to  he  destined  for  the  use  of  the  Spaniards,  were  all  set 
on  fire  by  a  landing-party  from  the  ships. 

In  1743,  the  blockade  of  Toulon  was  continued,  and  Admiral 
Mathews,  as  before,  exerted  himself  to  the  utmost  to  hinder  the 
operations  of  the  Spaniards  in  the  Italian  peninsula,  and  the  trans- 
mission thither  of  stores  and  reinforcements  from  Spain.  But  the 
transactions  on  the  station  were  not  of  sufficient  importance  to 
deserve  description  in  this  chapter.  They  are,  therefore,  relegated 
to  the  next. 

One  of  the  first  actions  of  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle  (1) '  after  he  had,  as 
has  been  seen,  been  left  as  commander-in-chief  in  the  West  Indies, 
upon  Vernon's  recall,  was  to  organise  an  expedition  against  the 
Spanish  settlements  at  La  Guayra  and  Puerto  Cabello,  on  the  coast 
of  Caracas,  in  what  is  now  Venezuela.  These  were  reported  to  be 
almost  defenceless,  and  to  be  at  the  mercy  of  the  fleet.  Ogle 
entrusted  the  conduct  of  the  expedition  to  Captain  Charles  Knowles, 
in  the  Suffolk,  70,  and  gave  him  directions  to  proceed  first  to 
Antigua,  there  to  take  under  his  orders  such  additional  vessels  as 
could  he  spared,  and  to  embark  a  certain  number  of  troops. 
Knowles  carried  out  these  instructions,  and  on  February  12th,  1743, 
sailed  for  La  Guayra.  After  touching  at  St.  Christopher,  he  arrived 
off  his  port  of  destination  on  the  18th. 

It  is  quite  true  that  when  Ogle  first  contemplated  the  descent 
upon  the  coast  of  Caracas,  La  Guayra  was  almost  defenceless. 
Unfortunately,  the  Admiral  suffered  his  projects  to  become  known, 
and  the  Spanish  governor  of  the  place,  with  great  promptitude  and 
vigour,  thereupon  set  himself  to  work  to  repair  the  fortifications,  to 
build  new  ones,  to  raise  extra  forces,  and  to  obtain  fresh  supplies  of 
ammunition. - 

When,  consequently,  on  February  18th,  the  squadron  began  the 
attack  at  about  midday,  a  warm  and  formidable  opposition  was  met 

'  Promoted  to  be  Vice-Admiral  of  the  Red  on  Avigiist  9tli,  and  Vice- Admiral  of  the 
White  on  December  7th,  1743. 

'^  Some  of  this  ammunition  was  obtained  from  tlie  Dutcli  Governor  of  Curacoa, 
who,  by  handing  it  over,  committed  an  imwarrantable  breach  of  the  Dutch  under- 
standing; with  Great  Britain. 


MAJOI!    OPERATIONS,    17H-17G-J. 


with.  There  was  a  swell  which  prevented  the  vessels  from 
approaching  within  ahout  a  mile  from  the  forts,  and  the  landing  of 
the  troops  was  found  to  be  impracticable.  Yet,  although  an  attempt 
to  burn  the  shipping  in  harbour,  by  means  of  armed  Vjoats,  failed  as 
a  result  of  confusion  of  orders,  and  although  the  ships  suffered  badly, 
it  looked,  at  4  o'clock  p.m.,  as  if  the  fire  of  the  batteries  was  about 
to  be  silenced.  But  at  that  hour,  a  chance  shot  cut  the  cable  of  the 
Burfonl,  which  was  anchored  at  the  head  of  the  British  line.  The 
Burford  drove  on  board  the  Norwich,  and  forced  )>oth  her  and  the 
Eltham.  out  of  station,  the  three  vessels  drifting  almost  helplessly  to 
leeward.  This  re-encouraged  the  enemy,  and  although,  up  to 
nightfall,  the  attack  was  pluckily  continued,  the  Biitish,  after  the 
accident,  had  much  the  worse  of  the  encounter,  and  were  ultimately 
obliged  to  draw  off.  La  Guayra  was  severely  damaged  ;  a  magazine 
was  blown  up  by  a  shell  from  the  Comet,  and  about  seven  hundred 
Spaniards  were  killed  and  wounded.  Yet,  in  spite  of  the  gallantry 
of  the  assailants,  the  day  ended  with  their  decisive  repulse.  The 
composition  of  Knowles's  squadron,  and  the  damage  and  loss 
sustained  by  each  ship,  are  shown  in  the  following  table  :  — 









Suffolk.      . 


Cajjt.  Charles  Knowles     . 







„      Franklin  Lushingtou    . 





Aorunch     . 


„      Thomas  Gregorv  (1)    . 





Advice  . 


„      Elliot  Smith      .... 





Assistance  . 


„      Smith  Callis      .... 







„      Richard  Watkins  (actins;). 





Lively  . 


„      Henrv  Stewart  (actin») 







Commander  Lachlin  Leslie   . 




OWr     .      . 


„            John  Ga^e   . 





Rii-hara  Tyrrell.       . 



I  Shot  iu  the  hull  uuly  are  intliided. 

Captain  Lushington,  of  the  Burford,  a  most  excellent  officer,  was 
mortally  wounded  by  a  chain-shot,  which  carried  off  one  of  his  legs 
at  the  thigh.  He  died  at  Cura(,'oa  on  February  •23rd,  two  hours 
after  he  had  been  landed  there.  The  Burford,  Eltham,  and 
Assistance,  were  almost  completely  disabled ;  the  flagship  had 
fourteen  guns  dismounted ;  and  the  squadron,  as  a  whole,  was,  for 
the  moment,  unserviceable.  It,  therefore,  proceeded  to  Cura9oa 
to  refit. 

1743.]  liEl'in.S^K   AT  rVKRTO    CAJIh'L/JK  87 

As  soon  as  liu  ])a(l  rcfittc-d,  :uid  had  supplemented  liis  ratlicr 
reduced  forces  by  taking  on  board  a  few  Dutch  volunteers,  Captain 
Knowles,  in  pursuance  of  tiie  C'.oniinander-in-Cbief's  design,  turned 
his  attention  to  Puerto  Cabelio.  He  sailed  on  March  '20th,  but, 
owing  to  a  strong  lee  current,  could  not  anchor  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  his  destination  until  April  15th. 

Puerto  Cabelio  was  even  better  prepared  to  receive  him  than  La 
Guayra  had  been.  There  were  in  the  place  three  hundred  regular 
troops,  twelve  hundred  seamen  belonging  to  the  vessels  in  port,  and 
a  large  body  of  negroes  and  Indians.  The  Spaniards  had  hauled  all 
their  smaller  craft  up  to  the  head  of  the  harbour  out  of  gunshot,  and 
had  moored  a  ship  of  sixty,  and  another  of  forty  guns,  in  good 
defensive  positions,  while  they  had  placed  a  large  vessel  ready  for 
sinking  in  the  mouth  of  the  liarbour.  Newly-erected  fascine 
batteries  flanked  the  entrance,  and  two  more,  one  mounting  twelve, 
and  the  other  seven  guns,  occupied  a  low  point  called  I'unta  Brava. 
These  last,  in  the  opinion  of  Knowles,  were  ill-placed,  and  might  be 
easily  taken,  and  then  employed  against  the  fortress  itself.  He 
therefore,  after  having  held  a  council  of  war,  ordered  in  the  Lively 
and  Elthaiii,  on  the  afternoon  of  the  16th,  to  cannonade  the  Punta 
Brava  works,  and  prepared  a  landing-party,  consisting  of  Dalzell's 
regiment,  all  the  Marines  of  the  squadron,  and  four  hundred  seamen,^ 
which,  as  soon  as  the  batteries  should  be  silenced,  was  to  storm 
them,  while  the  Assistance  lay  anchored  within  pistol-shot  of  the 
shore  to  cover  a  retreat,  should  one  be  necessary. 

The  Lively  and  Eltham  effected  their  part  of  the  work  by  about 
sunset.  All  firing  then  ceased.  As  it  grew  dark  the  storming-party 
landed,  and  began  to  march  along  the  beach  towards  the  batteries, 
Knowles  accompanying  the  advance  in  his  galley.  Just  before 
11  P.M.  the  foremost  troop  seized  one  of  the  batteries ;  but,  at  that 
moment,  the  Spaniards,  being  alarmed,  began  to  fire  from  the  other 
works,  and,  to  the  mortification  of  the  British  leaders,  so  blind  a 
panic  seized  the  men  that  they  retired  pell-mell  in  the  most  absolute 
confusion,  and  did  not  regain  their  self-possession  until  they  were 
once  more  on  board  the  ships. 

After  this  disgraceful  repulse,  another  council  of  war  was  held  on 

April  '21st,  and,  in   pursuance  of    the  resolutions   then  come   to,  a 

general   attack   from   seaward   was   made   upon   the   place   on   the 

morning    of    the    '24th.      The    Assistance,    Bur-ford,    Suffolk,    and 

'  The  whole  being  under  Major  Lucas,  of  Dalzell's  Eegiment. 

88  MAJOn    Ol'EllATlONS,    1714-17(;2.  [1743. 

Noririvli  were  told  off  to  liiitter  the  luaiii  work,  and  the  Scar- 
l)oniin/l/,  Liri'lij.  and  I'JIIIkiiii,  to  attack  the  fascine  hatteries  at  the 
entrance  of  the  harhour.  Fire  was  opened  at  about  11  a.m.,  all  the 
ships  taking  up  their  stations  *  as  well  as  they  possibly  could,  except 
the  Norwich,  which  apparently  hesitated  to  get  into  close  action. 
Seeing  this,  Knowles  very  promptly  sent  Captain  Henry  Stewart 
(acting),  of  the  Livchj,  to  supersede  Captain  Thornas  Gregory,  who 
was  put  under  arrest."  Thenceforward,  the  engagement  was  hotly 
maintained  until  the  close  of  day,  when  the  enemy's  fire  slackened, 
and  it  became  evident  that  his  batteries  had  suffered  severely.  He 
reopened  fire,  however,  after  dark,  and  so  badly  mauled  the  ships — 
some  of  which  had,  by  that  time,  expended  nearly  all  their  ammuni- 
tion— that,  soon  after  9  P.M.,  Knowles  made  the  signal  to  cut  cables, 
and  drew  off  his  shattered  vessels. 

The  ships  actually  engaged  in  this  disastrous  affair  were,  saving 
the  Advice,  Otter,  and  Comet,  the  same  as  had  been  engaged  at  La 
Guayra,  but  some  of  them  were  differently  commanded.  Captain 
Bichard  Watkins  had  been  promoted  from  the  Elthatn  to  the 
Burford,  vice  Lushington,  killed;  Captain  Pliilip  Dui'ell  (1)  had  suc- 
ceeded Captain  Watkins  in  the  Eltham ;  and,  after  the  supersession 
of  Captain  Gregory,  Commander  John  Gage,  of  the  Otter,  assumed 
command  of  the  Livchj.  The  loss  of  the  squadron  was  about  two 
hundred  men  killed  and  wounded.  The  ships  refitted  under  shelter 
of  the  Kej's  of  Barbarat,  and  were  there  rejoined  by  the  Advice, 
which  had  been  detached  on  scouting  duty  on  March  23rd.  On 
April  '28th  it  was  determined  that  the  force  was  no  longer  in  a  con- 
dition to  attempt  anything  more  against  the  enemy  ;  and,  after  an 
exchange  of  prisoners  had  been  carried  out,  the  ships  belonging  to 
the  Leeward  Islands'  station  ^  returned  thither,  and  the  rest  of  the 
squadron  proceeded  to  Jamaica.  Captain  Knowles,  in  the  autumn, 
cruised  off  Martinique,  and,  soon  afterwards,  went  home  to 

Late  in  1743,  the  excited  condition  of  parties  in  England,  and 

'  In  til  is  they  were  impeded  by  the  sinking  of  the  Spanish  vessel  in  the  harbour's 

-  He  was  latei-  sent  to  Enghand  and  court-rnartialled  at  Spithead  for  misbehaviour. 
(C.  M.  Sept.  17th,  1743.)  The  court  dismissed  liim  from  the  service ;  but,  after  distin- 
guishing liimself  iis  a  volunteer,  he  was  restored  to  his  rank  as  from  Xov.  12tli,  17-15. 
He  ended  his  life  in  a  duel. 

^  Where  Commodore  (later  Vice-Admiral  Sir)  Peter  Warren  commanded,  witli  his 
broad'pennant  in  the  Superbe,  GO. 

1744.]  IIOSrJLlTY    OF  FltANCK.  89 

the  widespread  dissatisfaction  tliere  at  the  iiianiuT  in  wliicli  the 
interests  of  Great  Britain  had,  according  to  the  views  of  many,  been 
sacrificed  to  those  of  Hannover,  encouraged  France  to  take  up  an 
active,  instead  of  a  merely  benevolent  attitude,  with  reference  to  the 
cause  of  Spain. ^  France  was  further  encouraged  in  the  same 
direction  by  the  growing  jealousy  with  which  tlie  Emperor,  the 
King  of  Prussia,  and  their  allies,  regarded  the  pretensions  of  Maria 
Theresia,  Queen  of  Hungary,  and  by  the  results  of  the  secret 
negotiations  which  were  set  on  foot  at  Frankfurt-on-Main  with  the 
object  of  checking  the  alleged  ambitions  of  that  very  able  princess. 
France,  therefore,  concluded  at  Fontainebleau  an  offensive  and 
defensive  family  alliance  with  Spain,  each  party  guaranteeing  the 
possessions  and  claims  of  the  other,  and  agreeing  that  no  peace 
should  be  concluded  until  the  restoration  of  Gibraltar  by  Great 
Britain.  France  also  despatched  reinforcements  to  the  aid  of  Philip 
in  Savoy ;  directed  M.  La  Bruyere  de  Court,  Lieutenant-General  of 
the  French  squadron  in  Toulon,  to  co-operate  with  the  Spanish 
squadron  which,  under  Don  Jose  Navarro,  had  so  long  lain  blockaded 
there  by  Admiral  Mathews ;  and,  early  in  1744,  sent  forth  from 
Brest  Lieutenant-General  de  Eoquefeuil,  with  nineteen  men-of-war,^ 
to  cruise  in  the  Channel. 

The  objects  of  France  were  manifold.  She  desired,  firstly,  to 
expel  Great  Britain  from  the  Mediterranean,  and  then,  by  sending 
her  own  Mediterranean  fleet  to  join  her  squadrons  in  the  Channel, 
to  annihilate  British  superiority  in  those  waters  as  well :  she  hoped, 
next,  to  oblige  Great  Britain  to  recall  her  troops  from  the  Continent, 
and  to  desist  from  supporting  on  shore  the  cause  of  Maria  Theresia : 
and,  finally,  she  looked  forward  to  fomenting  revolution  in  England, 
and  to  restoring  to  the  throne  the  exiled  family  of  Stuart,  by  means 
of  an  invasion  from  Dunquerque. 

The  assumption  by  France  of  this  actively  hostile  attitude  had 
the  happy  effect  of  partially  calming  the  violence  of  party  rage  in 
Great  Britain.  The  command  of  the  Channel  Fleet  ^  was  given  to 
Admiral  of  the  Fleet  Sir  John  Norris,  with  Vice-Admiral  Sir 
Charles  Hardy  (1)  (B),  and  Bear- Admiral  \Yilliam  Martin  (B),  as  his 

'  The  Treaty  of  "Worms,  September  1743,  leagued  together  Great  Britain,  Holland, 
Austria,  Saxony,  and  Sardinia.  This  was  met,  in  October  1743,  by  the  Treaty  of 
Frankfurt,  which  banded  together  France,  Prussia,  Hessen  Cassel,  and  the  Pfalz. 

^  These  were  presently  joined  by  some  from  Eochefort. 

'  This  presently  included  twenty-five  ships  of  50  guns  and  upwards,  and  twenty- 
four  frigates  and  small  craft. 

!t()  MAJOl!    OI'KIIATIONS,    1711-1702.  [1741. 

immediate  subordinates.  Norris  wished  to  go  in  seaiuh  of  M.  de 
Roquefeuil,  but,  it  being  feared  that  the  latter  might  possibly  pass 
the  British  fleet  at  night,  or  in  thick  weather,  and  so  get  to 
Dunquerque,  where  a  French  army  was  awaiting  his  escort,  the 
Commandei--in-Chief  was  ordered  to  proceed  with  his  whole  strength 
to  the  Downs.  De  Eoquefeuil  was  sighted  off  the  Eddystone  on 
February  3rd,  with,  it  would  appear,  sixteen  ships  of  fifty  guns  and 
upwards,  and  seven  frigates  and  smaller  craft.  A  little  later, 
believing  Norris  to  have  taken  refuge  in  Portsmouth,  he  detached 
five  vessels,  under  M.  de  Barrailh,  to  Dunquerque,  and  himself 
anchored  off  Dungeness  on  February  •24th. 

De  Barrailh  seems  to  have  passed  Nonis  in  the  night.  The 
latter,  learning  of  De  Eoquefeuil's  presence  to  the  westward, 
weighed,  and,  although  the  wind  was  contrary,  worked  up  towards 
him.  At  that  moment  the  position  of  the  French  was  extremely 
precarious.  But,  when  he  was  not  much  more  than  six  miles  from 
the  enemy,  Norris  was  obliged  by  the  tide,  which  made  strongly 
against  him,  to  anchor.  De  Eoquefeuil  thereupon  got  all  his  anchors 
apeak,  and,  as  soon  as  the  tide  set  in  his  favour,  ordered  his  ships 
to  weigh,  and  make  independently  for  Brest.  Many  of  the  captains 
were  too  apprehensive  to  literally  obey  the  command.  Most  of  them 
cut  or  slipped,  in  order  to  lose  as  little  time  as  possible;  and,  a 
strong  north-westerlj'  gale  springing  up,  they  went  off  at  a  great 
rate.  The  gale  increased  to  a  storm,  and  a  fog  supervened.  The 
French  reached  Brest,  ship  by  ship,  in  a  more  or  less  crippled 
condition,  and  Norris,  hopeless  of  being  able  to  overtake  them,  and 
having  himself  suffered  considerably,  returned  to  the  Downs,  and 
thence  despatched  his  three-decked  ships  to  Spithead,  where  they 
could  lie  in  greater  safety  from  the  weather.^ 

In  the  meantime,  the  French  flotilla  before  Dunquerque  had 
experienced  the  full  effects  of  the  storm  ;  and  several  transports  with 
troops  and  stores  on  board  had  foundered,  or  had  been  driven  ashore. 
"When  news  arrived  of  the  flight  of  de  Boquefeuil,  de  Barrailh  also 
returned  to  Brest ;  and,  there  being  no  longer  any  prospect  of  a 
successful  invasion  of  the  United  Kingdom,  the  rest  of  the  French 
troops  were  disembarked,  and  the  Young  Pretender,  who  had  been 
with  them,  returned  to  Paris.  De  Eoquefeuil  died  on  board  his 
flagship,  the  Superbe,  76,  on  March  8th,  and  was  succeeded  in  the 

'  Sir  John  Norris  soon  afterwards  hauled  down  his  flag  for  the  last  time.  He  was 
succeeded  in  command  of  the  Channel  Fleet  by  Sir  John  Balclien. 

17-14.]  CO-OriaiATION    OF   IIOLl.AND.  !)1 

command  by  the  Chef  d'Escadre,  later  Vice-Admiral,  Blonet  de 
Camilly,  who  was  directed  to  <,niard  tlK;  French  coasts  and  to  detach 
de  Barrailh  to  cruise  off  the  Scilly  Islands.  In  spite  of  the  nature 
of  these  events,  war  was  not  formally  declared  by  France  until 
March  '20th.'  A  counter-declaration  was  returned  by  Great  Britain 
on  the  31st"  of  the  same  month. 

The  outbreak  of  formal  hostilities  enabled  the  British  Government 
to  request  Holland,  under  the  stipulations  of  the  treaty,  to  supply  a 
naval  force  to  co-operate  with  the  British  fleets.  The  States-General 
had  already,  in  view  of  war,  equipped  some  ships  of  forty-foixr  guns 
and  upwards ;  and  they  presently  sent  these  and  others,  a  few  at 
a  time,  to  the  Downs,  under  Lieutenant-Admiral  Hendrik  Grave,''  in 
the  Haarlem,  74,  Vice-Admiral  AVillem  'T  Hooft,  in  the  Dordrecht, 
54,  Vice-Admiral  Cornelis  Schrijver,  in  the  Damiateu,  64,  and 
Eear-Admiral  Jacob  Keijnst,  in  the  Leeuwenhorst,  54.  As  the 
names  and  force  of  the  ships  are  wrongly  given  in  all  English 
histories,  they  are  here  copied  from  De  Jonge : — * 

Haarlem,  72,  JJuidrecht,  04,  Damiateu,  (U,  Leeua-tnliurft,  54,  Delft,  iA,  Assen- 
delft,  54,  Edam,  54,  BeekvUet,  54,  Oorcum,  41-,  Oud  'I'ijHngen,  44,  Middelburg,  44, 
Goiiderak,  44,  Bnderode,  54,^  Tholen,  64,^  Zierikzce,  G4,'  Goes,  (i4,''  Kasteel  van 
Medemblik,  54,^  Bamhorst,  54,°  Prins  Friso,  54,''  Vrieslcnd,  CA.^ 

Vice-Admiral  Sir  Charles  Hardy  (1)  (E)  was  sent  southward  with 
a  squadron  to  escort  the  trade  to  Lisbon  and  some  storeships  to 
Gibraltar ;  Admiral  Sir  John  Balchen  and  Vice-Admiral  William 
Martin  (B)  cruised  with  a  fleet  in  the  Channel ;  and  Sir  John 
Balchen  subsequently  sailed  with  Martin  and  Vice-Admiral  James 
Stewart  (E)  '^  to  release  Hardy's  convoy,  which  was  reported  to  have 
been  blocked  up  in  the  Tagus  by  a  French  squadron.  A  small  force, 
under  Commodore  Curtis  Barnet,  was  also  despatched  to  the  East 
Indies  ;  and  Vice-Admiral  Thomas  Davers  proceeded  to  the  West 
Indies  to  relieve  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle.  The  operations  of  these  officers 
will    be    followed    later.     First,  however,   some    attention    miist    be 

'  By  ordinance  dated  March  15th. 

-  By  ])roclamation  dated  March  29tli. 

'  Botli  Beatson,  i.  184,  and  Ilervey,  iv.  257,  fur  sunic  iinexpLained  reason,  call  this 
officer  "Admiral  Baccarest,  or  Baccherest."  The  contingent  was  officially  styled  the 
Auxiliary  Squadron. 

■*  '  Nederl.  Zeewezen,'  iv.  182. 

^  These  did  not  join  until  late  in  the  year. 

°  Stewart,  Hardy,  and  Martin  were  not  promoted  t<i  the  raid;s  here  given  until 
June  23rd. 


MA.IOIl    (ll'ERATIONH,    1714-1702. 


paid  to  the  work   oi'   the   Navy  in  the   Mediterranean,  wliere   the 
earliest  fleet  action  of  the  war  was  fought. 

Admiral  Thomas  Mathews,^  being  then  at  Turin,-  was  informed 
on  Deceml^er  30th,  1743,  that  de  Koquefeuil  had  sailed  from  Brest. 
The  intelligence  was  incori'ect,  Irat  it  induced  him  to  suspect  that 
co-operation  between  the  Brest  and  Toulon  squadrons  was  intended. 
He  therefore  sent  orders  to  Minorca  that  all  ships  there  were  to  put 
to  sea  at  once.  A  little  later,  he  heard  that  M.  La  Bruyere  de 
Court  and  Don  Jose  Navarro  purposed  to  quit  Toulon  together  on 
January  '20th  ;  and,  hastening  to  Villa  Franca,  he  embarked  to  join 
Vice-Admiral   Lestock,  off  Hyeres.     Upon  arriving   there  early  in 

■'me  n  I  t  e  j<  r  .1  y  e  >i  * 

Too/'  <t  &^  a  It^ut 

January,  1744,  he  found  himself  at  the  head  of  only  twenty  sail 
of  the  line,  four  of  which  mounted  but  fifty  guns  apiece ;  but  on 
the  11th  he  was  reinforced  by  the  Elizabeth,  70,  Berwick,  70, 
Priiiccsa,  70,  and  Marlborough,  90 ;  on  Februar}'  3rd,  by  the 
Somerset,  80,  Warwick,  60,  and  Dragon,  GO;  on  February  10th,  by 
the  Boyne,  80,  and  Chichester,  80,  which  had  been  sent  out  from 
England ;  and  on  the  11th,  on  the  very  eve  of  the  battle,  by  the 
jRoi/al  Oak,  70.  In  the  interval,  he  kept  himself  admirably  informed, 
by  means  of  his  frigates,  of  the  motions  and  designs  of  the  enemy. 

'  He  was  pronwted  to  be  Admiral  of  the  White  by  tlie  Guzetie  of  February  18th,  1744. 
-  Where  he  had  been  concerting  measures  with  the  Sardinian  Government  for  the 
defence  of  the  Italian  coasts. 


MATIUCWS   AND    TIIK   A  1.1.1  EH. 


On  February  9tli,  the  coniLincd  fleet  appeared  under  sail  in  the 
outer  road  of  Toulon,  and  there  formed  a  line  of  battle.  Mathews 
had  already  unmoored  and  shortened  in  cable,  and  at  10  A.M.  he 
weighed,  the  wind  being  westerly.  Half  an  hour  afterwards,  he 
formed  his  line  of  battle  ahead,  and  then  plied  to  windward  between 
the  islands  and  the  mainland,  as  if  inviting  the  enemy  to  bear  down 
on  bim.     At  night,  having  stationed  cruisers  to  watch  the  foe,  be 

SIR    Wn.l.IAJI    ROWLEY,    K.l!.,    ADJIIRAI.    OF    THE    FLEET. 

anchored  in  Hyeres  Bay.  That  evening,  when  Vice-Admiral 
Lestock  visited  bis  chief  on  board  tbe  Namur,  Mathews  seems  to 
have  received  bim  coldly,  and  to  have  presently  desired  him  to 
return  to  his  own  ship. 

At  dawn  on   February  10th,  tbe   British  weighed  with  a  land 
breeze  ;  and  at  7  A.M.,  tbe  wind  being  from  E.  or  E.S.E.,^  Mathews 

'  At  tliat  time  tlie  allies  had,  or  aiipeareJ  to  liave,  a  westerty  wind. 

!'4  MA.IOI!    Dlr-KnATIOS'S,    1711-1762.  [17.44. 

signalled  for  his  tieet  to  draw  into  line  of  battle  ahead  with  the  wind 
large,  and  for  Lestock's  division  to  lead  with  the  starboard  tacks 
on  board.  Both  A^ce-Admiral  Lestock  and  Eear-Adrniral  M''illiam 
Eowley  repeated  the  signal,  but,  as  the  wind  was  very  light,  and 
there  was  a  hea\^'  swell  from  the  westward,  there  was  much 
difficulty  in  getting  out  of  the  bay  in  anything  hke  the  prescribed 
order  ;  and  for  some  hours  many  of  the  ships  had  to  tow  with  their 
boats  in  order  to  keep  clear  of  one  another.  The  enemy  was  seen 
at  a  distance  of  twelve  or  fifteen  miles  to  the  S.W.  At  1  p.m. 
Mathews  again  signalled  for  the  line  of  battle  ahead ;  and  at  2  p.m. 
he  hoisted  a  blue  flag  at  the  mizzen-topmast  head,  and  fired  a  gun.' 
He  brought  to ;  the  junior  flag-officers  repeated  the  signal ;  and  the 
whole  fleet  brought  to  with  the  larboard  tacks  on  board.  The  wind 
was  then  so  light  as  to  be  almost  imperceptible,  and  the  swell  drove 
the  ships  nearer  and  nearer  to  the  island  of  Porquerolles.  But  at 
3  P.M.,  when  there  was  a  nearly  easterly  breeze,  Mathews  signalled 
for  the  line  of  battle  abreast,-  and  then  stretched  with  his  division  to 
the  south-west,  Vice-Admiral  Lestock  stretching  to  the  west,  and 
Eear-Admiral  Eowley  making  all  possible  sail  with  a  view  to 
extending  the  fleet  and  forming  line  of  battle.  Yet,  towards  evening, 
most  of  the  ships  were  still  out  of  station ;  Eowley's  division  was 
scattered,  and  was  far  astern  of  Mathews's ;  and  neither  Mathews's 
nor  Lestock's  division  was  in  line.  The  allies,  on  the  contrary,  were 
in  admirable  order,  at  a  distance  of  between  four  and  five  miles, 
M.  de  Court  being  in  the  centre,  M.  Gabaret  in  the  van,  and 
Don  Jose  Navarro  in  the  rear. 

Soon  after  nightfall,  Mathews  signalled  to  bring  to,  the  most 
windwardly  ships  to  do  so  first  and  to  lie  by  with  their  larboard 
tacks  on  board.  The  fleet  accordingh-  brought  to  close  to  the  alhes, 
and,  during  the  night,  lay  well  in  sight  of  them,  the  wind  varying 
in  the  eastern  quarter.  The  Essex,  70,  and  Winchelsea,  20,  were 
told  off  to  watch  the  enemy,  and  to  signal  intelligence  as  to  any 
movement  on  his  part ;  but  these  ships  do  not  appear  to  have 
observed  that,  after  the  moon  had  set,  the  allies  made  sail,  and  thus 

'  "  When  the  fleet  is  sailing  before  the  'vvind,  and  the  Admiral  would  have  them 
bring  to  with  the  starboard  tacks  on  board,  he  vnQ.  hoist  a  red  flag  at  the  flagstaff  on 
the  mizzen-topmast  head,  and  fire  a  gun ;  if  to  bring  to  with  the  larboard  tack,  a  blue 
flag  at  the  same  place,  and  fire  a  gun ;  and  every  ship  is  to  answer  with  the  same 
signal." — '  Sailing  Instruction,'  ix. 

^  Hoisting  the  Union  and  a  pennant  at  the  mizzen-peak,  and  firing  a  gun. — 
'  Fighting  Inst.'  ii. 

1744.]  TIIK   DATTT.K    OFF   TOULON.  05 

increased  tlieir  distances  I'l-om  (Ik;  lii'itisli,  \sli(),  in  the  meantime,  had 
drifted  between  the  enemy  and  Toulon,  and  lay  with  Cape  Hide 
about  twelve  miles  to  the  N.N.W.  At  dawn,  at  least  nine  miles 
intervened  between  the  headmost  and  tiie  sternmost  ships  ol' 
Mathews's  connnand  ;  and  tlie  vaiious  divisions  were  not  in  close 
order.  Neither  were  the  allies  as  well  stationed  as  M.  de  Court 
must  have  desired.  Not  more  than  six  miles,  however,  represented 
the  extreme  length  of  their  line. 

As  soon  as  he  realised  how^  far  he  was  from  the  Admiral,  Lestock 
oh  his  own  responsibility  made  sail;  but  when,  at  6.30  a.m., 
Mathews  ordered  the  fleet  as  a  whole  to  do  the  like,  Lestock  was 
still  five  miles  astern.  M.  de  Court  had  already  signalled  for  the 
line  of  battle  upon  a  wind  ;  and  the  allies  at  that  time,  now  with 
their  topsails  and  now  with  their  IViresails  set,  were  stretching  in 
fairly  good  order  to  the  southward.  The  British  followed,  but,  says 
Beatson : — 

"As  the  leiir  divi.siou  was  at  su  great  a  distance  tVuiu  fhe  centre,  and  tiie  vau  not  so 
close  as  it  should  have  been,  the  Admiral,  at  7.30  a.m.,  made  the  signal  for  Rear- 
Admiral  Rowley  and  his  division  to  make  more  sail — which  signal  the  Vice-Admii-al 
repeated  ;  and,  soon  after,  the  like  signal  was  made  for  the  Vice-Adniiral  and  his 
division.  At  S  a.m.  the  Admiral  made  the  signal  for  the  fleet  to  draw  into  a  line  of 
battle,  one  ship  abreast  of  the  other,  with  a  large  wind ;  and,  half  an  lioin-  after,  he 
made  the  signal  for  the  fleet  to  draw  into  a  line  of  battle,  one  ship  ahead  i>f  another. 
These  signals  were  repeated  by  the  junior  flags." 

Yet  it  took  some  time  to  form  the  line  ;  and,  in  the  meanwhile, 
M.  de  Court  seemed  inclined  to  avoid  a  general  action,  and  to 
endeavour  to  draw  the  British  towards  the  Strait.  Mathews  divined 
his  opponent's  intention  to  be  either  to  escape  altogether,  or  to 
proceed  without  fighting  until,  reinforced  by  the  squadron  from 
Brest,  he  should  be  in  a  condition  to  go  into  battle  with  superior 
forces  in  his  favour.  Mathews  was,  of  course,  unwilling  to  allow- 
either  object  to  be  attained  ;  and  it  was  for  that  reason  that,  at 
about  11.30  A.M.,  when,  as  has  been  hinted,  the  order  of  battle  was 
still  very  incompletely  formed,  the  Admiral  hoisted  the  signal  to 

The  fleets  which  were  about  to  be  opposed  one  to  anotlier  were 
constituted  as  follows  ; — ^ 

'  The  lists  are  taken,  with  sliglit  alterations,  from  those  in  Beatson  and  Schomberg, 
and  from  the  evidence  in  the  courts-martial.  It  would  appear,  however,  that  some  of 
the  Spanish  ships  practically  formed  part  of  the  allied  centre. 


M  A.J  on    OPERATIONS,    17U-J762. 




/  Stirling  Castle  . 
Warttnck . 
A'asmu     . 

liarjteur  . 

Princess  Caroh'ni 

Ite}~wick  . 



Kingston  . 
Oxford.  50      . 
Feversham,  40 
Winchefsea,  20 

/  Ih-agon  . 
Bedford  . 
Somerset  . 
Princesa  . 
Norfolfc    . 

■S  (   Dorsetshire    . 
JCssex  .... 
Jiotjal  Oalc     . 

Guernsey,  50  . 

Salislmri/.  50  . 

Durslei/  GaUi-ij, 

Anve  Galle;/  f.s. 

Sutherland     h.i 
■'  IS       .      ,      . 

90   765 

70   480  I  Thomas  Cooper. 
60    400      Temple  West. 
"0  ,480  ,  James  Lloy-l. 

iRear-Adm.  William  Rowley, 

(Merrick  tie  I'Aiigle. 
SO    600  :   Heury  Osborii. 
"0   4s(j     Eiiwaril  Hawke. 
HU    (iOO  I   William  hilko-s. 
80    6(tO  I  RoftiamI  l-rogmnre. 
CO    400  I  John  Lovet. 
. .    300  I  liord  Hairy  Powlett. 
..    250  j  Ji)bn  Watkin8(2). 
..  !l25      William  Marsh. 

60  4U0 

70  4.^0 

80  600 

74  550 

80  600 

90  780 

80  (iOO 
70  480 
60  4UU 
70  480 

I  Charles  Watson. 

i  Hon.  George  Townshend. 

I  (Icorge  Sclater. 

I  Iiol)eitPett. 

j  Hon.  John  Forbes. 

lAdm.     Tbomas     Slalbews, 

{    (B.). 

,  l.lobn  Uussel. 

.Fames  (.'oniwaH. 
,  (icorge  Burrish. 

Riibard  Norris. 

.lolm  Ambrose. 

I  Edmnnd  Williams. 
!  Samuel  Cornish. 

Peter  Osborn. 
Giles  Richard  Vanbnigb. 
—  Mackie,  (Com.). 
/Alexander     Lord    Colville, 

I I  (Com.). 

Dutihirl-  . 
Cambridgt     . 
Torbay     .     .     . 

Xeptune    . 

Elizabeth.     .      . 
Jiereiige    . 

Nonsuch,  50     . 

Bomne'/t  50 

Diamond,  40   . 

Mercury  f.s.,  8 

60  400 

80  600 

80  600 

90  770 


Charles  Wager  Pnrvis. 
Charles  Drummoud. 
John  Gascoigne. 
( Vice-Adm.  R.  Lestock,  (W.). 
(George  Stepney. 
600  '  Robert  Long. 
480  I  John  Towry. 
480  I  Joseph  Lingen. 
4'*0  !  George  Berkeley. 
300      Edmund  Straage. 
31)0  i  Henry  Godsalve. 
250     James  Hodsell. 
45  I  M.  Peadle,  (Com.). 

Note. — The    Burford,    70,    Captain    Richard    Watkins, 
several  vessels  not  of  the  line,  were  absent  from  the  fleet. 


lior^e  . 
Toulouse  . 
hue  d'Orlf-ans 


esif   M.  Ue  iJamaquart. 

800   M.  d'Orves. 
820    >].  Cabaret  (Chef  d'Eec). 
M.  de  Cavlus. 




11.  de  Vautlrcull. 

A'luiUjn    . 



Kole     .     .     . 



11.  d'AllK-rt. 

AtalavU,  20 

A  firpshlp,  « 

Farietix    , 



M.  de  Gravier. 

Se'rieax     .     . 

1  64 


Fei-me .     .     . 



M.  de  I)esorqua't- 

TIgre  .     .     . 



M.  de  Sauriiis-Mnrat. 

Terrible    .      . 



Adm.  de  Court. 

Saint  Esprit  . 



Diamaitt  .     . 



M.  de  Marrilart. 

SoUde .     .     . 



M.  de  Cbateauneuf. 

Fltur.  20    . 

Xeplii/r.  20. 

A  fireship,  H 

A  fileship,  » 

Orietite     .      .      .  I  60   I  600 

Amtrica   .      .      .  i  Co   '  600 

^'f^plu^lo    ...  60  600 

Podcr  .      .      .      .  I  60  600 

Constante.      .      .  70   ,  750 

BealFelijte    .      .    ill4    1350 

Sercult-S   .      .      .  C4  650 

Alcitin-     ...  58  600 

BriUante .     .     .  i  hO  600 

San  Fernando     .  64  650 

Sobiero      .      .      .  I  60  600 

Jsabela     ...  SO  900 
lolage,  20  .      . 

A  firesbip,  8    .  ,        |        | 

1  A  French  officer.  Captain  Lage  de  Cueilli,  also 
exercised  some  executive  authority  on  board. 

-  Some  lists  omit  this  vessel,  and  substitute  for  her  the 
Betiro,  54. 

Dun  M.  de  Vileiia. 

I)on  A.  Petru'be. 

Pon  H.  Olivares. 

Don  R.  Errntia. 

Don.  A.  Eturiago. 
(Adm.  Don  Jose  Navarro. 
(Don  N.  Geraldine.i 

I  Ion  C.  Alvario. 

Don  J.  Rentorin. 

Don  B.  de  la  Barrida. 

Conde  de  Vega  Florida. 

Don  J.  B.  Castro. 

Don  I.  Dntabil. 

Captain  Mahan's  account  of  this  action  ^  is  far  too  brief  to  be 
of  much  vahie  to  the  student.  What  he  writes  should,  however, 
be  here  quoted,  since  it  describes  in  a  few  words  the  general 
lines  upon  which  the  battle,  such  as  it  was,  was  fought.  After 
mentioning  the  issue  of  the  allied  fleets  from  the  port  of  Toulon, 
he  continues  : — 

"The  English  fleet,  which  had  been  cruising  oft'  Hyeres  in  observation,  chased,  and 
on  the  nth  its  van  and  centre  came  up  with  the  allies ;  but  the  rear  division  was  then 
several  miles  to  windward  and  astern,  quite  out  of  supporting  distance.  The  wind 
was  easterly,  both  fleets  heading  to  the  southward ;  and  the  English  had  the  weather- 

'  Infl.  of  Sea  Power,'  265. 

1711.]  THE  BATTLE   OFF    TOULON.  97 

gage.  Tiie  numbers  were  nearly  e([iial,  the  Knglisli  having  twenty-nine  to  tlie  allied 
twenty-seven ; '  but  this  advantage  was  reversed  by  the  t'aihue  (j1'  the  Eiiglish  rear  to 
join.  The  course  of  the  Kear-Adnnral  lias  been  generally  attributed  to  ill-will  t(jwards 
Mathews;  for,  although  he  proved  that  in  liis  separated  position  he  made  all  sail  to 
join,  he  did  not  attack  later  on  when  he  could,  on  the  plea  that  the  signal  for  the  line 
of  battle  was  flying  at  the  same  tirne  as  the  signal  to  engage;  meaning  that  lie  could 
not  leave  the  line  to  fight  without  disobeying  the  order  to  form  line.  This  technical 
excuse  was,  however,  accepted  by  the  subsequent  court-martial.  Under  the  actual 
condition,  Mathews,  mortified  and  harassed  by  the  inaction  of  his  lieutenant,  and 
fearing  that  the  enemy  would  escape  if  he  delayed  longer,  made  the  signal  to  engage 
when  his  own  van  was  abreast  the  enemy's  centre,  and  at  once  bore  down  himself 
out  of  the  line  and  attacked  with  his  flagship  of  ninety  guns  the  largest  ship  in  the 
enemy's  line,  the  Eoyal  Philip  of  one  liundred  and  ten  guns,  carrying  the  flag  of  the 
Spanish  admiral.  In  doing  this  he  was  bravely  supported  by  his  next  ahead  and 
astern.  The  moment  of  attack  seems  to  have  been  judiciously  chosen;  five  Spanish 
ships  had  straggled  far  to  the  rear,  leaving  their  admiral  with  the  support  only  of  his 
next  ahead  and  astern,  w'hile  three  "^  other  Spaniards  continued  on  with  the  French. 
The  English  van  stood  on,  engaging  the  allied  centre,  while  the  allied  van  was  without 
antagonists.  Being  thus  disengaged,  the  latter  was  desirous  of  tacking  to  windward  of 
the  head  of  the  English  line,  thus  putting  it  between  two  fires,  but  was  checked  by 
the  intelligent  action  of  the  three  leading  English  captains,  who,  disregarding  the 
signal  to  bear  down,  kept  tlieir  commanding  position  and  stopped  the  enemy's  attempts 
to  double.  For  this  they  were  cashiered  by  the  court-martial,  but  afterwards  restored. 
This  circumspect  but  justifiable  regard  of  signals  was  imitated  without  any  justifica- 
tion by  all  the  English  captains  of  the  centre,  save  the  Admiral's  seconds  already 
mentioned,  as  v^ell  as  by  some  of  those  in  the  van,  who  kept  up  a  cannonade  at  long 
range  while  their  Commander-in-Chief  was  closely  and  even  furiously  engaged.  The 
one  marked  exception  was  Captain  Hawke,  afterwards  the  distinguished  admiral,  who 
imitated  the  example  of  his  chief,  and,  after  driving  his  first  antagonist  out  of  action, 
quitted  his  place  in  the  van,  brought  to  close  quarters  a  fine  Spanish  ship  that  had 
kept  at  bay  five  other  English  ships,  and  took  her — the  only  prize  made  that  day. 
The  commander  of  the  English  van,  with  his  seconds,  also  behaved  with  spirit  and 
came  to  close  action.     It  is  unnecessary  to  describe  the  battle  further.  .  .  ." 

After  having,  at  11.30  a.m.,  hoisted  the  signal'  to  engage, 
Mathews  stood  on,  but  overhauled  the  enemy  only  very  gradually. 
At  1  P.M.,  the  Naviur  was  abreast  of  the  Real  Felipe,  and  the 
Barjieur,  of  the  Terrible.  Half-an-hour  later,  the  Namur  bore 
down  within  pistol-shot  of  the  Bcal  Felipe,  and  began  to  engage  her 
furiously,  and  the  Barjieur  presently  did  the  same  with  the  Terrible. 
Lestock's  division  was  still  far  astern,  and  to  windward,  and, 
according  to  the  evidence  at  the  court-martial,  could  not  have  then 
been  up  with  the  centre,  unless  Mathews  had  shortened  sail  and 
waited  for  it. 

'  This  statement  seems  to  be  a  little  misleading.  According  to  the  lists  already 
given,  the  British  liad  in  line  twenty-eight  shi]js,  and  the  allies  the  same  number.  But, 
in  addition,  the  British  had  five  .50  and  two  40-gun  ships,  for  which  the  allies  had  no 
equivalents.     The  guns  in  line  on  each  side  were :  British,  2080 ;  Allies,  1822. 

2  Qy.  "  four." 

^  This  was  repeated  by  liowley,  but  not  hy  Lestock,  who  was  at  a  great  distance. 

VOL.    III.  H 


MA.IOn    OPERATIONS,    1711-1702 


The  Nainiir  was  well  supported  by  the  Mdrlbdrongli,  which 
attacked  the  I.sahi'hi,^  and  by  the  Norfolk,  which  attacked  the 
ConsttDife.  The  Princesa,  Bedford,  Dragon,  and  Kingston  fired  into 
the  I'odcr,  and  the  Nephino,^  America,  and  Oriente,  after  exchanging 
rather  distant  broadsides  with  the  same  British  ships,  passed  on 
with  tJio  rear  of  the  French  part  of  the  allied  fleet.     The  remaining 

Spanish  ships  were,  at 
first,  considerably  astern 
of  their  station,  but,  as 
the  breeze  freshened,  they 
came  up,  and,  towards  the 
end  of  the  action,  assisted 
the  Real  Felipe.  Lestock 
made  some  effort  to  pre- 
vent this,  but  the  wind 
was  still  very  hght  with 
him,  and  he  was  also  im- 
peded by  the  swell,  so  that, 
although  he  had  all  sail 
set,  his  efforts  were  vain. 

The  Barfleur^  got  to 
close  quarters  with  the 
Terrible,  and  was  much 
assisted  by  the  Princess 
Caroline*^  and  the  Ber- 
tvick.  The  Chichester  and 
Boyne  also  threw  in  their 
fire,  but  they  were  not 
close  enough  to  the  enemy 
to  do  much  execution.  As 
for  the  leading  ships  of  the  van — the  Stirling  Castle,  Warwick  and 
Nassau — they  did  not  bear  down  to  the  enemy  at  all,  although  the 
signal  for-  them  to  do  so  was  flying.  They  chose  to  disregard  it, 
and  to  keep  their  wind,  in  order,  as  was  afterwards  explained  or 
suggested,  to  prevent  the  French  froua  doubling  upon  the  head  of 
the  British  column. 

'  Tlie  Isabela,  which  lost  uearly  three  liuiKh'ed  killed  and  wounded,  had  by  that 
time  moved  up  to  the  position  next  astern  of  the  Heal  Felipe. 
-  The  Ntptuno  lost  nearly  two  hundred  killed  and  wounded. 
^  The  Barfieur  had  twenty-tive  killed,  and  twentj-  wounded. 
■*  The  Priiicess  Caroline  had  eight  killed,  and  twentv  wounded. 

FEBRUARY    llTH,    1744. 

British.  Maek  :  Freneh,  icliite  ;  Spanish,  sluidcd. 

[Mathews's  flagship,  the  Xamiir.  is  the  centre  one  of  tlie 
three  rearmost  Britisli  ships  that  are  closely  engaged. 
Hawke's  ship,  the  Beriinck,  is  the  rearmost  one  of  the 
larger  closely  engaged  gronp.  She  has  already  silenced 
the  Ptidcr,  which  lies  head  to  wind  astern  of  her.] 




The  hottest  part  oi'  the  uclioii  was,  in  the-  uuiiuitiuu.',  being 
waged  l)y  the  ships  immediately  about  Mathews.  The  Norfolk  ^ 
drove  the  Constante  out  of  the  hue,  a  shattered  wreck,  but  was 
herself  too  much  damaged  to  pursue  her.  The  Nainur  and  Marl- 
borough were,  at  one  moment,  so  close  to  one  another  that  Mathews, 
to  avoid  being  fallen  on  board  of  by  his  eager  second,  was  ol)liged  to 
fill  his  sails,  and  draw  a  little  ahead.     Tlie  Ndiiuir  was  tlien  scarcely 

(From  T.  Ftilwra  nirinirin.i  ii/Irr  llir  i«,iiniit  h,i  Arnidpht  (1743).) 

under  control,  owing  to  the  rough  handling  which  she  had  received, 
and  could  give  little  help  to  the  Marlburough,  which,  fought  by  her 
captain,  and  afterwards  by  his  nephew.  Lieutenant  Frederick 
Cornwall,  in  the  inost  magnificent  manner,  was  very  sorely 
pressed.  None  of  the  vessels  immediately  astern  of  her  volunteered 
to  assist  her  in  the  least,  but,  keeping  their  wind,  fired  fruitlessly  at 
an  enemy  who  was  beyond  the  reach  of  their  shot ;  and,  in  spite  of 

Tlie  NorfiiJk  had  nine  killeil,  and  thirteen  wounded. 

H   -1 

100  MAJOR    OPBllATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1744. 

the  fact  that  the  Spaniards  Ijetrayed  every  desire  to  meet  them  in 
the  most  handsome  manner,  few  British  captains  properly  took  up 
the  challenge.  The  most  brilliant  exception  was  Captain  Edward 
Ilawke,  of  the  Berwick,  who,  noticing  how  the  Poder  had  vainly 
endeavoured  to  draw  on  some  of  his  reluctant  colleagues,  quitted  his 
station,  and  bore  down  upon  her.  His  first  broadside  did  her  an 
immense  amount  of  damage,  and,  in  twenty  minutes,  when  she  had 
lost  all  her  masts,  she  was  glad  to  strike. 

The  Beal  Felij}e '  was  disabled,  but  the  ships  of  the  rear 
were  crowding  up  to  her  assistance,  and  Lestock  remained  afar  off, 
so  that  it  looked  as  if  the  British  strength  about  the  Spanish  admiral 
would  not  suffice  to  compel  her  to  haul  down  her  colours.  In  these 
circumstances,  Mathews  ordered  the  Anne  Galley,  fireship,  to  go 
down  and  burn  the  Heal  Felipe,  and,  seeing  that  the  Marlborough''' 
was  in  no  condition  to  help  herself,  he  further  signalled  for  the  boats 
of  the  British  centre  to  tow  her  out  of  the  line. 

The  Anne  Galley  was  handled  with  great  ability  and  gallantry. 
As  she  bore  down  on  the  Real  Felijje  she  was  received  with  a  well- 
directed  fire  from  such  guns  as  that  crippled  ship  could  bring  to 
bear,  and  with  a  more  distant  cannonade  from  the  Spanish  vessels 
astern  of  the  flagship.  Commander  Mackie,  match  in  hand,  stood 
alone  upon  the  deck  of  his  little  craft,  ready  to  fire  her  at  the  proper 
moment.  Most  of  his  crew  were  alongside  in  a  boat,  which  was 
waiting  to  take  him  on  board.  The  rest,  by  his  orders,  had  taken 
shelter  from  the  storm  of  shot  that  hurtled  across  the  fireship.  But 
the  Anne  Galley,  struck  repeatedly  between  wind  and  water,  was 
already  sinking.  Moreover,  a  Spanish  launch,  crowded  with  men, 
was  approaching  to  board  her,  and  tow  her  clear.  Mackie  felt  that, 
at  all  hazards,  he  must  endeavoiTr  to  destroy  the  launch,  and,  in 
spite  of  the  fact  that  his  decks  were  littered  with  loose  powder,  that 
his  hatches  and  scuttles  were  open,  and  that  his  funnels^  were 
uncapped,  he  fired  his  waist  guns  at  the  boat.  This  was  fatal. 
The  blast  from  the  guns  set  fire  to  the  loose  powder  ;  and,  while  the 
A)ine  Galley  was  still  too  far  from  the  Beal  Felipe  to  seriously 
damage  her,  she  prematurely  blew  up,  and  then  sank,  carrying  down 

'  Tlie  Real  Felipe  bail  about  five  bundred  nun  killed  and  wounded. 

^  The  Marlhorough  lost  Captain  Cornwall,  and  forty-two  men  killed  and  one 
bundred  and  twenty  wounded. 

^  Funnels:  in  a  firesbip,  tubes  leading  from  the  deck  to  the  main  body  of  explosives 
in  the  hold. 

1744.]  THE    /!ATTL;<;   off   TOULON.  101 

Commandur  Miickii!,  a  liuiiicMiiiiit,  a  luato,  a  gunner,  and  two 

In  the  meantime,  M.  do  Court,  wlm,  owing  to  tlie  confusion  and 
smoke,  seems  to  have  supposed  that  the  Spaniards  were  much  more 
closely  pressed  than  was  actually  the  case,  tacked  to  their  assistance. 
Eear-Admiral  Rowley  tacked  too,  and  followed  the  allied  centre. 
Very  soon  afterwards,  Mathews,  to  quote  the  words  of  Beatson — 

"  hauled  down  the  signal  to  engage  the  enemy,  and  also  the  signal  for  the  lino  of 
battle  ;  making  the  signal  to  give  over  chase ;  but,  at  half-past  five  o'clock,  he  made 
the  signal  for  the  fleet  to  draw  into  a  line  if  battle  ahead.  There  was  then  but  little 
wind,  and  so  great  a  swell  that  the  ships  could  only  wear.  The  Admiral  wore,  and 
formed  the  line  of  battle  on  the  larboard  tack.  This  last  manoeuvre  of  the  Admiral's 
appears  to  have  been  made  with  a  design  to  collect  his  fleet,  draw  them  out  of  the 
confusion  they  were  in,  and  ari-auge  them  in  a  proper  order  for  battle,  which  he  had 
every  reason  to  think  would  be  speedily  renewed ;  the  French  squadron  being  now  at 
hand,  and  in  an  e.xtremely  well-formed  line.  They  crowded,  however,  to  the  assistance 
of  the  Spaniards.  The  Foder,  prize,  being  dismasted,  and  being  unable  to  follow  the 
British  fleet  when  they  wore,  was  retaken  by  the  French  squadron,  she  having  on 
board  a  lieutenant  and  twenty-three  men  belonging  to  the  Berwick.  The  Dorsetshire, 
Fssex,  Rupert,  and  Boyal  Oak,  wearing  at  the  time  the  Admiral  did,  brought  them 
nearer  to  the  sternmost  ships  of  the  Spanish  squadron,  which  had  by  this  time  joined 
tlieir  admiral  in  a  close  line.  In  passing  each  other,  being  on  contrary  tacks,  a  short 
action  took  place,  in  which  the  Namur,  Dunkirk,  and  (Jrtnhri'lye  joined,  but  with 
little  execution  on  either  side.  Daylight  was  almost  gone,  and  the  British  fleet  passed 
on,  leaving  the  confederate  fleet  astern." 

Owing  to  the  condition  of  the  Namur  s '  masts,  Mathews,  at 
about  8  P.M.,  shifted  his  flag  from  her  to  the  Russell,  and  intimated 
the  fact  of  the  change  to  Lestock  and  Eowley.  On  the  morning  of 
the  12th,  when  the  wind  was  E.N.E.,  the  enemy  was  seen  about 
twelve  miles  to  the  S.W.  At  about  7  a.m.,  the  Somerset,  which 
had  become  separated  from  her  consorts  in  the  night,  fell  in  with, 
and  for  half-an-hour  engaged,  the  Hercules,  which  had  likewise 
straggled  from  her  friends  ;  but,  the  Hercules  being  assisted  by  some 
French  ships,  the  Somerset  had  to  draw  off  and  rejoin  her  division. 
At  9  A.M.  Lestock  ordered  his  squadron  to  chase  to  the  S.W.,  and 
crowded  sail  ahead  of  the  fleet.  At  11  p.m.,  Mathews  signalled  for 
the  fleet  to  draw  into  line  of  battle  abreast,  and  then  brought  to  on 
the  starboard  tack  in  order  to  collect  his  command.  In  the  after- 
noon, the  British  fleet,  in  admirable  order,  was  going  down  on  flie 
enemy,  which  was  retreating  in  some  confusion  before  the  wind,  the 
Spaniards  being  ahead  of,  and  to  leeward  of  the  French,  and  the 

'  The  A»m»/'  liad  eight  killed  and  twelve  wounded.  Among  the  latter  was 
Cniitain  liussel,  who  lost  his  left  arm,  and  wlio  subsequently  died  at  Port  Mahou. 

102  MAJOR    Ol'Ji RATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1744. 

Heal  Felipe  still  bearing  Navarro's  Hag,  although  she  was  in  tow  of 
another  vessel.  As  for  the  Poder,  she  fell  so  far  astern  that  the 
enemy  fired  her  to  prevent  her  from  again  falling  into  British  hands ; 
and,  in  the  course  of  the  following  night,  she  blew  up.  But,  in  the 
meantime,  Mathews,  at  about  5.30  p.m.  on  the  l'2th,  had  ordered  his 
fleet  to  bring  to,  there  being  no  more  than  a  light  wind  from  the 
N.E.,  and  by  10  p.m.  that  night  the  enemy  was  out  of  sight. 

On  the  13th,  Mathews  again  chased  to  the  W.  and  W.S.W. ;  but 
at  U  A.M.  he  ordered  the  pursuit  to  be  relinquished,  his  reasons,  as 
afterwards  explained,  being,  that  he  saw  no  prospect  of  bringing  the 
allies  to  action ;  that,  if  he  had  continued  to  follow  them,  he  would 
have  been  drawn  towards  the  Strait's  mouth,  and  would  have  left 
Italy  entirely  unprotected ;  and  that,  as  his  instructions  were 
stringent  as  to  the  protection  of  Italy,  he  was  unwilling  to  risk 
leaving  the  way  clear  for  the  transport  thither  of  a  large  number  of 
troops  which  he  had  reason  to  believe  had  been  collected  for  that 
purpose  in  the  ports  of  Spain.  Yet  it  was  unfortunate  that  the 
Admiral  did  not  persist.  Had  he  pressed  the  chase,  he  must 
inevitably  either  have  picked  up  several  of  the  crippled  ships  ^  of  the 
allies,  or  have  obliged  de  Court  and  Navari'o  to  accept  action  on 
disadvantageous  terms  in  order  to  cover  their  lame  ducks. 

After  having  relinquished  the  chase,  Mathews  tried  to  beat  back 
in  the  face  of  strong  contrary  winds,  but  failed ;  so,  first  showing 
himself  in  Eosas  Bay,  with  a  view  to  letting  the  Spaniards  know 
that  he  was  observing  their  motions,  he  ran  for  Port  ]\lahon.  Upon 
reaching  that  harbour,  he  suspended  Vice-Admiral  Lestock,  and  sent 
him  to  England. 

Both  in  France  and  Spain,  as  well  as  in  Great  Britain,  there 
was  great  disgust  at  the  result  of  the  battle  off  Toulon.  In  France, 
Admiral  de  Court,  in  consequence  of  Navarro's  representations,  was 
superseded.  De  Court  in  a  letter  to  the  Bishop  of  Eennes,  who 
was  then  Ambassador  from  France  to  the  Court  of  Madrid,  said, 
"  It  was  not  I,  my  lord,  who  forced  M.  Navarro  to  fight  against  all 
laws  of  war  and  prudence ;  it  was  not  I  who  separated  his  ships 
from  him  and  drove  him  into  danger ;  but  when  he  had  taken  so 
much  pains,  after  all  I  could  do,  to  get  himself  beaten,  it  was  I  who 
came  to  his  assistance  and  gave  him  the  opportunity  to  get  away, 
which  otherwise  he  never  could  have  had."  De  Court  was  at  the 
time  an  officer  of  nearly  eighty  years  of  age. 

'  Four,  at  least,  and  probably  more,  were  sei'iously  tlisablecl  aloft. 

1745.]  THE    COURTS-MAJiTUL.  ID."! 

In  Great  Britain,  Lestock's  nii\villin^'n(!ss  to  sit  (]uictly  under 
his  suspension  led  to  a  succession  ol'  courts-martial.  These  were 
preceded  by  an  enquiry  by  the  House  of  Commons,  which  began  on 
March  l'2th,  174.5,  and  lasted  until  tin-  middle  of  April.  The  King 
was  then  addressed  to  order  a  court-nuu-tial  into  the  conduct  of 
Admiral  Mathews,  Vice-Admiral  Lestock,  the  captains  of  a  number 
of  ships,  which  had  been  engaged  in  the  battle  off  Toulon,  and  the 
lieutenants  of  the  Dorsctaliiir.  In  his  reply  his  Majesty  said, 
"  I  am  sensible  how  much  depends  on  preserving  an  exact 
discipline  in  the  fleet,  and  of  the  necessity  there  is  of  bringing 
to  justice  such  as  have  failed  in  their  duty  on  this  important 
occasion."  In  the  meantime,  Mathews,  in  pursuance  of  orders 
from  England,  had  resigned  his  command  and  returned  home, 
leaving  the  fleet  under  the  orders  of  Vice- Admiral  William  Eowley. 

The  court-martial  first  assembled  on  board  the  London  at 
Chatham  on  September  '23rd,  1745,  under  the  presidency  of  Sir 
Chaloner  Ogle  (1),  Kt.,  Admiral  of  the  Blue.  The  officers  brought 
before  it  were  the  Heutenants  of  the  Dorsetshire ,  who  were  charged 
with  having  advised  their  Captain,  BiuTish,  not  to  bear  down  upon 
the  enemy.  They  were  all  acquitted.  On  September  25th  Burrish's 
trial  began,  and  sentence  was  delivered  on  October  9th.  The  court 
declared,  "  That  by  reason  of  Captain  Burrish  lying  inactive  for 
half-an-hour  when  he  might  have  assisted  the  Marlhorongh,  and 
not  being  in  line  with  the  Admiral  when  he  first  brought  to,  he  is 
guilty  of  a  part  of  the  charge  exhibited  against  him,  as  he  did  not 
do  his  utmost  to  burn,  sink,  or  destroy  the  enemy,  nor  give  the 
proper  assistance  to  the  Marlborough  till  after  the  message  he 
received  from  the  Admiral :  that  he  is  guilty  on  the  12th  and 
13th  Articles  of  the  Fighting  Instructions,  and  that  therefore  the 
court  adjudge  him  to  be  cashiered  and  forever  rendered  incapable 
of  being  an  officer  in  his  Majesty's  Navy."  Captain  Edmund 
Williams,  of  the  lioijal  Oak,  was  next  tried  on  four  charges.  The 
court  found  that  Captain  Williams  had  failed  in  his  duty  by  not 
being  in  line  with  the  Admiral,  and  by  keeping  to  the  windward  of 
the  line  during  the  greater  part  of  the  action,  and  not  within  proper 
distance  to  engage  with  any  effect  during  the  most  part  of  the  time 
he  was  engaged :  but,  in  regard  of  his  long  service  and  his  eyesight 
being  very  defective  and  other  favourable  considerations,  the  court 
was  unanimously  of  the  opinion  that  all  this  greatly  weighed  in 
mitigation   of   the   punishment   due,  and   therefore   only   adjudged 

]U4  MAJOR    OVKRATIONS,   1714-17G2.  [1745. 

him  unfit  to  be  employed  any  more  at  sea,  Init  recommended  him 
to  the  Lords  Commissioners  of  tlie  Admiralty  to  be  continued 
on  half-pay  according  to  his  seniority.  This  recommendation  their 
Lordships  corajjlied  with.' 

Captain  John  Ambrose,  of  the  Rupert,  was  tried  on  October  18th. 
In  his  case  the  court  found  that  he  had  failed  in  his  duty  in  not 
engaging  closer  while  he  was  engaged,  when  he  had  it  in  his  power  : 
but  in  regard  that  both  before  and  since  the  action  he  had  borne 
the  character  of  a  vigilant  officer,  and  that  his  failure  in  action 
seemed  to  have  resulted  from  mistaken  judgment,  the  court  onl}' 
sentenced  him  to  be  cashiered  during  His  Majesty's  pleasure,  and 
mulcted  of  one  year's  pay  for  the  use  of  the  Chest  at  Chatham.  He 
was  presently  restored  to  his  rank,  and  was  in  1750  superannuated 
as  a  rear-admiral,  dying  in  1771.  Captain  William  Dilkes,  of  the 
Chichester,  had  to  answer  the  charge  of  not  bearing  down  and 
engaging  the  enemy  closer  when  he  had  it  in  his  power  so  to  do. 
The  court  found  the  charge  proven,  and  dismissed  him  from  the 
command  of  his  ship,  but  he  also  was  afterwards  restored  to  his 
rank,  though  relegated  to  the  half -pay  list.^  Captain  Frogmore,  of 
the  Boyne,  who  was  to  have  been  tried  with  these  officers,  had  died 
on  November  8th,  1744,  while  still  abroad. 

At  a  rather  earlier  date.  Captain  Norris,  of  the  Essex,  who  had 
been  accused  by  his  own  officers  of  bad  behaviour  during  the  battle, 
had  demanded  and  obtained  a  court-martial  at  Port  Mahon,  but,  as 
he  had  previously  resigned  his  command  and  was  on  half-pay,  the 
court,  after  much  debate,  considered  that  it  had  no  jurisdiction. 
The  account  of  the  proceedings,  and  a  strongly-worded  protest  from 
the  accusing  officers,  having  been  sent  to  England,  the  Admiralty 
ordered  Norris  to  come  home  to  stand  his  trial ;  but  on  his  way  he 
seized  the  opportunity  to  abscond  at  Gibraltar,  thus,  it  must  be 
feared,  admitting  his  guilt.     He  died  in  deserved  obscurity. 

Vice-Admiral  Lestock  had  brought  charges  of  his  own  against 
Captains  Kobert  Pett,  George  Sclater,^  Temple  West,  Thomas 
Cooper,  and  James  Lloyd.  In  consequence  of  his  complaints  of 
their  misconduct,  these  five  captains  were  tried  in  due  course.  The 
first  two  were  acquitted,  the  last  three  cashiered ;  but  as  the 
offences   of  which   the   latter   had   been  convicted   did  not   reflect 

'  Eduniud   Williams,  wlio  was  a  caiitain  of  1734,  subsequently  became  a  super- 
aunuated  rear-admiral,  and  dit-d  in  1752. 

^  Captain  Dilkes  died  in  I75(j.  ^  Or  Slaughter. 

1745.]  LESTOOK  ACQUITTED.  105 

upnii  tlieir  professional  honour  or  cajiacity,  and  as  tlicir  case  was 
considered  a  hard  onc^,  tlie  ]vii),u  at  once  restored  them  to  their 
former  rank  in  the  service.  After  an  adjournment  of  the  court, 
the  trial  of  Vice-Admiral  Lestock  himself  began  at  Deptford  on 
board  the  Priiicr  of  Ontiif/e,  and,  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle  being  in  ill- 
health,  Rear-Admiral  Perry  Mayne  officiated  as  president.  The 
other  flag-officer  in  attendance  was  Kear- Admiral  the  Hon.  John 
Byng,  who,  a  few  years  later,  was  shot  for  his  behaviour  in  the 
action  off  Minorca.  Lestock  urged  in  his  defence  that  he  could 
not  have  engaged  without  breaking  the  line,  and  that  he  was  not 
authorised  to  do  this  because,  though  the  signal  for  engaging  had 
been  made,  that  for  the  line-of-battle  was  still  flying.  He  was 
mianimously  acquitted.  The  truth  is,  that  he  took  shelter  through- 
out behind  purely  technical  excuses,  which  availed  hiin,  although  he 
had  acted  in  opposition  to  the  spirit  of  his  earlier  correspondence 
with  Barnet,  that  a  subordinate  should  go  to  the  length  of  quitting 
his  station,  even  without  orders,  for  the  sake  of  joining  and 
supporting  the  main  body  of  the  fleet  in  action.  In  short,  for 
reasons  of  his  own — and  they  are  not  hard  to  formulate — he  chose 
to  forget  his  broad  duty  to  his  country,  and  his  comrades  in  aims, 
rather  than  depart  from  the  narrow  letter  of  his  instructions. 

During  Lestock's  trial  a  very  remarkable  occurrence  happened. 
On  May  15th  the  president  of  the  court  was  arrested  by  virtue  of 
a  writ  of  capias,  issued  by  Sir  John  Willes,  Lord  Chief  Justice  of 
the  Common  Pleas,  in  consequence  of  a  verdict  which  had  been 
obtained  by  Lieutenant  George  Frye,  of  the  Marines,  against 
Sir  Chaloner  Ogle,  Rear-Admiral  Perry  Mayne  and  others,  for 
false  imprisonment  and  maltreatment  in  the  West  Indies,  resulting 
from  an  illegal  sentence  passed  upon  him  by  a  court-martial. 
The  arrest  of  their  president  so  incensed  the  members  of  the 
court  that,  oblivious  of  the  fact  that  the  civil  law  must  always 
of  necessity  take  precedence  of  the  military,  they  passed  resolutions 
in  which  they  spoke  of  the  Lord  Chief  Justice  of  the  Common 
Pleas  with  violent  disrespect.  These  resolutions  they  forwarded 
to  the  Lords  Commissioners  of  the  Admiralty,  who  laid  them  before 
the  King.  His  Majesty  was  somewhat  hastily  advised  to  express 
his  displeasure  at  the  insult  which  had  been  offei"ed  to  the  court- 
martial  ;  but  he,  like  the  Lords  Conmiissioners  of  the  Admiralty, 
had  little  idea  of  the  great  authority  vested  in  the  Lord  Chief 
Justice  of  the  Connuon  Pleas,  who,  as  soon  as  he   heard  of  the 

106  MAJOR    OPEIiATTONS,    1714-1762.  [1745. 

resolutions   of    the    court-martial,  promptly    ordered    each    member 

of  it  to  be  taken  into  custody.     He  was  beginning  to  adopt  further 

measures  to  vindicate  liis  ofHce,  when  the  episode  was  happily  put 

an  end  to  by  the  submission  of  the  offending  officers. 

The  trial  of  Admiral  Mathews  began  on  June  Kith,  174G,  iiear- 

Admiral  Perry  Mayne,  as  before,  being  president,  and  Rear-Admiral 

the  Hon.  John  Byng  being  of  the  court.     Lestock  exhibited  fifteen 

charges  against  his  superior.     Once  more  the  advocates  of  a  broader 

interpretation  of  the  instructions  were  defeated   by  the  advocates 

of  the  strict  letter.     It  is  perhaps  well  that  in  those  days  it  was  so, 

for,  for  several  years  previously,  naval  discipline  had  been  none  too 

good.     Mathews,  whose  anxiety  to  do  his  best  against  the  enemies 

of  his  country  cannot  be  denied,  though  his  wisdom  may  be,  heard 

his  fate  on  October  22nd,  when  the  following  sentence  was  passed 

upon  him  : — 

"  The  court  having  examined  the  witnesses  produced,  as  well  in  supixjrt  of  the 
charge  as  in  behalf  of  the  prisoner,  and  having  thoroughly  considered  their  evidence, 
do  unanimously  resolve  tliat  it  appears  thereby  that  Thomas  Mathews  Esq.,  by  divers 
breaches  of  duty,  was  a  principal  cause  of  the  miscarriage  of  his  Majesty's  fleet  in  the 
Mediterranean  in  the  month  of  February  1744,  and  that  he  falls  under  the  14th  Article 
of  an  Act  of  the  13th  of  Charles  II.,  for  establishing  articles  and  orders  for  the  better 
government  of  his  Majesty's  Navy,  sliips  of  war  and  forces  by  sea :  and  the  court  do 
unanimously  think  fit  to  adjudge  the  said  Thomas  Mathews  to  be  cashiered  and 
rendered  incapable  of  any  employ  in  his  Majesty's  service." 

There  is  no  question  that,  from  a  purely  legal  point  of  view, 
Mathews  deserved  his  punishment,  but  it  is  equally  undoubted  that 
Lestock's  conduct  throughout  was  really  far  more  reprehensible 
than  that  of  the  superior  officer.  Mathews  blundered,  but  his 
intentions  were  good.  Lestock  clung  tightly  to  the  dead  letter  of 
his  duty ;  but  his  intentions  were  contemptible,  for,  in  effect,  he  said 
to  himself,  "  My  superior  is  making  a  mess  of  this  affair.  I  will 
stick  fast  to  my  instructions  and  let  him,  and  even  the  fleet  and 
country,  go  to  ruin  before  I  will  strike  a  blow  to  help  him.  I  shall 
then  be  safe,  and  he,  whom  I  happen  to  regard  as  my  private  enemy, 
will  pay  the  penalty."  ' 

'  The  minutes  of  these  courts-martial  are  enormously  voluminous,  and  the 
pamphlets  called  forth  by  the  action  off  Toulon  are  extremely  numerous.  See 
especially :  '  A  Partic.  Account  of  the  late  Action  ...  by  an  officer  in  the  Fleet,'  8vo, 
1744 ;  '  Captain  Gascoigne's  Answer,'  etc.,  8vo,  1746  ;  '  Admiral  Mathews's  Hemarks 
on  the  Evidence,'  etc. ;  '  Defence  made  by  J.  Ambrose,'  etc.,  8vo,  1745 ;  '  Case  of 
Captain  G.  Burrish,'  etc.,  Svo,  1747 ;  '  A  Narrative  of  the  Proceedings  of  H.M.  Fleet,' 
etc.,  Svo,  1745  ;  '  Vice-Admiral  L — st — k's  Account,'  etc.,  1745  ;  '  Yice-Admiral 
Lestock's  Piecapitulation,'  etc.,  1745. 

1744.]  BALCIIEN'S   J, A  ST  SEnVJ(JI<:.  107 

Mathews,  after  tho  fi^'ht  oil'  'I'oiildii,  liiul  mlittod  at  Port  Malioii, 
and  had  then  detached  Captain  UoWcrt  Lonj,',  with  a  small  division, 
to  cruise  off  the  Itahan  coast  and  to  intercept  supplies  for  the 
Spanish  army  there.  Mathews  himself  put  to  sea  as  soon  as 
possible,  and  on  June  14th,  1744,  drove  ashore  and  destroyed  a 
number  of  French  transports  near  Marseilles.  In  fact  he  and  his 
cruisers  were  very  active  until  his  return  to  England  in  September. 

His  successor.  Vice- Admiral  Wilham  Eowley,  had  many  objects 
which  he  was  compelled  to  keep  in  view.  He  had  to  guard  Italy 
from  the  French  and  Spaniards,  coming  by  way  of  the  sea  ;  he  had 
to  observe  a  French  squadron  from  Brest,  which  lay  at  Cadiz  ;  lie 
had  to  watch  a  French  fleet  at  Toulon  ;  he  had  to  keep  his  eye  on  the 
Spanish  squadron  at  Cartagena ;  above  all,  he  had  to  protect  British 
trade.  At  that  time  Admiral  de  Torres  was  expected  in  Spain  with 
a  valuable  convoy  of  treasure  ships  from  Havana  ;  and  on  the  other 
hand,  as  has  been  mentioned,  Vice-Admiral  Sir  Charles  Hardy  (1)  had 
gone  southward  with  a  convoy  bound  for  Lisbon  and  Gibraltar. 
The  French  and  Spaniards,  anxious  to  facilitate  the  safe  arrival 
of  de  Torres,  and,  if  possible,  to  intercept  Hardy,  arranged  that  the 
Toulon  squadron  should  put  to  sea,  and  join  with  the  Spanish  at 
Cartagena,  and  with  the  French  at  Cadiz.  Admiral  Gabaret, 
therefore,  left  Toulon  on  September  '20tli  with  sixteen  sail  of  the 
line  and  four  frigates.  Bowley,  who  was  then  at  Minorca,  with 
only  a  part  of  his  forces,  did  not  hear  of  this  till  October  7th.  He 
at  once  put  to  sea  in  chase  ;  and,  as  soon  as  he  realised  that  the 
enemy's  plan  involved  an  attempt  upon  a  division  of  Hardy's  convoy, 
which  had  reached  Gibraltar,  Rowley  made  for  Spain.  Although 
he  ultimately  found  the  merchantmen  safely  under  the  liock,  he 
thereby  managed  to  miss  the  enemy. 

Hardy  had  sailed  in  April  1744,  and,  having  sent  his  main  convoy 
into  the  Tagus,  whence  it  was  to  proceed  by  divisions  to  points 
further  south,  he  returned,  and  re-anchored  at  St.  Helen's  on 
May  20th.  But  scarcely  had  he  quitted  Lisbon  when  the  transports 
and  store-ships,  which  he  had  left  there,  were  blockaded  in  the 
river  by  the  French  squadron,  under  M.  de  Kochambeau,  from 
Brest.  As  the  stores  were  much  needed  by  the  Mediterranean  fleet, 
Admiral  Sir  John  Balchen,  with  his  flag  in  the  Victory,  and  with 
a  considerable  force,  was  detached  from  the  Channel  to  relieve  the 
blockade.  He  sailed  on  July  28th,  made  several  j)rizes,  compelled 
de  Eochamheau  to  return  to  Cadiz,  and  then  escorted  to  Gibraltar 

108  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-17(i2.  [1744. 

that  part  oi'  the  convoy  which  was  siibsequeiitiy  found  there  by 

Balchen  returned;  Init  on  October  3rd  his  command  was  over- 
taken by  a  violent  storm  and  was  dispersed.  Several  ships  were 
much  damaged  and  were  at  times  in  great  danger ;  but  all  of  them, 
except  the  Victory,  safely  reached  Plymouth  on  October  10th. 
The  Victory,  which  was  at  that  time  considered  the  finest  ship  in 
the  world,  had  become  separated  from  her  consorts  on  October  4th, 
and  was  never  again  seen.  It  is  supposed  that  she  struck  on  the 
ridge  of  rocks  called  the  Caskets,  near  the  island  of  Alderney,  seeing 
that  on  the  night  l)etween  the  4th  and  5th  of  October  the  booming 
of  guns  was  heard,  both  by  the  people  in  charge  of  the  Casket  Light 
and  by  the  inhabitants  of  Alderney.  The  wind,  however,  was  so 
strong  that  no  boat  could  venture  in  the  direction  whence  the 
sounds  proceeded.  The  Victory's  crew,  including  her  Admiral,'  her 
Captain,  Samuel  Faulknor,"  her  officers,  and  about  fifty  young 
gentlemen  volunteers,  amounted  to  iipwards  of  one  thousand  souls, 
all  of  whom  perished.  The  loss  of  the  ship  was  at  that  time 
imputed  to  some  defects  in  her  construction,  but  it  is  probable  that 
this  really  had  nothing  to  do  with  it,  and  that  the  disaster  must 
be  attributed  solely  to  the  storm  and  thick  weather  which  prevailed 
at  the  time. 

Owing  to  the  situation  of  affairs  with  France,  a  small  squadron 
of  four  ships,  imder  Commodore  Curtis  Barnet,  sent  at  the  request 
of  the  directors  of  the  East  India  Company  to  the  East  Indies,  had 
sailed  on  May  5th,  1744,  from  Spithead.  In  January  following, 
after  having  taken  measures  to  intercept  home-coming  French  ships 
from  China,  and  after  having  disguised  his  own  vessel,  the  Deptford, 
60,  Captain  John  Philhpson,  and  the  Preston,  50,  Captain  the  Earl 
of  Northesk  (1),  Barnet  was  so  fortunate  as  to  take  in  the  Strait  of 
Banca  the  French  Indiamen  Dauphin,  Herculr,  and  Jason,  each  of 
30  guns. 

The  Commodore  had  not  long  left  England  when  the  successful 
return  of  Commodore  Anson  suggested  to  the  British  Ministry  that 
it  might  be  easy  to  capture  the  next  treasure-ships  bound  from 
Acapulco  to  Manilla ;  and  a  despatch  to  that  effect  was  sent  to 
Barnet  by  the  Lively,  20,  Captain  Elliot  Elhot.     But  the  activity 

'  Sir  John  Balclien  was  then  in  his  seventy-sixth  year. 

^  A  captain  of  1736,  and  a  member  of  one  of  the  most  distinguished  of  British 
naval  families. 

17-J4.]  THE   FltENCII    IN   NOIITII   AMKRU'A.  109 

and  Uiroatcuiu^'  attitude  oi'  tlio  I'^rench  in  India  prevented  tlie 
scheme  from  being  carried  out  ;  and,  after  his  squadion  had  taken 
a  few  other  French  ships,  Barnet  went  to  Madras  and  confined 
himself  mainly  to  observing  and  harassing  the  enemy  in  the  Bay 
of  Bengal. 

Vice-Adniiral  Thomas  Davers  was  sent  with  reinforcements  to 
Jamaica  to  relieve  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle  in  1744  ;  but  the  French  and 
Spaniards  were  so  strong  on  that  station,  and  so  many  battleships 
were  carried  home  with  him  by  Ogle,  that  Davers  had  to  restrict 
himself  to  the  defensive.  His  cruisers,  however,  made  several  prizes 
and  the  French  failed  in  their  only  important  enterprise,  an  attack 
on  Anguilla. 

The  war  which  broke  out  in  1744  was  destined  to  have  an 
important  influence  on  the  fate  of  the  British  and  French  empires 
in  North  America.  At  first  the  French  there  were  very  active,  and 
the  British  were  extremely  indifferent  to  their  own  interests.  In 
consequence  of  this,  the  French  territories,  which  had  been  handed 
over  to  Great  Britain  by  the  Treaty  of  Utrecht,  were  neglected  and 
were  badly  affected  to  the  new  government.  They  were,  indeed,  full 
of  active  French  sympathisers.  The  natural  outcome  was  a  scheme, 
hatched  by  the  French,  to  take  advantage  of  the  dissatisfaction, 
and  to  deprive  Great  Britain  of  part  at  least  of  her  new  possessions. 
M.  de  Quenel,  who  was  then  Governor  of  Cape  Breton,  fitted  out 
a  small  armament  from  Louisbourg  and  put  it  under  the  command 
of  Captain  Duvivier.  The  native  Indians  gave,  or  at  least  promised 
to  give  him  some  assistance.  The  armament  made  first  for  Canso, 
where  the  French  arrived  on  May  11th.  They  were  joined  by 
two  hundred  Indians,  and  by  many  disaffected  inhabitants.  The 
place  was  held  by  a  company  of  the  40th  Regiment,  but,  as  it  was 
indefensible,  it  presently  surrendered.  The  French  demolished 
such  fortifications  as  existed,  and  set  the  place  on  fire.  M.  Duvivier, 
who,  in  the  meantime,  had  been  reinforced  by  five  hundred  Indians, 
proceeded  with  all  his  forces  to  Annapolis  Eoyal.  This  important 
position,  like  Canso,  was  in  a  very  neglected  state  ;  I)ut  it  was  saved 
by  the  activity  and  patriotism  of  the  New  Englanders. 

Governor  Shirley  and  the  Assembly  of  Massachusetts,  well 
knowing  the  consequence  of  Nova  Scotia  to  Great  Britain,  en- 
couraged the  raising  in  New  England  of  a  Iwdy  of  volunteers, 
which,  promptly  dispatched  to  Annapolis,  arrived  before  the  French 
made  their  appearance.     When,  therefore,  M.  Duvivier,  who  landed 

110  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1745. 

on  June  •2nd,  smainoned  the  town,  lie  was  informed  that  it  would 
1)0  defended  to  the  last  exti'emity ;  and,  although  he  made  some 
preparations  for  an  assault,  the  strength  of  the  defenders  so  deeply 
impressed  him  that  he  finally  returned  to  Louisbourg  without 
attempting  anything  further. 

This  activity  of  the  French  suggested  to  the  Governor  and 
Assembly  of  New  England  a  project  for  the  conquest  of  Louisbourg, 
which  was  then  the  chief  French  base  in  North  America.  A  re- 
quest was  made  to  the  home  Government  to  the  effect  that,  as  the 
necessary  naval  forces  could  be  sent  more  quickly  from  the  West 
Indies  than  from  England,  Commodore  Peter  Warren  might  be 
detached  from  the  former  station  to  co-operate  with  a  colonial 
expedition.  To  this  the  Government  agreed,  and  orders  were  issued 
accordingly.  The  Assembly  of  Massachusetts  raised  £27,000  for  the 
service.  Troops  were  collected  and  confided  to  the  command  of 
Mr.  WiUiam  Pepperel,  of  Kittery,  Maine ;  and,  though  no  fewer 
than  38-50  volunteers  were  assembled  and  sufficient  transports  and 
stores  for  their  accommodation  were  provided,  all  was  done  vpith  so 
great  secrecy  that  the  enemy  seems  to  have  suspected  nothing.  But 
as  this  expedition  did  not  sail  till  17-4o,  the  histor}^  of  its  proceedings 
must  be  for  the  present  deferred. 

While  Great  Britain  was  fully  occupied  with  her  foreign  foes  she 
had  to  contend  wath  not  less  dangerous  enemies  at  home,  for  France 
in  1745,  at  a  time  when  the  greater  part  of  the  British  army  was  on 
the  Continent,  engaged  in  supporting  the  schemes  of  the  House  of 
Austria,  suddenly  transported  the  Young  Pretender  to  Scotland. 
France  did  not  believe  that  Prince  Charles  Edward  would  be 
successful,  nor  did  she  ever  mean  to  assist  him  very  actively ;  but 
she  realised  that  he  might  cause  a  most  useful  diversion.  With  a 
slender  retinue  the  Prince  embarked  at  St.  Nazaire  on  board  a  small 
vessel,  the  Dentelle,  which  was  lent  him  by  a  Mr.  Walsh,  who  was 
a  merchant  of  Nantes  but  was  of  Irish  extraction.  He  had  arms  for 
about  2000  men  and  about  £2000  in  money,  and  he  sailed  on 
July  7th.  When  off  BeUe  Isle  he  was  joined  by  the  Elisabeth,  64, 
which  had  orders  to  escort  Prince  Charles  Edward  round  Ireland  to 
the  Hebrides.  On  July  9th,  in  lat.  47^  .57'  N.,  the  little  expedition 
was  discovered  by  the  Lion,  58,  Captain  Piercy  Brett  (1),  which 
immediately  gave  chase.  At  5  o'clock  the  Lion  ran  alongside  and 
poured  a  broadside  into  the  Elisabeth  at  short  range.  The  two  vessels 
continued  warmly  engaged  until  10  o'clock,   when   the  Lion   had 

1745.]  i''i!jyaj<:  and  tuk  yovnq  phetendf.r.  Ill 

suffered  so  severely  in  lier  rigging  tli:it  slie  was  incapiil)ie  of  milking 
sail.  The  Elisahetli,  on  the  contrary,  had  suffered  chiefly  in  her 
luiU;  and,  although  it  is  reported  that  several  of  her  gun-ports  were 
knocked  into  one,  she  was  able  to  get  away.  The  smaller  vessel  at 
the  beginning  of  the  action  had  endeavoured  to  assist  her  consort, 
but  had  soon  been  beaten  off  by  the  Lion's  stern-chasers;  and, 
when  she  saw  that  the  Elisabeth  had  failed  of  success,  she  crowded 
sail  and  made  her  escape.  The  Lion,  whose  complement  was  440 
men,  lost  55  killed  and  107  wounded,  of  whom  seven  ultimately 
died.     The  French  lost  65  killed  and  186  dangerously  wounded. 

Prince  Charles  pursued  his  voyage  and  reached  the  coast  of 
Lochaber  at  the  end  of  July.  The  Young  Pretender,  on  landing, 
was  dissuaded  by  his  best  friends  from  pursuing  his  adventure  ;  but 
he  persisted,  and  they  then  gave  way  and  joined  him.  For  a  time 
he  had  some  success,  but  he  was  too  fond  of  pleasure  to  act  with  the 
necessary  energy,  and  presently  the  British  Government  began  to 
recover  from  its  first  amazement.  A  regular  plan  of  defence  was 
elaborated.    Admiral  Edward  Vernon  (1),'  with  a  squadron,  was  sent 

'  It  shovild  liere  be  inentioued  that  Vernon's  ultimate  disgrace  arose  out  of  this 
appoiutmeut  of  his  to  the  command  in  the  Downs.  He  had  with  him  but  very  few 
ships,  and  in  a  letter  of  November  16th,  1745,  to  the  Earl  of  Sandwich,  he  said :  "  It 
must  have  made  an  odd  appearance  in  the  Bye  of  the  World  to  have  seen  two  Tlag- 
Officers  lye  so  long  in  the  Downs  with  but  one  forty-gun  ship  lo  form  a  line  of  battle 
with."  This  paucity  of  command,  condiined  with  the  fact  that  he  had  no  commission 
as  a  ()ommandcr-in-Chief,  was  the  origin  of  liis  discontent.  He  was  also  irritated  by 
the  conduct  of  the  Admiralty  which,  in  the  same  letter,  he  stigmatises  in  rather  strong 
language.  Things  came  to  a  head  when,  on  December  1st,  Vernon  wrote  to  the 
Admirali}':  "I  have  read,  with  great  surprise,  the  long  paragraph  in  j'our  letter 
informing  me  their  Lordships  don't  approve  of  my  having  appointed  a  Gvmner  to  the 
Poole  when  the  necessity  of  the  Service  required  it,  and  his  Matie's  Service  must  have 
suffered  for  the  want  of  it;  and  acquainting  me,  it  is  their  Lordships'  directions  I 
should  withdraw  the  Warrants  that  I  gave  to  them  for  his  Majesty's  Service.  I  must 
say  with  concern,  in  answer  to  it,  that  I  did  not  expect  to  have  been  treated  in  such  a 
contemptuous  manner,  and  that  1  can  hardly  conceive  it  to  be  their  directions  till  I  see 
it  from  under  their  hands  in  an  Order  for  me  to  do  it,  and  shall  now  entreat  the  favour 
of  their  Lordships  that,  if  they  think  it  deserves  an  Order,  they  will  please  to  direct  it 
to  my  Successor  to  put  in  Execution,  as  I  must,  in  sucli  case,  intreat  the  favour  of 
their  Lordships  to  procure  me  His  Majesty's  leave  to  quit  a  Command  I  have  long 
thought  too  contemptibly  treated  in  regard  to  the  rank  I  hold  for  His  Majesty's  honour 
and  service,  and  I  should  rather  chuse  to  serve  His  Majesty  in  the  capacity  of  a  private 
man  in  the  Militia,  than  to  permit  the  rank  I  hold  in  His  Majesty's  Service  to  be  treated 
w'ith  contempt,  which  I  conceive  to  be  neither  for  our  Royal  Master's  honour  or  Service. 
A  private  Captain  over  two  ships  on  any  foreign  service  exercises  the  power  of  filling  up 
all  vacancies  mider  him,  and  it  is  for  his  Matie's  Service  he  should  be  empowered  to  do  so. 
When  I  attended  the  Regency,  I  was  spoke  to  as  a  person  of  confidence  that  was  tu  have 
had  the  Chief  Command  at  home.  Their  Lordsliips'  Orders  of  the  7th  August  seem'd  to 
design  me  for  such,  tho"  that  was  speedily  altered  by  those  of  tlie  14th,  and  I  always 

11-  MA.JOlt    OrEHATIONS,    17l4-17i;2.  [1745. 

to  the  Downs  to  watch  the  motions  of  the  French  at  Dunquerque 
and  Calais,  and  he  from  time  to  time  detached  squadrons  under  the 
command  of  Commodores  Thomas  Smith  and  Charles  Knowles, 
who  intercepted  many  small  vessels  destined  for  the  rebels.     At  the 

su.spected  there  was  something  lujkiiig  under  tlic  avoiding  to  call  me  Commander-in- 
Chief  anywhere,  but  only  Admiral  of  tlie  White,  tho',  at  the  same  time,  Letters  had 
]iassed  thru"  my  hands,  directed  to  Vice-Admiral  Martin  (whom,  by  my  first  orders,  I 
was  lo  take  under  my  Command),  stiling  him  Commander-in-Chief  of  His  Majesty's 
Ships  ill  tlie  Soundings.  But  your  letter,  Sir,  has  now  explained  the  whole  to  me." 
The  controversy  led  the  Admiralty  to  quote  what  it  believed  to  be  a  ]>recedent  for  its 
action,  whereupon,  in  a  letter  of  December  (ith,  Vernon  wrote :  "I  am  now  come  to  the 
last  part  of  your  letter  in  answer  to  mine  of  the  first,  and  was  ])leased  to  find  you  had 
quoted  the  precedent  of  Sir  John  Nurris's  case  in  the  year  1740.  Sir  John  Norris 
thought  it  right  to  appoint  two  officers  on  a  vacancy  that  happened  under  his  command, 
and,  I  dare  answer  for  him,  would  not  have  thought  it  right ;  but,  as  he  judged  it  for 
his  Majesty's  Service,  and  that  his  ]iredecessors  had  done  it  before  him,  and  I  don't 
think  anyone  will  say  that  Lord  Orfurd,  Sir  George  Kooke,  Sir  Clowdisley  Shovell,  Lord 
Aylmer,  Lord  Berkeley,  Lord  Torrington,  and  Sir  Charles  Wager,  have  not  done  the 
same.  Sir  John  Norris  thought  it  so  much  a  right  in  him,  that,  when  a  pirson  was 
sent  down  by  the  Board  to  supersede  a  warrant  granted  by  him,  he  sent  the  person 
back  with  his  warrant,  and  he  was  not  received  while  he  commanded,  but  when  the 
service  was  over,  and  he  returned  to  town,  their  Lordships  superseded  him,  so  that  his 
acquiescence  was  necessity,  not  approbation.  And  I  hope  the  haughty  temper  of  the 
noble  Lord  that  presided  at  the  Board  at  that  time,  will  not  be  thought  a  fit  precedent 
to  be  followed  by  their  Lordships."  Again,  on  December  13th :  "  As  to  what  I  am  so 
politely  acquainted  with,  that  their  Lordships  have  appointed  a  gunner  to  the  Poole 
after  my  liaving  informed  their  Lordships  that  I  had  warranted  the  gunner  of  the 
Sheeniess  to  that  ship,  I  must  acquaint  you  in  answer — it  was  what  I  little  expected — ■ 
and  that  I  am  determined  to  follow  the  example  of  Sir  John  Norris,  and  not  permit  that 
indignity  to  be  put  on  me  while  I  remain  in  command  here,  but  when  he  arrives,  shall 
civilly  send  him  back  again.  That  officer  that  don't  pique  himself  on  supporting  his 
own  honour,  and  the  dignity  of  the  commis.sion  he  holds  under  his  Majesty,  may  not 
be  the  likeliest  to  defend  the  honour  of  his  Prince  and  the  Security  of  his  Country 
against  the  face  of  his  enemies,  and  I  will,  therefore,  never  take  the  fatal  step  of 
abandoning  my  own  honour."  And  on  December  14th :  "  A  private  Colonel  in  the 
Army,  who  has  no  command  but  his  regiment,  shall  be  allowed  to  fill  up  most  of  the 
vacancies  for  ensigns  in  his  regiment,  and  the  poor  slighted  admiral  bearing  his 
Majesty's  flag  at  main-topmast  head,  and  in  actual  command,  shall  be  denied  the 
filling  up  the  low  vacancy  of  a  gunner  !  "  The  only  result  of  this  condition  of  things 
was  Vernon's  supersession,  on  December  26th.  He  was  succeeded  by  Vice-Adm.  Wm. 
Martin  (1).  Immediately  after  his  supersession,  he  engaged  in  controversial  pamphlet- 
eering, and,  according  to  general  belief,  was  responsible  for  two  somewhat  plain-spoken 
pamphlets,  respectively  entitled,  '  A  Specimen  of  Naked  Truth  from  a  British  Sailor,' 
and  'Some  Sensible  Advice  from  a  Common  Sailor,  to  whom  it  might  have  Concerned, 
for  the  Service  of  the  Crown  and  Country.'  He  was  summoned  to  the  Admiralty  to 
deny  the  authorship  of  these  productions,  but  as  he  did  not  choose  to  do  so,  he  was 
informed,  on  April  11th,  1746,  that  the  King  had  been  pleased  to  direct  their  Lordships 
to  strike  his  name  from  the  list  of  flag-officers.  Thus  ended  the  service  career  of  a 
great  and  honourable  officer,  who  owed  his  fall  to  his  petulance  and  pugnacity. — Letter- 
book  in  Author's  Coll. ;  the  pamphlets  above  mentioned ;  and  '  Original  Letters  to  an 
Honest  Sailor '  (published  by  Vernon  after  his  dismissal  from  the  service). 

1745.]  ESCAPE    OF   THE    YOU  NO    PRETENDER.  113 

Nore  Captain  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen  commanded :  at  Ply- 
mouth, Captain  Savage  Mostyn.  A  further  squadron  cruised  in  the 
Channel  under  Vice-Admiral  William  Martin  (1)  ;  and  Eear-Admiral 
the  Hon.  John  Byng  went  northward,  and,  by  means  of  his  cruisers, 
greatly  annoyed  the  rebels  on  the  Scots  coast. 

The  Young  Pretender  reached  Derby,  but  then  lost  heart  and 
retreated  to  await  reinforcements.  In  Scotland  for  a  time  he  won 
more  successes,  but  the  assured  British  command  of  the  sea  really 
made  his  enterprise  almost  hopeless  from  the  first ;  for  even  his 
private  sympathisers  in  France  could  not  aid  liini  with  supplies, 
such  vessels  as  they  dispatched  being  almost  invariably  snapped  up 
by  British  cruisers.  Yet  individual  loyalty,  after  the  disaster  at 
Culloden,  saved  the  Prince  from  capture,  in  spite  of  the  fact  that 
the  Government  had  set  a  price  of  £'30,000  upon  his  head.  He 
reached  the  Hebrides,  and,  after  suffering  great  distresses,  was  taken 
on  board  a  French  privateer,  the  BcUoiic,  on  September  '20th,  174(3. 
This  vessel  had  been  sent  on  purpose  from  St.  Malo  by  some  of  his 
French  friends.  She  reached  Eoscoff,  a  small  port  in  Brittany,  on 
September  29th,  not,  however,  without  having  very  narrowly 
escaped  captm'e  by  a  British  cruiser  in  the  Channel.  It  is  worth 
mentioning  that  she  was  at  least  the  third  vessel  which  had  been 
sent  to  Scotland  to  rescue  him.  Two  large  French  privateers,  one 
of  34  and  the  other  of  32  guns,  had  anchored  off  the  coast  of 
Lochaber  in  the  previous  April,  with  the  object  of  picking  up 
fugitives  from  the  rebel  army.  They  had  Ijeen  there  discovered  by 
Captain  Thomas  Noel  of  the  Greijhound,  20 ;  but,  though  he  had 
been  joined  by  the  Baltimore  and  Terror  sloops,  and  had  then 
attacked  them,  they  had  succeeded  in  beating  him  off  and  in 
carrying  away  several  of  the  rebel  chiefs. 

The  expedition  against  Louisbourg  assembled  at  Boston,  Massa- 
chusetts, and  the  troops  were  there  embarked,  with  all  the  necessary 
stores,  on  board  eighty  transports.  It  was  convoyed  by  eight 
privateers  of  twenty  guns,  and  ten  small  vessels ;  and  it  sailed  on 
March  20th,  174.5,  arriving  at  Canso  on  April  4th.  This  was 
immediately  after  it  had  become  known  in  New  England  that 
Commodore  Warren  had  received  orders  to  co-operate  in  the  iinder- 
taking.  The  expedition  reached  Canso  before  the  Commodore, 
and  Mr.  Pepperel  wisely  employed  his  time  in  exercising  and 
drilling  his  troops.  Meanwhile  Mr.  John  Eons,  master  of  the 
Shirley  Galley,  the  largest  of  the  privateers,  proceeded  off  the 
VOL.   III.  I 


MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    17U-17G2. 


harbour  of  Louisbourg  to  intercept  supplies  intended  for  the  place. 
That  he  did  so  was  fortunate,  for  the  French  Government,  hearing 
of  the  projected  attack,  had  hastily  despatched  the  Benommce,  32, 
one  of  its  fastest  frigates,  commanded  by  the  celebrated  Kersaint,  ^ 
with  dispatches  for  Louisboiu-g.  On  April  18th,  she  sighted  Eous's 
blockading  squadron,  which  very  pluckily  attacked  her  and  forced 

■^  w- 

(From  a  lilhograph  bij  BitUei/  H:  the  '  Xaval  Clironick;  1804.) 

her  .to  fly,  greatly  disabled.  In  her  flight  she  encountered  some 
transports,  which,  escorted  by  a  privateer,  were  on  their  way  to  join 
Pepperel.  These  she  attacked,  but  the  privateer  defended  them  so 
well  that  once  more  she  made  sail  and  got  awaj'.  The  Renommee 
had  finally  to  retmn  to  France  without  having  effected  her  purpose. 
Commodore   Warren's  squadron  from  the  West  Indies  reached 

'  A  biographical  note  concerning  this  officer  will  be  found  on  pp.  219,  220  of 
the  present  volume. 

1745.]  CAPTUIil':   OF  LOUISBOURG.  115 

Canso  on  April  22nd  and  23rd,  and  consisted  of  His  Majesty's  ships 
Superb,  60,  Captain  Thomas  Somers,  bearing  the  Commodore's  broad 
pennant;  Eltham,  40,  Captain  Philip  Durell  (1) ;  Launceston,  40, 
Captain  Warwick  Cahuady ;  and  Mermaid,  40,  Captain  James 
Douglas  (1).  In  the  course  of  the  subsequent  operations,  it  was 
joined  by  several  other  vessels.  Warren  lost  no  time  in  landing 
and  in  conferring  with  Mr.  Pepperel.  Returning  on  board,  he  sailed 
again,  and  effectually  blockaded  the  harbour  of  Louisl)ourg.  The 
troops  at  Canso  were  re-embarked  on  April  2'Jth,  conveyed  to  Gabarus 
Bay,  near  Louisbourg,  and  landed  on  the  morning  of  the  30th.  The 
French  garrison  was  discontented  and  mutinous,  and  its  officers 
were  tyrannical  and  corrupt,  so  that  M.  do  Chambon,  the  Governor, 
feared  to  attack  the  invaders  after  they  had  indicted  one  small  check 
upon  him.  Thus,  the  expedition  had  leisure  to  establish  itself 
ashore  and  to  rapidly  become  disciplined  and  formidable.  In  the 
meantime,  the  Renommee  had  returned  to  France  with  the  news 
of  what  was  going  on,  whereupon  the  French  Government  hastily 
despatched  the  Vigilante,  64,  with  stores  for  the  threatened  fortress. 
She  was,  however,  intercepted  and  captured  by  Warren's  squadron 
on  May  19th.  A  general  attack  by  land  and  sea  upon  Louisbourg 
was  imminent,  when  on  June  28th  the  place  surrendered.  The 
British  lost  during  the  operations  only  101  killed,  while  the  French 
loss  was  300. 

AVith  Louisbourg  fell  the  whole  of  Cape  Breton.  The  conquest 
was  of  immense  importance.  It  not  only  destroyed  a  nest  of  French 
privateers,  but  it  also  relieved  the  British  fishermen  on  the  banks 
of  Newfoundland  from  much  dangerous  rivalry.  Moreover,  it  had 
a  great  moral  effect  upon  the  Indians  throughout  North  America. 
Those  who  had  taken  part  in  it  were  fittingly  and  liberally  rewarded. 
Warren  was  promoted  to  be  Eear-Admiral  of  the  Blue,  Governor 
Shirley,  of  Massachusetts,  was  made  a  colonel,  and  Mr.  William 
Pepperel,  besides  also  being  made  a  colonel,  was  created  a  baronet  of 
Great  Britain.  Nor  were  the  sailors  neglected.  The  Hlnrlcij  GuUeij 
was  purchased  by  the  Government,  and  added  to  the  Navy  as  a 
post  ship  ;  and  her  late  master,  Mr.  John  Rous,  was  presented  with 
a  post-captain's  commission  and  appointed  to  her.  Finally,  the 
Colonists  were  reimbursed  by  Parliament  for  all  the  expenses  which 
they  had  incurred  in  connection  with  the  expedition. 

The  despatch  of  Vice-Admiral  Thomas  Davers  with  reinforce- 
ments  to    the   West   Indies   has   already  been   mentioned.      Upon 

I  2 

116  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1745. 

the  French  Ministry  hearing  of  it,  it  also  sent  thither  a  strong 
reinforcement,  under  the  ChevaHer  de  Caylus,  who  arrived  at 
Martinique  on  March  '28th,  1745.  Xo  sooner  was  the  British 
Ministry  advised  of  its  departure,  than  it  ordered  Vice-Adiuiral 
WiUiam  Eowley,  then  in  command  in  the  Mediterranean,  to  detach 
to  the  West  Indies  a  considerable  division  under  Vice-Adniiral 
Isaac  Townsend  (2),  who  left  Gibraltar  on  August  2nd,  and  arrived 
off  Martinique  on  October  3rd.  He  fell  in,  on  October  31st,  with  a 
squadron  of  shi];)s  of  war  and  store  ships,  destined  to  further 
reinforce  the  French ;  and,  chasing  it,  ultimately  took  or  destroyed 
upwards  of  thirty  out  of  about  forty  sail. 

In  the  Mediterranean,  Vice-Admiral  William  Bowley  blockaded 
the  Spaniards  in  Cartagena,  while  Kear-Admiral  Henry  Medley 
watched  the  coasts  of  Italy  and  prevented  supplies  from  reaching 
the  Spanish  Ai-my  there.  Commodore  Henry  Osbom  observed  the 
French  Brest  squadron,  which  lay  at  Cadiz.  When  Genoa  threw 
in  her  lot  with  the  House  of  Bourbon,  Commodore  Thomas  Cooper 
was  detached  to  bombard  the  ports  of  that  Eepublic,  and  he  caused 
several  of  them  to  suffer  very  severely.  The  difficulties  of  Genoa 
induced  the  Corsicans  to  make  an  effort  to  throw  off  the  Genoese 
yoke  and  to  seek  British  and  Sardinian  assistance ;  whereupon 
Commodore  Cooper  went  to  Corsica,  and  on  November  17th,  1745, 
anchored  off  Bastia.  The  place  was  bombarded  until  the  19th, 
when  the  ships  rehnquished  the  attack,  and  withdrew,  Cooper 
despairing  of  the  arrival  of  the  promised  Corsican  assistance.  But 
his  action  was  a  little  ]5remature ;  for  one  of  the  rebel  chiefs,  the 
Marchese  de  Kivarole,  had  already  arrived,  and,  just  after  the 
disappearance  of  the  British,  threatened  the  town  with  such  good 
effect,  that  the  Chevalier  de  Mari,  the  representative  of  Genoese 
authority,  finding  the  defences  untenable  in  consequence  of  the 
damage  that  had  already  been  received  by  them  from  the  British 
squadron,  carried  off  his  garrison  by  sea.  A  little  later  Commodore 
Cooper  sent  to  Corsica  Captain  the  Hon.  George  Townshend,  who 
discovered  that  the  Genoese  held  only  a  few  towns,  and  that  the 
island  was  in  a  fair  way  of  falling  into  the  hands  of  the  patriots. 

The  success  at  Louisbourg  directed  attention  to  the  importance 
of  British  interests  in  North  America,  and  in  1746  suggested  fresh 
undertakings  in  that  quarter.  An  attack  on  Quebec  was  projected, 
and  it  was  proposed  to  utilise  for  the  purpose  the  colonial  troops, 
which  had   done   so   well   at   Cape  Breton  in  the  previous  year, 

1746.]  THE  FRENCH  IN  NORTH  AMERICA.  117 

strengthening  them  of  course  by  means  of  large  detachments  from 
England.  Preparations  were  made,  and  troops  were  assembled  at 
Portsmouth  and  even  embarked ;  but  various  causes  detained  the 
fleet  at  Spithead  until  too  late  in  the  season,  and  the  enterprise  was, 
for  a  time,  abandoned.  Kumours  of  the  intentions  of  the  Govern- 
ment had,  as  was  usual  in  those  days,  promptly  reached  the  ears  of 
the  French  Ministry,  which  decided  to  retaliate  for  the  threatened 
British  invasion  of  Canada  by  a  descent  upon  Nova  Scotia.  In 
pursuance  of  this  determination  a  large  force  was  sent  across  the 
Atlantic  under  the  Due  d'Anville. 

British  public  opinion  had  Ijeen  much  attracted  l)y  the  Quebec 
idea,  and  was  greatly  disgusted  by  the  failure  of  the  expedition  to 
sail.  To  pacify  the  people,  it  was  hinted  that  the  troops  which 
had  been  assembled  were  not  to  remain  unemployed ;  and,  a 
little  later,  as  will  be  seen,  they  were  directed  upon  the  coast 
of   France. 

The  French  fleet  of  eleven  sail  of  the  line  and  fifty-gun  ships, 
three  frigates,  three  fireships  and  two  bomb-vessels,  under  the  Due 
d'Anville,  with  transports  and  storeships  containing  3500  troops, 
sailed  from  Brest  on  June  '2'2nd,  1746,  and  arrived  off  the  coast  of 
Nova  Scotia  on  September  10th.  But  on  its  passage  it  was  much 
damaged  and  weakened  by  a  violent  storm.  Vice-Admiral  Isaac 
Townsend,  who  was  then  at  Louisbourg,  had  with  him  an  inferior 
force,  but  had  the  advantage  of  assistance  from  New  England,  and 
of  a  well  fortified  base.  The  sudden  death  of  d'Anville  depressed  the 
spirits  of  the  French  expedition,  and  although  the  enemy  did  land,  he 
soon  decided  not  to  prosecute  the  object  for  which  he  had  crossed  the 
Atlantic.  D'Anville's  successor,  M.  Toiu'nel,  a  man  of  impetuous 
temper,  could  not  agree  with  the  resolutions  of  the  majority  of  his 
officers ;  and,  considering  that  if  he  retreated  he  would  be  dis- 
honoured, he  solved  his  own  difliculties  by  committing  suicide,  while 
at  the  same  time  he  complicated  the  confusion  into  which  his  un- 
fortunate command  had  fallen.  M.  de  La  Jonquiere  succeeded  him  ; 
but  by  that  time,  owing  to  delay  and  neglect,  the  troops  had  been 
almost  exterminated  by  scurvy  and  by  a  small-pox  epidemic.  Some 
succour  was  therefore  sent  to  Quebec,  and  the  rest  of  the  expedition, 
in  a  very  bad  case,  returned  to  Europe.  On  the  voyage  several  of 
the  vessels  composing  it  were  snapped  up  by  British  cruisers. 

The  troops  which  had  been  assembled  at  Portsmouth  for  the 
undertaking  against  Quebec  were,  as  has  been  said   transported  to 

118  MAJOR    OPEHAriONS,    1714-1702.  [1746. 

the  coast  of  France.  Commaud  of  thein  had  been  given  to  Lieut. - 
General  the  Hon.  James  St.  Clair,  chiefly  for  the  reason  that, 
besides  being  an  excellent  officer,  he  had  made  a  special  study  of 
the  military  position  in  Canada.  When  the  destination  of  the 
expedition  was  altered,  the  command,  perhaps  unwisely,  was  not 
changed.  The  fleet  destined  to  convoy  the  army  was  -entrusted  to 
Admiral  Bichard  Lestock  (B.)  The  idea  of  the  Government  was 
that  a  descent  upon  the  coast  of  Brittany  might  induce  the  French, 
who  were  very  powerful  in  Flanders,  to  detach  part  of  the  army 
which  was  operating  there  under  Marshal  Saxe.  But  the  affair 
was  wretchedly  managed.  The  General  had  no  special  knowledge ; 
the  troops  were  unprepared  for  the  service ;  and  no  maps  of  the 
country  to  be  attacked  were  provided.  St.  Clair  asked  for  a  map  of 
Brittany,  and  the  Government  sent  him,  by  express,  a  map  of 
Gascony.  Nor  had  the  coast  been  properly  reconnoitred.  It  was 
little  known  to  any  of  the  British  naval  officers  of  the  time,  and 
the  charts  of  those  days  were  very  indifferent. 

Lestock  detached  Commodore  Thomas  Cotes  to  look  in  at  Port 
Louis  and  neighbouring  places,  and  to  find  some  convenient  spot 
for  landing  near  Lorient.  With  the  main  body  of  the  fleet  he 
himself  sailed  from  St.  Helen's  on  August  .5th,  but  did  not  clear 
the  coast  of  England  until  September  14th,  nor  reach  that  of  France 
till  September  19th,  when  Cotes  rejoined  him.  A  landing  was  in 
time  effected,  and  the  troops  began  to  advance  upon  Lorient ;  but 
the  country  was  a  close  one,  and  greatly  facilitated  the  guerilla 
operations  of  the  French.  Lorient,  nevertheless,  appeared  to  be 
disposed  to  treat ;  and  it  would  no  doubt  have  surrendered  to  the 
British  commander  if  he  had  been  inclined  to  deal  leniently.  Yet 
as  he  would  accept  all  or  nothing,  the  place  sturdily  prepared  to 
defend  itself.  The  siege  was  begun  in  a  partial  and  ineffectual  way ; 
but  so  many  necessary  supplies  were  wanting  that  progress  was 
very  slow,  and,  though  the  sailors  from  the  fleet  co-operated  with 
marvellous  energy,  the  enterprise  was  at  last  concluded  to  be 
impracticable  and  the  troops  were  re-embarked,  very  sickly  from 
the  consequences  of  exposure,  on  September  30th.  At  a  council  of 
war  the  project  of  a  landing  in  Quiberon  Bay  was  discussed  and 
rejected,  but  on  October  1st,  Lestock  received  so  favourable  a  report 
from  Captain  Thomas  Lake  of  the  Exeter,  of  the  anchorage  there, 
that  he  and  General  St.  Clair  decided,  in  spite  of  the  resolutions  of 
the  council  of  war,  to  proceed  and  there  await  reinforcements  from 

ITir..]  LA    JWURDONNAIS    TO   INDIA.  119 

England,  meanwhile  harassing  the  enemy  whenever  possible.  The 
fleet  sailed,  and  some  troops  were  landed  and  works  erected  ;  but, 
after  hesitation  and  paltering,  the  forces  were  re-embarked.  Mean- 
time the  isles  of  Houat  and  Hoedic  had  been  reduced  and  the 
fortifications  upon  them  destroyed.  The  troops  were  ultimately 
sent  under  convoy  to  Ireland,  and  Lestock,  with  the  bulk  of  the 
fleet,  returned  to  England.  No  glory  was  won,  but  the  expedition 
partially  attained  its  original  object,  for  orders  were  actually  sent  to 
Marshal  8axe  from  Paris,  directing  him  to  despatch  troops  to 
Brittany.  These  did  not,  however,  reach  him  until  he  had  so  well 
established  his  position  in  Flanders  as  to  be  well  able  to  afford  to 
weaken  himself. 

At  the  time  of  the  commencement  of  the  active  alliance  between 
the  French  and  Spaniards,  M.  La  Bourdonnais,  governor  of  the  Isle 
of  France,  happened  to  be  at  Versailles.  He  was  a  most  far-sighted 
administrator  and  capable  soldier,  and,  had  his  advice  been  followed, 
the  fate  of  India  might  have  been  very  different  from  what  it  has 
been.  He  advised  his  Government  to  send  a  strong  squadron  to  the 
Indian  seas,  so  as  to  be  ready  for  all  eventualities.  A  squadron  of 
five  sail  of  the  line  was  accordingly  collected,  and  command  of  it 
was  entrusted  to  La  Bourdonnais  himself.  He  was  given  great 
powers  over  the  officers  of  the  French  East  India  Company  in 
India  ;  and  the  Company  became  anxious  concerning  its  rights  and 
privileges  as  soon  as  he  had  sailed.  The  directors  persuaded  the 
French  Ministry  that  hostihties  in  India  were  not  likely,  and  that, 
the  representatives  of  the  two  countries  there  being  exclusively 
traders,  it  was  unwise  in  the  highest  degree  to  provoke  ill-will  where 
neutrality  would,  in  all  probability,  be  observed  if  no  aggressive 
measures  were  taken.  The  squadron  was  accordingly  recalled  ;  but 
La  Bourdonnais  himself  proceeded,  and,  with  the  slender  resources 
he  possessed,  he  assembled  a  motley  squadron,  which  included  only 
one  king's  ship,  the  Achille,  70.  With  her  and  seven  other  vessels, 
armed  merchantmen,  he  sailed  for  the  coast  of  Coromandel. 

Commodore  Curtis  Barnet,  who  had  gone  to  Madras  in  the 
beginning  of  1746,  would  have  been  a  worthy  opponent  even  for  so 
great  a  man  as  La  Bourdonnais ;  and  he  was  preparing  to  take 
active  measures  against  the  French,  when,  on  April  29th,  he  died. 
His  successor,  Commodore  Edward  Peyton,  was  apparently  a  less 
energetic  and  capable  officer.  He  was  cruising  between  Fort  St. 
David  and  Negapatam  when,  on  June  '2.5th,  he  sighted  the  French 


MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-17G'-'. 


squadron.'  M.  La  Bourdounais,  though  conscious  that  his  ships  in 
strength  of  aiinament  and  in  discipHne  were  very  inferior  to  the 
British,  decided  to  utilise  the  only  superiority  which  he  possessed, 
the  superiority  in  men,  and  to  attempt  to  board.  During  the  earher 
part  of  the  day  there  was  little  breeze ;  and  Peyton,  who  probably 
grasped  the  idea  of  the  French  admiral,  kept  as  near  the  wind 
as  possible,  so  that  the  two  fleets  were  unable  to  come  to  close 
action.  Not  until  four  in  the  afternoon  did  they  begin  to  engage ; 
and  even  then  the  firing  was  maintained  at  such  a  distance  that 
little  damage  was  done  to  either  side.  Peyton  might  have  an- 
nihilated his  foe  had  he  ventured  sufficiently  close  to  take  full 
advantage  of  the  stouter  scantling  of  his  ships,  and  of  the  heavier 
guns  which  they  carried.  But  he  did  not  attack  \\ith  dash  ;  and  at 
dusk  the  action  ceased,  the  British  having  lost  fourteen  men  killed 
and  forty-six  wounded,  and  the  enemy  twenty-seven  killed  and  fifty- 
three  wounded.  The  Biitish  vessel  which  suffered  chiefly  was  the 
Medway's  Prize.  On  the  other  side,  the  Insula  ire  was  so  badly 
mauled  that,  immediately  after  the  action.  La  Bourdonnais  had  to 
order  her  away  to  repair.  Peyton's  behaviour  gave  great  umbrage 
to  the  East  India  Company ;  but  no  one  ever  brought  any  specific 
charge  against  the  commodore.  Commodore  Thomas  Griffin  (1) 
afterwards  superseded  him,  put  him  under  arrest,  and  sent  him 
home  ;  but  the  matter  went  no  further. 

'  Squadrons  of  Cojimoiiore  Peytox  and  M.  La  Bourdoxnais  ix 
THE  Actios  of  June  2.jtu,  17-iG. 





Preston  . 
Winchester  . 
Medway^ s  Prize 

Lively    , 



40  i 

20  ll 


Commod.  Edward  Pevtou. 
Cajit.  Henr.v  Ru.sewell. 

„  George,  Earl  of  Xortliesk. 
„     Lord  Thomas  Bertie. 
„     Philip  Carteret  (1). 

Thomas  Griffin  (2),  actg. 
Nathaniel      Stephens., 


Guns    1    o „ 



Due  d:  Orleans       56 

Bourhon  . 


Neptune   . 


Phenix     . 


St.  Louis  . 


Lys    .      . 






Some  French, accounts  mention  another  armed  vessel,  the  Renomiaee,  28,  as  ha\'ing 
been  with  La  Bourdonnais,  in  addition  to  the  ships  named  above.  The  British  official 
account  also  mentions  a  ninth  ship,  name  unknown,  mounting,  however,  20  guns  only. 
All  tlie  French  ships,  however,  except  the  Achille,  were  merely  improvised  men-of-war, 
and  were,  in  that  respect,  greatly  inferior  to  the  British. 

1746.]  PEYTON'S   INEFFICIENCY.  121 

The  activity  of  La  Bourdonnais  was  hampered  by  the  jealousy 
of  M.  Dupleix,  Governor  in  India  for  tiie  French  East  India 
Company.  Dissensions  continually  arose  owing  to  the  natural 
complications  of  authority ;  and  the  naval  commander  could  obtain 
.scarcely  any  help  from  the  civil  one.  La  Bourdonnais,  neverthe- 
less, made  shift  to  refit,  and  on  July  24th  sailed  again  from 
Pondicherry  and  worked  to  the  southward.  On  August  6th  he 
sighted  the  British  squadron,  which  was  returning  from  Trincomale, 
where  it  had  refitted.  Peyton  avoided  action,  and,  after  three  days 
of  futile  manoeuvres,  made  sail  and  disappeared.  This  conduct 
encouraged  La  Bourdonnais  to  plan  an  attack  upon  Madras.  He 
was  taken  ill  and  had  to  remain  at  Pondicherry  ;  but  his  squadron 
appeared  before  the  place  on  August  15th  ^  and  bombarded  it.  The 
guns,  however,  produced  little  effect  upon  the  town  ;  nor  did  the 
French  succeed  in  an  attempt  to  capture  the  Princess  Mary,  East 
Indiaman,  which  lay  in  the  road. 

One  of  the  objects  of  the  British  squadron  in  the  East  Indies 
was  of  course  to  be  a  protection  to  British  settlements  and  British 
trade;  yet  it  did  not  proceed  to  the  succoiir  of  Madras.  Peyton, 
lying  in  Pulicat  Eoad,  thirty  miles  to  the  northward,  heard,  on 
August  2.5th,  of  what  had  happened  in  the  previous  week ;  but, 
instead  of  going  to  the  rescue  of  the  threatened  town,  he  went 
to  Bengal,  his  excuse  being  that  the  Medway's  Prize  was  very  leaky 
and  needed  repairs.  La  Bourdonnais  was  thus  induced  to  proceed. 
On  September  3rd  his  squadron  disembarked  troops,  and  on  the 
7th  a  bombardment  of  Madras  by  land  and  sea  was  begun.  On 
the  10th  the  place  capitulated,  upon  the  understanding  that  it 
should  subsequently  be  ransomed.  On  September  27th,  while  still 
before  Madras,  La  Bourdonnais  was  reinforced  by  three  ships  of 
the  line  from  Europe,  the  Centaure,  74,  Mars,  56,  and  Brillant,  50. 
His  operations  were  still  hampered  by  the  interference  of  Dupleix ; 
but,  on  October  1st,  he  was  able  to  send  ofJ  two  of  his  vessels  with 
booty,  etc.,  to  Pondicherry.  It  was  fortunate  that  he  did  so,  for 
otherwise  he  would  probably  have  lost  almost  all  his  squadron.  On 
the  night  of  October  2nd  there  was  a  great  storm  ;  and,  in  the  course 
of  it,  the  Due  d'OrJeans,  Phenix,  and  Lys  foundered,  and  about 
twelve  hundred  men  were  lost  with  them.  Two  prizes,  the  Mermaid 
and  the  Advice,  shared  the  same  fate,  and  the  flagship,  AchiUe,  and 

'  An  account  issued  by  the  Hon.  E.  I.  C.  says  that  the  enemy  appeared  at  Madras 
on  August  10th. 

122  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1746. 

two  other  vessels  were  dismasted.  In  fact,  every  craft  in  the  road- 
stead either  sank  or  suffered  most  severely. 

In  regard  to  the  promised  ransom  of  the  town,  La  Bourdonnais 
behaved  throughout  like  a  man  of  honour ;  but  Dupleix  seems 
never  to  have  intended  that  the  conditio  as  should  be  carried  out ; 
and  when  La  Bourdonnais  had  gone  to  Mauritius,  on  his  way  home 
to  France,  Dupleix,  to  the  astonishment  of  many  even  of  his  own 
officers,  caused  the  treaty  to  be  declared  void.  The  arrival  of 
Commodore  Thomas  Griffin  (1)  fi'om  England  soon  afterwards,  com- 
pelled the  French  to  desist  from  a  projected  attack  on  Fort  St. 
David,  and  to  withdraw  nearly  all  their  forces  to  Pondicherrj-. 

On  the  Leeward  Islands'  station,  Vice-Admiral  Isaac  Townsend 
commanded  at  the  beginning  of  1746  ;  but  very  early  in  the  year 
he  was  ordered  to  proceed  with  the  greater  part  of  his  squadron 
to  Louisbourg.  He  sailed  from  St.  Kitt's  in  Januarj',  and,  on  his 
way,  met  with  so  violent  a  storm  that  all  his  ships  except  two, 
the  Princesa  and  Ipswich,  were  obliged  to  return,  and  those  two, 
ten-ibly  disabled,  had  to  bear  away  for  England.  The  Ipswich, 
which  reached  Pljrmouth  on  April  '22nd,  was  only  saved  by  a 
most  In'illiant  display  of  seamanship,  after  her  crew  had  suffered 
great  hardships. 

When  Vice-Admiral  Townsend  had  refitted,  he  again  sailed  for 
Louisbourg,  leaving  Commodore  the  Hon.  Fitzroy  Henry  Lee  in 
command  in  the  West  Indies.  Lee  was  ultimately  superseded  by 
Commodore  the  Hon.  Edward  Legge.  Both  Lee  and  Legge  were 
uufortmaate  in  their  attempts  to  intercept  French  convoys,  several 
of  which,  under  the  care  of  M.  de  Conflans,  escaped  them.  On 
one  occasion,  as  will  be  seen,  Conflans  would  have  come  off  badly 
but  for  the  cowardice  of  Commodore  Cornehus  Mitchell.  On 
another  occasion,  he  fell  in  \\ith  the  British  Leeward  Islands' 
convoy,  escorted  by  the  Severn,  50,  Captain  William  Lisle,  and 
the  Woolwich,  50,  Captain  Joseph  Lingen.  Lisle,  who  was  the 
senior  officer,  ordered  the  convoy  to  disperse  and  each  vessel  to 
shift  for  herself.  Conflans,  in  the  Terrible,  74,  with  another  ship 
of  the  hne,  chased  him,  and  after  three  hours'  action,  obhged  the 
Severn  to  strike  ;  but  the  Woolwich  got  away,  and  none  of  the 
convoy  were  taken.  Lisle's  action  was  considered  so  creditable 
that,  after  his  exchange,  he  was  at  once  given  the  command  of 
a  larger  ship,  the  Vigilant,  64. 

At  Jamaica,  Vice-Admiral  Davers  commanded  until  his  death  ; 


but,  being  very  ill  \\illi  gout,  had  to  depute  Captain  Cornelius 
Mitchell  to  go  in  search  of  M.  do  Conflaus,  who  was  expected  with 
a  convoy  of  ninety  merchantmen  at  Cape  Fran<,'ois.  Mitchell  had 
four  sail  of  the  line,  a  frigate,  and  a  sloop  ^;  Conflans  had  l)ut  four 
vessels  in  all";  and  Mitchell's  superiority,  though  small,  should, 
perhaps,  have  sufficed.  Mitchell  sighted  the  convoy  on  August  8rd 
off  Cape  St.  Nicolas  ;  but,  as  promptly  as  possible,  he  ordered  his 
ships  to  close,  and  held  a  council  of  war.  It  was  thereupon  resolved 
to  wait  till  daylight  before  bearing  down  upon  the  enemy ;  but,  on 
the  following  morning,  Mitchell  was  so  backward  in  bringing  on 
an  engagement,  in  spite  of  the  evident  willingness  of  Conflans,  that 
at  4  P.M.  the  squadrons  had  not  exchanged  a  shot.  At  that  hour 
everything  was  in  his  favour,  and  the  breeze  was  fair ;  but  he 
hauled  to  the  wind  and  shortened  sail.  The  enemy,  after  he  had 
recovered  from  his  astonishment,  gave  chase ;  and  his  headmost 
ship  overhaiiled  the  Lenox,  64,  at  about  8  p.m.,  and  fought  her, 
without  result,  for  an  hour  and  a  half.  Mitchell  that  night  ordered 
his  ships  to  proceed  without  lights,  and  laid  his  course  for  Jamaica, 
where,  on  October  16th,  owing  to  the  death  of  A^ice-Admiral  Davers, 
the  command  devolved  upon  hnu.  His  behaviour  having  been 
represented  to  the  Admiralty,  he  was  siiperseded,  and  was  tried 
at  Jamaica  by  court-martial  on  January  '28th  following.  The  court 
convicted  him  of  cowardice  and  neglect  of  duty ;  but  less  severe 
than  many  of  the  naval  courts  of  that  period,  sentenced  him  only 
to  be  mulcted  of  five  years'  pay,  adjudging  him  at  the  same  time 
to  be  incapable  of  again  serving  in  the  Navy. 

In  the  Mediterranean  during  1746  a  large  fleet,  under  Vice- 
Admiral  Henry  Medley  and  Eear-Admiral  the  Hon.  John  Byng, 
offered  much  assistance  to  the  Austrians  and  their  allies,  and  co- 
operated with  success  with  the  army  which,  under  General  Browne, 
crossed  the  Var  on  December  1st.  A  detachment  of  small  vessels 
under  Captain  Hugh  Forbes,  of  the  Phceuix,  20,  and  Commander 
William  Martin  (2),  of  the  Terrible,  6,  lent  valuable  aid  to  the 
troops.  Medley  also  blockaded  Antibes,  assisted  in  the  capture  of 
Ste.  Marguerite,  and  lent  help  to  the  insurgents  in  Corsica. 

The  year  1747  was  upon  the  whole  very  successful  for  Great 

Straffurd,   60,   Capt.   Cornelius    Mitchell ;    Lenox,   64,   Capt.   Peter   Lawrence ; 
Plymouth,  60,  Capt.  Digby   Dent   (2) ;    Worcester,  60,  Capt.  Thomas   Andrews  (2) ; 
Milford,  44,  Capt.  Edward  Rich ;  and  Drake,  14,  Commander  Edward  Clark  (1). 
-   Terrible,  74;  Niptune,  74;  Alcion,  50;  and  Oloire,  40. 

124  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    17U-1762.  [l7-!7. 

Britain,  although  it  witnessed  some  check  to  the  cause  of  Britain's 
aUies  in  the  Mediterranean.  The  Austrians  were  obliged,  by 
Marshal  Belleisle,  to  recross  thje  Var;  and  the  Genoese  succeeded 
in  defeating  the  patriots  in  Corsica,  and  in  driving  them  to  the 
interior  of  the  island.  On  the  other  hand,  Vice-Admiral  Medlej^ 
not  only  maintained  the  blockade  of  Cartagena,  but  also  intercepted 
a  French  expedition  from  Toulon  to  Genoa.  Medley  died  in  Vado 
Bay  on  August  5th,  when  Eear-Admiral  the  Hon.  John  Byng 
succeeded  to  the  command. 

In  the  East  Indies,  Bear-Admiral  Thomas  Griffin  kept  M. 
Dupleix  on  the  defensive,  and,  at  Madras,  took  and  burnt  the 
Nej^tune,  34,  which  had  been  left  there  by  M.  La  Bom-donnais. 
At  Jamaica,  Captain  Digby  Dent  (2)  commanded  until  the  amval  of 
Eear-Admiral  Charles  Knowles.  On  the  Leeward  Islands'  station, 
Commodore  the  Hon.  Edward  Legge  commanded  until  his  death 
on  September  9th,  1747,  and  was  succeeded  by  Captain  George 
Pocock.  On  each  of  these  stations  the  cruisers  were  successful  as 
well  as  active,  but  all  the  great  naval  transactions  of  the  year 
happened  on  the  Atlantic  coasts  of  Europe. 

France  fitted  out  two  considerable  squadrons ;  one  under  the 
Marquis  de  La  Jonquiere,  intended  for  the  recoveiy  of  Cape  Breton, 
and  the  other  under  M.  Grou  de  St.  Georges,  of  the  French  East 
India  Company's  service,  for  co-operation  in  the  conquest  of  British 
settlements  on  the  coast  of  Coromandel.  It  was  arranged  that,  in 
order  the  more  surely  to  escape  the  dangers  presented  by  British 
naval  superiority  in  the  home  seas,  the  two  squadrons  should  depart 
from  France  together  and  proceed  for  some  distance  in  company. 

The  projects  of  the  French  were  known  in  England ;  and  a 
squadron,  under  Vice-Admiral  George  Anson  and  Eear-Admiral  Peter 
Warren,  was  specially  fitted  out  to  checkmate  them.  The  forces 
which  were  ultimately  opposed  one  to  the  other  are  set  forth  in  the 
note^  (p.  12.5).  The  French  had  with  them  a  convoj',  which  brought 
the  total  number  of  their  sail  up  to  thirty-eight.  M.  de  St.  Georges 
left  Groix  in  March,  but,  after  suffering  some  losses  from  British 
cruisers  and  from  very  bad  weather,  had  to  put  into  the  road  of 
Isle  d'Aix.  La  Jonquiere  there  joined  him  and  the  two  finally  sailed 
on  April  29th.  Anson  and  "Warren  had  left  England  on  April  9th 
and  had  proceeded  off  Cape  Finisterre,  where,  on  May  3rd,  the  Cape 
bearing  S.E.,  distant  twent.v-foin  leagues,  they  sighted  the  French. 
La  Jonquiere  thereupon  caused  twelve  of  his  best  ships  to  shorten 




sail  and  form  a  line  of  hattU;  ahead,  while  the  rest  stretched  to  the 
westward  and  crowded  every  possible  stitch  of  canvas.  Anson  also 
made  signal  for  a  line  of  battle,  believing  apparently  that  he  was  in 
the  presence  of  a  more  fonnidable  squadron  than  was  really  before 
him ;  but,  at  Warren's  instance,  he  substituted  the  signal  for  a 
general  chase.  La  Jonquiere  was  but  ill-supported.  Several  of  the 
French  East  India  ships,  especially  the  Vigilant  and  Modeste,  and 
later  the  Thetis  and  ApoUun,  looked  to  nothing  but  the  idea  of  saving 
themselves.  It  is  useless  to  examine  the  tactical  details  of  an  action 
of  this  kind.  Suffice  to  say,  that,  after  a  running  fight  lasting  from 
4  to  7  P.M.,  in  which  several  of  the  French  captains  behaved  with 
great  courage  and  others  conducted  themselves  with  equal  cowardice, 
all  the  ships  which  had  remained  in  the  French  line  struck.  At 
7  P.M.  Anson  brought  to,  and  detached  the  Monmouth,  Yarmouth 
and  Nottingham  in  pursuit  of  the  convoy,  which  then  bore  W.  by 
S.W.,  distant  about  five  leagues,  and  which  had  been  followed  and 
observed  during  the  action  by  the  Falcon.  These  ships  captured  the 
Vigilant,  the  Modeste  and  the  Dartmouth,  once  a  British  privateer, 
together  with  six  of  the  convoy.     Night  saved  the  rest. 

'  Action  between  Vice-Admiral  Anson  and  M.  de  La  Jonquieke, 
May  3rd,  1747. 
The  account  of  the  action,  as  well  as  the  following  list,  is  based  upon  the  British  and 
French  dispatches,  and  especially  upon  the  papers  of  La  Jonquiere  in  the  Archives 
de  la  Marine,  and  upon  the  rejiort  of  La  Galernerie. 










iVice-Admiral      George 

Diantant-   .     .     . 


Capt.  de  Hocquart. 

Prince  Gmrge  .     . 


}     Anson. 

Philibert'S       .      . 


„    Larr. 

(Oapt.  John  Bentley. 

Vigilant  ■'2.     .     . 


„    Vauueulon. 

1  Rear- Admiral        Peter 
{     Warren. 

Chimene  3     .     .     . 



Devonshire'^      .     . 


nuUs  "-  (en  fli'it")    . 


„     Macarty. 

leapt.  Temple  West. 

Jason-    .... 


„     Beccait. 

Namur^.     .     .     . 


f     „    Hon.  Edward  Bos- 
t               cawen. 

Serieux  -      .     .     . 


( M.  de  La  Jonquiere,  Capt, 

(     d'Aubigny. 

M&nmoilth    . 


,,     Henry  Harrison. 

Invincible-  .     .     . 


Capt.  Grou  de  St.  Georges. 

Prince  Prederiik  . 


„     Harry  Nnrris. 

Apollon'3    .     .     . 


„     No81. 

Tarmouth  l 


„     Piercy  Brett  (1). 

Thetis^'      .     .     . 


„    Massou. 

Princess  Louisa     . 


,,     Charles  Watson. 

Modeste^'    .     .     . 


„    Thiercelin. 

Nottingham      .     . 


,,    Philip  de  .^umarez. 

Gloirc^  .... 


,,    de  Saliez. 

Defiance  I     .      .      . 


,,     IhuniasGrenville. 

Pembroke^  .     .     . 


,,     Thomas  Fincher. 

Emeraude*  .     .     . 


f    ,,    de  la  Jonquiere  de 
I             TafTauel. 

Windsor  I     .      .      . 


„    TlioniasHanway. 

Centurion  l  .      .      . 


,.    Peter  Denis. 

J  Dartmouth-*    .     . 



Falkland     .     .     . 


(     „     Bloomfleld  Barra- 
(               dell. 

/Iristoli       .     .     . 


;    „    Hon.        William 
(             Montagii. 

Ambuscade  .     .     . 


,,    John  Montagu. 

1-alcon    .... 


/Commander        Richard 
I     Gwynn. 

Vulcan  (flreship)   . 


(Commander       William 
1,     Pettigrew. 

1   I'bese  ships  only  were  engageil. 
-  Taken. 

3  These  ships  beloDged  to  the  Freuch  East  India  Company. 

4  With  the  convoy  but  not  in  line  of  battle. 

126  MAJUn    OFERATIoys,    17U-17(i'_>.  [1747. 

The  battle,  considering  its  nature,  was  a  costly  one.  The  French 
lost  about  700  killed  and  wounded,  and  the  British,  .520.  Among  the 
French  officers  killed  was  Captain  de  Sahez,  and  among  those 
wounded  were  La  Jouquiere  himself  and  d'Aubiguy,  his  flag  captain. 
On  the  British  side  Captain  Thomas  Grenville,  of  the  Defiance, 
was  killed,  and  Captain  Boscaweu,  of  the  Namtir,  wounded.  The 
victors  found  specie  to  the  value  of  i;800,000  on  board  the  prizes. 
For  this  service  Anson  was  created  a  peer,  and  Warren,  a  K.B.  All 
the  men-of-war  taken,  and  also  the  East  Indiaman  Thetis,  were 
purchased  into  the  Koyal  Navy.  The  name  of  the  Serieux  was 
changed  to  Intrepid,  and  that  of  the  Diamant  to  Isis. 

The  victory  was  valuable  if  not  exactly  brilliant.     Commenting 

upon  it,  and  upon  the  other  great  action  of  the  year.  Captain  Mahan 

says : 

"Two  encounters  between  Englisli  and  French  .squadrons  happened  during  the  year 
1747,  completing  the  destruction  of  the  French  fighting  navy.  In  both  cases  the 
EngHsh  were  decidedly  su]ierior,  and  though  there  was  given  opjrartunity  for  some 
brilliant  fighting  by  particular  captains,  and  for  the  displa}-  of  heroic  endurance  on  the 
jiart  of  the  French,  greatly  outnumbered,  but  resisting  to  the  last,  only  one  tactical 
lesson  is  afforded.  This  lesson  is  that,  when  the  enemy,  either  as  the  result  of  battle, 
(.jr  from  original  inequality,  is  greatly  inferior  in  force,  obliged  to  fly  without  standing 
on  the  order  of  his  flying,  the  regard  otherwise  due  to  order  must  be,  in  a  measure  at 
least,  dismissed,  and  a  general  chase  ordered."  .  ..."  In  both  cases,  the  signal  was 
made  for  a  general  chase,  and  the  action  which  resulted  was  a  mi'Ue.  There  was  no 
opportunity  for  anything  else;  the  one  thing  necessary  was  to  overtake  the  running 
enemy,  and  that  could  only  certainly  be  done  by  letting  the  fastest  or  best-situated 
ships  get  ahead,  sure  that  the  speed  of  the  fattest  pursuers  is  better  than  that  of  the 
slowest  of  the  imrsued,  and  that,  therefore,  either  the  latter  must  be  abandoned,  or  the 
whole  force  brought  to  bay." 

It  would  appear  that  in  1747  the  Admiralty  had  begun  to  be 
better  served  by  its  intelligence  officers  than  it  had  been  earlier  in 
the  war  ;  and  it  is  not  the  least  merit  of  the  administration  that,  on 
several  important  occasions,  it  was  able  to  bring  superior  forces  to 
bear  upon  its  enemies.  Anson's  success  was  one  result  of  this  fore- 
knowledge ;  the  success  of  Captain  Thomas  Fox,  to  be  noted  in  the 
next  chapter,  was  another ;  that  of  Kear-Admiral  Edward  Hawke, 
now  to  be  recounted,  was  a  third. 

Information  was  received  in  England  that  France  w^as  collecting 
in  Basque  Eoad  a  huge  convoy  for  the  West  Indies,  and  that  a 
squadron  of  men-of-war  had  sailed  from  Brest  to  pick  it  up  and 
escort  it  to  its  destination.  Thereupon  a  squadron,  under  Hawke, 
was  despatched  from  Plymouth  to  intercept  it.  It  left  Plymouth 
Sound  on  August  9th.     The  French  left  Isle  d'Aix  on  October  6th  ; 




and,  on  October  14tb  at  7  a.m.,  were  sighted  in  lat.  47"  49'  N.  and 
long.  1°  2'  W.,  off  Finisterre.  Hawiie  made  signal  to  chase,  but  at 
8  A.M.,  seeing  the  enemy's  ships  to  be  very  numerous,  many  of  tliem 
being  large,  he,  as  a  measure  of  prudence,  formed  a  line  of   battle 

OOMMEMUKATIVE    MEU.\L    OF    ANSON's    VICTUHY,    1|47,    AN]l   OF    HIS 
CIRCDMNAVIGATION    OF    THE    WORLD,    1740-44. 

(From  an  vriijiintl  kinilbj  lent  hij  II.S.H.  Caiitnin  Pr'uiee  Luui.i  uf  BiiUeiiierg,  R.X.) 

ahead.'  There  were  in  fact  no  fewer  than  252  merchantmen  with 
the  French  squadron.  Commodore  de  I'Etenduere,  who  at  first 
mistook  the  British  for  part  of  his  own  convoy,  no  sooner  discovered 
his  mistake  than  he  ordered  the  merchantmen  to  make  the  best  of 
their  way  under  the  care  of  the  Coiiteiif,  64,  and  himself  also  formed 
a  line  of  battle  ahead.     These  manreuvres  informed  Hawke  as  to 

'  Action  between  Eeak-Aumiral  Hawke  and  M.  de  i/Etenduere, 
October  14Tir,  1747. 


Devonshire  . 

K'-nt .  .  . 
Edinbinyh  . 
Yaniiontk  . 
Mmviitoath  . 
Princess  Louisa 
Lion  . 
Tilhnrij  . 

Eagle      .     , 

Gloucester    . 

I  Guns. 







{Rear-Admiral    Edward 
Capt.  John  Moore  (1). 

,,     Thomas  Fox. 

,,     '1'  Cotes. 

,.     I  'balit'^  Saunders. 

,,     H'lity  Ilanisou. 

„     I'liaiie^  ^\'at>ou. 

,,     Thomas  Hallway. 

„     Atthiir  Soitl. 

,,     Kol:iertHarlaud(2). 

,.     PhiHp  df  Sauniarez. 

„    Johu  iJeutley. 
i     ,,    George      Brydges 
\  Rodney. 

„    Philii)  ImreU(l). 

,,    Charles  Stevens. 

and  some  frigates. 





pi.     des     Herbiers    de 

Timnant.     .     .     . 


1     rEtemiuere,         Oief 
)     d'Escadre. 
(Capt.  DucbaBFault. 

Intn'pide     .     .      . 


,,    de  Yaudieuil. 

TridentK     .     -      . 


„     d'Arablimont. 

Terrible  i      ,     .     . 


„     du  Guay. 

Monarqut  i .      .      . 


,,    de  La  iJedovere. 

Stvin-n  1  .      .      .      . 


,,     du  llouvet. 

Fougueux  i  .      .      . 


„     de  Vig;uault. 

Neptune  i      .      .      . 


„    de  Fromeuiieres. 

Castor'i  .... 


„    d'Ossonviile. 

i'ontenfi      .     .     . 


-  AVith  the  couvoy. 

128  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1747. 

the  nature  of  the  force  before  him,  and  induced  him  to  haul  down 
the  signal  for  the  line  and  to  again  make  that  for  a  general  chase, 
following  it  half-an-hour  later  with  the  signal  to  engage.  A  running 
fight  resulted.  The  French  behaved  with  great  spirit  but  were  over- 
powered by  sheer  weight  of  numbers.  They  had  in  line  but  eight 
ships  and  of  these  six  were  taken.  Towards  night  the  Intrepide  and 
Tonnant,  finding  that  the  day  was  lost,  set  all  sail  with  a  view 
to  escaping.  Their  intention  was  perceived  by  the  Yarmouth, 
Nottingham  and  Eagle,  which,  at  the  instance  of  Captain  Saunders 
of  the  Yarmouth,  and  on  their  own  responsibility,  followed.  These 
ships  engaged  the  fugitives  for  an  hour,  in  the  course  of  which 
Captain  Saumarez '  of  the  Nottingham  fell.  The  two  French  ships, 
.though  very  badly  damaged,  succeeded  in  getting  into  Brest.  At 
dark  Hawke  brought  his  ships  to  ;  and  in  the  morning,  at  a  council 
of  war,  it  was  decided,  in  view  of  the  mauled  condition  of  the  British 
squadron,  not  to  pursue  the  convoy.  The  Weazel,  sloop,  was, 
however,  despatched  to  the  West  Indies,  to  apprise  Commodore 
Pocock  of  the  approach  of  the  French  ;  and  thanks  to  this  precaution, 
many  of  their  ships  were  ultimately  taken. - 

The  French  loss  in  the  action  was  about  800  killed  and  w^ounded, 
among  the  former  being  Captain  de  Fromentieres  of  the  Neptune. 
The  British  lost  154  killed,  including  Captain  Saumarez,  and  558 
wounded.  As  nearly  all  the  vessels  captured  had  been  dismasted, 
it  took  some  time  to  refit  them ;  but  on  October  31st,  Hawke  had 
the  satisfaction  of  carrying  them  and  his  squadron  into  Portsmouth. 
A  little  later  he  was  made  a  K.B.  for  his  services.  All  the  prizes, 
except  the  Neptune,  were  purchased  into  the  Eoyal  Navy. 

Hawke  in  his  despatch  had  occasion  to  complain  of  Captain 
Thomas  Fox  of  the  Kent,  who,  in  the  action,  when  ordered  by 
signal  to  make  sail  ahead  after  the  Tonnant  and  to  engage  her,  had 
failed  to  obey.  Captain  Fox  was  consequently  tried  by  court-martial 
at  Portsmouth  on  November  '25th  upon  the  charge  that  "  he  did  not 
come  properly  into  the  fight,  nor  do  his  utmost  to  distress  and 
damage  the  enemy,  nor  assist  his  Majesty's  ships  which  did." 
Fox's  personal  courage  was  not  impeached ;  and  there  is  no  doubt 

'  Philip  Saumarez,  or  de  Saumarez.  Born,  1710.  Commander,  1741.  Captain, 
1743.  Killed,  as  above,  October  14th,  1747.  He  had  served  vnth.  Anson  in  his  voyage 
round  the  world,  and  had  distinguished  himself  greatly,  when  already  commanding 
the  Nottinyhaiii,  by  his  capture  of  the  Mars,  64,  in  1746.  A  monument  to  him  is  in 
Westminster  Abbey. 

'^  See  next  chapter. 

1747.]  CRITICISM    OF    THE   ACTION.  129 

that  his  faihire  to  obey  orders  was  chiefly  due  to  the  faulty  system 
of  signals  then  in  use.  Both  his  first  lieutenant  and  his  master 
mistook  the  signal  for  close  action  for  one  to  proceed  to  the  assist- 
ance of  the  Admiral ;  and  he  acted  accordingly.  The  trial  lasted 
until  December  'i'ind,  when  the  court  came  to  the  conclusion  that 
"  he  had  been  guilty  of  backing  his  mizen-top-sail  and  leaving  the 
Tonnant,  contrary  to  the  10th  and  11th  Articles  of  War."  He  was 
acquitted  of  cowardice,  but,  because  he  had  paid  too  much  regard  to 
the  advice  of  his  officers,  contrary  to  his  own  better  judgment,  he  was 
sentenced  to  be  dismissed  from  the  command  of  the  Kent.  Captain 
Fox,  whose  post-captain's  commission  dated  from  August  6th,  1737, 
and  who  always  had  been  a  good  officer,  was  never  again  employed, 
but  was  superannuated  as  a  Kear-Admiral  in  1749.  He  died 
in  1768. 

Criticising  the  battle.  Captain  Mahan  '  says  : 

"  If  .  .  .  Hawke  showed  in  liis  attack  the  judgment  and  dash  which  always 
distinguished  that  remarkable  officer,  it  may  be  claimed  for  Commodore  I'Etenduere  that 
fortune,  in  assigning  him  the  glorious  disadvantage  of  numbers,  gave  liim  also  the 
leading  part  in  the  drama,  and  that  he  failed  nobly." 

Troude,  the  French  naval  critic,  remarks  '  of  de  TEtenduere  that : 

"he  defended  his  convoy  as  on  shore  a  position  is  defended,  when  the  aim  is  to  save 
an  army  corps,  or  to  assure  an  evolution.  He  gave  himself  to  be  crushed.  After  an 
action  that  lasted  from  midday  to  8  p.m.,  the  convoy  was  saved,  thanks  to  the  obstinacy 
of  the  defence,  and  250  ships  were  secured  to  their  owners  by  the  devotion  of  I'Eten- 
duere, imd  of  the  captains  under  his  orders.  This  devotion  caimot  be  questioned,  for 
eijht  ships  had  but  few  chances  of  surviving  an  action  with  fourteen ;  and  not  only  did 
tlie  commander  of  the  ei'j;ht  accept  an  action  which  he  might  possibly  have  avoided, 
liut  also  he  knew  how  to  inspiie  his  lieutenants  with  trust  in  himself,  for  all  supported 
the  fight  with  honour,  and  yielded  at  last,  slKuving  the  most  indisputable  proofs  of  their 
fine  and  energetic  defence." 

"The  whole  affair,"  concludes  Mahan,  "as  conducted  on  both  sides,  affords  an 
adiniriible  study  of  how  to  follow  up  an  advantage,  original  or  secured,  and  of  the 
results  that  may  be  obtained  by  a  gallant,  even  hopeless  defence,  for  the  furtherance  of 
a  particular  object." 

The  squadron  of  Anson  and  Warren,  as  well  as  that  of  Hawke, 
cruised  in  the  Channel  and  Bay  after  the  actions  above  narrated, 
and  took  numerous  prizes :  but  an  account  of  such  smaller  engage- 
ments as  were  fought  in  the  course  of  the  year  may  be  reserved  for 
the  next  chapter. 

The  war  had  been  very  costly  to  France.     The  French  Navy  had 

'  '  Influence  of  Sea  Powei,'  272. 
-  '  Bats.  Nav.  de  la  France.' 

VOL.    III.  K 

130  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1748. 

been  almost  crushed,  and  Fi-euch  maritime  trade  had  been  ahnost 
ruined,  though  the  armies  of  France  had  been  successful  on  land. 
But  all  the  Powers  engaged  were  to  some  extent  weary  of  the 
conflict ;  and  it  was  thei-el'ore  felt,  when  a  Congress  met  at  Aix-la- 
Chapelle  to  consider  the  terms  of  an  arrangement,  that  there  was 
every  prospect  of  the  conclusion  of  a  satisfactory  peace.  In  the 
meantime,  Great  Britain  did  not  relinquish,  nor  even  diminish,  her 
preparations  to  continue  the  struggle.  In  174K,  as  in  previous  years, 
all  ships,  as  they  became  ready  for  sea,  were  put  into  commission. 
Squadrons  were  sent  to  cruise  at  various  times  in  home  waters, 
under  Vice-Admirals  Sir  Peter  Warren  and  Sir  Edward  Hawke,  and 
Eear-Admiral  William  Chambers.  Commodore  the  Hon.  George 
Townshend  watched  the  coast  of  Flanders ;  Vice- Admiral  the  Hon. 
John  Byng  remained  in  the  Mediterranean  ;  and  in  the  West  Indies 
Rear-Admiral  Charles  Knowles  and  Commodore  George  Pocock,  let 
slip  no  opportunity  of  annoying  the  enemj'. 

Eear-Admiral  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen  had  been  sent  out  in 
1747,  as  Commander-in-Chief,  to  the  East  Indies,  and  had  taken 
with  him  reinforcements  to  the  station.  Before  his  arrival,  Eear- 
Admiral  Thomas  Grifiin  (1)  had  received  three  additional  ships  from 
England,  so  that  his  squadron  consisted  of  three  60's,  three  50's, 
three  40's,  and  one  20,  and  was  considerably  superior  to  the  French 
force  in  the  same  seas.  But  Mr.  Griffin  had  been  outwitted  and 
out-manceuvred  by  the  French  commander-in-chief,  M.  Bouvet, 
who,  in  spite  of  him,  had  thrown  troops  into  Madras. 

The  French  ministry  was  warned  of  Boscawen's  departure  from 
England ;  and  M.  Dupleix,  being  advised  from  home,  took  such 
measures  as  he  could  to  meet  the  Eear-Admiral,  who  had  with  him 
six  ships  of  the  line  or  50"s,  and  four  smaller  craft,  and  who 
convoyed  eleven  ships  of  the  East  India  Company  with  1500 
soldiers  on  board.  Boscawen  reached  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope  in 
March,  1748,  and  was  there  joined  by  six  Dutch  East  Indiamen, 
having  on  board  400  troops.  On  May  18th  he  sailed  again,  and  on 
June  'JBrd,  after  a  troublesome  vo}'age,  sighted  Mauritius,  which  he 
had  decided  to  make  an  attempt  upon.  The  island  had  been 
informed  by  Dupleix  of  its  danger,  and  was  to  some  extent  prepared, 
though  it  was  but  ill  garrisoned.  On  the  2.5th,  after  having 
reconnoitred  the  coast,  Boscawen  decided  to  abandon  the  project 
and  to  proceed  to  Coromandel.  Had  he  known  how  few  troops  were 
in  the  island,  he  would  certainly  have  persisted,  and  would  probably 




have  been  successful ;  for  the  works,  though  strong,  could  not  be 
properly  manned.^ 

The  Dutch  convoy  parted  company  at  Mauritius,  and  proceeded 
for  Batavia  ;  and  Boscawen,  on  June  '27th,  sailed  for  Fort  St.  David 
(Cuddalore),  where  he  arrived  on  July  '29th.  There  he  met  Rear- 
Admiral  Griffin,  who,  in  the  meantime,  had  been  promoted  to  be 
Vice-Admiral,  and  who  soon  afterwards  returned  to  England  by  way 
of  Trincomale  with  part  of  his  command. 

Besides  the  naval  force,  Boscawen  had  under  him  many 
armed  East  Indiamen,  and  3'240  troops,  including  sepoys  but  not 
including  Marines.  Indeed,  he  was  m  a  position  to  dispose  of 
5'2'20  men  to  act  on  shore  ;  and,  in  addition,  2000  native  auxiliary 
cavalry  were  placed  at  his  service  for  the  contemplated  siege  of 
Pondicherry,  whither  Boscawen  presently  proceeded.  Leaving 
Captain  William  Lisle  in  command  of  the  squadron,  he  landed  to 
direct  the  operations  on  shore.  Early  in  August  the  army  closed 
round  the  town,  which  was  closely  blockaded  from  seaward  by 
the  Exeter,  Chester,  Pembroke  and  Swallow.  An  assault  upon  one 
of  the  outlying  works  was  repulsed  with  loss  on  August  12th,  but  the 
siege  was  formally  begun  and  some  successes  were  gained.  The 
engineers  upon  whom  Boscawen  was  obliged  to  depend  were,  how- 

'  Rear-Admihal  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen's  Squadi!(in,  which  arrived 
OFF  Mauritius  in  June,  1748. 





f Rear- Admiral  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen. 
tCaptain  Samuel  Marshall  (1). 

Namur  ...                             '^■' 




„        William  Lisle. 



I'lKPiiias  Lake. 



„        'I'liomas  Fincher. 



„        Joseph  Knight. 

Chester   . 


„        Richard  Sjjry. 

Deal  Castle 


„        John  Lloyd  (2). 



Commander  John  Rowzier. 

Basilisk  (bomb) 


„            William  Preston. 

Apollo  (hospital  ship) 


Lieutenant  Robert  Wilson. 

The  above,  proceeding 

Exeter  . 
York  . 
Preston  . 
Lively    . 

found  on  the  East  Indies  Station,  the  following 



Captain  Lord  Harry  I'owlett. 
„        Thnothy  iMucella. 
„        Philip  Carteret  (1). 
„        William  Adams  (1). 
„        Nathaniel  Stephens,  actg. 

in  addition  to  the  other  vessels,  which,  upon  Boscawen's  arrival,  returned  home  or  went 

K   2 

lo2  MAJOR    OPKIIATIONS,    17H-I762.  [1748. 

ever,  incompetent ;  and  little  progress  was  made,  though  the  JJufiUisk, 
bomb,  threw  some  shells  into  the  place.  In  the  operations  Ensign 
Clive,  afterwards  Lord  Ciive,  gained  his  first  military  distinction. 
As  the  siege  threatened  to  be  a  protracted  one,  Boscawen  ordered 
Captain  Lisle  to  begin  a  general  bombardment  from  the  ships  of 
the  squadron ;  but,  owing  to  the  shallows,  these  could  not  approach 
near  enough  to  do  much  damage.  The  business,  however,  cost  the 
life  of  Captain  William  Adams  (1),  then  commanding  the  Harwich. 
In  the  meantime  the  weather  was  bad,  and  the  troops  were  sickly; 
and,  as  the  neighbourhood  of  the  town  was  liable  to  be  completely 
flooded  at  the  beginning  of  the  rainy  season,  the  siege  was  raised 
at  the  beginning  of  October,  the  sick  being  removed  to  the  ships, 
and  the  army  retiring  overland  to  Fort  St.  David.  The  expedition 
cost  the  lives  of  1065  British,  and  of  only  about  200  French.  The 
fiasco  reflected  no  disgrace  upon  Boscawen,  and  was  entirely  due 
to  the  incapacity  of  the  engineers  and  some  of  the  military  leaders. 
Nevertheless,  it  greatly  lowered  Biitish  prestige  with  the  natives, 
and  led  to  some  serious  defections. 

Boscawen  learned  in  November  of  the  cessation  of  hostilities 
between  Great  Britain  and  France,  but  was  ordered  to  remain  on 
his  station  until  advised  of  the  final  conclusion  of  peace.  Part  of 
the  squadron  went  to  Acheen,  and  part  to  Trincomale,  to  avoid  the 
monsoon,  and  the  whole  returned  in  January,  1749,  to  Fort  St. 
David,  where  it  lay  maintaining  an  observant  attitude,  while 
M.  Bouvet,  with  the  French  forces,  lay  at  Madras,  or  as  it  was 
then  often  called.  Fort  St.  George,  120  miles  to  the  northward. 
But  the  British  did  not  remain  wholly  idle,  and  in  April  ships 
were  detached  to  assist  the  East  India  Company  in  a  war  with  the 
King  of  Taxajore.  While  this  service  was  being  performed,  a  violent 
hurricane  WTecked  the  Pemhrolce  and  Namur.  The  former  lost  her 
captain,'  and  all  hands  except  fourteen,  330  in  all ;  the  latter  lost 
520  souls,  though  the  admiral,  captain,  and  a  few  ofiicers,  being  on 
shore,  fortunately  escaped.  Two  East  Indiamen  were  also  wrecked. 
In  August,  in  pursuance  of  the  treaty  of  Aix-la-Chapelle,  which 
had  been  concluded  on  April  18th,  1748,  Madras,  in  a  dismantled 
condition,  was  surrendered  to  the  British. 

In  the  West  Indies,  in  Februarj',  1748,  Eear-Admiral  Charles 
Knowles,    with    a   squadron   and    detachment   of   troops,    left   Port 

'  Tliis  was  on  April  \?A\u  Captain  Tlionjas  Fincher's  post-commission  dated  from 
Deeemlier  Gtli,  17-15. 




Koyal  to  make  an  attack  on  Santiago  de  Cuba ;  but,  the  winds 
blowing  persistently  from  the  north,  the  ships  could  not  make  that 
place.  Knowles  therefore  determined  to  attack  Port  Louis,  on 
the   south    side   of   Hispaniola.      The   squadron '    arrived   there   on 

{From  an  cngravimj  hy  Bidlfi/.') 

'  British  Squadron  at  the  Capture  of  Port  Louis,  Hispaxiola,  1748. 








(■Rear-Admiral  Charles  Knowles 
(.Captain  Eichard  C^hadwick. 






Digby  Dent  (2). 

Elizahetli . 




Polycarpus  Tavlor. 

Canterbury    . 



David  Brodie. 

Strafford . 



James  Kentone. 

Warwick . 



Thomas  Innes. 




Thomas  Andrews  i^'S). 

Oxford     . 



Edmond  Toll. 




Merlin     . 




MAJUll    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762. 


March  8tb,  and  was  at  once  ordered  by  signal  to  cannonade  the 
fort,  which  mounted  seventy-eight  guns,  and  was  garrisoned  by 
600  men.  A  warm  engagement  resulted,  and  in  the  height  of  it 
the  enemy  sent  out  a  fireship,  which  was  designed  to  fall  on  board 
the  Cornwall  or  the  Elizabeth.  She  was  towed  off  by  the  boats 
of  the  fleet,  and  left  to  burn  out  and  explode  innocuously.  The 
British    boats   then    boarded   and   brought   away   two   other   craft, 

which  had  been  prepared  as 
fireships.  The  action  con- 
tinuing, the  Spanish  fire  after 
a  time  languished,  and  the 
Kear- Admiral  sent  a  summons 
to  the  governor,  who,  first 
taking  some  time  for  reflection, 
suri'endered  upon  terms.  The 
place  was  then  taken  posses- 
sion of.  The  squadron  lost 
only  70  killed  and  wounded, 
but  among  these  was  Captain 
Eentone,^  of  the  Strafford,  and 
Captain  William  Cust,''^  of  the 
Bofiton,  who,  with  the  Eear- 
Admiral's  permission,  was 
serving  as  a  volunteer  on  board 
the  Elizabeth.  The  enemy 
lost  inO  killed  and  wounded. 
With  the  place  were  captured 
three  ships,  a  snow,  and  three 
privateer  sloops.  The  fort  was 
burnt,  it  not  being  advisable 
to  retain  it ;  and,  the  conditions 
of  wind  being  at  length  more  favourable,  the  Eear-Admiral  decided 
to  prosecute  his  scheme  against  Santiago  de  Cuba. 

The  place  had  been  much  strengthened  since  the  time  of 
Vernon's  attack  upon  it ;  and,  as  the  appearance  of  the  British  had 
been  anticipated,  all  possible  precautions  had  been  taken.  Knowles 
arrived  before  the  town  on  April  5th,  and,  the  mode  of  procedure 
having  been  determined.  Captain  Dent  of  the  Plymouth,  as  senior 

James  licntone ;  cominaudei',  1739 ;  captain,  1740. 
William  Cast ;  commander,  1746 ;  captain,  1747. 




captain,  claimed  and  ol)laincd  the  lionoui'  ol  leading  in.  He  was 
seconded  by  the  flagship.  When  the  Pli/mouth  had  approached 
close  to  the  harbour's  mouth  it  was  seen  that  the  passage  was 
obstructed  by  a  boom,  backed  by  vessels  held  ready  to  be  used  as 
tireships.  The  nearest  forts  were  cannonaded  and  the  fire  was 
returned ;  but  Dent,  having  taken  the  opinion  of  his  officers,  came 
to  the  conclusion  that  it  was  impracticable  to  proceed,  and  so 
reported  to  the  Bear-Admiral,  who  thereupon  drew  off  and  went 
back  to  Jamaica. 

Dent's  apparent  hesitation  on  this  occasion  was  taken  exception 
to  by  Knowles ;  and,  in  consequence,  the  captain  of  the  I'li/iiioiit]/ 
was  court-martialled  on  his  return  to  England,  but  he  was  honour- 
ably acquitted. 

Later  in  the  year  Knowles  was  informed  that  the  Spanish  Plate 
fleet  was  expected  at  Havana  from  Vera  Cruz.  He  therefore 
detached  Captain  Charles  Holmes,  in  the  Lenox,  to  convoy  a  great 
body  of  trade,  which  had  been  collecting  to  sail  for  England ;  and 
himself  went  to  cruise  off  the  Tortuga  Banks  in  search  of  the  enemy. 
The  convoy  under  Holmes  sailed  from  Jamaica  on  August  2.5th ; 
and,  being  prevented  from  getting  through  the  Windward  Passage, 
had  to  bear  away  for  the  Gulf  of  Florida.  On  September  '29th  it 
sighted  seven  large  ships,  which  were  presently  recognised  to  be 
Spanish  men-of-war.'  Holmes  signalled  the  convoy  to  disperse 
and  to  look  to  its  own  safety,  while  he  endeavoured  to  draw  the 
attention  of  the  enemy  to  his  own  ship ;  and,  knowing  where  the 
Rear- Admiral  was  cruising  at  the  time,  he  succeeded,  under  press  of 
sail,  in  joining  him  on  the  following  morning,  when  he  reported  what 
had  occurred.     Ivnowles  instantly  went  in  quest  of  the  Spaniards, 

Order  of  Battle  of  the  British  and  Spanish  Squadrons  in  tiik 
ArxioN  OFF  Havana,  On-niiFR  1st,  1T!S. 




1  Guns. 





Tilbuni  .     .     . 

.   '     60 

Capt.  Charles  Powlett. 

Iiimvcihle    .     . 

.  '    u 

Rear- Admiral  Spinola- 

Siraffurd      .      . 


„     David  Bvudie. 

Conquistador    . 

.    1     64 

Dou  de  Sail  Justo. 

1  Rear -Admiral    Charles 

Africa    .     .     . 

.    '     74 

Vice- Admiral  Reggiu. 

Cornwall     .     . 


I     Kuuwles. 

Drai/6n  .      .      . 


Don  de  La  I'a^:. 

(Capt.  Polycarpus  Taylor. 

Nttiioa  Eapaiio  . 

.    1     64 

Don  Barrella. 

Lenox     .     .     . 


,,     Charles  Holmes. 

Meal  Familia    . 


Don  Furre-stal. 

Warwick      .     . 


,,    Thomas  lunes. 

Canterbury.      . 


,.     Edward  Clark  (1). 

GaUja  1    .      .      . 


Dou  Garrecocha. 

Oxford  1 .      .      . 


.,     KdiiKaidTull. 

1  N..t  hi 

the  line. 

136  MAJOR    OPEIIATIONS,    1714-17G2.  [1748. 

aud  sighted  them  early  in  the  morning  of  October  1st  between 
Tortuga  and  Havana.  The  Spaniards  at  once  formed  a  line ;  yet 
the  British,  though  they  had  the  advantage  of  the  wind,  edged  down 
only  very  gradually,  and  it  was  2  o'clock  before  either  side  fired. 
The  distance  was  then  too  great  for  much  damage  to  be  done,  but 
at  about  2.80  p.m.,  the  two  squadrons  being  nearer,  a  brisk  action 
was  begun.  The  Spaniards  seem  to  have  been  in  good  order  and 
close  together,  but  the  Wancick  and  Canterbiuij  were  far  astern 
of  station,  so  that  for  nearly  two  hours  the  British  had  but  four 
ships  opposed  to  six  of  the  Spanish.  During  this  time  the  Cornwall 
engaged  the  Africa  at  pistol  range,  and  was  so  gallantly  received 
that  in  half  an  hour  she  was  obliged  to  fall  astern  and  quit  the  line, 
having  lost  her  main-topmast  and  received  other  damage  to  her 
rigging.  Soon  afterwards  the  Conquistador,  also  much  damaged 
aloft,  di'opped  astern  of  her  consorts  and  fell  nearly  where  the 
CornicaU  lay  refitting.  Knowles  lost  no  time  in  attacking  her,  and 
quickly  killed  her  captain ;  but  that  officer's  successor  fought  the 
ship  bravely  until  she  had  thrice  been  set  on  fire  by  shells  from 
the  eight  cohorns,^  which  the  CornicaU,  unlike  most  of  her  class, 
carried.  Not  until  then  did  he  surrender.  The  Lenox  had  taken 
the  Cornwall's  place  and  had  warmly  engaged  the  Africa;  but 
other  Spanish  ships  succoured  their  admiral,  and  Captain  Holmes 
was  hard  pressed  for  about  an  hour  until  he  was  relieved  bj^  the 
Warwick  and  Canterburi/.  The  action  then  became  general  and 
fierce,  and  so  continued  until  about  8  p.m.,  when  the  Spanish  drew 
off  towards  Havana,  closely  pursued.  All,  however,  escaped  except 
the  Conquistador.  The  Africa,  owing  to  her  damaged  condition, 
had  to  anchor  before  she  reached  port ;  and,  being  discovered  by 
the  British  two  days  after  the  action,  was  burnt  by  the  Spaniards 
to  save  her  from  capture.  The  enemy  lost  86  killed  and  197 
wounded ;  the  British  had  59  killed  and  120  wounded.  But  whilst 
the  Spaniards  had  several  officers  of  rank  included  in  each  category 
the  British  had  none  in  either. 

Knowles  continued  to  look  out  for  the  Plate  fleet,  but  in  vain. 
In  the  course  of  time  he  learnt  from  a  prize  that  the  preliminaries 
of  peace  had  been  concluded  and  that  hostilities  were  to  cease, 
whereupon  he  returned  to  Jamaica.  When  he  went  home  to 
England   he   comj)lained   of   Holmes   for   having   left   the   convoy, 

'  ('i)li()ni,  a  small  mortar,  so  named  from  its  inventor,  Menno  van  Coehoorn,  the 
Dutch  military  engineer  (born  1641  ;  died  1704). 

1718.]  KNOIVLES'S    COURT-MAliTIAL.  137 

oblivious  of  the  fact  that,  had  IJolnies  not  rejoined  the  llaj,',  tJie 
victory  off  Havana  could  not  have  been  gained.  Holmes  was  most 
honourably  acquitted.  On  the  other  hand,  some  of  the  captains 
of  the  squadron  complained  of  the  conduct  of  the  Kear-Admiral,  who 
was  in  consequence  tried  on  board  the  Charlotte  yacht,  at  Deptford,  by 
a  court-martial  which  sat  from  the  11th  to  the  '20th  December,  1749. 
It  appeared  that  while  Rear-Admiral  Knowles  was  standing  for  the 
Spanish  fleet  he  might,  by  a  different  disposition  of  his  squadron, 
have  begun  the  attack  simultaneously  with  six  ships,  and  might 
have  begun  it  earlier  in  the  day.  It  appeared  too,  that,  owing  to 
the  method  which  he  pursued,  he  had  begun  to  attack  with  only 
four  ships.  Upon  these  points  the  court  condemned  him ;  and  it 
was  also  of  the  opinion  that,  in  order  proj)erly  to  conduct  and  direct 
the  operations  of  his  command,  he  ought  to  have  shifted  his  flag 
from  the  ConuniU  to  some  other  vessel,  after  the  former  had 
been  disabled.  For  the  rest,  the  proceedings  amply  vindicated  the 
Rear-Admiral's  personal  courage.     The  sentence  was  thus  worded : 

"  The  court  uiiaiiimously  agree  tliat  llear-Adniiral  Knowles  falls  under  part  of  the 
14tli  Article  of  War,  being  guilty  of  negligence,  and  also  under  the  23rd  Article.  The 
court  therefore  unanimously  adjudge  him  to  be  reprimanded  for  not  hringing  up 
the  squadron  in  closer  order  than  he  did,  and  for  not  beginning  the  attack  with  so 
great  a  force  as  he  might  liave  done;  and  ahio  for  not  shifting  his  flag,  on  tlie  Cornwall's 
being  disabled." 

On  the  Leeward  Islands'  Station,  Commodore  Pocock  learned 
by  the  arrival  of  the  Weazel,  sloop,  despatched  to  him  by  Hawke, 
of  the  approach  of  the  large  convoy,  which  had  been  under  the 
escort  of  M.  de  I'Etenduere ;  and,  although  he  had  not  time  to 
collect  the  whole  of  his  squadron  to  intercept  it,  his  ships,  and  the 
privateers  on  the  station,  succeeded  in  capturing  no  fewer  than 
thirty-five  sail  of  it. 

In  the  Mediterranean,  where  Eear-Admiral  the  Hon.  John  Byng 
commanded,  the  British  fleet  was  too  strong  for  the  French  and 
Spanish  to  attempt  at  sea  anything  of  importance  before  the 
conclusion  of  the  peace.  The  British  hampered  the  passage  of 
reinforcements  to  the  allied  armies  at  Genoa,  by  arming  a  number  of 
small  craft  and  entrusting  them  to  lieutenants,  who  cruised  with 
great  success  inshore,  and  intercepted  many  transports.  On  the 
peace  being  concluded,  Byng  returned  to  England  with  most  of  the 
larger  ships  of  his  fleet. 

In  the  home  seas   Rear-Admiral    Sir   Edward  Hawke  went   on 

138  M  A.I  on    Ol'KliATJONti,   1714-17G2.  [174'J. 

a  cruise  with  a  considerable  squadron  in  the  month  of  January ; 
and,  ere  he  returned  to  port,  made  several  prizes,  including  the 
Magnaiiiiiic,  74,  an  account  of  the  capture  of  which  will  be  found  in 
the  next  chapter.  liear-Admiral  Sir  Peter  Warren,  in  April,  also 
went  on  a  cruise ;  but  in  May  both  he  and  Hawke  were  recalled  to 
England  upon  the  settlement  of  the  preliminaries  of  peace. 

"  In  the  course  of  the  war,"  says  Beatson,'  "  the  British  captured 
from  the  Spaniards  1'249  ships,  and  from  the  French  2185,  making 
in  all  3434.  The  Spaniards  captured  from  the  British  1360,  and  the 
French  1878,  making  together  3238,  being  196  fewer  than  w'hat  had 
been  taken  by  the  British."  Yet,  in  spite  of  this,  the  general  balance 
was  in  favour  of  Great  Britain,  for  not  only  were  several  of  the 
Spanish  prizes  extraordinarily  valuable,  but  also  the  British  mer- 
chant marine,  on  account  of  its  superior  strength,  was  far  better 
able  than  either  the  French  or  Spanish  to  suffer  great  losses  without 
being  seriouslj'  crippled.  The  main  gain  to  Great  Britain  by  the 
war  was  the  reduction  of  the  French  navy  to  proportions  which,  for 
the  time,  were  no  longer  formidable.  The  peace  itself  benefited 
her  but  little,  for,  in  accordance  with  it,  all  conquests  made  by  any 
of  the  combatants  were  to  be  restored.  On  the  other  hand,  the 
point  which  had  been  the  chief  occasion  of  the  war — the  right  of 
British  ships  to  navigate  the  American  seas  without  being  searched 
— was  not  touched  upon,  and  i^emained  unsettled.  The  right  to  the 
province  of  Nova  Scotia,  or  Acadia,  was  to  be  left  to  be  discussed  by 
commissioners  appointed  for  the  piu-pose.  This  last  matter,  never 
having  been  properly  arranged,  was,  as  will  soon  be  shown,  pro- 
ductive of  another  bloody  and  expensive  war. 

The  first  care  of  France  after  the  conclusion  of  peace  was  to 
reorganise  and  revive  her  navy.  Great  numbers  of  ships  were  laid 
down  at  home ;  and  contracts  were  placed  abroad,  especially  in 
Sweden,  for  the  construction  of  others.  None  of  the  ambitious 
projects  of  King  Louis  were  surrendered.  He  had  merely  accepted 
peace  in  order  the  better  to  prepare  for  the  realisation  of  his  designs. 
Nor  did  the  French  agents  invariably  take  the  trouble  to  obey  the 
spirit  of  the  treaty.  As  early  as  1749  the  French  Governor  of 
Martinique  seized  and  fortified  the  neutral  island  of  Tobago ;  and 
the  place  was  not  evacuated  until  grave  international  comphcations 
threatened  to  arise  out  of  the  matter.  Again,  in  1751,  the  French 
contemplated  aggressions  on  the  "West  African  coast,  and  only 
'  '  Xav.  anil  Milit.  Mems.,"  i.  -414. 

1754.]  OPERATIONS   DURING    Till-:    PILWE.  139 

desisted  when  Captiiiii  Matthew  Jiucklc  (1),  of  the  Asui.staiicc,  50, 
informed  M.  Perrier  de  Salvert,  the  French  commodore,  that  if  he 
persisted  in  his  designs  of  building  a  fort  at  Annamaboe,  the  British 
would  look  upon  it  as  a  breach  of  the  peace  and  would  repel  force  by 

French  aggression  in  other  (piarters  was  not  always  checked 
with  equal  promptitude.  M.  dc^  La  Jonquiere,  the  French  com- 
mander-in-chief in  North  America,  and  M.  de  La  Galissonniere, 
Governor  of  Canada,  hatched  between  them  a  project  for  tampering 
with  the  Indians  of  North  America  and  for  gradually  driving  British 
settlers  out  of  that  continent ;  and  French  officers  occupied  British 
territory  in  Nova  Scotia  and  built  forts  there.  Kemonstrances  were 
made,  and  in  1750  commissioners  were  appointed  to  adjust  the 
disputes  ;  but  nothing  came  of  their  conferences.  Still,  while  Great 
Britain  herself  remained  almost  indifferent,  the  Colonists  at  last 
took  up  the  question.  Virginia  raised  400  men  and  £10,000  for  the 
defence  of  its  inland  borders,  and  confided  the  command  of  its 
troops  to  Major  George  Washington.'  The  French  Canadians, 
iowever,  in  spite  of  the  heroism  of  the  Americans,  captured  them 
and  their  commander  on  July  8rd.  Thereupon  the  colonial 
governors  held  a  congress  and  agreed  upon  a  common  plan  of 
defence;  and  the  Ministry  at  home,  shamed  into  action,  sent  troops 
under  General  Braddock  to  the  assistance  of  the  Colonists.  These 
were  convoyed  to  America  in  1754  by  two  50-gun  ships'"  under 
Commodore  the  Hon.  Augustus  Keppel.  Such  signs  assured  the 
French  that,  if  they  persisted  in  their  policy,  an  open  rupture  could 
not  but  result :  and  they  therefore  endeavoured  to  associate  Spain 
with  them  in  the  coming  quarrel ;  but  their  schemes  were  foiled  by 
the  watchfulness  of  Sir  Benjamin  Keene,  the  British  ambassador  at 

In  India,  where  M.  Dupleix  still  governed  Pondicherry,  the 
French  were  as  aggressive  as  elsewhere ;  and,  in  consequence, 
hostilities  between  the  two  East  India  Companies  were  almost 
unceasing,  so  that  the  peace  in  that  quarter  was  a  merely  nominal 
one.     Clive   in  this  contest  won  great  successes  and  opened  up  to 

'  This  was  the  begiuuing  of  the  great  Washiugtou's  iuilit;iiy  career.  See  ^^'alpole  : 
'  Mems.  of  George  II.,'  i.  347 ;  and  '  Corresp.,'  iii.  73. 

''  Centuriun,  Ca\it.  the  Hon.  Aug.  Keppel;  and  Norwich,  Capt.  the  Hon.  Samuel 
Barrington.  In  the  latter,  Adam  Diuaeau,  afterwards  Lord  Duncan,  served  as  acting 
lieutenant. — Keiipel :  '  Life  of  Keppel,"  i.  201. 

140  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1755. 

the  British  East  India  Company  such  a  vision  of  future  wealth  and 
glory  as  induced  it  to  beg  the  Ministry  at  home  to  assist  it  in  pre- 
serving its  rapidly  growing  superiority  over  its  French  I'ival.  In 
response  the  Government  in  1754  despatched  Kear-Admiral  Charles 
Watson  with  a  force  which,  as  ultimately  constituted,  consisted  of 
the  Kent,  70,  Cumberland,  66,  Tiger,  60,  Salisbury,  50,  Bridf/e- 
water,  24,  and  Kingfisher,  16.  France  at  the  same  time  sent  out 
a  squadron  of  neai-ly  equal  strength;  but,  before  the  ships  arrived, 
Dupleix  had  been  recalled,  and  the  French  in  India  had  adopted 
a  more  peaceable  policy,  which  might  have  led  to  permanent 
harmon}^  between  the  two  Companies  had  not  the  outbreak  of  war 
elsewhere  precluded  such  a  consummation. 

The  despatch  of  General  Braddock  to  America  led  France  to 
throw  off  her  mask  and  to  assemble  a  large  expedition  at  Brest  and 
Eochefort,  destined  for  Canada.  Great  Britain  in  reply  prepared 
for  war ;  and  on  March  11th,  1755,  a  proclamation  was  issued 
offering  bounties  for  seamen  and  able-bodied  landsmen.  On 
March  14th  thirty-five  sail  of  the  line  and  numerous  small  craft 
were  commissioned ;  a  hot  press  for  men  was  instituted  in  each  of 
the  chief  ports,  and  fifty  companies  of  Marines  were  ordered  to  be 

The  French  expedition  left  Brest  under  the  convoy  of  twenty- 
five  sail  of  the  line,  commanded  liy  ^l.  de  Macnamara,  who,  after 
seeing  it  fairly  to  sea,  returned  with  nine  sail,  leaving  the  rest  of  the 
command  to  M.  Dubois  de  La  Motte,  who  later  detached  four  sail  of 
the  Hne  and  two  frigates  to  Louisbourg,  and  proceeded  with  the  rest 
of  the  fleet  to  Quebec.  The  British  Ministry  was  only  vaguely 
informed  as  to  these  movements,  and  sent  to  North  America  Vice- 
Admiral  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen  with  but  eleven  sail  of  the  line, 
a  frigate,  and  a  sloop,  convoying  two  regiments.  He  sailed  from 
Plymouth  on  April  '27th,  1755,  with  instructions  to  protect  the 
British  colonies  and  to  attack  the  French  squadron  wheresoever  he 
should  find  it.  An  intimation  of  what  instructions  had  been  given 
was,  at  the  same  time,  communicated  to  the  French  ambassador, 
who  replied  that  the  king  his  master  would  consider  the  first  gun 
fired  at  sea  in  a  hostile  manner  to  be  a  declaration  of  war.  "When 
it  became  known  how  greatly  superior  a  French  force  had  gone  to 
America,  a  reinforcement  of  six  sail  of  the  line  and  a  frigate,  under 
Rear-Adniiral  Francis  Holburne,  was  sent  to  Boscawen ;  and  the 
necessary  arrangements  were  so  quickly  made  that  Holburne  sailed 

17o5.]  CRUISE   OF  BOSCAWEN.  Ill 

on  May  11th  and  joined  Boscawen  off  the  Banks  of  Newfoundlaiul 
on  June  '21st. 

The  mihtary  operations  in  North  America  of  the  force  under 
General  Braddock  need  Jiot  be  followed  in  detail.  HulHce  it  to  say 
that  an  American  expedition  against  Niagara  Fort  miscarried  ;  that 
Colonel  William  Johnson,  a  colonial  officer,  on  his  way  to  occupy 
Crown  Point,  defeated  a  considerable  French  force  which  had 
attacked  him ;  and  that  Braddock  himself,  while  leading  an  ex- 
pedition against  Fort  Duquesne,^  was  routed  and  killed.  A  com- 
bined naval  and  military  expedition  under  Captain  John  Rous,  R.N., 
and  Lieut. -Colonel  Monckton,  against  French  forts  in  Nova  Scotia, 
took  Fort  Beau  Sejour,  which  was  renamed  Fort  Cumberland,  and 
several  other  works ;  and  was  completely  successful  with  but  little 

The  fleets  of  Boscawen  and  Dubois  de  la  Motte  did  not 
meet,  although  four  French  line-of-battle  ships,  which  had  become 
separated  from  their  consorts,  were  chased  by  the  British  on 
June  6th.  For  a  time  they  escaped  in  a  fog ;  but  on  June  iSth, 
when  the  weather  cleared,  three  of  the  French  vessels  were  again 
visible  and  a  general  chase  was  ordered.  The  Dunkirk,  60,  Captain 
the  Hon.  Richard  Howe,  assisted  by  the  Torhaij,  74  (Boscawen's 
flagship).  Captain  Charles  Colby,  after  a  brisk  action  took  the 
Alcidc,  Captain  de  Hocquart ;  and  the  Drfiaiice,  60,  Captain  Thomas 
Andrews  (2),  and  Fotigucnx,  64,  Captain  Richard  Spry,  took  the  Li/s, 
which,  though  pierced  for  64  guns,  had  only  22  mounted.  The  third 
ship  got  away  owing  to  the  return  of  the  fog. 

When  Boscawen  discovered  that  the  French  had  safely  reached 
Quebec,  and  that  his  own  fleet  was  very  sickly,  he  left  Rear-Adniiral 
Holburne  with  a  small  squadron  to  blockade  Louisbourg,  and  went 
to  Halifax  to  refresh  his  men.  But  the  epidemic  of  putrid  fever 
could  not  be  checked;  and,  before  Boscawen,  with  the  main  part  of 
his  squadron,  got  home  to  England,  the  ships  had  lost  2000  people. 
Captain  Spry,  with  a  few  vessels,  was  left  to  winter  at  Halifax. 
Boscawen  and  the  rest  of  the  fleet  anchored  at  Spithead  on 
November  4th.  It  should  be  added  that  M.  Dubois  de  la  Motte 
returned  to  France  without  adventure,  and  that  the  vessels  which 
he  had  sent  into  Louisbourg  escaped  and  rejoined  him  at  the  time 
when  the  British  blockading  squadron  had  been  driven  from  its 
station  by  bad  weather. 

'  l)n  the  site  of  what  is  lunv  Pittslnira. 

142  MAJOR    OPEItATlONS,    1714-17G2.  [17oC. 

The  capture  of  the  Alckle  and  Jjijti  produced  gi-eat  excitement  in 
France,  and  fanned  the  flame  of  war  in  England ;  but  although 
hostilities  thereupon  ))egan,  formal  war  between  Great  Britain  and 
France  was  not  declared  until  May  18th,  1756,  upon  the  receipt  in 
London  of  the  news  of  the  French  invasion  of  Minorca. 

In  the  summer  of  1755,  Rear-Admiral  Sir  Edward  Hawke  and 
Eear-Admiral  Temple  West,  with  a  strong  squadron,  put  to  sea  in 
hopes  of  intercepting  the  Comte  du  Guay,  who  was  expected  back 
from  the  West  Indies  after  having  carried  reinforcements  to  the 
Leeward  Islands.  But  the  enemy  avoided  them,  and  re-entered 
Brest  without  loss ;  whereupon  Hawke  returned  to  Spithead.  The 
fleet  soon  afterwards  sailed  again  under  Vice- Admiral  the  Hon. 
John  Byng  and  Eear-Admiral  Temple  West,  Ijut  re-anchored  at 
Spithead  on  November  '21st.  When  Parliament  met  in  November, 
the  addresses  in  reply  to  the  speech  from  the  throne  were  very 
warlike,  and  France,  which  had  previously  believed  that  the  gi-eat 
body  of  Englishmen  was  averse  to  hostilities,  made  efforts  to 
negotiate  :  but  too  late. 

Early  in  the  new  year,  troops  were  assembled  on  the  French 
coast  as  if  for  an  invasion  of  Great  Britain  ;  and  a  fleet  was  collected 
at  Brest.  The  threat  of  invasion  produced  almost  a  panic  in 
England,  and  in  February  the  Ministry  increased  the  alarm  by- 
issuing  a  foolish  proclamation,  ordering  the  proper  officers,  in  case 
the  French  should  land,  to  cause  all  horses,  oxen  and  other  cattle, 
which  were  fit  for  draft  or  burden  and  not  actually  used  in  the 
interest  and  defence  of  the  country,  and  all  other  cattle  as  far  as  was 
practicable,  and  all  provisions,  to  be  driven  or  removed  at  least 
twenty  miles  from  the  point  at  which  such  an  attempt  should  be 
made.  The  Government  also  unwisely  detained  at  home  a  large 
fleet,  while  it  left  America  and  the  West  Indies  and  the  Mediter- 
ranean very  insufficiently  guarded.  It  did  not  realise  that  Great 
Britain  is  best  protected  from  invasion  by  the  activity  and  efficiency 
of  her  Navy  at  sea.  France  took  advantage  of  the  alarm  and  con- 
fusion to  quietly  embark  at  Toulon  about  16,000  men,  imder  the  Due 
de  Bichelieu,  and  to  send  them  to  Minorca,  convoyed  by  a  strong 
squadron  under  M.  de  La  Galissonniere.  The  expedition  landed  at 
Ciudadella  on  April  19th. 

Before  proceeding  to  give  an  account  of  the  operations  of  the 
war,  it  may  be  well  to  say  something  of  an  expedition,  which,  under 
Eear-Admiral  Charles  Watson,  rendered  valuable  service  to  commerce 

1756.]  OPERATIONS  AGAINST  A  NO  II I  A.  143 

by  destroying  the  power  of  a  most  dangerous  pirate  in  the  East 
Indies.  This  pirate,  Tulagee  Angria  by  name,  was  the  representative 
of  a  family  which  for  about  a  hundred  years  had  committed  outrages 
on  tlie  Mahratta  coast,  and  had  accjuired  both  wealth  and  territory. 
Angria  was  feared  not  only  by  the  natives  of  India,  but  also  by 
European  traders,  and  even  by  the  East  India  Company ;  and  he 
had  extended  his  authority  from  the  small  island  stronghold  of 
Severndroog  over  a  large  stretch  of  coast,  which  included  the  town 
and  port  of  Geriah.  In  1734  Angria  had  taken  the  East  Indiaman, 
Derby,  richly  laden,  and  later  the  Restoration,  20,  armed  ship,  and 
the  French  Jupiter,  40.  He  had  also  ventured  to  attack  Commodore 
William  Lisle,  who  had  two  ships  of  the  line  and  several  other 
vessels  in  company ;  and  he  had  wrought  much  damage  to  the 
Dutch  trade.  He  was  by  origin  a  Mahratta,  but  he  had  thrown  off 
his  allegiance ;  and  the  Mahrattas  had  long  urged  the  East  India 
Company  to  assist  in  effecting  his  downfall.  More  than  one  attempt 
had  been  made  to  destroy  him,  but  in  vain  ;  when,  in  1755,  an 
agreement  of  the  East  India  Company,  the  British  Government  and 
the  Mahrattas  led  to  the  fitting  out  against  the  pirate  of  a  force, 
which  finally  secured  the  desired  object.  Mr.  James,  Commodore 
of  the  East  India  Company's  ships  in  India,  sailed  in  March  with 
the  Company's  ships  Protector,  Sivallow,  Viper,  and  Triumph,  and 
attacked  and  captured  Severndroog,  afterwards  delivering  it  up  to  the 
Mahrattas.  He  also  took  Bencote  (Fort  Victoria),  the  most  northerly 
port  in  Angria's  dominions. 

In  November  Eear- Admiral  Watson  reached  Bombay,  and  further 
operations  were  begun.  James,  with  the  Protector,  Revenge,  and 
Bomhaij,  went  to  reconnoitre  Geriah,  Angria's  chief  stronghold ; 
and,  upon  his  retm-n  on  December  31st,  the  Eear-Admiral  sent  His 
Majesty's  ships  Bridgewater  and  Kingfisher,  with  some  of  the 
Company's  armed  vessels,  to  cruise  off  the  port.  James  joined  them 
on  January  '27th,  1756,  with  the  Protector,  and  Guardian  ;  and  the 
Eear-Admiral,  with  Eear-x4dmiral  George  Pocock  as  second  in 
command,  and  with  Lieut. -Colonel  Clive  in  command  of  the  troops, 
followed  with  his  squadron,  arriving  on  February  12th.  In  addition 
to  the  King's  and  Company's  ships,  there  was  a  contingent  of  Mahratta 
craft,  which,  however,  did  httle  or  nothing.  Angria,  terrified  at  the 
force  arrayed  against  him,  fied  to  the  Mahrattas  to  try  to  make 
terms,  and  left  Geriah  under  the  orders  of  one  of  his  brothers-in-law. 
His  offers  and  promises  induced  the  Mahrattas  to  withdraw  their 

144  MAJOn    OI'EHAriONS,    1T14-ITG2.  [175C. 

active  co-operation,  in  retui-n  for  an  undertaking  to  put  them  in 
possession  of  the  place ;  and  the  hrother-in-law  would  have  carried 
out  this  arrangement  but  that  Watson  refused  to  be  satisfied  with 
anj'thing  short  of  the  destruction  of  the  pirate's  stronghold. 

In  the  afternoon  of  February  12th,  the  garrison  having  refused 
to  surrender,  the  squadron  weighed  and  stood  in  in  two  divisions : 
one  to  attack  the  fort  and  the  other  to  attack  Angria's  fleet  and 
dockyard.  A  brisk  cannonade  resulted.  The  shipping  was  soon 
burnt,  and  part  of  the  town  was  set  on  fire.  After  about  three 
hours,  the  enemy's  guns  were  nearly  silenced,  and  the  British  guns 
in  consequence  ceased  also  ;  but,  soon  afterwards,  firing  was  re- 
commenced, and  not  until  6.30  p.m.,  the  engagement  having  begun 
at  about  1.30  p.m.,  did  the  pirates  cease  to  make  further  resistance. 
Troops  were  then  disembarked  under  Clive,  ready  to  take  possession  ; 
and  during  the  night,  lest  the  enemy  might  again  take  heart,  the 
bombs  occasionally  shelled  the  fort.  In  the  morning  Watson 
summoned  the  garrison  and  was  refused ;  whereupon  the  bombard- 
ment was  again  recommenced.  At  length  a  flag  of  truce  was  hung 
out,  and  an  offer  of  submission  was  made  ;  but,  as  it  was  not  com- 
plete and  unconditional,  fire  was  renewed.  The  governor  then 
surrendered  unconditionally.  On  the  morning  of  the  14th,  Clive 
marched  into  the  place.  Not  more  than  twenty  men  were  killed 
and  wounded  on  the  British  side  in  the  affair.  The  victors  found 
in  the  fortress  two  hundred  and  fifty  pieces  of  cannon,  six  brass 
mortars,  and  a  large  quantity  of  stores  and  ammunition,  besides 
about  i-100,000  sterling  in  rupees  and  ±'30,000  worth  of  valuables. 
Ten  Englishmen  and  three  Dutchmen,  who  had  been  enslaved  by 
Angria,  were  released.  The  pirate  fleet  which  was  burnt  at  Geriah 
consisted  of  one  ship,  eight  grabs  or  galleys,  and  a  large  number  of 
armed  row-boats  called  gallivats.  At  the  end  of  April  Watson  left 
the  coast  of  Malabar,  and  on  May  14th  arrived  off  Fort  St.  David. 

In  North  Ameiica  the  Earl  of  Loudoun  commanded  the  British 
land  forces,  but,  before  he  could  take  the  field,  the  French  had  won 
several  successes  and  had  made  themselves  masters  of  the  British 
armed  vessels  on  Lake  Ontario. 

It  has  been  mentioned  that  Commodore  Spry  had  remained  at 
Nova  Scotia  after  the  return  of  Boscawen  to  England  in  1755. 
Commodore  Charles  Holmes,  convoying  some  troops  from  Cork,  was 
sent  out  with  a  reinforcing  squadron,  and  assumed  command.  With 
the    Grafton,    Notthujliani,    Hornet    and    Jamaica   he    cruised    off 

175G.]  THREATS    OF  INVASION.  145 

Louisbourg  in  July,  and  nearly  succeeded  in  cutting  off  a  small 
French  force  ;  and  on  the  following  day  he  fought  another  French 
force,  which,  however,  also  got  away. 

On  the  Leeward  Islands'  station  Commodore  Thomas  Frankland 
commanded  ;  and,  although  he  fought  no  action,  and  rendered  himself 
very  unpopular,  his  cruisers  greatly  annoyed  the  enemy.  On  the 
Jamaica  station,  the  squadron  was  under  the  orders  of  Bear-Admiral 
the  Hon.  George  Townshend  ;  but  it  was  so  small  that  he  had  to 
remain  almost  entirely  on  the  defensive.  It,  however,  prevented  the 
French  from  carrying  out  an  intended  attack  on  Jamaica. 

At  home,  the  threat  of  invasion  continued  to  cause  popular 
uneasiness,  and  in  January,  1756,  Vice-Admiral  Henry  Osborn 
was  sent  to  sea  with  a  large  squadron  to  convoy  outward-bound 
merchantmen,  and,  on  his  return,  to  reconnoitre  Brest.  He  would 
have  been  better  employed  in  reinforcing  the  fleet  in  the  Mediter- 
ranean, for,  although  the  enemy  had  sixteen  ships  of  the  line  in 
Brest  and  Rochefort,  it  was  discovered  that  these  could  not  be 
ready  before  May ;  and  in  the  meanwhile.  Great  Britain  had  eight 
ships  of  the  line  and  twenty-three  frigates  quite  ready,  and  thirty- 
two  ships  of  the  line  and  five  frigates  nearly  ready  for  sea  in  the 
home  ports. 

Nor  was  the  threat  of  invasion  ever  a  serious  one.  The  French 
knew  too  well  that  the  project  at  that  time  was  hopeless.  Upon  the 
return  of  Osborn,  Vice-Admiral  Sir  Edward  Hawke  was  sent  with  a 
squadron  to  cruise  off  Brest,  and  was  reinforced  in  April  by  additional 
ships  under  Eear-Admiral  Francis  Holburne.  But  these  precautions 
were  taken  too  late,  for  Vice-Admiral  d'Aubigny  had  left  Brest  for 
Martinique  on  January  30th,  and  M.  de  Beaussier  had  sailed  on 
February  19th  for  San  Domingo.  Yet  Hawke,  ere  he  came  back 
to  England  in  May,  made  many  valuable  prizes.  He  left  Holburne 
to  cruise  before  Brest ;  and  Holburne  was  presently  joined  by  Vice- 
Admiral  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen,  who  assumed  command  of  the 
united  fleet  of  eighteen  ships  of  the  line,  six  50-gun  ships  and  two 

This  demonstration  naturally  induced  the  French  squadron  to 
keep  within  its  harbour;  but  some  of  Boscawen's  vessels  engaged 
stragghng  French  ships.  The  invasion  scare  still  continuing,  the 
Vice-Admiral  took  effectual   means  to  put  an  end  to  it.     He  sent 

the  Hunter,  cutter.  Lieutenant Cockburn,  to  reconnoitre  Brest. 

Mr.  Cockburn  ran  close  into  the  harbour's  mouth,  and  then  with 
VOL.   III.  '^ 

146  MAJOR    OPERATTONS,   1711-1702.  [175C. 

five  companions,  got  into  ii  bout  iind  rowed  into  the  port  in  tlie 
dark.  He  reported  that  he  had  found  there  only  nine  ships  of  war 
of  50-gims  or  under  and  six  large  merchantmen.  Boscawen  and 
Holburne  returned  to  England  in  November,  leaving  Kear-Admirals 
Savage  Mostyn  and  Harry  Noiris  before  Brest,  chiefly  to  intercept 
such  of  the  enemy's  ships  as  might  be  coming  home  from  abroad. 
The  blockading  force  was  afterwards  entrusted  to  Vice-Admiral 
Charles  Knowles,  who  came  hack  to  port  with  most  of  it  in 
Decemljer.  His  departure  was  somewhat  prematm-e,  in  that  it 
enabled  M.  de  Kersaint  to  get  out  with  a  small  force  for  the  coast 
of  Africa,  and  M.  de  Beauffremont  to  escape  with  another  small 
force  bound  for  the  West  Indies.  It  also  allowed  some  small 
cruising  squadrons  to  proceed  to  sea  in  safety. 

The  British  Ministry  was  very  negligent  in  the  matter  of 
Minorca.  It  is  quite  clear  that  as  early  as  October,  1755,  it  had 
received  intelligence  that  the  expedition  prepainng  at  Toulon  was 
destined  for  that  island  ;  and  that  French  reports  to  the  same  effect 
reached  it  in  November  and  December,  as  well  as  later.'  Yet  it 
took  no  proper  measures  for  the  defence  of  the  place,  the  reason 
apparently  being  that,  at  that  time,  it  undervalued  the  importance  of 
the  position.  The  military  command  of  the  island  was  in  the  hands 
of  General  AVilliam  Blakeuey,  an  officer  in  his  eighty-second  year, 
who  was  so  infirm  that  when  Port  Mahon  was  besieged  by  the  Due 
de  Richelieu,  he,  though  mentally  very  active,  was  obliged  to  spend 
great  part  of  his  time  in  bed.  The  garrison  also  was  very  weak, 
and  most  of  the  officers  belonging  to  it  were  on  leave  until  some 
time  after  the  French  expedition  had  sailed  from  Toulon.  More- 
over, the  British  squadron  in  the  Mediterranean,  including  as  it  did 
only  three  ships  of  the  line  and  a  few  small  craft,  was  a  seiious 
danger  rather  than  a  source  of  strength. 

Yet  at  length  public  opinion  in  England  insisted  that  something 
must  be  done;  and  on  March  11th,  1756,  Vice-Admiral  the  Hon. 
John  Byng  was  appointed  to  the  command  of  a  fleet,  which  was 
then  ordered  to  proceed  to  Minorca.  The  position  of  second  in 
command  was  given  to  Rear-Admiral  Temple  West.  But  this  fleet, 
which  should  have  been  a  large  and  powerful  one,  was  by  no  means 
of  formidable  proportions.  It  consisted  only  of  ten  sail  of  the  line  ; 
and  even  those  few  ships  were  not  fitted  out  without  the  greatest 
difficulty  and  friction.  At  that  late  date  the  Ministry  seems  to  have 
'  Kesols.  of  Ho.  of  Conims.,  May  'ivA,  1757. 

175G.]  BYNG    TO    THE   MICDITEUltANKAN.  147 

been  still  blind  to  the  importance  of  Minorca.  There  were  at  the 
moment  twenty-seven  ships  of  the  line  uruising  in  the  Channel  and 
Bay  of  Biscay,  twenty-eight  ships  of  the  line  in  commission  at 
home,  and  many  small  craft,  whicb  might  bave  been  detailed  for 
the  service.  But  Byug  was  not  permitted  to  utilise  any  of  these, 
or  to  draw  crews  from  them ;  and  his  mission  was  evidently 
regarded  as  a  wholly  subsidiary  one.  He  was  directed  to  take  on 
board  the  absent  officers  of  the  Minorca  garrison  and  a  reinforce- 
ment of  troops,  consisting  of  the  Eoyal  Regiment  of  Fusiliers, 
under  the  command  of  Colonel  Lord  Robert  Bertie.  To  make 
room  for  tliese  men,  all  the  Marines  belonging  to  the  squadron  were 
sent  on  shore,  with  the  result  that,  had  Byng  been  successful  in 
throwing  troops  into  Port  Mahon,  he  would,  owing  to  the  absence 
of  Marines  from  his  sliips,  have  been  in  a  condition  uniit  for  sub- 
sequently fighting  an  action  at  sea. 

The  Vice-Admiral  prepared  his  fleet  with  as  much  dispatch  as 
possible,  and  sailed  from  St.  Helen's  on  April  6th,  arriving  at 
Gibraltar  on  May  'ind.  He  was  there  joined  by  some  of  the  ships, 
which,  under  Captain  the  Hon.  George  Edgcumbe,  were  already  in 
the  Mediterranean ;  and  he  received  intelligence  that  the  Toulon 
squadron  had  landed  a  French  army  in  Minorca,  and  that  the  enemy 
was  already  in  possession  of  almost  every  strong  position  in  the  island. 
Byng  communicated  to  General  Fowke,  the  Governor  of  Gibraltar, 
an  order  from  home  to  the  effect  that,  subject  to  certain  conditions, 
a  detachment  from  the  garrison,  equal  to  a  battalion  of  men,  was 
to  be  embarked  on  board  the  fleet.  But  General  Fowke  and  his 
advisers  came  to  the  conclusion,  firstly,  that  it  would  be  extremely 
dangeroiis,  if  not  impracticable,  to  throw  succour  into  Port  Mahon  ; 
and  secondly,  that  the  garrison  of  Gibraltar  was  already  too  weak  to 
spare  the  specihed  detachment  without  danger  to  itself.  Yet  as  the 
fleet  was  in  great  want  of  men,  and  as  Edgcumbe's  ships  had  left 
their  Marines,  and  some  of  their  seamen,  in  Minorca  to  assist  in  the 
work  of  defence,  the  Governor  permitted  1  captain,  6  subalterns, 
9  sergeants,  11  corporals,  .'j  drummers  and  '200  privates  to  embark, 
it  being  represented  to  him  that,  without  such  reinforcement, 
several  of  the  ships  would  be  absolutely  unable  to  go  into  action. 

Captain  Edgcumbe,  with  his  little  squadron,  had  been  obliged  to 
retire  from  off  Minorca  upon  the  appearance  of  the  French.  He 
had  left  behind  him  Captain  Carr  Scrope  of  the  Dolpliin,  who 
commanded    the   naval    detachment   on    shore,    and    who    was    to 

L  2 


MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    lTU-1762. 


act  as  signal  officer  in  the  event  of  the  appearance  of  a  British 
squadron  before  the  island.  Ere  Byng,  with  an  easterly  wind, 
sailed  from  Gibraltar  on  May  8th,  he  had  been  joined  by  the  whole 
of  Captain  Edgcumbe's  little  force,  excepting  the  Fhaniix,  which 
had  been  blockaded  at  Paliua,  Majorca,  by  two  French  frigates, 
and  which  was  only  able  to  get  out  upon  the  appearance  of  the 
British  fleet  off  that  island.  The  wind  was  for  the  most  part 
easterly  until  9  p.m.  on  the  18th,  when  a  brisk  northerly  breeze 
sprang  up ;  and  the  squadron,  having  sailed  large  all  night,  sighted 
Minorca  at  daybreak  next  morning.  Byng  at  once  sent  ahead  the 
Phoenix,  Chesterfield  and  Dolphin  to  reconnoitre  the  mouth  of 
Mahon  Harbour,  to  pick  up  intelligence,  and  to  endeavour  to  send 
ashore  a  letter  to  General  Blakeney.  Captain  the  Hon.  Augustus 
John  Hervey,  the  senior  officer  of  the  advanced  squadron,  drew  in 
with  the  shore  and  endeavoui'ed  to  communicate  with  the  castle  of 
St.  Philip ;  but,  before  he  could  effect  anything,  the  enemy's  fleet 
appeared  in  the  S.E.,  and  the  detachment  had  to  be  recalled. 

Vice-Admiral  Byng  then  stood  towards  the  foe   and  made  the 
signal  for  a  general  chase.     Both  squadrons  ^  made  sail  towards  one 

'  The  British  and  Fre.\-ch  Fleets  in  the  Action  off  Minorca,  Mat  20th,  175(5. 




Ships.              1 




Gnns.             Flag-Officers. 

Dejiance       .     .     . 


fCapt.  Thomas  Andrews 

I                 (2).                               ! 

Or  pit  re    .... 
Sippopotame     . 


Portland^   .     .     . 


„    Patrick  Baird. 

Pedoutable  .     .     . 

,.      fM.  de  Glandevez  (Chef 

iMncaster    .     .     . 


f    „    Eon.  George  Edg- 
•              cumbe. 


I    d'Escadre). 

iKear-Admiral    Temple  ' 

Guerrier      .     .     . 




\    We5t(R).                      ; 



(Capt.  Michael  Everitt. 

Foudroyant.     .     . 

/M.  de  La  Galissouuiere 
I    (Lieut.-Geueral). 

Captain  .... 


„    Charles  Catford. 


Intrepid       .     .     . 


„    James  Young  (1"). 

Tthnu'raire    .     .     . 


f    ,,    Frederick     Com- 
t              wall. 

Content  .... 


Revevgt  .... 




Princess  Louisa  i  . 


„    Thrtmas  Noel. 

CouronTie     .     .     . 


(M.  de  La  Clue  (Chef 
I    d'Escadre). 

Trident  .... 


„    Philip  Durell  (1). 

iVice-Adm.   Hon.   John 

Triton     .... 


Eamillies     .      .      . 


{    Byng(E). 

Culloden      .     .     . 


ICapt.  Arthur  Gardiner. 
„     Henry  Ward. 

FltlGATlS,  EIC.4 

Kingston     .     .     . 


„    WmiamParry(2). 

Junon     .... 


Frigates,  etc. 

Gracieitse    .     .     . 


Bept/ordi'.     .     . 
Chesterfield  i     .     . 


„    John  Amherst. 
„    John  Llojd  (2). 

Topaze    .... 
Nymphe  .... 



Phmnix''-      .     .     . 


f    „    Hon.       Augustus 
\             John  Hervey. 

i'b7-(«nei     .     .     . 


Com.  Jervis  Maplesdeu. 

Experiment^     .     . 


Capt.  James  Gilchrist. 

Dolphin  i      .     .     . 


Com.  Benjamin  Marlow.3 

1  Were  iu  the  Meditevrauean  iimler  Capt.  the  Hon.  G.  Edgcumbe,  hefore  Acimiral  Bjmg's  arri\al. 

2  The  Deptford,  haviug  heeu  origiually  placed  iu  the  Hue  between  the  Culloden  and  the  Kiiuji^ion^  and  then 
removed  from  it,  was  later  ordered  to  take  the  place  of  the  dit^abled  Intrepid. 

3  Capt.  Carr  Scrope  being  on  service  ashore  at  Port  Slahon. 

4  La  Galissouuiere  mentions  only  four  French  frigates  as  having  been  present. 




another;  aud  at  '2  p.m.  the  Briti.sli  Commander-in-Chief  made  the 
signal  for  a  Hne  of  battle  ahead.  But,  the  wind  dropping,  this 
order  could  not  be  properly  carried 
out.  In  the  meantime  he  took  the 
precaution  of  reinforcing  such  of  the 
ships  as  were  most  weakly  manned, 
by  means  of  drafts  from  the  frigates  ; 
and  he  directed  that  the  Pluriiix, 
which  had  been  reported  as  unfit  for 
general  service,  should  be  made  ready 
to  act  as  a  fireship  in  case  of  necessity. 
At  about  six  o'clock  in  the  evening 
the  enemy  advanced  in  order,  with 
twelve  ships  of  the  line  and  five 
frigates ;  the  van  being  commanded 
by  M.  Glandevez,  the  centre  by  M.  de 
La  Galissonniere,  and  the  rear  by  M. 
de  La  Glue.  An  hour  later  the  French 
tacked,  and  went  away  a  distance  of 
about  six  miles,  with  a  view  to  gaining 
the  weather-gage ;  and  Byng,  to  pre- 
serve that  advantage,  tacked  likewise 
On  the  following  morning  two  tartans, 
which  had  been  sent  out  by  M.  de 
Eicheheu  with  soldiers  to  reinforce 
M.  de  La  Galissonniere,  were  chased 
by  the  British  ships,  one  of  them 
being  taken  by  the  Defiance,  and  the 
other  escaping.  That  morning  at 
daybreak,  the  weather  was  hazy,  and 
the  enemy  was  not  at  once  seen  ;  but, 
a  little  later,  he  came  in  sight  in 
the  S.E. 

Captain  Mahan's  account  of  the 
action  which  followed  may  be  here 
quoted,  as  it  admirably  summarises 
what  occurred. 

byng's  action,  may  20Tn,  175G. 

I— At  2  P.M. 

British,  black,-  French,  while. 

[The  angle  of  approach  "was  somewhat 
greater  than  as  shown  in  the  plans.] 

dyng's  action,  may  20th, 

n— At  3.30  P.M. 

BritLsh,  binck  :  French,  ivhite. 

ilntrepitl  should  he  flying  up  into  the 
wind.  She  is  here  represented  as  before 
the  wind.] 

"The  two  fleets,"  lie  writes,  "having  sighted  each  other  on  the  morning  of 
May  20th,  were  found  after  a  series  of  manoeuvres  both  on  the  port  tack,  with  an 
easterly  wind,  lieadiug  southerly,  the  French  to  leeward,  between  the  English  and  the 


MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762. 


liarbour.  Bviig  ran  down  in  line  aliead  oft'  the  wind,  tlie  Frencii  remaining  by  it,  so 
tliat  when  tlie  former  made  the  signal  to  engage,  tlie  fleets  were  not  itarallel,  but 
formed  an  angle  of  from  80°  to  40°  (PI.  I.).  The  attack  wliicli  ]?yng  I).y  his  own  account 
meant  to  make,  each  ship  against  its  opposite  in  the  enemy's  line,  difficult  to  carry  out 
under  any  cii-cumstances,  was  here  further  impeded  by  the  distance  between  the  two 
rears  being  much  greater  than  that  l)etween  the  vans  ;  so  tliat  liis  whole  line  could  not 
come  into  action  at  the  same  moment.  When  the  signal  was  made,  the  van  shijis  kept 
away  in  obedience  to  it,  and  ran  down  for  tlie  French  so  nearly  liead  on  as  to  sacrifice 
their  artillery  fire  in  great  measure  (PL  II.).     They  received  three  raking  broadsides 

and  were  seriously  dismantled  aloft.  The  sixth 
English  ship"  {Intrepid)  "counting  from  the 
van,  had  her  foretopmast  shot  away,  flew  U]i 
into  the  wind,  and  came  abacK,  stopping  and 
douliling  up  the  rear  of  the  line  (PI.  III.).  Then 
undouljtedly  was  the  time  for  Bj-ng,  having 
committed  himself  to  the  fight,  to  have  set  the 
example  and  borne  down,  just  as  Farragut  did 
at  Mobile  when  his  line  was  confused  by  the 
stopping  of  the  next  ahead ;  but  according  to 
the  testimony  of  the  flag-captain,  Mathews's 
sentence  deterred  him.  '  You  see.  Captain 
Gardiner,  that  the  signal  for  the  line  is  out,  and 
that  I  am  ahead  of  the  ships  Louisa  and 
Trident'  (which  in  the  order  should  have  been 
ahead  of  him).  '  You  would  not  have  me,  as 
admiral  of  the  fleet,  run  down  as  if  I  were  going 
to  engage  a  single  ship.  It  was  Mr.  Mathews's 
misfortune  to  be  prejudiced  by  not  carrying 
down  his  force  together,  which  I  shall  endeavour 
to  avoid.'  The  aflair  thus  became  indecisive; 
the  English  van  was  separated  from  the  rear 
and  got  the  brimt  of  the  fight.  One  French  authority  blames  Galissonniere  for  not 
tacking  to  windward  of  the  enemy's  van  and  crushing  it.  Another  says  he  ordered  the 
movement,  but  that  it  could  not  be  made  from  the  damage  to  the  rigging ;  but  this  seems 
improbable,  as  the  only  injury  the  French  squadron  underwent  aloft  was  the  loss  of 
one  topsail-yard,  whereas  the  English  sufl'ered  very  badly.  The  true  reason  is  probably 
that  given  and  approved  by  one  of  the  French  authorities  on  naval  warfare.  Galisson- 
niere considered  the  support  of  the  land  attack  on  Port  Mahon  paramount  to  any 
destruction  of  the  English  fleet,  though  he  thereby  exposed  his  own.  '  The  French 
navy  has  always  preferred  the  glory  of  assuring  or  preserving  a  conquest  to  that, 
more  brilliant  perhaps,  but  actually  less  real,  of  taking  some  ships ;  and  therein 
it  has  approached  more  nearly  the  true  end  that  has  been  proposed  in  war.'  The 
justice  of  this  conclusion  dejiends  upon  the  view  that  is  taken  of  the  true  end 
of  naval  war." ' 

byng's  action,  mat  20th,  1756. 
in.— 3  P.M. 

The  losses  (see  following  page^)  in  killed  and  wounded  were 
nearly  equal ;  but  the  French  lost  no  officers  of  rank,  whereas  in 
Byng's  fleet  Captain  Andrews,  of  the  Defiance,  was  killed,  and 
Captain  Noel,  of  the  Princes>;  Louisa,  was  mortally  wounded. 
The   British  ships  also  suffered   much  more   than  the   French   in 

'    '  Iiifl.  i.f  Sea  Power  u]iou  Hist.,'  28G,  2S,. 




their  masts,  yards  and  rigging  ;  so  much  so,  in  fact,  that  Byng 
deemed  it  right,  before  venturing  to  do  anything  further,  to  call  a 
council  of  war  on  board  the  Jiaiiii/Jirx,  and  to  suninion  to  it  not 
only  the  naval  officers,  but  also  several  of  the  land  officers  who 
were  on  board  the  ships.  The  questions  debated  in  this  couiicil, 
and  the  conclusions  arrived  at,  were  as  follows : — 

1.  Wliether  an  attack  on  the  French  fleet  ijave  any  iirospect  of  relieving  Mahon  ? 

Eesolved  :  It  did  not. 

2.  AVliether,  if  there  were  no  French  lieet  cruiKing  at  Miiioica,  (lie  British  Heet 

could  raise  the  siege?     Resolved:  It  could  not. 
o.  Whether  Gibraltar  would  not  be  in  danger,  shouM  any  accident  befall  Piyng"s 
fleet?     Piesolved  :  It  would  be  in  danger. 

4.  Whether  an  attack  by  the  British  fleet  in  its  present  state  U]ion  that  of  the 

French  woidd  not  endanger  Lribraltar,  and  expose  the  trade  in  the  Mediter- 
ranean to  great  hazards  ?     Re.solved :  It  would. 

5.  Whether  it  is  not  rather  for  His  Majesty's  service  that  the  fleet  should  proceed 

immediately  to  Gibraltar?     Eesolved:  It  should  proceed  to  Gibi-altar. 

As  a  result,  the  squadron  sailed  for  Gibraltar,  and,  on  the  way, 
occupied   itself   in  repairing  such  damages  as  could  be  repaired  at 

'  The  losses  in  killed  and  wounded  in  the  two  lleets  were  as  follows: — 



Defiance  . 
Biichimjlmm  . 
Cii'ptain.  . 
Intrepid  . 
Princess  Louisa 
















Sa</e   . 

Guerrie.r  . 
Fier    . 
Conten  t     . 
Lion  . 
Triton      . 

























London  Gazette  of  June  26th,  1756.  Lists  in  Beatsou,  iii.  118,  put  the  total  losses 
at — British,  43  killed,  168  wounded ;  French,  38  killed,  181  wounded.  La  Galissonniere 
puts  the  French  loss  at  38  killed,  and  1 15  wounded.  It  may  be  that  26  French  were 
killed  outright,  and  that  12  more  died  of  their  wounds.  No  two  accounts  of  the 
number  of  wounded  can  be  expected  to  agree  exactly,  some  enumerators  naturally 
including  among  the  wounded  men  with  only  slight  injuries. 

152  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1702.  [1756. 

sea.  At  the  Eock  the  Admiral  ^  found  reinforcements,''*  which  had 
been  sent  out  to  him  under  Commodore  Thomas  Bi'oderick,^  the 
Ministry,  after  Byng's  departure  from  England,  having  apparently 
realised  for  the  first  time  the  full  extent  of  the  danger  in  the 

It  was  unfortunate  for  Byng  that  the  first  detailed  news  of  what 
had  happened  off  Minorca  reached  the  Government  through  French 
channels.  M.  de  La  Galissonniere's  dispatch  cannot  now  be  found 
in  the  Ai-chives  de  la  Marine  in  Paris,  and  possibly  it  no  longer 
exists  ;  but  a  copy  of  it,  or  a  translation,  reached  the  Secretary 
of  the  Admiralty  some  time  before  Byng's  own  dispatch  arrived 
in  England  ;  and  upon  the  former  the  Government  took  action, 
recalling  Byng  and  West,  and  sending  out  Vice-Admiral  Sir 
Edward  Hawke  and  Eear-Admiral  Charles  Saunders  to  supersede 
them.  The  important  part  of  this  dispatch  of  La  GaUssonniere's  * 
is  as  follows  : — 

"  At  half-past  two  in  the  afternoon  the  two  squadrons  were  in  line  of  battle  and 
began  the  engagement.  The  English  consisted  of  eighteen  sail,  of  which  thirteen  were 
of  the  line,  and  ours,  of  twelve  sail  of  the  line  and  four  frigates.  The  action  lasted 
almost  three  hours  and  a  half,  but  was  not  general  during  the  whole  of  the  time.  The 
English  ships  that  had  suffered  most  from  our  broadsides  got  away  to  the  windward, 
out  of  gunshot.  They  continually  preserved  this  advantage  that  they  might  keep 
clear  of  us  as  they  pleased.  After  having  made  their  greatest  efforts  against  our  rear 
division,  which  they  found  so  close  and  from  which  they  received  so  hot  a  tire  that 
they  could  not  break  in  upon  it,  they  made  up  their  itdnds  to  sheer  oft',  and  did  not 
appear  again  during  the  whole  of  the  next  day,  the  21st.  Speaking  generally,  none  of 
their  ships  long  withstood  the  fire  of  ours.  Our  vessels  suftered  but  little.  They  were 
repaired  in  the  night,  and  on  the  following  moi-ning  were  fit  for  action."  ..."  Our 
total  killed  was  thirty-eight,  and  wounded  one  hundred  and  fifteen." 

'  On  Jime  4th,  1756,  Byng  was  promoted  to  be  Admiral  of  the  Blue. 
^  Heinforcement  despatched  to  Admiral  the  Hon.  John  B\-ng  under  Commodore 
Broderick ; — 

ships.  1    Guus.  Commau'iei:s. 

Prince  Georije. 


Hampton  Court 


fCommod.  Thomas  Broderick. 

\Capt.  Abraham  North. 
64     j       „     Richard  Tyrrell. 
64     [       „     James  Sayer. 
64     I       „     James  Webb. 
50     I       „     Edward  Wheeler. 

^  This  officer,  who  was  born  in  1704,  and  died  a  A'ice-Admiral   in   176ii,  usually 
spelt  his  name  Broderick.     It  was,  however,  properly  spelt  Brodrick. 
■*  As  published  in  the  journals  of  the  time. 

1756.]  BVNG'S  DISPATCH.  J 53 

It  may  here  be  pointed  out,  in  passing,  that  this  report  makes 
the  British  fleet  to  have  been  considerably  superior  to  the  French, 
whereas  if  there  were  any  real  difference  between  them  it  was  only 
a  very  slight  one ;  and  that  it  does  not  agree,  in  other  respects,  with 
the  facts  as  they  are  now  accepted. 

Before  going  further,  it  is  right  to  print  the  dispatch  which  Byng 
addressed  to  the  Admiralty  on  May  2.5th,  and  in  which  he  gave  his 
version  of  what  had  haj)pened.  It  is  right  also  to  say  that  the 
Admiralty,  after  receiving  this  dispatch,  kept  it  for  some  time 
before  making  it  public,  and  that,  when  it  did  publish  it,  gave 
it  to  the  world  in  a  mutilated  condition.  The  complete  dispatch 
was  printed  by  Byng  after  his  return  to  England,  and  ran  as 
follows : — 

RttmiUies,  off  MinOec.\,  May  'Ibtli,  17511. 
"  Sir, — I  have  the  pleasure  to  desire  that  you  will  acquaint  their  Lordships  that, 
having  sailed  from  Gibraltar  the  8th,  I  got  off  Mahou  the|  I'Jth,  having  been  joined  by 
his  Majesty's  ship  Phcenix  off  Majorca  two  days  before,  by  whom  Iliad  confirmed  the 
intelligence  I  had  received  at  Gibraltar,  of  the  strength  of  the  French  fleet,  arid  of  their 
being  off  Mahon.  His  Ma/esty's  colours  were  still  flying  at  the  castle  of  St.  Philip  ; 
and  I  could  perceive  several  bomb-batteries  'playing  on  it  from  different  parts.  French 
colours  I  saw  flying  on  the  ivest  part  of  tit.  Philip.  I  dispatched  the  Phcenix, 
Chesterfield,  and  Dolphin  ahead,  to  reconnoitre  the  harbour's  mouth;  and  Captain 
Hcrvey  to  endeavour  to  land  a  letter  for  ileneral  Blakeney,  to  let  him  know  the  fleet 
was  here  to  his  assistance  ;  though  every  one  was  of  the  opinion  tve  coidd  be  of  no  use 
to  him;  as,  by  all  accounts,  no  place  was  secured  for  covering  a  landing,  could  we  have 
spared  the  people.  The  Phoenix  was  also  to  make  the  private  signal  between  Captain 
Hervey  and  Cajjtain  Scrope,  as  this  latter  would  jindoubtedly  come  off,  if  it  were 
practicable,  having  hpt  the  Dolphin's  barge  with  him  :  but  the  enemy's  fleet  appearing 
to  the  south-east,  and  the  wind  at  the  same  time  coming  strong  off'  the  land,  obliged  me 
to  call  these  ships  in,  before  they  could  get  quite  so  near  the  entrance  of  the  harbour 
as  to  make  sure  what  batteries  or  guns  might  he  ptlaced  to  prevent  our  having  any 
communication  with  the  castle.  Falling  little  wind,  it  was  live  before  I  could  form 
my  line,  or  distinguish  any  of  the  enemy's  motions ;  and  could  not  judge  at  all  of  their 
force,  more  than  by  numbers,  which  were  seventeen,  and  thirteen  appeared  large. 
They  at  first  stood  towards  us  in  regular  line;  and  tacked  about  seven;  which  I 
judged  was  to  endeavour  to  gain  the  wind  of  us  in  the  night ;  so  that,  being  late, 
I  tacked  in  order  to  keep  the  weather-gage  of  them,  as  well  as  to  make  sure  of  the 
land  wind  in  the  morning,  being  very  hazj',  and  not  above  live  leagues  from  Cape 
Mola.  We  tacked  off  towards  the  enemy  at  eleven ;  and  at  daylight  had  no  sight  of 
them.  But  two  tartans,  with  the  French  private  signal,  being  close  in  with  the  rear 
of  our  fleet,  I  sent  the  Princess  Louisa  to  chace  one,  and  made  signal  for  the  Rear- 
Admiral,  who  was  nearest  the  other,  to  send  ships  to  chase  her.  The  Princess  Louisa, 
Defiance,  and  Captain,  became  at  a  great  distance ;  but  the  Defiance  took  hers,  which 
had  two  captains,  two  lieutenants,  and  one  hundred  and  two  private  soldiers,  who  were 
sent  out  the  day  before  with  six  hundred  men  on  board  tartans,  to  reinforce  the 
French  fleet  on  our  appearing  off  that  place.  The  Phcenix,  on  Captain  Hervey's  offer, 
prepared  to  serve  as  a  fire-ship,  but  without  damaging  her  as  a  frigate  ;  till  the  signal 
was  made  to  prime,  when  she  was  then  to  scuttle  lier  decks,  everything  else  prepared, 
as  the  time  and  place  allowed  of. 

154  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762.  [175C. 

"Tlie  enemy  now  Ijcgan  to  i»]jpear  In  mi  tlie  niast-liead.  I  called  in  the  cruisers; 
and,  when  tlicy  had  joine<l  nic,  I  tacked  tOwards  the  enemy,  and  formed  the  line  ahead. 
I  found  the  Freuchjwere  prejiaring  theirs  to  leeward,  having  unsuccessfully  endeavoured 
to  weather  me.     They  were  twelve  large  ships  of  the  line,  and  live  frigates. 

"As  soon  as  I  judged  the  rear  of  our  fleet  the  length  of  their  van,  we  tacked 
altogether,  and  immediately  made  the  signal  for  the  shijis  that  led  to  lead  large,  and 
for  the  Dei'Tford  to  quit  the  line,  that  ours  nught  become  equal  to  theirs.  At  two 
I  made  the  signal  to  engage :  I  found  it  was  the  surest  method  of  ordering  every  shiji 
to  close  down  on  the  one  that  fell  to  their  lot.  And  here  I  must  express  my  great 
satisfaction  at  the  very  gallant  manner  in  which  the  Rear-Admiral  set  the  van  the 
examjile,  liy  instant]\-  hearing  down  on  the  shi]is  he  was  to  engage,  with  his  second, 
and  who  occasioned  one  of  the  Fiench  shi]is  to  begin  the  engagement,  which  they  did 
by  raking  ours  as  they  went  down.  The  Iktrei'ID,  uvfortunatdy,  in  the  very  begin- 
ning, had  her  foretopniast  shot  away  ;  and  as  that  hung  on  her  foretopsail,  and  backed 
it,  he  had  no  command  of  his  ship,  his  fore-tack  and  all  his  braces  being  cut  at  the 
same  time ;  so  that  he  drove  on  the  next  ship  to  him,  and  obliged  that  and  the  ships 
alifiad  of  nie  to  throw  all  back.  This  obliged  me  to  do  also  for  some  minutes,  to  avoid 
their  falling  on  board  me,  though  not  before  we  had  drove  our  adversar)'  out  of  the 
line,  who  ]iut  before  the  wind,  and  had  several  shots  fired  at  him  by  his  own  admiral. 
This  not  only  caused  the  enemy's  centre  to  be  unattacked,  but  the  Rear-Admiral's 
division  rather  imcovered  for  some  little  time.  I  sent  and  called  to  the  ships  ahead  of 
me  to  make  sail,  and  go  down  on  the  enemy  ;  and  ordered  the  Chesterfield  to  lay  by 
the  Intrepid,  and  the  Deptford  to  supply  the  Intrepid's  place.  I  found  the  enemy 
edged  away  constantly ;  and  as  they  went  three  feet  to  our  one,  they  would  never 
permit  our  closing  with  them,  but  took  advantage  of  destroying  our  rigging ;  for 
though  I  closed  the  Rear-Admiral  fast,  I  found  that  I  could  not  gain  close  to  the  enemy, 
whose  van  was  fairly  drove  from  their  line ;  but  their  admiral  was  joining  them,  by 
bearing  away. 

"By  this  time  it  was  jiast  six,  and  the  enemy's  van  and  ours  were  at  too  great  a 
distance  to  engage,  I  jierceived  some  of  their  ships  stretching  to  the  northward ;  and 
I  imagined  they  were  going  to  form  a  new  line.  I  made  the  signal  for  the  headmost 
ships  to  tack,  and  those  that  led  before  with  the  larboard  tacks  to  lead  with  the 
starboard,  that  I  might,  by  the  first,  keep  (if  possible)  the  wind  of  the  enemy,  and,  by 
the  second,  between  the  Rear-Admiral's  division  and  the  enemy,  as  he  had  suffered 
most ;  as  also  to  cover  the  Intrepid,  which  I  jjerceived  to  be  in  very  bad  condition, 
and  whose  loss  would  give  the  balance  very  greatly  against  us,  if  they  attacked  us 
next  moniing  as  I  exjiected.  I  brouglit  to  about  eight  that  night  to  join  the  Intrepid, 
and  to  refit  our  ships  as  fast  as  possible,  and  continued  doing  so  all  night.  The  next 
morning  we  saw  nothing  of  the  enemy,  though  we  were  still  lying  to.  Mahon  was 
N.X.W.  about  ten  or  eleven  leagues.  I  sent  cruisers  to  look  out  for  the  Intrepid  and 
Chesterfield,  who  joined  me  next  day.  And  having,  from  a  state  and  condition  of  the 
squadron  brought  me  in,  found,  that  the  Captain,  Intrepid,  and  Defiance  (which  latter 
has  lost  her  captain),  were  much  damaged  in  their  masts,  so  thai  they  were  in  danger 
of  not  being  able  to  secure  their  masts  properly  at  sea  ;  and  also,  ih'it  the  squadron  in 
general  were  very  sickly,  many  killed  and  ivounded,  and  nowhere  to  put  a  third  of 
their  number  if  1  made  an  hospital  of  the  forty-gun  ship,  which  was  not  easy  at  sea  ; 
I  thought  it  proper  in  this  situation  to  call  a  council  of  war,  before  I  went  again  to 
look  for  the  enemy.  I  desired  the  attendance  of  General  Stuart,  Lord  Effingham,  and 
Lord  Robert  Bertie,  and  Colonel  Cornwallis,  that  I  might  collect  their  opinions  upon 
the  present  situation  of  Minorca  and  Gibraltar,  and  make  sure  of  protecting  the  latter, 
since  it  was  found  impracticable  either  to  succour  or  relieve  the  former  with  the 
force  ive  had.  So,  thowjh  we  may  Justly  claim  the  victory,  yet  we  are  much  inferior 
to  the  weight  of  their  ships,  though  the  numbers  are  equal ;  and  they  have  the  advantage 
of  sending  to  Miiiorca  their  wounded,  and  getting  reinforcements  of  seamen  from  their 

1756.]  FALL    OF  PORT  MAUON.  155 

transports,  and  soldiers  from  their  camp;  all  which  uudoubl  dlij  has  hcea  d/>rie  in  tins 
time  that  we  have  been  lying  to  to  rffit,  and  often  in  si(/ht  of  Minorca ;  and  their  ships 
have  more  than  once  appeared  in  a  line  from  our  mast-heads. 

"  I  send  thnr  Lordships  the  resolutions  of  the  council  of  war,  in  lohirh  there  was 
not  the  least  contention  or  doubt  arose.  J  hope,  indeed,  v;e  shall  find  stores  to  refit  its 
at  Gibraltar ;  and,  if  I  have  any  reinforreinent,  will  not  lose  a  moment  of  time  to 
seek  the  enemy  again,  and  once  more  give  them  battle,  though  they  have  a  great 
advantage  in  being  clean  ships  that  go  three  feet  to  our  one,  and  therefore  have  their 
choice  hoiu  they  will  engage  us,  or  if  they  ivill  at  all ;  and  will  never  let  us  close  them, 
as  their  sole  view  is  the  disabling  our  ships,  in  which  they  Imve  but  too  well  succeeded, 
though  we  obliged  them  to  bear  up. 

.  "I  do  not  send  their  Lordships  the  particulars  of  our  losses  and  damages  by  tliis, 
as  it  would  take  me  much  time  ;  and  I  am  willing  none  should  be  lost  in  letting  them 
know  an  event  of  such  consequence. 

"  I  cannot  help)  urging  their  Lordships  for  a  reinforcement,  if  none  are  yet  sailed 
on  their  knowledge  of  the  enemy's  strength  in.  th'se  seas,  and  which,  by  very  good  intelli- 
gence, will  in  a  few  days  be  strengthened  by  four  more  large  ships  from  Toulon,  almost 
ready  to  sail,  if  not  sailed,  to  join  these. 

"  I  dispatch  this  to  Sir  Benjamin  Keene,  by  way  of  Barcelona ;  and  am  making 
the  best  of  my  way  to  cover  Gibraltar,  from  which  place  I  propose  sending  their 
Lordships  a  more  particular  account.     I  remain,  Sir,  your  most  humble  servant, — 

"J.    BVNR. 

"  Hon.  John  Clevlaxd,  Esq." 

The  above  dispatch  appears  to  have  arrived  in  England  on 
June  16th ;  but  it  vi^as  not  pubHshed  in  the  London-  Gazette  until 
June  26th,  and  then  only  with  the  omission  of  those  passages  which 
are  now  printed  in  italics.  The  omissions,  it  is  clear,  were  some- 
what unfair,  and,  being  calculated  to  prejudice  Byug,  they  show  the 
bias  of  the  Ministry,  which,  previously  inclined  to  underrate  the 
importance  of  Minorca,  at  length  seemed  disposed  to  attach  the 
utmost  significance  to  it.  The  dispatch  is,  however,  an  unsatis- 
factory one,  even  as  it  stands.  It  is  too  full  of  excuses,  too 
apologetic,  to  be  the  work  of  a  strong  and  self-reliant  man.  It 
smacks,  indeed,  more  of  a  Persano  than  of  a  Nelson  or  a  Saumarez. 

To  avoid  a  break  in  the  narrative,  it  may  here  be  said  that  the 
town  of  Port  Mahon  defended  itself  gallantly,  but  had  to  capitu- 
late, on  .June  '29th,  on  honoixrable  terms.  The  garrison  was  sent  to 

Commodore  Broderick,  with  the  reinforcement,  had  reached 
Gibraltar  on  June  1.5th,  and  was  there  found  by  Byng  on  his  arrival 
there  on  June  19th.  The  Admiral  at  once  began  preparations  to 
return  to  Minorca ;  but,  while  he  was  still  engaged  in  these,  on 
July  3rd,  the  Antelope,  50,  came  in  with  Vice-Admiral  Sir  Edward 
Hawke,  Eear-Admiral  Charles  Saunders,  and  the  order  for  the 
supersession  of   the  Commander-in-Chief  and  Eear-Admiral  West. 

156  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1757. 

She  had  sailed  from  home  ou  June  IGth.  Captains  Gardiner  and 
Everitt,  Captain  WilHam  Gough  (who  had  been  a  lieutenant  of  the 
BainiUies,  and  who  had  since  been  appointed  captain  of  the  Experi- 
ment), and  Commander  Chi-istopher  Basset  (who  had  also  been  a 
lieutenant  of  the  liamiUies  and  had  been  appointed  after  the  action 
to  the  command  of  the  Fortune),  were  also  recalled,  besides  other 
officers,  who  were  required  as  witnesses  in  England.  The  original 
order  to  Hawke  directed  only  the  supersession  of  Byug ;  but  after 
Hawke's  departure  from  England  and  the  receipt  of  Byng's  dispatch 
of  May  25th,  the  Admiralty  decided  to  go  further  and  to  make 
prisoner  of  the  late  Commander-in-Chief.  He  sailed  for  England 
in  the  Antelope,  on  July  9th,  and,  upon  arriving  at  Spithead  on 
July  •26th,  he  was  put  mider  arrest.  He  was  landed  on  August  19th 
and  sent  to  Greenwich.  There  he  remained  in  confinement  until 
December  23rd,  when  he  was  removed  to  Portsmouth.  His  trial 
began  on  board  the  St.  George  in  Portsmouth  Harbour  on 
December  27th,  and  continued  until  January  27th,  1757.  On  that 
day  sentence  was  pronounced,  and  the  Admiral  was  transferred  to 
the  Monarch,  then  in  harbour. 

The  court-martial,  summoned  to  try  Byng,  consisted  of  Vice- 
Admiral  Thomas  Smith  (4),  who  was  president,  Eear-Admirals 
Erancis  Holburne,  Harry  Norris  and  Thomas  Broderick,  and  nine 
captains.  After  hearing  the  evidence,  the  court  agreed  to  thirty- 
seven  resolutions  or  conclusions,  which  embodied,  among  others, 
the  following : — 

Tliat  when  the  British  tieet,  on  the  starboard  tack,  was  stretched  abreast,  or  was 
about  abeam,  of  the  enemy's  line,  Admiral  Bj'ng  should  have  caused  his 
ships  to  tack  together,  and  should  have  immediately  borne  right  down  on 
the  enemy ;  his  van  steering  for  the  enemy's  van,  his  rear  for  its  rear,  each 
ship  making  for  the  one  opposite  to  her  in  the  enemy's  line,  under  such  sail 
as  would  have  enabled  the  worst  sailer  to  preserve  her  station  in  the  line  of 

That  the  Admiral  retarded  the  rear  division  of  the  British  fleet  from  closing  with 
and  engaging  the  enemy,  by  shortening  sail,  in  order  that  the  Trident  and 
Princess  Louisa  might  regain  their  stations  ahead  of  the  RamilUes ;  whereas 
he  should  have  made  signals  to  those  ships  to  make  more  sail,  and  should 
have  made  so  much  sail  himself  as  would  enable  the  CuJIoden,  the  worst 
sailing  ship  in  the  Admiral's  division,  to  keep  her  station  with  all  her  plain 
sails  set,  in  order  to  get  down  to  the  enemy  with  as  much  expedition  as 
possible,  and  thereby  projjerly  support  the  division  of  Rear- Admiral  West. 

That  the  Admiral  did  wrong  in  ordering  the  fire  of  the  RamilUes  to  be  continued 
before  he  had  placed  her  at  proper  distance  from  the  enemy,  inasmuch  as  he 
thereby  not  only  threw  away  his  shot,  but  also  occasioned  a  smoke,  which 
prevented  his  seeing  the  motions  of  the  enemy  and  the  positions  of  the  ships 
immediately  ahead  of  the  RamilUes. 

1757.]  BYNO'S    COURT-MAUTIAL.  157 

That  after  the  ships  whicli  had  i-cceived  dainai^e  in  tlie  action  had  been  refitted  as 
circumstances  would  ])ermit,  tlie  Admiral  ought  to  have  returned  with  his 
squadron  off  Port  Mahon,  and  endeavoured  to  open  communication  witli  the 
castle,  and  to  have  used  every  means  in  his  power  for  its  relief,  before 
retiu-ning  to  (5ibraltar. 

In  short,  the  court  considered  that  Byng  had  not  done  his 
utmost  to  reheve  St.  Phihp's  Castle.  It  also  considered  that 
during  the  engagement  he  had  not  done  his  utmost  to  take,  sink, 
burn,  and  destroy  the  ships  of  the  enemy,  and  to  assist  such  of 
his  own  ships  as  were  engaged  ;  and  it  resolved  that  the  Admiral 
had  fallen  under  the  12th  Article  of  War '  ;  and  the  court  decided 
that,  as  the  12th  Article  of  War  positively  prescribed  death,  without 
leaving  any  alternative  to  the  discretion  of  the  court  under  any 
variation  of  circumstances,  Admiral  Byng  should  be  shot  to  death, 
at  such  time  and  on  board  such  ship  as  the  Lords  Commissioners 
of  the  Admiralty  should  direct. 

" But,"  concludes  the  thirt^'-seveuth  resokition,  "as  it  appears  by  the  evidence  of 
Lord  Robert  Bertie,  Lieutenant-Colonel  Smith,  Captain  Gardiner  and  other  officers 
of  the  ship,  who  were  near  the  person  of  the  Admiral,  that  they  did  not  perceive  any 
backwardness  in  him  during  the  action,  or  any  marks  of  fear  or  confusion,  either  from 
his  countenance  or  behaviour,  but  that  he  seemed  to  give  his  orders  coolly  and  dis- 
tinctly, and  did  not  seem  wanting  in  jjersonal  courage,  and  from  other  circumstances, 
the  court  do  not  believe  that  his  misconduct  arose  either  from  cowardice  or  disaffection ; 
and  do  therefore  unanimously  think  it  their  duty  most  earnestly  to  recommend  him  as 
a  proper  object  of  mercy." 

The  court  forwarded  the  sentence  to  the  Admiralty,  with  an 
accompanying  letter  signed  by  all  the  members.  In  this  the 
officers  represented  the  distress  of  mind  which  had  been  occasioned 
to  them  by  being  obliged  to  condemn  to  death,  under  the  12th 
Article  of  War,  a  man  who  might  have  been  guilty  of  an  error  of 
judgment  only ;  and,  for  the  sake  of  their  consciences,  as  well 
as  for  Byng's  sake,  they  warmly  pleaded  for  an  exercise  of 

In  consequence  of   this   letter,  and  of   the  recommendation  to 

^  "  Every  person  in  the  fleet,  who,  through  cowardice,  negligence,  or  disaffection, 
shall,  in  time  of  action,  withdraw,  or  keep  back,  or  not  come  into  fight,  or  engagement, 
or  shall  not  do  his  utmost  to  take  or  destroy  every  ship  which  it  shall  be  his  duty  to 
engage  ;  and  to  assist  all  and  every  of  his  Majesty's  ships,  or  those  of  his  allies,  which 
it  shall  be  his  duty  to  assist  and  relieve ;  every  such  person,  so  offending,  and  being 
convicted  thereof  by  the  sentence  of  a  court-martial,  shall  suffer  death." — Act  of 
22  George  IL,  Art.  12. 

This  article  superseded  one  in  the  Act  of  13  Car.  IL,  which,  after  the  word 
"death,"  had  the  words,  "or  such  other  punishment  as  the  circumstances  of  the  offence 
shall  deserve,  and  the  court-martial  shall  judge  fit." 

158  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1757. 

mercy,  the  opinion  of  the  twelve  Judges  was  asked  for  as  to  the 
legality  of  the  sentence  which  had  been  pronounced.  The  decision 
was  given  on  February  14th,  1757,  and  was  to  the  effect  that  the 
sentence  was  legal.  Some  of  the  members  of  the  court  then  made 
an  effort  to  save  Byng  by  applying  to  Parliament  to  release  them 
frnui  the  oath  of  secrecy,  by  which  they  were  bound  not  to  reveal 
the  votes  or  opinions  of  individual  members,  upon  the  allegation 
that  they  had  something  vital  to  disclose  relative  to  the  sentence. 
Byng  was  respited,  and  a  Bill  for  the  desired  purpose  passed  the 
Commons,  but  was  thrown  out  by  the  Lords,  it  not  appearing  to 
that  House  that  there  was  anything  material  to  be  divulged.  The 
fact  is,  that  certain  members  simply  desired  to  be  able  to  make 
public  the  fact  that,  had  they  realised  that  the  result  of  their 
sentence  would  be  the  infliction  of  the  death  penalty,  their  sentence 
would  have  been  other  than  it  was.  The  severitj'  of  the  punishment 
caused  Vice-Admiral  the  Hon.  John  Forbes,  one  of  the  Lords  of 
the  Adnairalty,  to  refuse  to  sign  the  sentence,  and  it  also  induced 
Eear-Admiral  West,  who  had  been  offered  a  command,  to  decline 
it,  on  the  plea  that  although  he  could  answer  for  his  loyalty  and 
good  intentions,  he  could  not  midertake  to  be  held  capitally 
responsible  on  all  occasions  for  the  correctness  of  his  judgment. 

Byng,  both  dming  his  trial  and  after  his  sentence,  behaved  like 
a  brave  man.  It  was  at  first  ordered  that  he  should  be  executed  on 
the  forecastle  of  the  Monarch.  This  ignomiuj'  was,  however,  spared 
him  at  the  solicitation  of  his  friends.  On  March  14th,  1757,  the 
day  appointed  for  the  carrying  out  of  the  sentence,  the  Marines  of 
the  Monarch  were  drawn  up  under  anus  upon  the  poop,  along 
the  gangways,  in  the  waist,  and  on  one  side  of  the  quarterdeck. 
On  the  other  side  of  the  quarterdeck  was  spread  some  saw-dust, 
on  which  was  placed  a  cushion  ;  and  in  the  middle  of  the  quarter- 
deck, upon  the  gratings,  a  platoon  of  nine  Marines  was  drawTi  up 
in  three  lines  of  three.  The  front  and  middle  lines  had  their 
bayonets  fixed,  as  was  customary  on  such  occasions.  The  captains 
of  all  the  ships  in  Portsmouth  Harbour  and  at  Spithead  had  been 
ordered  to  attend  with  their  boats ;  but,  to  avoid  crow^ding,  thej^ 
were  directed  to  lie  abreast  upon  their  oars,  without  coming  on 
board.  A  little  before  twelve  o'clock,  the  Admiral  retired  to  his 
inner  cabin  for  about  three  minutes,  after  which  the  doors  of  the 
outer  cabin  were  throwii  open,  and  the  Admiral  walked  from  his 
after  cabin  with  a  dignified  pace  and  mimoved  countenance.     As 




he  passed  through  the  fore  cahin,  he  howed  to  liis  acquaintances 
there,  and,  saying  to  the  Marshal  oi'  the  Admiralty  "  Come  along, 
my  friend,"  went  out  upon  the  quarterdeck.  There,  turning  to 
the  Marshal,  he  politely  bowed  and  gave  him  a  paper  containing 
a  sober  vindication  of  his  position,  adding:  "  Eememher,  sir,  what 
I  have  told  you  relative  to  this  paper."  He  next  went  to  the 
cushion  and  knelt  down.     One  of  his  friends,  following  him,  offered 

iFroni  Ti.  Somfou's  fngravhuj  ftj'tn'  ilif  puiiniit  hi/  Uiidsuii.) 

to  tie  the  bandage  over  his  eyes,  but  Byng  declined  the  service  and 
blindfolded  himself.  The  Marines,  in  the  meantime,  advanced  two 
paces  and  presented  their  muskets,  waiting  for  the  Admiral  to  give 
them  the  signal  to  fire.  He  remained  upon  his  knees  for  about 
a  minute,  apparently  praying,  and  then  dropped  a  handkerchief, 
the  signal  agreed  upon.  Six  of  the  Marines  fii-ed.  One  bullet 
missed ;  one  passed  through  the  heart ;  and  four  others  struck 
different  parts  of  the  body.     The  Admiral  sank  to  the  deck,  dead. 

160  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1756. 

A  little  later  the  corpse  was  put  into  a  coffin  ;  and  in  the  evening 
it  was  sent  on  shore  to  the  dockyard,  whence  it  was  forwarded  to 
the  family  burial  place  at  Southill,  in  Bedfordshire.  His  monument 
bears  this  inscription  :  "  To  the  Perpetual  Disgrace  of  Public 
Justice,  the  Hon.  John  Byng,  Esq.,  Admiral  of  the  Blue,  fell  a 
Martyr  to  Political  Persecution,  March  J4th,  in  the  year  mdcclvii; 
when  Bravery  and  Loyalty  were  insufficient  Securities  for  the  Life 
and  Honour  of  a  Naval  Officer." 

The  tragedy,  viewed  from  nearly  every  aspect,  is  to  j^e  most 
heartily  regi-etted.  Byng  was  neither  traitor  nor  coward  ;  but  he 
was  not  an  original  genius,  and,  having  seen  Mathews  punished  for 
doing  a  certain  thing,  he  believed  that  under  no  circumstances  was 
it  his  duty  to  do  anything  even  remotely  of  the  same  kind.  His 
chief  fault  was  that  he  was  not  independent  enough,  where  a  great 
object  was  to  be  gained,  to  shake  himself  loose  from  formulae  and 
precedents,  and  to  dash  in  when  occasion  allowed  him.  Yet,  in 
one  way,  the  sentence  may  have  been  productive  of  good.  It  may 
have  taught  the  admirals  who  followed  the  unfortunate  Byng,  that 
they  must  pay  more  attention  to  victory  than  to  red  tape,  and 
that  not  even  the  most  honest  devotion  to  conventional  methods 
is  so  great  a  merit  in  a  naval,  officer  as  success  against  the  enemies 
of  his  country. 

Sir  Edward  Hawke,  soon  after  his  arrival  at  Gibraltar,  sailed 
with  the  fleet  to  Minorca,  but  found  that  the  island  had  fallen,  and 
that  the  French  army  and  fleet  had  returned  to  Toulon.  The 
enemy  had  no  longer  any  squadron  at  sea  in  the  Mediterranean, 
and  the  Vice-Admiral  therefore  had  to  confine  himself  to  protecting 
British  trade  and  preserving  British  prestige.  This  he  did  with 
conspicuous  energy  and  success.  On  December  3rd,  17.56,  he  set 
out  with  part  of  his  fleet  for  home,  leaving  Pear-Admiral  Charles 
Saunders  in  command. 

It  has  been  said  that  Vice-Admiral  Charles  Watson,  Commander- 
in-Chief  in  the  East  Indies,  arrived  off  Fort  St.  David  in  the  middle 
of  May,  1756.  He  had  not  been  there  long  ere  he  received  an 
important  piece  of  news,  to  the  effect  that  six  large  French  East 
Indiamen,  full  of  troops,  were  expected  in  India,  where  they  were 
to  be  fitted  as  men-of-war.  Thereupon,  in  response  to  an  m-gent 
summons,  he  went  to  Madras,  where  he  learnt  that  the  Nawab  of 
Bengal,  Surajah  Dowleh,  had  seized  Cassimbazar  and  Calcutta. 
Almost   at   the   same   moment   Watson   received   orders   from   the 




Admiralty  to  return  with  his  squadron'  to  England.  He  had, 
however,  sufficient  strength  of  character  to  disregard  orders  which 
he  knew  had  been  sent  to  him  under  misconception  of  the  position 
in  India ;  and  he  proceeded  at  once  to  the  mouth  of  the  Ganges, 
with  a  detachment  of  troops  under  Lieut. -Colonel  Clive.  In  spite  of 
great  difficulties  he  assembled  at  Fulta,  on  December  15th,  a  force 
consisting  of  the  Kent,  Tiger,  Brklgeioater,  SdlUhunj,  and  Kingfisher, 
with  some  ships  belonging  to  the  East  India  Company.  He  there 
found  Governor  Blake  and  other  fugitives  from  Calcutta,  and  learnt 
of  the  horrible  fate  of  those  Europeans  who  had  been  less  fortunate, 
and  who  had  been  confined  in  the  infamous  Black  Hole.  Watson 
reinforced  his  command  by  the  purchase  of  a  craft,  which  he  named 
the  Thunder,  and  fitted  as  a  bomb  under  the  command  of  Lieutenant 
Thomas  Warwick.  The  squadron  sailed  on  December  '27th  ;  and 
on  the  29th  the  force  was  landed,  and  Fort  Bougee-Bougee  was 
attacked.  This  place  was  captured  by  an  impromptu  assault, 
brought  on  by  an  incursion  into  the  works  of  a  drunken  British 
seaman  named  Strachau ;  and  on  December  30th  the  white  troops 
were  re-embarked,  and  the  squadron  proceeded  up  the  river,  the 
sepoys  of  the  Company's  service  marching  parallel  with  it  along 
the  shore. 

On  January  1st,  when  the  ships  entered  the  channel  between 
Fort  Tanna  and  the  battery  opposite  to  it,  the  enemy  abandoned 
both.  The  Salisbury  was  left  there  to  bring  off  the  guns  from  the 
works,  and  to  demolish  the  defences,  and  at  night  the  Vice-Admiral 
manned  and  armed  the  boats  of  his  squadron  and  sent  them  a  few 

'  The  Squadron  uxder  Vice-Admirai,  AVatson  in  the  East  Indies,  175(j-17,')7. 


Kent     . 

Cumhe.rland     . 

Tiller    . 
Salisbury  . 
Brid'jeioater    . 
Triton  ^ 
Kingfisher . 
Thunder,  bomb  - 
Blaze,  fireship-  ^ 






/Vice-Adm.  Charles  Watson  (B). 
ICapt.  Henry  Sjieke. 
fUear-Adm.  Geoi-ge  Pocock  (1!). 
(.Capt.  John  Harrison. 

„     Thomas  Latham. 

„     William  Martin  (2). 

„     Henry  Smitli. 

„     Edmund  Townley. 
Com.  Richard  Toby. 

„     Tliomas  Warwick. 
Lieut.  ? 

1  Aniveil  from  Euglaml,  aftpr  tlie  rest  nf  the  s(iua<lruil  had  guue  to  Bjugat. 

-  Purchased  aud  anu'd  by  the  Vice- Admiral  iu  India. 

3  Could  not  make  the  Ganges,  and  had  to  b^ar  away  for  Bombay. 

VOL.    III. 


162  MAJOR    OPKllATWNS,   1714-1762.  [1757. 

miles  up  the  river,  where  they  boarded  and  burnt  some  fireships, 
which  had  been  collected  there.  Early  on  the  2nd,  Colonel  Clive, 
with  the  troops,  landed  and  began  the  march  towards  Calcutta ;  the 
Kent,  Tiger,  Bridgeicater,  and  Kingjisher  proceeding  as  the  army 
advanced.  At  9.40  a.m.  the  enemy  opened  upon  the  Tiger  from 
their  batteries  below  Calcutta,  but  abandoned  them  as  the  ships 
drew  near.     At  10.20  the  Tiger  and  Kent  began  a  hot  cannonade 

(Frum  E.  Fi:<her's  ciigraviiifj  after  the  poTtrnit  bij  Hudson.) 

of  Fort  WiUiam,  and  after  two  hours  drove  the  defenders  out  of  it. 
In  this  action  the  British  lost  only  nine  seamen  and  three  soldiers 
killed,  and  twenty-six  seamen  and  five  soldiers  wounded.  Calcutta 
was  at  once  occupied. 

The  Vice-Admiral  later  detached  an  expedition,  the  naval  part 
of  which  was  under  Captain  Eichard  King  (1),  who  was  serving  as  a 
volunteer  in  the  squadron,  to  seize  the  town  of  Hugh,  thirty  miles 
above  Calcutta.     Another   expedition,  under  Captain    Speke,  bm-nt 


the  enemy's  granaries  at  Gongee,  and,  assisted  by  the  troops, 
defeated  a  body  of  natives  which  had  attacked  them.  This  action 
provoked  Surajah  Dowleli  to  send  a  large  army  against  Calcutta. 
Clive  obtained  from  the  Vice-Admiral  the  aid  of  a  detachment  of 
seamen,  under  Commander  Warwick,  and  tried  to  bar  the  way  to 
the  city  ;  but,  being  misled  by  his  guides  in  a  fog,  he  had  to  retreat 
upon  Calcutta.  In  this  affair  Lieutenant  Lutwidge  of  the  Salisbury 
was  mortally  wounded,  and  seventeen  seamen  were  killed  and 
fifteen  wounded.  Chve,  however,  quickly  regained  his  former 
advanced  position,  and  so  disconcerted  his  opponent  that  the  latter 
sued  for  a  peace,  which  was  concluded  on  February  9th.  The 
British  might  undoubtedly  have  obtained  more  favourable  terms 
than  they  did,  had  they  not  been  anxious  to  patch  up  all  their 
differences  with  the  native  princes,  in  order  to  be  able  to  concentrate 
the  whole  of  their  resources  in  opposition  to  the  French  in  India. 

These  matters  having  been  settled,  the  Vice-Admiral  made 
preparations  for  at  once  attacking  Chandernagore ;  but  the  French 
made  overtures  for  the  neutrality  of  the  place,  and  thus  to  some 
extent  delayed  him.  Failing  in  their  efforts  in  this  direction,  the 
French  began  to  tamper  with  Surajah  Dowleh.  In  the  mean- 
time, however,  Watson  and  Clive  invested  Chandernagore.  On 
March  19th,  the  British  boats  destroyed  some  French  fireships 
which  were  collected  near  the  town.  On  the  '21st,  Eear-Admiral 
Pocock  joined  the  flag ;  but  he  had  been  obliged  to  leave  his  own 
flagship  at  Ballasore,  as  she  drew  too  much  water  to  come  up  the 
river  ;  and  he  arrived  in  a  boat.  On  the  '22nd  he  hoisted  his  flag  in 
the  Tiger.  On  the  23rd  there  was  a  general  bombardment  of  the 
fort  from  land  and  water;  and,  after  three  hours"  hot  tiring,  the 
French  capitulated.  The  Salisbiirij,  owing  to  an  accident,  was 
unable  to  get  into  action.  The  Kent  lost  19  killed  and  -49  wounded ; 
the  Tiger,  13  killed  and  .50  wounded.  Among  those  hurt  was  Eear- 
Admiral  Pocock. 

The  fugitives  from  Chandernagore  were  received  and  sheltered 
by  the  Nawab,  who  acted  throughout  with  great  duplicity ;  and,  as 
the  British  soon  afterwards  learnt  of  a  plan  of  his  own  discontented 
subjects  to  depose  him,  they  determined  to  aid  and  abet  it.  It 
cannot  be  pretended  that  the  negotiations  to  this  end  were  altogether 
honourable  to  those  Englishmen  who  were  concerned  in  it ;  and 
Vice-Admiral  AVatson  declined  to  be  a  party  to  certain  questionable 
undertakings,  which,  in  pursuance  of  the  resolution,  were  entered 

M  2 

164  MAJOR    OPEUATJONS,    1714-17C2.  [1757. 

into  by  Clive  and  the  council ;  but  his  name  was,  without  his 
privity,  affixed  to  the  treaty  with  the  malcontents.  Clive  then 
attacked  the  Nawab,  and  on  June  '23rd,  17.57,  defeated  him  at 
Plassej'.  This  victory  eventually  led  to  the  fall  and  death  of 
Surajah  Dowleh,  and  to  the  establishment  in  his  place  of  Meer 
Jaffier,  a  nominee  of  the  British.  The  settlement  was  barely  con- 
cluded when,  on  August  16th,  Vice-Admiral  Watson  died.  His  part 
in  the  foundation  of  the  British  Empire  in  India  has  scarcely  been 
done  justice  to,  and  his  loss,  just  then  a  serious  one,  would  have 
been  much  more  severely  felt  than  it  was,  had  he  not  had  as  his 
successor  so  capable  an  officer  as  Rear-Admiral  Pocock. 

Commodore  James,  of  the  East  India  Company's  service,  in 
the  Revenge,  22,  had  been  stationed  off  Pondicherry  to  watch 
the  motions  of  the  enemy,  and  had  been  joined  there  by  H.M.S. 
Triton,  24.  But  these  vessels  were  driven  off  in  September  by 
a  strong  French  squadron  ;  and,  since  Pocock's  ships  were  in  a  rather 
bad  condition,  and  some  of  them  temporarily  unfit  for  action,  the 
situation  began  to  look  threatening,  especiall}'  seeing  that  an 
expected  British  reinforcement,  under  Commodore  Charles  Stevens, 
had  been  detained  at  Bombay,  and  did  not  actuallj^  sail  thence  for 
the  coast  of  Coromandel  until  January  20th,  1758. 

Indeed,  the  French  were  making  great  efforts  to  defend  their 
challenged  possessions  in  India.  They  had  already  fitted  out  an 
expedition,  the  naval  command  of  which  was  given  to  the  Comte 
d'Ache,  and  the  mihtary,  to  General  Comte  de  Lally.  The  squadron 
consisted  of  three  king's  ships,  and  one  ship  and  a  frigate  belonging 
to  the  French  East  India  Company,  with  about  1200  troops  on 
board.  D'Ache  sailed  on  March  6th,  1757,  but  was  driven  back  to 
Brest  by  a  stonn,  and,  while  there,  was  deprived  of  two  of  the 
king's  ships,  in  order  that  they  might  be  despatched  to  Canada. 
Instead  of  them  he  received  five  more  East  Indiamen.  He  sailed 
on  May  4th,  and  on  December  18th  reached  Isle  de  France,  where 
he  found  four  additional  ai-med  East  Indiamen.  Choosing  the  best 
vessels  at  his  disposal,  he  put  to  sea  with  them  on  January  27th, 
1758.  The  further  movements  of  d'Ache  and  of  Pocock  will  be 
referred  to  later.  Operations  in  other  quarters  during  1757  must 
first  be  followed. 

On  the  Leeward  Islands'  station.  Commodore  John  Moore  (1) 
relieved  Eear-Admiral  Thomas  Frankland  and  rendered  valuable 
service  in  protecting  trade.     On  the  Jamaica  station,  Eear-Admiral 




Thomas  Cotes  was  in  command,  and  was  not  less  successful.  In 
the  autumn,  learning  that  the  French  were  assemhling,  at  Cape 
Fran9ois,  a  convoy  for  Europe,  he  sent  the  Augusta,  Ediiihiiri/li 
and  Dreadnought  to  cruise  off  that  place  to  intercept  it.  This 
convoy  was  to  be  escorted  by  M.  de  Kersaint,  with  a  small  squadron, 
which  Cotes  believed  would  be  little,  if  at  all,  superior  to  that  under 
Captain  Arthur  Forrest  of  the  Augusta.  But  de  Kersaint  was 
reinforced  at  Cape  Frangois,  and  had  in  consequence  a  considerably 
more  powerful  command  ^  than  the  British  officer.  On  October  '21st,' 
de  Kersaint  issued  forth,  hoping  by  his  very  appearance  in  such 
force  to  drive  Forrest  away.  The  latter,  upon  the  French  being 
signalled,  summoned  his  brother  captains  on  board  the  Augusta, 
and,  when  they  met  him  on  his  quarterdeck,  said,  "  Well,  gentle- 
men, you  see  they  are  come  out  to  engage  us."  Upon  which 
Captain  Suckling  answered,  "  I  think  it  would  be  a  pity  to  dis- 
appoint them."  Captain  Langdon  was  of  the  same  opinion. 
"Very  well,"  replied  Captain  Forrest;  "go  on  board  your  ships 
again  " ;  and  he  at  once  made  the  signal  to  bear  down  and  engage 
the  enem}\  The  French  had  seven  vessels  to  the  British  three. 
Captain  Suckling  took  the  van.  Captain  Forrest  the  centre,  and 
Captain  Langdon  the  rear.  The  action  began  at  about  3.20  p.m., 
and  continued  very  briskly  for  two  hours  and  a  half,  when  the 
French  commodore  ordered  one  of  his  frigates  to  come  and  tow 
him  out  of  the  line.  Others  of  his  squadron  soon  followed  his 
example  ;  and  eventually  the  French  made  off.  The  British  ships 
were  all  much  cut  up  aloft.  The  Augusta  lost  9  killed  and 
29  wounded ;  the  Drcaduuuglit,  9  killed  and  30  wounded;  and  the 
Edinburgh,  .5  killed  and  30  wounded.    The  loss  of  the  French  is  said 

'  The  British  and  Frexch  Squadroxs  engaged  on'  OcTonEii  '21st,  17-"i7. 







Ships.              [Guns. 

Com  man  lie  IS. 

Aujjitsta.      .      .     . 
JJiradnouf/ht     . 
Edinhiinjh  .     .      . 


Capt.  Arthur  Forrest. 
,,     Maurice  Suckling. 
,,     \ViUiam  Laugduu. 

Tntrepide      .     .      . 
Sceptre    .    :     .     . 
Opinidtre    . 
0'ree7tivick  .     .     . 
Outarde .... 
Sauvage .... 
Lirorv   .... 

3 -J 

M .  de  Kersaint. 

-  Oil  the  same  day,  rorty-eight  years  later,  was  fought  the  battle  of  Trafalgar. 
Nelson,  before  goiug  into  action,  recalled  the  fact  that  the  day  was  the  anniversary  of 
his  uncle's  gallant  behaviour,  and  regarde.l  it  as  of  good  omen. 


MAJOR    OPKRATIONS,    1714-1702. 


to  have  exceeded  500  in  killed  and  wounded.  Few  pluckier  or  more 
creditable  actions  have  ever  been  fought ;  and  it  is  worth  noting 
that  among  the  British  captains,  all  of  whom  greatly  distinguished 
themselves,  one,  Maurice  Suckling,  was  a  maternal  lincle  of  Lord 
Nelson,  and  Nelson's  earliest  patron.  Forrest  had  to  bear  up  for 
Jamaica,  in  order  to  get  his  ships  refitted.  De  Kersaint,  in  the 
meantime,  picked  up  his  convoy  and  sailed  for  France.     But,  at  the 

CAPTATS    MAURICE    SUCKLING,    U.K.,    COXTROI.LEH    OF   THE    N'AVY,    1775-78. 
(By  permission,  j'nim  tlic  portrait  bij  Bcirdinll,  in  the  jiossession  a!  Cnpt.  Thomas  Suckling,  i?.jV.) 

very  end  of  his  voyage,  he  met  with  a  severe  storm,  in  which 
the  Opinidtre,  Greenwich,  and  Outarde  drove  ashore  and  were. 

On  the  North  American  station  Lord  Loudoun,  the  new  military 
commander-in-chief,  had  formulated  in  the  autumn  of  1756,  a  plan 
for  the  conquest  of  Cape  Breton  ;  and,  in  the  winter,  the  Ministry 
at  home  approved  his  scheme.  On  January  3rd,  1757,  he  laid 
a  general  embargo  on  all  outward-bound  ships  in  American  colonial 

1757.]  PLANS    OF  LOUD   LOUDOUN.  107 

ports.  His  objects  were,  firstly,  to  prevent  the  communication  of 
intelligence  to  the  enemy  ;  secondly,  to  obtain  the  necessary  trans- 
ports ;  and  thirdly,  to  secure  additional  seamen  for  his  Majesty's 
ships.  The- measure,  though  perhaps  it  was  wise,  produced  strong 
dissatisfaction  both  in  America  and  at  home ;  and,  in  spite  of  the 
precaution,  the  French  heard  of  the  project.  In  the  early  spring, 
therefore,  they  sent  a  fleet  and  strong  reinforcements  to  Louisbourg. 

Loudoun  assembled  at  New  York  ninety  transports ;  and, 
presently.  Sir  Charles  Hardy  (2),  Governor  of  New  York,  received  a 
commission  as  Eear-Admiral,  with  orders  to  hoist  his  flag  and  co- 
operate with  the  military  commander-in-chief.  He  first  hoisted  his 
flag  in  the  Nightuif/ale,  20,  but  removed  it  later  to  the  Sutherland,  50, 
Captain  Edward  Falkingham  (2).  The  army,  consisting  of  3500 
men,  was  all  embarked  by  the  25th  ;  but,  just  as  the  fleet  was  ready 
to  sail,  news  arrived  that  a  French  squadron,  of  five  ships  of  the 
hne  and  a  frigate,  was  cruising  off  Halifax.  This  delayed  the 
departure  of  the  expedition  until  the  Kear-Admiral  had  sent  two 
sloops  to  reconnoitre.  As  they  saw  no  enemy.  Hardy  sailed  on 
June  5th,  and  a  few  days  afterwards  disembarked  his  forces  for 
refreshment  and  exercise  at  Halifax,  where  were  found  three 
infantry  regiments  and  a  company  of  artillery,  bringing  the  total 
force  up  to  about  11,000  men. 

Loudoun  would  scarcely  have  left  New  York  with  so  feeble 
a  convoy'  as  that  which  was  available  under  Hardy,  had  he  not 
had  reason  to  expect  to  meet  at  Halifax  Vice-Admiral  Francis 
Holburne,  with  a  fleet  from  England,  to  support  him.  But,  owing 
to  mismanagement  at  home,  Holburne  did  not  leave  St.  Helen's  for 
Ireland,  where  he  was  to  pick  up  troops,  until  April  16th  ;  and 
sailing  from  Cork  on  May  27th,  he  did  not  reach  Halifax  until 
July  7th,  when  the  season  was  almost  too  far  advanced  for  the  safe 
commencement  of  an  enterprise  which  could  not  but  be  met  with 
the  most  vigorous  opposition.  Moreover,  the  French  had  been 
beforehand,  and  had  despatched  from  Brest  a  fleet,  which,  under 
M.  de  Beauffremont,  went  first  to  the  West  Indies,  and,  proceeding, 
entered  Louisbourg  on  June  5th,  finding  there  four  sail  of  the  Hne 
which  a  few  days  earlier  had  arrived  from  Toulon  under  M.  du 
Eevest.      A  further  reinforcement  from    Brest,  under   M.  Dubois 

'  Sutlierhinil,  50,  Captain  Edward  Falkingham  (2) ;  Nir/htingale,  20,  Captain 
James  Campbell  (2)  ;  Kennin/jtoa,  20,  Captain  Dudley  Digges  ;  Vulture,  16,  Commander 
Sampson  Salt ;  and  Fernt,  14,  Commander  Arthur  Upton. 

168  MAJOR    Ol'EBATIONS,   1714-1702.  [1757. 

de  la  Motte,  sailed  on  May  3rd,  and,  evading  the  British  blockade, 
reached  Louisbourg  on  June  29th,  when  the  united  French 
squadrons  included  eighteen  sail  of  the  line  and  five  frigates,  a 
force  much  superior  to  that  which  Holbume  and  Hardy  were  able 
to  dispose  of.  The  town  also  contained  7000  regular  troops. 
Dubois  de  la  Motte  had  been  expressly  ordered  to  protect  Louis- 
bourg, and  on  no  account  to  hazard  an  engagement  with  the 
British  fleet  unless  he  should  be  in  such  overwhelming  force  as  to 
place  the  question  of  his  success  beyond  a  doubt.  It  is  right  to 
point  this  out  in  order  to  excuse  him  for  having  neither  annihilated 
Holburne,  nor  blockaded  the  British  in  Halifax. 

Vice- Admiral  Holbm-ne  sent  the  Winchelsca,  20,  Captain  John 
Kous,  and  other  frigates,  to  look  into  Louisbom-g.  Rous  returned, 
and,  in  consequence  of  his  report,  the  army  was  re-embarked  on 
August  1st  and  2nd,  and  a  rendezvous  was  appointed  in  Gabarus 
Bay,  six  miles  west  of  Louisbourg.  Ecus  seems  to  have  underrated 
the  strength  of  the  French  forces ;  but  tmer  infoiination  concerning 
it  was  presently  received  from  some  papers  which  had  been  dis- 
covered in  a  prize.  This  led  to  the  abandonment  of  the  project. 
Some  regiments  remained  in  Halifax ;  others,  under  convoy,  went 
to  the  Bay  of  Fundy,  to  Fort  Cumberland,  and  to  Annapolis  Eoj'al ; 
and  the  rest,  with  Loudoun,  against  whom  there  was  a  great  outcry, 
retm-ned  to  New  York. 

Holburne,  however,  was  not  satisfied,  and  resolved  to  reconnoitre 
Louisbourg  for  himself.  Leaving,  therefore,  a  few  vessels  for  the 
defence  of  Hahfax,  he  sailed  on  August  16th,  and  arrived  before  the 
place  on  August  20th.  Near  the  harbour's  mouth  some  of  his  ships 
got  close  enough  in  to  draw  the  fire  from  the  island  battery.  The 
Vice-Admiral  was  thus  able  to  satisfy  himself  that  the  strength  of 
the  enemy  had  not  been  exaggerated.  Dubois  de  la  Motte  signalled 
his  fleet  to  unmoor,  whereupon  the  British  tacked,  stood  ofl',  and  at 
nightfall  bore  away.  On  September  11th,  Holbiime  was  again  at 
Halifax,  where  he  found  reinforcements  of  four  sail  of  the  line  from 
England,  under  Captain  Francis  Geary. 

The  original  project  could  not  then  be  persisted  in,  bi;t  Holbume, 
after  w^atering  and  rewooding  his  fleet,  which  by  that  time  consisted 
of  nineteen  sail  of  the  line,  two  fifty-gun  ships,  and  several  frigates, 
sailed  for  Louisbourg  with  the  intention  of  blockading  the  French, 
until  the  approach  of  winter  and  shortness  of  supplies  should  obUge 
them  to  come  out  and  fight  him.     On  September  2-4 th,  he  was  only 

1757.]  STOliM    OFF  LOUlSBUUliO.  ItlU 

about  sixty  miles  south  of  LouisLourcr,  when  a  fresh  easterly  gale 
sprang  up.  In  the  night  it  veered  to  the  southward  and  blew  an 
awful  hurricane  until  about  11  a.m.  ou  the  2.5th.  Then,  fortunately, 
it  again  veered  to  the  north,  otherwise  the  fleet  could  scarcely  have 
been  saved  from  destruction.  The  Tilbiirij,  60,  Captain  Henry 
Barnsley,'  who,  with  nearly  all  the  crew,  was  lost,  struck  and  went 
to  pieces.  The  Grafton,-  70,  Captain  Thomas  Cornewall,  bearing 
the  broad  pennant  of  Commodore  Charles  Holmes,  also  struck,  but 
was  got  off.  The  Ferret,  14,  Commander  Arthur  Upton,  foundered 
with  all  hands.  All  the  other  ships  of  the  fleet  were  seriously 
damaged,  no  fewer  than  twelve  being  dismasted  either  wholly  or  in 
part.  It  was  the  fiercest  hurricane  ever  experienced  by  anyone  then 
on  the  station  ;  and  it  naturally  put  an  end  to  Holburne's  plan.  The 
Vice-Admiral  sent  his  most  damaged  ships  direct  to  England,  under 
Sir  Charles  Hardy  (2)  and  Commodore  Charles  Holmes,  and  went 
with  the  rest  to  Halifax,  whence,  having  refitted,  he  too  sailed  for 
England,  leaving  a  few  ships  under  Captain  Lord  Colville,  of  the 
Nurthumberland,  70,  to  winter  at  Halifax.  Lord  Colville  had 
orders  to  endeavour,  when  the  season  should  permit,  to  prevent 
supplies  from  getting  into  Louisbourg.  The  French  force  there, 
however,  put  to  sea  at  the  end  of  October,  and,  after  suffering  from 
very  bad  weather  during  the  voyage,  reached  Brest  at  the  end  of 

The  proceedings  of  M.  de  Kersaint  on  the  Jamaica  station  have 
already  been  described.  Previous  to  going  thither  he  had  cruised 
on  the  coast  of  Guinea ;  and,  in  the  absence  of  any  sufficient  British 
squadron  there  to  oppose  him,  had  taken  many  prizes.  He  had  also 
attempted  Cape  Coast  Castle,  but  had  been  beaten  off  by  the  resource 
and  courage  of  Mr.  Bell,  the  Governor. 

In  the  Mediterranean,  Bear-Admiral  Charles  Saunders,  who  had 
been  left  in  command  after  the  return  to  England  of  Sir  Edward 
Hawke,  heard  at  the  end  of  March  that  four  sail  of  the  hne — the 
same  which  later  reached  Louisbourg — and  one  frigate,  under 
M.  du  Revest,  had  quitted  Toulon.  He  therefore  left  Gibraltar  on 
April  2,  1757,  to  intercept  them  with  the  CuUudcn,  74,  Benrick,  G4, 
Princess  Louisa,  60,  Guernsey,  50,  and  Portland,  50.     On  April  5th, 

'  In  some  Xavy  Lists  of  tlie  period  tliis  ollicer  aiipears  as  Barnsby.  He  was  a 
captain  of  1748. 

-  Slie  lost  her  mainmast,  foiotopniast,  and  rudiler ;  luit  tlie  sliip  was  safely  steered 
to  England  by  means  of  a  jur\'-rudder  devised  by  Commodore  Holmes.     (See  plate.) 


MAJOR    OPERATION H,   17U-1762. 


at  5  P.M.,  he  sighted  the  enemy  and,  being  to  leeward,  formed  his 
Hne.  At  sunset  the  French  did  the  same,  and  began  to  fire  at  very 
long  range.  The  British  chased,  and  gained  so  much  on  them  that 
the  Gwernse!/ and  Princess  Louisa  were  able  to  engage;  but  in  the 
night  the  French  got  away.  Vice-Admiral  Henry  Osborn  arrived 
with  reinforcements  in  May,  and  assumed  the  command;  but, 
though  the  trade  was  well  protected  and  many  prizes  were  taken. 


CFrom  a  portrait  in  the  ' Xaval  Chronicle'  1802.) 

no  further  fleet  operations  of   any  importance  took   place  on   the 
station  during  the  j^ear. 

It  has  been  said  that  M.  Dubois  de  la  Motte  escaped  from  Brest 
in  May  1757,  with  nine  sail  of  the  line  and  four  frigates,  and 
reached  Louisbourg.  He  was  enabled  to  escape  by  the  fact  that 
the  blockading  squadron  before  the  place,  iinder  Vice-Admiral 
Temple  West,  had  been  driven  from  its  station  by  bad  weather. 
West  was  afterwards  relieved  by  Eear-Admiral  Thomas  Broderick, 


who  remained  cruising  till  June,  when  Vice-Admiral  the  Hon. 
Edward  Boscawen  took  the  command  of  the  squadron  for  about  a 
month.  Prizes  were  made,  but  there  was  no  meeting  between  the 
fleets  of  the  two  countries. 

As  the  French  still  notoriously  cherished  the  design  of  an  in- 
vasion of  England,  the  Ministry  determined  if  possible  to  be  before- 
hand and  to  deal  a  blow  on  the  French  coasts.  A  military  officer, 
who  had  made  a  short  stay  at  Kochefort  before  the  outbreak  of  the 
war,  gave  information  concerning  the  condition  of  the  defences  of 
that  port,  which,  though  supposed  to  be  weak,  contained  a  most 
valuable  dockyard,  arsenal,  and  foundry.  The  representations  of 
this  officer.  Captain  Clarke  by  name,  induced  the  authorities  to 
undertake  an  expedition  against  the  town,  and  they  were  the  more 
readily  inclined  to  adopt  this  course  seeing  that  nearly  the  whole  of 
the  French  army  was  believed  to  be  employed  in  Germany,  and  that 
but  few  troops  were  supposed  to  be  available  on  the  Atlantic  seaboard. 
The  scheme  was  kept  secret ;  but  a  large  squadron  was  prepared 
and  entrusted  to  Admiral  Sir  Edward  Hawke  (Bamillies,  90), 
Vice-Admiral  Charles  Knowles  {Neptune,  90),  and  Eear-Admiral 
Broderick  {Princess  Amelia,  80) ;  and  troops  were  collected  and  em- 
barked under  Lieut. -General  Sir  John  Mordaunt  and  Major-Generals 
Conway  and  Cornwallis.  The  instructions  to  Sir  Edward  Hawke 
were  "  to  attempt,  as  far  as  it  shall  be  found  practicable,  a  descent 
on  the  coast  of  France,  at  or  near  Kochefort,  in  order  to  attack  and, 
by  vigorous  impression,  force  that  place ;  and  to  burn  and  destroy  to 
the  utmost  of  his  power  all  such  docks,  magazines,  arsenals  and 
shipping  as  shall  be  found  there." 

The  fleet  consisted  of  sixteen  sail  of  the  line,  besides  numerous 
frigates,  small  craft,  and  transports  ;  and  it  sailed  on  September  8th  ; 
but  its  destination  was  not  known,  nor  even  suspected,  by  any  with 
it,  except  the  chiefs,  until  September  14th,  when  the  alteration  of 
course  revealed  it. 

On  the  20th  Sir  Edward  Hawke  issued  orders  to  Vice-Admiral 
Knowles,  directing  him  to  attack  Isle  d'Aix  ;  and  at  noon  the  A^ice- 
Admiral  proceeded  to  execute  these  directions ;  but,  in  doing  so,  he 
chased  a  two-decked  French  ship,  which  escaped  into  the  Garonne 
and  gave  the  alarm.  Early  on  the  SSrd  the  Vice-Admiral,  with  the 
Neptune,  90,  Captain  James  Galbraith ;  Magnanime,  74,  Captain 
the  Hon.  Eichard  Howe;  Barfleur,  90,  Captain  Samuel  Graves  (1)  ; 
Turhaij,  74,  Captain  the  Hon.  Augustus  Keppel ;  Boijcd  William,  84, 

172  MAJOIt    OrEllATIONS,    1714-17C2.  [175P. 

Captain  Wittewronge  Taylor,  and  two  bombs,  the  Firedrake  and 
Infernal,  attacked  the  works  on  Aix.  The  Matjnanime  got  into 
action  within  forty  yards  of  the  fort,  and,  she  being  well  seconded 
by  the  Barflcur,  in  half  an  hour  the  position  surrendered.  It  was 
taken  possession  of,  and  the  defences  were  later  destroyed.  In  the 
meantime  vessels  were  sent  to  reconnoitre,  and  to  sound  for  a 
suitable  place  of  disembarkation  on  the  mainland ;  but  it  was 
discovered  that  a  landing  in  any  case  would  be  difficult,  and  that, 
if  opposed,  it  could  scarcely  be  effected.  At  a  council  of  war,  held 
en  the  25th  in  the  Neptitne,  it  was  therefore  decided  not  to  proceed ; 
but  at  another  council  of  war,  on  the  28th,  this  decision  was  re- 
versed, and  it  was  determined  to  attempt  an  attack,  in  spite  of  the 
fact  that  the  enemy,  who  had  been  very  active,  was  then  better  than 
ever  prepared.  Yet  when,  in  the  early  morning  of  the  29th,  all  was 
ready,  the  wind  blew  off  shore,  and  the  scheme  had  finally  to  be 
abandoned.  On  October  1st  the  fleet  sailed  for  England,  and  on  the 
6th  arrived  at  Spithead.  The  collapse  of  the  expedition,  and  the 
waste  of  money,  which  its  mismanagement  by  the  Government  had 
entailed,  caused  grave  public  dissatisfaction. 

Almost  immediately  afterwards  a  fleet  of  fifteen  sail  of  the  line 
and  several  frigates,  under  Admiral  Sir  Edward  Hawke  and  Vice- 
Admiral  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen,  was  sent  to  sea  with  a  view 
to  intercept  the  home-coming  French  squadron  from  Louisbourg. 
It  sailed  from  Spithead  on  October  22nd,  but,  when  on  its  station, 
was  dispersed  by  a  gale;  and,  before  it  could  regain  its  assigned 
position,  M.  Dubois  de  la  Motte  got  into  Brest  unperceived,  except 
by  the  Vanguard,  Captain  Eobert  Swanton,  which  sighted  it  on 
November  23rd,  and  which  was  engaged  by  some  of  the  enemy. 
M.  Dubois  de  la  Motte  finally  called  off  his  chasers  for  fear  of 
attracting  the  attention  of  the  British  fleet.  Hawke  and  Boscawen, 
therefore,  returned  to  Spithead  on  December  15th. 

The  Earl  of  Loudoun  was  in  1758  succeeded  a^  military  com- 
mander-in-chief in  North  America  by  Major-General  Abercrombie ; 
and  it  was  determined  to  begin  operations  for  the  year  with  the 
siege  of  Louisbourg.  Admiral  Boscawen,  Eear-Admiral  Sir  Charles 
Hardy  (2),  and  Commodore  Philip  Durell  (1),  were  nominated  to  the 
command  of  the  fleet  which  was  designed  for  the  service ;  and,  in 
January,  Hardy  sailed  in  the  Captain,  64,  for  Halifax,  to  assume 
charge  of  the  ships  already  there,  and  wdth  them  to  blockade 
Loiiisbourg  as  soon  as  the  season  should  permit.    Early  in  February, 




DurcU  followed  him  in  the  Diana,  3(5,  to  make  the  necesisary  local 
preparations;  and  on  February  19th  Boscavven  himself  sailed  witli 
the  fleet.  After  Boscawen's  departure,  Sir  Edward  Hawke  was 
despatched  to  blockade  the  French  Channel  ports,  while  Commodore 
Charles  Holmes  cruised  off  the  north  coast  of  Holland,  and  assisted 
in  obliging  the  French  and  their  allies  to  evacuate  Emden.  At 
the  same  time,  troops  were  assembled  in  the  Isle  of  Wight  for  an 

(From  an  enfirainttfj  bi/  liidlcij,  after  tlw  portrait  >"!  Uwlmn.) 

intended  iucm'sion  upon  the  coast  of  France,  and  Admiral  Lord 
Anson  assumed  the  command  of  the  blockading  fleet  before  Brest, 
while  a  squadron  for  the  descent  upon  the  French  coast  was  collected 
under  Commodore  the  Hon.  Eichard  Howe.  It  should  be  added 
that  reinforcements  were  sent  to  India,  under  Captain  Kichard 
Tiddeman  ;  that  a  small  force  under  Captain  Henry  Marsh  went  to 
the  west  coast  of  Africa;  and  that  an  expedition,  ultimately  en- 
trusted to  Commodore  John  Moore,  sailed  later  for  the  West  Indies. 


MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    17U-17C2. 


Having  thus  summarised  some  of  the  chiel'  naval  movements  of 
1758,  we  may  proceed  to  give  accounts  of  the  squadrons  and  their 
principal  doings. 

In  the  East  Indies  Vice-Admiral  Pocock  was  joined  in  Madras 
Eoad,  on  March  '24th,  hy  Commodore  Charles  Stevens,  and,  on 
April  17th,  sailed,  with  the  object  of  getting  to  windward  of  Fort 
St.  David,  to  intercept  the  French  squadron  which  was  expected  on 
the  coast.  Comte  d'Ach6  had  reached  Mauritius  on  December  17th, 
17.57,  and  had  there  joined  the  small  squadron  under  M.  Bouvet, 
with  whom  he  sailed  on  January  27th,  1758,  and  made  for  the  coast 
of  Coromandel ;  but,  owing  to  the  monsoon,  he  did  not  anchor  off 
Fort  St.  David  imtil  April  28th.  Having  eleven  vessels,  the  French 
cut  off  the  escape  of  H.M.S.  Bridgewater,  24,  Captain  John  Stanton, 
and  Triton,  24,  Captain  Thomas  Manning,  which  were  lying  there, 
and  which,  to  save  them  frona  capture,  were  run  ashore  and  burnt. 
D'Ache  detached  thence  the  Comte  de  Provence,  74,  and  the  Dili- 
gente,  24,  to  carry  to  Pondicherry  M.  de  Lally,  the  new  governor  of 
the  French  East  India  possessions.  On  the  29th,  at  9  a.m.,  ere  the 
detachment  had  disappeared,  Pocock  sighted  the  French  squadron 
which  then  consisted  of  eight  ^  ships  fit  for  the  line,  whereas  the 
British  consisted  of  only  seven. ^  Pocock  signalled  for  a  general 
chase ;  upon  which  the  French  weighed  and  stood  out  to  sea 
E.  by  N.,  with  the  wind  from  the  S.E.  At  12.30  p.m.  Pocock  got 
within  three  miles  of  the  enemy,  who  waited  for  him  in  line  of  battle 
ahead.     He  then  hauled  down  the  signal  for  a  general  chase  and 

'  Xine  were  actually  put  into  line  by  the  French. 

-  British  axd  French  Squadrons  in  the  Action  off  Cuddalore 
ON  April  29th,  IT-^s. 







Guns.  1            Commanders. 



Capt.  Thomas  Latham. 

Bien  Ainu-   .     .     . 

.is'  '  Capt.  de  La  P.allieie. 

Salishiiry     .      .      . 


(    „    John         tftukley 
I             Somerset. 

Vr7i(/eur .... 

64  >         „    Bouvet  (2"). 

Conde     .... 

441  1      „    de  Rosbau. 

iCommfHl  Charles  Stevens, 
^Capt.  Richard  Kemptn- 
1     felt. 

Due  d'Orleans  .     . 

561         „    de  Surville  (2). 

Elizabeth      .     .     . 


'■  Zodiaque     .     .     . 

M,      (Comte  d'Ache. 
(Capt.  Gotho. 

iVice-.\dmiral      George 

St.  Louis      .      .      . 

501         ,,     .loaunis. 

Tarmoutk    . 


).     Pocock. 

Moras      .... 

441  1      ,,     Bee  de  Lievre. 

fCapt.  John  Harrison. 

Sylphide.     .     .     . 

36    ,      „     Mahe. 



,,    William  Brereton. 

Dae  de  Bourgoyne. 

60    1      „    d'Apret. 

MuxaHle.     .     .     . 


,,    George  Legge. 

Weymouth   . 


„    JJicholas  Viuceut. 

Comte  de  Provence. 

74          ,.    de  La  Chaise. 

DiUgente     .     .     . 


Queenboroiiffh  . 


„    Hon.  James  Colville. 

Protector,  storcsbip 

1  Umis  actually  m(.'uute  l.    Each  of  these  ships  could,  aul  later  did,  carry  mure. 

1758.]  POCOCK  AND    TrACIIK    OFF    CUDDALOliE.  175 

made  that  for  line  of  battle  aliead,  with  the  ships  at  a  distance  of 
half  a  cable  apart.  The  Cumherland  and  Tiger,  sailing  badly,  did 
not  get  into  their  positions  until  '2.15,  when  Pocock  bore  down  on 
the  Zodiaque,  d'Ache's  flagship,  which  occupied  the  centre  of  the 
French  line.  The  captains  of  the  Newcastle  and  Weymouth  un- 
fortunately mistook  the  signal  for  the  line,  and  did  not  close  up  to 
the  ships  ahead  of  them ;  and,  when  the  Vice-Admiral  signalled  for 
closer  action,  these  ships  did  not  obey.  The  enemy  opened  fire  as 
the  British  approached.  The  Cumberland  was  so  long  in  getting  up 
that  the  Vice-Admiral,  and  the  three  ships  ahead  of  him,  had,  for 
some  time,  had  to  sustain  the  whole  fire  of  the  French.  Yet,  Pocock 
did  not  return  a  shot  until  his  ship  had  hauled  up  exactly  abreast  of 
the  Zodiaque,  and  then,  at  3.55  p.m.,  he  made  the  signal  to  engage. 

Commodore  Stevens,  with  the  ships  ahead  of  the  Vice-Admiral, 
behaved  magnificently,  but  the  three  ships  astern  did  not  properly 
support  the  van.  This  might  have  been  serious,  and  even  fatal,  if 
there  had  not  been  corresponding  mistakes  and  derelictions  of  duty 
on  the  French  side.  The  captain  of  the  Due  de  Bourgogne  took  up 
a  post  behind  the  French  line,  and,  in  the  most  cowardly  manner, 
fired  across  it  at  the  British ;  and  the  Sijlphide,  36,  a  weak  ship, 
which  seems  to  have  improperly  found  a  place  in  the  line,  was 
driven  out  of  it  at  the  first  broadside  The  Conde  lost  her  rudder, 
and  was  also  obliged  to  fall  out.  In  the  van  and  centre,  however,  the 
action  was  for  the  most  part  fought  with  the  greatest  determination 
on  both  sides.  In  her  somewhat  belated  attempts  to  get  into  action, 
the  Cumberland  nearly  fouled  the  Yarmouth,  and  forced  her  to  back 
her  topsails,  thus  obliging  the  Neuxastle  and  the  Wcgmouth'to  back 
theirs  hkewise.  But  when  the  Cumherland  had  at  length  gained 
her  station,  the  Newcastle  held  back,  in  spite  of  signals  from  the 
Vice-Admiral,  and  in  spite  of  the  WeijmoutJi's  hailing  her  to  close 
up  ;  whereupon  the  Weymouth  hai^led  her  wind  and,  passing  to  vdnd- 
ward  of  the  Neivcastle,  got  into  line  ahead  of  her  and  quickly  obliged 
the  Moras  to  bear  away.  The  Cumberland  in  the  meanwhile  en- 
gaged the  St.  Louis,  so  materially  relieving  the  Yarmouth. 

In  the  height  of  the  engagement  explosions  of  powder  on  board 
both  the  Zodiaque  and  the  Bieii  Aime  caused  some  confusion. 
D'Ache  signalled  for  those  of  his  ships  which  had  withdrawn  to 
return  to  the  action  ;  but  they  paid  no  attention.  Still  the  fight  was 
hot,  and  the  Tiger  was  very  hard  pressed  until  she  was  assisted 
by  the  Salisbury  and  Eli-abetJi.     As  the  battle  neared  its  termiua- 

176  MAJOR  oi'EHatkjns,  1714-1762.  [1758. 

tion,  the  ship  and  frigate  which  had  been  detached  by  d'Ache  to 
I'ondicherry,  and  which  M.  de  Lally  had  refused  to  allow  to 
return  at  once,  although  d'Ach^  had  signalled  for  them,  were  coming 
up ;  but,  the  British  rear  then  closing  somewhat,  and  the  fugitive 
French  vessels  not  rejoining,  d'Ache  at  about  6  p.m.  bore  down  to 
his  friends,  and  then,  hauling  his  wind,  made  for  Pondicherry.  His 
final  movement,  which  seems  to  be  thus  rightly  interpreted,  appeared 
to  Pocock  to  have  a  different  significance  ;  for  he  wrote  : — 

"  At  half-past  four  p.m.  the  rear  of  tlie  French  line  had  drawn  pretty  close  up  to 
their  flagship.  Our  three  rear  ships  were  signalled  to  engage  closer.  Soon  after, 
M.  d'Ache  broke  the  line  and  put  before  the  wind.  His  second  astern,  who  had  kept 
on  the  Yarmouth's  quarter  most  part  of  the  action,  then  carue  up  alongside,  gave  his 
fire,  and  then  bore  away ;  and  a  few  minutes  after  the  enemy's  van  bore  away  also." 

From  this,  as  Captain  Mahan  points  out,  it  would  appear  that 
the  French  deliberately,  before  leaving  the  scene  of  the  action, 
effected  upon  the  principal  English  ship  a  movement  of  concentra- 
tion, defiling  past  her.' 

Pocock  hauled  down  the  signal  to  engage,  and  rehoisted  that  for 
a  general  chase ;  but  such  of  his  ships  as  had  fought  well  were  too 
disabled  to  come  up  with  the  enemy,  and,  night  approaching,  he 
stood  to  the  southward  with  a  view  of  keeping  to  the  windward  of 
the  enemy,  and  of  being  able  to  engage  him  in  the  morning,  if  the 
French  did  not  weather  the  British.  With  this  object  he  ordered 
the  Queenhorough,  24,  ahead  to  observe  the  enemy ;  and  he  con- 
tinued to  endeavour  to  work  up  after  the  French  until  fi  a.m.  on 
May  1st,  when,  as  he  lost  ground  and  pursuit  appeared  to  be  useless, 
he  anchored  three  miles  south  of  Sadras. 

In  this  battle,  which  was  fought  about  twenty-one  miles  from 
Lampraavy,  the  British  had  lost  '29  killed  and  89  wounded.  At 
10  P.M.  on  the  day  of  the  action,  the  French  anchored  off  Lam- 
praavy. There,  owing  to  the  loss  of  her  anchors  and  to  damage  to 
her  cables,  the  Bien  Ainie  drove  ashore  and  was  WTecked ;  all  her 
crew,  however,  being  saved.  In  the  engagement  the  French  had 
suffered  far  more  severely  than  the  British,  having  lost  162  killed, 
and  860  wounded  ;  for  the  ships  had  been  full  of  troops  and  the 
English  fire  had  been  directed,  as  usual,  against  the  hulls  rather 
than  against  the  rigging.  D'Ache  afterwards  proceeded  to  Pondi- 
cherry, where  he  lauded  1200  sick,  and  superseded  M.  d'Apret, 
captain  of  the  Due  de  Bourgogne,  by  M.  Bouvet.     It  seems  to  have 

1  '  Tnfl.  of  Sea  Power,'  iiOi^. 

1758.]  B'ACJJJ-J  AT  rONDlVlIEUliY.  177 

been  chiefly  owing  to  the  backwiU'dncss  of  the  captains  in  the 
British  rear  that  the  French  were  not  completely  defeated. 

At  about  the  time  of  the  action,  the  French  on  land  had  taken 
Cuddalore,  the  garrison  of  which  was  allowed  to  retire  to  Fort 
St.  David.  That  place  was  soon  afterwards  besieged  by  M.  de  Lally. 
Pocock  received  some  additional  men  from  Madras,  including  eighty 
lascars,  and,  having  repaired  the  worst  damages  of  his  ships,  tried  in 
vain  to  work  up  along  the  coast.  He  then  stood  to  sea,  and  on 
May  10th  had  stretched  as  far  south  as  lat.  9°  30',  whence  he 
endeavoured  to  fetch  to  the  windward  of  Fort  St.  David ;  but, 
standing  in,  he  met  with  a  strong  west  wind,  and,  being  unable  to 
get  higher  than  Lampraavy,  he  anchored  there  on  May  '26th.  On 
the  30th  he  sighted  Pondicherry,  and  saw  the  French  squadron  in 
the  road. 

D'Ache,  upon  descrying  the  British,  called  a  council  of  war, 
which  decided  that  the  ships  should  remain  moored  close  under  the 
batteries  to  await  attack ;  but  M.  de  Lally,  arriving  from  before 
Fort  St.  David,  insisted  that  the  British  should  be  met  at  sea,  and 
sent  out  to  the  fleet  400  lascars  as  a  reinforcement.  As  de  Lally 
had  the  supreme  command  in  India,  d'Ache  weighed  with  eight  ships 
of  the  line  and  a  frigate  ;  yet,  instead  of  bearing  down  on  Pocock, 
who  could  not  work  up  to  him,  he  kept  his  wind  and  plied  for  Fort 
St.  David,  whither  de  Lally  returned  by  land  to  prosecute  the  siege. 
But  no  sooner  had  de  Lally  departed  than  the  governor  and  council 
of  Pondicherry,  who  had  full  powers  during  de  Lally's  absence, 
recalled  d'Ache  to  protect  their  town.  This  order  was  most  service- 
able to  the  British  ;  for,  soon  after  the  return  of  the  French  squadron, 
three  valuable  East  India  Company's  ships,  which  must  otherwise 
have  been  taken,  got  safely  into  Madras. 

Chiefly  owing  to  the  bad  sailing  of  the  Cumberland,  Pocock  failed 
to  get  up  with  the  French  squadron.  On  the  6th  he  heard  that 
Fort  St.  George  was  likely  to  be  invested  ;  and,  realizing  that  should 
this  be  so,  his  ships  would  be  unable  to  re-water  on  the  coast,  he 
made  for  Madras,  where  he  brought  his  defaulting  captains  to  court- 
martial.  Captain  George  Legge,  of  the  Newcastle,  was  dismissed 
the  service ;  Captain  Nicholas  Vincent,  of  the  Weymouth,  was  dis- 
missed his  ship;  and  Captain  William  Brereton,  of  the  Cumberland, 
was  sentenced  to  the  loss  of  one  year's  seniority  as  a  post-captain. 

Fort  St.  David  capitulated  on  June  2nd,  and  M.  de  Lally  destroyed 
the  place.     Had  he  then  gone  at  once   to  Madras,  he  could   have 

VOL.    III.  N 

178  MAJOn    OVEllATIONIi,   1714-1762.  [1758. 

taken  it  easily  ;  but  he  delayed,  and,  in  the  interval,  Fort-8t.  George 
was  considerably  strengthened.  Instead  of  going  to  Madras,  he 
attacked  Tanjore,  in  order  to  obtain  payment  of  some  money  which 
had  been  promised  by  the  king  to  M.  Dupleix  in  1749.  Before 
Tanjore,  his  army,  weakened  by  sickness  and  want  of  provisions, 
was  defeated ;  and,  being  obliged  to  raise  the  siege  and  to  retire, 
closely  pursued  by  his  native  opponents,  he  had  some  difficulty  in 
reaching  Carical.  On  his  retreat  thither  he  learnt  that  d'Ache, 
then  off  Pondicherry,  had  intimated  his  intention  of  proceeding  to 
Mauritius.  He  therefore  sent  to  remonstrate  with  the  French 
commodore,  and  was  thus  able  to  induce  him  to  postpone  his 

Vice-Admiral  Pocock  refitted,  and,  on  July  '25th,  sailed  with  a 
favourable  wind  southward  along  the  shore  to  seek  the  enemy.  On 
the  26th  he  anchored  off  Lampraavy,  where  he  took  or  bm-ut  some 
small  craft  of  the  enemy.  On  the  evening  of  the  27th  he  got  within 
nine  miles  of  Pondicherry,  and  saw  the  French  fleet  at  anchor  in 
the  road.  On  the  28th,  at  10  a.m.,  the  French  got  under  sail  and 
stood  to  the  southward  with  a  land  breeze ;  on  which  Pocock 
signalled  for  a  general  chase ;  but  the  enemy  kept  to  windward  and 
anchored  early  next  morning  off  Porto  Novo.  When  the  land  breeze 
arose,  the  French  weighed  and  stood  to  windward ;  and  at  about 
8  A.M.  were  out  of  sight.  In  the  afternoon  Pocock  burnt  the  French 
ship  Bestitution,  a  British  prize,  off  Porto  Novo.  At  10  a.m.  on 
August  1st  he  again  sighted  d'Ache,  who  was  getting  under  sail  off 
Tranquebar,  and  who  soon  afterwards  fonned  his  line  of  battle 
ahead  with  starboard  tacks  on  board,  and  seemed  to  edge  down 
towards  the  British.  But  when  Pocock  made  sail  and  stood  for  the 
French,  they  hauled  on  a  wind.  At  about  1  p.m.,  however,  they 
formed  line  of  battle  abreast  and  bore  down  on  Pocock  under  easy 
sail.  He,  at  1.30,  signalled  for  a  line  of  battle  ahead  with  the 
starboard  tacks  on  board,  and  stood  to  the  eastward  under  topsails, 
or  with  the  maintopsails  square  so  as  to  allow  his  ships  to  take 
station,  in  waiting  for  the  enemy.  At  5  p.m.  the  French  van  was 
abreast  of  the  British  centre  at  a  distance  of  about  two  miles.  The 
enemy  stood  on  till  his  van  was  abreast  of  the  British  van,  and  then 
kept  at  about  that  distance  until  (5.30,  when  he  hoisted  his  topsails, 
set  his  courses,  and  stood  to  the  south-east.  Admiral  Pocock 
signalled  to  his  van  to  fill  and  stand  on,  and  made  sail  to  the  south- 
ward, keeping  his  line  until  midnight,  when  he  judged  the  French 




to  have  tacked.  He  then  signalled  the  fleet  to  wear,  and  stood  after 
the  enemy  to  the  westward.  But,  at  daylight  on  the  2nd,  the  enemy 
was  not  to  be  seen.  In  the  evening,  however,  four  sails  were  sighted 
inshore  to  the  north-west;  and  on  the  3rd,  at  5  a.m.,  the  British 
sighted  the  French  fleet  off  Negapatam,  about  three  miles  to  wind- 
ward, formed  in  line  of  battle  ahead,  with  the  starboard  tacks  on 

Pocock  also  formed  his  line  of  battle  ahead  on  the  starboard  tack, 
and  stood  towards  the  French ;  and,  seeing  that  the  Comte  cle 
Provence,  74,  led  their  van,  he  ordered  the  Elizabeth,  64,  to  take  the 
place  of  the  Tiger,  60,  an  inferior  ship,  as  the  leader  of  his  own  line. 
At  11  A.M.,  the  wind  dying  awa}%  the  British  were  becalmed  ;  though 
the  enemy  still  had  a  light  breeze  from  off  the  land,  and,  with  it, 
stood  on,  their  line  stretching  from  east  to  west.  On  that  course  the 
French  passed  at  right  angles  so  close  to  the  rear  of  the  British  that 
they  might  almost  have  cut  oft'  the  Cumherhttid  and  Newcastle,  the 
sternmost  ships.  At  noon  a  sea  breeze  sprang  up,  and  gave  Pocock 
the  weather-gage.  Both  fleets  thereupon  formed  line  afresh  ;  and  at 
12.20  P.M.  Pocock  signalled  to  bear  down  and  engage. 

The  Elizabeth  and  Comte  cle  Provence  began  the  action  ;  l)ut,  the 
latter's  mizen  catching  fire,  she  had  to  quit  the  line  and  cut  away 
the  mast.  The  French  charge  Pocock  with  throwing  inflammables 
on  board  of  them ;  but  the  Vice- Admiral  does  not  seem  to  have  taken 
any  special  measures  for  setting  his  opponents  on  fire,  though 
certainly  in  this  battle  they  were  unusually  unfortunate  in  that 
respect.  The  Elizabeth's  next  opponent  was  the  Due  de  Bourgogne, 
which,   being   hardly  pressed,   would    have   been   assisted    by   the 

'  List  of  the  British  akd  French  Squadrons  in  the  Action-  off 
Negapatam,  on  August  3Rn,  17.58. 










Tarvwuth    . 

Elisabeth     .     .     . 


Weymouth   . 

Cumberland      .      . 
Salisbury     .     .     . 
Newcastle.     .      .      . 







iVice-Adm.   (leorge  Po- 
l     cock. 

iCapt.  John  Harrison. 
K.:ommoci.  Charles  Stevens. 
<Capt.  llichard  Kempeu- 
1             felt. 

„     Thomas  Latham. 
f     ,,     John          Stukley 
l             Somerset. 

,,     William  Martin  (2). 

„    Williaui  Brereton. 

,.    Hon, Jamest'olville. 

„    DigbyDent(3) 

Zodiaque     .     . 
Comte  de  Provence 
St.  Louis     .     . 
Vengeur.     .     . 
Due  d'Orleans  . 
Due  de  Bourgogne 
Condii     .     .     . 
Moras     .     .     . 
Diltgente     .     . 


Comte  d'Acbo. 
Capt.  de  La  Chaise. 

„    de  La  Palliere. 
„    de  Surville  (2). 
„    Bouvet  (2). 

,,    Bee  de  Lievi-e. 

Queenhorouyh  . 

N   2 


MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762. 


Zodiaque,  had  not  the  latter  had  her  wheel  carried  away  by  a  shot 
from  the  Yarmouth,  her  first  antagonist.  To  repair  it,  she  went 
under  the  lee  of  the  Due  d'Orlcans;  but,  as  soon  as  she  returned  to 
the  line,  one  of  her  lower-deck  guns  burst,  and  a  fire  broke  out  near 
her  powder  room.  In  the  consequent  confusion,  her  new  steering 
gear  gave  way,  so  causing  the  ship  to  fall  on  board  the  Due 
crOrlcaits ;  and,  while  the  two  ships  were  entangled  together,  both 


{From  a  lithofirajihrii  i'f/(jr<m/t<j  hy  liidhnj.) 

were  heavily  cannonaded  with  impunity  by  the  Yarmouth  and  Tiger. 
By  that  time  the  Conde  and  Moras  had  been  driven  out  of  the  line ; 
and,  at  2.8  p.m.,  the  Zodiaque  being  free,  M.  d'Ache  bore  away.  He 
was  followed  in  about  a  quarter  of  an  hour  by  the  rest  of  his  ships. 

Pocock  signalled  for  closer  action ;  and  the  retiring  enemj^  was 
badly  mauled  as  he  went  off  under  all  possible  sail.  The  signal  for 
a  general  chase  followed ;  whereupon  the  French  cut  away  the  boats 
which  most  of  them  had  towing  astern  ;  and  crowded  to  the  N.N.W. 

1758.]  D'ACHE  RETIRES    TO   MAURITIUS.  181 

A  running  fight  was  maintained  till  about  3  p.m.,  when  the  French 
were  out  of  range.  Pocock,  however,  pursued  until  dark,  and,  at 
about  8  P.M.,  anchored  three  miles  off  Carical,  while  the  Frencli 
pursued  their  course  to  Pondicherry. 

The  fight,  considering  its  indecisive  character,  was  a  very  bloody 
one,  especially  on  the  side  of  the  French,  who  lost  '250  killed  and 
000  wounded.  The  Zodiaquc  alone  lost  188  killed  or  dangerously 
wounded.  On  the  British  side,  however,  only  31  were  killed  and 
166  wounded.  Both  d'Ache  and  Pocock  received  slight  injuries ; 
and  Commodore  Stevens  had  a  musket  wound  in  his  shoulder. 
Aloft  the  British  suffered  more  than  the  French  ;  and,  had  the 
weather  not  been  fine,  many  of  them  must  have  lost  their  masts. 

D'Ache  refitted  at  Pondicherry ;  and,  being  apprehensive  of  an 
attack  there,  anchored  his  ships  close  under  the  town  and  forts. 
Feeling  also  that  he  could  not,  in  his  then  state,  again  fight  the 
British,  and  that  his  remaining  on  the  coast  might  lead  to  disaster, 
he  again  announced  his  intention  of  proceeding  to  Mauritius.  M.  de 
Lally  and  the  French  military  and  civil  officers  were  astounded  at 
this  new  determination,  and  endeavoured  to  dissuade  him ;  but  he 
was  supported  by  his  captains,  and,  having  landed  500  marines  and 
seamen  to  reinforce  the  army  on  shore,  he  sailed  for  his  destination 
on  September  3rd.  Pocock  could  not  l)elieve  that  d'Ache  had  any 
idea  of  withdrawing  from  the  scene  of  operations,  and  sujDposed  that 
he  would  presently  set  out  on  a  cruise.  The  Queenhorough,  24,  was 
therefore  despatched  to  get  news  of  the  French ;  but  she  failed  to 
obtain  any.  The  British  sailed  from  Madras  on  August  '20th  for 
Bombay,  calling  at  Trincomale  for  water.  The  Admiral  ordei'ed  the 
Revenge,  a  Company's  ship,  to  cruise  off  that  port ;  and  she  actually 
sighted,  and  was  chased  by,  d'Ache  on  his  way  to  Mauritius ;  but, 
though  the  British  put  to  sea,  they  could  not  come  up  with  the 
enemy.     Pocock  afterwards  continued  his  voyage  to  Bombay. 

In  spite  of  the  withdrawal  of  d'Ache,  between  whom  and 
M.  de  Lally  the  worst  possible  relations  existed,  the  latter  continued 
his  activity,  and  on  December  14th  laid  siege  to  Madras.  The  town 
was  hard  pressed,  when,  on  February  16th,  1759,  Captain  Eichard 
Kempenfelt,  with  two  twenty-gun  ships  and  six  other  vessels, 
containing  men  and  stores,  arrived.  Early  on  the  17th  de  Lally 
raised  the  siege,  retiring  in  such  haste  that  he  left  behind  him  much 
of  his  siege  artillery,  and  large  quantities  of  stores  and  ammunition. 
It  was  a  remarkable  and  dramatic  instance  of  the  influence  of  sea 

182  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-176!^.  [1758. 

power  upon  history.  Had  d'Ache  held  the  sea,  and  had  he  been  in 
a  position  to  prevent  the  arrival  of  reinforcements  and  stores,  the 
place  must  have  fallen.  The  raising  of  the  siege  of  Madras  may  be 
said  to  mark  the  beginning  of  the  end  of  French  dreams  of  empire 
in  India. 

On  the  Leeward  Islands'  station,  where  Commodore  John 
Moore  (1)  commanded  in  1758,  no  fleet  action  or  engagement  of 
much  moment  happened  during  the  year ;  but  there  was  great  and 
commendable  activity ;  and  more  than  one  of  the  transactions  in 
those  seas  will  be  found  noticed  in  the  next  chapter. 

On  the  Jamaica  station,  hkewise,  there  were  very  few  events  of 
importance,  though  the  enemy's  trade  suffered  severely,  thanks  to 
the  excellent  dispositions  of  Vice-Admiral  Thomas  Cotes  and  to  the 
vigilance  of  his  cruisers. 

It  has  been  seen  that  in  North  America  preparations  had  been 
made  for  a  new  attack  on  Louisbourg.  Eear-Admiral  Sir  Charles 
Hardy  (2)  placed  himself  off  that  port  as  soon  as  the  season  permitted  ; 
but,  owing  to  fog  and  gales,  he  was  unable  to  prevent  the  entry  into 
the  harbour  of  M.  du  Chaffault,  who  took  out  a  strong  squadron 
from  Brest.  Du  Chaffault,  however,  fearing  to  be  blockaded,  left 
there  six  ships  of  the  line  and  some  frigates  under  M.  de  Beaussier 
to  assist  in  the  defence,  and  himself  went  to  Quebec.  Hardy  only 
succeeded  in  intercepting  the  Foudroyant,  22,  and  a  few  other 
French  craft  bound  up  the  St.  Lawrence.  The  Foudroijant  pluckily 
stood  a  short  action  with,  the  Captain,  64,  ere  she  surrendered.  She 
had  on  board  a  large  amount  of  very  valuable  stores. 

Admiral  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen,  who  had  been  appointed 
to  the  command  of  the  expedition  against  Louisboui-g,  sailed  from 
Portsmouth  in  February.  At  the  verj^  commencement  of  his  voyage 
he  lost  the  Invincible,  74,  Captain  John  Bentley,  which,  missing 
stays,  ran  on  a  shoal  east  of  St.  Helen's  and  became  a  total  loss. 
But  the  Dublin,  74,  was  as  quickly  as  possible  substituted  for 
her  by  the  Admiralty ;  and  she  carried  out  Major-General  Jeffi-ey 
Amherst,  who  was  to  command  the  mihtary  forces.  The  Dublin 
met  Boscawen  on  May  28th,  as  he  was  coming  out  of  Halifax  with 
his  fleet ;  but,  being  very  sickty,  she  went  on  into  port,  while 
Boscawen  with  his  whole  force,  numbering  in  aU  one  hundred  and 
sixtj'-seven  sail  of  various  kinds,  made  for  Gabarus  Baj'.  The  fleet 
was  dispersed  by  bad  weather,  and  the  main  part  of  it  did  not  reach 
the  rendezvous  until  June  2nd.      Among  the  celebrated  men  who 

1758.]  CAl'TUltE    OF  LOUISBOUBG.  183 

shared  in  this  expedition  were  George  Brydges  Eodncy,  Edward 
Hughes,  later  the  opponent  of  Suffren,  and  James  Wolfe,  the  hero 
of  Quebec. 

The  French  were  found  to  be  well  prepared,  Louisbourg  being 
very  thoroughly  fortified,  especially  on  the  sea  face.     Between  the 
day  of  his  arrival  and  January  8th,  General  Amherst  several  times 
caused  the  troops  to  be  put  into  the  boats,  ready  for  landing  ;  but 
on  each  occasion  he  was  compelled  by  the  state  of  the  surf  to  desist 
and  to  re-embark  them.     In  the  interval  the  enemy  was  busy  on 
his   defences,  and   never   omitted  to  fire   on   the   ships  when  they 
ventured  within  range.     On  the  8th  the  army  was  again  put  into 
the  boats ;    and   it  was   decided   to   make   three   separate   attacks. 
Those  on  the  centre  and  right  were  intended  as  feints  or  diversions, 
•  and  were  to  be   made   in  Freshwater   Cove   and   on   White   Point 
respectively.     That  on  the  left  was  to  be  the  real  attack.     It  was 
made  under  Brigadier-General  Wolfe,  under  cover  of  the  Kenning- 
ton,  28,  Captain  Dudley  Digges,  and  Halifax,  12.     The  Diana,  36, 
Captain   Alexander   Schomberg,    Gramont,    18,    Commander    John 
Stott,  and  Shannon,  36,  Captain  Charles  Meadows,'  covered  the  feint 
in  the  centre ;  and   the  Sutherland,  50,   Captain  John  Eous,  and 
Squirrel,  20,  Commander  John  Cleland  (1),  the  feint  on  the  right. 

These  ships,  as  soon  as  they  had  taken  up  their  stations,  began 
a  hot  cannonade ;  and,  a  quarter  of  an  hour  later,  Wolfe's  division 
landed  in  the  steadiest  manner  through  the  surf  under  a  heavy  fire. 
Many  men  were  unavoidably  drowned  through  the  oversetting  of 
boats,  and  much  ammunition  was  wetted  ;  but  the  troops,  fixing  their 
bayonets,  drove  the  defenders  from  their  position  near  the  beach  ; 
and,  before  night,  all  the  other  troops  had  been  landed.  Almost 
immediately  afterwards  the  wind  arose,  and  communication  with  the 
fleet  was  cut  off  for  several  days.  Siege  operations  were  begun  on 
June  13th,  the  troops  being  at  first  much  annoyed  by  the  fire  of 
the  French  ships  in  the  harbour.  The  Admiral  landed  his  Marines 
to  assist.  On  the  28th  the  enemy  sank  the  Apollon,  50,  Fidele,  36, 
Biche,  16,  and  Chevre,  16,  in  the  mouth  of  the  harbour  to  blockade 
the  entrance ;  and  on  July  Uth  he  made  a  vigorous  but  ineffectual 
night  sortie.  On  July  21st  the  Entreprenant,  74,  one  of  the  largest 
French  ships  in  the  harbour,  took  fire,  blew  up  and  set  in  flames  two 

'  Properly  Medows,  but  the  Navy  List  spelling  is  Meadows.  This  geutleman, 
afterwards  known  as  Charles  I'ierrepont,  became  Viscount  Newark  and  Earl  Mauvers. 
He  resigned  while  yet  a  captain,  and  died  in  1816. 


MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1711-1762. 


more  ships  of  the  hne,  the  CeUhre,  64,  and  the  Cwpricieux,  64. 
All  three  eventually  become  total  losses.  The  fire  from  the  two 
remaining  ships  of  the  line  being  still  troublesome,  Boscawen,  on 
the  night  of  the  25th,  sent  into  the  harbour  in  boats  600  seamen, 
under  Captains  John  Laforey  and  George  Balfour ;  and  these,  in 
spite  of  a  very  fierce  fire  from  the  vessels  and  batteries,  executed 
their  mission.  Laforey  took  the  Prudent,  74,  which,  being  aground, 
he  burnt.  Balfour  carried  the  Bieiifaisant,  64,  and  towed  her  into 
the  north-east  harbour.  This  decided  the  issue.  Boscawen  was 
making  preparations  to  send  in  six   ships   of   the   line,    when   the 

governor  proposed  terms  ;  and,  after  a  brief  correspondence,  the 
place  was  surrendered  on  the  '26th.  About  3600  combatants 
became  prisoners  of  war ;  and  216  guns,  besides  mortars,  were 
taken.  With  Louisbourg  was  siu-rendered,  not  only  the  island  of 
Cape  Breton,  but  also  that  of  St.  John.^  Boscawen  sent  home 
Captain  the  Hon.  George  Edgcumbe  with  the  naval  dispatches. 
The  colours  which  were  captured  were  placed  in  St.  Paul's 

Immediately  after  the  fall  of  the  place,  Boscawen  sent  Bear- 
Admiral  Sir  Charles  Hardy  (2) ,  with  seven  ships  of  the  line,  to  destroy 
the  French  settlements  at  Miramichi,  Gaspee,  etc.,  General  Wolfe 

'  The  island  of  St.  John  was  renamed  Prince  Edward's  Island  in  1709,  in  lionour 
of  Prince  Edward,  Dnke  of  Kent,  and  father  of  H.Jl.  Queen  A'ictoria. 

1758.]  BOSCAWEN  AND    I)U   CIIAFFAULT.  185 

accompanying  him.  Some  ships  were  also  sent  to  the  island  of 
St.  John,  with  a  garrison  for  it.  General  Amherst,  who  heard  at 
about  that  time  of  the  repulse  of  Abercrombie  at  Ticonderoga, 
embarked  six  battalions  under  convoy  of  the  Captain,  (54,  for 
Boston,  and  then  marched  for  Lake  George.  Boscawen  left  Mr. 
Durell,  who  in  the  meantime  had  been  promoted  to  be  a  Kear- 
Admiral,  with  a  part  of  the  squadron,  to  winter  in  America,  and 
himself  sailed  for  England.  On  his  passage,  his  squadron  became 
separated,  so  that  when,  on  October  27th,  as  he  was  entering 
the  Soundings,  he  sighted  the  French  squadron  returning  from 
Quebec  under  M.  du  Chaffault,  he  had  with  him  in  company  only  the 
Namur,  90,  (flag).  Captain  Matthew  Buckle  (1),  Boijal  William,  84, 

[From  nn  original  liindhj  lent  bij  n.S.H.  CiipUiin  Friiice  Louis  of  Batteiiberg.  Ji.X.) 

Captain  Thomas  Evans,  Somerset,  64,  Captain  Edward  Hughes, 
Bienfaisant,  64,  Captain  George  Balfour,  Boreas,  28,  Captain  the 
Hon.  Eobert  Boyle  Walsingham,  Trent,  28,  Captain  John  Lindsay, 
Echo,  28,  Captain  John  Laforey,  with  two  fireships ;  and  the 
Bienfaisant  was  useless,  having  but  a  few  rounds  of  powder  on 
board.  The  French  squadron  consisted  of  the  Tonnant,  80, 
Intrepide,  74,  Heros,  74,  Protee,  64,  and  Belliqiteux,  (54,  besides  a 
frigate,  and  the  Carnarvon,  a  captured  British  East  Indiaman.  The 
enemy,  being  on  the  contrary  tack,  passed  the  British  squadron,  very 
near,  to  leeward ;  and,  in  passing,  discharged  his  broadsides. 
Some  of  the  British  ships  returned  the  fire  ;  but,  the  wind  blowing 
hard,  most  of  the  vessels  could  not  open  their  lower  ports ;  and 
thus,  in  this  partial  action,  very  little  damage  was  done.  Boscawen, 
in  spite  of  the  superiority  of  the  French,  changed  his  course  and 

186  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1702.  [1758. 

stood  after  them.  The  night  was  verj'  stormy  ;  but,  on  the  follow- 
ing morning,  the  enemy  was  again  discovered,  though  his  force 
then  consisted  of  only  four  ships  of  the  line  and  a  frigate,  one 
ship  of  the  line  having  evidently  lost  company  in  the  darkness. 
Boscawen  also  had  lost  sight  of  all  his  frigates.  He  nevertheless 
renewed  the  chase ;  yet,  although  there  was  at  first  no  great 
distance  between  the  squadrons,  the  British  did  not  gain  ground. 
The  only  prize  made  was  the  Carnarvon.  The  rest  of  the  French 
ships  got  away.  One  of  them,  the  BelUqueux,  was  afterwards  taken 
off  Ilfracombe  by  the  Antelope,  .50.  Boscawen  arrived  at  Spithead 
on  November  1st. 

For  their  services  in  North  America  both  Boscawen  and  Amherst 
received  the  thanks  of  the  House  of  Commons.  The  conquest 
which  had  been  effected,  besides  being  very  important  in  itself,  had 
involved  a  loss  to  the  enemy  of  six  ships  of  the  hne  and  five  frigates,^ 
and  had  deprived  France  of  one  of  her  best  fisheries,  and  of  a 
valuable  station  for  the  privateers  which  long  had  preyed  on  the 
coast  commerce  of  the  American  colonies.  It  paved  the  way  for 
future  British  successes  on  the  North  American  continent,  and 
sounded  the  death  knell  of  the  French  dominion  there.  In  fact, 
just  as  the  raising  of  the  siege  of  Madras  was  the  turning  point  of 
the  struggle  in  India,  so  the  capture  of  Louisbourg  was  the  turning 
point  of  the  struggle  in  North  America ;  and  both  results  were 
brought  about  by  the  force  of  sea  power. 

It  has  been  said  that  in  1758  a  small  sqiiadron  under  Captain 
Henry  Marsh  was  despatched  against  the  French  settlements  in 
West  Africa.  It  is  curious  to  note  that  this  belligerent  expedition 
was  first  suggested  by  a  Quaker,  Mr.  Thomas  Cumming,  who  had 
been  on  the  coast,  and  who  knew  some  of  the  native  princes.  One 
of  these  had  promised  his  co-operation  against  Goree  and  Senegal, 
and  had  undertaken,  in  case  of  the  success  of  the  adventure,  to 
grant  exclusive  trading  privileges  to  British  subjects.  Cumming 
represented  that  a  force  of  a  certain  strength  would  be  required  for 
the  service  ;  but  the  administration  unwisely  cut  down  his  estimates, 
and  repeatedly  deferred  action,  until  Mr.  Samuel  Touchet,  an 
influential  London  merchant,  warmly  seconded  the  project.  The 
force  finally  assigned  for  the  service  consisted  of  the  Harwich,  50, 

'  In  addition  to  the  three  frigates  sunlc  in  the  mouth  of  the  harbour  by  the  enemy, 
the  Diane  (renamed  Diana),  36,  had  been  taken  by  Sir  Charles  Hardy  (2),  and  tlie 
Echo,  28,  had  been  captured  by  the  Juno  and  Scarborough. 

1758.]  CAPTURE    OF  SENEGAL.  187 

Commodore  Henry  Marsh,  the  Nassau,  64,  Captain  James  Sayer, 
the  Rijc,  '20,  Commander  Daniel  Uering,  the  Swan,  16,  Commander 
Jacob  Lobb,  and  the  two  eight-gun  busses,  London  and  Portsmouth, 
Commanders  Archibald  Millar  and  James  Orrok,  together  with  five 
small  hired  vessels  carrying  from  fonr  to  eight  guns  apiece.  The 
troops  included  200  Marines  under  Major  Mason,  and  a  detachment 
of  artillery  with  ten  guns  and  eight  mortars.  Mr.  Gumming 
accompanied  the  expedition,  which  sailed  from  Plymouth  on 
March  9,  1758. 

From  Tenerife,  where  the  squadron  called  for  wine  and  water, 
Mr.  Cumming,  in  the  Sican,  went  on  in  advance  to  arrange  for 
assistance  from  the  natives ;  but,  before  he  could  conclude  matters, 
the  squadron  itself  arrived  on  the  coast.  Marsh  decided  not  to 
wait  for  negotiations,  but  at  once  to  proceed ;  and  on  April  23rd, 
he  reached  the  mouth  of  the  river  Senegal,  and  sighted  the 
French  flag  flyiirg  on  Fort  Louis  in  midstream,  twelve  miles 
above  the  bar. 

The  enemy  had  armed  a  brig  and  six  sloops,  and  had  placed  them 
above  the  bar  to  defend  the  channel  through  it.  These  much 
annoyed  the  British  boats,  which  went  in  to  sound.  In  the  mean- 
time troops  were  put  into  the  small  craft.  On  the  29th  the  Swan, 
with  the  busses  and  armed  vessels,  weighed  and  made  up  the  river 
with  a  fair  wind.  The  London,  and  some  of  the  small  craft,  were 
wrecked  on  the  bar ;  but  no  lives  were  lost ;  and  most  of  the  rest  of 
the  vessels  got  in  safely,  and  made  for  the  enemy's  ships,  which 
promptly  retired  under  the  guns  of  the  fort.  On  May  1st  the  work 
surrendered  ;  but  the  actual  handing  over  of  the  place  was  delayed, 
owing  to  the  action  of  the  natives,  w-ho,  not  thinking  that  their 
interests  had  been  sufficiently  secured,  blockaded  the  French.  The 
difficulty  being  got  over,  the  fort  was  occupied.  In  it  ninety-two 
guns  were  found ;  and,  with  it,  sixteen  craft  of  various  sizes  were 
given  up.  The  entire  estimated  value  of  the  capture  was  about 
.£200, 000.  Podor,  and  other  stations  further  up  the  river,  were 
included  in  the  capitulation.  For  his  services  Mr.  Cumming  was 
granted  a  pension  during  his  lifetime.  These  possessions  had  long 
supplied  negro  slaves  to  the  French  settlements  in  the  West  Indies  ; 
and  for  that  reason  their  loss  was  soon  severely  felt. 

Commodore  Marsh,  leaving  a  few  small  vessels  on  the  spot, 
sailed  next  to  attack  Goree,  about  ninety  miles  to  the  southward. 
He  arrived  off  the  island  on  May  24th,  and  at  once  began  a  hot 

188  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1758. 

cannonade,  having  anchored  his  ships  with  springs  on  their  cahles. 
But  he  had  miscalcuhited  the  strength  of  the  defence ;  and  in  ahout 
two  hours  and  a  half  he  had  to  signal  his  little  squadron  to  cut,  as 
the  rigging  and  spars,  as  well  as  the  hulls,  were  badly  mauled,  and 
about  twenty  men  were  killed,  and  forty  wounded.  This  check  was 
owing  purely  to  the  inadequacy  of  the  force  employed  ;  and  towards 
the  end  of  the  year,  the  Government  sent  out  a  stronger  squadron 
to  complete  Commodore  Marsh's  work.  In  the  meantime  the 
Nassau,  SuKm  and  Portsmouth  returned  to  England,  with  such 
trade  as  was  bound  thither ;  and,  later,  the  Bye  sailed  with  a  convoy 
for  the  Leeward  Islands.  Marsh  himseK  escorted  the  trade  which 
was  bound  for  Jamaica. 

The  new  expedition  was  entrusted  to  Commodore  the  Hon. 
Augustus  Keppel,  who  hoisted  his  broad  pennant  in  the  Torbay,  74, 
Captain  Thomas  Owen,  and  who  had  under  him  the  Nassau,  64, 
Captain  James  Sayer,  the  Fougueux,  Captain  Joseph  Knight,  the 
Dunkirk,  (iO,  Captain  the  Hon.  Eobert  Digby,  the  Lichfield,  50, 
Captain  Matthew  Barton,  the  Prince  Edward,  44,  Captain  William 
Fortescue,  the  Experiment,  20,  Captain  John  Carter  Allen,  the 
Boman  Emperor,  20,  Commander  William  Newsom,  the  Saltash,  14, 
Commander  Walter  Stirling,  and  the  two  bombs,  Firedrake, 
Commander  James  Orrok,  and  Furnace,  Commander  Jonathan 
Faulknor  (1).  At  Cork  he  picked  up  troops,  under  Lieut. -Colonel 
Worge,  who  had  been  appointed  governor  of  Senegal ;  and,  after 
some  delay,  he  finalh'  sailed  thence  on  November  11th,  1758. 

In  the  early  morning  of  November  29th,  owing  to  an  error  in 
reckoning  caused  by  bad  weather,  the  Lichfield  ran  ashore  on  the 
coast  of  Marocco,  and  became  a  total  loss.^  On  the  same  occasion 
a  transport  also  went  to  pieces.  On  December  28th,  after  having 
made  a  short  stay  at  Santa  Cruz,  in  the  Canaries,  the  squadron 
sighted  Goree,  and  at  3  p.m.  anchored  in  the  road  in  eighteen 
fathoms  of  water,  the  island  bearing  S.W.  by  S.  distant  about  four 
miles.  The  Saltash  and  the  transports  containing  the  troops  were 
sent  into  the  bay  between  Point  Goree  and  Point  Barrabas ;  and, 
early  on  the  29th,  the  troops  from  them  were  disembarked  in  boats 
in  readiness  to  land  on  the  island  upon  signal  being  made  by  the 
Commodore.     Most  of  the  ships  gradually  took  up  their  assigned 

'  There  was  uiifoi'tunatelj'  some  loss  of  life.  The  survivors  were  detained  b}'  the 
Sultan  of  Marocco  until  ransomed,  with  other  British  subjects,  for  170,000  doUars. 
Captain  Barton  was  tried  for  the  loss  of  his  ship,  and  honourably  acquitted 

1758.]  CAPTURE    OF   OOREE.  189 

positions  on  the  west  or  leeward  side  of  Goree,  and  moored  bead 
and  stern  under  a  heavy  fire.  At  9  a.m.  the  attack  was  begun  by 
the  Prince  Edward ;  but  the  cannonade  was  not  general  until  about 
noon,  some  of  the  vessels  experiencing  difficulty  in  taking  up  their 
stations.  The  bombardment  was  then  rapidly  effective ;  for,  after 
a  brief  parley,  followed  by  an  almost  equally  short  renewal  of  the 
action,  the  enemy  surrendered;  whereupon  Keppel  landed  his  Marines 
to  take  possession.  About  three  hundred  French,  and  many  negroes, 
became  prisoners  of  war.  The  British  loss  was  inconsiderable. 
After  escorting  Colonel  Worge  to  Senegal,  and  cruising  for  a  short 
time  off  the  coast,  the  Commodore  returned  to  England. 

In  the  Mediterranean  Admiral  Henry  Osl)orn  and  Eear-Admiral 
Charles  Saunders  commanded.  The  French  had  on  several  occasions 
discovered  the  wisdom  and  advantage  of  despatching  in  winter 
their  reinforcements  of  ships  and  troops  for  abroad,  since  they 
found  that  the  British  blockading  squadrons  and  squadrons  of 
observation  were  frequently  prevented  at  that  season  by  fogs  or 
bad  weather  from  obtaining  touch  of  the  outward-bound  detach- 
ments. But  one  of  their  divisions  which,  under  M.  de  La  Clue, 
left  Toulon  in  December,  1757,  for  North  America  and  the  West 
Indies,  was  forced  by  the  vigilance  of  Admiral  Osborn  into  Cartagena, 
and  was  there  blockaded.  The  French  Government,  in  response 
to  M.  de  La  Clue's  representations,  sent  five  ships  of  the  line  and 
a  frigate,  under  M.  Duquesne,  to  endeavour  to  join  him  there,  and 
then  to  assist  him  in  breaking  the  blockade.  Two  of  the  line-of- 
battleships  succeeded  in  getting  in,  but  the  rest  of  the  force  was 
not  so  fortunate.  On  February  28th,  off  Cape  de  Gata,  Osborn 
at  daybreak  sighted  four  strange  sail  near  his  fleet,  and  ordered 
them  to  be  chased.  The  French  ships  separated,  but  each  was 
pursued.  At  7  p.m.  the  Revenge,  64,  Captain  John  Storr,  brought 
the  Orphec,  64,  to  action;  and,  on  the  Benrick,  64,  coming  up, 
the  enemy  struck.  In  the  Bevenge,  thirty-three  were  killed  and  fifty- 
four  wounded,  among  the  latter  being  Captain  Storr.  The  Orphee 
was  but  six  miles  from  Cartagena  when  she  hauled  down.  Meanwhile 
the  Monmouth,  64,  Captain  Arthur  Gardiner,  the  Siviftsure,  70, 
Captain  Thomas  Stanhope,  and  the  Hampton  Court,  64,  Captain  the 
Hon.  Augustus  John  Hervey,  chased  the  largest  of  the  enemy,  the 
Foudroyant,  84,  flag  ship  of  Duquesne.  The  Monmouth,  being 
far  ahead  of  her  consorts,  got  up  with  and  engaged  the  enemy 
at  8  P.M.  and  fought  her  gallanth'.     When  Gardiner  fell  his  place 

190  MAJOlt    OPKHATIONS,    1714-17G2.  [1758. 

was  taken  by  Lieutenant  Kobert  Carkett,'  till  12. 30  a.m.,  when 
the  Frenchman's  guns  were  reduced  to  silence.  Not  until  then 
was  the  Swiftsure  able  to  get  up.  Captain  Stanhope  hailed  the 
foe  to  know  whether  she  had  surrendered,  but  was  answered  with 
a  few  guns  and  a  volley  of  small  arms,  whereupon  he  poured  in 
a  broadside  and  part  of  a  second,  and  the  enemy  promptly  sur- 
rendered. She  had  100  killed  and  90  wounded,  while  the  Monmouth 
lost  only  28  killed  and  79  wounded.  It  was  a  magnificently  con- 
ducted action,  and  Lieutenant  Carkett  was  deservedly  rewarded 
with  the  command  of  the  prize.  ^Vhen  measured,  at  Gibraltar, 
she  was  found  to  be  185  feet  3  inches  in  length  from  stem  to 
taffrail,  and  to  have  a  length  of  keel  of  1-5.5  feet.  She  was  thus 
about  12  feet  longer  than  the  large  British  first-rates  of  her  day. 
Moreover  she  caiTied  24  and  42-pormders,  whereas  the  Monmouth 
was  armed  only  with  12  and  24-pounders. 

As  for  the  other  French  vessels,  one,  the  Orlfiamme,  50,  was 
driven  ashore  by  the  Monarch,  74,  Captain  John  Montagu,  and 
the  Montagu,  64,  Captain  Joshua  Eowley.  The  last,  the  Pleiade,  26, 
escaped  by  superior  sailing. 

Eear-Admiral  Saunders  was  relieved  in  the  spring  by  Eear- 
Admiral  Thomas  JBroderick  (W.),  who  went  out  in  the  Prince 
George,  80,  Captain  Joseph  Peyton  (1),  which  was  unhappily  burnt 
by  accident  on  April  13th  with  a  loss  of  485  lives.  Osborn  con- 
tinued to  blockade  the  French  in  Cartagena  until  he  was  obliged 
to  go  to  Gibraltar  to  refit,  leaving  only  some  frigates  to  look  out 
off  the  port.  M.  de  La  Clue  then  escaped  and  returned  to  Toulon. 
A  little  later  Osborn,  being  in  bad  health,  had  to  resign  his 
command.     He  was  succeeded  by  Eear-Admiral  Broderick. 

The  part  borne  by  H.M.S.  Seahorse  and  Sto?nbolo,  under 
Commodore  Charles  Holmes,  in  obliging  the  French  and  Austrians 
to  evacuate  Emden  in  March,  1758,  scarcely  merits  detailed  descrip- 
tion here.  Suffice  it  to  say  that  the  service  was  creditably  performed. 
Other  events  in  waters  near  home  must,  however,  be  described  at 
some  length. 

Learning  in  the  spring  of  the  year  that  the  French  were  fitting 
out  a  considerable  squadron  to  escort  a  convoy  to  America  from 
Isle  d'Aix,  the  Admiralty  ordered  Admiral  Sir  Edward   Hawke  to 

'  Lieutenant,  1745.  Captain,  for  this  service,  March  12th,  1758.  Cominanded 
Stirling  Castle,  64,  iu  Byron's  action,  1779,  and  in  Rodney's  action  in  the  West  Indies, 
1780,  and  was  lost  in  her  in  the  hurricane  of  October  lOtli,  1780. 

1758.]  HAWKi:   OFF  JSLK    D'AIX.  VM 

endeavour  to  intercept  it.  He  sailed  from  S[)itbead  on  Marcli  11th 
with  seven  ships  of  the  line  and  three  frigates,  and  on  the  night 
of  April  3rd  arrived  off  the  island.  At  3  o'clock  next  morning  he 
steered  for  Basque  Koad,  and  at  daylight  sighted  a  number  of 
vessels,  escorted  by  three  frigates,  some  miles  to  windward.  He 
gave  chase  but  they  got  into  St.  Martin,  Ehe,  except  one  brig, 
which  was  driven  ashore  and  burnt  by  the  Hussar,  28,  Captain 
John  Elliot.  At  about  4  p.m.  Hawke  discovered,  lying  off  Aix, 
the  French  men-of-war  Florissant,  74,  Sphinx,  64,  Hardi,  64, 
Dragon,  64,  and  Wanrick,  (JO,  l^esides  six  or  seven  frigates,  and 
about  forty  merchantman,  which  had  on  board  3000  troops.  At 
4.30  the  Admiral  signalled  for  a  general  chase,  and  at  five  the 
enemy  began  to  slip  or  cut  in  great  confusion,  and  to  run.  At  six 
the  British  headmost  ships  were  little  more  than  a  gunshot  from  the 
rearmost  of  the  French ;  but,  by  that  time,  when  many  of  the 
merchantmen  were  already  aground  on  the  mud,  the  pursuers 
were  in  very  shoal  water ;  and,  further  pursuit  being  dangerous, 
and  night  coming  on,  Hawke  anchored  abreast  of  the  island.  On 
the  morning  of  the  5th  nearly  all  the  French  flotilla  were  seen 
aground  four  or  five  miles  away,  several  being  on  their  broadsides. 
When  the  flood  made  the  Admiral  sent  in  the  Intrepid,  64,  Captain 
Edward  Pratten,  and  the  Medway,  GO,  Captain  Charles  Proby, 
with  his  best  pilots,  as  far  as  the  water  would  serve  ;  and  ordered 
them  to  anchor  there.  They  did  so  in  about  five  fathoms,  of  which 
three  fathoms  were  due  to  the  rise  of  the  tide.  The  enemy  was 
very  busy  in  lightening  his  ships,  and  in  hauling  and  towing  such  of 
them  as  coiild  be  moved  towards  the  mouth  of  the  Eiver  Charente  ; 
and  by  evening  some  of  the  French  men-of-war  had  been  got  thither. 
The  British  frigates  did  what  they  could,  by  destroying  the  buoys 
which  they  had  laid  down  over  their  jettisoned  guns  and  gear, 
to  prevent  the  ultimate  salving  of  the  merchaiat  vessels.  That  day 
150  Marines  were  put  ashore  on  Isle  d'Aix ;  and,  under  Captain 
Ewer,  they  destroyed  the  works  there  and  safely  re-embarked. 
Hawke  sailed  on  the  6th,  having  effectually  prevented  the  despatch 
of  supplies  to  America,  and,  it  may  be,  so  facilitated  the  conquest 
of  Cape  Breton  and  its  dependencies. 

A  greater  continental  expedition,  consisting  of  two  squadrons 
of  men-of-war,  and  about  14,000  troops,  under  Lieut. -General  the 
Duke  of  Marlborough,  was  prepared  somewhat  later  in  the  year. 
One   naval    squadron,    which   was   designed   to   directly   co-operate 

192  MAJOR    Ol'EBATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1758. 

with  the  army,  was  entrusted  to  Commodore  the  Hon.  Kichard 
Howe.  The  other  squadron,  composed  of  upwards  of  twenty  sail 
of  the  Hne,  was  commanded  by  Admiral  Lord  Anson,  having  under 
him  Admiral  Sir  Edward  Hawke.  This  force  was  intended  to 
cruise  off  Brest  and  to  prevent  any  French  squadron  from  inter- 
fering with  the  operations  of  Howe  and  Marlborough.  As  on  some 
previous  occasions,  the  main  object  of  the  projected  demonstration 
on  the  coast  of  France  was  to  divert  French  attention,  and,  by 
calling  off  troops  from  elsewhere,  to  assist  the  King  of  Prussia  and 
other  British  allies  on  shore ;  but  the  precise  destination  of  the 
armament  was  kept  very  secret. 

Howe's  squadron  consisted  of  one  ship  of  the  line,  four  .50's, 
ten  frigates,  five  sloops,  two  fireships,  and  two  bombs,  convoying 
one  hmadred  transports,  twenty  tenders,  ten  storeships  and  ten 
cutters ;  together  with  a  nmnber  of  flat-bottomed  boats,  which 
were  carried  on  board  the  ships,  and  which  were  to  be  used  for 
the  landing  of  troops.  On  May  27th  the  whole  armament  was 
assembled  at  Spithead.  On  June  1st  Anson  weighed  and  sailed 
to  the  westward ;  and  Howe  soon  afterwards  made  sail  and  steered 
straight  across  the  Channel. 

At  8  A.M.  on  June  2nd,  after  a  stormy  but  not  unfavourable 
night,  Howe  sighted  Cape  La  Hougue.  The  French  were  quickly 
alarmed,  and,  from  his  course,  probably  formed  a  shrewd  guess  as 
to  his  destination.  The  tides,  and  the  frequent  cahns  which  super- 
vened, compelled  the  British  to  anchor  repeatedlj-,  but  on  June  5th 
the  entire  force  stood  into  Cancale  Bay,  six  miles  east  of  St.  Malo. 
At  11  A.M.  the  Duke  of  Marlborough  went  in  shore  in  a  cutter  to 
reconnoitre  and  was  fired  at.  By  2  p.m.  all  the  fleet  was  at  anchor, 
and  the  signal  was  made  for  the  flat-bottomed  boats  to  be  hoisted 
out.  Howe  shifted  his  broad  pennant  to  the  Success,  24,  Captain 
Paul  Henry  Ourry,  and  stood  in  with  the  Rose,  24,  Captain  Benjamin 
Clive,  Flainhorough,  28,  Captain  Edward  Jekyll,  and  Diligence,  16, 
Commander  Joseph  Eastwood,  to  silence  the  batteries,  clear  the 
beach,  and  cover  the  landing.  This  he  did,  and  then  signalled  for 
part  of  the  troops  to  disembark.  The  landing  was  effected  in  good 
order  and  without  loss,  in  spite  of  some  musketry  fire  from  the 
enemy  posted  on  a  hill  behind  Cancale.  These  sharpshooters,  how- 
ever, soon  fled  as  the  troops  advanced.  More  soldiers  were  after- 
wards landed,  and  before  dark  a  large  force  was  ashore.  It  lay  on  its 
arms  for  the  night.     The  rest  of  the  army,  with  the  guns  and  stores. 

1758.]  EXPKDITWN    To    (JllEltUOUltG.  Ui;j 

was  landed  on  the  Gth ;  and,  at  dawn  on  the  7th,  the  whole  of 
it  except  one  brigade,  that  of  Major-General  the  Hon.  George 
Boscawen,  marched  away  in  two  columns.  It  is  not  intended 
here  to  follow  the  military  movements  on  shore :  it  is  only  necessary 
to  say  that  it  was  ultimately  considered  impracticable  to  attempt 
St.  Malo,  and  that,  after  doing  a  great  deal  of  damage,  the  army 
retm'ned  and  re-embarked  on  the  lith  and  I'ith.  The  loss  up  to 
that  time  had  not  been  more  than  thirty  killed  and  wounded. 

.  Owing  to  adverse  winds,  the  fleet  did  not  leave  Cancale  Bay  till 
June  21st ;  and,  after  crossing  and  recrossing  the  Channel,  it  was 
on  the  '26th  close  in  with  Le  Havre.  It  was  intended  to  effect  a 
landing  near  that  town ;  but  the  enemy  was  found  to  be  well 
prepared.  On  the  '29th,  therefore,  the  fleet  bore  away  before 
the  wind  for  Cherboiu-g  and  anchored  two  miles  from  it.  The 
batteries  on  shore  fired,  doing,  however,  no  harm.  Preparations 
were  made  for  a  descent ;  but,  a  gale  springing  up  and  blowing  on 
shore,  there  was  a  very  great  surf,  and,  when  the  weather  grew 
worse,  the  fleet  was  in  considerable  danger.  The  crowded  condition 
of  the  ships  had  begun  to  breed  sickness ;  the  horses  on  board  were 
almost  starving  for  want  of  fodder ;  and,  as  nothing  was  to  be  gained 
by  waiting,  Howe  weighed  and  re-anchored  at  Spithead  on  Jul_y  1st. 
The  army  was  immediately  landed  in  the  Isle  of  Wight  to  refresh 
itself.  In  the  course  of  this  expedition  the  French  frigate  Giiirlande, 
22,  was  taken  by  the  Benoivn,  32,  Captain  George  Mackenzie,  assisted 
at  the  last  moment  by  the  Rochester,  .50,  Captain  Eobert  Dufl". 

Some  of  the  troops  in  the  Isle  of  Wight  were  sent  to  reinforce 
the  allied  army  in  Germany ;  and  the  remaining  part  of  the  military 
force  was  then  entrusted  to  Lieut. -General  Thomas  Bligh,  an  officer 
who,  though  he  had  rendered  good  service,  was  then  too  old  for 
the  command.  The  squadron,  having  refitted  and  been  strengthened 
by  the  arrival  of  the  Moiitar/ii,  60,  Captain  Joshua  Eowley,  again 
sailed  on  August  1st,  when  it  had  re-embarked  the  troops  ;  and  on 
August  Gth  it  anchored  in  Cherbourg  Eoad  and  was  again  fired  at 
from  the  shore.  The  defences  had  been  improved  since  the  previous 
visit  of  the  fleet,  and  many  troops  were  in  the  town.  Howe,  who 
had  with  him  Prince  Edward,^  second  son  of  the  Prince  of  Wales, 

'  H.K.H.  Edward  Augustus.  Bom,  1739;  went  to  sea,  1758;  Captain,  June  14th, 
1759 ;  created  Duke  of  York  and  Albany,  1760 ;  Rear- Admiral  of  the  Blue,  1701 ; 
second  in  command  in  the  Channel,  with  Howe  as  his  flag-captain ;  Yice-Admiral 
of  the  Blue,  1762;  Commander-in-Chief  in  the  Jlediterranean,  1763;  died  at  Monaco, 
September  14th,  1767;  buried  in  Henry  the  Seventh's  Chapel  at  AVestminster. 
VOL.   III.  O 

194  MAJOR    OPERATIUNS,   1711-1762.  [1758. 

serving  as  a  midshipman,  accompanied  General  Bligh  to  reconnoitre  ; 
and  arrangements  were  made  for  a  landing.  The  fleet  moved  to 
Marais  Bay  early  on  the  7th,  leaving  only  a  frigate  and  a  bomb 
before  the  town.  Howe,  whose  broad  pennant  was  then  in  the 
Pall  ax,  'Mi,  Captain  Archibald  Cleveland,  signalled  to  the  frigates 
and  small  craft  to  cover  the  disembarkation.  These  drove  off  the 
enemy,  and  the  troops  were  put  ashore  with  little  opposition.  All 
the  infantry  had  been  disembarked  by  the  evening.  On  the  8th 
the  cavalry  and  artillery  followed,  and  a  march  was  begun  on 
Cherbourg,  six  miles  to  the  eastward.  The  place  was  entered 
without  any  fighting,  the  enemy  retiring  from  the  forts  as  well 
as  from  the  town  at  the  approach  of  the  British.  By  the  15th,  the 
pier,  works,  magazines,  etc.,  had  been  destroyed,  and  the  various 
vessels  in  harbour  had  been  sunk,  burnt,  or  carried  off.  On  the 
16th  the  army  re-embarked,  having  lost  but  twenty  killed  and 
thirty  wounded,  although  there  had  been  frequent  small  skirmishes. 
Cherbourg  was  not  then  an  important  naval  station,  and  the 
destruction  of  its  harbour  was  a  blow  more  mortifying  than  serious 
to  the  French. 

The  fleet  sailed  on  August  17th,  and  on  the  19th  anchored  in 
Portland  Eoad.  But  the  authorities  were  not  satisfied  with  what 
had  been  done,  and  a  continuation  of  the  operations  was  ordered. 
The  fieet,  therefore,  put  to  sea  again  on  August  31st,  and  on 
September  3rd  anchored  in  the  Bay  of  St.  Lunaire,  about  six  miles 
west  of  St.  Malo.  On  the  following  day  the  army  landed  and 
encamped.  On  the  5th,  Bligh  detached  a  small  force  to  burn  some 
shipping  at  St.  Brieuc  ;  and,  on  the  same  day,  the  Commodore  and 
General  reconnoitred  the  bank  of  the  Eiver  Eance  to  see  if  St.  Malo 
could  be  attacked  on  that  side.  As  the  w^est  bank  w^as  found  to  be 
well  fortified  and  held,  the  design  against  the  town  was  abandoned. 
On  the  day  following,  at  a  council  of  war,  the  Commodore  stated 
that  he  did  not  consider  it  safe  to  re-enabark  the  troops  in  the  Bay 
of  St.  Lunaire,  as  the  bottom  was  rocky  and  the  weather  threatened 
to  be  not  good  ;  and  he  expressed  his  desire  to  remove  the  fleet  to 
the  Bay  of  St.  Cas,  and  to  embark  the  army  there. 

The  troops  therefore  marched  off  on  the  7th  ;  but,  mifortunately, 
they  wasted  their  time  and  did  not  make  the  best  of  their  w^ay. 
They  were  much  harassed  by  small  parties  of  the  enemy  in  woods 
and  hedges,  and  had  frequent  encounters  with  organised  bodies  of 
soldiers,    losing   men    continually.     On   the   night   of   the  9th,  the 

1758.]  THE  DISASTER    AT  ST.    CAS.  195 

General,  whose  intelligence  service  seems  to  have  been  almost 
non-existent,  learnt,  to  his  surprise,  of  the  pn^senco,  only  three  miles 
from  him,  of  a  large  force  nndc^r  the  Due  d'Aiguillon.  The  Bay 
of  St.  Cas  was  then  only  four  and  a  half  miles  off;  and  an  officer 
was  sent  in  haste  to  Howe  to  inform  him  that  the  army  would 
proceed  thither  as  quickly  as  possible.  The  Commodore,  in  the 
early  morning,  made  as  good  a  disposition  of  his  ships  as  time 
permitted,  in  order  to  cover  the  re-embarkation.  In  the  meanwhile, 
the- retreat  had  begun,  but  it  was  9  p.m.  ere  the  heights  above  the 
Bay  were  gained.  The  strange  error  was  committed  of  re-embarking 
all  the  guns  and  horses  before  the  infantry.  Nevertheless,  by 
11  A.M.,  two-thirds  of  the  army  were  on  board.  At  about  that  time 
the  enemy's  cavalry  and  infantry  appeared,  and  opened  a  battery  of 
guns  on  those  who  remained  on  the  beach,  doing  great  execution 
there  and  in  the  boats.  Gradually  the  French  descended  from  the 
hills ;  and  at  last,  after  a  desperate  struggle,  they  seized  the  village 
of  St.  Cas.  There  were  then  on  shore  only  about  seven  hundred 
British  under  Major-General  Dury,  whose  dispositions  and  move- 
ments were  excessively  rash.  At  length  the  French  got  close  up  to 
the  retiring  British,  whose  ammunition  was  then  exhausted ;  and  a 
rout  followed.  Part  plunged  into  the  sea,  part  seized  and  held  a  rock 
on  the  right  of  the  Bay,  whence  many  were  taken  off  by  the  boats ; 
but  the  majority  had  to  surrender.  The  army  lost,  in  killed, 
wounded,  or  taken  prisoners,  eight  hundred  and  twenty-two  officers 
and  men.  Of  the  naval  officers  who  were  superintending  the 
embarkation.  Captains  Joshua  Rowley,  Jervis  Maplesden,  and 
William  Paston,  and  Commander  John  Elphinstone  (1),  were  taken. 
The  further  naval  loss,  however,  was  but  eight  killed  and  seventeen 

The  fleet  which,  under  Lord  Anson,  was  intended  to  cover  the 
operations  under  the  Hon.  Richard  Howe  and  General  Bligh,  con- 
sisted of  twenty-two  sail  of  the  line  and  eight  frigates.  It  blockaded 
Brest  and  annoyed  the  enemy's  trade,  but  returned  to  Plymouth  on 
July  19th,  without  having  encountered  the  French.  Sir  Edward 
Hawke  being  ill,  his  place  was  taken  by  Rear-Admiral  Charles 
Holmes.  The  fleet  went  back  to  its  station  on  July  '2'2nd,  and 
in  August  it  was  joined  by  a  contingent  under  Vice-Admiral  Charles 
Saiinders.  The  three  admirals  continued  to  cruise  until  the  middle 
of  September,  b}^  which  time  the  operations  against  the  French 
Channel  ports  had   been  concluded.     Anson  and  Holmes  returned 

o  2 

196  MAJOn    OPERATIONS,    171!-17(i2.  [1759. 

to  England,  leaving  Saunders  to  blockade  Brest  and  to  endeavour 
to  intercept  the  French  squadron  which  was  expected  from  Que))ec  ; 
but  he  did  not  fall  in  with  it,  and  himself  went  Ijack  into  port  in 
the  middle  of  December. 

In  1759  the  French  made  extraordinary  efforts  to  retrieve  their 
position  at  sea,  and  once  more  resorted  to  the  old  expedient  of 
threatening  an  invasion,  chiefly  with  a  view  to  ci-ippling  British 
activity  in  distant  parts  of  the  world.  But  the  situation  of  Great 
Britain  was  then  in  every  respect  much  stronger  than  in  1756, 
when  similar  tactics  had  been  tried ;  and  the  scheme  did  not  produce 
the  desired  results.  British  troops  were  sent  from  England  to  the 
Continent,  to  North  America,  and  to  the  West  Indies ;  and  a  most 
formidable  expedition  was  organised  against  Canada ;  while,  on  the 
other  hand,  the  French  paid  so  much  attention  to  menacing  the 
British  in  the  home  seas  that  they  almost  entirely  overlooked 
the  business  of  protecting  their  own  dominions  abroad. 

In  the  course  of  the  year  France  assembled  three  expeditionary 
forces :  one  at  Vannes,  in  Bi-ittany,  under  the  Due  d'Aiguillon, 
which  was  to  be  convoyed  to  Ireland  by  a  fleet  under  M.  de  Conflans 
and  M.  de  La  Clue ;  one  on  the  coast  of  Normandy,  which  was  to  be 
despatched  from  Le  Havre  against  England ;  and  the  smallest  of 
the  three,  at  Dunquerque,  to  be  convoyed  to  Scotland  or  Ii'eland 
by  M.  Thm-ot  and  six  frigates  and  corvettes.  To  meet  these  and 
other  preparations  the  militia  was  embodied,  and  the  following  dis- 
positions of  ships  were  made.  Commodore  WiUiam  Boys  watched 
Dmrquerque ;  Admiral  Thomas  Smith  (4)  ^  and  Commodore  Sir  Piercy 
Brett  (1)  commanded  a  force  in  the  Downs  ;  Eear- Admiral  George 
Brydges  Eodney  cruised  in  the  Channel,  and  kept  an  e3'e  on  the 
ports  of  Normandy ;  and  Sir  Edward  Hawke  blockaded  Brest. 
Elsewhere,  Boscawen  commanded  in  the  Mediterranean ;  Bear- 
Admiral  Samuel  Cornish  went  with  reinforcements  to  the  East 
Indies  ;  the  squadron  on  the  Leeward  Islands'  station  was 
strengthened  by  a  division  under  Captain  Robert  Hughes  (2),  and 
by  troops  imder  Major-General  Hopsou  ;  and  Vice- Admiral  Charles 
Saunders  and   Major-General   Wolfe  were   despatched   against  the 

'  Thomas  Smith  was  called  b}'  the  seamen  of  his  day  "  Tom  o'  Ten  Thousand," 
because,  while  first  lieutenant  of  the  Gosport,  in  the  absence  of  the  captain,  he  compelled 
a  French  frigate  in  Plymouth  Sound  to  lower  her  topsails  by  way  of  salute.  For  this 
act  Lieutenant  Smith  was  court-martialled  and  dismissed  the  service,  but,  on  the 
following  day,  both  restored  and  posted.  Captain,  1730;  Eear- Admiral,  1747;  Vice- 
Admiral,  1748;  president  of  the  court-martial  on  Byng;  Admiral,  1757;  died,  1762. 

1759.]  POCOCK  AND   D'ACEE.  J97 

French  iu  Canada.  The  operations  of  this  important  and  successful 
year  in  the  various  parts  of  the  world  may  now  be  followed  in 
greater  detail. 

In  the  East  Indies,  Vice-Admiral  Pocock,  who  had  refitted  his 
squadron  at  Bombay,  sailed  for  the  coast  of  Coromandel  on 
April  7th,  endeavouring  to  get  thither  in  advance  of  the  French 
fleet,  wliich  was  expected  back  from  Mauritius.  He  succeeded  in 
this  object,  and  then  cruised  to  intercept  the  enemy.  On  June  80t!i 
he  was  joined  by  the  Grafton,  68,  and  Stinderland,  60,  with  five 
East  Indiamen  full  of  stores,  of  which  he  was  greatly  in  need.  On 
August  3rd  he  sailed  for  FondicheiTy,  and,  during  the  rest  of  the 
month,  cruised  off  that  port,  but  could  learn  nothing  of  the  enemy, 
and  was  at  length  obliged  by  lack  of  provisions  and  water  to 
proceed  to  Trincomale.  He  sailed  again  thence  on  September  1st, 
having  a  few  days  earlier  sent  the  East  India  Company's  frigate, 
Beoenge,  to  cruise  off  Ceylon  and  to  keep  a  look-out  for  the  French. 

M.  d'Ache  had  reached  Mauritius  in  September,  1758,  and  had 
there  found  a  reinforcement  of  three  sail  of  the  line  and  several 
French  East  India  Company's  ships.  But  provisions  were  so 
scarce  that  he  had  to  send  one  of  the  men-of-war  and  eight  of  the 
Indiamen  to  South  Africa  to  purchase  supplies.  These  reached 
Cape  Town  in  January,  1759,  and  returned  to  Mauritius  in  April 
and  May.  M.  d'Ache  was  thus  enabled  to  sail  on  July  17th  for 
Bourbon  and  Madagascar,  to  pick  up  further  stores,  and  thence 
for  India.  He  reached  Batticaloa  in  Ceylon  on  August  30th,  and, 
having  there  learnt  something  of  the  movements  of  the  British 
squadron,  sighted  it  off  Point  Pedara  ^  on  September  2nd.  His  force 
consisted  of  eleven  sail  of  the  line,  besides  two  frigates  ;  that  of 
Vice-Admiral  Pocock,  of  only  nine  sail  of  the  line  and  one  frigate. 

On  that  same  day,  at  about  10  a.m.,  the  Revenge  signalled  to  the 
Vice-Admiral  that  she  saw  fifteen  -  sail  in  the  south-east,  standing 
to  the  north-east.  These  were  the  enemy.  Pocock  signalled  for 
a  general  chase,  and  stood  towards  the  French  under  all  possible 
sail ;  but,  the  wind  faihng,  the  British  were  unable  to  get  up.  In 
spite  of  his  great  superiority,  d'Ache  apparently  did  all  that  lay  in 
his  power  to  avoid  an  action,  although  Pocock  was  equally  anxious 
to  provoke  one.  After  much  fruitless  manoeuvring  the  French  were 
lost  sight  of,  and  Pocock  then  stood  to  the  north  for  Pondicherry, 

'  Called  also  Point  Palmyra.     It  is  the  X.E.  jioiut  of  Ceylon. 
-  It  does  not  appear  that  there  were  really  more  than  thirteen. 




where  he  expected  to  find  his  foe.  He  arrived  off  that  place  in  the 
early  morning  of  the  8th,  but  saw  no  ships  in  the  roadstead.  At 
1  P.M.,  nevertheless,  he  sighted  the  enemy's  fleet  to  the  south- 
east. He  was  then  standing  to  the  northward  with  a  sea  breeze. 
On  the  morning  of  the  9th,  the  French  were  again  visible ;  and 
at  2  P.M.,  the  wind  springing  up,  the  Vice- Admiral  once  more 
signalled  for  a  general  chase.  Two  hours  later  the  enemy  appeared 
to  have  formed  a  line  of  battle  abi-east,  and  in  that  formation  bore 
down.     But  no  action  resulted. 

At  6  A.M.,  however,  on  September  10th,  the  French  bore  S.E. 
by  S.,  distant  eight  or  nine  miles,  sailing  in  hne  of  battle  ahead  on 
the  starboard  tack.  Pocock,^  in  line  of  battle  abreast,  bore  down 
on  them  with  the  wind  about  X.W.  by  W.  At  10  a.m.  the  enemy 
wore,  and  formed  a  line  of  battle  ahead  on  the  larboard  tack ;  and 
an  hour  afterwards  Pocock  did  the  same,  the  Elizabeth  leading. 
The  action  was  begun  on  the  British  side  by  Eear-Admiral  Stevens, 
who,  in  the  Grafton,  attacked  the  Zodiaque.  The  tactics  of  the 
day  present  no  features  of  special  interest ;  and  the  action  is 
chiefly  remarkable  for  the  fury  with  which  it  was  fought ;  for  the 
fact  that,  owing  to  various  defects,  two  of  the  British  ships  were 
able  to  take  only  a  very  insignificant  part  in  the  engagement ;  and 
because,  in  the  evening,  the  whole  of  the  superior  French  squadron 
bore  away  and  stood  to  the  S.S.E.  under  a  crowd  of  sail.  Most 
of  the  British  ships  were  far  too  damaged  to  be  able  to  pursue ; 

'  Order  of  battle  (on  the  starboard  tack)  of  the  British  and  French  squadrons  in  the 
East  Indies  in  the  action  of  September  10th,  175!i: — 








KUzaheth     .     .     . 


Capt.  Richard  Tiddeman. 

Actif      .... 


A'eitxastle     . 


„    Colin  llichie. 

Minotaure   .     .     . 




„     William  Breretoii. 

Ouc  d'Orliang  .      . 


Capt.  de  Surrille  (2). 

[Reav-Admiral     Charles 

St.  Loms      .     .     . 


Gm/ton  .... 

1     Stevens  (R). 

Vertgetir       .     .     . 


,,    de  La  Palliere. 

iCapt.  Richard  Ivempeu- 

Lieut.-General      Comte 

(     felt. 

Zodiaqve     .     .     . 


■.     d'Ache. 
Capt.  de  La  Chaise. 

iVice-Admiral      George 
i    Pocock  CR). 
(Capt.  John  Harrison. 

Yarm(nith    . 


Comte  de  Provence. 


Due  de  Bourgofjue. 


.,    Bouvet(2). 

Cumbeilaml  i    .     . 


r    „    John         .Stukley 
\             Somerset. 

Illustre  .... 
Fortune  .... 


Salisbun/     .     .     . 


„    Digbv  I  >ent  (3). 



.,    de  Surrille  (1). 

Sunderland .     .     . 


f    „    Hon.  .Tames  Col- 
(              ville. 



Weymouth   .     .     . 


1     „    Sir  'Hilliam  Baird, 
I              Bart. 

Itiligeutc           .     . 

■J  4 

Quft^nborougli    . 


„     R..I.ert  Kiik. 

1  Had  been  a  66-iiuu  sbip,  but  \va^  reduced  tu  a  5^  to  ease  ber. 

17;-)!).]  D'AOnf:   QUITS    THE   FIELD.  109 

and,  having  ordered  the  llcrciKjc  to  oljserve  the  motions  of  the 
French,  Pocock  lay  to  on  the  larljoard  tack  to  enable  his  most 
shattered  vessels  to  repair  damages.  At  dawn  on  September  11th 
the  French  were  seen  in  the  S.S.E.,  about  twelve  miles  away, 
lying  to  on  the  larboard  tack,  the  wind  being  about  west.  On 
perceiving  the  British,  they  at  once  wore  and  brought  to  on  the 
other  tack,  and  so  continued  until  evening,  when  they  were  so  far 
off  that  they  were  almost  out  of  sight.  At  that  time,  the  wind 
veering  to  the  east,  Pocock  signalled  his  shijis  to  wear,  and  stood 
.  under  easy  sail  to  the  south-west ;  the  Sunderland  towing  the  New- 
castle, the  Weijmoutlt  the  Tiger,  and  the  Eli.itiheth  the  Cumhcrland. 

The  loss  sustained  by  the  French  in  the  engagement  was,  all 
things  considered,  enormous,  amounting,  as  it  did,  to  nearly  1500 
killed  and  wounded.  Among  the  killed  were  the  captains  of  the 
Zodiaque  and  Centaure,  and  among  the  woiinded  was  d'Ache  himself. 
The  French  made  for  Pondicherry.  The  loss  on  the  British  side 
was  also  very  heavy,  being  5G9  killed  and  wounded,  including  184 
who  were  either  killed  outright  or  died  of  their  wounds.  Among 
the  killed  was  Captain  Colin  Michie  of  the  Neu-castle,  and  among 
the  wounded  were  Captain  Somerset  of  the  CumhcrhDid  and  Captain 
Brereton  of  the  Tiger. 

On  September  l-')th  the  British  anchored  in  the  Eoad  of 
Negapatam ;  and,  having  hastily  completed  their  refitting,  Pocock 
sailed  with  his  ships  again  on  the  '20th.  On  his  way  to  Madras  he 
had  to  pass  Pondicherry,  where  the  French  were  lying  ;  and,  un- 
willing to  pass  it  by  night,  or  to  do  anything  to  prevent  M.  d'Ache 
from  fighting  another  action,  he  so  arranged  matters  as  to  appear  off 
the  town  at  daybreak  on  September  27th.  There  he  lay  with  the 
wind  about  W.S.W.,  with  his  maintopsails  to  the  mast,  and  with 
but  just  sufficient  steerage  way  on  his  ships  for  the  proper  main- 
tenance of  the  line.  Thus  the  British  drifted  slowly  to  leeward,  yet 
not  until  Pocock  had  given  d'Ache  the  fullest  possible  opportunity 
to  come  out  and  light.  But  the  latter  had  no  such  intention ;  and, 
after  weighing  and  making  a  few  meaningless  demonstrations,  he 
returned  to  port  and  there  announced  his  intention  of  sailing 
immediately  for  Mauritius.  He  carried  out  this  determination  on 
September  30th,  in  spite  of  the  anxious  remonstrances  of  the  shore 
authorities,  and  especially  of  M.  de  Lally.  His  principal  motive  for 
thus  acting  seems  to  have  been  his  knowledge  that  Pocock  was 
about  to  be  reinforced  by  four  ships  of  the  line  from  England. 

200  MAJOR    OFEJtATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1759. 

Pocock,  being  short  of  water  and  stores,  and  with  ships  in 
bad  condition,  returned  to  Madras,  where  he  anchored  on  Sep- 
tember 28th.  Thence  he  sailed  on  October  IGth  for  Bombay, 
and  on  the  17th  fell  in  with  Eear- Admiral  Samuel  Cornish,  with 
three  ships  of  the  line,  one  .50-gun  ship,'  and  three  East  Indiamen, 
which  last,  and  the  troops  which  had  been  brought  out  as  reinforce- 
ments, were  sent  on  to  Madras  escorted  by  the  Queenhorough.  They 
reached  that  place  on  October  27th.  Pocock  proceeded  to  Bombay, 
and,  after  making  various  dispositions,  sailed  on  April  7th,  17G0,  for 
England  with  a  very  valuable  convoy,  arriving  in  the  Downs  on 
September  22nd  following.  He  left  behind  him  Eear-Admirals 
Stevens  and  Cornish. 

Alluding  to  this  last  action,  Mahan,  after  referring  to  the 
numerical  superiority  of  the  French,  says : 

"  The  fruits  of  victory,  liowever,  were  with  tlie  weaker  fleet,  for  d'Ach^  returned  to 
Pondicherry  and  thence  sailed  on  the  1st  of  the  next  month  for  the  islands,  leaving 
India  to  its  fate.  From  that  time  the  result  was  certain.  The  English  continued  to 
receive  reinforcements  from  home,  while  the  French  did  not ;  the  men  opposed  to  Lally 
were  superior  in  ability;  place  after  place  fell,  and  in  January,  1761,  Pondicherry 
itself  surrendered,  surrounded  by  land  and  cut  off  from  the  sea.  This  was  the  end  of 
French  power  in  India ;  for  though  Pondicherry  and  other  possessions  were  restored  at 
the  peace,  the  English  tenure  there  was  never  again  shaken,  even  under  the  attacks  of 
the  skilful  and  bold  Suffren,  who  twenty  years  later  met  difticulties  as  great  as  d' Ache's 
with  a  vigour  and  conduct  which  the  latter  at  a  more  hopeful  moment  failed  to  show." '' 

Vice- Admiral  Pocock  was  desen-edl}'  made  a  K.B.  for  his  ser^nces 
and  promoted  to  be  Admiral  of  the  Blue. 

Such  naval  successes  as  the  French  won  in  the  East  after  the 
departure  of  Pocock  were  confined  to  the  capture  of  the  East  India 
Company's  factory  at  Gombroon  in  the  Persian  Gulf,  and  the 
reduction  of  certain  British  settlements  in  Sumatra.    These  successes 

'  Reinforcement  which  reached  A'ice-Adniiral  Pocock  in  the  East  Indies  in 
October,  175!:i :— 




Lenox  ..... 


1  Hear- Admiral  Samuel  Cornish  (B.). 
\C'aptain  Robert  Jocelyn. 

Due  iVAr/uitainf 


Sir  William  Hewitt,  Bart. 

York     ..... 


,,        Vincent  Pearce  (2). 

Fahiiouth       .... 


„        Richard  Hughes  (3). 

■  hiti.  of  Sea  Power,"  310. 




were  merely  raids,  without  iiilluence  on  tlio  course  of  the  war  or  on 
the  future  of  Franco-British  commercial  rivalry.  The  Dutch,  seeking 
to  profit  by  the  temporary  difficulties  of  the  British,  attempted,  witli 
seveir  East  Indiamen  and  some  troops  from  Batavia,  to  seize  Chinsura 
on  the  Ganges,  but  were  checkmated  by  the  energy  of  Colonel  Clive, 
Governor  of  Bengal,  and  by  the  gallantry  of  the  masters  of  'several 
British  East  Indiamen,  who,  under  AVilson  of  the  Calcutta,  took  or 
drove  off  the  enemy  on  November  '24th,  1759,  after  a  sharp  action. 
The  captured  Dutch  vessels  were  afterwards  returned  to  their  owners, 
on  security  being  given  for  the  payment  of  £100,000  damages. 

The  British  force  on  the  Leeward  Islands'  station,  under  Commo- 
dore John  Moore,  was  strengthened  by  eight  ships  of  the  line  under 
Captain  Eobert  Hughes  (2),  and  by  troops  under  Major-General 
Hopson,  in  order  that  the  force  might  reduce  some  of  the  French 
Caribbee  Islands,  which  were  supposed  to  be  weakly  garrisoned.^ 
The  troops  left  England  in  November,  1758,  under  convoy  of  Captain 
Hughes,  and  reached  Carlisle  Bay,  Barbados,  in  January,  1759. 
There  Commodore  Moore  was  met  with.  On  the  13th  of  that  mouth 
the  whole  force  sailed  for  Martinique,  and  on  the  afternoon  of  the 
15th  entered  Fort  Eoyal  Bay.  On  the  morning  of  the  16th  the 
Bristol,  50,  Captain  Leshe,  and  the  Ripon,  GO,  Captain  Jekyll, 
silenced  and  occupied  a  fort  on  Negro  Point.  The  Winchester,  50, 
Captain  Le  Cras,  Woolwich,  44,  Captain  Peter  Parker  (1),  and 
Boebuch,  44,  Captain  Thomas  Lynn,  cannonaded  the  batteries  in  the 
Bay  of  Cas  des  Navires,  where  it  was  intended  to  disembark  troops. 

^  List  of  tlie  British  fleet  on  the  Leeward  Islands"  station  un<ler  Connuodore  .John 
Moore  in  175!) : — 


Cambridge  . 
St.  George    . 
Norfolk  . 

Lion  . 



Winchester  . 
Brislot    .     . 







'Commodore  Johu  Moore. 
.Capt.  Thomas  Burnett. 

,,    Clarke  Caytou. 

„    Eoljcrt  Hughes  (a). 

„     l!ichardTyn-ell.i 

„    James  Gambier(l). 

,,     William  Harmau. 

,,    William  Tre- 


„    Edward  Jekyll. 

„  Molyneux  bhuld- 

,,     Edward  Le  Cras. 

,,     Lachliii  Leslie.- 


Woolwich     . 
Jtoebuck  . 
l.wllmo  Castle  . 
Jienoum  . 
Amazon  ■ 
line   .... 
Bouetta  . 
WeazH    . 
Antigua . 
Spi/    .... 
Kingfisher,  bomh 
Falcon,  bomb    . 
fj'rcnadii,  bomb 
Infernal,  liouib 



Capt.  Peter  Parker  (1).3 

Thomas  Lvnu. 

Edward  Clark(l).< 

George  Mackenzie. 

William  Nortou. 

Daniel  Dering. 

Richard  King  (1). 
Com.  John  Boles. 

AVeston  Varlo. 

"William  Bayiie. 

Sabine  Deacou. 

Mark  Robiuson(l). 

Samuel  V  vedale. 

James  Slackeuzie. 

'  Later,  Capt.  Lachliu  Leslie.  ~  Later,  Capt.  Peter  Parker  (1).  a  Later,  Capt.  Daniel  Dering. 

■•  Brought  out  the  second  battalion  of  the  P.oyal  Highlanders  from  Scotland. 

The  above  were  eventually  joined  by  the  Lancaster,  CG,  Captain  Eobert  Mann  (2), 
the  Emerald,  28,  and  the  Griffon,  28. 

202  MA.JOn    UPERATIONS,    1714-17G2.  [1759. 

A  lauding  was  effected  at  about  4  p.m.  under  Captains  Molyneux 
Shuldham,  James  Gambier  (1),  and  Thomas  Burnett;  and,  by  the 
following  morning,  nearly  the  whole  army  was  ashoi'e.  But  against 
4400  British,  available  for  the  service,  there  were  at  least  10,000 
French,  including  their  militia ;  and,  after  some  small  operations 
had  been  attempted.  General  Hopson,  despairing  of  success,  with- 
drew his  troops  to  the  transports. 

The  expedition  then  proceeded  to  St.  Pierre,  the  capital  of  the 
island.  But,  on  his  arrival  off  that  place  on  the  19th,  the  Commodore 
did  nothing  except  send  in  the  liipon,  60,  Captain  Jekyll,  to  attack 
some  batteries,  the  reduction  of  which  would  not  in  the  least  have 
influenced  the  general  fate  of  the  island.  Jekyll  was  quite  un- 
supported; and,  having  fought  from  2  till  4.30  p.m.  with  great 
gallantry  and  silenced  one  battery,  he  was  obliged  to  cut  his  cable 
and  tow  off.  The  position  of  the  liijjoii  was  for  some  time  not 
unlike  that  of  the  Formidable  under  Captain  de  St.  Bon  at  the 
attack  on  Lissa  in  1866.  She  narrowly  escaped  grounding,  and 
could  not  entirely  get  clear  till  6  p.m.     Jekyll  behaved  magnificently. 

It  was  then  decided  to  abandon  the  attempt  on  Martinique,  and 
to  attack  Guadeloupe ;  and  on  the  morning  of  the  20th  the  squadron 
sailed  to  the  northward.  By  noon  on  the  22nd  it  was  off  Basse 
Terre.  After  the  town  had  been  reconnoitred  and  a  council  of  war 
held,  it  was  determined  that  on  the  morning  of  January  23rd  the 
citadel  and  various  batteries  of  Basse  Terre  should  be  cannonaded 
and,  if  possible,  silenced,  by  the  Lion,  60,  Captain  William 
Trelawney,  St.  George,  90,  Captain  Clarke  Gayton,  Norfolk,  74,  Cap- 
tain Eobert  Hughes  (2),  Canihridge,  80,  Captain  Thomas  Burnett, 
bearing  the  broad  pennant  of  Commodore  Moore,  Panther,  60, 
Captain  Molyneux  Shuldham,  Burford,  70,  Captain  James  Gam- 
bier (1),  Bericid,-,  64,  Captain  William  Harman,  and  Bipon,  60, 
Captain  Edward  Jekyll.  The  last  named  got  aground,  and  was 
again  in  the  greatest  danger,  mitil  relieved  by  the  Bristol  and 
Boehucl'.  At  about  5  p.m.  the  enemy's  fire  was  silenced.  Neverthe- 
less, the  town  w^as  rather  wantonly  destroj^ed  on  the  following  day 
by  the  fire  of  the  tour  bomb  ketches.  Indeed,  Commodore  Moore 
exerted  from  the  first  much  unnecessary  force.  He  might  have 
landed  his  troops  a  little  to  the  north  of  the  town,  and  so  captured 
the  place,  which  was  open  on  the  land  side ;  but  he  preferred  the 
useless  and  risky  expedient  of  opposing  his  ships  to  forts.  In  the 
action,  however,  only  about  thirt}'  men  were  killed  and  about  sixtj' 

1759.]  CAPTUliK    OF   GUADELOUPE.  203 

wounded,  among  the  latter  being  Captain  Trelawney,  of  the  Lioit. 
Commodore  Moore,  of  course,  gained  his  object ;  and  on  the  24th 
the  army  was  put  ashore  and  Basse  Terre  and  Fort  Koyal  were 
occupied.  The  advantage  was,  unfortunately,  not  pressed ;  and  the 
French  governor  retired  to  the  mountainous  interior  of  the  island, 
and  was  there  able  to  make  a  most  courageous  stand  for  iipwards  of 
three  months. 

During  the  interval,  the  Commodore  detached  the  Boehuck,  44, 
Captain  Lynn,  the  Winchester,  50,  Captain  Le  Cras,  the  Berwick,  64, 
Captain  Harman,  the  BantJier,  60,  Captain  Shuldham,  the  Wool- 
wich, 44,  Captain  Dering,  and  the  Beiioivn,  32,  Captain  Mackenzie, 
under  Captain  Harman ;  and  this  force,  on  February  13th,  made 
itself  master  of  Port  Louis  on  the  Grande  Terre  side  of  the  island. 
But  the  guerilla  warfare  and  comparative  inactivitj^  played  havoc 
with  the  troops.  There  were  great  numbers  of  sick ;  and  many  of 
them  had  to  be  sent  to  Antigua.  On  February  27th  General  Hopson 
died,  and  was  succeeded  in  the  chief  military  command  by  Major- 
General  the  Hon.  John  Barrington.  This  officer  was  beginning  to 
take  somewhat  more  energetic  measures  than  had  previously  been 
displayed,  when  the  army  was  partially  deprived  of  the  assistance 
of  the  fleet  in  consequence  of  the  arrival  in  the  West  Indies  of 
M.  de  Bompart,  with  five  ships  of  the  line  and  three  large  frigates, 
containing  troops  intended  for  the  relief  of  the  French  islands. 
Commodore  Moore  felt  it  necessary  to  proceed  to  Prince  Eupert's 
Bay  in  the  Island  of  Dominica,  so  that  he  might  be  in  a  position  to 
watch  and  promptly  follow  the  motions  of  the  enemy,  who  lay  in 
Great  Bay,  Fort  Royal,  Martinique.  The  operations  on  shore  were 
thereafter  conducted  chiefly  by  the  army.  The  inevitable  capitula- 
tion was  signed  on  May  1st,  M.  de  Bompart  not  having  interfered. 
Nevertheless,  after  Guadeloupe  had  suiTendered,  he  made  a  brief 
descent  upon  the  island,  and  then,  learning  the  truth,  returned  to 
Martinique.  Moore  heard  of  this  movement  of  the  Freirch  squadron, 
and  put  to  sea  in  search  of  the  enemy ;  but  he  failed  to  find  him, 
and  once  more  anchored  in  Prince  Eupert's  Bay.  After  the  capture 
of  Guadeloupe,  General  Barrington  summoned,  and  received  the 
surrender  of,  Marie  Galante,  the  Saintes,  La  Desirade  and  Petite 
Terre.  A  little  later  Moore,  reinforced  by  the  Baisounable,  64,  and 
the  Nassau,  64,  proceeded  to  Basse  Terre  Eoad,  and,  on  June  2.jth, 
despatched  part  of  the  army  to  England  under  convoy  of  the 

204  MAJOR    OFERATIONS,    1711-1762.  [1759. 

Their  inferiority  oi'  force  prevented  the  French  from  attempting 
anything  of  importance  against  either  the  British  fleet  or  the  British 
garrisons  in  the  West  Indies ;  and,  as  no  French  fleet  put  to 
sea,  Moore  had  subsequently  to  confine  himself  to  repressing  the 
enemy's  privateers  and  to  protecting  British  trade.  On  the  Jamaica 
station,  where  Vice-Admiral  Cotes  still  commanded,  the  situation 
was  very  similar ;  and,  though  useful  work  was  done  by  the  cruisers, 
no  event  of  importance  happened. 

In  North  America  the  plans  which  had  been  formulated  by  the 
Earl  of  Loudoun  during  his  commandership-in-chief  continued  to 
be  carried  out  after  his  supersession ;  and,  in  pursuance  of  these, 
four  considerable  expeditions  were  entered  upon  in  1759,  the  object 
of  all  being  the  ending  of  French  rule  in  Canada.  Three  of  these 
expeditions,  one  against  Fort  Niagara,  under  Brigadier-General 
Prideaux ;  one  against  the  French  settlements  on  Lake  Erie,  under 
Brigadier-General  Stanwix  ;  and  one  under  Major-General  Amherst 
against  Crown  Point  and  Ticonderoga,  were  mainly  military.  The 
fourth,  under  Vice-Admiral  Charles  Saunders  and  Major-General 
Wolfe,  against  Quebec,  was  fully  as  much  naval  as  mihtary.  All, 
however,  were  parts  of  a  single  scheme,  which  was  designed  to 
occupy  the  French  in  several  quarters  simultaneously,  and  so  to 
prevent  them  from  concentrating  their  full  strength  at  any  one 
point.  The  various  expeditions  were  intended  ultimately  to  assist 
one  another ;  but  that  all  the  schemes  did  not  accurateh"  dovetail 
as  originallj-  intended  is  only  natural.  That  mistakes  should  be 
committed  and  that  there  should  be  in  some  cases  lack  of  fore- 
sight and  of  due  preparation,  were  matters  of  course.  Yet,  in 
spite  of  local  insuccesses,  the  great  combined  undertaking  was 
in  its  results  triumphant,  thanks  largely'  to  Saunders  and,  above 
all,  to  Wolfe. 

Prideaux's  force  of  about  5000  men  started  on  May  20th  from 
Schenactady  iip  the  Mohawk  Kiver,  and  so,  amid  great  difficulties, 
to  Oswego  on  Lake  Ontario  ;  whence,  leaving  there  a  detachment, 
it  crossed  the  lake  and  reached  Niagara  on  July  6th.  In  the 
operations  General  Prideaux  was  killed  by  accident,  and  the  com- 
mand devolved  upon  the  Colonial  colonel.  Sir  WilHam  Johnson, 
Bart.,  who,  after  defeating  a  relieving  force  of  the  enemy,  received 
the  surrender  of  the  fort  on  July  25th.  Johnson,  being  short  of 
ammunition  and  supplies,  then  returned  to  Oswego,  where  he 
relinquished  his  command  to  Brigadier-General  Gage,  who  built  a 

1750.]  INVASION   OF   CANADA.  205 

fort  there,  while  Captain  Joshua  Loriiig,  U.K.,  superintended  the 
construction  of  two  large  vessels  for  the  navigation  and  command 
of  Lake  Ontario  and  the  Kiver  St.  Lawrence. 

The  expedition  under  General  Stanwix  was  completely  success- 
ful, but  it  was  so  purely  a  military  one  that  there  is  no  need  to 
describe  its  operations  here. 

The  expedition  under  General  Amherst  against  Crown  Point  and 
Ticonderoga  was  in  many  respects  a  large  and  powerful  one  ;  yet  it 
should  have  included  a  great  number  of  ship's  carpenters,  and 
quantities  of  supplies  for  the  creation  of  a  naval  force  on  Lake 
Champlain.  This  provision  was,  however,  overlooked.  About 
June  1st,  the  army  was  assembled  at  Fort  Edward,  and  on 
June  11th  it  marched  to  the  banks  of  Lake  George.  Such  boats 
and  radeaux  as  could  be  built  were  of  an  unsatisfactory  nature ; 
but  at  length  a  motley  flotilla  was  collected,  and  the  army  embarked 
and  proceeded  down  the  Lake.  On  June  '22nd  the  troops  were  landed 
near  the  Second  Narrows  and  advanced  against  Ticonderoga,  which 
on  the  25th  was  evacuated  and  blown  up,  the  enemy  retiring  on 
Crown  Point.  The  boats  and  radeaux  were  then  laboriously  got 
into  Lake  Champlain.  On  August  1st,  Amherst  learnt  that  Crown 
Point  had  been  abandoned  ;  and  on  the  4th  he  occupied  it.  He  at 
once  set  to  work  to  endeavour  to  put  a  suitable  naval  force  on  Lake 
Champlain,  so  that  he  might  be  able  to  press  on  and  effect  a 
junction  with  the  force  under  Wolfe.  But,  owing  to  the  lack  of 
preparations,  there  were  delays  ;  and,  although  the  Freiich  force  on 
the  Lake  was  in  part  taken  or  destroyed,  the  approach  of  winter 
obliged  Amherst  at  the  end  of  October  to  cut  short  his  advance  and 
to  return  to  Crown  Point.  Thus,  both  Prideaux  and  Amherst,  who 
were  to  have  held  forth  helping  hands  to  Wolfe,  failed,  perhaps 
through  no  fault  of  their  ovra.  Only  Stanwix,  whose  object  was 
rather  diversion  than  actual  and  immediate  co-operation,  completel}' 
gained  his  end.  It  is  not  the  least  of  AVolfe's  merits  that,  in  spite 
of  the  lack  of  expected  help,  but  with  the  cordial  co-operation  of  the 
Navy,  he  brought  to  a  triumphant  conclusion  the  most  important 
and  difficult  expedition  of  the  four. 

Wolfe  had  with  him  ten  battalions  of  infantry,  three  companies 
of  grenadiers  and  some  companies  of  artillery  and  rangers,  about 
9200  men  in  all.  The  fleet,  which  was  to  convoy  and  support  the 
force,  was  under  Vice-Admiral  Charles  Saunders  and  Bear-Admirals 
Philip  Durell  (1)  and  Charles  Holmes,  and  consisted  of  twenty  sail  of 


MAJOIi    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762. 


the  line,  two  fifty-gun  ships  ami  numerous  frigates  and  small  craft.' 
Part  of  this  fleet  was  already  on  the  North  American  station  under 
Durell,  and  had  wintered  at  Halifax.  As  soon  as  the  season  per- 
mitted, Durell  had  entered  the  Kiver  St.  Lawrence,  and  on  May  23rd 
got  lip  as  far  as  Isle  Bic.  Holmes  went  out  from  England  to 
Halifax  early  in  the  year  1759  to  forward  preparations  ;  and  on 
February  17th  Saunders  and  Wolfe  sailed  from  Spithead.  The 
main  body  of  the  expedition  was  gradually  assembled  at  Louisbourg 
in  the  island  of  Cape  Breton  ;  and  there  it  was  joined  by  the  troops 
in  ganison.  On  June  1st  it  began  to  leave  the  harbour  ;  and  on  the 
23rd  the  fleet  found  Eear-Admiral  Durell  near  Isle  Coudres,  and 
obtained  from  him  some  French  pilots  whom  he  had  secui'ed  by  a 
ruse.  Durell,  reinforced,  was  left  off  Isle  Coudres  to  bar  the  river, 
and  Saunders,  hoisting  his  flag  in  the  Stirling  Castle,  64,  Captain 
Michael  Everitt,  proceeded,  and  on  Jime  "ifith  anchored  off  Isle 
d'Orleans,  a  few  miles  below  Quebec. 

The  Marquis  de  Montcalm,  who  defended  the  city,  had  taken  all 
possible  precautions,  and  had  removed  the  buoys  and  marks.  His 
main  army  was  about  14,000  strong,  and  lay  at  Beauport,  to  the 
immediate  north-east  of  Quebec.  Detachments  of  it  were  posted 
down  the  river  at  points  whence  it  was  expected  that  the  advancing 

'  List  nf  the  British  tieet  employed  on  the  expedition  to  Quebec,  17."<;i : — 






[            Commaudets. 

iVice-AUmiml      Charles 

>     Saunders  (B). 

leapt.  Brwirick  Hartwell. 

Trent      .... 


Capt.  John  Lindsay. 

yeptune       .     .     . 


1  Lizard    .... 


.,     James  Jjoake. 



,,    John  I^forey. 

(Eear-Admiral       Philip 

Lowestoft     .     .     . 


,,    Joseph  Deane. 

Pi-i7icess  Amtlia   . 


\     DureUCOCE). 

Seahorse.     .     .     . 


„    James  Smith. 

ICapt.  John  Bray. 

Scarborough      .      . 


.,    John  Stott. 

|     Charles 



f    „    John  Elphinstone 

Dublin    .... 


<^     Hi,lmes(W). 

(Capt.  William  Goostrey. 

Nightingale.     .     . 


(  „  James  Campbell 
t              (2). 

Hoijdl  Williavi.     . 


„     HnghPigot(lV 

Terrible  .... 


„    Richard  l'oUius(l). 



„    Robert  Bond. 

Shrewsbury       .     . 


„    Hngh  Palliser. 

Squirrel .... 


„    <ieorge  Hamilton. 

yorthuviberlan'i    . 


f    „    Alex.    Lord    Col- 
l             Tille. 

Foxvey     .... 


f  „  George  Anthony 
I             Tonm. 

Vanguard    .     .     . 


„    Robert  Swantoii.      i 

Scorpion.     .     .     . 


Com.  John  Cleland  (1). 

Devonshire  .     .     . 


,.    William  Gordon. 

Porcuj/ine   .     .     . 


„    John  Jervis. 

Orfuril    .... 


„    Richard  Sprj'. 

Hunter  .... 


f  ,,  William  Adams 
I             (2). 

Somerset,      .      .      . 


„     Edward  Hughes. 

Mcide     .... 


„    Jame*  Douglas  (1). 

Zephyr    .... 


f  „  William  Grecn- 
1                wood. 

lleAforA  .... 


,,     Tholl.e  Fowke. 

Caiitain  .... 


„    John 

Baltimore,  bomb   . 


,    Robert  Carpenter. 

Trident  .... 


,,    Julian  Legge. 

Pelican,  Iwinib  .     . 


,,     Edward  iMountford. 

Stirling  Castle.     . 


„    Michael  Everitt. 

Jiacehorse,  bomb    . 


,.    Francis  Richards. 

I*nnce  Fredericlc  . 


„    Robert  Bonth. 

Vesuvius,  f.s.    . 


„    .lames  Chads. 

Medway  .... 


„    Charles  Probv, 

Cormorant,  f.s. 


,.    I'atiick  ^lonat. 

Pembroke    .     .     . 


„    John  Wheelock. 

Strombolo,  f.s.  .      . 


Lieut.  Richard  Smith. 

Prince  of  Orange  . 


„    .^amuel  Wallis. 

Basra  v-en,  a.s.  . 


Com.  Charles  Doughis. 

Centurion    .      .      . 


„    WiUiam  Mantell. 

Halifax,  a.s.     .      . 



Sutherland .     .     . 


„     John  Rous, 
f    „    Alexander  Schom- 
l             berg. 

Bodney,  cotter .     . 


(Lieut.  Hon.  Philip  Tufton 
I    Perceval. 

Diana     .... 

Croivn,  st.s.       .     . 


Com.  Joseph  Mead. 

Richmond    .     .     . 


f    „    Thomas    Hanker- 

l              son. 


s  trans 

^oi-ts,  etc. 

1759.]  ATTACK   ON   QUKJiEC.  2U7 

British  could  be  annoyed.  He  luid  also  thrown  up  strong  works  on 
the  north  side  of  the  river,  between  the  Kiver  St.  Charles  and  the 
Falls  of  Montmorency,  and  had  armed  two  hulks  in  the  Eiver 
St.  Charles  to  defend  the  communications  with  the  army  and 
Quebec.  The  Governor  of  the  Province,  Captain  de  Vaudreuil, 
was,  however,  a  naval  officer,  while  the  Marquis  de  Montcalm  was 
a  soldier ;  and  there  was  not  a  good  miderstanding  between  them. 
Montcalm  prudeirtly  desired  to  make  his  preparations  with  a  view 
to .  the  necessity  of  a  retreat ;  but  de  Vaudreuil  maintained  that 
such  precautions  were  needless,  and  that  if  the  whole  French  force 
were  concentrated  on  the  north  side  of  the  river,  the  worst  the 
British  could  do  would  be  to  demolish  some  of  the  houses  in 
the  city. 

On  June  27th,  the  British  army  landed  on  Isle  d'Orleaus  and  the 
French  defences  were  reconnoitred.  Towards  night  the  ships  were 
disposed  to  the  best  advantage,  and  measures  were  taken  to  prevent 
damage  from  the  enemy's  fireships,  which  were  known  to  be  in 
readiness  higher  up.  A  certain  number  of  Marines  had  been  taken 
from  those  ships  which  had  been  left  at  Isle  Coudres  under  Durell, 
and  these  were  distributed  throughout  the  fleet.  At  midnight  on 
June  '28th,  the  French  sent  down  seven  fireships  and  two  fire  rafts ; 
but  they  were  grappled  and  towed  clear  by  the  activity  and  good 
conduct  of  the  seamen.  Vice-Admiral  Saunders  then  decided  to 
move  some  of  his  vessels  into  the  open  space  of  water  immediately 
below  the  town,  known  as  the  Basin  of  Quebec ;  and,  to  afford  them 
some  protection,  he  induced  General  Wolfe  to  order  the  occupation 
of  Point  Levis  by  Brigadier-General  Monckton.  The  enemy  tried 
to  dislodge  this  force  on  July  1st  by  means  of  floating  batteries,  but 
in  vain.  The  batteries  were  driven  back  by  the  fire  of  the  Trent,  28, 
Captain  John  Lindsay.  Ultimately  some  large  ships  were  stationed 
a  httle  higher  up  the  river.  Above  these  were  frigates ;  and  again 
above  them  armed  boats  rowed  guard  every  night.  The  enemy 
thereupon  ordered  such  ships  as  he  had  up  to  Batiscan,  sixty  miles 
above  Quebec,  but  kept  most  of  their  crews  in  the  city  to  assist  in 
working  the  guns.  Batteries  were  erected  on  Point  Levis  to 
bombard  Quebec,  and,  the  works  on  Isle  d'Orleans  having  been  com- 
pleted, Wolfe,  on  July  9th,  embarked  his  troops,  and  under  convoy 
of  the  Porcupine,  14,  Commander  John  Jervis,  and  the  Boscawen, 
armed  ship,  16,  Commander  Charles  Douglas,  effected  a  landing  on 
the  north  shore  of  the  river  below  the  falls  of  Montmorencv. 

208  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1759. 

On  July  IBtli  the  Sutherland,  .50,  Captain  John  Kous,  the 
Squirrel,  20,  Captain  George  Hamilton,  two  armed  sloops,  and  two 
transports,  passed  the  town  without  loss,  and  gained  the  upper  river. 
On  July  31st,  supported  by  the  fire  of  the  Centurion,  50,  Captain 
William  Mantell,  an  attempt  was  made  to  land  troops  below  the 
enemy's  entrenchments ;  but  the  force  had  to  be  drawn  off  to  the 
beach.  Some  efforts  were  then  made  to  destroy  the  French  ships 
above  the  town  and  to  open  communication  with  General  Amherst, 
who  was  supposed  to  be  advancing  from  Crown  Point.  The  Lowes- 
toft, 28,  Captain  Joseph  Deane,  the  Hunter,  10,  Commander 
William  Adams  (2),  two  armed  sloops,  and  two  storeships,  passed 
up  to  co-operate ;  but  it  was  found  that  the  force  could  not  be  got 
further  than  about  thirtj'  miles  above  Quebec. 

On  August  29th,  the  Seahorse,  24,  Captain  James  Smith,  two 
more  armed  sloops,  and  two  more  storeships,  were  sent  past  the 
town  in  preparation  for  a  projected  attack  on  Quebec  from  the  west. 
Eear-Admiral  Holmes  took  command  of  the  flotilla  on  the  upper 
river.  On  the  night  of  September  4th,  all  the  flat-bottomed  boats 
and  many  vessels  passed  the  towTi ;  and  as  manj-  troops  as  could  be 
spared  were  sent  up  with  them.  On  the  evening  of  the  12th,  all  the 
boats  remaining  below"  the  town  were  filled  with  Marines ;  and  on 
the  following  morning  at  break  of  day  they  made  a  feint  of  landing 
on  the  northern  shore  below  the  city,  under  cover  of  the  fire  of  the 
frigates  and  sloops.  Troops  had  been  alreadj-  got  into  the  boats  on 
the  upper  river,  where  Wolfe  himself  then  was ;  and  in  the  starlight 
they  moved  still  further  up,  a  French  corps  under  M.  de  Bougain- 
ville ^  marching  parallel  with  them  along  the  north  bank.  An  hour 
before  daylight  the  boats  turned  and  rowed  down  at  gi^eat  speed, 
current  and  ebbing  tide  being  both  in  their  favour,  and  were  followed 
by  the  ships.  The  whole  force  quite  outstripped  the  French,  who 
attempted  to  keep  up  with  it.  Just  as  day  .was  breaking  the  boats 
arrived  eastward  of  Sillery,  a  short  distance  above  Cape  Diamond, 
those  containing  the  light  infantry  falling  a  little  lower  down. 
There  the  attacking  force  disembarked  at  the  foot  of  a  woody 
precipice,  scaled  the  height,  and  dispersed  the  guard  on  the  summit ; 

■^  Louis  Aiitoine  de  Bougainville.  Born,  1729 ;  began  life  as  a  lawyer ;  secretary 
to  the  French  embassy  in  London,  1755 ;  had  previously,  in  1752,  been  elected  a 
Fellow  of  the  Eoyal  Society  for  a  treatise  on  the  integral  calculus ;  aide-de-camp  to 
Montcalm  in  Canada ;  founded  a  French  colony  in  the  Falkland  Islands,  1763 ;  circum- 
navigated the  globe,  1766-68 ;  commanded  at  sea  during  the  war  of  American  Revolu- 
tion; vice-admiral,  1791;  made  a  senator  by  Xapoleon;  died,  1811. 

1759.]  CAPTURE    OF   QUKBEC.  209 

and  presently  the  whole  army  was  pouring  up  the  steep  slopes,  and 
forming  on  the  top,  to  await  the  approach  of  the  main  body  of  the 
French,  who,  under  Montcalm,  were  seen  to  be  in  motion. 

The  action  began  early.  At  8  a.m.  the  sailors  dragged  up  a  gun, 
which  was  most  useful.  By  10  the  battle  had  become  very  general, 
the  enemy  advancing  with  courage  to  within  thirty  yards,  but  then 
wavering  under  the  British  fire,  and  being  followed  up  with  the 
bayonet.  It  was  at  that  time  that  AVolfe,  at  the  head  of  the  Louis- 
bom-g  Grenadiers,  received  a  second  wound,  which  proved  mortal. 
The  Marquis  de  Montcalm  was  also  fatally  wounded.  After  some 
further  fighting,  the  French  retreated  to  the  city.  General  the 
Hon.  George  Townshend,  who  succeeded  to  the  command,  fortified 
the  position  which  had  been  won.  Additional  ships  were  brought 
up ;  and  batteries  were  being  erected  to  bombard  Quebec,  when,  on 
the  17th,  the  enemy  offered  to  surrender.  The  Vice-Admiral  and 
General,  and  the  French  commandant,  signed  the  capitulation  on  the 
morning  of  the  18th.  Later  in  the  day  the  upper  town  was  taken 
possession  of  by  troops  under  Lieut. -Colonel  Murray,  and  the  lower 
town  by  seamen,  under  Captain  Hugh  Palhser,  E.N.  The  Vice- 
Admiral's  dispatches  were  sent  to  England  by  Captain  James 
Douglas  (1),  of  the  Alcide,  who  was  knighted  by  the  King,  and 
presented  with  ^500  wherewith  to  buy  a  sword.  Throughout  the 
British  dominions  a  public  thanksgiving  was  ordered.  Wolfe's 
body  was  sent  home  in  the  Boyal  William,  84,  and  a  monument  to 
his  memory  was  erected  at  the  national  expense  in  Westminster 

Saunders  sent  back  to  England  his  larger  ships  under  Holmes 
and  Durell,  and  followed  in  October,  leaving  Captain  Lord  Colville 
in  command,  with  his  own  ship  (the  Nortlmmherland,  70),  the 
Alcide,  64,  the  Trident,  64,  the  Pembroke,  GO,  the  Prince  of 
Orange,  60,  and  several  frigates,  in  North  America.  The  Eace- 
horse,  bomb,  Commander  George  Miller  (1),  and  Porcupine,  14,  Com- 
mander John  Macartney,  were  left  to  winter  at  Quebec. 

After  the  British  fleet  had  retired,  the  French  ships  at  Batiscan 
also  fell  down  the  river,  waiting  at  Cape  Eouge  for  a  fair  wind  to 
carry  them  past  the  batteries  of  Quebec.  On  November  2'2nd,  three 
of  them,  the  merchantmen  Soleil  Boyal,  24,  Senecterre,  24,  and  Due 
de  Fronsac,  24,  drove  ashore  in  a  gale  and  were  lost.  On  the  24th, 
in  the  night  and  on  the  ebb,  the  rest  came  down  with  a  favourable 
breeze  ;  and,  although  the  garrison  was  ready  for  them,  and  every 
VOL.   III.  p 

210  MAJOR    OrEIiATIONS,   1714-17C2.  [1759. 

possible  gun  was  fired  at  them,  they  all  got  past  safely  except  one, 
another  merchantman,  the  Elisabeth,  which  took  the  ground  on  the 
south  side  of  the  river.  Her  crew  made  preparations  for  blowing 
her  up,  and  then  with  the  assistance  of  the  crews  of  the  merchant- 
men Macliault,  24,  and  Chezine,  22,  boarded  and  carried  a  British 
schooner  in  which  they  escaped.  On  the  following  morning  Com- 
mander Miller,  of  the  Racehorse,  went  on  board  the  Elisabeth,  and 
ordering  a  light  to  be  struck,  inadvertentl}-  blew  up  the  ship  and 
destroyed  most  of  his  party.  He  and  his  lieutenant  survived  to 
be  removed,  but  were  so  fearfully  injured  that  they  died  within  a 
few  days. 

The  campaign  was  a  most  successful  one,  chiefly  because  the 
French  had  made  but  faint  efforts  to  divert  British  attention  from 
the  main  objects  which  were  kept  in  view  by  Mr.  Pitt.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  British  would  not  allow  their  attention  to  be 
diverted  in  the  shghtest  degree.     Beatson  rightly  observes  that : — 

"  liad  M.  de  Boiupart,  when  he  found  he  coidd  not  prevent  the  island  of  Guadeloupe 
fi'oni  falling  into  our  hands,  steered  for  Xew  York  with  his  squadron,  he  might  have 
made  such  an  imjjression  there  as  would  have  obliged  General  Amherst  either  to  come 
himself,  or  at  least  to  make  such  a  detachment  from  his  army  as  would  jierhaps  have 
disabled  him  from  acting  on  the  offensive  for  the  remainder  of  the  campaign.  From 
Xew  York,  M.  de  Borapart  might  have  gone  to  Halifa.':,  or  St.  .John's,  Xewfoundland, 
or  both.  An  attack  on  either  of  these  pJaces  would  have  obliged  Admiral  Saunders  to 
make  such  a  detachment  from  his  fleet  as  might  have  greatly  diminished  our  eflbrts 
before  Quebec,  and,  perhaps  in  the  end,  would  have  proved  the  ruin  of  the  enterprise; 
while  before  such  detachment  covdd  have  been  able  to  overtake  jNI.  de  Bompart,  he 
might  have  done  his  business,  and  sailed  for  Europe." 

It  was  of  course  ine\'itable,  when  France  was  straining  all  her 
resources  in  order  to  invade  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  and  when 
there  were  no  considerable  British  forces  in  the  Mediterranean,  that 
she  should  endeavoiu-  to  collect  as  large  a  naval  force  as  possible  at 
Toulon,  and  then  to  send  it  round  to  join  her  main  fleet  at  Brest. 
Vice-Admiral  Broderick  commanded  in  the  Mediterranean.  Early 
in  the  spring  of  1759  his  small  squadron  was  reinforced  by  several 
ships  from  England,  and  he  received,  and  w^as  able  to  cany  out, 
orders  to  watch  Toulon.  But  Pitt  was  not  content  with  merely 
reinforcing  the  Mediterranean  fleet.  On  April  14th,  Admiral  the 
Hon.  Edward  Boscawen,  with  three  more  sail  of  the  Une  and  some 
frigates,  left  Spithead  to  take  over  for  a  time  the  chief  command  on 
the  station,  and  on  April  27th  he  arrived  at  Gibraltar.  There  he 
made  arrangements  as  to  the  dispositions  of  criusers  and  convoys ; 

1750.]  BOSCAWEN  AND    BE  LA    CLUE.  211 

and,  sailing  on  May  3rd,  joined  Vice-Admiral  Broderick  off  Cape 
Sicie  on  May  IGth,  and  assumed  the  command. 

The  French  sqnadron  prepared  at  Toulon  was  in  charge  of 
M.  de  La  Clue;  and,  when  the  British  arrived  oft"  the  port,  it  was 
almost  ready  for  sea.  The  French  were  carefully  blockaded,  or 
rather,  watched  with  a  view  to  preventing  them  from  leaving 
without  being  detected  and  followed.  On  June  7th,  before  they 
attempted  to  come  out,  Boscawen  chased  two  French  frigates,  and 
drove  them  into  a  fortified  bay  near  Toulon,  whither  on  the  8th,  he 
ordered  the  Gulloden,  Conqueror  and  Jersei/,  under  the  orders  of 
Captain  Smith  Callis,  to  proceed,  and,  if  possible,  destroy  them. 
The  ships  were  gallantly  taken  in  ;  liut,  when  under  the  batteries, 
they  were  becalmed ;  and,  after  a  sharp  two  hours'  engagement,  they 
had  to  be  recalled  without  having  accomplished  their  object.  The 
Gulloden  lost  16  killed  and  26  wounded  :  the  Conqueror,  2  killed  and 
■4  wounded :  and  the  Jersey,  8  killed  and  15  wounded  ;  and  all  the 
vessels  were  badly  damaged  aloft. 

The  Admiral  continued  on  his  station  until  he  was  compelled,  at 
the  beginning  of  July,  to  go  to  Gibraltar  for  provisions  and  repairs. 
Preferring  Salou '  for  watering  purposes,  he  put  in  there  on  the  8th, 
remaining  until  the  '24th  ;  and  thus  he  only  reached  Gibraltar  on 
August  4th.  Meanwhile  he  ordered  the  Lyme,  24,  Captain  James 
Baker,  to  cruise  off  Malaga,  and  the  Gibraltar,  24,  Captain 
William  M'Cleverty,  to  cruise  between  Estepona  and  Ceuta  to  keep 
watch  for  the  enemy.  On  August  17th  the  latter  descried  the 
French  fleet,  consisting  of  ten  sail  of  the  line,  two  fifty-gun  ships 
and  three  frigates,  close  in  under  the  Barbary  shore.  Captain 
M'Cleverty  made  at  once  for  Gibraltar,  and  arrived  off  Europa  Point 
at  7.30  P.M.,  when  he  signalled  the  force  and  situation  of  the  enemy 
to  the  Admiral,  who  sent  off  an  officer  to  the  Gibraltar,  ordering 
her  to  keep  sight  of  the  foe  and  from  time  to  time  to  signal  to  him 
accordingly.  The  British  squadron  was  not  quite  ready  for  sea,  and 
Boscawen's  flag-ship,  the  Na)niir,  in  particular,  had  not  so  much  as 
a  single  sail  bent.  Still,  a  little  before  10  p.m.,  the  whole  fleet,  of 
thirteen  sail  of  the  line  and  two  fifty-gun  ships  besides  frigates,  was 
out  of  the  bay. 

Owing   to   the  haste  in  which  they  had  gone  out,   and  to  the 
Admiral,    after   leaving   harbour,    carrying   a   press   of   sail   to   the 
westward,   the   ships  were,  on  the  following  morning,  in  two  well 
'  A  few  miles  soutU-west  of  Tarragona.   ■ 

p  2 


MAJOB    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762. 


defined  divisions.  The  Warsjxite,  Culloden,  Swiftsure,  Intrepid, 
America,  Portland,  and  Guernsey,  whicli  liad  lain  at  anchor  near  the 
Namur  and  had  put  to  sea  along  with  her,  were  still  with  her. 
Vice-Admiral  Broderick,  in  the  Prince,  with  the  rest  of  the 
squadron,  was  many  miles  astern.  At  7  a.m.  on  the  18th, ^  the 
advanced  division  sighted  the  enemy  to  the  westward.  There  were 
then  visible  only  seven  sail,  and  it  afterwards  proved  that  the  rest 
had  gone,  without  orders,  into  Cadiz  during  the  night.  De  La  Clue 
first  thought  that  the  ships  coming  up  behind  him  were  his  own 
missing  vessels ;  but  he  was  disabused  when  Boscawen  signalled  a 
general  chase  to  the  N.W.  At  9  a.m.  the  British  Admiral  ordered 
his  sternmost  ships  to  make  more  sail.  This  soon  had  the  effect  of 
bringing  up  the  Vice-Admiral's  division,  which  enjoyed  a  fine  easterly 

^  Bi'itisli  and  French  fleets  oft'  Gibraltar  in  August,  1759:  indicating,  the  order  in 
which  the  advanced  British  ships  got  into  action  on  August  18th ;  the  loss  suft'ered  hy 
each  in  the  action ;  and  the  fate  of  the  French  ships. 












Ailmiral    Hon.   Edward 

Ocian^.     .     . 



G.  Naviur  .     . 


Boscawen  (B).             J- 



RedvutabU      . 


;Capt.  Watt  hew  Buckle(  1) 

Centaure    .     . 


Vice-Admiral     Thomas 
.    Broderick  (B). 

Tt-nuraire .     . 



Prince  -     . 


IfocUste.     .     . 


Capt.  Joseph  Peytou(l). 

Souverain  .     . 


[Escaped,   Ang. 
j     18-19. 

Newark.     . 


„    William          Hol-l 
[             bourne.                / 


Guerrier    .     . 
Fantasque .     . 


5.  WaTsplte    . 

'<     1 

„    John  Bentley. 



Lion      .     .     . 


I.  Culloden     . 

74     j 

„     Smith  Callis. 



Triton  .     .     . 


Parted  company, 
Ang.     17-18; 
and      entered 

Conqueror  . 
.7.  Swiflmre    . 


„     William  Lloyd  (l).i 



Fier.     .      .     . 



,,    Tbom-is  Stanhope. 



orifiamme.     . 


JSdgar   .     . 


f    „    Francis     William 
1              Drake. 

Chimere     .     . 



St.  Albans  . 


,,    Edward  Vernon  (2), 



Mintrve     .     . 


8.  Jntrepul     . 


„    Edward  Pratten. 



Gracieuse  .     . 


2.  America     . 


,,  .James  Kirke. 



Pr  ince  ss\ 
Louisa    .  i 


„  Robert  Hailand  (2).  1 

Jersey    .     . 


„    John  Barker  (!■). 

4.  Guermey    . 


fl.ieut.  Michael  Kearnv) 
I    (acting).                       / 


3.  Portland    . 


Capt.  Jervis  Slaplesdeu. 





„    Eichard  Gwynn. 

liainbmv     . 


„    Christopher  Basset. 

Shann&n     . 


„    Charles  Meadows. 

Active    .     . 


„    Herbert  Sawyer(l) 

Tltetis    .     . 


„    John  aioutray. 

Lyme     .     . 


,,    James  Baker. 

Gibi-aXtar   . 


f     „     -William      ll'Cle- 
l             verty. 

Glasgow     , 


„    Andrew  Wilkinson 

Sheerness    . 


„     John  Clark  (1). 

Tar  tar'  $] 
Prize.     .} 


„    Thomas  Baillie(l) 

Favourite   . 


Com.  Timothy  Edwards. 

Gramont     . 


„    Philip  Affleck. 

jKina,  f.s.  . 


,,    Richard  Bi.  kerton. 

f.s.     .     .] 


f    ,,    Hod.  John  Leve- 
1             son  Gower. 

1  Excbauged  ships. 

2  Flag  of  M.  de  La  Clue.     Suffren.  who  iu  her,  thus  became  fur  the  second  tim-j  a  pnsuuer  to  the  British. 

1759.]  THE  ACTION   OFF  LAGOS.  213 

breeze,  while  the  enemy  had  barely  enough  wind  to  give  them 
steerage  way.  Thus  the  British  gained  on  the  chase  till,  at  about 
1.25  P.M.,  Boscawen  signalled  to  engage. 

At  1.30  P.M.  the  enemy  began  to  fire  at  the  headmost  British 
ships  as  they  came  up  ;  and  since  Admiral  Boscawen  perceived  that 
the  French  intended  to  make  off  as  soon  as  the  breeze  should  reach 
them,  he  naturally  desired  that  the  most  advanced  ships  of  his  fleet 
should  push  on  and  attack  the  enemy's  van,  to  stop  their  flight  until 
his  remaining  ships  could  get  up.  He  therefore  ordered  the  America 
and  Gnernseij  to  make  more  sail.  At  about  2.30  p.m.  the  GiiUocleii 
began  to  fire  on  the  Ceiitaure,  the  rear  ship  of  the  enemy  ;  and,  very 
soon  afterwards,  the  America,  Portland,  Guernsey  and  Warspite  got 
into  action.  The  wind  had  by  that  time  dropped  altogether,  so  far 
as  the  ships  which  were  in  action  were  concerned.  The  British  rear 
division,  however,  still  had  a  breeze,  and  was  thus  able  to  get  up  in 
time  to  have  a  share  in  the  victory. 

Boscawen,  himself,  in  the  Namur,  was  in  action  with  the  stern- 
most  ships  of  the  enemy  at  about  4  o'clock.  The  Swiftsure  and 
Intrepid  were  at  that  time  to  windward  of  him ;  and,  hailing  the 
former,  he  ordered  her  to  push  on  for  the  enemy's  van  ship.  By 
about  4.30  p.m.,  the  Namur  was  close  alongside  the  Ocean;  and, 
when  the  two  had  been  engaged  for  about  half-an-hour,  the  Namur, 
having  lost  her  mizenmast  and  both  topsail  yards,  was  disabled,  and 
fell  astern.  De  La  Clue  made  every  effort  to  take  full  advantage  of 
this  misfortime  to  the  British  flagship.  Each  of  his  vessels,  except 
the  Centaure,  set  all  possible  sail  to  get  away;  but  the  Centaure  had 
been  engaged  by  every  ship  as  she  came  up,  and  had  stood  the  brunt 
of  the  fight.  At  last,  her  fore  and  main  topmasts  had  fallen ;  and 
she  was  so  greatly  damaged  in  every  respect  that  she  had  no  alter- 
native but  to  strike. 

The  misfortune  to  the  British  flagship  did  not  afl'ect  the  energy 
and  activity  of  the  British  Admiral,  who  ordered  out  his  barge  and 
was  rowed  at  once  to  the  Newark,  and  there  hoisted  his  flag.  But, 
by  that  time,  the  battle  proper  had  almost  ceased,  and  the  pursuit 
had  begun.  Boscawen  continued  it  during  the  whole  night.  Though 
there  was  a  fine  breeze,  there  was  also  a  slight  haze ;  and,  under 
cover  of  this,  two  of  the  French  ships,  the  Souverain  and  Guerrier, 
altered  their  course  in  the  darkness  and  so  escaped.  Thus,  at  day- 
light on  the  19th  only  four  sail  of  the  enemy  were  to  be  seen.  The 
British  were  about  three  miles  astern  of   them,  and  about   fifteen 

214  MA.TOll    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1759. 

miles  from  Lagos.  Once  more  the  wind  had  almost  died  away.  At 
about  9  o'clock  the  Oram  ran  amoDg  the  breakers,  and  the  three 
other  ships  anchored  under  the  Portuguese  batteries.  Boscawen 
thereupon  sent  the  Intrepid  and  America  to  destroy  the  Ocean, 
which,  in  taking  the  ground,  had  carried  away  all  her  masts. 
Captain  Pratten  had  anchored  ;  and  he  failed  to  carry  out  the  order ; 
but  Captain  Kirke,  taking  in  the  America  very  close,  discharged  a 
few  guns  into  the  enemy  at  point-blank  range,  and  obliged  her  to 
strike.  M.  de  La  Clue,  who  had  one  leg  broken  and  the  other 
injured,  and  who  eventually  died  of  his  wounds  at  Lagos,  had  been 
landed  about  half-an-hour  previously.  Captain  Kirke  took  possession 
of  the  French  flagship ;  and  having  removed  such  officers  and  men  as 
were  found  in  her,  he  set  her  on  fire,  deeming  it  impossible  to  bring 
her  off.  The  Warnpite  was  ordered  in  against  the  Temeraire,  74, 
and  succeeded  in  bringing  her  out  very  httle  damaged.  Vice-Admiral 
Broderick's  division  went  against  the  remaining  two  ships,  and, 
after  about  half-an-hour"s  action,  captured  the  Mocleste,  64.  The 
Bedoutahle,  74,  having  been  abandoned,  and  being  found  to  be 
bulged,  was  burnt.  In  this  action  the  enemy's  loss  was  very  severe 
in  killed  and  wounded.  In  the  Centaure  alone,  about  200  were 
killed.  The  loss  of  the  British,  on  the  other  hand,  was  very  small, 
amounting  only  to  56  killed  and  196  wounded.^ 

"The  Britii^b,"  says  Beatson,  "as  well  as  the  French  Admiral,  was  not  quite  well 
pleased  with  the  behaviour  of  his  captains,  some  of  whom,  he  thought,  did  not  make 
sail  enough  to  get  up  with  the  van  of  the  enemy's  fleet,  which  the  Admiral  wished  they 
should  attack,  in  order  to  retard  their  flight  until  the  rest  of  the  squadron  should  be 
able  to  join  in  the  action.  Others,  through  mismanagement,  he  thought,  had  allowed 
their  ships  to  fall  to  leeward,  after  they  had  engaged  the  enemy  some  time,  and  there- 
fore could  not  properly  get  into  action  again.  But  great  allowance  ought  to  be  made 
for  this,  for  just  as  the  British  ships  came  up  with  the  enemy's  rear,  the  wind  died 
away.  They  attacked  the  enemy  on  the  lee  side,  in  order  that  they  might  be  able  to 
open  their  lower  ports,  some  of  the  shi])S  carrying  them  very  low.  Another  reason  why 
some  of  the  British  ships  fell  so  much  to  leeward  was  that  the  French  Admiral,  on 
perceiving  Admiral  Boscawen  in  the  Namur,  and  some  ships  along  with  him,  pressing 
forward  to  attack  his  van  and  centre,  made  his  fleet  lufl'  up  as  much  as  they  possibly 
could,  so  as  to  form  a  sort  of  crescent ;  by  which  position  the  whole  of  his  shipis  in 
their  van  and  centre  were  enabled  by  their  fire,  not  only  to  assist  the  rear,  but  each 
other,  in  their  endeavours  to  repel  the  attack,  which  they  looked  for  every  moment 
from  the  British  Admiral.  By  this  manauvre  of  M.  de  La  Clue's,  such  of  our  ships  as 
first  got  up  with  the  enemy's  rear,  and  to  leeward  of  their  line,  were  thrown  out  of 
action ;  while,  for  want  of  sufficient  breeze  of  wind,  they  could  not  get  into  it  again. 
The  Portland,  having  lost  her  foretopmast,  dropjied  astern.  The  Tntrepid  was  to  win<l- 
ward  of  the  Namur;  she  did  not  bear  down  close  enough,  but  kept  aloof,  and  fired  at 
the  enemy  across  the  other  ships."  - 

'  Boscawen's  Disp.     -See  table  p.  212,  antea.        ^  '  Nav.  and  Mil.  Mems.,'  ii.  318. 

1759.]  BLOCKADE    OF   CADIZ.  215 

Boscawen,  who  said  of  the  battle,  "  It  is  well  but  it  might  have 
been  a  great  deal  better,"  presently  rehoisted  his  flag  in  the  Namur, 
and  despatched  Captain  Matthew  Buckle,  in  the  Gibraltar,  to 
England  with  dispatches.  Buckle  was  graciously  received  by  the 
King,  and  presented  with  .i'.500  to  buy  a  sword.  The  Admiral 
himself,  as  soon  as  his  fleet  had  repaired  damages,  returned,  in 
accordance  with  his  instructions,  to  England,  taking  with  him  the 
Namur,  Wars2)ite,  Swiftsure,  Iiitrejnd,  America  and  Portland,  the 
Salamander  and  ^tna  fire-ships,  and  the  prizes  Temeraire  and 
Modeste.  These  were  afterwards  followed  by  the  Edgar,  Princess 
Louisa,  and  the  prize  Ccntaiire.  Vice-Admiral  Broderick,  who 
remained  in  the  Straits,  blockaded  Cadiz,  in  which  still  lay  that  part 
of  the  Erench  squadron  which  had  taken  refuge  there. 

Boscawen's  rewards  were  a  membership  of  the  Privy  Council 
and  a  generalship  in  the  Marines.  Captains  Bentley,  of  the  War- 
spite,  and  Stanhope,  of  the  Swiftsure,  were  knighted  for  their  share 
in  the  action ;  and  the  three  prizes  were  purchased,  and  added  to 
the  Navy  under  their  Erench  names. 

Broderick  blockaded  Cadiz  very  closely ;  but,  on  November  9th, 
he  was  driven  from  his  station  by  a  storm,  and  was  obliged  to  send 
his  flagship  to  Gibraltar  to  refit,  and  to  hoist  his  flag  on  board  the 
Conqueror.  The  Newarh  and  Culloden  had  to  cut  away  all  their 
masts,  and  run  for  port.  Returning  off  Cadiz,  Broderick  contniued 
the  blockade  as  before ;  but  the  enemy,  though  by  that  time  sixperior 
in  strength,  declined  to  come  out  and  offer  him  battle.  The  Vice- 
Admiral  being  a  second  time  driven  from  his  station  by  a  storm,  the 
Erench  at  length  ventured  forth,  and  were  happy  enough  to  get 
safely  back  to  Toulon. 

Eear-Admiral  George  Brydges  Eodney  was  sent  in  the  summer 
with  a  light  squadron,^  consisting  of  one  ship  of  the  line,  four  fifty- 
gun  ships,  five  frigates,  a  sloop  and  six  bomb  ketches,  to  endeavour 
to  destroy  the  flat-bottomed  boats,  and  the  supplies  which  had  been 

'  Squadron  under  Eear- Admiral  Rodney  in  the  Channel,  17.5'.l:  Achilles,  60,  Hear- 
Admiral  George  Brydges  Dodney,  Caiitaiu  the  Hon.  Samuel  Barrington ;  Chatliam,  50, 
Captain  John  Lockhart ;  Deptford,  50,  Captain  John  Holhvell ;  Isis,  50,  Captain 
Edward  Wheeler;  Norwich,  50,  Captain  George  Darb.v;  Brilliant, 'i&,  Ca.\^is.m  Hj'de 
Parlser  (1)  ;  Juno,  36,  Captain  Henry  John  Philips ;  Vestal,  -32,  Captain  Samuel  Hood  (1)  ; 
Boreas,  28,  Captain  Hon.  Robert  Boyle ;  Unicorn,  28,  Captain  Thomas  Graves  (2) ; 
Wolf,  16,  Commander  Hugh  Bromedge ;  Furnace,  bomb,  Commander  Jonathan 
Faulknor  (1) ;  Firedrake,  bomb,  Commander  James  Orrok ;  Basilisk,  bomb,  Com- 
mander John  C'larke(l);  Mortar,  bomb.  Commander  Joseph  Hunt;  Carcass,  bomb. 
Commander  Charles  luglis  (1) ;  and  Blast,  bomb,  Conuuander  Thomas  Willis. 

210  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1702.  [1769. 

collected  a,t  Le  Havre  for  the  projected  invasion  of  England.  Sailing 
from  St.  Helen's  on  July  2nd,  1759,  he  anchored  on  the  3rd  in  the 
Koad  of  Le  Havre,  and  stationed  his  bombs  in  the  channel  leading 
to  Honiieur.  These  threw  shells  into  the  town,  magazines,  and 
boats  for  fifty  consecutive  hours,  and  did  immense  damage,  without 
receiving  any  injury  worth  mentioning.  Rodney,  with  some  of  his 
frigates,  remained  off  the  port  for  the  rest  of  the  year,  and  captured 
numerous  prizes. 

Admiral  Sir  Edward  Hawke  sailed  in  June,  with  a  fleet  of 
twenty-five  sail  of  the  line  and  many  frigates,  to  blockade  or,  more 
strictly,  to  observe  the  enemy  in  Brest.  He  cruised  some  leagues  at 
sea,  leaving  an  inshore  squadron  of  his  hghter  ships,  under  Captain 
the  Hon.  Augustus  John  Hervey,  of  the  Monmouth,  64,  close  off  the 
port.  He  also  detached  Commodore  John  Eeynolds  (1),  in  the 
Firm,  50,  with  a  small  squadron,  to  watch  the  French  transports 
which  had  assembled  in  the  river  Morbihau  in  preparation  for  the 
invasion  of  Ireland.  ^Vhen  at  length  the  Firm  became  very  foul  and 
had  to  go  home  to  refit,  she  was  relieved  by  the  Rochester,  Commo- 
dore Eobert  Duff.  In  the  course  of  the  blockade  the  Achilles,  60, 
Captain  the  Hon.  Samuel  Barrington,  also  had  to  go  home,  having 
run  on  a  rock  when  in  pursuit  of  some  French  vessels.  It  may  be 
mentioned  that,  during  part  of  the  summer.  Prince  Edward 
Augustus,  afterwards  Duke  of  York,  again  served  as  a  midshipman, 
with  Captain  Lord  Howe,  in  the  Magnunime,  74. 

Numerous  brushes  with  the  enemy  relieved  the  tedium  of  the 
blockade.  On  one  occasion  the  French  sent  out  four  ships  of  the 
line  to  attack  the  inshore  squadron  ;  but  Hervey,  instead  of  retiring, 
went  to  meet  them ;  and,  the  fleet  making  as  if  to  support  him,  the 
French  withdrew.  The  intention  had  been  that,  if  Hei-\-ey  had 
drawn  off  and  left  the  coast  clear,  the  four  ships  of  the  hne  should 
have  gained  the  mouth  of  the  Morbihan,  crushed  Duff,  and  then 
escorted  the  French  invasion  of  Ireland.  Hervey  and  the  inshore 
squadron  continued  verj'  active,  and  greatly  annoyed  the  enemy, 
until  in  October  the  Monmoutli,  which  had  become  very  leaky,  had 
to  return  to  England. 

The  approach  of  the  season  of  bad  weather  seemed  to  afford  the 
French  better  opportunities  for  putting  into  execution  their  scheme 
of  invasion,  it  being  impossible,  in  those  days,  for  a  blockading 
squadron,  no  matter  how  strong  or  how  ably  commanded,  to  alwaj's 
maintain  its  position  dm-ing  the  autunni  and  winter.     A  \aolent  gale 

1759.]  IIAWKE  AND    DE    COyFlAyn.  217 

of  wind,  in  fact,  forced  Hawkc  from  his  station  on  November  '.)tii, 
and  obliged  him  to  put  into  Torbay.  This  storm  proved  the  salva- 
tion of  M.  de  Bompart,  who,  with  his  squadron,  was  returning  from 
the  West  Indies,  and  who  must  otherwise  have  been  snapped  up  by 
the  British  fleet.  Most  of  the  inen  of  his  ships  were  turned  over  to 
the  fleet  under  M.  de  Conflans,  who  learnt  by  the  arrival  of  M.  de 
Bompart  that  the  British  had  Ijoen  driven  from  off  the  port. 

With  the  hope  of  being  able  to  effect  something  against  Commo- 
dore Duff,  de  Conflans  put  to  sea  on  November  14th.  Hawke  on  the 
same  day  got  under  way  from  Torbay,  and  on  the  15th  was  in- 
formed by  Captain  William  M'Cleverty,  of  the  Gihndtar  (the  same 
who  three  months  earlier  had  warned  Boscawen  of  the  approach  of 
M.  de  La  Clue),  that  the  Brest  fleet  had  sailed,  and  that  it  had  been 
seen  twenty-four  leagues  N.W.  of  Belle  Isle,  steering  S.E.  Hawke, 
with  strategical  intuition,  made  for  Quiberon  Bay  with  all  possible 
sail,  rightly  judging  that  the  French  would  take  advantage  of  their 
brief  liberty  in  order  to  make  for  that  neighbourhood,  so  as  to  free 
the  transports  which  were  blockaded  by  Duft'  in  the  Morbihan.  But 
he  was  unable  to  proceed  with  the  speed  he  desired.  Wind  from 
the  S.  by  E.  and  S.  drove  him  considerably  to  the  westward  and 
delayed  him.  On  the  19th,  however,  the  wind  became  fair ;  and,  on 
that  day,  Hawke  ordered  the  frigates  Muidstuiie  and  Govcntrij  ahead 
of  the  fleet,  one  on  the  starboard  and  the  other  on  the  larboard  bow. 
Early  in  the  morning  of  the  20th  he  also  ordered  the  Magnanime 
ahead  to  make  the  land. 

The  contrary  wind  which  had  baffled  Hawke  also  retarded 
de  Conflans,  and  was  instrumental  in  saving  Duff,  who  received  his 
first  news  that  the  Brest  fleet  had  put  to  sea  by  Captain  Gamaliel 
Nightingale,  of  the  Vengeance,  on  the  morning  of  the  20th.  Night- 
ingale on  entering  the  bay  had  fired  guns  to  alarm  the  Commodore. 
Duff  realised  at  once  the  danger  that  was  upon  him,  and  immediately 
made  the  signal  for  his  ships  to  cut  their  cables.  In  a  few  minutes 
they  were  all  under  way.  He  attempted  to  take  them  out  to  sea 
round  the  north  end  of  Belle  Isle,  but,  the  wind  shifting,  the 
Belliqueux,  64,  Captain  Thomas  Saumarez,  was  the  onl}'  one  which 
escaped  by  that  passage.  She  was  not  able  to  rejoin  until  three 
days  after  the  battle.  Duff  then  tried  to  escape  by  the  south  end  of 
the  island ;  and,  in  doing  so,  he  was  observed  by  de  Conflans,  who 
made  the  signal  to  chase.  The  Chatham,  50,  which  sailed  very  badly, 
was  almost  within  gunshot  of  a  French  seventy -four,  when  a  man 


MAJOI;    OPKUATIONH,    1714-17G2 


on  the  main-top-gallant  yard  of  the  Bochester  hailed  that  he  saw  a 
sail,  and,  presently,  that  he  saw  a  fleet.  The  Commodore  quickly 
made  out  what  the  fleet  was,  and  at  once  ordered  his  little  squadron 
to  tack  and  chase  the  enemy.  At  first  the  French  were  puzzled  by 
this  change  of  policy;  but,  as  soon  as  de  Conflans  discovered  the 
cause,  he  recalled  his  chasers  ;  and  Duff's  squadron  was  thus  enabled 
in  the  course  of  the  day  to  join  Sir  Edward  Hawke. 

At  about  8.30  a.m.  the  Maidstone  signalled  that  she  had  sighted 
a  fleet ;  and  at  9.45  the  Mcujnanime  announced  that  the  strangers 
were  enemies.  The  French  were  at  that  time  rehnquishing  the  chase 
of  the  Commodore's  squadron,  and  Belle  Isle  bore  E.  by  N.  j  N.^ 

Hawke  instantly  made  the  signal  for  a  line  of  battle  abreast,  in 
order  to  draw  up  his  ships  ;  and  he  followed  it  soon  afterwards  with 
the  signal  for   the  seven  ships  which  were  nearest  the  enemy  to 

'  List  of  the  British  and  French  fleets  in  the  action  in  Quiberon  Ba}',  November 
20th,  1759  :— 









lioyal  Gejrgi;    .     . 


1  Admiral  Sir  E^lnard  Hawke, 
■      K.B. 

Soleil  lioyal 


80  2 

(Beached  and  burnt 
I     by  the  French. 

(Capt.  John  Campbell  (1). 

Tonnant.     .     . 

,     80  3 

To  the  Charente. 

iVke-Ailmiral    sir    Charles 

Formidahh  . 

80  4 


Vnivn     .... 


\     Hardy  (-2). 
(Capt.  John  Evaus. 

Orient     .      .      . 
Jntrepidc      .      . 


|To  the  Charante. 



,,    Thomas  Graves  (2). 



,.     Vilaine. 

Namur  .... 


,,    :\latthew  Buckle(l). 

Thesee     .     .     . 





Commoil.  Jauie.s  Youiig  (1). 

Heros      .     .     . 


|Tak>'U,       wrecked. 

WarspiU     .     .     . 


Capt.  Sir  John  Bentley,  Kt. 

I     and  burnt. 

HoxuUs.     .      .      . 


,,     William  Fortescue. 

Jiohuste  ,      .      . 


To  the  Vilaine. 

Torhau   .... 


f     „    Hon.    Angustus  Kep- 
l             pel. 

yfagnifique  .     . 



,.     Charente. 



„     Viscount  Howe. 

Superbf.  .      .      . 






,,     Henry  .Speke. 
f     „    Hon.      George     EiJg- 
[             cnmbe. 

Dauphin  lioyal 
Dragon   . 


}To  the  Charente. 




Sivi/tsure     . 


/     „    Sir  Thumas  Stanhope. 
I              Kt. 

Sjikinx    . 
Solitaire       .     . 


\      „     Vilaine. 

Dorsetshire  .     .     . 


„     Peter  Deuis. 

Brillant,      .      . 


„     Charente. 

Burfurd      .     .     . 


,,    James  Cambier  (1). 

Eveill*-    .      .      , 


„     Viliine. 

Chichester    .      .      . 


„     AViUiamSaltreu  W'illett. 

Bizarre  .     .     . 


„     Charente. 

Temple    .... 


f    „     Hou.>Va.shiDgtuuShir- 
l              ley. 

mjiexiblt     .      . 


„      Vilaiu?. 

Hevenge  .... 


„    John  Storr. 

Vestale.    .     .     . 



Essex  ^    .... 


,,    Lucius  O'Brien. 
„    Thomas  Shirley. 

Aigrette.      .      . 
Calypso  .     .     . 


>      ,,     Vilaine. 

Intrepid,     .      .      . 


,,    Jervis  jMapIesdeu. 

Prince  Noir 




,,    Jo.shua  Rowley. 

Dttnhirk      .      .      . 


,,     Hon.  Roliert  Digbv. 

Defiance       .      .      . 


„    Patrick  Bair.l. 
„     Robert  Duff. 

Rochester     .     .     . 

Portland      .      .      . 


„     :MaiTiot  Arbutbnot. 

falMund      .      .     . 


,,    Francis  Samuel  Drake. 

Chatham      .      .      . 


„     John  Luckhart. 


Minerva       .      .      . 


„     Al-'xaud  r  Arthur  Hood. 



,,     Thumaj?  Harrisuu  (2). 

Vengeance   .     .     . 


„     Gamaliel  Nightingale. 



„     Francis  Burslem. 

Maidstone    . 


„    iJudtey  Digge-s. 

Sapphire      .     .     . 


,,     Jchn  Strachau. 

1  Wrecked. 

-  Flag  of  M.  de  Confian>,  \'iLe-Admiial. 

Flag  of  the  Prince  de  Bauffremout-Listenois,  Chef  d'Escadre. 
Flag  of  M.  St.  Andre  dn  Verger,  Chef  d'Escadre. 

1759.]  THE   BATTLE    OF   QUIDERON  BAY.  219 

chase,  draw  into  line  of  battle  ahead  of  him,  and  endeavour  to  arrest 
the  French  until  the  remainder  of  the  fleet  could  get  up  and  bring 
about  a  general  engagement. 

Upon  realising  that  they  were  in  the  presence  of  the  British,  the 
enemy  fell  into  some  confusion,  but,  in  the  course  of  a  short  time, 
seemed  to  arrive  at  a  determination  to  fight,  and  endeavoured  to 
form  a  line.  While  they  were  executing  this  manoeuvre,  the  British 
approached  very  rapidly,  the  wind  being  then  nearly  west.  De  Con- 
flans  then  suddenly  altered  his  mind,  and,  instead  of  waiting  to 
engage,  made  off.  He  was  near  his  own  coasts,  with  the  difficulties 
and  dangers  of  which  he  was  fully  acquainted  and  presumably  knew 
well  how  to  avoid,  while  the  British  were  on  a  lee  shore,  vdth  which 
they  were  unfamihar.  The  weather  was  tempestuous  and  was 
rapidly  growing  worse ;  and  the  November  day  would  soon  end. 
De  Conflans  therefore  endeavoured  to  keep  his  fleet  together,  and 
steered  right  before  the  wind  for  the  land,  which  was  not  more  than 
about  twelve  miles  distant.^ 

The  wind,  as  the  short  afternoon  drew  to  its  close,  was  variable 
between  N.W.  and  W.N.W.,  and  blew  in  heavy  squalls.  Yet  both 
fleets  crowded  sail,  the  French  to  escape,  and  the  British  to  overtake 
them.  At  2  p.m.  the  enemy  began  to  fire  at  the  leading  ships  of 
the  British  fleet;  and,  half-an-hour  later,  when  the  Warspitc  ix,i\A 
Dorsetsliire  were  close  up  with  the  enemy's  rear,  Hawke  made  the 
signal  to  engage.  The  British  fleet  was  then  to  the  soirth  of 
Belle  Isle.  A  little  later  the  Bevenge,  Magnanimc,  Torhay,  Montagu, 
Besolution,  Swiftsure  and  Defiance  got  into  action,  and  hotly 
engaged  the  French  rear.  Yet  this  fact  did  not  prevent  the 
French  admiral,  who  was  in  the  van,  from  leading  round  the 
Cardinals.  The  Formidahle ,  carrying  the  flag  of  Eear-Admiral 
du  Verger,  was  attacked  by  the  Besolution,  and,  in  addition, 
received  a  broadside  or  two  from  every  other  British  ship  that 
passed  her ;  and,  having  been  severely  treated,  she  struck  about 
4  o'clock.  The  loss  on  board  of  her  was  terrible,  M.  du  Verger 
and  upwards  of  two  hmidred  others  being  killed.  The  Formidable 
was  taken  possession  of  by  the  Besolution.  In  the  meantime,  the 
ships  of  the  British  rear  were  straiiaing  to  get  into  action.  The 
Thes4e,  Captain  de  Iversaint  ^  was  hotly  engaged  by  the  Magnanime, 

'  For  Quiberon  Bay  and  its  neigUbourhooil,  see  chart  facinsj;  p.  4:88,  in  A'ol.  II. 
-  Guy  Siinon  de  Caetnainpreu,  Comte  de  Kersaint ;  bora,  1709;  entered  the  navy 
as  a  seaman,   1722;  lieutenant,  1742;  captain,  174.5.     In  Benommee  captured  Prince 

220  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1759. 

but  was  relieved  by  the  disablement  of  the  British  ship,  which, 
being  fouled  by  one  of  her  consorts,  fell  astern.  Very  soon  after- 
wards the  ThesSe  was  tackled  by  the  Torbay ;  and,  in  the  contest 
which  resulted,  she  capsized  and  foundered,  chiefly  owing  to  the 
fact  that  her  captain,  from  motives  of  self-pride,  persisted  in  fighting 
his  lower  deck  guns,  regardless  of  the  stormy  state  of  the  weather. 
All  her  crew  of  about  eight  hundred  men,  except  twenty,  were  lost. 
The  Torbaij,  owing  to  similar  causes,  was  at  one  time  in  danger  of  a 
like  fate  ;  but  Captain  Keppel  closed  his  ports  in  time,  and  saved 
her.  Another  French  ship,  the  Siq^erhe,  foundered  at  about  the 
same  time. 

Owing  to  the  gale,  the  lee  shore,  and  the  gathering  darkness, 
there  was  at  that  time  great  confusion ;  and  it  is  almost  impossible 
to  tell  exactly  what  happened.  But  it  would  appear  that  after 
having  engaged  the  Thesee,  and  having  been  fouled  first  by  the 
Warspite  and  then  by  the  Montagu,  Lord  Howe,  in  the  Magnanime, 
observed  the  French  Hems  somewhat  disabled  to  leeward,  and, 
bearing  down  and  ranging  alongside,  quickly  obliged  her  to  strike. 
The  Heros  anchored,  but,  owing  to  the  weather,  no  boat  could  be 
sent  to  take  possession  of  her ;  and,  later,  her  captain  ran  her  ashore 
and  lauded  his  crew.  As  night  fell,  the  enemy's  fleet  divided ;  part, 
under  M.  de  Beaufiremont,  the  vice-admiral,  making  to  the  south- 
ward within  the  Four  Bank,  and  probably  designing  to  attract  the 
British  into  danger. 

But  Hawke  would  not  be  tempted  to  pursue  them.  Night  was 
come  ;  islands,  rocks,  and  shoals  were  all  around  ;  no  pilots  were  on 
board  ;  the  charts  were  indifferent,  and  the  weather  was  terrible. 
Hawke,  therefore,  made  the  signal  to  anchor,  and  came  to  in  fifteen 
fathoms  of  water,  the  Isle  de  Dumet  bearing  E.  by  N.  two  or  thi'ee 
miles  distant,  the  Cardinals  W.  ^  S.,  and  the  steeples  of  Le  Croisic 
S.E.,  as  was  discovered  in  the  morning.  Unfortunately,  the  signal 
was  not  taken  in,  and,  consequently,  was  not  obeyed,  b}^  many  ships 
of  the  British  fleet.  According  to  the  code  then  in  use,  the  signal  to 
anchor  by  night  was  made  by  firing  two  guns  from  the  flagship, 

of  Orange.  Commanded  the  Alcide  in  the  East  Indies.  Some  French  accounts  state 
that  the  Thesee  was  sunk  at  Quiberon  owing  to  being  run  do^vn  by  Hawke's  flagship 
while  de  Kersaint  was  going  to  the  assistance  of  the  Soleil  Boyal ;  but  these  are 
clearly  incorrect.  The  Coimfs  son,  who  saw  his  father  sink  at  Quiberon,  was  later  a 
distinguished  naval  officer,  but,  meddling  with  politics,  was  guillotined  in  1793.  He 
was  then  a  vice-admiral. 

1759.]  rilK   DATTLE    OF   QUIBERON  BAY.  221 

without  using  lights  or  any  other  indications  to  distinguish  the 
j)articular  purpose  for  which  the  guns  were  fired.  At  a  moment 
when  there  was  still  a  certain  amount  of  firing  going  on  on  all  sides, 
the  discharge  of  two  guns  from  the  flagship  could  of  course  not  be 
recognised  as  a  signal  except  by  the  few  vessels  which  chanced  to  be 
so  near  the  Admiral  as  to  be  aware  that  he  had  anchored.  The 
others  either  stood  out  to  sea  or  anchored,  as  prudence  suggested. 
Had  the  French  only  known  the  dangerous  position  in  which  the 
unsatisfactory  nature  of  the  signal  book  had  left  their  enemy  during 
that  stormy  night,  they  might,  in  the  morning  of  the  21st,  have 
attacked  the  small  body  remaining  at  anchor  near  Hawke,  and 
perhaps  have  won  a  decided  and  complete  victory  by  the  mere 
strength  of  superior  forces. 

The  night  was  dark,  and  even  more  boisterous  than  the  evening 
had  been ;  but,  though  guns  of  distress  were  heard  from  all  sides,  it 
was  not  possible  to  send  assistance  to  anyone.  On  the  morning  of 
the  21st  the  Besoliitioii  was  seen  to  be  ashore,  and  the  French  Heros 
was  on  the  Four  Bank.  De  Conflans's  flagship,  the  Soleil  lioyal,  in 
the  obscurity  overnight,  had  come  to  anchor  in  the  very  midst  of  the 
British ;  and,  when  at  daylight  she  perceived  her  situation,  she 
slipped  her  cable  and  tried  to  get  away,  but  presently  went  ashore 
near  the  town  of  Le  Croisic.  No  sooner  was  she  observed  to  be  in 
motion  than  Hawke  sigiralled  the  Essex  to  slip  and  pursue  her ;  but 
in  the  ardour  of  the  chase  the  Essex  unfortunately  got  on  the  Four 
Bank  and  was  also  wrecked.  It  was  seen  that,  while  the  French 
vice-admiral  had  gone  to  the  southward  with  part  of  the  fleet,  the 
remainder  had  stood  to  the  N.  and  was  engaged  in  the  mouth  of  the 
river  Vilaine  in  getting  out  guns,  stores,  etc.,  and  endeavouring  to 
find  a  haven  up  the  river.  On  the  21st  and  22nd,  by  taking  ad- 
vantage of  the  flood  tide  and  of  what  vnnd  there  was  under  the  land, 
all  of  them  got  into  the  river,  whence  several  of  them  could  never  be 
brought  out  again.  On  the  22nd  Hawke  ordered  the  Soleil  Boijal 
and  Heros  to  be  set  on  fire.  The  French,  however,  anticipated  him 
by  themselves  burning  the  former. 

On  the  British  side  the  number  of  men  killed  in  the  action  did 
not  exceed  fifty,  and  only  about  two  hundred  and  fifty  were 

As  soon  as  it  became  known  in  England  that  the  French  had 
sailed  from  Brest,  the  excitement  was  great,  and  every  effort  was 
'  Ha\vke"s  Disp.  of  Xuvember  24  th. 


MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1711-1702. 


made  to  meet  the  situation.  Eear- Admiral  Geary  was  detached 
with  a  reinforcement  of  ships '  for  Hawke ;  and  other  vessels  capable 
of  putting  to  sea  were  ordered  to  be  in  readiness  at  a  moment's 
notice.  Vice-Admiral  Charles  Saunders,  returning  from  the  con- 
quest of  Quebec,  learnt  in  the  chops  of  the  Channel  that  the  French 
were  out  and  that  Hawke  had  gone  in  chase  of  them.  Though  he 
had  with  him  but  three  ships  of  the  line,^  he  realised  so  fully  that  no 
addition  of  forces  was  to  be  despised,  and  he  had  so  strong  a  sense 
of  his  duty,  that,  on  his  own  responsibility,  he  steered  for  Quiberon 
Bay  with  all  the  sail  he  could  set.  But  neither  Geary  nor  Saunders 
joined  Hawke  ere  the  battle.     Geary  anived  several  days  too  late, 

(From  an  oriijinal  kindly  lent  by  B.S.H.  Captain  Prince  Louis  of  Battenberg,  li.X.) 

and  Saunders,  hearing  of  the  issue  of  the  action,^  altered  his  course 
and  steered  again  for  England. 

Hawke  sent  home  his  dispatches  by  Captain  John  Campbell  (1), 
who,  as  Captain  Matthew  Buckle  had  been,  was  graciously  received 
by  the  King,  and  presented  with  i^uOO  to  pm-chase  a  sword.  Hawke 
himself  received  the  thanks  of  the  House  of  Commons  and  a  pension 
of  £2000  a  year.  Nor  were  other  officers  who  had  distinguished 
themselves  during  the  campaign  forgotten.  Boscawen,  as  has 
already   been   mentioned,    was   made   General   of    Marines ;    Vice- 

'  Sandwich,  90,  Rear-Admiral  Francis  Gear)',  Captain  Kichard  Xorbury;  Foud- 
roijant,  84,  Captain  Richard  Tyrrell;  Bienfaisant,  G4,  Captain  George  Balfour; 
AmerirM,  60,  Captain  .James  Kirke;  Anson,  60,  Captain  Matthew  Whitwell;  Firm,  60, 
Captain  John  Reynolds  (1);  and  Juno,  32,  Captain  Henry  John  Philips. 

^  Somerset,  64,  Vice- Admiral  Charles  Saunders,  Captain  Edward  Hughes;  Van- 
(jmird,  70,  Captain  Robert  Swanton ;  and  Devonshire,  66,  Captain  William  Gordon. 

^  Mahan  calls  this  action  "the  Trafalgar"  of  the  Seven  Tears'  War.  Gueriu 
exclaims :  "  C'etait  La  Hougue,  moins  la  gloire  et  I'honneiir  francais  sauves." 

175!).]  PRECAUTIONS   AGAINST    Til  HIST.  223 

Admiral  Saunders  was  made  Lieut. -General  of  Marines,  and  Cap- 
tains Sir  Piercy  Brett  (1),  Kt.,  the  lion.  Augustus  Keppel,  and  Lord 
Howe,  were  made  Colonels  of  Marines. 

On  the  26th  Hawke  sent  Commodore  James  Young  (1),  with  a 
squadron,  to  anchor  in  Quiberon  Bay,  and  on  the  27th  detached 
Captain  the  Hon.  Augustus  Keppel,  with  a  squadron,  to  Basque 
Boad,  to  attack  such  of  the  enemy  as  might  be  found  there.  But 
before  the  latter  reached  his  destination,  M.  de  Beaufifremont  had 
lightened  his  ships  and  retired  up  the  river  Charente,  whither  the 
British  vessels  were  unable  to  follow  him.  Neither  in  the  Charente 
nor  in  the  Vilaine  could  the  fugitive  ships  be  reached.  Time,  how- 
ever, eifected  what  force  could  not ;  for  few  of  the  vessels  were  ever 
again  fit  for  active  service.  Hawke  was  relieved  by  Boscawen,  and 
returned  to  England  after  an  absence  of  ten  months. 

During  the  blockade  it  was  notorious  that  no  fleet  employed 
on  similar  service  had  ever  before  been  so  amply  suppHed  with 
beer,  provisions,  and  vegetables ;  but,  after  the  defeat  of  de  Conflans, 
in  consequence  chiefly  of  the  adverse  state  of  the  weather,  supplies 
failed,  and  the  men  were  obhged  to  be  put  upon  short  allowance. 
This  gave  rise  to  the  well-known  satirical  lines  : — 

"  Ere  Hawke  did  bang 

Monsieur  Conflans, 
You  sent  us  beef  and  beer. 

Now  Monsieur's  beat. 

We've  naugbt  to  eat. 
Since  you  have  noiiglit  to  fear." 

The  small  French  expedition  which  had  been  assembled  at 
Dunquerque  for  a  descent  upon  Scotland  or  Ireland,  and  which 
was  to  be  convoyed  by  Thurot,  was  blockaded  throughout  the 
summer  and  early  autumn  of  1759  by  a  squadron '  under  Commodore 
AVilliam  Boys,  who,  however,  was  driven  from  his  station  by  a  gale 
in  October.  Thurot  then  shpped  out  and  made  to  the  northward, 
Boys  following  as  soon  as  possible,  but  not  being  able  to  overtake 
the  enemy,  and  ultimately  having  to  content  himself  with  cruising 

'  Squadron  under  Commodore  William  Boys,  engaged  in  the  bloL-kade  of  Dun- 
querque, etc.,  1759:  Preston,  50,  Commodore  William  Boys,  Captain  John  Evans; 
Antelope,  50,  Captain  James  Webb;  Pkvnix,  U,  Captain  Christoi  her  Codrington 
Bethell;  Danae,  -iO,  Captain  Heniy  Martin  (2)  ;  Liverpool,  32,  Captain  Richard  Knight; 
Stag,  32,  Captain  Henry  Angell ;  Argo,  28,  Captain  John  Bladou  Tinker ;  Tweed,  28, 
Captain  William  Paston;  7/«ssra»-,  28,  Captain  Robert  Carkett ;  Surprise,  2i,  Captain 
Charles  Antrobus;  Badger,  li,  Commander  Basil  Keith;  Alderney,  12,  Commander 
John  Peighin. 

224  MAJOR    OPEHAT/ONS,    171-1-1762.  [1760. 

off  the  coast  of  Scotland  with  the  object  of  preventing  any  sudden 
raid  there.  As  Thurot's  destination  was  unknown,  and  as  there 
were  rumours  that  he  contemplated  a  blow  on  some  port  on  the 
east  coast  of  Enf^land,  the  squadron  in  the  Downs/  under  Com- 
modoi-e  Sir  Piercy  Brett  (1),  was  ordered  to  Yarmouth.  But 
Thurot's  operations  in  the  British  seas  did  not  begin  till  the  following 
year,  and  an  account  of  them  may  for  the  present  be  deferred. 

During  the  year  17G0  the  British  squadrons  on  active  service 
were  disposed  as  follows.  Commodore  Sir  Piercy  Brett  commanded 
in  the  Downs  and  North  Sea ;  Kear-Admiral  George  Brydges 
Kodney  cruised  in  the  Channel  and  blockaded  Le  Havre ;  Admirals 
Sir  Edward  Hawke  and  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscaweu  reheved  one 
another  in  Quiberon  Bay,  and  watched  the  French  vessels  in  the 
Vilaine  and  Charente,  at  Brest,  Lorient,  and  Eochfort ;  Commodore 
Eobert  Swanton  was  despatched  with  reinforcements  to  Commodore 
Lord  Colville  in  Korth  America ;  Captain  the  Hon.  John  Byron 
was  sent  with  a  squadron  to  destroy  the  fortifications  at  Louis- 
bourg ;  Commodore  Sir  James  Douglas  (1)  relieved  Commodore  John 
Moore  (1)  on  the  Leeward  Islands'  station ;  Eear-Admiral  Charles 
Hohnes  reheved  Vice-Admiral  Thomas  Cotes  at  Jamaica ;  and 
five  additional  ships  were  sent  to  the  East  Indies  to  reinforce  Eear- 
Admirals  Charles  Stevens  and  Samuel  Cornish.  In  the  Mediter- 
ranean Vice-Admiral  Charles  Saunders  succeeded  to  the  command. 

In  the  East  Indies,  Arcot  and  Carical,  with  many  other  places, 
were  taken  from  the  French,  the  Marines  serving  in  several 
instances  on  shore,  and  the  ships  co-operating  with  the  land  forces 
whenever  possible.  Pondicherry  was  besieged  and  blockaded,  and 
in  October  the  boats  of  the  fleet,  under  Commander  William 
Newsom,  acting  captain  of  the  Southsea  Castle,  40,  and  Lieu- 
tenant Isaac  Florimond  Ourry,  brilliantly  cut  out  from  under  the 
forts  the  Hermione,  36,  and  Baleine,  32,  which  were  afterwards 
purchased  into  the  Eoyal  Navy.  The  rainy  season  approaching, 
Eear-Admiral  Stevens  left  five  ships  of  the  line,  under  Captain 
Eobert  Haldane,  of  the  America,  60,  to  continue  the  blockade, 
and  himself  sailed  on  October  28rd  for  Trincomale.     In  the  mean- 

'  Squadron  under  Commodore  Sir  Piercy  Brett  (1),  Kt.,  in  the  Downs  and  Xorth 
Sea,  1759:  his,  50,  Commodore  Sir  Piercy  Brett,  Kt.,  Captain  Edward  AVheeler; 
Woolwich,  40,  Captain  Daniel  Deriug;  Aurora,  36,  Captain  Samuel  Scott;  Alarm,  32, 
Captain  John  Eushworth ;  Aquiion,  28,  Captain  Chaloner  Ogle  (2);  Tactar,  28,  Captain 
John  Knight  (1) ;  Sohhny,  24,  Captain  John  Dah-ymple ;  and  Deal  Castle,  24,  Captain 
George  Tindall. 

1760-yi.]  REDUCTION   OF  rONDICHElUlY.  225 

time   the   siege   was   actively   carried   on    by   Lieut. -Colonel    Eyre 

On  December  25th,  Stevens  returned  with  four  of  his  ships  of 
the  line,  and  resumed  command  off  the  port.     On  January  1st,  1761, 
a  violent  hurricane  burst  upon  the  shipping.     Stevens,  whose  flag 
was  in  the  Nur/o/k,  74,  Captain  Richard  Kempenfelt,  cut  his  cable, 
and  by  gun-signals  ordered  his  captains  to  do  the  same ;  but,  owing 
to  the  violence  of  the  gale  and  the  amount  of  spray  in  the  air,  the 
signals  were   neither   heard   nor   seen.     The   Panther,  60,  Captain 
Philip    Affleck,    the   America,    60,    Captain    Eobert    Haldane,    the 
Medtvaij,  60,  Captain  John  Bladon  Tinker,  and  the  Falmouth,  -50, 
Captain  WiUiam   Brereton,  were   dismasted,    yet   managed  to  ride 
out  the  storm.     A  worse  fate  overtook  the  Neivcastle,  50,  Captain 
Digby  Dent  (3),  the  Queenhorough,  20,  and  the  Protector,  fireship,  all 
of  which   drove    ashore   and  were  wrecked   about  two   miles   from 
Pondicherry,  though  they  lost  only  seven   of  their  crews.     Other 
vessels  were   even   more   unfortunate.     The   Due   cVAquitainc,   64, 
Captain    Sir  William   Hewitt,    Bart.,    the  Sunderland,  60,  Captain 
the  Hon.  James  Colville,  and  the  Drake,  storeship,  foundered  with 
all  hands,   except   seven  Europeans   and  seven  lascars.     The  total 
sacrifice  of  life  was  about  eleven  hundred  souls.     Stevens,  however, 
resumed   his   position,  and  renewed   the  blockade  on  January  3rd, 
and  was  next  day  joined  by  Eear-Admiral  Cornish  with  additional 
ships   from   Trincomale.      Pondicherry   was   gradually   reduced   by 
famine,  until  on  January  15th  it  surrendered,  and  was  occupied  on 
the  16th  by  the  Navy  and  army.     Thus  ended  the  French  power 
on  the  coast  of  Coromandel. 

On  the  Leeward  Islands'  and  Jamaica  stations  the  enemy  was 
in  force  too  feeble  to  attempt  anything  of  moment.  Indeed,  onlj' 
one  action  that  was  fought  in  the  West  Indies  in  1760  calls  for 
mention  here.  In  the  autumn  Eear-Admiral  Holmes  learnt  that 
a  French  convoy,  escorted  by  five  frigates,  was  about  to  sail  from 
Cape  Frantjois  for  Europe  and  he  despatched  the  Hampshire,  50, 
Captain  Coningsby  Norbury  (2),  the  Boreas,  28,  Captain  Samuel 
Uvedale,  and  the  Lively,  20,  Captain  the  Hon.  Frederick  Lewis 
Maitland  (1),  to  intercept  them.  On  October  16th  the  French 
put  to  sea,  the  escort  consisting  of  the  vessels  mentioned  in  the 
note.'      Next    morning   at   dawn    the    British    ships    sighted   and 

1  Sir'ene,  32;  Due  de  C/ioiseuI,  32;  Prhice  Edirurd,  32;  Fhtir  de  Lys,  32;  and 
Valeur,  20. 

VOL.   III.  Q 

226  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1760. 

chased  them,  but  closed  veiy  slowly  until  evening,  when  the  breeze 
freshened.  At  midnight  the  Boreas  engaged  the  Sirine,  but,  being 
disabled  aloft,  fell  astern,  and  could  not  come  up  with  her  again  till 
2  P.M.  on  October  18th,  off  the  east  end  of  Cuba.  A  hot  action 
then  began,  and  at  4.40  p.m.  the  Sirhie  struck,  having  lost  80  killed 
and  woiinded.  The  Boreas  had  lost  but  one  killed  and  one  wounded. 
In  the  meanwhile  the  Hampshire  and  Lively  had  been  in  chase  of 
the  other  frigates.  Soon  after  daybreak  on  the  18th,  the  Lively, 
by  using  her  sweeps,  got  alongside  of  the  Valeur,  and,  after  an  hour 
and  a  half,  forced  her  to  surrender,  she  having  lost  38  killed  and 
25  wounded,  and  the  Lively  but  two  wounded.  Both  the  Sirene 
and  Valeur  were  added  to  the  Navy  under  their  own  names.  The 
Hampshire  at  3.30  p.m.  got  between  the  Due  de  Choiseul  and  the 
Prince  Edward,  but  the  fonner,  having  the  advantage  of  the  wind, 
got  into  Port  au  Paix.  The  latter  ran  ashore  and  struck,  but  was, 
nevertheless,  subsequently  burnt  by  her  crew.  On  the  19th  the 
Hampshire  and  Lively  were  about  to  attack  the  Fleur  de  Lys, 
which  lay  in  the  bay  to  leeward  of  Port  au  Paix,  w^hen  the  enemy 
saved  them  the  trouble  by  abandoning  and  burning  the  ship. 

The  conqiiest  of  Canada  had  not  been  completed  when  Quebec 
fell,  and  the  French  still  cherished  hopes  of  ousting  the  British 
and  of  regaining  command  of  the  countiy.  On  the  other  hand, 
the  British  were  determined  to  make  good  their  possession.  In 
the  winter  of  17-59-60,  a  naval  force  consisting  of  the  Onondaga,  18, 
Mohawk,  16,  and  several  row-galleys  and  gunboats,  was  estabhshed 
on  Lake  Ontario,  with  a  view  to  transporting  an  army  down  the 
St.  LawTence  to  Montreal.  This  airmy,  of  about  11,000  men 
under  General  Amherst,  consisted  half  of  regulars  and  half  of 
provincial  levies,  besides  Indians,  commanded  b}'  Sir  "William 
Johnson,  Bart.  It  was  to  be  aided  bj'  another,  of  5000  men, 
under  Colonel  Haviland,  advancing  from  Lake  Champlain,  and  by 
a  third,  under  Brigadier-General  Miu-raj-,  advancing  from  Quebec 
up  the  St.  LawTence. 

To  help   these  various  expeditions.   Commodore  Lord  Colville  ^ 

'  Northumberland,  70,  Commodore  Lord  Colville,  Captain  AVilliam  Adams  (2); 
Alcide,  64,  Captain  Thomas  Hankerson ;  Trident,  64,  Captain  Julian  Legge ;  Pem- 
hrol-e,  60,  Captain  John  Wheelock;  Prince  of  Orange,  60,  Captain  Samuel  Wallis; 
Richmond,  32,  Captain  Jolm  Elphinstone  (1) ;  Eurus,  20,  Captain  Nathaniel  Bateman ; 
Porcupine,  16,  Commander  John  Macartney ;  and  Racehorse,  homb,  ^vhich  was  already 
at  Quebec.  The  above  wintered  in  America,  and  were  joined  at  various  times  by  the 
Devonshire,  66,  Captain  George  Darby;  Norwich,  50,  Captain  William  M'Cleverty; 
Greyhound,  24,  Captain  Thomas  Francis;  and  Lizard,  28,  Captain  James  Doake. 


was  directed  to  enter  the  St.  Lawrence  as  soon  as  the  season  should 
allow  ;  and  a  reinforcement '  under  Commodore  S  wanton,  consisting 
of  two  sail  of  the  line,  three  fifty-gun  ships,  and  four  frigates,  sailed 
from  England  early  in  the  spring. 

Knowing  of  some,  at  least,  of  those  preparations,  the  French 
made  gallant  attempts  to  seize  Quebec  before  the  river  should  be  clear 
of  ice.  They  sent  down  the  St.  Lawrence  an  army  of  about  14,000 
men  mider  M.  de  Levis.  General  Murray,  underrating  the  force 
of  the  enemy,  marched  out  and  attacked  him,  but  was  defeated  at 
Sillery  on  April  •28th.  Tf  the  French  had  at  once  followed  up 
their  advantage,  they  could  probably  have  taken  the  place,  but 
they  let  shp  their  chance.  Murray  was  very  active  in  the  defence, 
and  sent  the  RaceJiorse  down  the  river  to  look  for  the  fleet  and 
hasten  its  arrival.  On  May  9th  the  Lowestoft,  28,  Captain  Joseph 
Deane,  anchored  in  the  Basin,  and  brought  news  of  the  near 
approach  of  Commodore  Swanton,  who,  on  the  evening  of  the 
15th,  arrived  in  the  Vanguard,  70,  with  the  Diana,  36,  Captain 
Alexander  Schomberg.  On  the  16th,  in  response  to  the  expressed 
wishes  of  General  Murray,  the  Vanguard,  Diana  and  Lowestoft 
worked  up  towards  the  enemy's  flotilla  in  the  upper  river,  and  soon 
obliged  it  to  retire  with  the  loss  of  the  Poinone,  36,  which  grounded 
and  was  burnt  near  Cape  Diamond,  the  Atalantc,  32,  which  grounded 
and  was  burnt  thirty  miles  higher  up,  and  all  the  other  craft  except 
a  sloop.  The  active  part  of  this  work  was  done  exclusively  by  the 
Diana  and  Lowestoft,  while  the  Vanguard,  dropping  down  abreast 
of  Sillery,  enfiladed  the  enemy's  trenches  there,  and  compelled  their 
abandonment.  Indeed,  this  attack  induced  M.  de  Levis  to  raise 
the  siege  on  the  night  of  the  16th,  leaving  behind  him  44  guns, 
10  mortars,  and  various  stores.  Unfortunately,  the  Lowestoft, 
in  returning,  struck  on  a  sunken  rock  and  foundered,  but  without 
loss  of  life.  Lord  Colville,  with  his  squadron,  reached  Quebec  on 
the  18th. 

All  was  then  in  readiness  for  the  projected  advance  against 
Montreal.  General  Murray's  army  was  escorted  up  the  river  by 
the  Penzance,  40,  Captain  William  Gough,  the  Diana,  32,  Captain 
Joseph   Deane,    the   Porcupine,   16,  Commander   John   Macartney, 

'  Vanguard,  70,  Commodore  Robert  Swanton;  Kingston,  60,  Captain  William 
Parry  (2);  Rochester,  50,  Captain  Thomas  Burnett;  Falkland,  50,  Captain  Francis 
Samuel  Drake;  Sutherland,  50,  Captain  Benjamin  Clive;  Penzance,  44,  Captain  William 
Gough;  Diana,  36,  Captain  Alexander  Schomberg;  Vengeance,  28,  Captain  Gamaliel 
Nightingale;  and  Lowestoft,  28,  Captain  Joseph  Deane. 

Q  2 

228  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-17G2.  [1760. 

the  Gaspee,  schooner,  8,  and  a  flotilla  of  thirty-five  small  craft,  it 
having  embarked  in  forty  transports  on  June  13th.  Progress  vk'as  on 
several  occasions  challenged  by  French  batteries  ;  but  the  various 
difficulties  were  slowly  overcome.  Behind  the  main  force  followed 
some  troops  from  Louisbourg  under  Lord  Kollo.  In  the  interval, 
General  Amherst  was  advancing  down  the  St.  Lawrence  under  the 
conduct  of  Captain  Joshua  Loring,  K.N.'  In  the  course  of  the 
advance  the  Onondaga  was  taken  by  the  enemy,  and,  though 
retaken,  had  to  be  abandoned.  Many  boats  and  some  small  craft 
were  also  lost  by  the  way,  owing  to  the  gi'eat  difficulties  of  naviga- 
tion. On  September  6th,  however,  the  Commander-in-Chief's  anny 
landed  on  the  upper  end  of  the  Island  of  Montreal,  nine  miles  above 
the  city.     The  enemy  fled,  and  Montreal  was  quickly  invested. 

As  for  Colonel  Havilaud's  force,  it  embarked  at  Crown  Point 
on  August  11th,  and,  gradually  driving  the  enemy  before  it,  maae 
its  way,  partly  by  water  and  partly  by  laud,  to  Isle  Ste.  Therese 
near  Montreal,  appearing  there  within  a  few  hours  of  the  arrival 
of  Amherst  and  Murray  in  the  same  neighbourhood.  The  co-opera- 
tion could  not  have  l)een  more  exactly  timed. 

On  September  7th  a  cessation  of  hostilities  was  agreed  to ;  and 
on  September  8th  M.  de  Vaudreuil  capitulated  and  Canada  became 
British.  The  final  conquest  had  been  prefaced  bj'  the  captm-e  or 
destruction  by  Lord  Colville  of  a  large  number  of  French  privateers 
on  the  St.  Lawrence,  and  by  the  destruction  by  Commodore  the 
Hon.  John  Byron  in  Chaleur  Bay,  on  July  8th,  of  the  Macliaiilt,  32, 
Bienfaisant,  22,  Marquis  de  Marloze,  16,  and  several  French  small 
craft  which  had  taken  refuge  there  in  expectation  of  chance  offering 
them  some  opportunity  for  slipping  up  the  river. 

Captain  Joseph  Deane,  R.N.,  and  Major  Barre  carried  home 
the  dispatches  announcing  the  great  success.  Each  was  presented 
with  ;6500  whereveith  to  buy  a  sword.  Byron,  who  had  proceeded 
on  his  own  responsibility  to  Chaleur  Bay  on  the  service  above  noted, 
and  who  had  interrupted  for  the  purpose  the  business  of  razing  to 
the  ground  the  fortifications  of  Louisbom-g,  subsequently  retm-ned 
and  completed  that  work. 

In  the  Mediterranean,  whither  A^ice-Admiral  Charles    Saunders 

'  .Joshua  Loring  came  of  a  family  which  had  been  for  some  time  settled  in  Korth 
America.  Lieutenant,  1745;  Commander,  1756;  Captain,  1757 ;  chief  director  of  the 
Xaval  Department  in  the  Interior,  and  Commander-in-Chief  of  the  Lake  Flotilla,  1759- 
1701':  died,  1781. 

1760.]  GRUISK    OF  M.    TIIUliOT.  229 

went  as  Commander-in-Chief  in  April,  ITCiO,  little  of  importance 
happened,  owing  to  the  overwhelming  superiority  of  the  British 
naval  forces.  A  French  division  slipped  out  of  Toulon  in  June ; 
but  the  greater  part  of  it  was  driven  by  a  squadron,  under  Captain 
Hugh  Palliser,  of  the  Hlircivfihunj,  74,  into  a  port  in  the  island  of 
Candia,  and  was  blockaded  there  until  the  British  vessels  had  to 
withdraw  for  supplies  and  repairs,  whereupon  the  enemy  got  back 
to  Toulon. 

.The  fortunes  of  M.  Thurot  must  now  be  followed.  Evading 
Commodore  Boys,  he  left  Dunquerque  on  October  15th,  1759.  In 
his  little  squadron  of  six  frigates  and  corvettes,  he  had  thirteen 
hundred  troops  under  Brigadier-General  de  Flobert.^  He  first 
went  to  Gothenburg  in  Sweden,  partly  to  procure  stores,  and  partly, 
no  doubt,  to  baffle  pursuit  or  observation.  There  he  remained  for 
nineteen  days,  going  next  to  Bergen  in  Norway.  On  his  way 
thither,  one  of  his  ships,  the  Began,  was  so  damaged  in  a  gale  as 
to  be  obliged  to  return  to  France.  The  Fa  a  con  also  parted  company 
early  in  the  voyage.  Thurot  quitted  Bergen  on  December  5th,  and 
proceeded,  by  way  of  Stromo,  in  the  Faroe  Islands,  reaching  the 
neighbom-hood  of  the  Irish  coast  on  January  25th,  ]760.  The 
weather  confounded  an  intended  descent  near  Londonderry,  and 
scattered  his  squadron,  so  much  so  that  the  Amaranthc'  never 
rejoined,  and  returned  in  some  distress  to  St.  Malo.  As  the 
ships  were  by  that  time  all  in  a  sorry  plight,  and  more  than  one  of 
them  was  almost  mutinous,  the  captains  implored  Thurot  to  abandon 
the  descent.  But  he  refused,  and  put  into  Claigeann  Bay,  in  the 
island  of  Islay,  on  February  15th,  to  refresh. 

Thurot  left  the  island  on  February  19th,  and  next  day  anchored 
in  Belfast  Loiigh,  opposite  Kilroot  Point.  The  town  of  Carrick- 
fergus  was  garrisoned  by  four  newly-raised  and  weakly  companies 
of  the  62nd  Eegiment  under  Lieut. -Colonel  Jennings.  Thurot 
landed  about  six  hundred  men  on  February  21st,  and  M.  de  Flobert, 
after  comparatively  little  fighting,  obliged  Colonel  Jennings  to 
surrender   the   castle.     The   French   requisitioned   provisions   from 

^  De  Flobei't,  from  the  first,  threw  difficulties  iu  Thiirot's  way,  regarding  him  with 
contempt  and  jealousy.  'I'liurot,  as  a  seaman,  jirohaljly  had  no  high  opinion  of  the 
soldier ;  for,  as  Laughton  points  out  ('  Studs,  in  Nay.  Hist.,'  346),  even  until  quite 
recent  times  there  was  a  saying  on  board  ship,  "a  messmate  before  a  shijiniate;  a  ship- 
mate before  a  stranger;  a  stranger  before  a  dog;  but. — a  dog  before  a  soldier." 

-  It  is  tolerably  certain,  nevertheless,  that  the  Amaranthe  could  have  rejoined, 
her  captain  desired  to  do  so. 


MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762. 


the  town,  and  made  several  small  prizes  in  the  Lough,  rifling 
and  afterwards  bui-ning  them ;  but  de  Flobert  resisted  Thm-ot's 
entreaties  to  advance  and  seize  Belfast.  The  whole  adventure 
cost  the  French  about  thirty  killed  and  sixty  wounded.  The  mayor 
and  some  gentlemen  were  carried  on  board  as  hostages,  and  at 
midnight  on  February  27th,  the  enemy,  having  re-embarked,  set 
sail  to  return  to  France. 

The  Duke  of  Bedford,  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Ireland,  upon  getting 

news  of  the  descent,  sent  expresses  to  all   the  principal   ports  to 

inform  the  captains  of  any  of  H.  M.  ships  that  might  be  there  of 

what   had   happened.     At   Kingsale   one  of  these   expresses  found 

the  frigates  JSolus,  Pallas,  and  Brilliant,^  which  had  been  driven 

from   their   station   with   Hawke's   fleet   on   the   coast   of   France. 

These  at  once  jmt  to  sea  and  went  north.     At  Dublin,  on  the  •26th, 

the  senior  officer.  Captain  John  Elhot,  learnt  that  the  enemy  was 

still  at  Carrickfergus.     That  same  evening,  he  found  himseK  off  the 

mouth  of  Belfast  Lough,  but,  the  wind  being  contrar}-,  he  could 

not  get  in.     On  the  28th,  at  4  a.m.,  he  caught  sight  of  the  French 

as  they  rounded  Copeland  Island,  and  gave  chase.     "  About  nine," 

'continues  Captain  Elliot,  in  his  dispatch  of  February  29th  to  the 

Duke  of  Bedford,  "  I   got  alongside   their   commodore ;    and,  in  a 

few  minutes,  the  action  became  general,  and  continued  very  briskly 

for  an  horn-  and  a  half,  when  they  all  three  struck  their  colours." 

The   Marechal    de   Bdleisle   alone   fought   well  ;    the   Blonde    and 

Terpsichore  stnick  almost  as  soon  as  they  were  engaged.     EUiot,  • 

with  the  prizes,   subsequently  put   into  Eamsay,  Isle   of   Man,  to 

refit.     All  the  vessels  were  greatly  disabled  aloft,  and  the  Marechal 

de   Belleisle,  which  had    suffered   most   of  all,  was   with   difficult}' 

prevented  from  sinking. 

'  Squadron  which,  under  M.  Thurot,  escajied  from  Dunquerque  in  1759 ;  and 
squadron  which,  under  Captain  John  Elliot,  met  and  captured  jiart  of  it  on 
February  28th.  17G0:— 








!         Losses. 

Marechal  de  BeUtislc     .      . 





Faiicon  ' 



Molm    .... 
Pallas    .... 
Brilliant     .     .     . 


Capt.  John  Elliot. 
,.    Hicljael  Clements. 
.,    James  Loggie. 







1  jiartei  compauy  before  the  acttou. 

1760]  BOSGAWEN'S   LAST  SERVICE.  231 

The  gallant  Thurot,'  who  fell  on  this  occasion,  was  an  opponent 
who,  in  his  method  of  carrying  on  the  war,  had  never  shut  his  eyes 
to  the  principles  of  honour,  generosity,  and  humanity,  and  who 
was  scarcely  less  lamented  hy  his  British  foes  than  by  his  own 
countrymen.  The  three  victorious  captains  were  unanimously 
voted  the  thanks  of  the  Irish  House  of  Commons,  and  the  Blonde 
and  Terpsichore  were  purchased  into  the  Eoyal  Navy. 

Admiral  Boscawen,  after  the  return  of  Sir  Edward  Hawke, 
sailed  to  command  the  fleet  in  Quiberon  Bay,  with  his  flag  in  the 
Boijal  Wmiani,  and  with  Eear-x\dmiral  Francis  Geary,  in  the 
SandwicJi,  as  second  in  command.  While  he  was  going  to  his 
station,  the  RamiUies,  90,  Captain  Wittewronge  Taylor,  of  his 
squadron,  went  ashore  on  Bolt  Head  in  a  gale  and  was  lost,  the 
crew  all  perishing  except  one  midshipman  and  twenty-five  men. 
Boscawen,  who  was  obliged  by  the  heavy  weather  to  return,  sub- 
sequently shifted  his  flag  to  the  Namtir,  and  proceeded.  His 
cruisers  took  several  prizes  ;  but  the  enemy's  fleet  did  not — indeed, 
could  not — come  out.  The  blockade  prevented  the  French  from 
sending  supplies  across  the  Atlantic,  and  from  interfering  with 
British  trade.  In  August,  Sir  Edward  Hawke,  in  the  lioijal 
George,  reheved  Boscawen,  who  returned  to  England  on  Sep- 
tember 1st.  This  was  Boscawen's  last  service.  He  died  at  his 
house,  Hatchlands,  near  Guildford,  on  January  10th,  1761."  Hawke 
pursued  his  predecessor's  policy,  and  was  equally  successful.  Kear- 
Admiral  Eodney,  cruising  ofi'  Le  Havre,  was  not  less  energetic. 

An  expedition,  to  be  commanded  by  Commodore  the  Hon. 
Augustus  Keppel,  and  to  be  directed  either  against  Mauritius  and 
Bourbon  or  against  the  coast  of  France,  was  in  preparation  when, 
on  October  '27th,  George  II.  died.  This  important  event  led  to  so 
much  delay,  that  on  December  13th  orders  were  given  for  the 
fleet  to  return  from  St.  Helen's,  where  it  lay  ready  for  sea,  to 
Spithead,  and  for  the  troops  on  board  to  be  disembarked.  For 
that  season  the  enterprise  was  given  up. 

1  Fran9ois  Thurot,  born  at  Nuits,  1726.  Son  of  a  small  innkeeper ;  educated  l.iy 
the  Jesuits  at  Dijon ;  apprenticed  to  a  druggist ;  surgeon  in  a  privateer,  1744 ;  captured 
by  the  British;  escaped;  devoted  himself  to  privateering;  lived  for  some  time  in 
London ;  given  a  commission  in  the  French  navy ;  commanded  the  Friponne,  and, 
from  1757,  the  Marklud  de  Se/leide.  His  actions  with  the  Southampton,  the  Seahorse, 
etc.,  will  be  found  noticed  in  the  next  chapter.  He  was  one  of  the  boldest  of  the  French 

"  Boscawen  was,  however,  buried  in  the  church  of  St.  Michael,  Peukevel,  Cornwall, 
where  there  is  a  monument  by  Eijsbraak  to  his  memory. 

232  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,    17U-1762.  [ITOI. 

By  1760  the  enemy's  navy  had  been  so  nearly  annihilated  that 
but  two  or  three  of  His  Majesty's  ships  were  taken  by  the  French  ; 
and  French  trade  had  been  so  diminished  that  the  British  cruisers 
made  but  comparatively  few  captures — only  one  hundred  and  ten 
vessels  in  all.  But  the  British  mercantile  losses  by  the  ravages 
of  small  privateers  were  enormous.  As  many  as  three  hundred 
and  thirty  trading  vessels  were  taken.  Few  of  them,  however, 
were  of  any  considerable  size  ;  and,  in  spite  of  the  loss,  British 
trade  flourished  exceedingly.  It  was,  no  doubt,  chiefly  owing  to  its 
healthy  condition  that  the  commercial  marine  experienced  so  many 

In  1761  Vice-Admiral  Francis  Holburne  commanded  at  Ports- 
mouth ;  Commodore  Sir  Piercy  Brett  (1)  in  the  Downs ;  Commodore 
Kobert  Swanton  in  the  Channel ;  Sir  Edward  Hawke  and  Sir 
Charles  Hardy  (2)  in  Quiberon  Bay  till  March,  when  Commodore 
Keppel  took  charge  of  the  squadron  in  the  Bay  of  Biscay ;  Vice- 
Admiral  Charles  Saunders  in  the  Mediterranean  ;  Commodore  Lord 
Colville  in  North  America ;  Eear-Admiral  Charles  Hohnes  at 
Jamaica;  Commodore  Sir  James  Douglas  (1),  and,  at  the  end  of  the 
year,  Eear-Admiral  Rodney,  on  the  Leeward  Islands'  station ;  and 
Eear-Admiral  Stevens  in  the  East  Indies,  until  his  death,  when 
the  command  devolved  on  Eear-Admiral  Cornish. 

After  the  capture  of  Pondicherry,  Mahe  was  reduced  by  the 
troops  under  Major  Hector  Munro,  supported  by  four  sail  of  the 
line  under  Eear-Admiral  Cornish.  The  place  siu-rendered  on 
February  10th.  In  May  Eear-Admiral  Charles  Stevens  fell  a 
victim  to  the  unhealthiness  of  the  climate.  The  French  on  the 
station  were  by  that  time  practically  helpless,  and  Cornish  soon 
afterwards  went  to  Bombay  to  refit.  He  then  proceeded  southward 
to  meet  an  expedition  which  he  had  reason  to  beheve  was  on  its 
way  out,  under  Commodore  Keppel,  to  attack  Bourbon  and 
Mauritius  ;  but  all  idea  of  this  expedition  had,  in  the  meantime, 
been  abandoned.  The  means  taken,  however,  to  apprise  Cornish 
of  the  change  of  plans  were  not  efficacious  ;  and  the  Eear-Admiral 
was  actuallj'  obliged,  by  scarcity  of  supplies,  to  go  back  to 
Madras  without  hearing  any  news  from  home.  Two  of  his  ships, 
however,  the  York,  60,  Captain  Henry  Cowell,  and  the  Chatham,  .54, 
Captain  Thomas  Ljiin,  being  imable  to  keep  with  the  fleet,  had 
to  bear  up  for  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope.  There  they  learned  from 
the  Terpsicliore,  26,  Captain  Sir  Thomas  Adams,  Bart.,  that  Keppel 

ITGL]      .  CAPTURE    OF  DOMIXICA.  233 

was  no  longer  to  be  expected ;  and  in  due  course  they  can-ied  the 
iutelhgence  to  the  Eear-Admiral  in  India. 

On  the  Leeward  Islands'  station,  Commodore  Sir  James 
Douglas  (1),  who  was  reinforced  by  four  sail  of  the  line  and  three 
frigates/  with  troops  from  North  America  under  Lord  Eollo, 
attacked,  and,  on  June  8th,  captured,  the  Island  of  Dominica. 
During  the  rest  of  the  summer,  operations  were  chiefly  confined  to 
the  protection  of  trade,  and  the  repression  of  privateering.  Towards 
the  end  of  the  year,  it  having  been  determined  to  prosecute  a  more 
active  and  offensive  policy,  and  to  largely  increase  the  force  among 
the  AVest  India  Islands,  Eear-Admiral  Eodney  was  appointed  to 
the  command ;  and  on  November  2'2nd  he  arrived  at  Carlisle  Bay, 
Barbados,  where  he  was  presentl_y  joined  by  the  Temeraire  and 
ActaoH,  with  troops  from  Belle  Isle,  and  l)y  a  military  force  from 
North  America  under  Major-General  Monckton. 

On  the  Jamaica  station  there  were  several  single-ship  encounters, 
but  no  occurrences  of  first-rate  importance.  Eear-Admiral  Charles 
Holmes,  dying  on  November  '21st,  was  .succeeded  in  the  command 
by  the  senior  officer,  Captain  Arthur  Forrest,  of  the  Centaur, 
pending  the  arrival  of  Sir  James  Douglas.  In  North  America, 
likewise,  little  of  moment  happened,  the  chief  business  of  the  fleet 
being  to  convoy  troops  to  the  West  Indies.  Nor  were  there  any 
transactions  on  a  large  scale  in  the  Mediterranean,  although  the 
force  there  was,  towards  the  end  of  the  year,  greatly  strengthened 
by  the  arrival  of  a  detachment  from  home  under  Sir  Piercy  Brett  (1). 
The  French  scarcely  ventured  to  put  to  sea ;  and,  when  any  of 
their  ships  did  issue  from  port,  they  were  almost  invariably 

Admiral  Sir  Edward  Hawke  and  Vice-Admiral  Sir  Charles 
Hardy  (2)  remained  in  the  Bay  of  Biscay,  watching  the  French  ships 
in  the  Vilaine  and  Charente  ;  and,  to  better  effect  their  purpose, 
stationed  an  inshore  squadron,  under  Captain  James  Gambler  (1), 
quite  close  to  the  mouth  of  the  Vilaine.  Yet,  in  spite  of  this 
precaution,  on  January  2nd,  the  night  being  dark  and  the  breeze 
fresh,  several  of  the  French  vessels  slipped  out  thence,  and,  though 
chased  by  Gambler,  escaped   into  Brest.      After  this  evasion,  the 

'  Stiiiimj  Castle,  64,  Captain  Michael  Everitt  ;  yonvich,  50,  Captain  William 
M'Cleverty;  Falkland,  50,  Captain  Francis  Samuel  Drake;  Sutherland,  50,  Captain 
Julian  Legge;  Penzance,  -l-i,  Ca[itain  .John  Boyd  (acting);  Repulse,  32,  Captain 
John  Carter  Allen;  and  Lizard,  28,  Captain  James  Doake. 


MAJOR    OFERATIONS,   1714:-1762. 


blockading'  force  was  needlessly  large  for  the  work  remaining  to 
be  done,  and  in  March  Hawke  returned  to  England,  leaving  behind 
him  enough  ships  to  observe  the  enemy's  motions. 

The  expedition,  which  had  been  prepared  during  the  previous 
year,  and  had  been  destined  at  one  time  for  Bourbon  and  Mauritius, 
and  later  for  the  coast  of  France,  was  again  brought  forward  in 
1761,  Commodore  Hon.  Augustus  Keppel  being  appointed  to 
command  the  sea,  and  Major-General  Studholm  Hodgson^  the 
laud  forces.  The  squadron  at  first  included  ten  sail  of  the  line, 
eight  frigates,  three  sloops,  three  bombs,  and  two  fireships,  but 
was  eventually  reinforced  with  five  more  sail  of  the  line.^  The 
army  originally  consisted  of  about  seven  thousand  men,^  but  about 
three  thousand  more  were  subsequently  sent  to  the  scene  of 

The  expedition*  sailed  from  St.  Helen's  on  March  29th,  and 
.sighted  Belle  Isle,^  which  it  was  designed  to  attack,  on  April  6th. 
That  evening  Keppel  detached  six  frigates  to  cruise  between  the 
island  and  the  mainland,  in  order  to  sever  communications.  A 
squadron  under  Captain  Matthew  Buckle  (1),  consisting  of  thirteen 

'  Later  a  field-marshal. 

^  British  squadron  employed  under  Commodore  the  Hon.  Augu.stus  Keppel  iu  the 
expedition  against  Belle  Isle,  1761 : — 

•  Ships. 






iCommod.  Hou.  August'is 

Moitmouth  t 


Capt.  .Tohn  Storr. 

Valiant  .... 






„    Walter  Stirliug. 

(Caut.  Adam  Duncau. 

Launceston  .     . 


..     Edmnnd  Affleck. 



,     Kicbanl  Norbury. 

Soutltamptim     . 


,,    Charles  Antrobus. 

Dragon  .... 


,     Hon.    Aug.    John 

,    Blattbew  Barton. 

Melampe.     .     . 


r     ,,    William  Hothara 
I             (1). 

„    Matthew  iloore. 

Tenu'rairt    . 


Adeenture    .     . 


Torbay    .... 


,    William  Brett. 

ActcEOn   .      .      . 


,„    Paul  Henry  Ourry. 

Swi/tsurc     .      .      . 



,    Sir  Thomas  Stan- 

Flamhoroudh    . 


„     Samuel  Thomp.sou. 

hope,  Kt. 



,.    Mitchell  Graham. 

ITampton  Court 


,    CdiT  Scrope. 

Escort     .     .     . 


Com.  Charles  EUys. 

Hssi:x       .... 
Prince  of  Orantje  . 



,    Alexander  Schom- 

My    ...     . 


,,    George  Gayton. 

,    Samuel  Wallis. 

Druid     .     .     . 


f    .,    Hon.    John    Lut- 
l             treU. 

Achilles  .... 



,     Hon.  Samuel  Bar- 

Firedrake.  b. 


,.    James  Orrok. 


fv/ernal,  b. 


,,    James  Mackenzie. 

Berol      .... 


,    WiUbm  Fort^scue. 

Furnace^  b.  .      . 


,,    James  Chaplen. 

Buckingham  i  .     . 


,     Peter  I'arker  (1). 

Vesuvius^  f.s.    . 


„    Jaaies  Chads. 

Burforill     .      .      . 
Chichester  l  .      .      . 



,    .lames  Gambier(l)- 
,     William     Saltreu 

JEtna,  f.s.     .      . 


1     ,,    Michael       Henrv 
{             Pascal. 

I  Fullowed  the  fleet  as  reinforcements. 

'  Its  nominal  force  was  9000,  but  the  regiments  were  incomplete.  Hodgson  to 
Albemarle,  March  28th,  1761. 

*  For  Keppel's  secret  instructions,  see  '  Life,'  by  Hon.  and  Rev.  T.  Keppel,  i.  302. 
That  biography,  however,  appears  to  contain  numerous  errors. 

^  For  Belle  Isle  and  neighbourhood,  see  chart  facing  p.  488  of  Vol.  II. 

1761.]  THE   EXPEDITION   TO   BELLE   ISLE.  235 

sail  of  the  line  and  three  frigates/  was  presently  sent  to  cruise 
off  Brest  to  prevent  the  possibility  of  interference  from  that  quarter. 
Early  on  April  7th  the  fleet  passed  the  south  end  of  the  island  close 
in,  so  as  to  enable  the  Commodore  and  General  to  reconnoitre, 
and  at  noon  it  anchored  in  the  Koad  of  Palais.  The  Commodore 
and  General  then  reconnoitred  more  closely  in  a  cutter,  having 
first  ordered  the  boats  to  be  hoisted  out,  and  the  troops  to  be 
made  ready  to  land.  They  found  no  place  more  suitable  for  a 
disembarkation  than  a  l)ay  near  Point  de  Locmaria,  which  they 
had  remarked  in  the  morning.  To  distract  the  enemy,  a  feint  of 
landing  was  made  near  Sauzon  by  a  detachment  under  Captain 
Sir  Thomas  Stanhope ;  and,  on  the  morning  of  the  8th,  the  wind 
being  north-east,  the  real  landing  in  force  was  made  near  Port 
Andro,  after  the  Prince  of  Orange,  Dragon,  and  Achilles,  with  two 
bombs,  had  silenced  a  four-gun  battery  at  the  entrance  of  the  bay. 
Commodore  Keppel  gave  the  signal  for  the  disembarkation  from  the 
Prince  of  Orange,  to  which  he  had  shifted  his  broad  pennant  from 
the  Valiant.  The  boats  were  led  by  Captain  Matthew  Barton, 
and,  although  the  enemy  offered  a  most  vigorous  resistance,  the 
landing  was  effected  at  three  different  places.  But  the  troops  found 
it  impossible  to  hold  their  ground  or  to  mount  the  well-defended 
slopes  in  front  of  them,  and,  after  a  hot  contest,  had  to  retreat  with 
very  considerable  loss.  The  retiring  boats  were  covered  by  the  fire 
from  the  ships. 

Bad  weather  for  several  days  prevented  any  renewal  of  the 
attempt ;  but  on  the  '2'2nd,  while  two  feints  were  made  elsewhere, 
a  new  landing  was  prepared  under  Major-General  John  Craufurd 
at  Fort  d'Arsic,  under  cover  of  the  Sandwich,  Dragon,  Prince  of 
Orange,  two  bombs,  and  two  armed  transports  ;  Captain  Barton, 
as  before,  leading  in  the  boats.  The  feints  were  ordered  to  be 
made  by  Brigadier-General  Hamilton  Lambart,  one  near  St.  Foy 
and  the  other  at  Sauzon.  Lambart  was  directed,  if  he  saw  any 
probability  of  success,  to  actuall)'  land,  and  to  endeavour  to  hold 

'  Namur,  90,  Captain  Matthew  Buckle  (1) ;  Union,  90,  Captain  Thomas  Evans ; 
Royal  William,  8-1,  Captain  Hugli  Pigot  (1) ;  Princess  Amelia,  80,  Captain  John 
Montagu ;  Hero,  74,  Captain  William  Fortescue ;  Fame,  74,  Captain  the  Hon.  John 
Bj-ron ;  Cornwall,  74,  Captain  Robert  Man  (2);  31ars,  74,  Captain  Richard  Sprv ; 
Bedford,  64,  Captain  Joseph  Deane ;  Prince  Frederick,  64,  Ca])tain  Jervis  MaiJesden; 
Lion,  60,  Captain  Edward  Le  Cras  ;  Bipon,  60,  Cajitain  Edward  Jekyll ;  Unicorn,  28, 
Captain  Charles  Douglas ;  Tweed,  28,  Captain  William  Paston ;  Aquilon,  28,  Captain 
Chaloner  Ogle  (2). 

2o(J  Mjjuii  opkhations,  itu-ito:^.  [itgi. 

his  own.  This,  in  fact,  he  did  under  cover  of  the  Swiftsure, 
HamptoJi  Court,  Essex,  and  Lynn,  and  with  the  assistance  of 
Marines  under  Lieut. -Colonel  Mackenzie  and  Captain  Murray.  As 
he  effected  his  object  before  the  intended  landing  at  d'Arsic  had 
begun,  the  division  intended  to  attack  that  place  rowed  promptly 
to  Lambart's  support,  and  enabled  him  to  maintain  his  position 
and  to  drive  back  the  enemy.  All  the  troops  were  disembarked 
by  ~)  P.M.,  and  the  French  retired  before  them  to  Palais.  Batteries 
were  erected  against  the  town  on  May  2nd,  and  in  the  preliminary 
operations  before  the  place,  some  Marines,  under  Captain  David 
Hepburn,  greatly  distinguished  themselves.  On  May  13th  several 
advanced  redoubts  were  carried,  and  the  enemy  was  driven  from 
the  town  to  the  citadel,  which,  from  the  16th  onwards,  was  subjected 
to  a  furious  bombardment.  On  June  7th,  a  large  breach  had  been 
formed  ;  and  preparations  were  being  made  for  storming  it,  when 
the  Chevalier  de  St.  Croix,  the  governor,  offered  to  surrender. 
Possession  was  taken  on  the  8th.  The  British  in  these  operations 
lost  about  three  hundred  and  ten  killed  and  five  hundred  wounded, 
besides  many  men  who  died  of  disease.  During  the  whole  pro- 
ceedings the  most  perfect  harmony  prevailed  between  the  naval 
and  the  military  chiefs.^  The  naval  dispatches  were  sent  home 
by  Caj)tain  the  Hon.  Samuel  Barrington,  who,  upon  his  arrival,  was, 
as  was  then  usual  in  such  cases,  presented  by  the  King  with  £500. 
The  island  was  held  during  the  remainder  of  the  war. 

After  the  landing  on  Belle  Isle,  Keppel,  who  had  been  again 
reinforced,  despatched  Sir  Thomas  Stanhope  with  a  squadron  -  to 
attack  such  French  ships  as  might  be  lying  in  Basque  Eoad,  and 
to  destroy  the  works  on  Isle  d'Aix.  No  ships  were  discovered,  but 
the  destruction  of  the  works  was  satisfactorily  accomplished  by 
Captain  Peter  Parker  (1)  of  the  Buckingham,  in  company  with  the 
MonDiuufh  and  Nassau,  assisted  later  by  the  Actcson,  Fhj  and  Blast, 

'  "  I  hear  some  scoundrels  liave  spread  a  report  tliat  the  Commodore  and  I  have 
disagreed.  I  lielieve  there  never  was  more  friendship  and  more  harmony  between  two 
persons  since  the  creation  of  the  world  than  has  subsisted  between  us.  .  .  .  The  two 
services  have  acted  as  one  corps  ever  since  we  left  England."  Hodgson  to  Albemarle, 
June  8th,  1761. 

^  Swiftsure,  70,  Captain  Sir  Thomas  Stanhope ;  Sandwich,  90,  Captain  Richard 
Norb\iry;  Trident,  G4,  Captain  Benjamin  Clive;  Buckinyliam,  64,  Captain  Peter 
Parker  (1) ;  Monmouth,  64,  Captain  John  Storr ;  Nassau,  64,  Captain  Maurice  Suckling ; 
Prince  of  Oranrjc,  60,  Captain  Samuel  Wallis ;  Actieon,  28,  Captain  Paul  Henry  Ourry ; 

Fly,  14,  Commander  George  Gayton ;  Blast,  bomb,  8,  Commander ;  Furnace, 

bomb,  8,  Commander  James  Chaplen. 




and  by  the  boats  of  the  squadrou.  The  French  prames  from  the 
mouth  of  the  Charente  endeavoured  to  interfere  with  the  operations  ; 
but  the  work  was  completed  with  very  Httle  loss  on  June  "ilst 
and  2'2nd.  Sir  Thomas  Stanhope  continued  on  the  station  during 
the  rest  of  the  year,  his  ships  being  occasionally  relieved.  In 
December,  the  enemy  made  an  ineffectual  attempt  to  destroy  them 
by  means  of  fireships.  Soon  afterwards  Lord  Howe  succeeded 
Stanhope  in  the  command. 

It  may  here  be  mentioned,  although  the  matter  has  nothing  to 

SIK    PETER   PAKKER   (1),    BAUT.,    ADMIKAL    OF    THE    FLEET. 
{From  an  engraving  by  Rldleij  after  a  portrait  onir  in  llic  possession  of  Mr.  Valentine  Green.) 

do  with  the  miUtary  operations  of  the  Navy,  that,  in  August,  Lord 
Anson,  as  Admiral  of  the  Fleet,  hoisted  his  flag  on  board  the  EoyaJ 
Charlotte  {ex-Boyal  Caroline),  yacht,  in  order  to  escort  to  England 
the  Princess  Charlotte  of  Mecklenburg-Strehtz,  who  had  been 
promised  in  marriage  to  George  III.,  and  who  landed  at  Harwich 
on  September  6th.  Anson's  flag-captain  on  that  occasion  was 
Captain  Peter   Denis,  and  the  royal   yacht   was  convoyed   by  the 

238  MAJOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1702.  [1701. 

Nottinglidin,  60,  Captain  Samuel  Marshall  (1),  the  Winchester,  .50, 
Captain  John  Hale,  the  Minerva,  32,  Captain  Alexander  Ai'thur 
Hood,  the  Tartar,  28,  Captain  John  Knight  (1),  the  Hazard,  14, 
Commander  the  Hon.  Henry  St.  John  (1),  the  Lynx,  14,  Commander 
the  Hon.  Keith  Stewart  (1),  and  a  nmnber  of  small  yachts. 

Dux-ing  the  year  there  was  a  disposition,  on  the  part  of  both 
belligerents,  to  treat  for  peace ;  but  the  negotiations  broke  down, 
and  the  prospects  of  an  amicable  arrangement  were  seriously 
diminished  by  the  signature,  on  August  15th,  1761,  of  what  is 
known  as  the  Family  Compact,  between  the  rulers  of  France  and 
Spain.  As  soon  as  news  of  this  was  received  in  England,  Pitt 
desired  at  once  to  declare  war  against  Spain,  which  had  for  some 
time  previously  behaved  in  a  manner  not  altogether  becoming  a 
neutral ;  but,  being  overborne,  he  resigned.  Had  war  been  declared 
when  Pitt  wished,  the  very  rich  home-coming  Spanish  treasure- 
ships  from  America  might  have  been  seized.  As  soon  as  they  were 
safely  in  port,  Spain  took  no  more  pains  to  disguise  her  hostiUty, 
the  consequence  being  that,  by  proclamation  dated  January  2nd, 
1762,  war  was  declared  by  Great  Britain,  and,  by  proclamation  of 
January  16th,  by  Spain.  The  Spanish  court  at  once  endeavoured 
to  coerce  Portugal  into  joining  Spain  and  France  ;  but  Portugal  was 
loyal  to  her  ancient  ally,  and  manfully  stood  out,  although  war 
was  very  quickly  declared  against  her  as  a  penalty  for  her  non- 
compliance. Substantial  British  miUtary  support  was  promptly 
given  her,  numerous  British  officers  joined  her  army,  and  Com- 
manders Joseph  Norwood,  Thomas  Lee  (1),  and  Michael  Henry 
Pascal  ^  took  service  in  her  Kavy. 

It  was  early  resolved  to  deal  with  Spain  in  the  most  vigorous 
and  uncompromising  manner.  It  has  been  stated  that  a  large  body 
of  troops  had  been  ordered  from  North  America  to  the  AVest  Indies 
with  a  view  to  the  reduction  of  the  French  Caribbee  Islands.  The 
Ministry  determined  that  these  troops  should  be  reinforced  from 
England,  and  that,  after  the  newly  conquered  islands  should  have 
been  properly  garrisoned,  an  expedition  should  proceed  to  the 
attack  of  Havana.  The  conomand  of  the  army  assigned  for  this 
ser\'ice  was  given  to  Lieut. -General  the  Earl  of  Albemarle.  The 
command  of  the  squadron  w^as  given  to  Admiral  Sir  George 
Pocock,  K.B.,  with,  as  his  second,  Commodore  the  Hon.  A.  Keppel, 
the  Earl  of  Albemarle's  brother. 

'  All  these  officers,  upou  their  return  to  England  after  the  peace,  were  posted. 


Another  movement  induced  by  the  rupture  with  Spain,  was  the 
despatch  of  Commodore  Sir  Piercy  Brett  (1),  with  a  strong  reinforce- 
ment, to  Sir  Charles  Saunders,  K.B.,^  in  the  Mediterranean.  Sir 
Edward  Hawke,  with  Bear-Admiral  the  Duke  of  York,  cruised  off  the 
coasts  of  Spain  and  Portugal ;  and  later,  the  same  squadron,  under 
command  of  Sir  Charles  Hai'dy  ('2)  and  the  Duke  of  York,  left  port  a 
second  time  on  the  same  errand.  While  arrangements  were  thus 
made  to  attack  Spain  in  the  West  Indies,  and,  at  the  same  moment, 
to  distract  her  attention  at  home,  a  small  expedition,  under  command 
of  Brigadier-General  Draper,  was  despatched  from  India  against  the 
Philippine  Islands. 

On  the  death  of  Kear-Admiral  Holmes,  Sir  James  Douglas  (1)  was 
appointed  to  the  command  at  Jamaica  ;  Eear- Admiral  Kodney  still 
commanded  on  the  Leeward  Islands'  station ;  and  Commodore 
Lord  Colville  remained  in  North  America.  Commodore  Spry 
cruised  with  a  squadron  of  observation  off  Brest,  until  he  was 
reheved  by  Commodore  Eobert  Man  (2) ;  and  Commodore  Lord 
Howe  lay  in  Basque  Eoad  until  he  was  relieved  by  Commodore 
Peter  Denis.  Admiral  Holburne  commanded  at  Portsmouth ; 
Commodore  John  Moore  (1),  in  the  Downs,  and  Commodore  James 
Y'oung  (1),  in  the  Channel. 

Eear- Admiral  Cornish  continued  to  command  in  the  East  Indies  ; 
but,  as  the  French  had  neither  settlement  nor  trade  there,  he  had 
little  to  do  against  them.  When,  therefore,  war  broke  out  with 
Spain,  he  was  able  to  devote  almost  his  undivided  attention  to  the 
new  enemy.  Colonel  Draper,  afterwards  Sir  William  Draper,  K.B., 
an  officer  who  had  distinguished  himself  at  the  siege  of  Madras  in 
17-59,  had  devoted  part  of  a  period  of  sick  leave  to  inquiring  into  the 
condition  of  the  Spanish  settlements  in  the  Philippine  Islands  ;  and 
he  had  discovered  that  the  defences  had  been  much  neglected,  and 
that  the  Spaniards  there  trusted  rather  to  their  remoteness  than  to 
their  strength  for  their  protection."  Upon  the  commencement  of 
hostilities.  Colonel  Draper  laid  his  information  before  the  Ministry, 
and  measures  were  taken  accordingly.  He  was  at  once  sent  to 
India  in  the  Argo,  28,  Captain  Eichard  Eing  (1),  with  instructions  for 
fitting  out  an  expedition  against  Manilla,  and  with  an  appointment 
as  commander-in-chief  of  the  troops  to  be  employed.  The  ex- 
pedition ultimately  consisted  of  the  79th  Eegiment,  a  company  of 

'  Vice-Admiral  Sauuders  was  so  installed,  bj-  proxy,  ou  May  26th,  1761. 
-  As  they  appear  to  have  done  again  in  1898. 


MAJOli    OPEliATIONB,    1714-1762. 


Eoyal  Artilleiy  and  miscellaneous  bodies,  which,  with  (530  seamen 
and  270  INIarines  from  the  fleet,  brought  the  total  of  the  available 
field  army  up  to  about  2300  men,  who  were  embarked  in  Eear- 
Admiral  Cornish's  squadron  and  in  two  East  Indiamen.  The 
preparations  were  begun  and  completed  within  three  weeks.  The 
Seahorse,  20,  Captain  Charles  Cathcart  Grant,  was  sent  in  advance 
to   intercept   any   vessels    that   might    be   bound   for    Manilla.     A 

ADMIRAL    SIK    RICHARD    KING   (1),    BART. 
(From  a  lithograijh  by  Bidkij,  after  a  miniature.) 

di\asion  of  the  fleet,  under  Commodore  Eichard  Tiddeman,  sailed 
on  July  29th  ;  and  the  rest,  with  the  exception  of  the  Falmouth,  60, 
which  was  left  to  convoy  an  ludiaman,  followed  under  the  Com- 
mander-in-Chief on  August  1st.     On  August  19th  the  fleet  ^  reached 

'  Listof  H.M.  ships  engaged  in  the  expedition  against  Manilla  : — Norfolk,  74,  Rear- 
Admiral  Samuel  Cornish  (Yice- Admiral,  October  21st,  1762),  Captain  Eichard  Kempen- 
felt ;  Elizabeth,  64,  Commodore  Eichard  Tiddeman,  Captain  Isaac  Florimond  Ourry : 
Lenox,  74,  Captain  Eobert  JoceljTi ;  Orafton,  68,  Captain  Hyde  Parker  (1);  Wey- 
mouth, 60,  Captain  Richard  Collins  (2);  America,  60,  Captain  Samuel  Pitchford : 
Panther,   60,   Commander   George   Ourry   (acting    for    Captain   AVilliani    JTewsom) : 

17G1.]  CAPTUllE    OF  MANILLA.  241 

Malacca,  and  there  watered  and  took  on  board  various  supplies. 
On  the  '27th  it  sailed  again ;  and  on  September  23rd,  to  the  great 
surprise  of  the  Spaniards,  who  had  not  heard  of  the  outbreak  of 
war,  it  anchored  off  Manilla.  On  the  24th  the  town  was  sumnjoned, 
but  without  result ;  and,  in  the  afternoon,  under  cover  of  the  Argo, 
Seahorse,  and  Seaford,  some  troops  were  landed,  in  spite  of  a  heavy 
surf  which  caused  much  loss  of,  and  damage  to,  material.  The 
boats  on  this  occasion  were  under  the  direction  of  Captains  Hyde 
Parker  (1),  Eichard  Kempenfelt  and  William  Brereton.  There  was 
but  shght  opposition.  The  rest  of  the  troops  and  the  Marines  were 
disembarked  on  the  25th  ;  and  on  the  2Gth  a  brigade  of  seamen, 
under  Captains  Collins,  Pitchford  and  Ourry,  reinforced  them.  On 
the  following  days  batteries  were  erected  and  opened  ;  and  on  the 
29th  the  Elizabeth  and  Falmouth  were  ordered  to  co-operate  as  best 
they  could  with  the  army,  by  enfilading  the  enemy's  front.  By 
October  .5th  a  practicable  breach  had  been  made  in  the  works. 
Early  in  the  morning  of  that  day  this  was  stormed  with  success, 
and  the  governor  and  officers  were  driven  to  the  citadel,  which  they 
presently  surrendered  at  discretion.  Not  only  Manilla,  but  with 
it  also  Luzon,  and  all  the  Spanish  islands,  were  handed  over  by  the 
terms  of  the  capitulation.  It  was  arranged  that  Manilla  should  be 
ransomed  for  four  millions  of  dollars  to  save  it  from  pillage.  Owing, 
however,  to  the  bad  faith  of  the  Spaniards,  only  half  of  this  amount 
was  ever  paid.  The  conquest,  together  with  most  of  the  prize 
money,  was  handed  over  to  the  East  India  Company. 

During  the  operations,  Cornish  obtained  news  that  a  galleon 
from  Acapulco  was  on  her  way  to  Manilla.  Accordingly,  on 
October  4th,  he  despatched  the  FaiitJiey  and  Argo  to  intercept  her. 
These  failed  to  do  so  ;  but  they  succeeded  in  taking,  on  October  31st, 
the  Santisima  Trinidad,  which  had  left  Manilla  for  Acapulco  on 
August  1st,  having  on  board  treasure  worth  about  three  million 
dollars.  In  the  meantime,  the  galleon  from  Acapulco  had  arrived 
at  Palapa,  in  Samar.  It  was  agreed  that,  subject  to  certain 
conditions,  she  was  to  be  surrendered  to  the  British ;  but  the 
arrangement  was  never  carried  out,  and  it  is  probable  that  much  of 
her  rich  cargo  eventually  passed  into  the  hands  of  private  persons, 
who  had  no  right  to  it. 

Fa! mouth,  50,  Ca\ita\ri  William  Brereton;  Ar(/o,  28,  Captain  Richard  King(l);  Sea- 
horse, 20,  Captain  Charles  Cathcart  Grant;  Heaford,  20,  Captain  John  Peighin ;  and 
Southne'i  Castle,  store-ship. 

VOL.    III.  E 


MAJOR    OPEItATJOXS,    1711-1702. 


The  operations  before  Manilla  were  less  costly  than  might  have 
Ijeeii  expected.  The  army  lost  but  115  killed,  drowned  and 
wounded,  and  the  Navy  but  35.  The  only  naval  officer  who  was 
killed  was  Lieutenant  Porter,  of  the  Norfolk,  but,  unfortunately. 
Commodore  Tiddeman  was  accidentally  drowned  on  the  day  of  the 
sun-ender.  Captain  llichard  Kempenfelt  was  sent  home  with  the 
naval  dispatches.  As  a  reward  for  the  sei'vice,  Coi-nish  was  made 
a  baronet,  and  Draper  a  K.B.,  and  each  received  the  thanks  of  both 
Houses.  The  colours  taken  at  Manilla  were  hung  in  the  chapel 
of  King's  College,  Cambridge,  of  which  Draper  had  been  a  member. 

The  French  empire  in  North  America  had  ceased  to  exist ;  and 
its  disappearance  had  rendered  unnecessary  the  presence  on  the  spot 
of  part  of  the  large  body  of  troops  which  had  been  concerned  in  the 
conquest  of  Canada.  As  has  already  been  mentioned,  it  had  been 
decided  to  employ  some  of  them  against  the  French  islands  in  the 
West  Indies.  Eear-Admiral  Kodney  had  left  England  in  October, 
1761,  and  had  arrived  in  CarHsle  Bay,  Barbados,  on  November  22nd. 
He  there  found  part  of  the  squadron  mider  Commodore  Sir  James 
Douglas  (1),  which  he  speedily  detached  to  blockade  Martinique. 
Troops  and  transports  were  in  the  meantime  assembled  at  Bar- 
bados ;  and  an  improvised  force  of  armed  hired  sloops  was  sent  to 
cruise  off  St.  Eustatia  to  prevent  the  Dutch  from  assisting  the  French 
with  supplies  and  provisions.  At  length,  on  January  5th,  1762,  the 
lieet,'  having  on  board  nearly  14,000  troops  from  England,  Belle  Isle, 

'  British  fleet  emjiloved  in  the  expedition  a;jainst  Martinique,  etc.,  1762 : — 






Dublin    . 


Dragon ^ . 

Temple  • 

J/odeste  . 

Slirling  Ca: 
Devonshire  . 


:<utherland  . 

FdlkJaivl      . 

1  Kear- Admiral     G .      B. 
\    Rodney  (B). 
((.'apt.  John  HoUwell. 
iCommod.      Sir     James 
^     i)oog]as(l). 
leapt.  Edward  Gascoigue. 

„     Robert  Unff. 
I     ,,    Hon.   Aug.    John 
l  Hervey. 

,,    JIatthew  Barton. 

,,    Lucins  O'Brien. 

,,     Robert  S wanton. 
f     „     Hon.  Robt.  Boyle 
(  Walsingham. 

„    Micliael  Everitt. 

,,    George  Darby. 
i     „     Molyueux    .Shuld- 
l  ham. 

„    Thomas  Han  kerson 

„  Samuel  Marshall  (I). 
t      „    Thomas  Burnett. 
'      „    .In  ian  Legge. 
f     „     "\VUliam      M'Cle- 
{  verty. 

f     ,,    Francis       Samuel 
1  Krake. 




Woolwich  . 

Penzance i  . 
Dover  I    . 

Ecfio  .     .  . 

Stag  .     .  . 

liepulse  ,  . 

Actaon  .  . 


Lizard    .     . 
Levant    .     . 


Greyhound  . 
lioie  .     .     . 


Ferret     .     . 
Virgin     . 
Zephyr    . 
JBanlisk,  bombi 
Thunder,  bomb 
Grenada,  bomb 
lit/e-  nai,  bomb 





Capt.  M'illiam  Bayne. 

,,    John  Bovd. 

„    Chaloner  Ogle  (3). 

„    John  Laforey. 

„     Henry  Angell. 

,,    John  Carter  Allen. 

„  Paul  Henry  Ourry. 
r  „  Thomas  Colling- 
L  wood. 

,,    James  Doake. 

,,    William  Tucker, 
f    „    James     Campbell 
I  (2). 

,,    Joseph  Mead. 

„    Thomas  Francis. 

„  Francis  Banks  ( I ). 
r  „  John  Neaie  Pley- 
i  dell 

Com.  Stair  Douglas  (1). 

„    James  Aims  (1). 
Com.  John  Botterell. 

„     Robert  Brice. 
Lieut.  Rubert  Ha.swell. 
.,     James  Hawker. 
Com.  James  3Iackeiizie. 

1  I'ttaLbeil,  uuiler  C.ipt.  the  Hon.  Augustus  John  Hervey,  against  St.  Lucia. 

y,zye<i^^i    ^'^•r     /^i^^nAof/y  -^ -    ^J^f^^■r^ 

1762.]  CAFTIIHE    OF   MARTI MQUE.  243 

North  America  and  the  West  India  Islands,  under  Major-General 
the  Hon.  Eobert  Monckton,  sailed,  and,  on  the  7th,  joined  Douglas 
off  Martinique.  The  coasts  of  the  island  had  not  been  properly 
reconnoitred,  nor  had  the  ships  adequate  charts  on  board.  The 
configuration  of  the  island  and  the  nature  of  its  defences  rendered 
it  desirable  to  land  the  troops  as  close  as  possible  to  the  places  at 
which  they  were  to  be  employed.  But,  at  first,  this  fact  was  not 
realised  ;  and  Eodney,  while  detaching  only  a  small  S(|uadron  to  the 
Great  Bay  of  Fort  Koyal,  detached  another  to  La  Trinite  to  make 
a  feint,  and  himself  anchored  with  the  bulk  of  his  force  in  St.  Anne's 
Baj'.  A  division,  under  Sir  James  Douglas,  silenced  the  batteries 
there,  and  landed  the  troops,  losing,  however,  the  HaisuiuKthle, 
owing  to  the  ignorance  of  her  pilot.  But  it  was  soon  found  that 
the  march  across  to  Fort  Eoyal  from  St.  Anne's  Bay  would  be  an 
undertaking  too  difficult  to  be  entered  upon.  The  works  which 
had  been  erected  at  St.  Anne's  were  therefore  blown  up,  the 
troops  were  re-embarked,  and  the  whole  force  proceeded  to  Fort 
Eoyal  Bay. 

The  order  of  the  attack  having  been  arranged,  the  ships  went  to 
their  stations  early  on  the  morning  of  the  16th,  opening  fire  upon 
the  batteries  and  silencing  them  by  noon,  soon  after  which  the 
troops  were  landed  in  three  divisions  in  Cas  des  Navires  Bay,  under 
conduct  of  Captains  Molyneux  Shuldham,  Eobert  Swanton  and 
the  Hon.  Augustus  John  Hervey.  By  sunset  two-thirds  of  the 
army  were  on  shore  ;  and  the  rest,  with  900  Marines,  followed  next 
morning.  The  distance  to  Fort  Eoyal  was  not  great,  only  about 
five  or  six  miles ;  but  the  country  was  terribly  difficult,  and  the 
defenders  fought  well  from  behind  every  rock  and  tree,  as  well  as 
within  artificial  works  of  all  kinds.  The  necessary  guns  were, 
however,  dragged  to  the  front,  thanks  mainly  to  the  energy  of  the 
seamen  of  the  fleet ;  and  on  January  24th,  a  preliminary  attack  was 
made  by  a  body  of  troops  advancing  along  the  coast  parallel  with  a 
detachment  of  a  1000  seamen  in  boats ;  and  the  enemy  was  driven 
back.  On  the  25th,  the  batteries  began  to  bombard  the  citadel ; 
and  on  the  27th  the  key  to  the  whole  position  was  taken.  Yet 
the  citadel  did  not  surrender  until  February  4th,  and  not  until 
February  16th  was  the  whole  island  in  possession  of  the  British. 
Captain  Darby,  of  the  Devonshire,  and  Major  Gates,  later  a  general 
in  the  army  of  the  revolting  American  Colonists,  carried  home  the 
dispatches    announcing    the    capture    of    Fort    Eoyal ;    and    each 

R  2 

244  MAJOR    Ol'EBATIONS,    1714-1702.  [1702. 

received  froiu  the  King  the  usual  comphment  of  £500.  The 
British  loss  during  the  operations  amounted  to  about  500  killed 
and  wounded. 

Even  before  the  conquest  had  been  completed,  Eodney  detached 
Captain  Swantou  to  blockade  Grenada ;  and,  when  Martinique 
had  surrendered,  Swanton  was  reinforced  by  vessels  conveying 
troops.  These  reached  Grenada  on  March  3rd ;  and  on  the  fol- 
lowing day  the  island  was  summoned ;  but  the  governor  refused  to 
comply.  The  inhabitants,  however,  ignored  him,  and  capitulated 
on  the  4th ;  and  the  governor  himself  was  obliged  to  surrender  at 
discretion  on  the  5th,  With  Grenada  fell  the  Grenadines.  Swan- 
ton,  leaving  a  garrison,  returned  to  Martinique. 

On  February  24th  Captain  the  Hon.  Augustus  John  Hervey  had 
been  similarly  detached  against  St.  Lucia.  But  he  could  not  satisfj' 
himself  as  to  the  enemy's  strength  ;  and,  to  discover  it,  he  disguised 
himself  as  a  midshipman,  and,  in  the  capacity  of  an  interpreter, 
accompanied  the  officer  whom  he  sent  to  summon  the  governor, 
M.  de  Longueville.  That  gentleman  refused  to  surrender;  yet 
Hervey  learnt  so  much  dm-ing  his  visit  that,  on  the  following  day, 
he  made  preparations  for  taking  his  ships  into  the  harbour.  Ko 
sooner  did  the  governor  notice  signs  of  their  intention  to  approach 
than  he  capitulated. 

Hervey  was  next  about  to  proceed  to  St.  Vincent  to  assure  the 
Caribs  that  their  neutrality  would  be  maintained,  and  that  the 
French  would  be  no  longer  suffered  to  interfere  with  them,  when  he 
was  recalled  by  Eodney,  in  consequence  of  news  having  been  received 
that  a  French  squadron  of  seven  sail  of  the  line  and  four  frigates,' 
under  M.  de  Blenac,  with  seven  battalions  of  troops,  had  escaped 
from  Brest,  owing  to  Commodore  Spry  having  been  driven  from  his 
station  off'  that  port ;  and  that  it  was  on  its  w^-iy  to  relieve  the 
French  West  India  Islands.  Spry  had  detached  the  Aquilon,  28, 
Captain  Chaloner  Ogle  (2),  with  this  intelligence  to  Eodney.  But, 
before  the  arrival  of  Spry's  dispatch,  the  French  squadron  had  been 
sighted  on  March  Sth,  on  the  windward  side  of  Martinique.  It  lay 
to  off  the  coast  until  the  10th,  when  it  stood  for  Dominica. 

Eodney  summoned  his  detached  division  to  a  rendezvous  off  the 
Salines,  and,  with  Sir  James  Douglas  (1),  went  in  search  of  the  enemy  ; 
but  without  result.     AVhen  he  had  collected  his  whole  force  and  had 

^  Due  de  Bovrgogne,  80;  Df/enseur,  71;  Hector,  71;   Biadhne,  74;  Protee,  64; 
Drafjun,ii\;  IiriU(mt,CA;  Zephyr,  32;  Di!i;/en>e,  3-2 ;   Oinh,2f>;   Ca'^Mo,  16. 

1702]  THE   EXPEDITION   J ''/.I /.V.s"/'    I/AVAXA.  245 

been  assured  that  the  French  had  gone  to  Cape  Francois,  he  retiuiicil 
to  Martinique  to  water.  He  there  found  the  Aquilon,  from  which 
he  learnt  trustworthy  details  of  M.  de  Blenac's  strength.  He 
already  knew,  thanks  to  early  information  sent  him  by  Commander 
George  Johnstone,  commanding  i\\o  Ili)rnrt  on  the  Lisbon  station, 
of  the  rupture  with  Spain ;  and  he  was  thus  enabled  to  attack  the 
Spanish  trade  in  the  West  Indies  before  the  Spaniards  themselves 
knew  that  war  had  broken  out.  This  important  intelligence  had 
been  brought  to  him  by  a  small  French  privateer  prize,  which 
Johnstone  had  entrusted  to  the  Hornet's  master,  Mr.,  afterwards 
Captain,  John  M'Laurin.  At  Martinique  Eodney  also  heard  that 
a  strong  Spanish  squadron  had  arrived  at  Havana  and  that  Jamaica 
was  believed  to  be  threatened.  He  therefore  sent  a  frigate  to  warn 
Captain  Arthur  Forrest,  who,  as  senior  officer,  had  succeeded  Eear- 
Admiral  Holmes  on  the  Jamaica  station,  and  to  desire  him  to  join 
the  main  fleet  off  Cape  St.  Nicolas,  whither  he  himself  intended  to 

He  was,  however,  not  quite  ready  to  sail  when,  oh  March  GGth, 
the  Eichmond,  Captain  John  Elphinstone  (1),  arrived  from  England 
with  orders  for  him  and  General  Moncktou  to  postpone  further 
operations  pending  the  appearance  of  Admiral  Sir  George  Pocock, 
who  had  been  commissioned  to  conduct  a  secret  expedition  on  an 
important  scale.  This  did  not  prevent  Eodney  from  sending  Sir 
James  Douglas  (1),^  with  ten  sail  of  the  line,  to  the  Jamaica  station 
with  directions  to  bring  Forrest's  squadron  thence  as  soon  as 
possible,  and  to  join  Pocock.  He  also  sent  Captain  Swanton, 
with  a  division,  to  cruise  off  the  Spanish  Main,  and  himself  went 
to  St.  Pierre,  Martinique,  sending  a  frigate  to  meet  Pocock  at  Bar- 
bados, where  Sir  George  arrived  on  board  the  Naiiiiir  on  April  '20th. 
Pocock  sailed  again  on  the  24th,  joined  Eodney  at  Cas  des  Navires 
on  the  26th,  and,  with  the  greater  part  of  the  fleet,  proceeded  on 
May  6th  for  Havana,  leaving  Eodney  in  charge  of  the  Leeward 

On  the  Jamaica  station  Captain  Forrest  was,  of  course,  super- 

'  J>«(6?i«,  74,  Commodore  Sir  James  Douglas  (1),  Captain  Edward  Gascoigne ;  C'liJ- 
loden,  74,  Captain  John  Barker  (1);  Z)ra</o)i. ,  74,  Captain  Hon.  Aug.  John  Hervey ; 
Temeraire,  74,  Captain  Matthew  Barton ;  Temple,  70,  Captain  Julian  Legge ;  Deuoii- 
shire,  64,  Captain  Samuel  Marshall  (1) ;  Alcide,  64,  Captain  Thomas  Hankerson ;  Sfirliiu/ 
Castle,  64,  Captain  James  Campbell  (2);  Nottingham,  60,  Captain  Thomas  Colling- 
wood  ;  Sutherland,  50,  Captain  Michael  Everitt  ;  Dover,  40,  Captain  Chaloner  Ogle  (■'>)  ; 
Tliuiidcr,  bomb,  Commander  Robert  Haswell ;  and  Grenada,  bomb. 


MA  JO  I!    OPEIlAriONS,    1714-1762 


seded  by  the  arrival  of  Sir  James  Douglas  (1),  who  despatched  a 
squadron  under  Captain  Hon.  Augustus  John  Hervey '  to  blockade 
M.  de  Blenac  at  Cape  Francois,  until  the  whole  Jamaica  squadron 
should  be  ready  to  join  Pocock  at  Cape  St.  Nicolas. 

The  Havana  expedition,  when  complete,  included  about  15, .500 
men,  the  whole  commanded  by  George,  Earl  of  Albemarle.  The 
strength  of  the  fleet  will  be  found  set  forth  in  the  note.^  After 
leaving  Martinique  the  expedition  was  joined  in  the  Mona  passage 
on  May  8th  by  Caj)tain  Hon.  Augustus  John  Hervey,  and,  having 
arrived  off  Cape  St.  Nicolas  on  the  18th,  was  there  reinforced  on 
the  SSrd  by  Sir  James  Douglas  from  Jamaica. 

It  was  open  to  Pocock  either  to  sail  by  the  south  side  of  Cuba, 
along  the  track  of  the  galleons,  round  the  west  end  of  the  island  and 

'  Drarjon,  li,  Cajitain  Hon.  A.  J.  Hervey  ;  Temeraire,  H.  Captain  Matthew  Barton  ; 
Stirliiir/  Castle,  64,  Captain  James  Campbell  (2) ;  Alcide,  64,  Captain  Thomas  Hanker- 
son  ;  Defiance,  60,  Captain  George  Mackenzie ;  Nottingham,  60,  Captain  Thomas 
CoUiugwood ;  Femhroke,  60,  Captain  John  AVheelock  ;  Dover,  40,  Cajitain  Chaloner 
Cgle  (3) ;  Trent,  28,  Captain  John  Lindsay ;  and  Fort  Mahon,  20,  Captain  Thomas 

-  Fleet  under  Sir  George  Pocock  at  tlie  reihictioii  of  Havana,  and  on  the  Jamaica 
station,  1762: — 








(Imiral     Sir      George 

Dover      .... 


Capl.  Chaloner  Ogle  (3). 

yamur   .... 


Pocock,  K.B.  CB). 



John  HouUon. 


ICapt.  John  Harrison. 

Richmond    . 


John  Elphinstone 


ommod.  Hon.  Angustus 


Valiant  .... 



Alarm    .... 


James    Alms  (I) 

apt.  Adam  Duncan. 


Cambridge*      .     . 


„    ■\Villiam  Goustrey. 



John  l^ndrick. 

Culloden.     .     .      . 


„    John  Barker. 

Lizard-.     .     .     . 


Francis  Banks  (1). 

TetUfvaire    .     .     . 


„     MaUhew  Barton. 

Trent       .... 


John  Lindsav. 

Dragon   .... 


,,    Hi-n.       Augustus 

1   Cerberus  >     .      .      . 


Charles  Webl>er. 


John  Hervey. 

Boreas    .... 


Samuel  Uvedale. 

Centaur'^     .     .     . 
Dublin  3 .      .      .      . 



„    Thomas  Lempriere. 
„    Edward  Gascoigue. 



Samuel    Granston 

Marlborough     .     . 


„    Thomas  Burnett. 

'  Rose 


John   Neale    Pley- 

Temple    .... 
Orford    .... 


„    Juliau  Legge. 

dell  Nott. 


„     Harriot  Arbnthnot. 

Port  Mahon       .      . 


Richard  Bickerton. 

Devonsfiire  . 


,,   SamuelMarishail(l). 

'  Fowey     .... 


Joseph  Mead. 

Belleislc  .... 


.,     Joseph  Knight. 

Glasgoiv       .     .     . 


Richard  Carteret. 

Edgar     .... 



„    Francis    ^Viliiam 

I  Bonetta  .... 



l^ancelot  Holmes. 


!  Cygnet    .... 


Hon.           Charles 

Alcide'i   .... 


„    TliumasHankersou. 

Napier  (1). 

Hampton  Court 
'  Stirling  Castle  .     . 



,,    Alexander  Innes. 
„    James     Campbell 


i  Merlin    .... 
Porcupine - 


"William     Francis 

James  Harmood. 

Pembroke     .     .      . 


,.    John  Uheelock. 

Barbados     .     .      . 


James  Hawker. 

llipon      .... 


„     Edward  Jekyll. 

Vijyer       .... 


John  Urry. 




,,     Thomas    Oolling- 

Pnrt  Royal  .      .      . 
Fei-ret     .... 



Stair  Douglas  (1). 
t.  Peter  Clarke. 

Defiance.      .      .      . 


,,    George  Mackenzie. 

Lurcher,  cutter 




Jntrvpid-     .      .      . 


„     John  Hate. 

Thunder,  bomb 



Eobeit  Haswell. 

Centurion  3  4 


,,    James  Galbraith. 

tirenado.  bomb 


Deptford      .      .      . 


„    Dudley  Digges. 

Basilisk,  bomb.     . 


Low  field. 



„    ]\Iichael  Everitt. 

Hampshire  .     .      . 


,.     Arthur  Usher. 

besides  storeships, 



s,  and  transpoits. 

Pemaitcei  .     .     . 


„    Philip  Buteler. 

1  Joined  after  the  siege  had  begun.  -  Escoited  troops  from  North  America. 

3  Some  time  with  the  broad  peunaiit  of  Comm-jdure  Sir  James  Douglas. 
*  Escorted  convoys  from  Jamaica  to  England. 




so  beat  down  to  Havana,  or  to  steer  alonff  the  north  side  of  Cuba 
throni^h  the  Old  Strait  of  Bahama.  The  former  was  the  easier, 
though  the  longer,  course  ;  the  latter  was  the  shorter,  though  it  was 
somewhat  difficult  and  even  hazardous,  the  channel  being  narrow 
and  intricate.  But  the  Admiral  chose  it,  since  time  was  precious, 
and  since  it  was  important  as  early  as  possible  to  secure  the  only 
passage  by  which  the  French  could  send  supphes  to  Havana. 
Pocock  despatched  Sir  James  Douglas  in  the  Centurion  to  Jamaica 
to  bring  stores  thence,  and  to  hasten  forward  such  ships  as  were 
still  there ;  and  on  the  27th,  with  his  huge  fleet  of  about  two 
hundi-ed  sail,  the  Admiral  bore  away  for  the  Old  Strait  of  Bahama. 
The  precautions  which  he  took  are  described  in  a  letter  which,  on 
June  14th,  he  addressed  to  the  secretary  of  the  Admiralty.  He 
placed  boats  on  the  most  dangerous  shoals  on  each  hand  to  act  as 
marks  ;  and  he  records  that  he  was  greatly  assisted  in  the  navigation 
by  Anson's  chart,  which  he  found  very  correct.  During  the  passage, 
two  Spanish  vessels,  the  TJietis,  22,  and  Fenix,  storeship,  were 
captured  by  the  Alarm,  Captain  James  Alms  (1). 

The  Strait  was  passed  on  June  5th ;  and  on  the  morning  of  the 
6th  the  fleet  was  brought  to  about  fifteen  miles  east  of  Havana,  so 
that  directions  might  be  given  to  the  captains  as  to  the  landing. 
The  conduct  of  this  operation  was  eiitrusted  to  Commodore  the 
Hon.  Augustus  Keppel,  who  had  under  him  six  sail  of  the  line  and 
some  frigates.  At  2  p.m.  the  Admiral  bore  away  with  thirteen  sail 
of  the  line,  two  frigates,  the  bombs,  and  thirty-six  victuallers  and 
storeships,  and  ran  down  towards  the  harbour,  in  which  he  saw 
twelve  Spanish  sail  of  the  line '  and  several  merchantmen.     On  the 

'  Spanish  laeii-of-wnr  taken  iir   ilestroyed  ilurini;  the   exiieilition  agahist   Ilavana, 





■Tiifvc.      .     . 


f  Marques  del  Real  Traspoilo.t 
(.Dull  J.  Y.  Mudariaga.            ] 


lie  ill  a 


„    li.  do  Velasco. 

Isurreudeied  witli  the  city. 



„    J.  del  Postigo. 



Infante  .     . 


,,    V.  de  Rleilina. 



ytptuno . 


,,    P.  Berimidez. 

Sunk  at  mouth  uf"  hailxmr. 


JquilOii  . 


Marques  Ciotizales. 

Surrendered  with  the  city. 

Asia  .      .     . 


Don  F.  Garganta. 

Sunk  at  movith  of  liarbunr. 



„    J.  Antonio. 

Surrendered  with  the  lity.    Renamed  J/oro. 


Earcpji  .      . 


,,    J.  Viucente. 
„    P.  Castejon. 

Sun't  at  mouth  of  harbour. 

San  <ii:varit 
San  Antonio 


I  Not  in  Commission. 

VSurrendered  with  the  city. 

Veni/ama    . 


Don  D.  Argote. 

Taken  by  Lefiaiice  at  Mariel,  May  28. 

riicti^      .      . 


„    J.  Porlier. 

„         Alarm  in  the  Stniit,  June  3. 

Marie      .      . 


,,    D.  HouecUea. 

Defiance  at  Mariel.  May  28. 

Ft-nix,  bt.s.  . 

Alarm  in  the  Strait,  May  28. 

Two  unfinished  ships  upon  the  stocks  were  destroyed. 

248  MAJOli    OrElSATIONS,    1714-17G2.  [I7(i2. 

following  morning,  the  7tb,  he  made  a  feint  of  landing  the  Marines 
about  four  miles  to  the  west  of  Havana,  while  the  Earl  of  Albemarle, 
with  the  whole  army,  landed  without  opposition  between  the  rivers 
Boca  Nao  and  Coximar,  six  miles  east  of  Moro  Castle,  under  the 
conduct  of  Captains  Hervey,  Barton,  Drake,  Arbuthnot,  Jekyll,  and 
Wheelock,  K.N.  After  it  had  landed,  the  enemy  made  some  show 
of  fight,  especially  when  the  troops  were  about  to  cross  the  river 
Coximar;  but  the  foe  was  dispersed  by  the  fire  of  the  Mercurij, 
Bone f fa,  and  Dragon.  A  detachment  of  seamen  and  900  Marines 
were  landed  to  co-operate. 

On  July  1st,  after  some  progress  had  l)een  made  with  the  siege, 
the  Cambridge,  Dragon,  and  Marlboro iigJi,  were  ordered  to  cannonade 
Moro ;  and  at  about  8  a.m.  they  began  a  heavy  fire,  which  was  well 
returned  till  2  p.m.  The  vessels  were  all  so  much  damaged  that, 
one  after  another,  they  had  to  be  called  off.  The  Cambridge  lost 
24  killed  and  95  wounded;  the  Dragon,  10  killed  and  37  w'ounded; 
and  the  Marlborough,  2  killed  and  8  wounded.  Among  the  killed  in 
the  Cambridge  was  Captain  Goostrey,  whose  place  was  afterwards 
taken  by  Captain  Lindsay  of  the  Trent.  As  this  mode  of  procedure 
was  found  to  be  too  costly,  the  further  bombardment  of  the  defences 
was  left  mainly  to  the  shore  batteries,  which,  aided  by  mines,  made 
a  practicable  breach  in  the  Moro  by  July  30th.  On  that  day  the 
castle  was  carried  by  storm.  In  the  struggle  the  commandant,  the 
gallant  Don  Luis  de  Velasco,  was  mortallj'  wounded.  In  honour  of 
his  defence,  there  has  ever  since  been  a  ship  named  the  Velasco  in 
the  Spanish  navy.  The  vessels  in  the  harbour  took  part  in  the 
operations,  but  were  of  little  avail. 

Upon  the  fall  of  Moro  the  siege  was  pressed,  and,  on  August  11th, 
after  a  particularly  heavy  bombardment,  flags  of  truce  were  hung 
out  on  shore  and  in  the  Spanish  flagship.  A  little  later  another  flag 
was  sent  to  the  British  headquarters ;  negotiations  were  entered 
upon ;  and,  after  some  delay,  the  capitulation  was  signed  on  the 
13th,  and  part  of  the  works  was  taken  possession  of  by  the  British 
on  the  14th. 

The  specie,  stores,  and  vahiables  found  in  the  place  were  worth 
about  £3,000,000  sterling ;  and  with  the  city  were  also  taken  nine 
sail  of  the  line.  Two  others  lying  on  the  stocks  had  been  burnt, 
and  three  more,  besides  a  large  galleon,  had  been  sunk  in  the  mouth 
of  tlie  harbour.^  On  the  other  hand,  the  British  killed,  wounded, 
'  For  tlie  names  and  force  of  these,  see  note  p.  247. 

1762.]  CArTURK    OF   IIAV.\yA.  249 

and  missing  numbered  no  fewer  than  1790 ;  and  many  other  Hves 
were  lost  owing  to  the  nnwholesomeness  of  the  climate  and  the 
hardships  of  the  siege.  The  naval  dispatches  were  sent  home  by 
Captain  the  Hon.  Augustus  John  Hervey,  in  the  Draijnii,  wliicJi  on 
her  passage  had  the  good  fortune  to  capture  a  French  sliip  viihied 
at  £30,000. 

During  the  siege  several  Spanish  vessels  were  taken  on  the  coast. 
On  July  '2-ith  the  Chesterfield.  40,  and  four  transports  with  reinforce- 
ments of  troops  from  North  America,  were  lost  at  Cayo  Confite, 
but  the  people  were  saved.  Lieutenant  Walker,  commanding  the 
Lurcher,  cutter,  going  on  June  13th  up  the  Chorera  Eiver  out  of 
mere  curiosity,  had  the  misfortune  to  be  killed.  The  prize  money 
divided  amounted  to  about  £736,000.  Its  division  caused  much 
heart-burning,  the  shares  of  the  Admiral  and  general  being  each 
i'l'2-2,(597  lO.s.  6d. ;  while  the  share  of  a  captain  E.N.  was  but 
il600  10s.  lOf?.,  of  a  petty  officer  only  £17  5.s.  Sd.,  and  of  a  seaman 
or  Marine  not  more  than  £3  14s.  djd.  It  was  felt,  and  perhaps 
with  reason,  that  the  administration  permitted  the  commanding 
officers  to  appropriate  far  too  large  a  share  of  the  spoils  to  them- 

The  fall  of  Havana,  apart  from  its  intrinsic  significance,  had 
almost  the  importance  of  a  great  naval  victory,  owing  to  the  large 
number  of  Spanish  sail  of  the  line  which  shared  the  fate  of  the  city. 
The  military  conduct  of  the  siege  by  the  Earl  of  Albemarle  has  been 
blamed,  chiefly  because,  instead  of  attacking  the  city  where  it  was 
weak,  he  attacked  Moro  and  Punta  Fort,  which  were  strong,  but 
which,  nevertheless,  must  have  quickly  fallen  had  the  city  itself 
been  taken.  But  although  there  may  be  justice  in  this  criticism,  it 
does  not  appear  that  anything  can  be  urged  against  Pocock's  conduct 
of  his  part  of  the  business ;  unless  indeed,  it  be  admitted  that  he  was 
wrong  to  oppose  his  ships  to  the  Moro  on  July  1st.  For  the  rest, 
the  co-operation  between  the  Navy  and  army  was  thoroughly  loyal 
and  smooth  ;  and  the  behaviour  of  both  was  admirable. 

Sir  George  Pocock  delivered  up  the  command  of  the  fleet  to  the 
Hon.  Augustus  Keppel,  who  by  that  time  had  been  promoted  to  be  a 
Rear-Admiral  of  the  Blue  ;  and,  with  the  Namur,  Cnlloden,  Temple, 
Devonshire,  Marlborough,  Infante,  San  Genaro,  Asuncion,^  and 
several  other  Spanish  prizes  and  about  fifty  transports,  sailed  for 
England  on  November  3rd.    About  six  hundred  miles  west  of  Land's 

'  A  prize  nierchaiitiiiaii. 

250  MAJOR    OPEliATlONS,    1714-17G2.  [1702. 

End,  the  squadron  was  dispersed  by  a  very  violent  gale  from  the 
eastward.  Twelve  of  the  transports  foundered,  though  their  crews 
were  happily  saved.  The  Temple  came  to  a  similar  end.  The 
CuUoden  and  Devonshire  would  probably  have  fared  likewise,  had 
they  not  thrown  overboard  many  of  their  guns.  Part  of  the  fleet 
made  Kingsale.  The  other  part,  which  kept  the  sea,  suffered 
terrible  privations  from  famine,  thirst  and  sickness.  So  anxious  did 
the  Admiralty  become,  that  it  sent  out  several  frigates  to  search  for 
Sir  George  ;  who,  however,  safely  reached  Spithead  on  January  13th, 
1763.  The  San  Genaro,  one  of  the  ships  which  had  put  into 
Kingsale,  came  to  grief  when  at  length  she  anchored  in  the  Downs. 
She  was  overtaken  by  another  storm,  and  was  cast  away.  The 
Maiibovougli  lost  company  with  the  Admiral  early  on  the  voyage  ; 
but  she,  too,  met  with  very  heavy  weather,  and,  owing  to  leaks,  was 
obliged  to  put  before  the  wind,  throw  her  guns  overboard,  and  keep 
her  crew  at  the  pumps  until  November  29th,  when  her  people  were 
taken  off  by  the  Antelope,  .50,  Captain  Thomas  Graves  (2),  which  was 
on  her  voyage  home  from  Newfoundland.  The  Marlborough,  after 
having  been  abandoned,  was  destroyed.  Eear-Admiral  Keppel  sent 
home  the  rest  of  the  Spanish  prizes  under  Captain  Arbuthnot  of  the 
Orford,  together  with  the  Centaur,  Dublin,  Alcide,  Hampton  Court, 
Edgar  and  some  frigates ;  and,  after  having  acted  with  energy  upon 
the  station  until  the  peace,  he  remained  to  deliver  up  Havana  on 
July  7th,  1763,  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the  treaty. 
Some  of  his  vessels  then  proceeded  to  Florida  to  take  over  that 
province :  and  Keppel  himself  went  to  Jamaica,  where  he  was 
presently  relieved  by  Eear-Admiral  Sir  William  Bm-naby. 

In  the  meantime,  the  French,  taking  advantage  of  the  large 
withdrawal  of  troops  to  the  West  Indies,  of  the  defenceless  condition 
of  Newfoundland,  and  of  a  fog  in  the  Channel,  despatched  from 
Brest,  imder  M.  de  Ternay,  a  squadron,  which,  with  1500  troops 
under  Comte  d'Haussonville,  evaded  Sir  Edward  Hawke,  crossed 
the  Atlantic,  entered  the  harbour  of  St.  John's  on  June  24th  and 
quickly  took  the  town.  On  its  way,  this  fleet  fell  in  with  three 
combined  convoys  of  great  value,  which  it  might  easily  have  taken 
had  it  not  preferred  the  ulterior  object  of  the  expedition,  and  had  it 
not  been  deterred  by  the  bold  front  offered  to  it  by  Captain  Joshua 
Rowley,  of  the  Superb,  74,  who  had  with  him  the  Gosport,  44, 
Captain  John  Jervis,  and  the  Danae,  38,  Captain  Henry  Martin  (2). 
The   capture   of   this   convoy   would   have  done  Great  Britain   far 


more  damage  at  that  moment  than  the  capture  of  Newfoundland. 
Captain  Thomas  Graves  (2),  governor  of  the  island,  who  lay  at 
Placentia  in  the  Aiitclojje,  50,  at  once  sent  news  of  the  French 
descent  to  Commodore  Lord  Colville,  at  Halifax.  Colville  sailed  to 
the  rehef  of  the  island,  and  joined  Graves ;  and  on  August  25th, 
M.  de  Ternay  found  himself  blockaded  in  St.  John's.  On 
September  11th,  troops  arrived  from  Louisbourg,  and  were  landed ; 
and  the  enemy  was  driven  back ;  but  on  the  16th,  the  Ijlockading 
ships  being  driven  from  their  station  by  a  westerly  gale,  INI.  de 
Ternay  slipped  his  cables  and  got  away.  A  relieving  squadron  had 
been  sent  from  England  in  the  meantime  under  Captain  Hugh 
Palliser,  but  de  Ternay  managed  to  avoid  tliis  force  also.  After  his 
departure,  the  condition  of  the  French  was,  of  course,  hopeless ; 
and  on  September  18th  Comte  d'Haussonville  capitulated. 

A  little  expedition  of  1762  deserves  some  mention  here  in  spite 
of  the  fact  that  the  Eoyal  Navy  had  very  little  part  in  it,  and  that 
it  had  no  important  results.  It  was  an  adventure  which,  in  a 
degree,  recalls  some  of  the  exploits  of  the  Elizabethan  era,  in  that 
it  was  a  warlike  undertaking  by  private  persons,  countenanced, 
however,  by  the  administration,  and  that  it  was  aimed  against  the 
Spanish  power  in  America.  A  company  of  British  noblemen  and 
merchants  came  to  the  conclusion  that  an  attack  upon  the  province 
of  Buenos  Ayres  might  be  both  useful  to  the  nation  and  lucrative 
to  the  adventurers.  They  purchased  from  the  Admiralty  H.M.  ships 
Ki)iijsto)i,  50  (which  they  renamed  Lord  Clive),  and  Amhuscade,  28  ; 
and  they  placed  these  under  the  orders  of  Mr.  Macnamara,  an 
officer  of  the  East  India  Company's  marine.  They  further  obtained 
the  co-operation  of  two  Portuguese  vessels,  in  which  were  embarked 
five  hundred  soldiers.  The  little  squadron,  which  also  included 
five  store  ships,  sailed  for  Eio  de  Janeiro,  where  the  final  pre- 
jparations  were  made,  and,  proceeding,  entered  the  Eiver  Plate  on 
November  2nd.  Macnamara  found  that  the  Spaniards  were  better 
situated  for  defence  than  he  had  expected.  An  attempt  was  made 
on  Nova  Colonia,  which  had  been  captured  by  the  Spaniards  from 
the  Portuguese :  but  it  was  not  successful.  In  a  second  attack,  on 
January  6th,  1763,  the  Lord  Clive  took  fire  and  burnt  to  the  water's 
edge,  her  people,  however,  fighting  her  to  the  very  last.  Of  her  crew 
of  three  hundred  and  fifty,  two  hundred  and  seventy-two,  including 
Macnamara,  perished.  The  Amhuscade,  though  tembly  mauled, 
managed  to  get  back  to  Eio.     It  should  be  added  that  the  gallant 

232  MAJOR    OPEL'ATIOy.S,    1714-17GL'.  [1762. 

Spaniards  treated  with  the  greatest  generosity  those  survivors  of 
the  Lord  CUve  who  fell  into  their  hands,  and,  instead  of  regarding 
them  as  enemies,  treated  them  as  guests  whom  misfortune  had  cast 
upon  their  shores. 

The  year  witnessed  no  events  of  great  importance  in  the 
Mediterranean ;  where  Sir  Charles  Saunders  was  strongly  rein- 
forced hy  a  squadron  under  Sir  Piercy  Brett  (1).  Some  exceedingly 
valuable  prizes  were  made  on  the  station  ;  but  the  fleets  of  the 
belligerents  did  not  meet.  Sir  Charles  Saunders,  and  most  of  the 
ships  returned  to  England  at  the  peace,  leaving  Kear-Admiral  Sir 
Piercy  Brett  to  take  possession  of  Minorca.  Brett  was  subsequently 
relieved  by  Commodore  Thomas  Harrison  (2). 

It  has  been  already  mentioned  that  M.  de  Blenac  got  out  of 
Brest,  and  sailed  for  Martinique  duiing  a  temporarj'  absence  from 
his  station  of  Commodore  Spry,  owing  to  heavy  weather.  Spry 
chased ;  but,  his  provisions  threatening  to  give  out,  he  had  to  return 
to  England,  having  first  sent  the  Aquilon  to  warn  Rodney  of  what 
had  happened.  During  the  year  the  other  occurrences  in  waters 
near  home  were  mainly  confined  to  the  monotonous  blockading  of 
the  enemy's  ports,  and  to  the  capture  of  their  cruisers.  Commodore 
Lord  Howe  lay  in  Basque  Koad,  watching  Eochefort  and  the  mouth 
of  the  Charente,  until  he  was  relieved  by  Commodore  Peter  Denis. 
When  M.  de  Ternay  escaped  from  Brest,  the  fleet  under  Sir 
Edward  Hawke  and  the  Duke  of  York  went  in  pursuit,  but  missed 
him.  This  fleet,  then  under  Sir  Charles  Hardj'  (2),  cruised  again  in 
September  and  October,  and  once  more  in  November,  but  accom- 
plished nothing.  The  cruisers  of  Commodore  Robert  Man  (2),  who 
succeeded  Spry  off  Brest ;  of  Commodore  James  Young  (1),  who 
commanded  in  the  Channel;  and  of  Commodore  John  Moore  (1), 
who  commanded  in  the  Downs,  made  various  prizes ;  but  the  details 
of  these,  and  of  other  minor  captures,  will  be  fittingly  given  in  the 
next  chapter.  One  episode,  in  which  the  force  under  Commodore 
Moore  was  concerned,  may,  however,  be  noticed  here. 

The  Dutch  had  for  some  time  been  supplying  the  enemies  of 
Great  Britain  with  provisions  and  stores ;  and  the  British  cruisers, 
in  consequence,  vigilantly  searched  their  merchantmen.  The  States 
General,  resenting  this,  commissioned  some  men-of-war  to  protect 
the  illicit  trade ;  and,  in  September,  a  Dutch  flotilla  of  four  merchant- 
men, convoyed  by  a  36-gun  frigate,  was  fallen  in  with  by  the 
Hunter,  sloop;  which,  being  refused  permission  to  search,  and  being 

1T(V.'.]  THE    WAIl   AND    TltADE.  253 

too  weak  to  enforce  her  demands,  returned  to  Moore.  He  sent  the 
Diana,  32,  Captain  Wilham  Adams  (2),  the  Chester,  50,  Captain 
William  Hay,  the  Hinifrr,  14,  Commander  James  Ferguson,  and 
the  Trial,  14,  Commander  James  Cunningham,  with  orders  to  do 
what  was  necessary.  Adams  found  the  Dutchmen,  and  demanded 
to  know  what  the  convoy  had  on  hoard.  The  Dutch  captain  again 
refused  to  allow  a  search,  and  declared  tliat  lie  would  fight  rather 
than  permit  it ;  whereupon  Adams  sent  hoats  to  hoard  each 
merchantman.  The  Dutch  fired  a  gun  at  the  leading  hoat,  and 
wounded  a  man  in  her.  Adams  retaliated  hy  firing  a  gun  at  the 
frigate,  which  replied  with  a  hroadside.  This  brought  about  an 
action,  which,  in  fifteen  minutes,  resulted  in  all  the  Dutch  ships 
submitting.  They  were  taken  into  the  Downs.  The  merchantmen, 
being  found  to  have  on  board  stores  for  the  French  navy,  were 
detained ;  but  the  frigate,  which  had  lost  four  killed  and  five 
wounded,  was  dismissed. 

During  this  last  year  of  the  contest  the  enemy  took  but  two 
British  men-of-war,  a  sloop  and  a  bomb  ketch.  The  hst  of  the 
men-of-war  taken  by  the  British  will  be  found  in  the  appendix. 
The  French  merchantmen  and  privateers  taken  numbered  120 ;  and, 
as  in  previons  years,  their  value  was  greatly  in  excess  of  that  of  the 
British  privateers  and  merchantmen  captured,  though  the  number 
of  the  latter  was  considerably  greater.  Towards  the  close  of  the 
campaign  the  French  had  very  few  vessels  at  sea ;  and  their  trade 
was  ruined.  The  Spanish  power  afloat  was  never  great  enough  to 
be  a  serious  menace. 

The  first  overtures  for  peace  came  from  France  to  Great  Britain 
through  the  Sardinian  envoy  in  London.  In  consequence  of  them, 
the  Duke  of  Bedford  was  sent  to  Paris,  and  the  Due  de  Nivernois 
came  to  England,  with  full  powers  ;  and  on  November  3rd,  1702, 
the  preliminaries  of  peace,  between  Great  Britain  on  the  one  side 
and  France  and  Spain  on  the  other,  were  signed  at  Fontainebleau. 
The  terms  were  scarcely  proportionate  to  the  measure  of  the  suc- 
cesses which  had  been  gained  by  Great  Britain  during  the  war.  She 
acquired  Canada,  St.  John's,  Cape  Breton,  and  that  part  of  what  was 
then  called  Louisiana,  east  of  the  Mississippi,  except  New  Orleans, 
together  with  the  right  of  free  navigation  of  the  Mississippi.  France 
received  permission,  subject  to  certain  conditions,  to  fish  on  the 
banks  of  Newfoundland,  and  was  given  the  islands  of  St.  Pierre  and 
Miquelon  as  fish-curing  stations.     Spain  relinquished  her  claim  to 

254  MAJOU    (Jl'KllATIONS,    171 1-1762.  [17G2. 

fish  on  the  liaiiks  of  Newfouudhuul ;  and  undertook  to  restore  to 
Portugal  iiny  places  which  she  might  have  conquered  from  that 
power,  and  to  cede  Florida  to  Great  Britain.  But  Great  Britain 
was  to  restore  Havana  and  its  dependencies.  Martinique,  Guade- 
loupe, and  Marie  Galante  also,  were  to  be  given  hack  to  France, 
which,  in  addition,  obtained  St.  Lucia,  previously  a  neutral  island. 
Great  Britain  retained  Grenada  and  the  Grenadines,  and  received 
the  formerly  neutral  islands  of  Dominica,  St.  Vincent  and  Tobago. 
She  also  had  Minorca  restored  to  her  and  kept  Senegal ;  but  she 
restored  Belle  Isle  and  Goree  to  France.  The  fortifications  of 
Dunquerque,  should,  it  was  agreed,  be  demolished.  In  Asia,  Great 
Britain  had  to  restore  the  conquests  made  from  France  ;  but  France 
was  to  erect  no  fortifications  in  her  possessions  within  the  province 
of  Bengal.  Louisiana  west  of  the  Mississippi  was  ceded  by  France 
to  Spain. 

The  terms  of  the  treaty,  though  honourable,  could  not  be  con- 
sidered as  particularly  advantageous  to  Great  Britain,  seeing  that 
her  maritime  superiority  in  176'2  was  such  that  she  might  have 
seized,  and  kept,  almost  what  she  would.  The  definitive  treaty  was 
signed  at  Paris  on  February  10th,  17(53 ;  and  so  ended  the  Seven 
Years'  "War. 

Commenting  upon  the  settlement,  Mahan  writes  : — 

"  The  nation  at  large  and  Pitt,  the  I'iwourite  of  the  nation,  were  bitter!}'  opposed  to 
the  terms  of  the  treaty.  '  France,'  said  Pitt,  '  is  chiefly  formidable  to  us  as  a  maritime 
and  commercial  power.  What  we  gain  in  this  respect  is  valuable  to  us  above  all 
through  the  injury  to  her  which  results  from  it.  You  leave  to  France  the  possibility 
of  reviving  her  navy.'  In  truth,  from  the  point  of  view  of  sea-power  and  of  the 
national  jealousies  which  the  spirit  of  that  age  sanctioned,  these  words,  though 
illiberal,  were  strictly  justifiable.  The  restoration  to  France  of  her  colonies  in  the 
West  hidies  and  her  stations  in  India,  together  with  the  valuable  right  of  fishery  in 
her  former  American  possessions,  put  before  her  the  possibility  and  inducement  to 
restore  her  shipping,  her  commerce,  and  her  navy,  and  thus  tended  to  recall  her  from 
the  path  of  continental  ambition  which  liad  been  so  fatal  to  her  interests,  and  in  the 
same  proportion  favourable  to  the  unprecedented  growth  of  England's  power  upon  the 
ocean.  The  opposition,  and  indeed  some  of  the  ministry,  also  thought  that  so  com- 
manding and  important  a  position  as  Havana  was  poorly  paid  for  by  the  cession  of  the 
then  desolate  and  unproductive  region  called  Florida.  Puerto  Rico  was  suggested, 
Florida  accepted.  There  were  other  minor  points  of  difference,  into  which  it  is 
unnecessary  to  enter.  It  can  scarcely  be  denied  that  with  the  commanding  military 
control  of  the  sea  held  by  England,  grasping  as  she  now  did  so  many  important 
positions,  with  her  navy  overwhelmingly  superior  in  numbers,  and  her  commercial 
and  internal  condition  very  thriving,  more  rigorous  terms  might  easily  have  been 
exacted  and  would  have  been  prudent.  'Ihe  ministry  defended  their  eagerness  and 
spirit  of  concession  on  the  grotmd  of  the  enormous  growth  of  the  debt,  which  then 
amounted  to  £122,000,000,  a  sum  from  every  point  of  view  much  greater  then  than 
now;  b\it  while  this  draft  upon  the  future  was  fully  justified  by  the  success  of  the 

irryj.]  THE   END    OF    THE    WAIl.  255 

war,  it  also  imperatively  tlcimaiulcil  that  the  utmost  advantaj^es  whieh  the  military 
situation  made  obtainable,  should  be  exacted.  This  the  ministry  failed  to  do.  .  . 
Nevertheless,  the  gains  of  England  were  very  great,  not  only  in  territorial  increase, 
nor  yet  in  maritime  preponderance,  but  in  the  prestige  and  po.sition  achieved  in  the 
eyes  of  the  nations,  now  fully  opened  to  her  great  resources  and  mighty  power.  To 
these  results,  won  by  the  sea,  the  issue  of  the  continental  war  offered  a  singular  and 
suggestive  contrast.  France  had  already  withdrawn,  along  with  England,  from  all 
share  in  that  strife,  and  peace  between  the  other  i)arties  to  it  was  signed  five  days  after 
the  Peace  of  Paris.  The  terms  of  the  peace  were  simply  the  status  quo  ante,  belbiin. 
By  the  estimate  of  the  King  of  Prussia,  one  hundred  and  eighty  thousand  of  his 
soldiers  had  fallen  or  died  in  this  war,  out  of  a  kingdom  of  five  million  souls;  while 
the  losses  of  Prussia,  Austria,  and  France  aggregated  four  hundred  and  sixty  thousand 
men.     The  result  was  sim]ily  that  things  remained  as  they  were." 

(      25(i      ) 


MILITAEY   HISTOEY    OF   THE    ROYAL    NAVY,   1714-1762. 

Minor   Operations, 
l.  carr  laughtox. 

liicharil  Lestock — "The  Fifteen" — Moorish  Pirates — Exploits  of  the  Hind  and  the 
liridi/ewater—Pimcy  in  the  West — Edward  Thatch,  alias  "  Blaclibeard " — 
Bartholomew  Roberts — Chaloner  Ogle  ofl"  Cape  Lopez — Mighells  at  Vigo — 
Smugglers  and  guarda-costas — The  right  of  search — Salt  gathering  at  the  Tortugas 
— Stuart  and  illicit  trading — Fandino — Reprisals — The  Shore/iam's  prizes — The 
Princesa  taken — Pearce  and  Oglethoq^e  at  St.  Augustine — Bamet  and  de  Caylus 
— Tlie  West  Indies — Loss  of  the  Tijjur — Loss  of  the  Tilbury — Callis  at  St.  Tropez 
— Martin  at  Ajaccio — Naval  disasters — The  Nortlntmhcrland  taken — The  hurricane 
at  Jamaica — Mostyn's  fiasco — Capture  of  the  Elephant — The  Anglesey  taken — 
Lieut.  Baker  Phillips — The  privateers — Successes  of  "  The  Royal  Family  " — The 
Jersey  and  the  St.  Esprit — M.  de  Lage — The  Nottingham,  and  the  Mars — The 
Alexander  and  the  Solehay — The  Portland  and  the  Augnste — Fox  and  de  La 
Motte — Captures  and  losses — Commodore  Pocock's  successes — George  Walker — 
Ca])ture  of  the  Magnanime — The  Chesterfield — Piracy — The  Blandford — Capture 
of  the  Esperance — The  Warwick  taken — The  Chausey  Islands — Fortunatus 
Wright — A  repulse  at  Algeciras — Captain  John  Lockhart — "  Error  of  .ludgment  " 
— Loss  of  the  Greenwich  and  the  Merlin — Destruction  of  the  Aquilon  and  the 
Alcion — Captures — Privateers — Thurot — Capture  of  the  Emeraude — Disasters — 
Burning  of  the  Prince  George — Capture  of  the  Baisonnahle — Captain  Brodrick 
Hartwell — The  Winchelsea  taken — The  Buckingham  and  the  Florissant — The 
Vestal  and  the  Bellone — Capture  of  the  Danae — The  Achilles  and  the  Comti  de 
St.  Florentine — The  Arethuse  taken — Indecisive  actions — Convoys — Adventures 
of  the  Biademe — Sinking  of  the  C'amherland — The  Unicorn  and  the  Vestale — The 
Birhmond  and  the  Felicite — The  Minemt  and  the  Warwick — The  Bijio7i  and  the 
Achille — Captures — Capture  of  the  Achille  and  Bouffonne — The  Bellona  and  the 
Courageux — Last  captures  of  the  war. 


^OR    several    years    after  1715,    the 
sending  of   a   fleet   to   the  Baltic 
became,  as  has  been  already  shown,  a 
species  of   annual   exercise.     All   these 
expeditions     were     barren     of     serious 
fiphtint:,  and   there   is   little   to   be   said  of   them   here.     In  1717, 

1716.]  THE  NAVY  ANT)    THE  PRETENDER.  257 

however,  when  the  fleet  was  iiudur  8ir  George  Byng,  it  was  found 
that,  although  the  Swedish  men-ol'-war  still  kept  in  port,  consider- 
able annoyance  was  occasioned  to  British  trade  by  the  niunerous 
privateers.  Against  these  Sir  George  detached  various  cruisers,  of 
which  none  was  so  successful  as  the  Panther,  50,  Captain  Eichard 
Lestock  (2) .  Many  privateers  were  sent  home  ;  but  none  of  them 
was  of  any  great  force,  the  average  scarcely  running  to  ten  small 
guns  and  sixty  men  per  ship.  The  matter,  indeed,  is  chiefly  worth 
noticing  because  it  was  in  this  way  that  Lestock,  a  man  whose  sub- 
sequent behaviour  rendered  him  notorious,  began  to  come  to  the 
front.  His  activity  on  these  cruises  attracted  Byng's  attention, 
and  gained  him  the  name  of  a  zealous  officer.  Sir  George,  in  con- 
sequence, chose  him  to  command  his  flagship  in  the  Mediterranean 
campaign  of  the  following  year.  The  subsequent  Baltic  campaigns 
were  less  active  even  than  the  campaign  of  1717. 

Nearer  home,  and  on  the  Barbary  coasts,  meanwhile,  the  Navy 
was  finding  work  to  do  ;  in  the  one  case  in  connection  with  the 
pro-Stuart  rising,  in  the  other,  with  the  recrudescence  of  piracy. 
The  Pretender  landed  in  December,  1715,  and  in  the  middle  of 
January,  1716,  Sir  John  Jennings,  Admiral  of  the  White,  was 
appointed  to  the  command  of  a  squadron  of  ten  ships  wherewith 
to  cruise  on  the  east  coast  and  in  the  Firth  of  Forth.  Other  ships 
cruised  on  the  west  coast,  also  for  the  suppression  of  the  rebels, 
while  others  again  were  kept  in  the  Channel  to  restrain  sympathetic 
Frenchmen.  A  body  of  French  officers,  trying  to  escape  from 
Peterhead,  was  driven  back  ;  but  in  spite  of  all  precautions,  the 
Pretender  himself  contrived  to  get  away  safely.  Some  imputation 
of  negligence  not  unnaturally  fell  upon  the  Navy  ;  but  the  Govern- 
ment was  satisfied  that  reasonable  diligence  had  been  shown,  and 
published  in  the  Gazette  the  following  : — 

"The  Royal  Anne,  galley,  Pearl,  Port  Malion,  Deal  Castle  and  Phoenix  are 
returned  from  cruising,  it  appears  by  the  journal  of  Captain  Stuart,'  that  he  had  early 
intelligence  of  the  Pretender  having  put  to  sea,  in  a  clean-tallowed  French  snow,  which 
rowed  out  of  the  harbour  and  close  in  along  shore  a  good  way  with  her  sails  furled. 
The  Port  Malion  lay  all  that  night  within  two  leagues  of  the  harbour's  mouth,  but 
'twas  so  dark  there  was  no  seeing  a  sliip  a  quarter  of  a  mile  distant."  - 

Every  precaution,  indeed,  seems  to  have  been  taken  by  the 
refugees ;    and   it   may  be  added    that   they  appear   to   have   been 

'  The  Hon.  Charles   Stuart;   born,   1681;    Captain,  1704;    Eear-Admiral,  1729; 
Vice- Admiral,  1733  ;  died,  174:0. 
-  Quoted  in  Lediard,  867. 

VOL.    III.  S 

258  MINOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1716. 

aware  of  the  disposition  of  the  various  cruisers.  Leaving  Montrose, 
the  snow  stretched  across  to  the  coast  of  Norway,  whence  she 
coasted  southward  and  made  GraveHnes  in  safety.  The  Chevalier 
de  St.  George  testified  his  gratitude  and  appreciation  by  knighting 
Mark  Forrester,  her  master.  In  spite  of  their  failure  to  intercept 
this  snow,  the  English  ships  did  good,  if  unostentatious,  work  in 
helping  to  stamp  out  the  embers  of  the  revolt,  chiefly,  of  course, 
by  co-operating  with  the  troops  when  they  chanced  to  touch 
the  shore. 

Piracy  in  the  Mediterranean  continued  to  demand  considerable 
attention,  but  was  at  length  dealt  with  by  the  Admiralty  on  some- 
thing like  a  rational  system.  In  other  words,  there  were  ships 
constantly  cruising  against  the  Barbary  pirates ;  and  there  was 
thus  avoided  the  great  and  often  bootless  expense  incurred  by  the 
fitting  out  of  occasional  expeditions  on  a  large  scale.  The  reign  is 
marked  by  no  such  fight  as  that  of  Captain  Kempthorne  of  the 
Mary  Bose  in  16G9 ;  but  cruisers  detached,  first  by  John  Baker 
and  after  him  by  Charles  Cornwall,  the  officers  in  command  on 
the  station,  did  efficient  service.  Of  these  the  Hind,  20,  Captain 
Arthur  Delgarno,  in  May,  1716,  took  one  Sallee  rover,  and,  in 
October  following,  another,  of  24  guns.  This  latter  ship  resisted 
for  two  and  a  half  hours  before  she  struck,  and  then  promptly  sank, 
taking  down  with  her  all  but  thirty-eight  of  her  men.  The  Bridge- 
water,  also,  in  the  same  year,  drove  two  Sallee  ships,  each  of 
16  guns,  ashore  near  their  own  port.  The  Barbaiy  pirates,  how- 
ever, though  a  real  nuisance,  were  not  the  only  one  of  the  kind, 
nor,  indeed,  were  they  so  serious  an  obstacle  to  commerce  as  they 
had  been  in  the  seventeenth  century.  This  was,  as  has  been 
mentioned,  partly  due  to  the  constant  watch  kept  upon  their  move- 
ments. A  more  fonnidable  species  of  piracj-,  the  piracy  of  romance, 
flourished  on  the  Spanish  Main,  and  spread  thence  over  the  high 
seas.  The  doings  of  the  notorious  Kidd  have  been  recorded ; 
the  history  of  William  Dampier  shows  with  what  ease  British 
seamen  drifted  into  this  evil  course  of  hfe ;  and  it  will  be  easily 
understood  that  the  Sir  Francis  Verneys  and  the  Wards  of  the 
era  preferred  to  join  the  successors  of  Sawkins,  primarily  to  plunder 
the  Spaniard,  rather  than  to  turn  renegade  and  prey  on  their  owoi 
countrymen  in  the  Mediterranean.  But  though  piracy  in  the 
West  was  a  growing  source  of  anxiety,  the  bulk  of  its  exponents 
confined  their  attentions  with  some  strictness  to  foreign  flags,  and 

1718.]  "  BLAOKBEAnn;'    TIIK    PI  RATE.  259 

some  of  them,  notably  Sir  Henry  Morgan,  compared  not  unfavour- 
ably with  the  gentleman  adventurers  of  the  Elizabethan  age.     Kidd, 
it  has  been  shown,  was  a  decided  exception;  Avery  was  another; 
and  so  also  was  Edward  Thatch,  commonly  called  Teach,  or,  more 
commonly   still,   from   his   appearance,    "  Blackbeard."  ^      Born   in 
Bristol   about    1675,   he   had,    through   the   War   of    the    Spanish 
Succession,   served   in   privateers,  and   he   did   not   turn   his   hand 
to  piracy  till  the  end  of   ITKi.     It   is   notorious  that  the  pirates 
of  fact  enjoyed,  to  an  even  greater  degree  than  their  brethren  of 
fiction,  the  short  life  and  merry  one  supposed  to  belong   to  men 
of   their   calling ;    and  for  his  enjoyment  of  existence,  as  well   as 
for  his  egregious  brutality.  Thatch  stands  forth  from  among  many 
short-lived   contemporaries.      About   the   end   of   1717,   he   took   a 
large  Guineaman,  which  he  named  the  Queen  Anne's  Bevenge,  and 
in  which  he  went  cruising,  after  having  mounted   her  with  forty 
guns.     One  of  the  first  incidents  of  his  cruise  was  the  falling  in 
with   H.M.S.    Scarborough,    20,    which   he   beat   off    after   a   fight 
lasting   for   some    hours.     The  governor   of   Carolina   entered   into 
a  league  with  him,  and   he  chose  the  coasts  of   that  colony  and 
of  Virginia  as  his  scene  of  operations,  and  continued  haunting  their 
creeks  and  preying  on  the  merchants,   whether  at  sea  or   ashore, 
till   they  petitioned   the  governor  of  Virginia   to  rid    them  of   the 
pest.     The  governor  took  counsel  with  the  captains  of  the  Lyme,  20, 
and   Pearl,   40,  and   concerted  a  scheme  by  which  Lieut.  Eobert 
Maynard,-  of  the  Pearl,  was  to  command  two  small  sloops  against 
Blackbeard,  who  had  got  rid  of  his  great  ships,  and  was  lurking 
in   a   sloop   in    Ocracoke   Inlet,  one   of   the   entrances   to   Pamlico 
Sound.     The  sloops  under  Maynard's  command  mounted  no  heavy 
guns,   while   the   pirates   were   known   to   be  well   armed   in    that 
respect;    but,  on    the   other   hand,   the  sloops  had  sweeps,   which 
their    enemy    had    not.      Maynard    rowed    into    the    passage    on 
November  21st,   1718,  and  with   great   difficulty,    after  lightening 
his  vessel,  got  close  to  Thatch,  who  had  run  aground.     Meanwhile, 
the  pirate  sloop  floated,  and  by  a  broadside  of  langiidge,  did  great 
damage  among  Maynard's  men,  who  were   much   exposed   by  the 
lowness  in  the  waist  of   their  ship.     Maynard  thereupon  kept  his 
men  below  as  much  as  possible  ;  upon  which  Blackbeard,  thinking 

'  In  Jolmson's  '  Lives  of  the  most  Notorious  Pirates,'  he  appears  as  Teach.     In 
official  papers  he  is  Thatch. 

-  Died,  a  caijtain  of  1740,  iu  1750. 

s  2 

260  MINOR    OPEHATIONS,    1714-17G2.  [1718-22. 

that  there  were  few  left  to  deal  with,  boarded  at  the  head  of  fifteen 
men.  The  rival  commanders  engaged  hand  to  hand,  and  the  fight 
went  stubbornly  on,  as  usual  in  such  cases,  till  the  pirate's  death. 
Besides  those  killed,  fifteen  pirates  were  taken,  and  of  them  thirteen 
were  hanged.'  That  Thatch  had  so  few  men  with  him  was  owing 
to  his  having  marooned  or  otherwise  got  rid  of  the  bulk  of  his 
company  shortly  before  in  consequence  of  a  dispute  as  to  the 
distribution  of  prize-money. 

There  was  no  lack  of  men  to  carry  on  the  abominable  work ; 
but  even  of  the  best  known  of  these  desperadoes,  such  as  Stede 
Bonnet,  Edward  England,  John  Eackam,  and  Howel  Davis,  none 
arrests  the  attention  in  such  a  degree  as  Bartholomew  Roberts.'^ 
Eoberts  was,  in  1718,  mate  of  a  ship  which  was  plundered  by 
pirates  on  the  Guinea  coast,  and,  joining  his  captors,  was  elected 
to  the  command  on  the  death  of  Howel  Davis,  their  captain.  He 
cruised  with  considerable  success  from  Brazil  to  Newformdland, 
and,  in  1721,  crossed  over  to  the  African  coast,  where,  amongst 
other  prizes,  he  took  a  large  ship  belonging  to  the  Eoyal  Africa 
Company.  To  this  ship  he  tm-ned  over,  named  her  the  Boijal 
Fortinw,  mounted  forty  guns  in  her,  and  with  a  32-gun  ship,  under 
a  man  named  Skyrm,  and  a  24,  continued  his  cruise.  His  luck 
continued  good  till  on  February  21st,  1722,  when  he  and  Sk3Tm 
lay  anchored  under  Cape  Lopez,  there  came  down  on  him 
H-M.S.  Swalloir,  60,  Captain  Chaloner  Ogle  (1),  which,  since  the 
preceding  year,  had  been  on  that  coast.  Ogle  knew  with  whom 
he  had  to  deal ;  and  when  Skyrm,  taking  him  for  a  merchantman, 
slipped  in  chase,  he  bore  awaj'  out  of  earshot  of  the  Royal  Fortune. 
He  then  tm'ned  upon  Skynn,  and,  after  a  shai"p  encounter,  took 
him.  Eeturning  to  Cape  Lopez  and  hoisting  the  French  flag,  he 
lured  Eoberts  into  attacking  him.  Eoberts,  overmatched  and  taken 
by  sui-prise,  made  a  desperate  fight,  which  did  not  cease  till  he 
himself  had   been   killed.      Of   262   prisoners   taken   it   is   well   to 

'  Of  the  two  who  escaped  the  gallows  one  was  Israel  Hands,  the  master,  who  at  the 
time  of  the  action  was  ashoi-e  recovering  from  a  wovmd  received  from  Thatch,  who  had 
a  trick  of  hlowing  out  his  cabin  lights  and  firing  cross-handed  imder  the  table. 
Another  practice  of  Blackbeard's  was  to  light  sulphur  in  the  ship's  hold,  and  to  try 
who  could  longest  withstand  the  fumes.     This  was  by  way  of  enlivening  a  dull  cruise. 

-  Eoberts  is  said  to  have  been  the  original  of  Scott's  Cleveland  in  '  The  Pirate,'  but 
the  career  of  the  real  does  not  agree  with  that  of  the  ideal.  The  doings  of  Eoberts,  as 
chronicled  in  Charles  Johnson's  '  General  History  of  the  Most  Notorious  Pirates,'  are, 
so  far  as  can  be  ascertained,  substantially  correct. 

1719.]  MIO HELLS  AT   VIGO.  261 

notice  that  5'2  were  hanged,  and  that  only  77  were  acquitted  on  trial. 
The  captured  ships  were  taken  to  England,  where  they  were 
bestowed  on  Ogle,'  who  also  for  this  good  piece  of  work  received 
the  honour  of  knighthood. 

In  the  latter  end  of  July,  1719,  preparations  were  making  in 
England  for  a  secret  expedition  against  Spain.  About  fifty  trans- 
ports were  got  together  to  convey  a  force  of  four  thousand  men 
under  Viscount  Cobham  ;  and,  meanwhile,  a  small  squadron  was 
sent  ahead  under  Commodore  Sir  Robert  Johnson,  in  the  Weymouth, 
to  co-operate  with  the  French  who  were  then  engaged  in  the  siege 
of  San  Sebastian.  In  the  beginning  of  August,  some  French  troops 
and  two  hundred  seamen  were  landed  by  the  squadron  at  Fort  San 
Antonio.  Owing  to  the  strength  of  the  batteries  at  the  entrance 
to  the  harbour,  the  force  was  landed  some  distance  to  the  westward, 
advancing  from  which  direction,  it  destroyed  the  fortifications  and 
spiked  the  guns  in  the  harbour.  On  September  1.5th,  Johnson, 
in  the  Weymouth,  having  the  Winchester  and  Dursley  Galley  in 
company,  heard  that  there  were  two  Spanish  men-of-war  and  a 
large  merchantman  lying  in  Eivadeo.  Accordingly  the  Weymouth 
and  Winchester  appeared  off  the  port  on  the  following  day  ;  boats 
were  sent  in  to  take  soundings;  and  the  two  ships  anchored  alongside 
the  enemy  and  abreast  of  a  battery  of  eight  guns.  The  battery 
was  taken,  the  men-of-war  were  destroyed,  and  the  merchantman 
was  brought  off.  In  the  meantime,  the  main  expedition  had  sailed 
and  was  looking  for  Johnson  off  the  Spanish  coast,  in  hopes  of 
gaining  information  from  him.  This  force  was  commanded  by 
Vice-Admiral  James  Mighells,  who,  detached  by  Berkeley  in  the 
spring,  had  learnt  of  the  dispersal  of  the  Spanish  fleet  intended  for 
the  invasion  of  Scotland.  The  object  now  before  Mighells,  and 
the  soldiers  under  Cobham  whom  he  convoyed,  was  to  proceed  to 
Vigo  and  retaliate  for  this  intended  insult.  Sailing  from  St.  Helen's 
on  September  21st,  1719,  the  expedition  made  Vigo  on  the  '29th 
without  being  joined  by  Johnson.  The  fleet  at  once  entered  the 
harbour  and  landed  the  troops  about  three  miles  from  the  town. 
On  October  1st,  the  army  occupied  a  strong  position  iinder  the 
walls ;  whereupon  the  enemy  spiked  the  guns  in  their  batteries 
and  withdrew  to  the  citadel.  A  bomb  ketch  was  brought  up  on 
the  3rd ;  but  as  she  could  do  little,  owing  to  the  greatness  of  the 
range,  some  forty  odd  mortars  were  put   ashore ;    and  on  the  4th, 

'  Captains'  Letters,  O  2. 

262  MlNOli    OPEUATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1720. 

Fort  Sail  Sebastian,  which  had  been  occiapied,  was  armed  with 
heavy  guns  from  the  fleet.  The  citadel,  upon  that,  surrendered, 
its  garrison  of  four  hundred  and  sixty-nine  officers  and  men 
marching  out  on  the  10th.  The  town,  it  was  decided,  could  not 
be  held ;  but  a  large  quantity  of  guns,  small  arms,  and  ammunition, 
which  had  been  collected  for  the  invasion  of  England,  was  taken 
and  brought  home.  Seven  ships,  also,  were  seized  in  the  harbour, 
of  which  three  were  fitting  out  for  privateers.  On  the  14th,  the 
ships  reduced  Ponte  Vedra,  at  the  upper  end  of  the  harbour. 
There,  too,  many  gi;ns  were  found ;  so  that  the  total  number 
brought  home  was  one  hundred  and  ninety  iron  and  thirty  brass 
heavy  guns,  with  ten  thousand  stand  of  small  arms,  two  thousand 
barrels  of  powder,  and  other  warlike  stores.  On  November  11th, 
Vice-Admiral  Mighells  put  into  Falmouth  with  the  Enterprize, 
Kingsale,  and  Biddeford,  and  with  most  of  the  transports.  The 
expedition  had  been  prompt  and  successful  :  it  had  fully  attained  its 
object ;  and  by  sickness,  desertion,  and  the  sword  it  had  lost  no 
more  than  three  hundred  men. 

The  difficulties  experienced  by  British  merchants  in  the  Spanish 
settlements  of  the  west  were  a  heritage  of  the  days  of  Elizabeth,  and 
were  by  no  means  smoothed  away  by  the  many  treaties  which  had 
been  entered  into  between  the  two  nations.^  It  is  not  possible  here 
to  enter  into  an  examination  of  these  treaties ;  let  it  suffice  to  say 
that,  by  forbidding,  save  under  the  harshest  restrictions,  all  traffic, 
except,  of  course,  that  in  negroes,  which  had  been  granted  by  the 
Assiento,  they  put  a  premimn  on  smuggling.  We  know  the  tra- 
ditional attitude  of  English  and  Spaniards  to  one  another  in  the 
New  World,  and  we  have  noticed  the  growth  of  piracy,  testifying  to 
the  existence  of  a  considerable  proportion  of  unsettled  spirits  among 
the  British  inhabitants  of  the  American  colonies.  When  we  con- 
sider both  the  evergreen  national  hatred,  and  the  bitterness  with 
which  the  guarda  costas  must  have  regarded  the  enterprising  and 
unscrupulous  smugglers,  we  cannot  wonder  at  the  tales  of  brutaht}' 
on  the  part  of  the  Spaniards ;  but  we  must  also  be  'prepared  to 
believe  that  the  Spaniards  spoke  the  truth  wWn  they  insisted  that 
the  British  traders  of  the  islands  were  not  always  the  lambs 
they  professed  to  be,  and  were,  in  many  cases,  but  little  removed 
from  pirates.     There  always  has  been  ill-feeling  about  the  right  of 

'  The  texts  of  these  treaties  will  be  found  at  length  in  Eousset  de  Missy,  '  Eecueil 
Historique ' ;  and  in  Jean  Dumont,  '  Corps  Universel  Diplomatique,'  vol.  viii. 

1728-33.]  DIFFICULTIES    WITH   SPAIN.  2G3 

search — probably  there  always  will  be — nor  are  we  to  believe  that  a 
guarda  costa,  boarding  a  Jamaica  smuggler  in  1720,  acted  with  such 
civility  as  we  expect  from  the  Customs'  House  nowadays.  On  the 
contrary,  as  he  often  had  considerable  difficulty  in  catching  his 
suspect,  he  was  prone  to  try  to  catch  him  where  he  could,  and  to 
scruple  little  whether  he  caught  him  in  Spanish  waters  or  on  the 
high  seas.  Such  was  the  state  of  affairs,  and  it  is  clear  that  it  was 
bound,  sooner  or  later,  to  lead  to  war.  Before  passing  on  to  the 
war  itself,  it  will  be  interesting  to  examine  in  some  detail  one  or  two 
of  the  incidents  that  thus  led  up  to  it. 

In  the  latter  part  of  1728,  a  Spanish  guarda  costa  sighted  and 
bore  down  on  the  Dursley  Galley,  20,  mistaking  her  for  a  merchant- 
man, and  with  the  intention  of  searching  her.  Naturally,  the 
Dwrsley  Galley  did  not  bring  to,  and  the  Spaniard  opened  fire,  which 
the  British  ship  warmly  returned.  After  a  sliort  fight,  in  which  the 
guarda  costa  lost  five  men  killed  and  twenty  wounded,  the  Spaniard 
surrendered.  That  she  was  shortly  afterwards  released  was  due 
simply  to  the  fact  that  there  was  no  reason  for  keeping  her,  and 
Lediard  ^  is  undoubtedly  wrong  when  he  points  to  this  as  illustrative 
of  the  difference  between  Spanish  and  English  methods.  As  will 
presently  be  shown,  British  ships  that  were  detained  were,  at  any 
rate  in  most  cases,  legally  detained  as  being  smugglers.  The  next 
incident  to  be  mentioned  was  connected  with  the  vexed  question  of 
the  gathering  of  salt  at  the  Tortugas.  It  must  be  remembered  that 
the  right  to  gather  salt,^  like  the  right  to  cut  logwood  at  Campeche, 
was  denied  to  the  English  by  the  Spaniards,  although,  in  point  of 
fact,  it  had  actually  been  acknowledged  by  the  Convention  of 
Madrid.  Early  in  1733,  a  fleet  of  British  ships  under  escort  of  the 
Scarborough,  20,  Captain  Thomas  Durell  (1),^  was  loading  salt  at 
the  Tortugas,  when  there  came  down  on  it  two  Spanish  men-of- 
war,  one  of  sixty,  and  the  other  of  seventy  guns.*  Four  of  the 
merchantmen,  viz.,  the  Catherine,  Two  Sisters,  Hopeivell,  and  Three 
Brothers,  were  taken  at  the  outset  before  the  Scarborough  could 
cover  her  convoy ;  but  after  that  she  managed  to  engage  the  atten- 
tion of  the  Spaniards  so  well  that  the  rest  of  the  salt  ships  made 
good  their  escape. 

A  point  that  is  apt  to  be  passed  over  in  such  an  account  as  this  is 
that  two  Spanish  ships  of  the  line  were  quite  equal  to  making  miuce- 

■  Lediard,  913.  •  "  Captains'  Letters,  D  4. 

-  Kousset  de  Missy,  i.  411.  *  Beatson,  i.  22. 

'264:  MINOR    OFEHATION.S,   17M-1T62.  [1731. 

meat  of  the  Scarhoroii(/h  first  and  of  her  convoy  afterwards,  had  they 
been  so  inchned.  It  would  appear,  then,  that  the  Spaniards,  whose 
force  seems  to  be  exaggerated,  and  who  were  probably  heavy  coast- 
guard cruisers,  believed  themselves  to  be  engaging  merely  in  the 
reprisals  customary  in  those  parts,  and  that,  when  they  found  that 
they  had  before  them  a  King's  ship,  they  refused  to  fight  her  for  fear 
of  involving  themselves  in  serious  diplomatic  entanglements. 

Whether  the  guarda  costas  are  to  be  regarded  as  privateers  or 
not,  there  is  interest  in  a  letter  written  from  Jamaica  by  Commodore 
Edward  St.  Loe,  to  Burchett,  at  the  Admiralty,  in  May,  1728.' 
Complaining  that  Spanish  privateers  infested  the  Jamaican  coasts, 
he  said  : — 

"  It's  my  opinion  I  could  go  in  and  destroy  most  of  them  had  I  but  His  Majesty's 
jiermission.  They,  according  to  my  notion,  are  no  better  than  pirates,  having  no 
commission  for  what  they  do,  save  from  the  governor  of  the  place." 

This  is  the  opinion  of  a  man  qualified  to  judge.  It  may  be 
tempered  by  that  of  another  naval  officer  who  commanded  on  that 
station,  and  who  certainly  held  no  brief  for  the  Spaniards.  This 
was  Kear-Admiral  the  Hon.  Charles  Stuart,  who  was  sent  out  to 
Jamaica  in  the  Lion  on  December  9th,  1729,  to  take  over  the 
command  of  the  station  in  succession  to  St.  Loe.  Stuart  seems  to 
have  begun  his  commission  with  the  prevailing  belief  that  the  fault 
lay  with  the  Spaniards,  but  his  attitude  changed  somewhat  as  time 
went  on,  and  as  his  knowledge  of  the  British  merchants  increased. 
Writing  on  October  12th,  1731,  to  the  Duke  of  Newcastle,  he 
admitted  that  the  British  carried  on  the  trade  at  their  own  risk,  and 
that  the  ships  were  good  prize  if  taken.  This,  he  said,  led  them  to 
retaliate  by  robbing  such  Spaniards  as  they  could  ovei-power,  and  he 
added : — 

"  I  can  assure  you  that  the  sloops  that  sail  from  this  island  manned  and  armed  on 
that  illicit  trade,  have  more  than  once  bragged  to  me  of  having  murdered  seven  or  eight 
Spaniards  on  their  own  shore.  I  can't  help  observing  that  I  believe  I  am  the  first 
military  person  who  has  stood  up  in  the  defence  of  peace  and  quietness,  and  for 
delivering  up  vessels,  against  a  parcel  of  men  who  call  themselves  merchants,  but  they 
are  no  better  than  pedlars,  and  one  of  them  formerly  in  jail  for  piracy." 

His  plea  for  peace  and  quietness  maj'  have  been  merely  the  outcome 
of  his  knowledge  that,  as  the  British  had  by  far  the  greater  number 
of  ships  in  those  seas,  reprisals  would  be  a  losing  game.  That  truth 
was  abundantly  evidenced  when  war  broke  out ;  for  from  September, 

'  Home  Office  Records,  Admiralty,  No.  (56,  quoted  iu  '  Eng.  Hist,  llev.,'  iv.  741. 

1731.]  nniTisn  and  .spanish  cruklties.  2(j5 

1739,  to  November,  1741,  the  Spaniards  took  331  British  ships  as 
against  only  231  of  their  own  which  they  lost.' 

On  September  12th,  1731,  Stuart  wrote  to  the  governoi-  of 
Havana  a  strong  letter  of  complaint.  It  had  been  hoped  that  a 
better  condition  of  affairs  was  abovit  to  begin,  as  the  King  of  Spain, 
in  response  to  pressure  from  England,  had  sent  instructions  to  his 
colonial  governors  to  mitigate  their  harshness  to  British  traders. 
But  this  proclamation  was  bound  to  be  without  effect,  for  it  ex- 
empted from  its  protection  all  such  ships  as  were  engaged  in  the 
illicit  trade,  while  leaving  it  to  the  governors  concerned  to  draw  the 
necessary  distinction  between  legal  and  illegal  traffic.-  So  it  was 
that  Stuart  never  lacked  cause  of  complaint,  and,  in  the  instance 
cited,^  made  mention  "particularly  of  one  Fandino,  and  others  who 
have  committed  the  most  cruel  piratical  outrages  .  .  .  particularly 
about  the  20th  April  last,  sailed  out  of  your  harbour  in  one  of  those 
guarda  costas,  and  met  a  ship  of  this  island,^  bomid  for  England  .  .  ." 
and  so  forth,  giving  the  well-known  traditional  details  of  the  no- 
torious Jenkins  case.  He  ended  this  letter  with,  "  The  king,  my 
master,  having  reason  to  believe  that  these  repeated  insiilts  on  his 
subjects  could  never  be  continued  but  by  the  connivance  of  the 
several  Spanish  governors  in  these  parts,  is  determmed  to  endeavour 
to  put  a  stop  to  these  piratical  proceedings."  But  at  the  same  time 
he  was  much  attacked  by  the  merchants,  who  objected  strongly  to 
his  saying  that  they  exaggerated  their  case,  and  who  resented  his 
interference  with  their  illicit  trade,  and  his  endeavours  to  repress 
their  cruelties. 

Juan  de  Leon  Fandino,  probably  more  from  the  accident  of  his 
having  handled  Jenkins  than  for  any  other  reason,  stands  out  from 
among  the  guarda  costa  officers.  On  September  9th,  1731,  he  de- 
tained and  plundered  the  Prince  WiUicun,  William  Joy,  master,  but 
this  ship  was  released  a  month  later.  Not  so  the  Dolphin,  Benjamin 
Carkett,  master,  which  was  taken  by  Fandino  in  July,  and  sent  into 
Havana.  She  was  adjudged  legal  prize,  as  the  governor  wrote  to 
Stuart ;  but  he  added  that  he  intended  to  chastise  Spanish  privateers, 

'  Lists  in  Gent.  Miuj.  1741,  pp.  (!89-G'J8. 

^  Beatson,  i.  15. 

^  This  letter,  taken  fiom  Home  Office  Records,  Admiralty,  No.  69,  is  priuted  in 
'  Eng.  Hist.  Eev.,'  vol.  iv. 

■*  Jenkins's  ship,  the  lUbecca,  is  not  here  mentioned  bj'  name,  but  is  identified  with 
this  vessel  by  a  list  of  ships  taken  or  plundered  liy  the  Spaniards  down  to  December, 
1737.     The  Rebecca  was  taken  on  April  9th,  which  in  the  new  style  would  be  the  L'Oth. 

266  MINOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1731-42. 

who  were  now  no  longer  necessary,  and  whose  commissions  he  had 
revoked.  Stuart,  however,  must  stop  ships  coming  from  Jamaica  to 
Cuba,  where  British  and  Dutch  ships  were  then  to  be  found  all 
through  the  year. 

^Vhat  ultimately  became  of  Fandino  falls  into  its  place  here, 
though  chronologically  the  story  should  be  postponed.  On  June  4th, 
1742,  among  the  Bahamas,  Captain  Thomas  Frankland,  of  the  Hose, 
fell  in  with,  and  chased,  four  ships,  which  showed  British  colours. 
He  chased  under  the  same,  and,  overhauling  them,  fired  a  gun.' 
The  chase  then  hoisted  the  Spanish  flag,  and  fought  him  furiously, 
using  all  sorts  of  missiles,  from  broadsides  of  shot  to  poisoned  arrows. 
Frankland,  however,  held  his  fire  for  the  fourth  ship,  a  snow,  which 
seemed  the  strongest,  giving  the  others  only  a  few  guns  as  they 
chanced  to  bear.     The  first  three  sheered  off  badly  hulled. 

"I  then  endeavoured,"  says  Frankland,  "to  laj'  the  snow  aboard,  which  she 
shunned  with  the  utmost  caution,  maintaining  a  warm  fire  till  I  had  torn  her  almost  to 
rags,  the  commander  having  determined  rather  to  sink  than  strike,  for  reasons  you'll 
hereafter  be  sensible  of:  but  in  about  four  hours  the  people,  in  opposition  to  the  captain, 
hauled  down  the  colours." 

The  prize  mounted  ten  carriage  guns,  as  many  swivels,  and  had  a 
crew  of  over  eighty  men. 

"  The  captain  is  Juan  de  Leon  Fandino.  ...  He  is  the  man  that  commanded  the 
guard  of  coast  out  of  the  Havana  that  took  Jenkins  when  his  ears  were  cut  off.  .  .  . 
Not  but  such  a  desperado  with  his  crew  of  Indians,  Midattoes  and  Negroes  could  have 
a  cted  as  he  did,  for  we  were  at  least  two  hours  within  pistol  shot  of  him  keeping  a 
constant  fire." 

So  much  for  a  stor}^  which  has  long  been  accounted  a  myth,  both 
from  its  intrinsic  improbability,  and  from  the  circumstance  that 
Jenkins,  like  other  merchant  skippers  who  gave  evidence  before  the 
House  of  Commons  in  1738,  was  not  on  oath.- 

In  1739,  as  has  been  seen,  reprisals  were  ordered,  and  instructions 
to  that  effect  were  sent  out  to  Commodore  Charles  Brown  at  Jamaica, 
whose  broad  pennant  was  then  flying  in  the  Hampton  Court.^  The 
bearer  of  this  dispatch  was  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen,  of  the 
ShoreJiam,  who  joined  Brown  at  Port  Eo_yal  on  August  6th,  and, 

'  Captains'  Letters,  F. 

-  Mr.  Lecky's  opinion  of  the  truth  of  the  story  is  given  on  ]-.age  51  of  this  volume; 
and  neither  Stuart's  nor  Frankland's  letter  really  goes  far  towards  contradicting  that 
opinion. — W.  L.  C. 

'  The  Hampton  Courts  log  is  of  little  value ;  details  of  the  cruise  will  be  found  in 
the  Commodore's  log,  bound  up  with  his  dispatches  in  Admirals'  Dispatches  1738- 
1742,  Jamaica,  in  the  Public  Record  Office. 

1739.]  WAh'    WITH   SPAIN.  267 

after  whose  accession,  the  squadron  consisted,  hesides  the  two  ships 
named,  of  the  FabnoutJi,  Diamond,  Torrington,  Windsor  and  Drake. 
Brown  at  once  proceeded  to  carry  out  his  orders,  and  on  the  following 
day  the  Drake  and  the  Hampton  Court's  barge  brought  in  a  schooner. 
On  the  14th  the  whole  squadron  left  Port  Eoyal,  and  proceeded 
round  Cuba  on  a  cruise,  during  which,  owing  to  the  scarcity  of 
Spanish  ships,  they  did  no  great  amount  of  damage,  but  managed  to 
collect  reliable  information  as  to  the  strength  and  distribution  of 
Spanish  men-of-war  in  those  seas.  On  September  3rd,  Captain 
Charles  Knowles,  of  the  Diamond,  was  detached  in  pursuit  of  a 
strange  sail,  and  did  not  rejoin.  The  SJioreham  was  the  most 
successful  ship  of  the  squadron.  In  her,  Boscawen  reconnoitred 
Havana,  and,  near  that  port,  destroyed  two  sloops  and  took  another, 
while  a  little  later,  about  September  15th,  he  landed  at  Porto  Maria, 
and  burnt  a  large  quantity  of  timber  and  other  stores.  He  was  there 
attacked  by  two  half  galleys  and  a  sloop,  l)ut  they  kept  in  such  shoal 
water  that  the  Shoreham,  though  hulled  more  than  once,  could  not 
get  close  enough  to  harm  them.  Meanwhile,  a  small  fort  between 
Matanzas  and  Havana  was  destroyed.  Brown,  having  stayed  for 
twelve  days  off  Havana  in  hopes  of  falling  in  with  a  Spanish 
squadron,  learnt  that  none  was  expected,  and,  leaving  the  Windsor 
and  Falmouth  to  cruise  there  till  the  end  of  the  month,  proceeded 
round  the  western  end  of  the  island,  and,  on  October  '28th,  anchored 
in  Port  Eoyal.  There  he  found  the  Diamond,  which  had  made  two 
captures — a  ship  and  a  brigantine,  said  to  be  worth  .£30,000.  These, 
with  two  other  small  sloops  taken,  and  a  few  large  canoes,  represent 
the  total  damage  done.  In  Port  Eoyal  lay  Vernon's  squadron,  to 
which  Brown  had  by  that  time  become  attached. 

Active  warfare  was  at  first  entirely  confined  to  the  West  Indies  ; 
and  in  European  seas  the  first  action  of  importance  took  place  when 
the  Princesa,  64,  six  hundred  men,  of  the  Spanish  Ferrol  squadron, 
fell  in  with  the  Lenox,  Kent,  and  Or/ord,  which  had  been  detached 
from  Vice-Admiral  John  Balchen's  squadron.  These  three  ships, 
with  the  St.  Albans  and  liipon,  had  been  cruising  to  intercept  a 
convoy  of  treasure  ships  under  Pizarro,  but  saw  nothing  of  them. 
Pizarro,  for  his  success  on  this  service,  was  appointed  immediately 
to  command  the  expedition  which  was  sent  out  to  round  Cape  Horn 
and  to  act  as  a  check  on  Anson.  The  Princesa  was  sighted  at 
9  A.M.  on  April  8th,  1740,  and  was  at  once  chased  by  the  three  ships, 
viz.,  Lcno.r,  70,  Captain  Covill  Mayne,  Kent,  70,  Captain  Thomas 

268  MINOR    OFERATIONH,    1714-1762.  [1740. 

Durell  (1),  and  Orford,  70,  Captain  Lord  Augustus  Fitzroy  (1).' 
The  chase  was  then  under  French  colours ;  but,  when  the  Orford 
drew  up  soon  after  half-past  ten,  she  hoisted  Spanish.  About  eleven 
the  Lenox  also  drew  close  up,  and  opened  fire  with  her  chase-guns, 
being  soon  followed  by  the  Orford.  All  three  ships  came  into  close 
action  and  gave  her  many  broadsides,  for  the  most  part  within  pistol 
shot ;  but  she  made  a  most  stubborn  defence,  and,  though  she  became 
ungovernable,  owing  to  the  loss  of  her  foretopmast,  early  in  the  en- 
gagement, she  proved  capable  of  a  gi'eat  deal  of  passive  resistance.  In 
explanation  of  this  it  was  pointed  out  at  the  time  that  she  was  more 
heavily  armed  than  the  British  70's.  The  Spanish  establishment  was, 
24-prs.  on  the  lower  deck,  18-prs.  on  the  upper  deck,  and  8-prs.  on  the 
quarter  deck  and  forecastle,  as  against  24, 12,  and  6-prs.  in  the  British 
Navy  ;  but  it  is  possible  that  the  Princcsa  may  have  had  heavier  guns 
mounted.  She  was  moreover  of  very  stout  scantling,  and,  having  small 
portholes,  was,  defensively  at  any  rate,  a  most  powerful  ship.  It  has 
also  been  suggested  that,  as  a  fresh  breeze  was  blowing,  the  British 
ships  could  not  use  their  lower  deck  guns.  This  was  not  so.  Covill 
Mayne  makes  special  mention  of  sending  the  enemy  broadsides  from 
his  lower,  upper,  and  quarter-deck  guns.  The  reports  clash  some- 
what ;  but,  roughly,  the  middle  part  of  the  action  seems  to  have 
been  fought  with  the  Princesa  out  of  hand,  the  Kent  on  her  larboard 
beam,  and  the  Lenox  or  Orford  on  her  starboard  side,  and  the  third 
ship  always  under  her  stern,  raking  her  fore  and  aft.  In  the  after- 
noon the  Orford  had  her  fore  rigging  so  much  disabled  that  she 
dropped  astern  and  had  to  lie  to  to  knot  and  splice ;  but  meanwhile 
the  raking  fire  from  the  Lenox  had  carried  away  the  Princesa's  main 
and  mizen  masts.  The  Orford,  having  repaired  damages,  drew  up 
again ;  and  thereupon  the  enemy  struck  her  colours,  having  main- 
tained an  almost  hopeless  struggle  with  the  utmost  gallantry  for 
close  on  seven  houi's.  Not  unnaturally  Lord  Augustus  Fitzroy 
claimed  that  she  had  struck  to  him,  and  sent  the  first  boat  on  board, 
following  closely  himself.  To  Covill  Mayne's  indignation  he 
received  the  sword  of  her  commander,  Don  Pablo  Agustin  de 
Aguirre,  and  took  charge  of  her  papers.  There  was  some  angry 
protest,  but  the  matter  seems  to  have  blown  over.  The  prize,  rated 
as  a  70,  continued  for  some  years  as  one  of  the  best  two-deckers  in 
the  British  Navy. 

The  next  operation  that  falls  within  the  scheme  of  this  chapter 
'  Captains"  Letters,  vols,  il  i',  and  F  5. 




was  not  so  satisfactory  to  British  pride.  General  Ogletliorpe, 
commanding  the  troops  on  the  North  American  station,  conceived 
the  notion  that  it  would  be  to  His  Majesty's  service  to  take 
St.  Augustine,  in  Florida.^  Accordingly  he  consulted  with  the 
General  Assembly  of  Carolina,  asking  what  troops  could  be  spared 
to  him ;  and  he  also  gained  the  adherence  to  his  plan  of  Captain 
Vincent  Pearce  (1),  of  the  Flainhowuf/li,  the  Commodore  on  the 
station.  The  project  was  first  suggested  to  Pearce  in  January,  1740  ; 
but  the  general  found  some  difficulty  in  putting  it  on  a  working 
basis,  and  it  was  not  till  April  that  he  renewed  his  request  for  the 
co-operation  of  his  ships.     These  were  : — 


t_:  uuft. 





Vincent  Pearce  (1). 




Sir  Yelverton  Peyton,  Bart. 




Peter  Warren. 



Cliarles  Fanshaw. 



the  Hon.  George  Townslicud. 




William  Laws. 

Wolf  . 


Commauder  AVilliam  Dandridge. 

Eawk . 


and  a  sclioi-Hier. 


i  auil  teu  swivels. 

'  ami  f'-'ur  swivt-ls. 

When  Oglethorpe's  request  was  finally  made  the  squadron  was 
just  on  the  point  of  starting  on  a  cruise,  and  was  therefore  in 
perfect  readiness  for  immediate  action.  The  Squirrel  was  sent  off 
St.  Augustine  pending  the  arrival  of  the  rest  of  the  force  ;  and 
she  was  annoyed  by  six  half-galleys  that  lay  there,  and  which,  during 
calms  and  light  winds,  proved  of  considerable  service  to  the 
Spaniards.  The  Wolf  was  sent  on  to  join  Warren  towards  the 
end  of  April,  and  on  the  28th  the  Squirrel  took  a  sloop  belonging 
to  the  king  of  Spain.  This  prize  mounted  eight  4-prs.  and  six 
swivels,  and  had  eight  thoiisand  pieces  of  eight  on  board.  In  May 
the  Hector  and  Spence  joined  the  ships  off  the  bar  of  St.  Augustine, 
Pearce  meanwhile  lying  in  St.  John's  Eiver  co-operating  with  the 
troops  then  on  the  advance  from  the  northward.  Two  small  forts, 
St.  Francis  de  Pupa  and  Fort  Diego,  were  taken  by  Oglethoi-pe, 
who  then  returned  to  the  mouth  of  the  St.  John's  Kiver,  wheiace 
on  May  31st  a  general  advance  was  made.  On  June  1st  Pearce 
proceeded  off  St.  Augustine,  and  found  the  Spaniards  getting  away 
their  guns  from  a  battery  on  the  Island  of  St.  Eustatia.  He 
'  Captains"  Letters,  vol.  P  8. 

'270  MlNOn    OPERATIONS,   17J 4-1762.  [1740. 

promptly  sent  in  his  boats,  ordering  the  Wolf  and  Bpence  to  cover 
the  attack ;  but  the  enemy  gave  no  trouble,  making  off  into  the 
harbour  on  the  approach  of  the  boats.  On  June  5th  it  was  decided 
at  a  council  of  war  that  the  ships  could  remain  on  that  coast 
till  July  5th ;  on  the  7th  there  was  another  skimiish  with  the 
galleys  ;  and  on  the  13th  the  island  was  occupied  by  two  hundred 
seamen  and  as  many  soldiers.  Two  days  later  Colonel  Palmer  was 
killed  at  Fort  Moosa  and  his  party  driven  back ;  a  serious  reverse 
which  gave  the  enemy  free  communication  to  the  landward. 
Meanwhile  guns  were  brought  into  position  on  the  island,  and 
two  small  craft  were  fitted  to  serve  against  the  galleys,  there  being 
so  little  water  on  the  bar  that  the  ships  could  not  get  in.  On 
June  '20th  the  governor  was  summoned  to  surrender,  but  promptly 
refused.  Deserters  soon  afterwards  came  into  the  British  camp 
with  news  that  the  galleys  were  very  badly  manned  and  could  easily 
be  taken.  As  it  had  been  discovered  that  the  range  was  so  great 
that  the  guns  on  the  island  could  have  little  effect,  a  council  of  war 
was  held  with  the  view  of  seeing  whether  this  information  should 
be  acted  upon.  Pearce,  however,  was  averse  from  taking  the  risk : 
possibly  he  had  doubts  of  the  deserters ;  and  he  persisted  in  his 
refusal  though  the  land  officers  offered  to  put  one  hundred  soldiers 
into  the  boats  to  take  the  places  of  those  seamen  who  were  absent 
in  the  batteries  ashore.  On  this  Colonel  Vanderdussen  pointed  out 
how  badly  off  the  troops  would  be  when  the  ships  left  the  coast ; 
for  the  galleys  would  cut  their  communications.  Pearce  found  that 
there  was  no  port  near  where  he  could  lay  his  ships  up  for  the 
hurricane  season ;  and,  not  being  too  well  manned,  he  had  to  refuse 
a  request  that  he  would  leave  two  hmidred  seamen  to  reinforce  the 
troops.  It  was  by  that  time  July  ;  and  the  moment  had  come 
when,  in  accordance  with  the  council  of  war  of  June  5th,  the  ships 
were  to  leave  the  coast.  Without  any  friction,  therefore,  between 
Oglethorpe  and  Pearce,  it  was  decided  that  nothing  fm-ther  could  be 
done,^  and  on  the  5th  the  whole  force  withdi-ew,  the  ships  covering 
it  from  any  attempt  on  the  part  of  the  galleys. 

In  July,  1741,  Captain  Curtis  Barnet,  of  the  Dragon,  60,  was 
detached  from  Vice-Admiral  Nicolas  Haddock's  squadron  with  the 
two  44-gun  ships,  Feversham  and  Folkestone,  and  with  orders  to 
cruise  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  Strait  of  Gibraltar.     Being  off 

'  BovmJ  up  with  Pearce's  letters  are  his  log  for  three  months,  the  minutes  of  the 
councils  of  war,  and  letters  from  Oglethorpe,  Vanderdussen,  Peyton  and  others. 

1741.]  BARNET  AND    BE    CATLUS.  271 

Cape  Spartel  on  the  "iStli  of  the  month  he  chafed  and  came  up  with 
three   ships,  which   he   had   reason   to   beheve   were   two    Spanish 
register  ships  under  convoy  of  a  frigate.     The  Fevrrslnini  had  fallen 
astern,  and  the  other  two  ships  did  not  come  up  with  the  strangers 
till  after  dark.      Barnet  hailed  to  know  what  they  were,  and  was 
answered  that  they  were  Frenchmen  from  Martinique.    He  explained 
that  he  was   an  English  man-of-war,  and  that  it  was  his  duty  to 
satisfy  himself  that  they  were  not  Spaniards  ;  but,  to  his  demand 
that  his  boat  should  be  allowed   to  board   them,   he   received   no 
response  save  incivilities.      Finding  that   he  could  do  nothing   by 
talking,  and  being  confirmed  in  his  belief  that  the  ships  were  really 
Spanish,  he  opened  fire,  after  due  warning.     The  ships  were,  how- 
ever, really  French,  being  the  Boree,  62,  the  Aquilon,  46,  and  the 
Flore,  26,^  under  the  command  of  Captain  de  Caylus,  in  the  first 
named.     A  brisk  action  ensued,  and  the  British  ships,  as  the  Fever- 
sham  was  still  far  astern,  being  somewhat  at  a  disadvantage,  soon 
found  themselves  obliged  to  lie  to  for  half  an  hour  to  knot  and  splice. 
In  the  morning,  they  and  their  consort  again  came  up  with  the 
Frenchman,  and  a  boat  was  sent  on  board  the  Boree  under  a  flag  of 
truce.     The  truth  at  once  appeared  ;  but  it  also  appeared  that  the 
ships,  being  on  their  way  from  the  West  Indies,  and  knowing  the 
state  of  relations  between  the  two  countries,  were  under  the  convic- 
tion that  war  had  broken  out.     Barnet's  lieutenant  was  requested  to 
swear  before  the  French  officers  whether  this  were  the  case  or  not, 
and  was  able  to  satisfy  them  that  the  two  monarchies  were  still  at 
peace.     It  is  hard  to  say  that  either  Barnet  or  De  Caylus  was  to 
blame ;    but    the   trouble   might    have   been   avoided    had    INI.    de 
Pardaillan,  the  captain  of   the  Aquilon,  been  less  suspicious  of  a 
British  ship  ranging  alongside  cleared  for  action.     The  blame  really 
lay  with   the   government  which,   though   knowing   that  war  was 
inevitable,  hesitated  to  declare  it.     As  it  was,  the  ships  parted  with 
mutual  apologies,  and  with  a  loss  in  killed  of   eleven  men  on  the 
British   side,   and    of   about   thirty-five,    among  whom  was   M.  de 
Pardaillan,  on  board  the  French  ships.     All  the  vessels,  moreover, 
had  their  masts  and  rigging  much  cut. 

Meanwhile,  in  the  West  Indies,   several  of  the  cruisers  which 

were  detached  by  Vernon  had  better  fortune  than  the  main  fleet. 

Some  fell  in  with  register  ships  of  considerable  value,  and  others  did 

good   service   by  capturing  dispatch  vessels.      Of   these   latter  the 

'  Fronde,  i.  289.  "  Barnet's  letter  in  Beatsou,  iii.  ol. 

272  MINOR    OPERATIONS,   17U-17G2.  [1742. 

Worcester,  (iO,  took  a  Spanish  24-gun  ship  bearing  dispatches  to  the 
viceroy  of  Mexico,  and  the  Squirrel,  20,  Captain  Peter  Warren, 
captured  a  large  privateer  belonging  to  Santiago  de  Cuba.  It  is 
said  that  the  importance  of  this  prize  lay  in  information  gained  from 
her  papers  that  the  French  squadron,  under  M.  d'Antin  at  Port 
Louis,  was  intended  to  join  with  the  Spaniards  at  Havana.'  Be  that 
as  it  may,  M.  d'Antin's  squadron  was  rendered  ineffective  by  putrid 
fever,^  and  the  breach  with  France  was  postponed.  Captiires  in  the 
West  Indies,  as  in  home  waters,  were  frequent ;  but  so  great  was 
the  number  of  the  enemy's  privateers,  and  so  large  the  number  of 
British  merchantmen,  that  the  balance  was  not  in  favour  of  Great 
Britain ;  and  the  London  merchants,  dissatisfied  with  the  conduct 
of  the  war,  fell  to  petitioning  Parhament  for  a  redress  of  grievances.^ 

Early  in  the  next  year  the  Tiger,  50,  Captain  Edward 
Herbert  (1),  was  lost  on  a  key  near  Tortuga.  The  crew  got 
safely  ashore  with  a  quantity  of  stores  and  provisions,  and  raised 
on  the  island  a  fortification,  in  which  they  mounted  twenty  of  the 
ship's  guns.  It  was  well  that  they  did  so,  for  the  Spaniards,  hearing 
of  the  misadventure,  sent  the  Fuerte,  60,  to  capture  them.  She  was, 
however,  lost  in  the  attempt,  and  the  Tiger's  men,  after  two  months 
on  the  island,  managed  in  their  boats  to  take  a  sloop,  in  which  thej' 
reached  Jamaica.  Though  several  prizes  of  value  were  made  during 
the  year,  1742,  there  was  only  one  that  calls  for  note.  This  was 
the  guarda  costa  already  mentioned,  commanded  by  Fandino,  the 
man  who  is  alleged  to  have  ill-treated  Jenkins,  and  whose  capture 
has  been  described  as  a  fitting  conclusion  to  the  Jenkins  episode.* 

The  Spaniards  at  that  time  sent  out  a  new  governor  to  Cartagena, 
and  with  him  a  reinforcement  of  over  a  thousand  men.  The  troops 
were  in  five  ships  of  the  Caracas  company,  of  which  two  mounted 
40,  two  30,  and  the  fifth  12  guns.  The  squadron  was  dispersed  b}'  a 
hurricane,  and  two  of  the  ships  were  lost,  while  the  others,  one  of 
the  40's  and  both  the  30's,  fell  in  on  April  12th,  1742,  with  the 
Elthain,  40,  Captain  Edward  Smith,  and  the  Lively,  20,  Com- 
mander Henry  Stewart.  After  some  hours'  hard  fighting,  night 
ended  the  engagement,  and  the  Spaniards  bore  up  for  Puerto  Bico. 
As  they  had  lost  in  killed   and  wounded  some  six  hundred   men, 

'  Beatson,  i.  115. 

^  Poissomiier  Desperrieres,  'Maladie.5  des  gens  de  Mer,'  p.  2tl5, 
»  Beatson,  i.  121-25.  See  also  Gent.  Marj.  17-11,  pp.  689-698. 
*  See  above,  pp.  51  and  26G. 


including  the  new  governor  among  the  former,  it'  may  be  said  that 
the  reinforcement  had  been  practically  annihilated. 

On  September  21st,  1742,  the  Navy  sustained  a  heavy  loss  in  the 
destruction  of  the  Tilbiiri/,  (iO,  Captain  Peter  Lawrence,  by  fire,  off 
Hispaniola.  The  cause  of  the  accident  was  a  drunken  scuffle ;  and 
the  whole  of  the  story,  down  to  the  loss  of  one  hundred  men,  corre- 
sponds almost  exactly  with  that  of  the  destruction  of  the  Paragon 
during  Penn's  return  from  the  West  Indies  in  June,  1655.^ 

The  destruction  of  five  Spanish  galleys  at  St.  Tropez  in  June, 
1742,  was  a  spirited  piece  of  service.  Captain  Eichard  Norris,  of 
the  Kingston,  60,  had  been  detached,  with  the  Oxford,  50,  and  Duke, 
fireship,  in  company,  to  blockade  them ;  but  as  St.  Tropez,  being  a 
French  port,  was  neutral,  there  would  have  been  no  attack  had  not  the 
galleys  been  so  ill-advised  as  to  fire  upon  the  British.  On  June  13th, 
therefore,  Norris  gave  orders  to  Commander  Smith  Callis,  of  the 
Duke,  to  go  in  and  do  his  utmost  to  destroy  the  galleys  at  the  mole. 
Calhs  went  in  on  the  14th,  and  fired  his  ship  with  such  good  effect, 
that  the  whole  of  the  five  were  destroyed.  So  rapidly  did  he  carry 
oiit  his  orders  that  nothing  was  saved  from  the  Duke,  not  even  the 
ship's  or  officers'  papers.^  For  his  success,  Callis  was  posted  to  the 

Early  in  1743,  Vice- Admiral  Thomas  Mathews,  hearing  that  the 
Spanish  ship  San  Isidoro,  70,  was  lying  in  the  Bay  of  Ajaccio,  sent 
in  the  Ipsivich,  70,  Captain  William  Martin  (1),  Revenge,  70,  Captain 
George  Berkeley,  and  the  Anne  Galley,  fireship,  to  bring  her  out. 
Her  captain  refused  to  yield  to  the  odds  arrayed  against  him,  and 
opened  fire,  but  finding  it  impossible  to  hold  the  ship,  he  ordered  her 
to  be  biu'nt.  She  blew  up  before  all  her  people  had  been  taken  out 
of  her,  and  a  considerable  nmnber  of  men  perished. 

Apart  from  this  piece  of  work,  there  was  little  done  in  the 
Mediterranean,  though  the  cruisers  continued  to  send  in  prizes,  and 
to  annoy  the  enemy's  coast.  In  June,  however,  the  enemy  contrived 
so  far  to  avoid  the  blockading  squadron  as  to  carry  fifteen  shiploads 
of  warlike  stores  from  Majorca  to  Genoa  for  the  use  of  the  army  in 
Italy.  Mathews  at  once  appeared  off  that  port  with  six  sail  of  the 
line,  and  overawed  the  Genoese  into  sending  the  supplies  back  to 
Corsica,  there  to  lie  till  the  conclusion  of  the  war. 

'  Beatsou,  i.  149. 

2  See  above.  Vol.  II.  p.  208. 

'  Captains'  Letters,  C  14.     Callis  to  Thomas  Corbctt,  August  lltli,  1742. 

VOL.    III.  T 

274  MINOR    UI'EHATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1744. 

The  following  year,  1744,  was  very  far  from  being  a  fortunate 
one  for  the  British  navy.  The  fiasco  off  Toulon  was  supplemented 
by  the  capture  of  the  Sea/ord,  '20,  Solebai/,  20,  and  Grampus,  14,  by 
de  Kochambeau,  by  the  throwing  away  of  the  Northumherland,  70, 
and  by  the  loss,  through  stress  of  weather,  of  the  Victory,  100,' 
Orford,  70,  ColcheHter,  50,  St.  Albans,  50,  Greenwich,  50,  and  other 
ships  of  less  value.  Against  this  tale  of  disaster  we  could  oppose 
merely  the  capture  of  the  Medee,  26,  on  April  27th,  by  the  Dread- 
nought, 50,  Captain  the  Hon.  Edward  Boscawen,'-^  and  Grampus,  14, 
which  formed  part  of  the  fleet  of  Vice- Admiral  Sir  Charles  Hardy  (1), 
off  the  coast  of  Portugal. 

Of  these  misfortunes  that  requiring  most  particular  notice  here  is 
the  loss  of  the  Northumberland.  This  ship,  commanded  by  Captain 
Thomas  AVatson  (1),  was  detached  in  chase  of  a  strange  sail  on 
May  8th  by  the  Vice-Admiral,  who  was  then  homeward  bound  from 
the  Tagus.  In  view  of  the  sequel,  it  is  w'orth  remembering  that 
Watson  was  a  good  and  brave  officer,  favourably  known  in  the 
service  for  his  work  as  Vernon's  flag-captain  at  Puerto  Bello  and 
Cartagena.  But  his  skull  had  been  fractured,  and  his  mind  im- 
paired, so  that  "a  small  matter  of  liquor  rendered  him  quite  out  of 
order,  which  was  his  unhappy  fate  that  day."  ^  The  weather  grew 
thick,  the  chase  was  lost  sight  of,  and  the  signal  was  made  for  the 
Northumberland' s  recall ;  but  Watson  held  on.  Soon  three  sail 
were  made  out  to  leeward,  and  as  he  bore  down  on  them  under  a 
press  of  sail,  it  was  seen  that  they  were  two  two-decked  ships  and  a 
frigate.     They  were,  in  point  of  fact,  the 

>bii)&.  'ilm?^.  (.'ummauders. 

Content  ...        64       Captain  de  Conflaus. 

Mars     ....        1)4  „        du  Perrier. 

Venus  ....        26  „        d'Aclie. 

The  French  ships  lay  to  under  topsails,  while  the  Northumberland 
bore  down  on  them.     Properly  handled,  the  British  ship  would  have 

'  See  the  previous  chapter. 

-  Boscawen's  nickcanie  in  tlie  service  dates  from  this  time.  The  seamen  transferred 
tlie  name  of  the  ship  to  the  man  ;  and  lie  went  through  life  as  "  Old  Dreadnought." 

^  'A  true  and  authentic  Narrative  of  the  action  between  i[\e  Northumherland  and 
tliree  French  men  of  war"  ....  By  an  Eye  Witness.     8vo,  1745. 

1744.]  VAPTirni':    OF    Till':   NOIlTlIUMBKItLANn.  275 

had  them  at  a  disadvantai,'(!,  for  they  were  widely  separated,  and  the 
Content,  a  mile  to  windward  of  her  consorts,  made  no  attempt  to 
rejoin  them.  Watson,  therefore,  had  the  option  of  disa])ling  her 
before  the  others  could  interfere,  or  of  following  the  counsel  of  his 
master,  Dixon,  who  advised  him  to  stand  close-hauled  to  the  north- 
ward '  under  a  press  of  sail,  and  so  to  lead  the  enemy  across  the 
course  of  the  British  fleet.  This  advice  was  disregarded,  and  no 
reasonable  nor  customary  measures  were  taken  to  put  the  ship  into  a 
fit  state  for  action. 

"  We  bore  down  so  precipitately  that  our  small  .sails  were  not  stowed,  nor  top- 
gallant sails  furled,  before  the  enemy  began  to  tire  on  us,  and  at  tlie  same  time  we  had 
the  cabins  to  clear  away  ;  the  hammocks  were  not  stowed  as  they  should  be ;  in  short 
we  had  nothing  in  order." 

Instead  of  engaging  the  weathermost  ship,  the  Content,  Watson  ran 
down  to  leeward  without  answering  her  fire,  and  so  had  to  deal  at 
once  with  his  three  enemies.  Even  then,  there  was  no  real  reason 
why  the  ship  should  be  taken,  for  the  French  gunnery  was  so 
extremely  bad  that  she  was  little  hurt,  and  had  but  few  men  killed. 
But  Watson  fell  early  in  the  action,  none  of  the  lieutenants  were  on 
deck  to  take  command,  and  the  Master  ordered  the  colours  to  be 
struck,  though  there  was  fight  enough  left  both  in  the  ship  and  in 
her  crew.  The  Northuinheiiaud  was  taken  into  Brest,  and  till  the 
1st  of  June,  1794,  for  fifty  years,  the  trophy  name  found  a  place  on 
French  navy  lists.  When  the  officers  returned  to  England  from 
their  captivity,  a  court-martial  was  held.  The  first  lieutenant, 
Thomas  Craven,  was  honourably  acquitted,  but  Dixon,  the  master, 
was  condemned  for  surrendering  the  ship.  The  court  took  into 
consideration  the  good  advice  which  he  had  given  his  captain  before 
the  action,  and  sentenced  him  only  to  be  imprisoned  for  life  in  the 
Marshalsea.  The  court  foiind  also  "  that  Captain  Watson  had 
behaved  very  rashly  and  inconsiderately,  to  which  was  owing  chiefly 
the  loss  of  her  "  ;  but  death  had  settled  his  account. - 

The  hurricane  that  devastated  Jamaica  on  October  20th  was  one 
of  the  most  violent  upon  record.  Admiral  Sir  Chaloner  Ogle  (1)  was 
at  sea  with  a  great  part  of  the  fleet,  and  so  escaped  its  fury ;  but 
eight  ships  of  the  Eoyal  Navy,  besides  a  great  number  of  merchant- 
men, were  either  wrecked  or  driven  ashore.      The  Greenwich,  50, 

'  The  wind  was  westerly. 

-  Minutes  of  Court  Martial  held  at  Portsmouth  on  February  1st,  1744-5.  R.  0. 
vol.  27. 

T   2 

276  MINOR    OPERATIONS,    1714-1762.  [1745. 

Captain  Edward  Allen,  was  sunk,  with  the  loss  of  her  captain,  a 
heuteuant,  and  seventy  men  ;  the  Lark,  hulk,'  sank,  and  one  hundred 
and  ten  men  with  her;  and  the  St.  Albans,  50,  Captain  William 
Knight,  Bonetta,  sloop,  Commander  WiUiam  Lea,  and  Thunder, 
bomb,  were  also  total  losses.  The  Prince  of  Orange,  60,  Montagu, 
60,  and  Experiment,  20,  went  ashore,  but  were  got  off  again.^  The 
histoiy  of  the  year  at  sea  was  about  as  disheartening  as  possible ;  and 
1745  saw  no  marked  improvement. 

On  Januaiy  6th,  1745,  four  sail  of  the  line,  the  Hampton  Court,  70, 
Captain  Savage  Mostyn ;  Captain,  70,  Captain  Thomas  Griffin  (1) ; 
Sunderland,  60,  Captain  John  Brett ;  and  Dreadnought,  60,  Captain 
Thorpe  Fowke,  cruising  off  Ushant,  sighted  and  gave  chase  to  three 
French  ships  to  the  north-east.  These  were  the  Neptune,  74,  and 
Fleuron,  64,  homeward  bound  from  Martinique,  with  a  vast  quantity 
of  specie  on  board,  worth  four  millions  sterling,  it  is  said,  and  in 
company  with  the  privateer  Mars,  George  Walker,  master,  which 
they  had  captm-ed  two  days  before.  As  the  captain  of  the  Fleuron 
told  Walker,  who  was  a  prisoner  on  board  his  ship,  the  French 
commodore  had  made  a  great  mistake  in  interrupting  his  journey  to 
Brest  for  so  trifling  an  object  as  the  Mars.  This  was  hardly  compli- 
mentaiy  to  Walker,  who  at  that  time,  wath  Fortunatus  Wiight,  did 
as  much  to  uphold  British  prestige  at  sea  as  any  captains  of  the 
Eoyal  Kavj' ;  but  it  was  true,  and,  had  the  two  French  ships  fallen, 
they  would  richly  have  deserved  their  fate.  As  it  was,  thej'  were  not 
captui'ed  ;  and  the  storj',  as  disclosed  in  the  subsequent  court-martial,^ 
and  in  an  able  comment  thereon  addressed  to  the  House  of  Commons,* 
is  very  unpleasant  reading. 

It  is  desirable  here  to  enter  into  the  matter  in  some  detail, 
for  it  shows  the  alanning  state  to  which  British  naval  prestige 
had  fallen,  and  it  explains  the  necessity  for  the  new  Naval  Discipline 
Act  of  1749. 

The  French  ships,  after  their  long  passage,  were  both  sicklj-  and 
foul,  and  the  English,  with  a  fresh  southerlj-  breeze,  gi-aduall}-  crept 
up.  The  Captain,  the  leading  ship,  kept  away  after  the  Mars,  and 
took  possession  of  her  at  dusk,  lea^^ng  the  others  to  continue  the 

^  Formerly  a  44-gun  ship. 

^  Beatson,  i.  193. 

'  Minutes  of  the  Court  Martial,  etc.     1745,  8to. 

*  '  An  Enquiry  into  the  Conduct  of  Captain  Most}-n,  being  remarks  on  the  Minutes 
of  the  Court  Martial,  etc.  Humbly  addressed  to  the  Hon.  House  of  Commons  by  a 
Sea  Officer.'     1745,  8to. 


chase.  The  Sunderland  carried  away  her  main  topmast,  and  dropped 
astern  ;  but  at  sunset  the  Hampton  Court  was  close  up  with  the 
enemy.  The  DreadnougJit,  sailing  very  badly,  could  not  quite  get 
up,  and  Mostyn  shortened  sail  to  wait  for  her.  All  through  the 
night  and  during  the  next  day,  the  position  continued  the  same, 
the  Dreadnought  sailing  no  faster  than  the  chase  and  the  Hampton 
Court  not  engaging  without  her.  At  last,  after  ranging  abreast  of 
the  Neptune,  but  out  of  gunshot  to  windward,  Mostyn  decided  that 
nothing  could  be  done,  and  left  the  French  to  carry  their  valuable 
cargo  into  Brest. ^  Of  course  the  two  ships  ought  to  have  been 
taken.  Griffin,  who  was  senior  officer,  had  no  business  to  bear 
away  after  the  Mars ;  yet,  apart  from  that,  it  was  Mostyn's  duty 
to  have  engaged  as  soon  as  he  came  up,  and  to  have  detained  the 
enemy  till  the  Dreadnought  could  get  into  action.  Griffin,  at  the 
court-martial,  stated  that  when  he  bore  away  he  believed  the  Mars 
alone  to  be  a  ship  of  war  and  the  other  two  to  be  merchantmen 
under  her  convoy.  He  was  accordingly  acquitted ;  but,  as  the 
other  three  ships  had  no  doubt  whatever  as  to  the  nature  of  the 
Neptune  and  Fleuron,  and  as  the  Captain  was  nearest  to  them,  the 
opinion  of  the  service  was  unfavourable  to  the  commanding  officer 
of  the  ship  last  named.  As  for  Mostyn,  the  evidence  went  that,  in 
the  fresh  breeze  that  was  blowing,  the  Hampton  Court's  lower  deck 
ports  could  not  be  opened,  while  both  the  enemy's  ships  could  fight 
all  their  guns,  to  leeward  as  well  as  to  windward.  It  was  further 
stated  that  the  Hampton  Court  lay  along  so  much  that  shot  from 
her  upper  deck  guns,  at  extreme  elevation,  would  have  struck  the 
water  fifty  yards  from  their  muzzles.  This,  however,  was  mere 
conjecture,  and  does  not  explain  why  not  a  shot  was  tried.  It 
might  have  been  possible  to  knock  away  a  spar,  and  to  give  the 
Dreadnought  a  chance  of  coming  into  action.  As  to  the  French- 
man's lower  deck  guns  being  run  out  to  leeward,  the  writer  of  the 
appeal  to  the  House  of  Commons  "  points  out  that  the  witness  who 
swore  to  this  fact  proved  too  much.  Those  on  board  the  Hampton 
Court,  in  her  position  to  windward,  were  not  in  a  condition  to  see 
whether  the  enemy's  lee  ports  were  open  or  not.  There  was  no 
cross-examination;  and  the  Court  decided  that  Mostyn  "had  done 
his  duty  as  an  experienced  good  officer,  and  as  a  man  of  courage 

'  The  Fleuron  was,  however,  blown  up  in  Brest  harhmii-  before  her  treasure  could 
be  taken  out  of  her. 

^  Believed  to  be  Vernuu. 

278  MJKOTl    OPKRATIONI^,    1714-1762.  [1745. 

and  conduct."  It  is  difficult  to  believe  that  this  decision  was  come 
to  without  bias.  At  any  rate,  it  by  no  means  satisfied  public 
opinion  ;  and,  a  year  later,  the  Hampton  Court,  with  Mostyn  still  in 
command,  went  out  of  I'ortsmouth  fiarbour  to  the  cry  of  "  All's 
well !  there's  no  Frenchman  in  the  way."  ' 

On  February  '20th  following,  the  Chester,  .50,  Captain  Francis 
Geary,  and  Smiderlcmd,  60,  Captain  John  Brett,  fell  in  in 
the  Soundings  with  the  Elephant,  20,  then  on  her  way  home 
from  the  Mississippi,  and  having  twenty-four  thousand  pieces 
of  eight  on  board.  They  chased,  shot  away  her  main  topmast, 
and  captured  her.  This  was  but  a  mere  flicker  of  success,  closely 
to  be  followed  by  another  loss  and  Ijy  another  unsatisfactory 

On  March  28th,  the  Anyleseij,  44,  Captain  Jacob  Elton,  one  of 
the  ships  cruising  to  command  the  entrance  of  the  Channel,  put 
out  of  Kingsale,  whither  she  had  been  to  land  some  sick,  amongst 
whom  was  her  first  lieutenant.  On  the  following  da}%  a  fresh 
westerly  breeze  blowing,  a  large  sail  was  sighted  to  windward. 
Elton,  making  sure  that  she  was  his  consort  the  Augusta,  piped  to 
dinner,  and  paid  no  further  heed.  Meanwhile,  the  stranger  came 
down  fast ;  but  it  was  not  till  she  was  close  to  the  Anglesey  that, 
yawing  slightly,  she  showed  French  ornamentation  on  her  quarter. 
Then  all  was  hurry  and  confusion.  Elton,  to  gain  time,  ordered  the 
foresail  to  be  set ;  but  the  only  effect  of  this  manoeuvre  was  to  bury 
the  lee  lower  deck  ports  in  the  sea  and  almost  to  swamp  the  ship. 
The  enemy,  which  proved  to  be  the  Apollon,  50,  belonging  to  the 
French  navy,  but  fitted  out  by  private  adventurers,  ran  close  under 
the  stern  of  the  Anglesey  and  rounded-to  on  her  lee  quarter,  poui-ing 
in  a  heavy  fire.  Elton  and  the  Master  fell  at  the  first  discharge, 
and  the  command  devolved  on  the  second  lieutenant.  Baker  Phillips. 
The  decks  were  not  cleared ;  the  ship  was  half-full  of  water ;  and 
sixty  men  were  dead  or  wounded.  Phillips  could  not  order  the 
helm  to  be  put  up  without  falling  aboard  a  ship  as  full  of  men  as 
his  was  of  water ;  so,  taking  hasty  comisel  with  Taafe,  the  third 
lieutenant,  he  decided  that  no  effective  resistance  could  be  offered, 
and  ordered  the  colours  to  be  struck.  It  is  difficult  to  see  what  else 
Phillips  could  have  done.  William  Hutchinson,  "  the  Mariner,"  laid 
down  that  a  ship  attacked  as  the  Anglesey  was  ought  to  be  box- 
hauled,   and   to  pass  imder  the  enemy's  stern  raking  him,  as  the 

'  Cluiruock,  iv.  431. 

1745.]  CASE   OF  LIEUT.    JSAKEIt    I'TIILLII'S.  279 

Serapis  subsecjiunitl^y  did  in  the  course  of  her  action  with  the 
Bonhomme  Uicliurd.  Ikit  in  1745  Phillips  could  not  have  had 
the  advantage  of  a  study  of  Hutchinson's  '  Treatise  on  Practical 
Seamanship  ' ;  and,  being  a  young  man  and  inexperienced,  he  acted 
as  most  other  men  in  his  position  would  have  done.  The  ship 
was  lost  by  being  engaged  to  leeward.  The  subsequent  court- 
martial  ' — 

"  was  vinanimoiisly  of  opinion  tliat  Ca])taiii  I'liton,  deceased,  did  not  give  timely 
directions  foi-  getting  his  ship  clear  or  in  a  projier  jio-sture  of  defence,  nor  did  he 
afterwards  behave  like  an  ollicer  or  a  seaman,  which  was  the  cause  of  the  ship  being 
left  to  Lieutenant  Phillips  in  such  distress  and  confusion.  And  that  Lieutenant  Baker 
Phillips,  late  second  lieutenant  of  the  said  ship,  by  not  endeavouring  to  the  utmost 
of  his  power  after  Captain  Elton's  death  to  put .  the  ship  in  order  of  fighting,  not 
encouraging  the  inferior  officers  and  common  men  to  fight  courageously,  and  by 
yielding  to  the  enemy,  falls  under  part  of  the  tenth  article.  They  do  sentence  him  to 
death,  to  be  shot  by  a  ])latoou  of  musqueteers  on  the  forecastle,  .  .  .  but  .  .  .  having 
regard  to  the  distress  and  confusion  the  ship  was  in  when  he  came  to  the  command, 
and  being  a  young  man  and  unexperienced,  they  beg  leave  to  recommend  him  fur 

The  recommendation  was  ignored,  and  the  sentence  was  duly 
carried  into  effect.  It  is  difficult  to  say  what  was  the  reason  of  this, 
and  it  has  been  suggested  in  explanation  that  there  was  a  suspicion 
that  Phillips  was  in  the  pay  of  the  Young  Pretender.  No  hint  of 
this  appears  in  the  minutes  of  the  court-martial ;  but  it  must  be 
remem.bered  that  the  terror  of  an  invasion  was  at  that  time  very 
great,  and  that  men  may  be  swayed  by  motives  which  they  do  not 
acknowledge  even  to  themselves.  Whether  as  a  result  of  this  court- 
martial  or  not,  it  remains  to  be  recorded  that  not  a  ship  wavered  in 
her  allegiance,  though  there  were  undoubted  Jacobites  in  the  fleet. - 
The  one  action  of  the  year  that  had  a  direct  bearing  on  the  result, 
the  engagement  between  the  Lion  and  the  French  ship  EUsaheth, 
has  already  been  described.^ 

A  number  of  valuable  prizes  continued  to  be  made,  chiefly  in  the 
West  Indies.  The  greatest  success  fell  to  the  privateers ;  but  in 
December,  1744,  the  Bose,  20,  Captain  Thomas  Frankland,  had  fallen 
in  with  and  taken  the  treasure-ship  Concepcion,  bound  from  Cartagena 
to  Havana.  The  prize  mounted  twenty  guns  and  had  a  large  crew  ; 
but  her  value  lay  in  the  enormously  rich  cargo  which,  after  a  stubborn 
fight,  became  the  property  of  the  British.    As  she  was  not  condemned 

'  25th  and  26th  June,  17-15.     P.  K.  O.,  vol  2H. 

'^  Vide  e.g.,  P.  E.  0.  Courts-martial,  vol.  29.  Lieutenant  William  .Tohnstun,  fur 
treason,  July  15th,  1745. 

'  Supra,  Chap.  XW'IL,  p.  110. 

280  MINOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-lTfi2.  [1745. 

by  legal  process,  the  exact  value  of  her  lading  is  unknown.  It  will 
be  enough,  however,  to  say  that  it  consisted  chiefly  of  gold,  silver, 
and  jewels,  and  that  such  additional  finds  as  20,000  and  30,000 
pistoles,  made  after  the  ship  had  been  cleared,  were  looked  on  by 
comparison  as  trifles.  The  privateers  which  harmed  the  enemy 
most  at  that  time  were  the  Prince  Frederick,  Duke,  and  Prince 
George,  fitted  out  by  a  London  firm  in  the  summer  of  174-5,  and 
cruising  under  one  James  Talbot,  master  of  the  first-named, 
as  commodore.'  The  profit  resulting  from  this  single  cruise, 
£700,000,  was  so  enormous  as  to  tempt  the  merchants  to  repeat 
their  scheme  ;  and  the  ships  were  sent  to  sea  again  in  the  following 
year  under  George  Walker.  Subsequently  to  his  capture  by  the 
Fleurun,  Walker  had  commanded  the  privateer  Boscarven,  which, 
as  the  French  royal  frigate  Mklee,  had  been  the  first  prize  of  the 
war,  and  had  been  renamed  in  honour  of  her  captor. 

The  French  West  India  trade  of  1745  went  out  under  the  convoy 
of  the  Magnanime,  74,  and  other  ships  of  war.  Vice-Admiral  Isaac 
Townsend  had,  however,  received  news  concerning  the  convoy,  and, 
on  October  31st,  intercepted  it  off  Martinique.  Townsend,  in  the 
Lenox,  together  with  the  Dreadnought  and  Ipswich,  engaged  the 
men-of-war,  while  the  smaller  ships  were  sent  off  in  chase  of 
the  flying  merchantmen.  Several  of  these  latter  were  picked  up 
to  leeward  or  were  driven  ashore,  but  the  men-of-war  escaped  by 
taking  refuge  under  the  batteries.'^ 

In  the  MediteiTanean,  meanwhile,  the  only  action  of  import- 
ance was  that  between  the  Jersey,  60,  Captain  Charles  Hardy  (2), 
detached  from  Captain  Henry  Osborn's  squadron,  and  the  St. 
Esprit,  74.  The  action  was  very  severe,  lasting  for  two  hours  and 
a  half,  at  the  end  of  which  time  both  ships  were  crippled.  The 
St.  Esprit  returned  to  Cadiz  with  the  loss  of  her  foremast  and 
bowsprit,  and  with  twenty  men  killed. 

It  has  been  said  that  the  Apollon  was  a  royal  ship  in  pi-ivate 
employ.  This  hiring  out  of  the  State's  ships  was  by  no  means  an 
uncommon  practice  with  the  French ;  and,  on  the  break  up  of  their 
main  fleet  subsequent  to  the  battle  off  Toulon,  it  was  carried  out 
on  a  considerable  scale.  M.  de  Lage,  a  man  w'hose  chief  merit  lay 
in  his  self-assertiveness,  succeeded  in  obtaining  from  the  Admiral 
of  France  an  acting  commission  as  commodore,  with  authority  to  fit 

'  Beatson,  i.  294 ;  J.  K.  Laiightou :  '  Studies  in  Naval  History,'  p.  237. 
-  Beats. .11,  i.  2SG. 

1715.]  CRUISE   OF  M.   DE   l.AGE.  281 

out  a  squadron  at  his  own  expense.  The  crews  were  to  be  raised 
from  the  government  Hsts  of  seamen  and  marines,  hut  were  to  be 
paid  by  de  Lage.  But  the  men  had  a  peculiar  dishke  to  the 
adventurer,  and  would  not  volunteer  ;  ajid  it  was  with  the  greatest 
difficulty  that,  after  a  hot  press,  two  ships  of  the  hne  and  two 
frigates  got  to  sea  in  April,  1745.  These  were  the  Fervie,  74, 
Orlfiammc,  54,  Diane,  30,  and  Volage,  30.  Three  times  did 
de  Lage  put  to  sea,  and  three  times  was  he  driven  in  by  bad 
weather.  On  each  return  to  port  numbers  of  men  deserted,  and 
finally  he  had  to  pay  off  the  Ferme.  With  the  three  ships  that  were 
left,  he  put  to  sea  for  the  last  attempt  at  the  end  of  March,  174G. 
On  the  29th  he  was  sighted  by  Commodore  the  Hon.  George 
Townshend,  who  had  with  him  at  that  time  the  Bedford,  70,  and 
Essex,  70,  and  two  bombs,  but  who,  contenting  himself  with  a 
distant  view,  chose  to  believe  that  the  enemy  was  of  superior  force, 
and  declined  to  engage.^  De  Lage  stood  over  to  the  coast  of  Spain 
where,  on  April  4th,  oft'  Cape  St.  Martin,  the  Volage,  which  had 
chased  out  of  sight  of  the  squadron,  was  taken,  after  an  obstinate 
resistance,  by  Captain  John  Fawler,  of  the  Stirling  Castle,  70.  On 
the  following  morning  her  consorts  hove  in  sight ;  and  Fawler, 
believing  himself  to  be  in  no  fit  condition  to  engage  them,  cut  adrift 
the  prize,  which  he  had  taken  in  tow.  She  was  therefore  retaken, 
and  with  her,  a  lieutenant  and  twenty-five  men.  Fawler  was  tried 
by  court-martial  at  Gibraltar  on  October  (3th  and  7th  following ;  and 
the  court,  though  it  acquitted  him  for  not  engaging  de  Lage, 
condemned  him  for  not  destroying  the  prize,  which,  as  he  had  had 
possession  of  her  all  night  and  had  learnt  from  the  prisoners  that 
her  consorts  were  in  the  neighbourhood,  he  should  and  could 
have  done. 

When  de  La  Jonquiere,  driven  out  of  America  by  putrid  fever  and 
small-pox,  was  on  his  way  back  to  Europe,  he  had  a  narrow  escape 
from  falling  in  with  Anson,  then  in  command  in  the  Channel. 
Indeed,  so  near  were  the  fleets  to  one  another  that  the  French  ship, 
Mcrcure,  56,  doing  duty  as  a  hospital,  was  taken,  when  but  a  httle 
separated  from  the  main  body.  Two  other  ships  failed  to  reach 
France ;  the  Ferine,  54,  which  had  been  sent  to  Quebec  with 
military  stores,  and  which  had  fallen  in  with  the  British  blockading 
squadron,  and  the  Mars,  64,  which  had  been  driven  by  stress  of 
weather  to  Martinique.  Thence,  after  refitting,  she  had  sailed  for 
'  Court-martial  on  Townshend,  February  i)th,  17-16-47.     P.  K.  O.,  vol.  30. 

282  MINOR    oriiltATlONS,    1714-1762.  [1746. 

home ;  but  she  was  seventy-five  men  short  of  her  complement  and 
very  sickly,  so  that,  when  she  fell  in,  on  October  11th,  1746,  with 
the  Nottingham,  60,  Captain  Philip  de  Saumarez,  cruising  to  the 
south-west  of  Cape  Clear,  she  was  not  in  a  condition  to  make  effective 
resistance.  The  fight  was,  nevertheless,  maintained  for  two  hours, 
ere  the  Mars,  reduced  to  a  wreck,  with  twelve  men  killed  and 
forty  wounded,  as  against  three  killed  and  sixteen  wounded  in  the 
Notfhif/ham,  struck.  But  for  the  fineness  of  the  weather  it  would 
have  been  impossible  to  send  her  in.     She  was  added  to  the  Navy. 

In  1746,  the  privateers  on  both  sides  continued  to  have  a  good 
share  in  the  hard  knocks,  and  from  time  to  time  did  excellent 
service.  There  are  two  of  their  exploits  which  specially  claim 
mention.  On  April  10th  the  Alexander  privateer,  one  hundred  and 
fortj'  men,  Phillips  master,  was  cruising  off  lihe,  when  she  saw 
a  frigate,  with  a  store  ship  in  company,  standing  into  St.  Martin. 
This  was  the  Solebaij,  20  guns  and  two  hundred  and  thirty  men, 
which  had  been  taken  by  de  Rochambeau  on  the  Portuguese  coast 
nearly  two  years  before.  Phillips  boarded  her  athwart  the  bowsprit, 
at  the  very  entrance  to  the  road,  and  carried  her,  killing  fifteen  of 
her  men.  Phillips,  like  Walker,  was  kept  out  of  the  King's  service, 
which  he  was  desirous  of  entering,  by  the  stringency  of  the  regula- 
tions, and  had  to  be  content  with  an  acknowledgment  of  five  hundred 
guineas  and  a  gold  medal.  The  second  instance  occurred  on  May  1st, 
when,  as  has  been  briefly  noted  in  the  previous  chapter,  H.M.S. 
Grei/JioiDtd,  20,  with  the  sloops  Baltimore  and  Terror,  fell  in  off  the 
west  coast  of  Scotland  with  two  heavy  French  privateers  of  32  and 
34  guns  respectively.  The  British  were  severely  handled  and  beaten 
off',  and  Commander  the  Hon.  Richard  Howe  (afterwards  Earl  Howe), 
then  of  the  Baltimore,  was  badly  wounded. 

On  February  9th,  1746,  the  Portland.  50,  Captain  Charles 
Stevens,  cruising  in  the  Soundings,  fell  in  with  and  engaged  the 
French  Auguste,  50,  four  hundred  and  seventy  men. 

"  After  two-aud-a-half  hours'  close  action,"  wrote  Stevens,  "  she  struck.  Laving 
tifty  killed,  ninety-four  wounded,  all  her  masts  so  shattered  that  they  went  by  the 
board,  and  so  many  shot  in  the  hull,  that,  with  the  late  hard  easterly  wind,  I  was 
obliged  to  put  away  with  her  before  it  a  hmidred  leagues  to  the  westward,  and  am  now 
towing  her  for  Pljanouth."  ' 

The  Portland  had  five  men  killed  and  thirteen  woimded,  and  lost 
her  main  yard.'-*     The  Auguste  was  bought  into  the  service,  and, 

'  .J.  K.  Laughton :  '  Studies  in  Naval  History,'  p.  255.  ''  Cliarnock,  v.  229. 

ITiTj  CliUISK    OF   CAPTAIN   TIfOMAS   FOX.  283 

as  the  PortlancTK  Prize,  cruised  with  success.  On  November  19th  of 
the  same  year,  in  company  with  the  Winchehea,  20,  the  Portland 
sighted  the  Snhtile,  2G.  The  Winchehea,  in  which  Samuel  (after- 
wards Viscount)  Hood  was  then  a  lieutenant,  outsailed  her  consort, 
and,  after  a  very  severe  action,  fought  the  chase  to  a  standstill,  so 
that,  on  the  Portland's  coming  up,  the  Frenchman  struck  im- 
mediately.' The  rest  of  the  doings  of  single  ships  and  light 
squadi'ons  in  European  waters  during  the  year  may  be  dismissed 
with  a  mere  reference  to  the  destruction  of  the  Ardent,  64,  which  was 
chased  ashore  in  Quiberon  Bay  in  November  by  Lestock's  squadron 
when  returning  from  its  fruitless  descent  on  Lorient. 

Before  Anson's  victory  of  May  8rd,  there  was  little  done  at  sea 
in  1747  ;  and,  after  it,  the  enemy  began  to  show  great  signs  of  that 
exhaustion  which,  consequent  on  their  second  defeat  in  October,  put 
an  end  to  the  war.  Anson's  work  was  well  supplemented  when 
Captain  Thomas  Fox,  of  the  Kent,  74,  having  put  to  sea  with 
a  small  squadron  in  April,  fell  in,  to  the  westward  of  the  Bay  of 
Biscay,  on  June  20th,  with  the  large  fleet  of  French  West  Indiamen 
which  he  had  long  been  anxiously  awaiting.  The  merchantmen  were 
under  the  convoy  of  M.  Dubois  de  La  Motte,  whose  force  consisted 
of  three  sail  of  the  line  and  a  frigate,  a  force  inferior  indeed  to  the 
six  ships  "  of  Fox's  squadron  but  not  so  far  inferior  as  to  justify  the 
flight  which  followed.  M.  de  La  Jonquiere,  in  his  encounter  with 
Anson,  had  earned  the  gratitude  of  his  country  by  deliberately  giving 
himself  to  be  crushed  that  he  might  save  his  convoy  ;  de  La  Motte 
shrank  from  the  sacrifice,  and  took  his  men-of-war  unscathed  into 
Brest,  while,  of  the  West  Indiamen,  about  fifty,  to  the  value  of 
upwards  of  a  million,  were  picked  up  either  by  Fox  himself  or  by 
Eear-Admiral  Sir  Peter  Warren's  squadron  to  leeward. 

On  the  following  day  the  Etoile,  46,  escorting  five  merchantmen, 
was  driven  ashore  at  Cape  Finisterre  by  Sir  Peter  Warren,  and 
was  burnt. ^  A  few  days  later,  an  attempt  to  execute  a  somewhat 
similar  exploit  ended  in  disaster.  The  Maidstone,  60,  Captain  the 
Hon.  Augustus  Keppel,  which  had  been  cruising  in  the  Soundings 
and  in  the  Bay  of  Biscay,  chased  an  enemy's  ship  inshore  at  Belle 

'  The  Subtile  was  added  to  the  Kuyal  Navy  as  the  Amazon. 

"  Kent,  74,  Captain  Thomas  Fo.>l;  Hampton  Court,  70,  Captain  Savage  MostjTi : 
Eagle,  60,  Captain  George  Brydges  Rodney ;  Lion,  (50,  Captain  Artliur  Scott : 
Chester,  50,  Captain  Philip  Durell  (1) ;  Hector,  44,  Captain  Thomas  Stanhope  :  with 
the  fireships  Pluto  and  Dolphin. 

^  Troude,  i.  318 ;  Beatsou,  i.  372  ;  Cliarnock,  iv.  1>S7. 

284  MINOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-17<J2.  [1747. 

Isle  on  June  27th.  Venturing  too  close  in,  the  Maidstone  ran 
aground  and  became  a  total  wreck ;  and  Keppel  and  his  men  were 
made  prisoners  of  war. 

Other  captures  of  note  made  during  the  course  of  the  summer 
in  European  waters  were  those  of  the  Bellone,  Loup,  and  Tieuommee. 
The  Bellone,  a  36-gun  frigate  bound  from  Nantes  to  the  East 
Indies,  was  taken  by  the  Edinburgh,  Eagle,  and  Nottingham,  was 
bought  into  the  service  as  the  Bellona,  and  was  at  once  sent  out 
to  cruise,  with  Captain  the  Hon.  Samuel  Barrington  in  command. 
The  Loup  had  been  the  British  sloop  Wolf,  taken  by  the  French 
two  years  earlier.  It  is  interesting  to  notice  that  she  was  captured 
by  the  Amazon,  26,  which,  as  has  been  mentioned,  was  originally  the 
French  Subtile.  The  Wolf,  in  French  hands,  had  been  used  as  a 
privateer,  but  resumed  her  duties  as  a  14-gun  sloop  in  the  British 
Navy,  curiously  enough,  under  the  orders  of  Commander  George 
Vachell,  who  had  had  her  before  her  captm-e  in  1745.^  The 
Amazon,  whose  captain  was  Samuel  Faulknor(2),  son  of  that 
Samuel  Faulknor  (1)  who  had  perished  with  Balchen  in  the  Victory 
in  1744,  continuing  her  cruise,  fell  in,  on  September  12th,  with  the 
Renommec,  32.  A  severe  but  indecisive  action  followed,  and  left 
both  ships  badly  crippled.  They  parted  company  in  the  night, 
but,  next  day,  the  Benommee,  having  the  further  misfortune  to  fall 
in  with  the  Dover,  .50,  Captain  the  Hon.  Washington  Shirley,  was 
taken,  and,  with  her,  M.  de  Confians,  who  was  going  out  in  her 
to  take  over  the  government  of  San  Domingo. 

The  French  force  under  M.  de  I'Etenduere,  which  suffered 
defeat  on  October  14th,  1747,  at  the  hands  of  Hawke,  had  under 
its  convoy  a  large  fleet  of  merchantmen  for  the  West  Indies. 
Hawke,  after  the  battle,  was  not  in  a  fit  state  to  pm'sue  the  convoy, 
but,  with  admirable  promptness,  at  once  victualled  the  Weazel, 
sloop,  and  despatched  her  to  warn  Captain  George  Pocock,  who 
had  succeeded  Captain  the  Hon.  Edward  Legge  as  commodore  on 
the  West  India  station,  of  its  approach.  Thanks  to  this  prompt- 
ness, Pocock,  though  his  squadron  was  scattered  when  the  news 
reached  him,  was  able  to  capture  many  of  the  merchantmen.  The 
Captain  took  eight,  the  Dreadnought  six,  the  Dragon  five,  the 
Ludlow  Castle  another,  and  the  privateers  on  the  station  ten  more. 
The  twenty  taken  by  Pocock  were  valued  at  ±'100,000.- 

'  He  was  lost  with  her  uft'  the  Irish  coast  in  .January,  1749. 
-  Beatson,  i.  368  and  -108. 

1747.]  THE  ADVENTURES    OF   THE   GLORlOtiO.  285 

It  still  remains  to  describe  the  most  noteworthy  of  the  minor 
actions  of  the  year  1747.^  Mention  has  already  been  made  of 
George  Walker,  a  man  who  would  have  done  credit  to  any  service, 
and  who  was  kept  out  of  the  Navy  only  by  the  regulations  which 
made  it  impossible  to  offer  him  therein  any  command  which  he 
would  be  likely  to  accept.  His  fortune  on  two  or  three  occasions 
brought  him  into  close  contact  with  the  Eoyal  Navy,  but  never  more 
closely  than  in  the  present  instance.  Walker,  it  has  been  seen, 
took  over  Talbot's  squadron  of  privateers  on  the  latter's  retirement. 
He  enlarged  it,  and,  like  his  predecessor,  cruised  with  great  success 
against  the  enemy's  commerce.  On  October  6th,  1747,  the  "  Eoyal 
Family,"  so  called  because  all  the  ships  composing  it  were  named 
after  members  of  the  reigning  house,  were  standing  out  of  Lagos 
Bay  when  a  large  ship  was  sighted  coming  in  towards  Cape 
St.  Vincent.  They  immediately  gave  chase ;  and  the  stranger  bore 
away  to  the  westward,  being,  like  the  British  ships,  in  some  doubt 
as  to  the  enemy's  force.  She  was,  in  fact,  the  Glorioso,  a  Spanish 
74,  which  had  previously  landed  at  Ferrol  about  three  millions  of 
treasure  from  the  Spanish  Main,  and  was  then  bound  to  Cadiz. 
She  was  a  fine  powerful  ship,  though,  as  was  general  in  that 
service,  she  carried  no  heavier  guns  than  '24-pounders.  This  was 
not  her  first  hostile  meeting  during  the  voyage,  for  on  July  14th 
she  had  fallen  in  at  the  Azores  with  the  Lark,  40,  Captain  John 
Crookshanks,  and  Warwick,  60,  Captain  Robert  Erskine.  The 
Warivick  had  attacked  but,  left  unsupported,  had  been  beaten  to 
a  standstill;  and  the  Glorioso  had  made  off.  For  this  fiasco, 
Crookshanks,  who  was  the  senior  officer,  was  cashiered.  A  few 
days  later  the  Spaniard  had  met  with  the  Oxford,  50,  with  the 
Shorcham,  24,  and  Falcon,  14,  in  company ;  but  they  had  made 
room  for  her  as  being  of  superior  force. 

.It  was  now  for  Walker  to  try  his  hand.  He  beheved  that  there 
was  treasure  still  on  board ;  but  when,  at  about  noon  on  the  6th, 
he  overhauled  the  chase,  his  frigate,  the  King  George,  32,  was  alone. 
It  had  fallen  flat  calm,  and  the  rest  of  the  "Eoyal  Family"  had 
not  been  able  to  get  up,  so  that  the  King  George  and  the  Glorioso 
lay  looking  at  one  another,  each  uncertain  as  to  what  the  other 
was.     In  the  evening  a  breeze  arose,  and  the  Glorioso  headed  in- 

'  J.  K.  Laughton :  '  Studies  in  History,'  pp.  239  s<2q.  P.  E.  0.  Courts- 
martial,  vol.  32,  December  28th,  1747,  on  Smith  Callis  of  the  Oxford,  and, 
February  1st,  1748,  on  Crookshanks  of  the  Lark. 

286  MINOR    orKliATlONS,    1711-1762.  [1747. 

shore,  followed  by  the  privateer  which,  on  closing,  hailed  for 
information.  The  Spaniard  answered  with  a  cross-question,  and, 
on  finding  that  the  ship  alongside  was  British,  poured  in  a  broad- 
side, which  was  returned  at  once ;  and  the  ships  ran  slowly  in  to  the 
land,  engaged  yard-arm  to  yard-arm.  There  have  been  instances 
enough  of  frigates  attacking  ships  of  the  line ;  the  capture  of  the 
Guillaume  Tell  in  1800  was  directly  due  to  the  embarrassing  atten- 
tions of  the  Penelope ;  and  no  small  share  of  Edward  Pellew's  great 
name  is  due  to  the  manner  in  which,  in  the  Indefatigable,  44,  he 
hung  on  to  the  Droits  de  I'Homme  in  a  gale  of  wind  on  a  lee  shore, 
till  he  left  her  a  hopeless  wreck.  But  this  is  the  only  instance  in 
which  a  frigate,  in  a  smooth  sea  and  fine  weather,  voluntarily 
placed  herself,  yard-arm  to  yard-arm,  with  a  ship  of  the  line ;  and 
not  the  least  wonder  of  it  is  that  the  frigate  was  only  a  privateer. 
Fortunately  for  the  King  George,  many  of  the  enemy's  shot  either 
went  over  her  or  took  effect  in  her  spars ;  yet,  in  spite  of  that, 
after  some  hours  her  position  began  to  be  critical.  On  one  of  her 
consorts,  the  Prince  Frederick,  coming  up,  however,  the  Glorioso 
took  to  fiight.  On  the  morning  of  the  8th,  the  King  George  was 
too  disabled  to  pursue,  and  the  Prince  Frederick,  with  two  other 
ships  of  the  squadron,  was  making  sail  after  the  chase  when  a  large 
vessel  was  seen  coming  up  from  the  eastward.  She  was  made  out 
to  be  British,  and  Walker  at  once  sent  to  explain  the  situation  to 
her  captain.  She  was  the  Russell,  80,  Captain  Matthew  Buckle  (1), 
homeward  bound  from  the  Mediterranean,  but  with  only  half  a  crew 
on  board  ;  and,  even  of  these,  some  were  sick.  As  the  Bussell  crowded 
sail  in  pursuit  the  chase  was  seen  to  be  sharply  engaged  with  some 
vessel  miknown  which  presently  blew  up.  It  was  thought  at  first 
that  she  was  the  Prince  Frederick,  but  she  was  in  reality  the 
Dartmouth,  50,  Captain  James  Hamilton  (2),  which  had  been  drawn 
to  the  scene  of  action  by  the  firing  of  the  previous  night.  Out  of 
her  crew  of  three  hundred  only  fourteen,  including  a  lieutenant, 
were  saved.  Shortly  afterwards  the  Russell  in  her  turn  came  up, 
and  began  a  hot  action  which  lasted  for  five  hours,  at  the  end  of 
which  time  the  enemy's  main-top  mast  went  overboard  and  she 
struck.  So  short-handed  was  the  Russell  that  the  number  of  the 
prisoners  was  a  serious  embaiTassment,  and  many  of  them  had  to  be 
sent  away  in  the  privateers. 

Towards  the  end  of    1747    Captain  Dubois  de  La  Motte  went 
out  to  San  Domingo  with  a  convoy  of  merchantmen.      His  force 

1748.]  TIIE  MAONANIME   TAKEN.  287 

consisted  of  the  Mai/iianiiiw,  ()4,  and  a  new  Etoile,  42.  On 
November  18th  four  British  men-of-war  were  seen/  of  which  one 
monnted  (iO  and  another  50  ptuns.  From  these  M.  de  La  Motte 
protected  his  convoy.  There  was  some  desultory  firing,  and  the 
merchantmen,  with  the  exception  of  six,  got  safely  away.  No 
sooner  was  the  Magnanime  back  in  France,  than  she  was  ordered 
to  the  East  Indies,  bearing  the  broad  pennant  of  Commodore  the 
Marquis  d'Albert.^  On  January  81st,  1748,  she  was  sighted  in  the 
north-west  by  the  fleet  then  cruising  under  Hawke  to  the  westward 
of  Ushant.  The  Magnanime  had  been  partially  dismasted  in  a  gale 
a  few  days  previously,  and  was  then  on  her  way  back  to  Brest 
to  refit.  Directly  she  was  sighted,  the  Nottingham,  60,  Captain 
Eobert  Harland  (2) ,  was  detached  in  chase ;  but,  immediately 
afterwards,  it  became  apparent  that  the  enemy  was  a  ship  of  force, 
and  the  Portland,  50,  Captain  Charles  Stevens,  was  also  ordered 
to  follow  her.  The  Nottingham  was  engaged  for  nearly  an  hour 
before  Stevens  could  come  up,  and  suffered  somewhat  severely, 
losing  in  all  sixteen  men  killed  and  eighteen  wounded.  The  loss 
of  the  Portland  was  only  four  men  wounded,  its  smallness  being  due 
to  the  disabled  condition  of  the  French  ship,  which  allowed  the 
Portland  to  keep  on  her  quarter  and  rake  her  at  will.  After 
a  stubborn  resistance,  lasting  for  six  hours,  the  enemy  struck, 
having  lost,  out  of  a  crew  of  six  hundred  and  eighty-six  men, 
forty-five  killed  and  one  hundred  and  five  wounded.  The  prize 
was  a  very  fine  ship,  and  was  added  to  the  British  Navy  under 
her  old  name.  Her  capture  was  the  last  one  of  importance  in 
the  war. 

The  10th  of  October,  1748,  was  marked  by  the  mutiny  of  the 
Chesterfield,  40,  which  was  stationed  on  the  coast  of  Africa.  On 
the  date  named,  while  the  ship  lay  off  Cape  Coast  Castle,  and 
the  captain,  O'Brien  Dudley,  and  others  were  ashore,  Lieutenant- 
Samuel  Couchman  organised  a  rising,  and,  persuading  the  lieutenant 
of  Marines,  the  carpenter,  and  thirty  men  to  join  him,  got  possession 
of  the  ship.  The  boatswain,  Mr.  Gastrien,  was  of  those  on  board 
the  most  zealous  in  his  attempts  first  to  dissuade,  and  afterwards  to- 

'  This  is  on  the  authority  of  Troude,  i.  Hl'J.  Beatsou  makes  no  mention  of  it,  and 
as  Troude  gives  no  English  names  it  i.s  hard  to  say  what  the  ships  were. 

^  Troude,  i.  321.  Tliere  is  some  doubt  as  to  the  date  of  the  capture  of  tlie 
Magnanime,  but  as  she  had  been  in  tlie  AVest  Indies  in  December,  .January  31st,  the- 
latest  date  given,  seems  the  most  probable.     Cf.  Beatsou,  i.  409. 

288  MINOR    OPERATION t>,    1714-1762.  [1748-51. 

overpower,  the  mutineers  ;  but  had  Couchman  and  his  party  been 
men  in  any  way  equal  to  the  risky  part  which  they  had  set  them- 
selves to  play,  there  can  l;e  no  doubt  that  it  would  have  gone  very 
hard  indeed  with  the  boatswain  and  the  loyal  party.  The  mutineers, 
however,  having  first  tried  to  reason  a  few  more  into  joining  them, 
and  having  failed,  left  the  well-disposed  members  of  the  crew  to 
roam  about  the  ship  and  concert  plans  at  their  leisure.  On  the 
12th,  thei-efore,  the  boatswain  took  counsel  with  the  gunner,  who 
was  ill  in  his  cabin,  and,  thus  getting  hold  of  twenty  pistols,  armed 
a  few  resolute  men  and  recovered  the  ship.  A  court-martial  was 
held  on  board  the  Invincible  at  Portsmouth  on  June  26th,  1749,  to 
inquire  into  alleged  neglect  of  duty  on  the  part  of  Captain  O'Brien 
Dudley,  and  to  examine  into  the  reasons  for  his  being  ashore  with  so 
many  of  his  officers  to  the  detriment  of  the  service.  Captain  Dudley 
proved  that  there  had  been  no  cause  to  suspect  latent  mutiny,  and 
that  he  and  his  officers  were  ashore  on  duty.  He  and  they  were, 
accordingly,  acquitted  of  all  blame.  As  for  Couchman  and  John 
Morgan,  the  lieutenant  of  Marines,  they  were  tried  on  the  28th  and 
30th  respectively,  and  both  were  condemned  to  be  shot.  On  the 
]  0th  July  six  men  were  tried  for  the  same  offence,  and  of  them  two 
were  acquitted  and  the  rest  hanged.' 

Till  the  outbreak  of  the  next  war  the  Navy  had  little  to  do,  and, 
as  was  usually  the  case  in  a  time  of  comparative  quiet,  it  tmiied  its 
attention  to  the  Mediterranean  pirates.  A  small  squadron  was  sent 
out,  with  Captain  the  Hon.  Augustus  Keppel  in  the  Centurion,  50,  as 
Commodore.  Keppel  had  a  special  mission  to  the  Dey  of  Algier,  to 
treat  with  him,  or,  if  necessary,  to  force  him  to  restrain  his  piratical 
cruisers  ;  and  the  story  told  -  is  that  the  Dey  professed  astonishment 
that  the  King  of  England  should  have  sent  a  beardless  boy  to  treat 
with  him.  Keppel,  who  was  twenty-six,  was,  no  doubt,  nettled,  and 
is  said  to  have  answered  :  "  Had  my  master  supposed  that  wisdom 
was  measured  by  length  of  beard,  he  would  have  sent  your  Dey- 
ship  a  he-goat."  When  the  angry  Dey  threatened  his  visitor  with 
death,  Keppel,  pointing  to  his  squadron,  is  said  to  have  explained 
that  there  were  enough  of  his  countrymen  there  to  honour  him  with 
a  glorious  funeral  pyre.    Whether  there  be  truth  in  the  story  or  not, 

'  P.  R.  0^  Courts-martial,  vol.  33.     See  also  Beatson,  iii.  89. 

'^  A  suspiciously  similar  story  is  told  of  the  behaviour  of  the  Bej-  of  Tripoli  to 
Shovell  m  1675.  There  is  no  reference  to  the  affair  in  the  Hon.  and  Kev.  Thomas 
Keppel's  'Life'  of  his  relative. — W.  L.  C. 

1755.]  THE   SEVEN    YEARS'    WAR.  289 

the  fact  stands  that  in  June,  1751,  the  dilliculties  were  smoothed 
over,  and  that  Keppel  returned  to  England  in  the  following  month 
and  paid  off. 

It  was  not  until  after  some  months  of  unofficial  hostilities  in 
North  America,  and  until  after  the  receipt  in  England  of  Boscawen's 
dispatch  relative  to  the  capture  of  the  Alcide  and  Lij.s,  that  the 
Seven  Years'  War  was  fairly  set  on  foot. 

Thus  far  the  British  had  been  the  gainers  in  the  struggle  that 
still  awaited  a  formal  initiation.  They  had  taken  two  ships,  and  the}' 
had  lost  but  one,  the  Mars,  64,  which  had  grounded  while  going  into 
harbour  at  Halifax  on  the  return  thither  of  Boscawen's  squadron  at 
the  end  of  June;  and  which  it  had  been  impossible  to  get  off  again. 
Soon  afterwards,  on  the  night  of  August  18th,  1755,  the  Blandfurd, 
20,  Captain  Kichard  Watkins,  when  on  her  way  to  South  Carolina, 
fell  in  off  Brest  with  a  French  squadron  homeward  bound  from  the 
West  Indies  under  M.  du  Guay.  She  did  what  she  could  to  get 
away,  and,  even  when  surrounded,  attempted  some  resistance ;  but 
the  British  '20-gun  frigate  of  that  period  was  "  a  pigmy  with  a  pop- 
gun armament ;  "  and  she  was  easily  taken  possession  of  and  sent 
into  Nantes.^  The  sequel  is  curious  as  testifying  to  a  tardy  zeal  on 
the  part  of  the  French  to  avert  the  consequences  of  their  aggressions. 
With  a  parade  of  regard  for  legality,  the  Blandford  was  restored  by 
the  French  Government ;  but  Great  Britain  was  not  thus  readily 
appeased,  and  she  quickly  retaliated  by  capturing  the  Espercmce, 
commanded  by  Comte  de  Bouvet.  That  ship,  nominally  a  74,  but 
having  only  twenty-four  guns  mounted,  was  on  her  way  home  from 
Louisbourg,  when  on  November  13th,  1755,  she  fell  in  with  Byng's 
fleet,  which  had  sailed  from  Spithead  a  month  before.  The  Orford, 
64,  Captain  Charles  Stevens,  was  ordered  to  chase,  and  soon  began 
a  close  action,  in  which  the  Revenge,  64,  Captain  Frederick  Corn- 
wall, presently  joined.  The  EsjuTancc,  however,  made  a  stout 
resistance,  and  did  not  strike  till  the  squadron  began  to  draw  up. 
She  was  an  old  ship,  and  had  been  so  severely  handled  that,  con- 
sidering the  badness  of  the  weather,  it  was  judged  useless  to  try  to 
keep  her  afloat.  She  had  lost  ninety  killed  and  wounded  out  of  a  total 
of  three  hundred.  Her  surviving  people  were,  therefore,  taken  out 
of  her,  and  she  was  set  on  fire.  This  was  on  the  15th,  when  it  was 
first  possible  to  send  a  boat  on  board  her,  although  she  had  been 

'  V.  Ti.  O.  Court-martial  on  "Watkins,  October  fitli,  1755.    Vol.  36. 
VOL.    III.  U 

290  MINOR    OPERATIONS,   1714-1762.  [1756. 

making  signals  of  distress  ever  since  her  capture  on  the  13th.    Byng 
wrote  ^  concerning  her  : — 

"  She  was  iu  the  distressed  coudilion  1  ever  saw  a  ship,  extremely  leaky  and 
not  able  to  carry  any  sail,  having  only  her  lower  masts  standing  and  foretopmast,  and 
not  one  yard  across  excejit  the  spritsail  yard." 

On  March  11th,  1756,  still  prior  to  the  declaration  of  war, 
the  Warwick,  GO,  was  taken  by  the  French  near  Martinique.  Seeing 
that,  according  to  a  French  account,^  this  ship  was  taken  by  a  frigate, 
it  is  interesting  to  turn  to  the  stoi-y  of  the  affair  as  given  by  her 
commander.  Captain  Molyneux  Shuldham,  at  the  subsequent  court- 
martial.-*  The  Warwick  had  been  detached  on  December  21st, 
1755,  by  Commodore  Thomas  Frankland,  to  cruise  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Martinique ;  and  shortly  after  reaching  her  station 
she  began  to  be  very  sickly.  As,  however,  the  sickness  began  to 
decrease,  and  as  there  was  no  information  of  any  French  ships  of 
force  being  in  those  waters,  Shuldham  resolved  to  continue  his 

On  March  11th,  at  daybreak,  three  sail  were  sighted,  and,  they 
being  obviously  of  superior  force,  and  the  private  signal  being 
unanswered,  the  Warwick  bore  away  under  a  press  of  sail.  The 
strangers  were,  in  fact,  the  French  74-gun  ship  Prudent,  and  the 
two  frigates  Atalante  and  Zephyr,  then  on  their  way  out  from 
France  under  the  command  of  Captain  d'Aubigny  of  the  Prudent. 
The  Warwick  was  one  of  the  smallest  of  her  class,  was  a  dull  sailer, 
had  less  than  three  hundred  men  fit  for  service,  and  was  so  crank 
that  she  could  rarely  use  her  lower  deck  guns.  As  there  was  a 
heavy  sea  running,  she  was  uiiable  to  use  them  on  the  occasion  in 
question ;  and  she  had  to  rely  almost  entirely  on  the  9-pounders  of 
her  upper  deck  and  quarter-deck.  The  Atalante,  34,  Captain  du 
Chaffault,  was  the  first  to  come  up  with  the  chase,  and,  hanging  on 
her  quarter,  out  of  reach  of  her  weather  broadside,  kept  up  a  galling 
fire.  The  wind  shifted  in  a  hard  squall ;  both  ships  were  taken 
aback  ;  and  before  the  Waru-ick,  whose  rigging  was  much  cut,  could 
pay  off  her  head,  the  Prudent  drew  close  up  and  opened  fii-e.  Shuld- 
ham ordered  the  great  guns  to  play  upon  the  commodore  only,  and 
the  small-arm  men  to  keep  up  their  fire  on  the  Atalante ;  but  it  was 

'  Admirars  Dispatches,  Channel  Fleet,  vol.  2.     Byng,  Koveniber  19th,  1755. 

■-'  Troude,  i.  338. 

^  P.  R.  0.  Courts-martial,  vol.  38,  March  27th,  1758. 

i7o6.]  HOWE    TO    TJ/h'   CUIAUSEY  IHLANDS.  2iJl 

still  impossible  to  use  the  lowci'  deck  guns,  the  ship  being  half 
swamjDed  ;  and  after  half  an  huuv  more,  being  defenceless  and  un- 
manageable, she  struck  her  flag.  Shuldham  remained  a  prisoner  of 
war  for  two  years,  and  on  his  release  was  adjudged  by  the  court- 
martial,  held  to  inquire  into  the  loss,  to  have  done  his  duty. 

An  indecisive  action  was  fought  on  May  17th,  1756,  between  the 
Colchester,  50,  and  Lyme,  28,  Captains  Lucius  O'Brien  and  Edward 
Vernon  (2),  on  the  one  hand,  and  the  French  ships  Aqniloii,  50,  and 
FicUle,^  26,  on  the  other.  The  French  ships  were  standing  in  for 
Bochefort  in  charge  of  a  convoy,  when,  qaite  near  the  forts,  they 
were  sighted  by  the  British  and  chased.  The  convoy  was  ordered 
to  make  the  best  of  its  way,  and  the  men-of-war  gave  battle  to 
cover  its  retreat.  The  ships  paired  off,  the  Colchester  engaging  the 
Aquilon,  while  the  frigates  fought  it  out  together ;  but  so  equal  were 
the  forces  on  both  sides,  that,  when  they  parted  by  mutual  consent, 
and  with  heavy  loss,  no  definite  result  had  been  arrived  at  as  the 
outcome  of  seven  hours'  hard  pounding. 

A  small  expedition,  planned  and  carried  into  effect  during  the 
summer  of  1756,  deserves  mention  on  account  of  the  relief  which 
it  afforded  to  British  trade  in  the  Channel.  The  enemy  was  busy 
fortifying  the  Chausey  Islands,  which  lie  off"  Granville,  being  influ- 
enced thereto  by  the  fact  that  the  islands  afforded  a  refuge  to  the 
St.  Malo  privateers,  and  were  also  close  to  the  Channel  Islands,  upon 
which  the  French  had  designs.  It  was  desirable  that  the  fortifica- 
tions should  not  be  proceeded  with,  and  Captain  the  Hon.  Kichard 
Howe,  of  the  Dunkirk,  60,  was  sent  with  a  small  squadron,  consisting 
of  a  20-gun  frigate  and  some  small  craft,  to  put  a  stop  to  the  work. 
With  Howe  went  three  hundred  men  of  the  Jersey  garrison  ;  but 
there  was  no  fighting,  for  the  French  commandant,  after  some 
dispute  about  terms,  was  content  to  respect  the  force  arrayed  against 
him,  and  to  surrender  on  the  conditions  offered.  The  fortifications 
were  immediately  destroyed.  The  conquest,  small  though  it  was, 
would  not  have  been  so  easily  effected,  had  all  the  works  been 
completed,  for  the  situation  was  strong ;  and  the  approach  to  it  was 
difficult,  and  wholly  exposed  to  the  fire  of  the  fort,  which  was 
designed  to  mount  thirty  guns.^ 

'  Troude,  i.  3.39,  calls  her  Ci/biJe,  but  tliere  was  no  sliip  of  the  name  in  the  French 
>favy  List.  O'Brien,  in  his  report  to  Boscawen  (Adiiiirars  Dispatches,  Channel  Fleet 
vol.  4),  called  her  Lafiddelle. 

2  Beatson,  i.  520. 

U  2 

292  MINOR    OPEltATIONS,    1714 -1702.  [175C. 

Consequent  upon  B^ait^'s  action,  there  was  a  lull  in  the  Medi- 
terranean. The  French  had  no  fleet  at  sea  there  ;  and  Hawke's 
command  was  for  the  most  part  uneventful.  Its